MONTHYEARML20217M6631999-10-19019 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-277/99-07 & 50-278/99-07 on 990920.No Violations Noted ML20217F7391999-10-14014 October 1999 Requests Addl Info Re Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 & 3 Appendix R Exemption Requests ML20217K9241999-10-14014 October 1999 Forwards Amend 234 to License DPR-56 & Se.Amend Consists of Changes to TS in Response to Application & Suppls ,1001 & 06,which Will Support PBAPS Mod P00507,which Will Install Digital Pr Neutron Mining Sys ML20217F6841999-10-13013 October 1999 Forwards Senior Reactor Operator Initial Exam Repts 50-277/99-302(OL) & 50-278/99-302(OL) Conducted on 990913- 16.All Applicants Passed All Portions of Exam ML20217F3021999-10-12012 October 1999 Provides Written Confirmation That Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier Corrective Actions at PBAPS Have Been Completed.Ltr Also Confirms Completion of Actions Required by Confirmatory Order Modifying Licenses, ML20217E7451999-10-0808 October 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990820 RAI Concerning Proposed Alternatives Associated with Third ten-yr Interval ISI Program for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 ML20217B7701999-10-0606 October 1999 Submits Corrected Info to NRC 980528 RAI Re Util Response to GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions ML20217B9151999-10-0606 October 1999 Provides Clarifying Info to Enable NRC to Complete Review of License Change Request ECR 98-01802,re Changes Necessary to Support Installation of Digital Pr Neutron Monitoring & Incorporate long-term T/H Stability Solution Hardware ML20217C4141999-10-0606 October 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 981109 RAI Re Resolution of USI A-46 for Pbaps.Proprietary Excerpts from GIP-2,Ref 25 Results of BWR Trial Plant Review Section 8 Also Encl. Proprietary Excerpts Withheld ML20217B3181999-10-0505 October 1999 Advises That Info Submitted in 990712 Application,Which Contained Attachment Entitled, Addl Info Re Cycle Spec SLMCPR for Peach Bottom 3 Cycle 13,dtd 990609, with Affidavit,Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20217B4051999-10-0505 October 1999 Forwards Amend 233 to License DPR-56 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Changes Minimum Critical Power Ratio Safety Limit & Approved Methodologies Referenced in Core Operating Limits Report 05000278/LER-1999-004, Forwards LER 99-004-00 Re Multiple Unplanned ESF Actuations During Planned Mod Activities in Main Cr,Per Requirements 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv)1999-10-0101 October 1999 Forwards LER 99-004-00 Re Multiple Unplanned ESF Actuations During Planned Mod Activities in Main Cr,Per Requirements 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv) ML20217B8891999-10-0101 October 1999 Forwards Response to RAI Re Request to Install Digital Power Range Neutron Monitoring Sys & Incorporate long-term,thermal-hydraulic Stability Solution Hardware. Revised TS Table Encl ML20217D5211999-09-30030 September 1999 Informs That Remediating 3D Monicore Sys at Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 & 3D Monicore/Plant Monitoring Sys at Lgs,Unit 2 Has Been Completed Ahead of Schedule ML20212J6851999-09-29029 September 1999 Informs of Completion of mid-cycle PPR of Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station on 990913.No Areas Identified in Which Licensee Performance Warranted Addl New Insps Beyond Core Insp Program.Historical Listing of Plant Issues Encl ML20216J3981999-09-29029 September 1999 Submits Comments for Lgs,Unit 1 & Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 Rvid,Rev 2,based on Review as Requested in GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity ML20212J5751999-09-28028 September 1999 Informs of Individual Exam Results for Applicants on Initial Exam Conducted on 990913-16 at Licensee Facility.Without Encls ML20216J0191999-09-27027 September 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Util 990301 Request to Support Installation of Digital Power Range Neutron Monitoring Sys & Incorporation of long-term thermal- Hydraulic Stability Solution Hardware,For Plant ML20216H6751999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Amends 229 & 232 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56, Respectively & Ser.Amends Will Delete SR Associated Only with Refueling Platform Fuel Grapple Fully Retracted Position Interlock Input,Currently Required by SR ML20212H6171999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Rev 2 to COLR for Pbaps,Unit 2,Reload 12,Cycle 13, IAW TS Section 5.6.5.d.Rept Incorporates Revised Single Loop Operation MAPLHGR Flow Multiplier ML20216H6451999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Notice of Withdrawal of Util 990806 Application for Amends to Fols DPR-44 & DPR-56.Proposed Change Would Have Involved Temporary Change to Increase Limit for Average Water Temp of Normal Heat Sink ML20212H5431999-09-24024 September 1999 Informs of Decision to Inspect H-3 & H-4 Shroud Welds During Upcoming 3R12 Outage Scheduled to Begin Late Sept 1999 ML20216F8811999-09-23023 September 1999 Withdraws 990806 Exigent License Change Application.Tech Spec Change to Allow Continued Power Operation with Elevated Cooling Water Temps During Potentially Extreme Weather Conditions No Longer Needed Due to Favorable Weather ML20212E8661999-09-22022 September 1999 Discusses GL 98-01 Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at NPPs & Supplement 1 & PECO Response for PBAPS Dtd 990630. Understands That at Least One Sys or Component Listed May Have Potential to Cause Transient During Y2K Transition ML20212F5481999-09-20020 September 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing, for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 & Lgs,Units 1 & 2 ML20212D1191999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards SE Re Proposed Alternatives to ASME Section XI Requirements for Containment Inservice Insp Program at Plant,Units 2 & 3 ML20212A0091999-09-0909 September 1999 Provides Notification That Licenses SOP-11172 & SOP-11321, for SO Muntzenberger & Rh Wright,Respectively,Are No Longer Necessary as Result of Permanent Reassignment IR 05000277/19990061999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-277/99-06 & 50-278/99-06 & 72-1027/99-06 on 990628-0809.No Violations Noted ML20211P2961999-09-0707 September 1999 Provides Authorization to Administer NRC Approved Initial Written Exams to Listed Applicants on 990913 at Peach Bottom Npp,Delta,Pennsylvania ML20211K7031999-08-30030 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990826 RAI Re License Change Application ECR 99-01255,revising TSs & 5.6.5 ML20211E6941999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Min Critical Power Ratio. Response Should Be Submitted within 30 Days of Ltr Receipt ML20211Q4491999-08-25025 August 1999 Responds to Re Changes to PBAPS Physical Security Plan,Safeguards Contingency Plan & Guard Training & Qualification Plan Identified as Revs 13,11 & 9, Respectively.No NRC Approval Is Required,Per 10CFR50.54(p) ML20211E9191999-08-24024 August 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Jan-June 1999 for PBAPS & LGS IAW 10CFR26.71(d).Data Includes Listed Info ML20211D5421999-08-23023 August 1999 Forwards Amends 228 & 231 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56, Respectively & Se.Amends Revise TSs to Correct Typographical & Editorial Errors Introduced in TSs by Previous Amends ML20211A9721999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Third 10-year Interval Inservice (ISI) Insp Program Plan for Plant,Units 2 & 3 ML20210T5451999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Copy of Environ Assessment & Findings of No Significant Impact Re Licensee Request for Amends to Plant. Amends Consist of Changes to TS to Correct Typos & Editorial Errors Introduced in TS by Previous Amends ML20210P8321999-08-11011 August 1999 Responds to NRC 990715 Telcon Re Util 990217 Submittal of Proposed Alternatives to Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(1) Re Containment Inservice Insp Program ML20210P8151999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Final Pages for Pbaps,Unit 2 & 3 OLs Re License Change Application ECR 99-01497,which Reflects Change in Corporate Structure at Pse&G ML20211B6521999-08-10010 August 1999 Informs That Dp Lewis,License SOP-11247,has Been Permanently Reassigned & No Longer Requires License,Per 10CFR50.74.Util Requests That Subject Individual Be Removed from List of License Holders ML20210P1561999-08-10010 August 1999 Submits Response to Requests for Addl Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1,Suppl 1, Rv Structural Integrity, for Pbap,Units 1 & 2. NRC Will Assume That Data Entered Into Rvid Are Acceptable for Plants,If Staff Does Not Receive Comments by 990901 ML20211B7881999-08-10010 August 1999 Transmits Summary of Two Meetings with Risk-Informed TS Task Force in Rockville,Md on 990514 & 0714 ML20210N7831999-08-0909 August 1999 Forwards Copy of Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amends to Fols,Proposed NSHC Determination & Opportunity for Hearing, Re 990806 Request for License Amends.Amends Incorporate Note Into PBAPS TS to Permit One Time Exemption ML20210P0801999-08-0404 August 1999 Forwards Initial Exam Repts 50-277/99-301 & 50-278/99-301 on 990702-14 (Administration) & 990715-22 (Grading).Six of Limited SRO Applicants Passed All Portion of Exam ML20210M7571999-08-0404 August 1999 Forwards Response to Requesting Addl Info Re Status of Decommissioning Funding for Lgs,Pbaps & Sngs. Attachment Provides Restatement of Questions Followed by Response NUREG-1092, Informs J Armstrong of Individual Exam Results for Applicants on Initial Exam Conducted on 990702 & 990712-14 at Facility.All Six Individuals Who Were Administered Exam, Passed Exam.Without Encls1999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs J Armstrong of Individual Exam Results for Applicants on Initial Exam Conducted on 990702 & 990712-14 at Facility.All Six Individuals Who Were Administered Exam, Passed Exam.Without Encls ML20210J0161999-07-30030 July 1999 Forwards Copy of Notice of Consideration of Approval of Transfer of FOL & Issuance of Conforming Amends Re 990723 Application ML20210H5341999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-277/99-05 & 50-278/99-05 on 990518- 0628.NRC Determined That Two Severity Level IV Violations of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as non-cited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20210F3731999-07-23023 July 1999 Submits Confirmation That,Iaw 10CFR50.80,PSE&G Is Requesting NRC Approval of Transfer of Ownership Interests in PBAPS, Units to New Affiliated Nuclear Generating Company,Pseg Nuclear LLC ML20210E6211999-07-22022 July 1999 Submits Rev to non-limiting Licensing Basis LOCA Peak Clad Temps (Pcts) for Limerick Generating Station (Lgs),Units 1 & 2 & Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 ML20210E5811999-07-21021 July 1999 Forwards Final Tech Specs Pages for License Change Application.Proposed Change Will Revise Tech Specs to Delete Requirement for Refuel Platform Fuel Grapple Fully Retracted Position Interlock Currently Required by TS 1999-09-09
MONTHYEARML20217F3021999-10-12012 October 1999 Provides Written Confirmation That Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier Corrective Actions at PBAPS Have Been Completed.Ltr Also Confirms Completion of Actions Required by Confirmatory Order Modifying Licenses, ML20217E7451999-10-0808 October 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990820 RAI Concerning Proposed Alternatives Associated with Third ten-yr Interval ISI Program for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 ML20217C4141999-10-0606 October 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 981109 RAI Re Resolution of USI A-46 for Pbaps.Proprietary Excerpts from GIP-2,Ref 25 Results of BWR Trial Plant Review Section 8 Also Encl. Proprietary Excerpts Withheld ML20217B7701999-10-0606 October 1999 Submits Corrected Info to NRC 980528 RAI Re Util Response to GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions ML20217B9151999-10-0606 October 1999 Provides Clarifying Info to Enable NRC to Complete Review of License Change Request ECR 98-01802,re Changes Necessary to Support Installation of Digital Pr Neutron Monitoring & Incorporate long-term T/H Stability Solution Hardware 05000278/LER-1999-004, Forwards LER 99-004-00 Re Multiple Unplanned ESF Actuations During Planned Mod Activities in Main Cr,Per Requirements 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv)1999-10-0101 October 1999 Forwards LER 99-004-00 Re Multiple Unplanned ESF Actuations During Planned Mod Activities in Main Cr,Per Requirements 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv) ML20217B8891999-10-0101 October 1999 Forwards Response to RAI Re Request to Install Digital Power Range Neutron Monitoring Sys & Incorporate long-term,thermal-hydraulic Stability Solution Hardware. Revised TS Table Encl ML20217D5211999-09-30030 September 1999 Informs That Remediating 3D Monicore Sys at Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 & 3D Monicore/Plant Monitoring Sys at Lgs,Unit 2 Has Been Completed Ahead of Schedule ML20216J3981999-09-29029 September 1999 Submits Comments for Lgs,Unit 1 & Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 Rvid,Rev 2,based on Review as Requested in GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity ML20212H5431999-09-24024 September 1999 Informs of Decision to Inspect H-3 & H-4 Shroud Welds During Upcoming 3R12 Outage Scheduled to Begin Late Sept 1999 ML20212H6171999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Rev 2 to COLR for Pbaps,Unit 2,Reload 12,Cycle 13, IAW TS Section 5.6.5.d.Rept Incorporates Revised Single Loop Operation MAPLHGR Flow Multiplier ML20216F8811999-09-23023 September 1999 Withdraws 990806 Exigent License Change Application.Tech Spec Change to Allow Continued Power Operation with Elevated Cooling Water Temps During Potentially Extreme Weather Conditions No Longer Needed Due to Favorable Weather ML20212F5481999-09-20020 September 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing, for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 & Lgs,Units 1 & 2 ML20212A0091999-09-0909 September 1999 Provides Notification That Licenses SOP-11172 & SOP-11321, for SO Muntzenberger & Rh Wright,Respectively,Are No Longer Necessary as Result of Permanent Reassignment ML20211K7031999-08-30030 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990826 RAI Re License Change Application ECR 99-01255,revising TSs & 5.6.5 ML20211E9191999-08-24024 August 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Jan-June 1999 for PBAPS & LGS IAW 10CFR26.71(d).Data Includes Listed Info ML20210P8151999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Final Pages for Pbaps,Unit 2 & 3 OLs Re License Change Application ECR 99-01497,which Reflects Change in Corporate Structure at Pse&G ML20210P8321999-08-11011 August 1999 Responds to NRC 990715 Telcon Re Util 990217 Submittal of Proposed Alternatives to Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(1) Re Containment Inservice Insp Program ML20211B6521999-08-10010 August 1999 Informs That Dp Lewis,License SOP-11247,has Been Permanently Reassigned & No Longer Requires License,Per 10CFR50.74.Util Requests That Subject Individual Be Removed from List of License Holders ML20210M7571999-08-0404 August 1999 Forwards Response to Requesting Addl Info Re Status of Decommissioning Funding for Lgs,Pbaps & Sngs. Attachment Provides Restatement of Questions Followed by Response ML20210F3731999-07-23023 July 1999 Submits Confirmation That,Iaw 10CFR50.80,PSE&G Is Requesting NRC Approval of Transfer of Ownership Interests in PBAPS, Units to New Affiliated Nuclear Generating Company,Pseg Nuclear LLC ML20210E6211999-07-22022 July 1999 Submits Rev to non-limiting Licensing Basis LOCA Peak Clad Temps (Pcts) for Limerick Generating Station (Lgs),Units 1 & 2 & Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 ML20210E5811999-07-21021 July 1999 Forwards Final Tech Specs Pages for License Change Application.Proposed Change Will Revise Tech Specs to Delete Requirement for Refuel Platform Fuel Grapple Fully Retracted Position Interlock Currently Required by TS ML20216D8041999-07-19019 July 1999 Submits Summary of Final PECO Nuclear Actions Taken to Resolve Scram Solenoid Pilot Valve Issues Identified in Info Notice 96-007 05000278/LER-1999-002-01, Forwards LER 99-002-01 to Correct Title Contained in Box (4) of LER Coversheet Form.Rev Does Not Change Reportability Requirements or Any Other Info Contained in Original Submittal of LER1999-07-12012 July 1999 Forwards LER 99-002-01 to Correct Title Contained in Box (4) of LER Coversheet Form.Rev Does Not Change Reportability Requirements or Any Other Info Contained in Original Submittal of LER ML20209G9121999-07-0909 July 1999 Informs That Ja Hutton Has Been Appointed Director,Licensing for PECO Nuclear,Effective 990715.Previous Correspondence Addressed to Gd Edwards Should Now Be Sent to Ja Hutton ML20209D9781999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards Addl Info to Support EA of Proposed 990212 License Application ECR 98-01675,correcting Minor Administrative Errors in TS Figure Showing Site & Exclusion Areas Boundaries & Two TS SRs ML20209D8821999-07-0707 July 1999 Submits Estimate of Number of Licensing Actions Expected to Be Submitted in Years 2000 & 2001,as Requested by Administrative Ltr 99-02.Renewal Applications for PBAPS, Units 2 & 3,will Be Submitted in Second Half of 2001 ML20209D2671999-07-0202 July 1999 Responds to NRC 990322 & 0420 RAI Re GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves ML20209E1131999-06-30030 June 1999 Forwards Proprietary NRC Form 398, Personal Qualification Statement-Licensee, for Renewal of RO Licenses for EP Angle,Md Lebrun,Jh Seitz & Zi Varga,Licenses OP-10646-1, OP-11081,OP-11082 & OP-11085,respectively.Encls Withheld ML20209C1201999-06-30030 June 1999 Informs of Util Intent to Request Renewed License for PBAPS, Units 2 & 3,IAW 10CFR54.Licensee Anticipates That License Renewal Application Will Be Submitted in Second Half of 2001 ML20209B7001999-06-30030 June 1999 Responds to GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Nuclear Power Plants ML20196A5291999-06-14014 June 1999 Forwards Final Pbaps,Unit 3 TS Pages for License Change Request ECR 98-01802 Re Installation of Digital Power Range Neutron Monitoring (Prnm) Sys & Incorporation of long-term thermal-hydraulic Stability Solution Hardware ML20195E6051999-05-27027 May 1999 Requests Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR72.44(d)(3) Re Submittal Date for Annual Rept of Principal Radionuclides Released to Environ.Exemption from 10CFR72.72(d) Re Storage of Spent Fuel Records,Additionally Requested ML20195B8171999-05-25025 May 1999 Forwards Final TS Pages for License Change Application ECR 96-01511 Re Rev to Loss of Power Setpoints for 4 Kv Emergency Buses ML20195B6191999-05-19019 May 1999 Forwards PBAPS Units 2 & 3 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept 56 for 980101-1231, Per Section 6.9.2 of Ol. Trace Concentrations of Cs-137 Were Found in Sediment Consistent with Levels Observed in Previous Years ML20206P9171999-05-10010 May 1999 Updates Some of Transmitted Data Points Provided in Data Point Library ERDS for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3.Data Point Info Format Consistent with Guidance Specified in NUREG-1394 ML20206K6581999-05-0404 May 1999 Forwards PBAPS Bases Changes Through Unit 2 Bases Rev 25 & Units 3 Bases Rev 25.Bases Reflect Change Through Apr 1999, Thereby Satisfying Frequency Requirements of 10CFR50.71 ML20206D4651999-04-29029 April 1999 Forwards Rev 16 to UFSAR & Rev 11 to Fire Protection Program (Fpp), for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3.Page Replacement Instructions for Incorporating Rev 16 to UFSAR & Rev 11 to Fpp,Encl ML20207B8431999-04-23023 April 1999 Forwards Final Rept for 981117,plume Exposure Pathway Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans site-specific for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.One Deficiency & 27 Areas Requiring C/A Identified ML20206C5461999-04-20020 April 1999 Forwards Radioactive Effluent Release Rept 41 for Jan-Dec 1998 for Pbaps,Units 1 & 2. Revs Made to ODCM & Station Process Control Program (PCP) During Rept Period,Encl 05000278/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00 Re 990312 ESF Actuation of Rcics Due to High Steam Flow Signal During Sys Restoration.Rept Submitted Per 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv)1999-04-0808 April 1999 Forwards LER 99-001-00 Re 990312 ESF Actuation of Rcics Due to High Steam Flow Signal During Sys Restoration.Rept Submitted Per 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv) ML20205K4541999-04-0808 April 1999 Forwards Revised Info Re 990330 NRC Nuclear Power Reactor Licensee Financial Qualifications & Decommissioning Funding Assurance Status Rept ML18106B1431999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards Pse&G Rept on Financial Min Assurance for Period Ending 981231 for Hope Creek,Salem,Units 1 & 2 & Pbaps,Units 2 & 3,IAW 10CFR50.75 ML20205F8981999-03-31031 March 1999 Provides Info Re Status of Decommissioning Funding for LGS, Units 1 & 2,PBAPS,Units 1,2 & 3 & Sgs,Units 1 & 2,per Requirements of 10CFR50.75(f)(1) ML18106B1411999-03-30030 March 1999 Forwards Decommissioning Info on Behalf of Conectiv Nuclear Facility License Subsidiaries,Atlantic City Electric Co & Delmarva Power & Light Co,For Listed Nuclear Facilities ML20205J0831999-03-26026 March 1999 Requests Enforcement Discretion from Requirements of PBAPS, Units 2 & 3 Ts.Enforcement Discretion Pursued to Avoid Unneccessary Plant Transient Which Would Result from Compliance with TS ML20205B6421999-03-24024 March 1999 Submits 1998 Annual Decommission Rept for Pbaps,Unit 1. There Were No Reportable Events Involving Unit 1 for 1998 ML20205A4391999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Rev 13 to PBAPS PSP, Rev 9 to Security Personnel Training & Qualification Plan & Rev 11 to Safeguards Contingency Plan. Encls Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR73.21 ML20204E8001999-03-12012 March 1999 Provides Response to RAI Re GL 92-08, Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers 1999-09-09
[Table view] Category:UTILITY TO NRC
MONTHYEARML20064A7171990-09-18018 September 1990 Comments on SALP Board Repts 50-277/89-99 & 50-278/89-99. Author Pledges Continued Mgt Support of & Attention to Rate of Improvement,Achievement of Goals & Performance of Routine Activities ML20065D4421990-09-14014 September 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 90-07, Operator Licensing Natl Exam Schedule. Proposed Schedules for Operator Licensing Exams, Requalification Exams & Generic Fundamental Exams Encl ML20064A7751990-09-13013 September 1990 Advises That Ba Stambauth No Longer Maintains Need to Hold Senior Operator License ML20065D3741990-09-11011 September 1990 Forwards Rev to Relief Request 10-VRR-2 Re RHR stay-fill Supply Check Valves,Per ML20059F0541990-08-31031 August 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Safety Insp Repts 50-277/90-13 & 50-278/90-13.Corrective Actions: Training Will Be Provided for Personnel Re Requirements of Drawing E1317 & Administrative Procedures A-2 & A-6 ML20028G8181990-08-27027 August 1990 Forwards Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Semiannual Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1990. No Revs Made to ODCM During Rept Period ML20059A6461990-08-15015 August 1990 Responds to Violation Noted in Insp Repts 50-277/90-200, 50-278/90-200,50-277/90-06 & 50-278/90-06 & Payment of Civil Penalty in Amount of $75,000.Corrective Actions:Emergency Svc Water Sys Restored to Operable Status ML20058N1991990-08-0909 August 1990 Advises of Change of Address for Correspondence Re Util Operations.All Incoming Correspondence Must Be Directed to One of Listed Addresses ML20058Q4051990-08-0606 August 1990 Forwards Public Version of Revised Emergency Response Procedures,Including Rev 12 to ERP-140,App 2,Rev 13 to ERP-140,App 3,Rev 4 to ERP-230,Rev 3 to ERP-305 & Rev 3 to ERP-660 ML20058M6631990-08-0303 August 1990 Responds to NRC 890406 Integrated Assessment Team Insp Repts 50-277/89-81 & 50-278/89-81.Based on Encl Schedule,Overall Projected Implementation Date Will Be 901119 ML20056A9611990-08-0303 August 1990 Notifies That Be Saxman Terminated Employment & Operating Responsibilities W/Util on 900706 ML20081E1581990-07-30030 July 1990 Forwards List of 1990 QA Program Changes for Plant.List Identifies Page & Paragraph Number,Brief Description & Type of Change ML20056A0421990-07-27027 July 1990 Forwards Updated Human Resource Status Rept for Jan-Jul 1990 for Areas Identified in Integrated Assessment Team Insp Repts 50-277/89-81 & 50-278/89-81 ML18095A3661990-07-26026 July 1990 Forwards Decommissioning Repts for Hope Creek,Peach Bottom & Salem Nuclear Generating Stations ML18095A3761990-07-26026 July 1990 Forwards Decommissioning Repts & Certification of Financial Assurance for Plants ML18095A3721990-07-24024 July 1990 Forwards Rept & Certification of Financial Assurance for Decommissioning for Plants,Per 10CFR50.75 ML20055H8331990-07-20020 July 1990 Submits Change of Addresses for Correspondence Re Util Nuclear Operations ML20044B2621990-07-12012 July 1990 Forwards Annual Progress Rept on Implementation of Control Room Enhancements,Per NUREG-0737.Corrective Actions for All Priority 1 Human Engineering Discrepancies Completed for Unit.Remaining Priority 2 Discrepancies Under Reevaluation ML20055G5481990-07-11011 July 1990 Forwards Public Version of Revised Epips,Including Rev 12 to ERP-140,App 3 & Revs 3 to ERP-310 & ERP-317 ML20043H7041990-06-21021 June 1990 Forwards Endorsements 143-146 to Nelia Policy NF-140 & Endorsements 93-96 to Maelu Policy MF-67 ML20044A2961990-06-21021 June 1990 Submits Revised Response to NRC Bulletin 89-002 Re safety- Related Swing Check Valves to Be Installed on Emergency Diesel Generator.Bolts Will Not Be Replaced Because Valves W/Original Internal Bolts Meet Requirements of Bulletin ML20043H6081990-06-19019 June 1990 Corrects 900427 Response to Generic Ltr 87-07, Info Transmittal of Final Rulemaking for Revs to Operator Licensing - 10CFR55 & Conforming Amends ML20055C7621990-06-18018 June 1990 Informs NRC of Plans Re Licensing of Senior Reactor Operators (Sros) Limited to Fuel Handling at Plants.Util in Process of Implementing New Program for Establishment & Maint of Licensed SROs Limited to Fuel Handling at Plants ML20043G8131990-06-13013 June 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-277/90-06 & 50-278/90-06.Corrective Actions:Surveillance Test 6.16, Motor Driven Fire Pump Operability Test, Will Be Revised ML20043H0111990-06-12012 June 1990 Advises That AR Wargo Reassigned from Operating Shift Responsibilities & Will Be Resigning License,Effective on 900514 ML20055D1141990-06-0808 June 1990 Forwards Public Version of Revs to Emergency Response Procedures,Including Rev 9 to ERP-140 & Rev 3 to ERP-315 ML20043D7351990-06-0404 June 1990 Responds to NRC 900504 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-277/90-04 & 50-278/90-04.Corrective Actions:Procedural Controls Strengthened to Preclude Licensed Operators from Performing Licensed Duties W/O Successfully Passing Exams ML20043E9261990-06-0404 June 1990 Forwards Response to 900327 Request for Addl Info Re Generic Ltr 88-01, NRC Position on IGSCC in BWR Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping. ML20043D2681990-05-31031 May 1990 Forwards Response to NRC Requests Re PECo-FMS-0006, Methods for Performing BWR Reload Safety Evaluations. Util Core Monitoring Activities Routinely Access Accuracy of steady-state Physics Models Used in Evaluation of Parameter ML20043D6451990-05-30030 May 1990 Responds to NRC 900503 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-277/90-08 & 50-278/90-08.Corrective Actions:Glaucoma Testing Program Initiated for Security Personnel & Necessary Equipment to Perform Glaucoma Testing Onsite Obtained ML20055C5121990-05-18018 May 1990 Provides Info Inadvertently Omitted in Re Property Insurance Coverage for Plants.Limerick Generating Station Unit 2 Should Have Been Ref as Being Included Under Insurance Coverage ML20055C5491990-05-18018 May 1990 Forwards Response to Request for Addl Info on 900412 Tech Spec Change Request 89-20 Re Postponement of Next Snubber Visual Insp,Due 900526,until Scheduled mid-cycle Outage in Fourth Quarter 1990 ML20055C4851990-05-15015 May 1990 Forwards Annual Financial Repts for 1989 for Philadelphia Electric Co,Pse&G,Atlantic Energy,Inc & Delmarva Power & Light Co ML20043A3341990-05-14014 May 1990 Advises of Util Proposal to Provide Response to NRC Request for Schedule for Compliance W/Reg Guide 1.97 Re Neutron Monitoring Instrumentation 3 Months After NRC Concurrence W/Bwr Owners Group Design Criteria ML20042F3241990-04-27027 April 1990 Advises That Organizational Changes Made in Advance of Approval of Tech Spec Change Request 88-06.Changes Do Not Present Unreviewed Safety Question ML20042E8931990-04-27027 April 1990 Responds to Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-278/90-01. Corrective Actions:Automatic Depressurization Sys Logic Sys Functional Tests Will Be Revised to Include Guidance in Unique Application of Test Lights ML20042E8741990-04-27027 April 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 87-07, Info Transmittal of Final Rulemaking for Revs to Operator Licensing. Certifies That Limerick Operator Requalification Training Program Renewed on 900125 & Peach Bottom Subj Program Renewed on 890622 ML20042E7651990-04-27027 April 1990 Informs That Mod 2285 Completed on Unit 3,but That Mod 2285 Will Not Be Completed on Unit 2 During 8th Refueling Outage ML20034C3751990-04-26026 April 1990 Forwards Addl Info on Util 900308 Tech Spec Change Request 89-21 Re Flow Biased Rod Block Monitor Setpoint & Rev 1 to Core Operating Limit Repts PECO-COLR-PB2R7 & PECO-COLR-PB3R7 Per NRC 900405 Telcon Request ML20034A6041990-04-12012 April 1990 Forwards Revised Pages to Safeguards Contingency Plan & Plant Security Personnel Training & Qualification Plan.Encls Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20034B4801990-04-0303 April 1990 Forwards Public Version of Revised Epips,Including App 1 to Rev 8 to ERP-140,App 4 to Rev 9 to ERP-140,App 5 to Rev 9 to EPR-140,App 6 to Rev 7 to ERP-140,App 7 to Rev 10 to ERP-140 & Rev 5 to ERP-200 ML20012F4801990-04-0202 April 1990 Forwards Errata to Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1990 ML20012F0971990-03-22022 March 1990 Forwards Summary of ASME Repairs & Replacement Completed, Per Facility Second 10-yr Interval Inservice Insps Completed During 900331-891111 Extended Refueling Outage ML20012E2151990-03-20020 March 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-19, Request for Action Re Resolution of USI A-47, 'Safety Implication of Control Sys in LWR Nuclear Power Plants,' for Peach Bottom.Response for Limerick Generating Station Will Be Provided by 900504 ML20033H1241990-03-12012 March 1990 Lists Levels & Sources of Property Insurance for Facilities, Per 10CFR50.55(w) ML20012C2931990-03-12012 March 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey, Per 900118 Request ML20012B6211990-03-0808 March 1990 Provides Actions Taken to Ensure & Verify Sys Design Basis Performance,Per 900205 SSFI at Facility ML20012B9011990-03-0606 March 1990 Forwards 870331-891111 Inservice Insp Program Final Rept for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 1987-1989 Extended Refuel Outage. Several Indications Identified ML20012A2661990-02-26026 February 1990 Forwards Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56, Consisting of Tech Spec Change Requests 89-13 & 89-14, Revising Nuclear Review Board Membership & Meeting Frequency & Adding Independent Safety Engineering Group Requirements ML20011F2541990-02-23023 February 1990 Forwards Revs to Physical Security Plan.Encls Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790) 1990-09-18
[Table view] |
PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 2301 M ARKET STREET P.O. BOX 8699 1881 -1981 PHILADELPHI A. PA.19101 SHIELDS L. D ALTROFF ELactmecen o c oN June 5, 1981 Docket Nos. 50-277 50-278 Inspection Nos. 50-277/80-18 50-278/80-10 Mr. Boyce H.
Grier, Director Region I Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406
Dear Mr. Grier:
Your letter of April 2, 1981, forwarded combined Inspection Report 50-277/80-18 and 50-278/80-10.
Appendix A of your letter addressed "Significant Appraisal Findings" identified during review of our Health Physics program.
Our April 22, 1981, letter, which included our response to the Appendix B items of non-compliance, indicated that an agreement had been reached with Region I, NRC, to extrsad our submittal date for the Appendix A items by forty-five days.
This submittal completes our response to Inspection Report 50-277/80-18 and 50-278/80-10.
The Health Physics Appraisal Team conducted an exit interview at Peach Bottom Station following the subject inspection on June 27, 1980.
In attendance at this exit interview were S.
Daltroff, Vice President, Electric Production; J.
Gallagher, Manager, Electric Production; M. J.
Cooney, Generation Division-Nuclear, Superintendent; W.
q Ullrich, Station Superintendent, and other interested Philadelphia Electric personnel.
It was and is the unanimous opinion of Philadelphia Electric attendees that although the 8201070238 011230~
PDR ADOCK 05000277 Q
..a Mr. Boyce H.
Grier Page 2 inspection team identified certain weaknesses in the program and made some recommendations for improvement, the team felt that the overall Radiation Protection Program was well above average and thac certain unique programs were in existence which enhanced radiation safety.
We believed that we had a good program and the complimentary comments made by the Inspection Team at the exit interview strengthened this perception.
The NRC and'our own Quality Assurance inspections and' audits conducted. subsequent to the Appraisal Team's visit have confirmed the overall quality of our program.
It is, therefore, with considerable consternation that we received the Inspection Report dated April 21, 1981 which-could lead the reader to conclude that our Radiation Protection Program has serious defects, a conclusion we believe to-be incorrect and one.not intended to be conveyed by the commission.
ife urge that the Commission note our concerns and consider changes in the report format which would avoid such improper conclusions.
1 The "Significant Appraisal Findings" identified in Appendix A of your letter *are restated with our responses in the attached Appendix A.
Very truly yours,
'l Attachment i
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APPENDIX A INSPECTION REPORT 50-277/80-18 and 50-278/80-10 A.
Radiation Protection Organization 1.
Job / Position descriptions had not been developed for all positions within.the Radiation Protection and Radwaste Departments.
The station health physics and chemistry section organization has been changed.
The position of Engineer-Health Physics and Chemistry has been elevated to the Technical Engineer level.
This position reports directly to the station management, and is the responsible position for supervising the health physics and chemistry section.
A senior level professional is presently in training to assume this position which we anticipate will be filled by December, 1981.
Job descriptions for individuals at the technician level have been completed.
Positions ranging from the Engineer-Health Physics and Che istry to the Technical Assistant level are in draft form.
It is expected that job descriptions for all positions within the Health Physics group will be completed by March 1, 1982.
Administrative procedures had not been developed which defined the authorities and responsibilities of the Radiation Protection Department.
The authorities and responsibilities of individuals in the Radiation Protection group are being incorporated into job descriptions and in certain cases, in specific procedures.
This program is expected to be completed by January 1, 1982.
An inordinate reliance was placed on contractor health physics personnel.
We do not believe that our dependence on contract assistance is inordinate, but recognize that~this assistance is still an important part of our program and have been aggressively moving to reduce contractor dependence.
A formal training program for health physics assistant technicians _was initiated in 1977.
To date, five classes have been started into this program.
The program consists of approximately five months of formal lectures, plant tours, self study and quizzes designed to provide the student with the fundamentals necessary to absorb the additional radiation protection and chemistry related material.
Additional training for a period of five years is composed of on-the-job training and monthly formal training modules.
The company views the completion of this technician training program as the equivalent of a two-year associate degree in technology.
To date, this program has resulted in a significant decrease in the number of contractor technicians.
Presently, there are 32 Philadelphia Electric Company (PECo) technicians and 16 contractor technicians for the normal health physics activities at the power plant.
There are no contractor health physics technicians currently supervising the Philadelphia Electric Company employees.
By 1985 we expect the current training program to provide sufficient numbers of PECo technicians so that less than five contractor technicians will be required under normal conditions.
Philadelphia Electric expects to supplement its technician force during periods of refueling outage with contractor technicians.
Personnel Selection, Qualification and Training 1.
A formal training / qualification program had not been-established for individuals responsible for technical areas such as TLD systems, external dosimetry, internal dosimetry, and respiratory protection.
A formal training /quaification program in the operation of the TLD system and whole body counting system is not considered to be valuable and for that reason is not I
. provided.
The systems are unique to Peach Bottom.
Our experience indicates that the personnel assigned to these functions become quite capable with on-the-job training.
We believe, however, that additional training for dosimetry supervisory personnel in external and internal dosimetry to be appropriate and will incorporate additional formal training in these activities into our radiation protection training program.
Development of this program is being directed by the Superintendent-Nuclear Training and implementation is expected during 1982.
Formal classes have been conducted on the use, cleaning and repair of respirators.
Formal job descriptions and selection criteria had not been established for licensee and contractor personnel.
Selection criteria for both contractor and company technicians as it relates to technician classification and work assignments are as required by ANSI 18.1 (1972).
As indicated in our response to A.1 a formal job description development program is currently in progress and is expected to be completed by January, 1982.
Requirements had not been established for an annual general employee retraining program.
Currently, all General Employee Training (GET) retraining consists of an annual repeat of the General Employee Training program or a demonstration of General Employee requirements by satisfactory completion of a written bypass examination.
This annual General R ployee retraining is discussed in administrative procedure A 50, Appendix D.
The bypass examination is limited to those personnel whose duties routinely involve the GET topics.
Changes, however, are planned in this retraining program.
It-is planned to expand the scope and avoid wasteful repetition.
The lesson formats will be designed for the various groups of workers to be t
retrained and will consider their normal work assignments.
The development of this program is being directed by the Superintendent-Nuclear Training.
Implementation is expected during 1982.
A training program had not been established for the health physics professional staff.
The training program for the health physics professional staff is being coordinated by the Corporate Supervising Engineer-Radiation Protection on an informal basis.
Training is generally provided at seminars or brief courses of a few days to several weeks in duration offered by various vendors and universities.
The selection of courses and the personnel to attend is made by the Supervising Engineer-Radiation Protection based on the needs and availability of supervisory personnel.
Future training programs will be initiated with the cooperation of the Superintendent-Nuclear Training.
Some individuals in supervisory positions lacked practical experience in the areas they were assigned to supervise.
Details regarding this item are found in section 2.3.4 where, specifically, on-the-job training is viewed as a poor practice for individuals in dosimetry and respiratory fitting because of the potential propagation of poor work practices.
The transfer of instructional information from employee to employee is viewed by Philadelphia Electric to be a valuable and legitimate method of training and is to be encouraged.
The fact that an individual in a supervisory position might receive instructions from a technician in a lower job classification is not viewed as detrimental nor germaine.
Our experience with on-the-job training shows it to be an effective technique to gain practical experience and, for this reason, believe it to be superior for certain work activities.
We believe our position is supported by the m
. objective results of the many programs undertaken by Philadelphia Electric utilizing on-the-job training.
Exposure Control 1.
External Exposure Control a.
Adequate QA/QC programs had not been established for the offsite TLD vendor and the licensee's in-house dosimetry program.
The dosimetry QC program has been enhanced since the inspection.
The program consists of 100% QC of all Harshaw TLD chips received.
These chips are segregated by sensitivity characteristics.
Those not meeting the established criteria are discarded or returned to Harshaw.
The current QC program involves spiking a minimum of 75 TLD badges per month to at least three different dose levels.
Eberline Instrument Corporation, rir offsite TLD vendor, submitted their Quality Assurance Program for approval in March, 1980.
Subsequently, an audit of Eberline was performed which revealed that certain practices and procedures were deficient.
These deficiencies were identified to the contractor.
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In addition, we have been corresponding with Eberline since our initial review of their QA progran and to the present time in order to establish a workable program acceptable to both Philadelphia Electric Company and i
. b.
The differences between the offsite vendor and the licensee's in-house TLD results had not been resolved.
Recent data shows a marked reduction in frequency and magnitude of discrepancies between the monthly Eberline exposures and summation of the daily Harshaw exposures.
This is believed attributable to the reduction in conservatism in processing the daily Harshaw badges, plus the improved QC at Eberline.
Complete elimination of discrepancies between the off-site vendor and the in-house TLD results is not expected.
A program is in progress to meet the objective of establishing a second in-house badge processing system to replace the contractor service as the official exposure data.
TLD readers and TLD chips are presently being studied and evaluated.
It is expected that the second in-house badge processing system will be implemented by June, 1983.
Internal Exposure Control An adequate whole body counter QA/QC program had a.
not been established.
The whole body counter QC program is considered adequate.
A re-calibration has been performed within the past year.
A phr.ntom has been provided to the station by our radiation consultant Radiation Management Corporation (nMC).
Procedures have been revised to clarify requirements for whole body counter operational checks.
RMC remains under contract for maintenance of the whole body counter system.
RMC will also be relied upon for backup expertise in evaluating and interpreting whole body data; for calculating doses due to internal
. deposition; and for advice on follow-up bioassay programs.
Formal procedures had not been established for collection, handling, shipping, and processing excreta bioassay samples.
Station procedure HPO/CO-26 has been revised to provide additional details relating to bioassay sampling and
- analysis, c.
Formal procedures had not been established that detailed the action to be taken if an individual received a significant internal deposition of radioactive material.
Station procedure HPO/CO-26 will be augmented to describe actions following significant personnel internal deposition which will emphasize the importance of medical / radiation advice from physicians associated with our consultant Radia6 ion Management Corporation.
Existing procedures establish action levels for initiation of investigations based on percentages of body burden from whole body counting.
Because of our effective respiratory protection program, the investigation level has been exceeded only rarely.
Even on these occassions, the internal deposition was insignificant compared to external radiation exposures.
Investigatory techniques used as part of the program include recounts, review of workers' activities and area survey data, interviews with the worker, and consultation with RMC.
These techniques are logical health physics practices and would be initiated by health physics supervision as deemed necessary.
Formal procedures are not considered valuable.
- D.
Surveys and Access Control Comprehensive in-plant continuous-air monitoring and breathing zone sampling programs had not been established.
The station has always maintained an extensive and comprehensive in-plant air monitoring program.
High volume and low volume air samplers are the main hardware used in this program.
Both of these types of air samplers are used to obtain grab samples for general area and breathing zone data.
Continuous Air Monitors (CAM) are located at specific areas of the plant to monitor unique activities.
These continuous Air Monitors reveal trends or sudden changes in airborne.
Efforts have been expended to obtain breathing zone sampling.
Since the report identifies this effort as being unacceptable, additional efforts have already been implemented to assure that the program provides for adequate breathing zone sampling.
We believe our CAM and breathing zone sampling programs are now satisfactory.
Radwaste Management Full range calibration had not been performed on the effluent monitor.
Calibration of the upper ranges of effluent radiation monitors involves the use of very active sources.
The risk of discharging such high activities to the environment has served as a deterent.
Also, the discharge of high activity calibration source material would be chargeable against the Technical Specification release limits.
For the upper ranges to be calibrated, alternate techniques must be employed.
Available alternates will be explored and, if appropriate, a procedure will be developed by January 1, 1982.
. F.
ALARA Program A formal ALARA program had not been established.
The Radiation Protection Handbook contains an introductory letter signed by the Vice President of Electric Production which documents the Corporate position on safety including radiation safety.
Section V, page 22 of this handbook contains the Company endorsement of ALARA.
On page 24 under the heading " Administrative Guide" is another statement concerning radiation exposure control under our ALARA program.
This handbook is distributed to employees completing their initial General Employee Training class.
The ALARA program responsibility and authority rests within the plant radiation protection group.
Assistance is provided from Corporate headquarters.
An ALARA coordinator has been designated from the station Health Physics and Chemistry staff.
Procedures are being developed as part of our formal ALARA program and are expected to be completed and approved by January 1, 1983.
The formal ALARA program will incorporate preplanning and review of proposed projects and modifications which have actual or potential radiation exposure significance.
ALARA objectives are to reduce both individual doses and collective man-rems to values as low as reasonably achievable.
The attainment of the objectives will vary with the specific job evaluations.
Engineering controls will be i
applied only if their incorporation into the activity will result in an acceptably lower exposure than would result if l
they were not applied.
Experience and documentation from previous jobs will provide an important basis for using i
engineering controls and budgeting exposure.
I Procedures will specify the requirement for de-briefing or critiques following special jobs which involve significant personnel exposure.
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Internal Audits An audit had not been performed on the offsite vendor providing calibration services for portable survey meters and TLD quality control irradiations.
Audits of vendors have been conducted by Corporate QA on both Eberline for dosimetry and Triangle Resources Industries for portable instrument calibration.
Deficiencies were discovered and are being corrected by the vendors.
Efforts continue toward establishment of station capability for all dosimetry and instrument calibration independent of vendors.
This includes acquisition of official dosimetry data.
Radiation Management Corporation facilities are used for dosimetry QC programs.
Corporate QA has also audited RMC and no deficiencies were noted.
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Emergency Preparedness T
f1 The items H to K all dealing with emergency planning are addressed as a single entity.
At the time of the appraisal, a concerted effort was under way to revise the emergency plan and implementing procedures.
This effort has continued to this day and will continue until the required integrated exercise has been successfully l
The specific items in the appraisal are items requiring attention under 10 CFR 50 and NUREG 0654.
Copies of the revised plan which addresses administration of the plan, training, notification, and assessment actions were sent to the NRC for their review and approval.
Copies of implementing procedures have also been sent to the NRC.
Revisions to these procedures will be forwarded to the NRC on a continuing basis per 10 CFR 50.
Since the NRC has establiched unique emergency preparedness review teams, it t
. seems appropriate to await the outcome of their review of our recent submittals rather than comment or commit to emergency preparedness items in the appraisal.
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Daltroff, being first duly sworn, deposes and.says:
That he is Vice President of. Philadelphia Electric Company, the Applicant herein; that he has rea'd the foregoing respon.:e to Inspection Report 50-277/80-18 and 50-2 78/80-10, Appendix A, and~knows the contents thereof; and that the statements and matters set forth-therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.
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Subscribed.and sworn to before me this EF# day of 1 "', N8' v ehiL] 6kN Notary Public i'
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