MONTHYEARML20210Q2491999-08-11011 August 1999 Confirmatory Order Modifying License Effective Immediately. Order Confirms Gpu Nuclear,Inc Commitment as Stated in 990602,to Complete Implementation of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers Corrective Actions by 000630 ML20210B8491999-07-21021 July 1999 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w),for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 2 to Reduce Amount of Insurance for Unit to $50 Million for Onsite Property Damage Coverage ML20206D4141999-04-20020 April 1999 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section III.G.2 Re Enclosure of Cable & Equipment & Associated non-safety Related Circuits of One Redundant Train in Fire Barrier Having 1-hour Rating ML20137L9401999-04-12012 April 1999 Order Approving Transfer of License for TMI-1 from Gpu Nuclear,Inc to Amergen Energy Co,Llc & Conforming Amend,Per 10CFR50.80 & 90 ML20206T7211999-02-11011 February 1999 Memorandum & Order (CLI-99-02).* Denies C George Request for Intervention & Dismisses Subpart M License Transfer Proceeding.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990211 ML20198A5111998-12-11011 December 1998 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50.65 Re Requirements for Monitoring Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants.Proposed Rulemaking Details Collaborative Efforts in That Rule Interjects Change ML20154G2941998-09-17017 September 1998 Transcript of 980917 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re License Transfer of TMI-1 from Gpu Nuclear,Inc to Amergen. Pp 1-41 ML20248A6181998-05-22022 May 1998 Confirmatory Order,Modifying License Effective Immediately Gpun Shall Complete Final Implementation of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier C/A at Plant,Unit 1 Described in Gpun Submittals to NRC ML20247L8591998-05-19019 May 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying Licenses Effective Immediately Re Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier Sys ML20203A1701998-01-30030 January 1998 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 for Limerick Generating Station,Unit 1 ML20199J0121997-11-20020 November 1997 Comment on Pr 10CFR50 Re Financial Assurance Requirements for Decommisioning Nuclear Power Reactors.Three Mile Island Alert Invokes Comments of P Bradford,Former NRC Member ML20151L5181997-08-0505 August 1997 Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC Licensed Activities (Effective Immediately) Re SL Nevin Deliberately Falsifying Records of RECW Sample Documentation on 960207 ML20151L3671997-08-0505 August 1997 Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC Licensed Activities (Effective Immediately).Orders That SA Blacklock Prohibited from Engaging in Activities Licensed by NRC for 5 Yrs from Date of Order ML20148U6671997-07-0303 July 1997 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 Re Criticality Monitors as Pertaining to Unirradiated Fuel & Other Forms of Special Nuclear Matls.Exemption Granted ML20148R7581997-06-30030 June 1997 Comment on NRC Proposed Bulletin 96-001,suppl 1, Control Rod Insertion Problems. Licensee References Proposed Generic Communication, Control Rod Insertion, & Ltrs & 961022 from B&W Owners Group ML20203H6891997-06-0202 June 1997 Transcript of 970602 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa ML20083N3971995-04-26026 April 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed GL, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves ML20081B3811995-03-0101 March 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed Suppl 5 to GL 88-20, IPEEE for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities ML20078H0431995-02-0101 February 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Shutdown & Lowpower Operations for Nuclear Reactors ML20077E8231994-12-0808 December 1994 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR2,51 & 54 Re Rev to NRC NPP License Renewal Rule ML20149E2021994-04-20020 April 1994 R Gary Statement Re 10 Mile Rule Under Director'S Decision DD-94-03,dtd 940331 for Tmi.Urges Commissioners to Engage in Reconsideration of Author Petition ML20065Q0671994-04-0707 April 1994 Principal Deficiencies in Directors Decision 94-03 Re Pica Request Under 10CFR2.206 ML20058K7381993-12-0303 December 1993 Memorandum & Order CLI-93-25.* Commission Denies State of Nj Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Adjudicatory Hearing Filed on 931008.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 931203 ML20058A5491993-11-17017 November 1993 Exemption from Requirements in 10CFR50.120 to Establish, Implement & Maintain Training Programs,Using Sys Approach to Training,For Catorgories of Personnel Listed in 10CFR50.120 ML20059B0301993-10-22022 October 1993 NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions Posed W/Respect to State of New Jersey Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing.* Denies Petition to Intervene & Request for Hearing.W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance ML20059B1111993-10-20020 October 1993 Philadelphia Electric Co Response to NRC 931014 Order.* State Failed to Demonstrate Entitlement to Hearing to Challenge Util Amend to Permit Util to Receive Shoreham Fuel ML20057G2141993-10-14014 October 1993 Order.* Requests for Simultaneous Responses,Not to Exceed 10 Pages to Be Filed by State,Peco & Lipa & Served on Other Specified Responders by 931020.NRC May File by 931022. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 931014 ML20059A4581993-10-14014 October 1993 Order Requesting Answers to Two Questions Re State of Nj Request for Immediate Action by NRC or Alternatively, Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing. Operations Plans for Marine Transportation Withheld ML20059J5171993-09-30030 September 1993 Transcript of 930923 Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-130.Related Documentation Encl ML20059B1291993-09-14014 September 1993 Affidavit of Jh Freeman.* Discusses Transfer of Slightly Used Nuclear Fuel from Shoreham Nuclear Power Station to Limerick Generating Station.W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance ML20045D8121993-06-14014 June 1993 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 54 Re FSAR Update Submittals. ML20065J3461992-12-30030 December 1992 Responds to Petition of R Gary Alleging Discrepancies in RERP for Dauphin County,Pa ML20126F2721992-12-21021 December 1992 Comment Endorsing Positions & Comments of NUMARC & BWROG Re Draft GL, Augmented Inservice Insp Requirments for Mark I & Mark II Steel Containments,Refueling Cavities & Associated Drainage Sys ML20065J3731992-12-18018 December 1992 Affidavit of Gj Giangi Responding to of R Gary Requesting Action by NRC Per 10CFR2.206 ML20198E5581992-12-0101 December 1992 Transcript of Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel on 921201 in Rockville,Md ML20210D7291992-06-15015 June 1992 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 Re Criticality Accident Requirements for SNM Storage Areas at Facility Containing U Enriched to Less than 3% in U-235 Isotope ML20079E2181991-09-30030 September 1991 Submits Comments on NRC Proposed Resolution of Generic Issue 23, Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Failure. Informs That Util Endorses Comments Submitted by NUMARC ML20066J3031991-01-28028 January 1991 Comment Supporting SECY-90-347, Regulatory Impact Survey Rept ML20062C6561990-10-22022 October 1990 Affidavit Requesting Withholding of Summary Rept on Evaluation of Recirculation Nozzle to Safe End Weld Indication & Proposed Disposition to Permit Unit 1 Cycle 4 Operation, from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20059P0531990-10-15015 October 1990 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal ML20059N5941990-10-0404 October 1990 Transcript of 900928 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Studies of Cancer in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities, Including TMI ML20055F4411990-06-28028 June 1990 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-55 Re Revs to FSAR ML20042E5571990-03-14014 March 1990 Transcript of 900314 Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-84 ELV-01267, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 9002091990-02-0707 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 900209 ML20011E4861990-02-0707 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 900209 ML20248J1891989-10-0606 October 1989 Order.* Grants Intervenors 891004 Motion for Permission for Opportunity to Respond to Staff Correspondence.Response Requested No Later That 891020.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 891006 ML20248J1881989-10-0303 October 1989 Motion for Permission for Opportunity to Respond to Staff Correspondence in Response to Board Order of 890913.* Svc List Encl ML20248J0301989-09-29029 September 1989 NRC Staff Response to Appeal Board Order.* Matters Evaluated in Environ Assessment Involved Subjs Known by Parties During Proceeding & Appear in Hearing Record & Reflect Board Final Initial Decision LBP-89-7.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D2831989-09-28028 September 1989 Notice of Appearance.* Advises That Author Will Enter Appearance in Proceeding on Behalf of Nrc.W/Certificate of Svc ML20247Q2661989-09-26026 September 1989 Establishment of Aslb.* Board Will Comprise of Mb Margulies, Chairman & Oh Paris & Fj Shon,Members.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 890926 1999-08-11
[Table view] Category:TRANSCRIPTS
MONTHYEARML20154G2941998-09-17017 September 1998 Transcript of 980917 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re License Transfer of TMI-1 from Gpu Nuclear,Inc to Amergen. Pp 1-41 ML20203H6891997-06-0202 June 1997 Transcript of 970602 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa ML20059J5171993-09-30030 September 1993 Transcript of 930923 Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-130.Related Documentation Encl ML20198E5581992-12-0101 December 1992 Transcript of Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel on 921201 in Rockville,Md ML20059N5941990-10-0404 October 1990 Transcript of 900928 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Studies of Cancer in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities, Including TMI ML20042E5571990-03-14014 March 1990 Transcript of 900314 Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-84 ML20246D7411989-08-17017 August 1989 Transcript of 890817 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Discussion of Full Power OL for Facility.Pp 1-58.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20245J1321989-07-27027 July 1989 Transcript of 890727 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Facility Severe Accident Mitigation Issues.Pp 1-130.Supporting Info Encl ML20247G0361989-07-26026 July 1989 Transcript of Oral Argument on 890726 in Bethesda,Md Re Disposal of accident-generated Water.Pp 1-65.Supporting Info Encl ML20247N3261989-07-26026 July 1989 Transcript of 890726 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Rockville,Md on SECY-89-220 Re Order Requesting Info from Parties for Immediate Effectiveness Review of Full Power Authorization for Limerick Unit 2.Pp 1-4 ML20244A6611989-06-0606 June 1989 Transcript of 890606 Hearing in Philadelphia,Pa Re Design Alternatives.Pp 1-44 ML20246H0971989-05-12012 May 1989 Transcript of 890512 Hearing in Philadelphia,Pa.Pp 1-20 ML20245G9161989-04-25025 April 1989 Transcript of ACRS Meeting on 890425 in Philadelphia,Pa Re Facility Ol.Pp 1-201.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20247D2761989-04-20020 April 1989 Transcript of 890420 Briefing in Rockville,Md on Status of TMI-2 Cleanup Activities.Pp 1-51.Related Info Encl ML20245A8381989-04-13013 April 1989 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 890413 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-79.Supporting Info Encl ML20245A2961989-04-13013 April 1989 Transcript of 890413 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Affirmation/Discussion & Vote ML20235N2161989-02-17017 February 1989 Follow-up Testimony Clarifying Position on Question of Disposition of Over 2 Million Gallons of Accident Generated Water.Related Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20235S9911989-02-16016 February 1989 Transcript of 890216 Public Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-119. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20206C9391988-11-0707 November 1988 Transcript of 881107 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa.Pp 1,122- 1,417.Witnesses:JA Auxier,Ji Fabrikant,Skolnik & Mather ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20206C2801988-11-0303 November 1988 Transcript of 881103 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 859-997.Witnesses:JA Martin, SS Yaniv,F Skolnik,S Lewis & a Bhattacharyya ML20235M7601988-11-0303 November 1988 Transcript of 881103 Public Hearing in Lancaster,Pa for Presentation of Limited Appearance Statements.Pp 998-1,121 ML20205Q6581988-11-0202 November 1988 Transcript of 881102 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 573-858.Supporting Documentation Encl.Witnesses:Gg Baker,Wj Cooper & L Munson ML20205Q6441988-11-0101 November 1988 Transcript of 881101 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 288-572.Supporting Info Encl. Witnesses:K Hofstetter,Kl Harner,L Thomas & M Masnik ML20205N5791988-10-31031 October 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881031 Meeting in Lancaster,Pa Re License Amend Application.Pp 87-287 ML20205P0451988-10-25025 October 1988 Transcript of 881025 Periodic Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-30 ML20205G1851988-10-25025 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of GG Baker & Wj Cooper on Dose Assessments & Microorganisms (Contentions 2,3 & 5d).* Supporting Documentation Encl.Related Correspondence ML20205E5021988-10-24024 October 1988 Licensee Rebuttal Testimony of Ji Fabrikant on Health Effects of Tritium (Contention 5d).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1901988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Ja Auxier & Ji Fabrikant on Effects of Tritium (Contentions 3 & 5d).* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correpondence ML20155H1751988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of GG Baker & Wj Cooper on Dose Assessments & Microorganisms (Contentions 2,3 & 5d).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1661988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Kl Harner & Kj Hofstetter on Sampling & Analysis of accident-generated Water (Contentions 3 & 4b).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1531988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Ww Weaver on Accident Risks (Contention 2).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1401988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Je Tarpinian on Occupational Dose Assessments (Contention 2).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1281988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Dr Buchanan on Evaporation Proposal & Joint Intervenors Alternative (Contentions 2 & 3).* Related Correspondence ML20155H4751988-10-10010 October 1988 Testimony.* Discusses Environ Impact of Force Evaporation of 2.3 Million Gallons of accident-generated Water by Licensee. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20155H4711988-10-10010 October 1988 Affidavit of Cw Huver (Contention 5):further Considerations of Biological Effects & Health Hazards of Tritium.* Copyrighted Matl Encl.Related Correspondence ML20154D5201988-09-0707 September 1988 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 880907 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-109.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20151G6951988-07-14014 July 1988 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 880714 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-140.Related Documentation Encl ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20196B6041988-05-26026 May 1988 Transcript of 880526 Advisory Panel Meeting in Harrisburg, PA to Discuss Decontamination of TMI-2.Pp 1-117.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20154N4101988-04-14014 April 1988 Transcript of 880414 Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 Public Meeting in Lancaster,Pa.Related Info Encl. Pp 1-100 ML20148F2351988-03-17017 March 1988 Transcript of 880317 Briefing in Washington,Dc Re Status of TMI-2.Pp 1-51.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20236Y1061987-12-0808 December 1987 Transcript of Special Prehearing Conference on 871208 in Harrisburg,Pa Re Disposal of accident-generated Water. Pp 1-86 1998-09-17
[Table view] Category:DEPOSITIONS
MONTHYEARML20154G2941998-09-17017 September 1998 Transcript of 980917 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re License Transfer of TMI-1 from Gpu Nuclear,Inc to Amergen. Pp 1-41 ML20203H6891997-06-0202 June 1997 Transcript of 970602 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa ML20059J5171993-09-30030 September 1993 Transcript of 930923 Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-130.Related Documentation Encl ML20198E5581992-12-0101 December 1992 Transcript of Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel on 921201 in Rockville,Md ML20059N5941990-10-0404 October 1990 Transcript of 900928 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Studies of Cancer in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities, Including TMI ML20042E5571990-03-14014 March 1990 Transcript of 900314 Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-84 ML20246D7411989-08-17017 August 1989 Transcript of 890817 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Discussion of Full Power OL for Facility.Pp 1-58.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20245J1321989-07-27027 July 1989 Transcript of 890727 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Facility Severe Accident Mitigation Issues.Pp 1-130.Supporting Info Encl ML20247G0361989-07-26026 July 1989 Transcript of Oral Argument on 890726 in Bethesda,Md Re Disposal of accident-generated Water.Pp 1-65.Supporting Info Encl ML20247N3261989-07-26026 July 1989 Transcript of 890726 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Rockville,Md on SECY-89-220 Re Order Requesting Info from Parties for Immediate Effectiveness Review of Full Power Authorization for Limerick Unit 2.Pp 1-4 ML20244A6611989-06-0606 June 1989 Transcript of 890606 Hearing in Philadelphia,Pa Re Design Alternatives.Pp 1-44 ML20246H0971989-05-12012 May 1989 Transcript of 890512 Hearing in Philadelphia,Pa.Pp 1-20 ML20245G9161989-04-25025 April 1989 Transcript of ACRS Meeting on 890425 in Philadelphia,Pa Re Facility Ol.Pp 1-201.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20247D2761989-04-20020 April 1989 Transcript of 890420 Briefing in Rockville,Md on Status of TMI-2 Cleanup Activities.Pp 1-51.Related Info Encl ML20245A8381989-04-13013 April 1989 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 890413 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-79.Supporting Info Encl ML20245A2961989-04-13013 April 1989 Transcript of 890413 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Affirmation/Discussion & Vote ML20235N2161989-02-17017 February 1989 Follow-up Testimony Clarifying Position on Question of Disposition of Over 2 Million Gallons of Accident Generated Water.Related Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20235S9911989-02-16016 February 1989 Transcript of 890216 Public Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-119. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20206C9391988-11-0707 November 1988 Transcript of 881107 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa.Pp 1,122- 1,417.Witnesses:JA Auxier,Ji Fabrikant,Skolnik & Mather ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20206C2801988-11-0303 November 1988 Transcript of 881103 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 859-997.Witnesses:JA Martin, SS Yaniv,F Skolnik,S Lewis & a Bhattacharyya ML20235M7601988-11-0303 November 1988 Transcript of 881103 Public Hearing in Lancaster,Pa for Presentation of Limited Appearance Statements.Pp 998-1,121 ML20205Q6581988-11-0202 November 1988 Transcript of 881102 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 573-858.Supporting Documentation Encl.Witnesses:Gg Baker,Wj Cooper & L Munson ML20205Q6441988-11-0101 November 1988 Transcript of 881101 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 288-572.Supporting Info Encl. Witnesses:K Hofstetter,Kl Harner,L Thomas & M Masnik ML20205N5791988-10-31031 October 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881031 Meeting in Lancaster,Pa Re License Amend Application.Pp 87-287 ML20205P0451988-10-25025 October 1988 Transcript of 881025 Periodic Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-30 ML20205G1851988-10-25025 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of GG Baker & Wj Cooper on Dose Assessments & Microorganisms (Contentions 2,3 & 5d).* Supporting Documentation Encl.Related Correspondence ML20205E5021988-10-24024 October 1988 Licensee Rebuttal Testimony of Ji Fabrikant on Health Effects of Tritium (Contention 5d).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1901988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Ja Auxier & Ji Fabrikant on Effects of Tritium (Contentions 3 & 5d).* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correpondence ML20155H1751988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of GG Baker & Wj Cooper on Dose Assessments & Microorganisms (Contentions 2,3 & 5d).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1661988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Kl Harner & Kj Hofstetter on Sampling & Analysis of accident-generated Water (Contentions 3 & 4b).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1531988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Ww Weaver on Accident Risks (Contention 2).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1401988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Je Tarpinian on Occupational Dose Assessments (Contention 2).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1281988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Dr Buchanan on Evaporation Proposal & Joint Intervenors Alternative (Contentions 2 & 3).* Related Correspondence ML20155H4751988-10-10010 October 1988 Testimony.* Discusses Environ Impact of Force Evaporation of 2.3 Million Gallons of accident-generated Water by Licensee. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20155H4711988-10-10010 October 1988 Affidavit of Cw Huver (Contention 5):further Considerations of Biological Effects & Health Hazards of Tritium.* Copyrighted Matl Encl.Related Correspondence ML20154D5201988-09-0707 September 1988 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 880907 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-109.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20151G6951988-07-14014 July 1988 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 880714 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-140.Related Documentation Encl ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20196B6041988-05-26026 May 1988 Transcript of 880526 Advisory Panel Meeting in Harrisburg, PA to Discuss Decontamination of TMI-2.Pp 1-117.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20154N4101988-04-14014 April 1988 Transcript of 880414 Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 Public Meeting in Lancaster,Pa.Related Info Encl. Pp 1-100 ML20148F2351988-03-17017 March 1988 Transcript of 880317 Briefing in Washington,Dc Re Status of TMI-2.Pp 1-51.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20236Y1061987-12-0808 December 1987 Transcript of Special Prehearing Conference on 871208 in Harrisburg,Pa Re Disposal of accident-generated Water. Pp 1-86 1998-09-17
[Table view] Category:NARRATIVE TESTIMONY
MONTHYEARML20154G2941998-09-17017 September 1998 Transcript of 980917 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re License Transfer of TMI-1 from Gpu Nuclear,Inc to Amergen. Pp 1-41 ML20203H6891997-06-0202 June 1997 Transcript of 970602 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa ML20059J5171993-09-30030 September 1993 Transcript of 930923 Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-130.Related Documentation Encl ML20198E5581992-12-0101 December 1992 Transcript of Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel on 921201 in Rockville,Md ML20059N5941990-10-0404 October 1990 Transcript of 900928 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Studies of Cancer in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities, Including TMI ML20042E5571990-03-14014 March 1990 Transcript of 900314 Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-84 ML20246D7411989-08-17017 August 1989 Transcript of 890817 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Discussion of Full Power OL for Facility.Pp 1-58.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20245J1321989-07-27027 July 1989 Transcript of 890727 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Facility Severe Accident Mitigation Issues.Pp 1-130.Supporting Info Encl ML20247G0361989-07-26026 July 1989 Transcript of Oral Argument on 890726 in Bethesda,Md Re Disposal of accident-generated Water.Pp 1-65.Supporting Info Encl ML20247N3261989-07-26026 July 1989 Transcript of 890726 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Rockville,Md on SECY-89-220 Re Order Requesting Info from Parties for Immediate Effectiveness Review of Full Power Authorization for Limerick Unit 2.Pp 1-4 ML20244A6611989-06-0606 June 1989 Transcript of 890606 Hearing in Philadelphia,Pa Re Design Alternatives.Pp 1-44 ML20246H0971989-05-12012 May 1989 Transcript of 890512 Hearing in Philadelphia,Pa.Pp 1-20 ML20245G9161989-04-25025 April 1989 Transcript of ACRS Meeting on 890425 in Philadelphia,Pa Re Facility Ol.Pp 1-201.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20247D2761989-04-20020 April 1989 Transcript of 890420 Briefing in Rockville,Md on Status of TMI-2 Cleanup Activities.Pp 1-51.Related Info Encl ML20245A8381989-04-13013 April 1989 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 890413 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-79.Supporting Info Encl ML20245A2961989-04-13013 April 1989 Transcript of 890413 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Affirmation/Discussion & Vote ML20235N2161989-02-17017 February 1989 Follow-up Testimony Clarifying Position on Question of Disposition of Over 2 Million Gallons of Accident Generated Water.Related Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20235S9911989-02-16016 February 1989 Transcript of 890216 Public Meeting of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-119. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20206C9391988-11-0707 November 1988 Transcript of 881107 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa.Pp 1,122- 1,417.Witnesses:JA Auxier,Ji Fabrikant,Skolnik & Mather ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20206C2801988-11-0303 November 1988 Transcript of 881103 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 859-997.Witnesses:JA Martin, SS Yaniv,F Skolnik,S Lewis & a Bhattacharyya ML20235M7601988-11-0303 November 1988 Transcript of 881103 Public Hearing in Lancaster,Pa for Presentation of Limited Appearance Statements.Pp 998-1,121 ML20205Q6581988-11-0202 November 1988 Transcript of 881102 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 573-858.Supporting Documentation Encl.Witnesses:Gg Baker,Wj Cooper & L Munson ML20205Q6441988-11-0101 November 1988 Transcript of 881101 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re TMI-2 License Amend Application.Pp 288-572.Supporting Info Encl. Witnesses:K Hofstetter,Kl Harner,L Thomas & M Masnik ML20205N5791988-10-31031 October 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881031 Meeting in Lancaster,Pa Re License Amend Application.Pp 87-287 ML20205P0451988-10-25025 October 1988 Transcript of 881025 Periodic Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-30 ML20205G1851988-10-25025 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of GG Baker & Wj Cooper on Dose Assessments & Microorganisms (Contentions 2,3 & 5d).* Supporting Documentation Encl.Related Correspondence ML20205E5021988-10-24024 October 1988 Licensee Rebuttal Testimony of Ji Fabrikant on Health Effects of Tritium (Contention 5d).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1901988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Ja Auxier & Ji Fabrikant on Effects of Tritium (Contentions 3 & 5d).* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correpondence ML20155H1751988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of GG Baker & Wj Cooper on Dose Assessments & Microorganisms (Contentions 2,3 & 5d).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1661988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Kl Harner & Kj Hofstetter on Sampling & Analysis of accident-generated Water (Contentions 3 & 4b).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1531988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Ww Weaver on Accident Risks (Contention 2).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1401988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Je Tarpinian on Occupational Dose Assessments (Contention 2).* Related Correspondence ML20155H1281988-10-11011 October 1988 Licensee Testimony of Dr Buchanan on Evaporation Proposal & Joint Intervenors Alternative (Contentions 2 & 3).* Related Correspondence ML20155H4751988-10-10010 October 1988 Testimony.* Discusses Environ Impact of Force Evaporation of 2.3 Million Gallons of accident-generated Water by Licensee. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20155H4711988-10-10010 October 1988 Affidavit of Cw Huver (Contention 5):further Considerations of Biological Effects & Health Hazards of Tritium.* Copyrighted Matl Encl.Related Correspondence ML20154D5201988-09-0707 September 1988 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 880907 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-109.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20151G6951988-07-14014 July 1988 Transcript of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 880714 Meeting in Harrisburg,Pa.Pp 1-140.Related Documentation Encl ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20196B6041988-05-26026 May 1988 Transcript of 880526 Advisory Panel Meeting in Harrisburg, PA to Discuss Decontamination of TMI-2.Pp 1-117.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20154N4101988-04-14014 April 1988 Transcript of 880414 Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 Public Meeting in Lancaster,Pa.Related Info Encl. Pp 1-100 ML20148F2351988-03-17017 March 1988 Transcript of 880317 Briefing in Washington,Dc Re Status of TMI-2.Pp 1-51.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20236Y1061987-12-0808 December 1987 Transcript of Special Prehearing Conference on 871208 in Harrisburg,Pa Re Disposal of accident-generated Water. Pp 1-86 1998-09-17
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l Location: Washington, D. C.
Dite: Thursday, July 24, 1936 1-6
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4 Pages:
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2' ur Court Reporters l;
1625 I St., N.W.
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This is an unofficial transcript of a meeting of tho 7
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission held on 8
7/24/86 In the Commission's office at 1717 H Street, 9
Washington, D.C.
The meeting was open to public 10 attendance and observation.
This transcript has not been 11 reviewed, corrected, or edited, and it may contain 12 inaccuracies.
13 The transcript is intended solely for general 14 informational purposes.
As provided by 10 CFR 9.103, it is 15 not part of the formal or informal record of decision of the 16 matters discussed.
Expressions of opinion in this transcript 17 do not necessarily reflect final determination or beliefs.
No 18 pleading or other paper may be filed with the Commission in 19 any proceeding as the result of or addressed to any statement 20 or argument contained herein, except as the Commission may 21 authorire.
22 23 24 25
a v.
1 1
4 5
7 8
[PUBLIC MEETING) 9 10 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11 Room 1130 12 1717 H Street, Northwest 13 Washington, D.C.
14 15 Thursday, July 24, 1986 16 17 The Commission met in open session, pursuant to 18 notice, at 3:40 o' clock p.m., the Honorable LANDO W.
- ZECH, 19 JR., Chairman of the Commission, presiding.
ZECH, JR., Chairman of the Commission 22 THOMAS M. ROBERTS, Member of the Commission 23 JAMES K. ASSELSTINE, Member of the Commission 24 FREDERICK M. BERNTHAL, Member of the Commission 25
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Good afternoon ladies and 3
This is an affirmation session.
I ask the 4
Secretary to lead us through the issues that we will be 5
affirming today.
Mr. Chairman, before we do that, I 7
would like to ask the Commission to vote to hold on less than 8
one week's notice two of the papers, SECY 86-194, and SECY 9
10 I wonder if I can have such a vote?
The first item is SECY 86-194-A.
It is 16 a certified question on the TMI-2 leak rate data falsification 17 hearing.
18 The Commission in this paper is being asked to 19 respond to a May 30th 1986 declaratory order and certified 20 questions from the presiding board on the inquiry into the 21 Three Mile Island Unit 2 leak rate data falsifications.
22 All Commissioners have approved an order which 23 responds to the Board stating that the NRC may pay negotiated 24 fees to expert witnesses at prevailing market rates, and that 25 such negotiations should be carried out by the Staff as is the A
4 1
case with other contracts.
1 2
However, the Commission has also directed the 3
Board, with the Staff's assistance, to reconsider whether the 4
proposed contracts would be appropriate in the circumstances 5
of this proceeding.
6 Would you please affirm your vote?
1 j
The second item is SECY 06-198, a i
12 review of ALAB 836 in the matter of Philadelphia Electric j
13 Company.
14 In this paper, the Commission is being ask to act on 4
15 an order responding to petitions for review of ALAB 836 by the 16 Philadelphia Electric Company, and Robert Anthony, Friends of j
17 the Earth, and the stated request by Anthony, Friends of the l
- Earth, i
19 All Commissioners have approved an order which 20 indicates the Commission has decided not to take review of i
21 ALAB 836, and have denied the stated request.
22 Would you please affirm your votes?
I i
k, 5
The third and last item is SECY 85-180, 3
Commission Review of the Shoreham Appeal Board Decision on the 4
Realism and Immateriality Issues (ALAB-818) 5 The Commission in this paper is being asked to act 6
on an October 18th 1985 Appeal Board decision holding 7
inadequate as a matter of law, LILCO's emergency plan for the 8
Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant.
j 9
Chairman Zach and Commissioners Roberts and Bernthal 10 have approved an order which remands the licensing board for 11 further hearing on issues raised by LILCO's realism and 12 immateriality arguments.
The Appeal Board is also directed to 13 reconsider its decision to defer its review of LILCO's other 14 pending emergency planning appeals.
15 Commissioner Asselstine disapproves, and has 16 provided a separate view.
The Commission does not address 17 LILCO's preemption arguments in this order.
18 If you will please affirm your votes.
Just before we do that, I 20 should note that I am making one minor revision to my views to 21 add a footnote to note that I think the Commission should have 22 decided the preemption issues at this time as well, so that 23 will be around in a couple of minutes.
Will the Commission please affirm its 25 votes?
k, 6
That completes the affirmation, 6
Mr. Chairman.
Thank you very much.
[Whereupon, the Commission Affirmation was concluded 9
at 3:42 p.m.]
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20, 21 22 23 24 25 A
1 2
4 This is to certify that the attached events of a 5
meeting of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission entitled:
i 6
7 TITLE OF MEETING: Affirmation Discussion and Vote Commission Review of Shoreham Appeal Board Decision on Realism and 8
PLACE OF MEETING: I*"@kO5kngkoh,b80*8 (^L^
9 DATE OF MEETING: Thursday, July 24, 1986 10 i
l l
11 were held as herein appears, and that this is the original 12 transcript thereof for the file of the Commission taken
13 stenographically by me, thereafter reduced to typewriting by 14 me or under the direction of the court reporting company, and 15 that the transcript is a true and accurate record of the 16 foregoing events.
17 18 19 20 21 4
22 Ann Riley & Associates, Ltd.
23 24 25 7
N N N N N N N N NC Y NG N N N N N k k kQ0_G0G0GO NG0G09090g0g & & & h h TRANSMITTAL T0:
Document Control Desk, 016 Phillips d
The Public Document Room DATE:
8[9 FROM:
SECY Correspondence & Records Branch j
f Attached are copies of a Commission meeting transcript and related meeting f
document (s). They are being forwarded for entry on the Daily Accession List and placement in the Public Document Room.
No other distribution is requested or f
l l
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Meeting Date: 9 hi 6 Open X
Item Description *:
Copies Advanced DCS
'8 to PDR Copy 6
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=5:h 4.
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- PDR is advanced one copy of each document, two of each SECY paper.
C&R Branch files the original transcript, with attachments, without SECY
- papers, hkhYbYhbYbY Y$$bbYkbYb$bYNNNNbYlYNNNNI WN