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Informs That Facility Does Not Have Two Specific Event 5 Valve Configurations Discussed in NRC Re Primary Coolant Sys Pressure Isolation Valves.Nrc Activities Re Valve Configurations Have Been Finalized for Facility
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/15/1980
From: Clark R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Lundvall A
Shared Package
ML20062J034 List:
NUDOCS 8009150415
Download: ML20062J030 (2)



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Occhets Nos. 50-317 a 313 kg PP k NSIC ORB #3 Rdg I&E (3)

Mr. A. E. Lundvall, Jr. NRR Rdg ACRS (16)

Vice President - Supply RAClark DEisenhut Baltimore Gas & Electric Comany RPurple P. O. Box 1475 nn Baltimore, Maryland 21203 TNovak c. .. . . w


RTedesco Glainas'

Dear Mr. Lundvall:

By letter dated February 23, 1930, you were requested to provide a information regarding primary coolant system pressure isolation valves.

The objective of this 10 CFR 50.54(f) letter was to identify those plants which have either or both of the valve configurations found in WASH-1400 (Event V) to be significant risk contributors to an intersystere LOCA -

which results in a core nuit . cident.

We have confirmed that the two specific Event V valve configurations do not exist at your facility. This is based upon the evaluation of your response to our February letter as well as the review of previously, docketed inforsation (Enclosure). Based on this, our activities regarding these valve configurations have been finalized for your facility. '

In additien to these Event V valyc ccnfiguraticas, we are centinutag cur efforts to review other configurations located at high pressura/

Icw pressure sys'ses boundaries for their potential risk contribution to an intersysten LOCA which may result in a core melt accident.

Therefore, further activity regarding the broader, topic of intersystem LOCA's may be expected in the future.

Your time and effort in closing out the Event Y portion of the inter-system LOCA concern are appreciated.


/S/ Leon Engle forf


'. , - Robert A. Clark, Chief .

. - Operating Reactors Branch #3 Division of Licensing


Fradlin Research Center Technical .- ~.--

Evsluation P.epert, "Prt=ry Coola.nt System Pressure Isolation Valves,'


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  • Baltimore Gas and Electric Ccmpany cc:

James A. Bidaison, Jr. Mr. Bernard Fowler General Counsel President, Board of County G and E Building Comnissioners Charles Center Prince Frederick, Maryland 20768 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 .

Of rector, Technical Assessnent Geo'rge F. Trowbridge, Esquire Division Shaw, Pitinan, Potts and Office of Radiation Programs Troweridge (AW-459) 1800 M Street, N.V. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D. C. 20036 Crystal Fall !2 Arlingten, Virginia 2045C Mr. R. C. L. Ol son Baltimore Gas and Electric Company U. S. Envircruental-Protection Agency Room 922 - G and E Buildir.g Region !!! Office Post Of fice Box 1475 ATTN: EIS C00RDINATCR Saltimore, Maryland 21203 Curtis Suficing (Sixth Flocr)

Mr. Leon B. Russell Sixth and Walnut Streets

  • Plant Superintendent ~ Pniladelpnia, rennsylvania 19106 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pcwer Plant Ralph E. Archit:el Baltimore Gas & Electric Comcany Resident Reacter Inspecter Lusby,ifaryland 2C657 NRC Inspecticn and Enforcement Bechtel Power Corporation P. O. Box 437 ATTH: ftr. J. C. Judd Lusby, Maryland 20657 Chief Muclear Engineer __

157t0 Shady Grove Acad Mr. Charles 3. Srinkman Gaitherscurc, liaryland 20760 Manager - Washington Nuclear Ocerations Censustion Engineering, Inc. C-E Pcwer Systems ATTN: Mr. P. W. Kruse, lianager Combustion Engineering, Inc.

Engineering Services 4853 Cordell Ave., Sutte A-1 Post Office Sox 500 Betnesda, Maryland 2001 Winasce, Connecticut 06095 Calvert County Library Prince Frederick, tiaryland 20675!

Director, Department of State Planri c "

301 West Presten Street Saltimore, Maryland 21201 Mr. R. M. Ocuglass, tianacer Quality Assurance Ceparth.ent A:ministrator, Pcwer Plant Siting Program Rcen 923 Gas & Electric Building Energy and Coastal Zone Administration P. O. Box.1475 .

Decartment of Natural Resources Baltimore, Maryland 21203 73aes State Office Building Anns:olis, Maryland 212C4 l