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Insp Rept 50-255/98-22 on 981126-990112.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineering & Plant Support
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/1999
Shared Package
ML18066A408 List:
50-255-98-22, NUDOCS 9902180065
Download: ML18066A410 (25)

See also: IR 05000255/1998022


  • '


Docket No:

License No:

Report No:






Approved by:





Consumers Energy Company

212 West Michigan Avenue

Jackson, Ml 49201

Palisades Nuclear Generating Plant

27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway

Covert, Ml 49043-9530

November 26, 1998, through January 12, 1999

J. Lennartz, Senior Resident Inspector

B. Fuller, Resident Inspector - D.C. Cook

M. Holmberg, Reactor Engineer, Riii

Anton Vegel, Chief

Reactor Projects . Branch 6

-- -----

9902180065 990210


ADOCK 05000255



  • ' *


Palisades Nuclear Generating Plant

NRC Inspection Report 50-255/98022

This inspection included aspects of licensee operations, maintenance, engineering, and plant

support. The report covers a 7-week period of resident inspection activities.


An oil leak on Primary Coolant Pump P-500 resulted in a forced outage. In addition,

several emergent equipment problems challenged plant operations during the forced

outage. The equipment problems included pressurizer power operated relief valve

position indication unreliability, main steam line isolation valves failure to fully close, and

control rod drive #2 housing leakage. The emergent issues were addressed in a

deliberate manner and the plant was manipulated in a conservative manner with a

positive focus on safety. (Section 01.1)

An operator work around was created by the inoperable pressurizer power operated

relief valve position indication lights. The work around had minimal impact on the

operators and the appropriate contingency actions were established. (Section 01.2)

The action taken by the licensee to place the plant in cold shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in

response to the identified leakage from control rod drive #2 was conservative when

considering Technical Specifications and demonstrated a positive focus on safety.

(Section 01.3)

The licensee effectively promulgated new commitments regarding primary coolant

system leakage by revising procedures and control room data sheets. (Section 03.1)

Control room operator response to a loss of a safeguards transformer event was

effective. A positive questioning attitude and a pro-active initiative were demonstrated

by the operating crew and outage management regarding briefing the potential for a

loss of off-site electrical power because of ongoing activities for the plant conditions that

existed. This was considered as a positive attribute regarding operator performance

and contributed to the crew's exemplary performance while responding to a loss of the

safeguards transformer.- (Section 04.2)

A number of operator errors and operational problems occurred due to a lack of

consistent comprehensive pre-evolution briefings, and a lack of rigor regarding attention

to detail by the operators while performing assigned duties. Operator performance

deficiencies contributed to the cooling tower basin being overfilled twice, two instances

where primary coolant system pressure exceeded procedural limits, and not recognizing

------ -----------Technical-Specificationrequirementswhen-the-main steam isolation-valves-did not-go- -- -----

fully closed. In addition, an operator's failure to conduct self-checking activities while

manipulating equipment was a concern in that it directly resulted in placing a safety-

related system in a configuration that was contrary to procedural requirements which

was a Non-Cited Violation. (Section 04.5)




Outage planning and scheduling personnel addressed the emergent issues in a

deliberate manner which demonstrated a positive focus on safety. Also, a positive *focus

on safety was demonstrated by having a shift outage manager stationed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from

the time the forced outage commenced until the plant was returned to full power.

(Section M1 .1)

The licensee missed an opportunity to identify the leak at the reactor coolant pump

P-50A cover to casing joint during the June 1998, system pressure test, which indicated

a lack of rigor in the conduct of this testing. Further, the licensee had failed to submit a

structural evaluation on the degraded pump joint to the NRC which was a violation of

regulatory requirements and demonstrated a poor understanding of the applicable Code

requirements. (Section M1 .2)


Engineering personnel conducted thorough testing and performed an in-depth analysis

regarding the failure of the main steam isolation valves to close which was determined

to be a maintenance preventable functional failure. lnoperability of the main steam

isolation valves from May 29, 1998, until the condition was corrected on December 19,

1998, was a Non-Cited Violation. (Section E2)

Engineering personnel conducted extensive testing on the pressurizer power operated

relief valves and provided a thorough operability recommendation to operations.

However, an operator work around was created in that the position indication lights

remained inoperable pending required repairs prior to plant start-up following the next

time the plant is in cold shutdown. (Section E2)

System engineering personnel demonstrated a positive questioning attitude during the

outage that contributed to identifying that the primary coolant pumps' oil collection

system did not meet regulatory requirements. However, engineering personnel missed

an earlier opportunity to identify the deficiency during an engineering analysis that was

conducted in the early 1990's. The inadequate primary coolant pumps' oil collection

system was a Non-Cited Violation. (Section E4)

Plant Support

Effective dose management was demonstrated during the outage. Also, flush of the

shutdown cooling heat exchangers, a first time evolution, demonstrated a positive pro-

active initiative to reduce radiation dose rates in plant areas that were routinely toured

by plant personnel, the safeguards rooms. (Section R 1.1)

  • --------------- --- *-----*--- *------------------- -


Report Details

Unless otherwise stated, "Coden as discussed herein, refers to the 1989 Edition no Addenda of

Section XI, of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code.

Summary of Plant Status

The plant was at full power at the beginning of the inspection period. On December 13, 1998,

the plant was placed in hot standby to investigate a lowering level in the upper oil reservoir on

Primary Coolant Pump P-50D. An oil leak was confirmed and the plant was subsequently

placed in cold shutdown on December 15, 1998. The forced outage was scheduled for

6.5 days to complete the primary coolant pump repairs as well as to replace the seals on

Control Rod Drive #36 that had elevated leakage. The plant was returned to hot shutdown on

December 26, 1998; however, a leak on Control Rod Drive #2 seal housing was identified and

the plant was again placed in cold shutdown to conduct repairs. The Control Rod Drive #2 seal

housing leak as well as several other emergent equipment problems extended the forced

outage to a total of 25 days. The reactor was subsequently taken critical on January 7, 1999,

and the plant was synchronized to the grid on January 8, 1999. Power escalation to full power

was completed on January 10, 1999, where the plant remained during the inspection period.

I. Operations

  • 01

. Conduct of Operations


General Comments (71707)

Forced Outage 985004 was commenced on December 13, 1998, due to the oil leak on

Primary Coolant Pump P-50D and was scheduled for 6.5 days. Control Rod Drive #36

seals were also scheduled to be replaced due to elevated leakage. The following

equipment problems emerged during the outage which challenged plant operations ..

Main steam isolation valves (MSIVs) failed to close fully during the plant


Position indication lights on the pressurizer power operated relief valves

(PORVs) appeared unreliable and extensive testing was conducted.

A casing leak on Primary Coolant Pump P-50A caused degradation of two bolts

on the pump casing. *

Safeguards transformer load tap changer failed that resulted in a momentary

loss of the safety-related electrical busses.

-- - -


~---Aleakwas Tden-tifrecionControl Rod Drive Mechanism #2 seal housing and the

plant had to be placed in cold shutdown a second time to conduct the repairs.



Elevated leakage from Primary Coolant Pump P-SOA pump seals was observed

during plant heat-up and the seals were subsequently replaced.

In response to these emergent issues, the plant was manipulated in a conservative

manner with a focus on safety as evidenced by: 1) safeguards transformer repair

activities in the switchyard were delayed until the plant was placed in a more stable

condition regarding pressure control; and 2) operations management self-imposed a

time limit of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to reach cold shutdown following identification of suspected

primary coolant pressure boundary leakage on Control Rod Drive #2 seal housing.

Also, plant management addressed all of the emergent issues in a deliberate manner

and consulted with safety assessment personnel to utilize risk assessment information

in their decisions when appropriate. For example, risk assessment information

regarding the systems that would be available for core cooling during a postulated loss

of all electrical power was utilized in the decision to conduct troubleshooting on the

safeguards transformer while in hot shutdown vice cold shutdown.

A positive focus on safety was also demonstrated by having reactor engineering

personnel onsite continuously during the plant startup and subsequent power escalation

to full power. Reactor engineering personnel periodically performed surveillances to

monitor reactor core parameters and immediately provided the operators information

regarding any power limits.

The inspectors concluded that, during the forced outage, all of the emergent issues

were addressed in a deliberate manner and that the plant was manipulated in a

conservative manner with a positive focus on safety.


Pressurizer PORV Inoperable Position Indication


Inspection Scope (71707)

During the December 1998 forced outage, the licensee experienced problems with the

reliability of the PORV position indication lights. The technical resolution of this issue is

discussed in Section E2.2 of this report.

The inspectors reviewed the applicable Technical Specifications (TSs), the Updated

Safety Analysis Report, established contingency actions, and discussed the issue with

operations management.


Observations and Findings

Technical Specification 3.17.6 required a minimum of one operable channel of position

indication per PORV. The inspectors verified that the temperature monitoring in the tale

pipe and the acoustic monitoring system were both operable for each PORV.

  • .

Therefore, the requirements of TSs were_!'D_~t J:l9W~ver.Jhe_inoperable.position--* --- -----* -

indication-ligntsintfie controTroom created an operator work around.

The PORV block valves are normally closed to isolate the PORVs during operations at .

power because credit was not taken for operation of the PORVs in the plant transient



accident safety analysis. Therefore, inoperable PORV position indication, while at

power, had minimal impact on the operators.

The PORVs were designed to protect the primary coolant system from overpressure

during abnormal transients associated with low temperature (less than 430°F), water

solid system operations. The PORVs were also required to function for a "feed and

bleed" evolution as a contingency action to cool the primary coolant system during an

emergency shutdown if needed. Alternate position indication was available to the

operators if the PORVs had to be utilized for these functions.

The following contingency actions were established: 1) caution tags were hung on the

PORV handswitches in the control room to remind the operators that the position

indication lights were unreliable; 2) each crew was briefed regarding this condition and

the need to use alternate indications to determine PORV position if needed; and

3) operator's continuing training would reinforce the use of alternate indications. The

inspectors considered the contingency actions as appropriate.



The inspectors concluded that the operator work around created by the inoperable

pressurize PORV position indication lights had minimal impact and that appropriate

contingency actions were established.


Control Rod Drive Mechanism #2 Seal Housing Leakage


Inspection Scope (71707. 37551)

The inspectors reviewed applicable condition reports and the associated operability

recommendations: Also, the inspectors reviewed the event notification worksheet.


Observations and Findings

On December 26, 1998, with the plant in hot shutdown, system engineering personnel

identified minor leakage in the autoclave area of Control Rod Drive #2 during a primary

coolant system pressure test. The boric acid residue was cleaned from the area in an

attempt to identify the source of the leak. The area was observed to be wet on a

subsequent walkdown and the autoclave studs were re-torqued with no apparent affect

on the indicated leakage.

The source of the leak could not be definitively determined while in hot shutdown and

the leakage was very minor; however, a build-up of boric acid indicated that the leak had

been active for some time. System engineering personnel suspected that it was primary

coolant system pressure boundary leakage. Consequently, the control rod drive

mech_~_lli.§m.h.o_i.Jsing_hadJo_be removed to-positively-determine-the source of the leak:- -----------

Therefore, the plant was returned to cold shutdown on December 28, 1998, to conduct

the repairs. This condition was appropriately reported to NRC in accordance_ with

1 O CFR 50. 72. Investigations while in cold shutdown revealed that the leak was from

the control rod drive seal housing which was subsequently replaced.


  • .


The inspectors noted that operations personnel imposed a time limit of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to

reach cold shutdown for the leak. Technical Specification 3.1.5, "Primary Coolant

System Leakage Limits,* required the plant to be in cold shutdown in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> if

identified primary coolant system leakage exceeded 1 O gpm or if unidentified primary

coolant system leakage exceeded 1 gpm. The leakage from Control Rod Drive #2 was

much less than 1 gpm and TSs did not address pressure boundary leakage. Therefore,

the action that was taken to place the plant in cold shutdown in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> was

conservative when considering TSs and demonstrated a positive focus on safety.


The inspectors concluded that the action taken to place the plant in cold shutdown within

24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in response to the identified leakage from Control Rod Drive #2 was

conservative when considering TSs and demonstrated a positive focus on safety.


Operations Procedures and Documentation


Primary Coolant System Leakage Monitoring Commitment (71707)

The inspectors reviewed the revisions that were made to General Operating

Procedure (GOP) -13, "Primary Coolant System Leakage Calculation," Revision 12, to

address a licensee commitment (see Section M1 .2 of this report for details) regarding

primary coolant system leakage. The inspectors noted that the procedure was revised

to provide the three action levels discussed in the relief request including: 1) 0.2 gpm

rise in containment sump level; 2) 0.3 gpm calculated total unidentified primary coolant

system leakage; and 3) 0.5 gpm calculated total unidentified primary coolant system

leakage. The action steps associated with the various action levels provided adequate

procedural guidance to address the commitment requirements.

Also, the inspectors noted that the control room data sheet (hourly) was revised in that a

note was added that highlighted the commitment regarding containment sump

monitoring. The inspectors concluded that the revisions to GOP-13 and the control

room data sheet (hourly) provided adequate procedural guidance to address the

licensee's commitment regarding primary coolant system leakage.


Operator Knowledge and Performance


-inspection s*cope (71707) *.*

The inspectors observed the controi room operators response to the loss of the

safeguards transformer as well as portions of the plant shutdown and subsequent plant

startup activities. In addition, the inspectors reviewed applicable condition reports, TSs,

and questioned operators regarding various evolutions.

---- ----

~--- --- -- -~ -- --* -------- ------------- -------- -----



Observations and Findings


General Comments

In general, operator performance during the forced outage was characterized by the

effective control of plant activities. The operators were challenged by the equipment

reliability problems that required entries into cold shutdown on two separate occasions.

Procedure adherence and self checking were effectively demonstrated during the plant

startup and plant shutdown activities. Reactivity manipulations were performed in a

deliberate and controlled manner with appropriate oversight from the control room



Operator Response to Safeguards Transformer Failure

A positive attribute regarding operator performance was identified this inspection period

during the loss of the safeguards transformer event. The safeguards transformer

normally supplies power to the safety-related electrical busses. The voltage control

system on the safeguards transformer failed in that contacts were sticking on the motor

that moved the tap changer to automatically adjust transformer voltage. The sticking

contacts caused the tap changer motor to decrease transformer output voltage to the

minimum setting and therefore reduced voltage on the safety-related busses.

Consequently, the supply breakers to the safety-related busses from the transformer

opened on undervoltage that resulted in a momentary loss of both safety-related

electrical busses. Both emergency diesel generators started and their output breakers

closed to supply power to the safety-related busses. Subsequently, all safety-related

components were started by the shutdown sequencer and were powered by the

emergency diesel generators. All plant systems operated as designed following the


During the event, the primary coolant system was in a "solid" condition which challenged

the operators response because slight changes in system temperature and flow could

result in significant changes in system pressure. The operators responded to and

mitigated the event in an effective manner. Primary coolant system pressure was

effectively controlled to preclude exceeding any pressure limits associated with primary

coolant pump operations and any low temperature overpressure protection system

limits. Crew communications and senior reactor operator command and control were

effective. In addition, the cre_w correctly diagnosed the eventin a timely manner. - -

Shift outage management reminded the crews' shift supervisor, prior to start of the shift,

of the ongoing electrical system activities in the switchyard and that these activities

increased the potential for a loss of off-site electrical power. Based on that reminder,

the shift supervisor directed the crew to review the procedures and also held

discussions regarding contingency actions for a loss of off-site power. Consequently,

___________ _J_t:l~cre.w.was __ p(epared to_respondand effectively,.m itigated-the-transient with-various------

-- ------

plant systems in off-normal configurations. This demonstrated a positive questioning

attitude and a pro-active initiative by the operating crew and outage management that

contribut~d to the crews effectiveness in responding to the event.



Operator Error Because of Failure To Perform Self-Check

Standard Operating Procedure - 16, "Component Cooling Water System," General

Requirement 7.3~1.b, required two component cooling water (CCW) heat exchangers in

service anytime two CCW pumps are running. On December 22, 1998, while securing

shutdown cooling and with two CCW pumps running, an operator isolated CCW to the

"B" CCW heat exchanger instead of securing CCW to the shutdown cooling heat

exchanger. Consequently, the CCW system was placed in a configuration that was

contrary to procedure requirements. The adverse condition existed for approximately

10 minutes. The operators' failure to perform self checking during the evolution

contributed to the incident. Condition Report C-PAL-98-1986 was generated to

document this incident.

The procedure limitations preclude heat exchanger tube wear because of excessive

system flow rates through a single heat exchanger from two operating CCW pumps.

Engineering analysis EA-GAK-98-003 concluded that tube wear would not occur due to

high flows during short term (less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) operation. Therefore, this incident did

not result in adverse safety consequences. Also, there was no evidence of heat

exchanger degradation based on observed system parameters.

The operators failure to conduct self checking was a concern in that it directly resulted in

placing a safety-related system in a configuration that was contrary to procedure

requirements. The inspectors determined, based on discussions with the operations

manager, that failure to perform self checking did not meet management expectations.

Corrective actions included counseling and ongoing coaching of the individual operator

and all of the operating crews were briefed by operations management regarding this

incident. Self-checking expectations as well as expectations regarding prioritizing and

controlling activities in the control room were emphasized during the briefings.

Securing one CCW heat exchanger when two CCW pumps were operating placed the

CCW system in a configuration that was contrary to procedure requirements and: is a

Violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, procedures. This non-repetitive, *

licensee-identified and corrected violation is being treated as a Non-Cited Violation,

consistent with Section Vll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy

(50-255/98022-01 (DRP)).


Failure to Follow Surveillance Procedure

Technical Specification Surveillance Procedure Rl-47, "Rod Withdrawal Prohibit

Interlock Matrix Check," was being performed in preparation for plant startup on

December 27, 1998. Procedure Rl-47, Step 5.5.1, required that operations bypass

reactor protection channel "A" variable high power and thermal margin low pressure

trips. Also, the procedure required that the instrument and control technician

  • - _____ ---- --------independently-verify-completion-of the-step *. -The procedure-required-signatures-,- upon-- -----

step completion, from the individuals who performed and verified the step. The

inspectors noted that both the "performed by" and the "verified by" blocks contained



However, during performance of Rl-47, Step 5.7.7, removal of bypasses installed during

Step 5.5.1, a second operator identified that the bypass key had not been installed for

the thermal margin low pressure trip. Consequently, the appropriate trips were not

bypassed as required by the procedure. A level 2 Condition Report (C-PAL-98-1997)

was generated to document this incident. A root cause evaluation was required for the

condition report.

The licensee's root cause evaluation for the incident was in progress and had not been

completed. Therefore, this item is being opened pending further review of the licensee's

root cause investigation and corrective actions (EEi 50-255/98022-02). The apparent

failure to follow procedures and apparent failure to conduct an independent verification

was a concern.


Operator Performance Deficiencies

Several operator performance deficiencies occurred during the outage that detracted

from the overall positive performance that was demonstrated during the plant shutdown

and the subsequent startup. The performance deficiencies included:

The cooling tower basin overflowed twice during the outage while performing

evolutions to change cooling tower system flow paths. Procedure weaknesses,

as well as an inadequate pre-evolution brief, contributed to the first incident. The

second overflow resulted because the level instrument that provided indication in

the control room was inoperable because it was frozen and the level was not

monitored long enough locally to preclude the incident. Non-conservative

decision making by shift management contributed to the second incident.

Consequently, water flooded two buildings (3 to 6 inches of standing water on

floor), and the surrounding area; that were utilized for storage of radioactive

waste during both incidents. Condition Reports C-PAL-98-1943 and

C-PAL-98-1957 were generated to document the incidents. Subsequent

evaluations regarding the radiological aspects of the incidents determined that

there was no release of radioactivity outside of the protected area and, therefore,

no threat to public health and safety.

The control room operators failed to recognize applicable TS requirements

following the failure of the MSIVs to fully close (see Section E2.1 of this report for

details). Technical Specification 3.5.1.f required the MSIVs to be capable of

closing in 5 seconds or less under no-flow conditions. The MSIVs did close,

based on control room indication, within 5 seconds when the operators closed

them during the plant shutdown on December 14, 1998; therefore, the operators

considered the valves operable. However, they did not go fully closed as was

discovered on December 15, 1998, by local valve position verification. A

cooldown to place the plant in cold shutdown was in progress when the MSIVs

were-discovered-partially-open. -- - ** -----*- ---- - - -- ----- ------ --

After the MSIVs were discovered partially open the operators referenced

TS 3.5.1.f but failed to recognize that the MSIVs were not operable in that they

did not go fully closed. Consequently, TS 3.5.3, required the plant to be placed


in cold shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Technical Specification 3.5.3 requirements

were fortuitously met in that the plant was placed in a cold shutdown condition

within the required time limit.

Operators demonstrated difficulties in controlling primary coolant system

pressure during solid plant operations on two separate instances. In one

instance, primary coolant system pressure momentarily exceeded a procedural

limit. Standard Operating Procedure-3, "Safety Injection and Shutdown Cooling*

System, n Step 5.1.3, required that primary coolant system not exceed 270 psia

with the shutdown cooling system in service. Primary coolant system pressure

momentarily (less than a minute) reached 274 psia while securing shutdown

cooling on December 21, 1998, before the operators terminated the pressure


In the second incident, primary coolant system pressure momentarily

(1.5 minutes) decreased below the procedure limit for primary coolant pump

operations. This incident occurred when the operators were securing one of the

two operating charging pumps on December 16, 1998. The procedure limit was

based on sustained primary coolant pump operations and therefore decreasing

below the limit for 1.5 minutes had no adverse safety consequences. Also,

pressure was immediately restored. Condition Reports C-PAL-98-1985

and 98-1955 were generated for the incidents.

The inspectors considered both incidents as minor in that no adverse safety

consequences resulted. However, in discussions with the operators involved,

the inspectors noted that there was an apparent knowledge weakness regarding

system response when securing shutdown cooling while the primary coolant

system was solid. Also, in one instance, the pre-evolution brief did not address

contingency actions if the expected response was not observed. Consequently,

the control room supervisor did not identify specific contingency actions to

mitigate the unexpected response. In addition, the inspectors noted that ."just in

timen training (training prior to performance of the evolution) was not conducted

for solid plant operations during the forced outage. Training on solid plant .

operations was normally conducted for scheduled outages but not for forced

outages. The lack of "just in timen training on solid plant operations during the

forced outage contributed to the performance deficiencies.

An auxiliary operator identified an inoperable nitrogen station on December 24,

1998, when the plant was in a condition that required the nitrogen station to be

operable. Condition Report 98-1993 was generated for this instance. The

inspectors considered this incident as minor in that no adverse safety

consequences occurred and, fortuitously, the nitrogen station was returned to an

operable status prior to exceeding any administrative (standing orders) TS limits.

However, the-incident demonstrated-a-lack-of rigor-regarding-attention-to-detail------

by the auxiliary operators in that operator checklists that were applicable when

shutdown cooling was in service were being utilized after shutdown cooling was

secured. Also, none of the operations checklists verified that the nitrogen station

was operable prior to going above 300°F.



  • .


On January 4, 1999, control room operators attempted to start Primary Coolant

Pump P-508 for post maintenance testing and the pump failed to start.

Subsequent investigation revealed that the pump's supply breaker was not

  • racked in properly. Condition Report C-PAL-98-0015 was initiated. The pump

was started successfully after the breaker was racked in properly. The operators

failure to rack in the breaker properly demonstrated a lack of rigor regarding

attention to detail during performance of assigned duties.

The operator performance deficiencies described above were individually considered of

minor safety consequence. However, collectively they indicated that continued

management attention regarding operations procedure adherence and the rigor applied

regarding attention to detail by the operators while performing assigned duties was

warranted. At the exit meeting for this inspection, the licensee management staff stated

that they recognized these concerns and that action will be taken to assess and address

the causes for the inconsistent performance by operations staffs.

Conclusions Regarding Operator Performance

The inspectors concluded that, in general, operator performance during the forced

outage was effective overall. A positive questioning attitude and a pro-active initiative

were demonstrated by the operating crew and outage management regarding the

potential consequences for a loss of off-site electrical power because of ongoing

activities for the plant conditions that existed. This was considered as a positive

attribute regarding operator performance and contributed to the crew's effectiveness in

responding to a loss of the safeguards transformer event.

  • The inspectors also concluded that continued management attention regarding the rigor

applied regarding attention to detail by the operators while performing assigned duties

was warranted. This was evidenced by the occurrence of a number of operator

performance deficiencies during the outage. An operators' failure to effectively conduct

self-checking activities while manipulating equipment was a concern in that it directly

resulted in placing a safety-related system in a configuration that was contrary to

procedural requirements which was considered a Non-Cited Violation.


Miscellaneous Operations Issues


{Closed Licensee Event Report CLER) 50-255/98-007: High Pressure Safety Injection -

System lnoperability. This event was discussed in detail in Inspection

Report 50-255/98007. A violation (EA 98-433) was subsequently issued in a letter from

the NRC to the licensee dated December 11, 1998. No new issues were revealed by

this LER. This item is closed.



--- ----*--------------------- ---- ---



II. Maintenance


Conduct of Maintenance

M1 .1

General Comments (61726 and 62707)

Portions of the following maintenance work orders and surveillance activities were

observed or reviewed by the inspectors:

Work Order No:

24814631, Primary Coolant Pump P-500 Oil Leaks

24814836, Power Operated Relief Valves

24814837, Power Operated Relief Valves

24814680, MSIV CV-0510

24813733, MSIV CV-0501

Surveillance No:

Q0-1, "Safety Injection System"

DWT-12, "Monitoring Reactor Parameters"

R0-22, "Control Rod Drop Times"

RIA-115, "Power Operated Relief Valves"

Q0-37, "Main Steam Isolation and Bypass Valve Testing"

Several emergent equipment problems challenged the maintenance organization.

Maintenance was effectively completed in a timely manner. Outage planning and

scheduling personnel addressed the emergent issues in a deliberate manner which

demonstrated a positive focus on safety. Also, a positive focus on safety was *

demonstrated by having a shift outage manager stationed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the

forced outage commenced until the plant was returned to full power. The shift outage

manager provided timely support for emergent issues which reduced the burden on the

control room shift supervisor.

The work packages reviewed were well documented. Scheduled activities for the forced _____ _

outage_effectively_ repaired-known-equipment-problems *that had the potenfiallo ___ _

challenge plant operations (i.e., control rod drive #36 seals; boric acid heat tracing on

the gravity feed lines to the safety injection and refueling water storage tank). Based on

inspector observations, maintenance activities were planned and performed effectively

in accordance with procedural guidance .


M1 .2

Missed Opportunity to Identify Primary Coolant Pump P-50A Leakage


Inspection Scope (73753)

The inspectors reviewed licensee activities related to the identified leakage from Primary

Coolant Pump P-50A.

The inspectors reviewed the following documents_: letter from N. Haskell to the NRC

. "lnservice Inspection Program-Submittal of Relief Request No. RR-13 For NRC

Approval," dated December 20, 1998, EA-C-PAL-98-1067-01 "P-50A Case to Cover

Stud Evaluation," dated May 23, 1998; EA-C-PAL-98-1939-01 "Evaluation of Corrosion

on Studs Between Casing and Cover of Pump P-50A," dated December 19, 1998.


Observations and Findings

During an NRC inspection conducted in May, 1998, an NRC inspector observed

corrosion and wastage of a 2-inch component cooling water supply line flange to the

Reactor Coolant Pump P-50A (IR 50-255/98006). At that time, the licensee believed

that this condition and the nearby corrosion of two 4.5 inch nominal diameter ASME

Code Class 1 (Category B-G-1) pump case to cover bolts was caused by the leakage

from the mechanieal shaft seal on the pump. The 16 pump case to cover studs in each

of the four reactor coolant pumps were inspected and only the two studs in the

P-50A pump had significant wastage. The diameter of these studs had been reduced to

3.97 inches and 3.92 inches .. The licensee performed an analysis,

EA-C-PAL-98-1067-01, "P-50A Case to Cover Stud Evaluation," to accept the affected

pump casing joint for continued service.

However, the licensee failed to follow the requirements in Article IWB-3134(b) of

Section XI of the ASME Code which required the analytical evaluation (pursuant to

Article IWB-3142.4 requirements) used to accept the pump bolts for continued service,

to be submitted to the regulatory authority having jurisdiction at the plant site. As of

December 18, 1998, ttie licensee failed to submit the analysis EA-C-PAL-98-1067-01 to

.the NRC as required by Article IWB-3134(b) which is a violation of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4)

(50-2S5/98022-03(DRP)). The failure to submit this analysis to the NRC demonstrated

poor understanding of the applicable Code requirements.

On December 15, 1998, during a forced outage, the licensee identified a fine spray of

water from the P-50A pump cover to casing joint impinging on the previously identified

degraded studs. The licensee identified that the degraded studs had been further

reduced in cross section to 3.77 inches and 3.81 inches by the ongoing leakage and

boric acid attack. This leakage had not been previously identified during the system

pressure test and the Code VT-2 inspection performed in June 1998 during the outage.

The failure to identify this leakage during the June system pressure test, indicated a lac~ _______ _

---of-rigor-in-the-conduct-ofthe system- pressure* teisting. -The-licensee-performe"cran ---

additional structural analysis EA-C-PAL-98-1939-01 "Evaluation of Corrosion on Studs

Between Casing and Cover of Pump P-50A" to accept the degraded studs for continued

service. Following discussions with NRC inspectors, the licensee subsequently


submitted this evaluation to the NRC on December 20, 1998, to comply with

Article IWB-3134(b) requirements.

Article IWA-5250 of Section XI of theASME Code required disassembly of the leaking

joint to inspect and evaluate the bolting. However, the licensee considered the

disassembly of this pump casing joint to impose a hardship caused by the required plant

conditions to perform the work (reduced inventory configuration) which impacted the

forced outage schedule and increased outage radiation dose. On December 18, 1998,

the licensee discussed their plans to return to power operation with degraded pump

bolts on Pump P-50A, with the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. On December 20,

1998, the licensee submitted a Code Relief Request No. RR-13 which requested

deferral of the repair to the leaking P-50A pump joint untilthe 1999 refueling outage

based on a structural evaluation, compensatory actions in place, and the dose

consequence to immediately comply with Code requirements. The relief request was

granted on December 21, 1998, following review by NRC technical experts.

The licensee, as documented in Relief Request No. RR-13, established seven new

commitments that will be in effect until the end of the 1999 refueling outage. The

commitments included:

A visual inspection of the pump flange area will be conducted for each forced

shutdown prior to the 1999 refueling outage which required the plant to be in hot

shutdown or below.

Ultrasonic testing inspections of the degraded studs will be performed. for each

forced shutdown requiring the plant to be in cold shutdown.

The degraded bolting will be replaced: 1) when data indicates degradation will

exceed the limits established by analysis; and 2) no later than the next refueling

outage scheduled to begin in October 1999.

Primary coolant system leakage will be administratively limited to 0.5 gpm versus

the 1.0 gpm that was allowed by TS 3.1.5.a.

With the plant at steady state power operations, if a primary coolant system leak

rate calculation indicated an unidentified leak rate in excess of 0.3 gpm, or the

containment sump level trend indicated by the Plant Process Computer-indicated--

a change in unidentified sump in-leakage rate in excess of 0.2 gpm, then a

confirmatory leak rate calculation will be performed as soon as possible.

The licensee's actions to implement these new commitments are discussed in

Section 03.1 of this report.


Conclusions ___ ----------------------------------- -- -----------------------

The licensee had missed an opportunity to identify the leak at the Reactor Coolant

Pump P-50A cover to casing joint during the June 1998 system pressure test which

indicated a lack of rigor in the conduct of this testing. Further, the licensee had failed to


submit a structural evaluation on the degraded pump joint to the NRC which was a

violation of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) and demonstrated a poor understanding of the

applicable Code requirements.

Ill. Engineering


Engineering Support of Facilities and Equipment


Failure of MSIVs To Fully Close During Plant Shutdown


Inspection Scope (37551. 71707. 61726)

The inspectors reviewed licensee actions in response to the failure of the MSIV's to fully

close and applicable control room logs, condition reports, surveillance procedures, and

TSs. Also, the inspectors observed portions of the troubleshooting activities and the

plant review committee meetings, and reviewed the root cause analysis.

b. *

Observations and Findings

The MSIVs (CV-0501 and CV-0510) were closed on December 14, 1998, at 2:00 p.m.

for the plant shutdown. Closed indication was received in the control room and, based

on that indication, the control room operators concluded that the MSIVs were closed.

Local verification was neither r~quired nor conducted at that time.

On December 15, 1998, at 1 :30 a.m., with the MSIV bypass valves and the MISVs all

indicating closed, the control room operators identified that secondary steam pressures

remained approximately equal to steam generator pressures. The MSIV bypass valves

were cycled opened and closed with no apparent change in the system parameters. At

that time, the operators suspected that the MSIVs were not fully closed which was

confirmed by local valve position indication verification. Both MISVs were partially open

(CV-0501 was approximately 7/8 inches from the fully closed position and CV-0510 was

approximately 5/8 inches from the fully closed position). The MSIVs subsequently went

full closed later that day, with no operator action, when steam generator pressures were

less than 600 psia. Condition Report C-PAL-98-1942 was generated to document the


The MSIVs were swing check valves that would "fall" into the process steam flow when

the air used to open the valves was vented off below the actuator piston. The

combination of the weight of the valve disc, spring pressure above the actuator piston,

and process steam flow would close the valves.

System engineering personnel conducted rigorous testing of the MISVs with the plant in

  • ----cold-shutdown-and also-consulted*with*the*vendor. -r>uring the-testin-g~th*e-valves-were*-----

instrumented to show actuator cylinder air pressures and valve position in degrees of

rotation. The actuator cylinder air pressure indicated that a relatively low cylinder air

pressure was reached before the valves started to close and that a relatively high

cylinder air pressure was needed to get the valves to start to open. Based on these


results, system engineering personnel determined that the valves were sticking and, as

a corrective action, they reduced the torque on the valve stem packing glands.

Subsequently, system engineering personnel concluded that a slight vacuum was being

developed on the spring side (atmospheric side) of the actuator cylinder during the

closing cycle when using both vent paths simultaneously. Two independent vent paths

were available for each MSIV via redundant solenoids. System engineering personnel

determined that the vent on the spring side of the actuator was not large enough to

allow air to enter the actuator as fast as air was being vented from the piston side. An

Engineering Analysis (EAR-98-750) was completed prior to increasing the actuator

atmospheric vent size. Specifically the existing vent plug that had a 1/4 inch drilled hole

in it was removed which effectively increased the actuator vent size to 3/4 inches.

Further investigation revealed that the 1/4 inch vent plug was installed for debris control

during factory testing following actuator refurbishment in the 1980's and was not

intended to remain installed.

The inspectors questioned engineering personnel regarding past performance of the

MSIVs. System engineering personnel indicated that the valve stem packing method

and material was changed during the 1998 refueling outage in an effort to reduce valve

stem packing leaks. The new method .consolidated the packing during installation in

that each packing ring was torqued individually vice applying the torque only once. to the

entire packing gland after all of the packing was installed. Specifically, the new method

applied 40 foot pounds of torque to each of the inner packing rings after they were

installed and then 58 foot pounds of torque was applied after the outer packing ring was

installed. The new packing method was successful in reducing the valve stem leakage;

however, the increased friction on the packing apparently contributed to the valves

failure to close.

On May 20, 1998, following repacking using the new method and material, the MSIVs

were stroked satisfactorily and, therefore, met the requirements of TSs. However, due

to leakage, the torque on one of the packing glands for MSIV CV-0501 was increased

to 100 foot pounds on June 10, 1998, with the. plant in hot shutdown following the 1998

refueling outage. Valve CV-0501 was subsequently stroked satisfactorily, based on

control room indication, in accordance with special test T-377, "Main Steam Isolation

Valve Hot Shutdown Packing Adjustment Stroke Time Test." However, local valve

position verification was neither required nor performed. Consequently, it could not be

definitively concluded that CV-0510 went full closed.

Both MSIVs failed to fully close during this outage but only CV-0501 had packing

adjustments performed following the 1998 refueling outage. Therefore, the packing

adjustment apparently was not the only cause of the subsequent failures. Also, system

engineering personnel discussions with the vendor revealed that changes in the packing

characteristics during the power run were unlikely; however, changes in MSIV

--:-- -- -- -------dimensiorra1-configuratiorfana/or-packin-(flcfaaingcouffnofoe rulec:fo-ut: -


The inspectors considered the analysis that was performed by system engineering

personnel as rigorous. However, system engineering personnel did not .determine the

exact failure mechanism. They concluded that the most likely cause for the failure was


that the 58 foot pounds that was applied to the outer packing ring eventually equalized

the consolidation on all of the packing rings during the extended power run that

increased the packing friction on the valve stem. Consequently, the increased friction

stopped the MSIVs from going full closed after the valve disc lost momentum in the

closed direction because of the partial vacuum that was created in the actuator.

Technical Specification 3.5.1.f required that the MSIVs be capable of going closed within

5 seconds under no flow conditions. System engineering was not able to precisely

predicl when packing friction increased to the point that precluded full closure of the

MSIVs under no flow conditions. Therefore, the licensee assumed that the valves would

not have satisfied the requirements of TS 3.5.1.f from the last time it was demonstrated

that the MSIVs would go full closed under no flow conditions on May 29, 1998, until the

condition was corrected on December 19, 1998.

The licensee's corrective actions, as documented in the evaluation of Condition

Report C-PAL-98-1942, were considered thorough. The corrective actions that have

been completed included: 1) removal of the vent plugs that increased the size of the

actuator atmospheric side vent to preclude the partial vacuum in the actuator when

closing the MSIVs; and 2) reduced the packing torque on the MSIVs until consistent

travel to the full closed seat was demonstrated. System engineering personnel also

identified that inadequate test methods and test procedures contributed to the failure.

The planned corrective actions included appropriate revisions to the applicable testing

procedures and methods.

Failure of the MSIVs to be capable of being fully closed under no flow conditions while

  • the plant was above 300°F is a violation of TS 3.5.1.f. This non-repetitive, licensee-

identified and corrected violation is being treated as a Non-Cited Violation,

(50-255/98022-04(DRP)) consistent with Section Vll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement


The MSIVs were subseq\\,Jently tested satisfactorily on December 19, 1998, and

therefore, were in compliance with TS requirements. Also, the licensee concluded that

the MSIVs were functional at all times in that they would have closed to perform their

containment isolation safety function under accident conditions because of the amount

of differential pressure that would be present across the valves. Therefore, the potential

adverse safety consequences were minimal.

In addition, the inspectors noted that system engineering personnel appropriately

evaluated the failure of the MSIVs in accordance with the maintenance rule and

determined that the failure was a maintenance preventable functional failure. The

evaluation was considered rigorous.

---- ------ ~

- - --- --- -- -- ---



Pressurizer PORV Inoperable Position Indication Lights


Inspection Scope (37551. 71707)


The inspectors reviewed the circumstances related to .the problems identified with PORV

position indicating lights. The operational impact of the PORV indication problems are

discussed in Section 01.2 of this report.

The inspectors reviewed applicable control room logs, condition reports, TSs, and

surveillance procedures. Also, the inspectors reviewed the root cause analysis and the

Updated Final Safety Analysis Report.

Observations and Findings

On December 14, 1998, pressurizer PORV-10438 was stroked open by control room

operators in preparation for establishing low temperature overpressure protection during

the start of the forced outage. The open indication (red light) did not illuminate.

Condition Report 98-1937 was generated to document the deficiency. Subsequent

troubleshooting identified that a bracket was loose on the position indication limit

switches. The bracket was tightened and the valve was subsequently stroked

satisfactorily. Similar problems regarding PORV position indication occurred during the

outage on December 27 and December 28, 1998. The position indication was repaired

following each instance.

Subsequently, on January 5, 1999, the PORVs were stroked for post maintenance

testing. The inspectors considered the post maintenance testing thorough in that it

opened the valves in a "cold" condition (room temperature with no process steam flow in

the line between the block valve and the PORV) and also required the valves to be

opened "hot" (process steam in the line between the block valve and the PORV to allow

the PORV to heat up). The testing was designed to recreate the conditions that existed

when the valve position indication lights first failed on December 14, 1998.

When the PO RVs were opened "cold,* the position indication worked as designed for

both valves. Subsequently, the PORV block valves were opened, one at a time, to heat

up the line to the PORVs. When the PORVs were stroked following the heat-up,

PORV 10428 indicated intermediate (red and green light out) and PORV 10438

indicated closed (green light on, red light out) with no apparent change in valve position.

When both valves were stroked approximately 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> later, PORV 10428 indication

worked as designed and PORV 10438 again indicated closed with no apparent change

in valve position. However, quench tank pressure and level both increased when the

PORVs were stroked which confirmed that the valves actually opened. Condition

Report C-PAL-99-0020 was generated to document this deficiency and both PORVs

were declared inoperable on January 5, 1999, for troubleshooting.

---~--- *----- ----

---- ---- --- .. --- ------ -----


System engineering conducted extensive testing on the PORVs and also consulted with

the vendor. The testing revealed inconsistent position indication (red/green lights in

control room) results and therefore, the position indication switches were declared

inoperable for both PORVs pending further repairs. The inoperable position indication


  • .

lights in the control room created an operator work around that had minimal impact on

the operators. Technical Specification 3.17.6 required that the failed position indication

be repaired prior to the next startup from cold shutdown.

Operability of the PORVs was also questioned because of the inconsistent position

indication results. System engineering analyzed the test data and recommended that

the PORVs be declared operable. The following reasons were included in the

operability determination:

Non-intrusive acoustic monitoring results indicated that the valves fully stroked

under both hot and cold conditions.

Free valve travel to the full open and closed positions was apparent with

differential pressure across the valve.

Wavebook diagnostic equipment that monitored the PORV audio monitor, open

and closed limit switches, and voltage and current to the solenoid .was utilized

during hot cycling. The information obtained showed indications of fluttering (full

closed to full open) which correlated well to the audio signatures and quench

tank pressure change, and therefore indicated flow through the valves.

There was some evidence that valve 10438 ended in an intermediate position

(not full open) when cycled hot with no differential pressure across the valve.

However, based on discussions with the vendor representative and all diagnostic

results, it was concluded that the valve would fully open with the system


The inspectors noted the PORV block valves are closed to isolate the PORVs during

normal operations at power because credit was not taken for operation of the PO RVs. in

the plant transient accident safety analysis. The PORVs were designed to protect the

primary coolant system from overpressure during abnormal transients associated with

low temperature (less than 430°F), water solid system operations. The PORVs would

also be required to function for a "feed and bleedn evolution as a contingency action to

cool the primary coolant system during an emergency shutdown. The inspectors

considered the operability recommendation that was developed by system engineering

personnel as thorough in that it addressed the various design functions of the PORVs:

The PORVs were.declared operable on January 6, 1999.


Conclusions Regarding Engineering Support of Facilities and Equipment

The inspectors concluded that engineering personnel conducted thorough testing and

performed an in depth analysis regarding the failure of the MS IVs to close which was

determined to be a maintenance preventable functional failure. lnoperability of the

  • ----- __ . __________ MSIVsJrom-May-29,-1998,--until the~condition-was-corrected-on-Becember-19;--1998~

was a Non-Cited Violation.

Engineering personnel conducted extensive testing on the pressurize PORVs and

provided a thorough operability recommendation to operations. However, an operator






work around was created in that the PORV position indication lights remained

inoperable pending required repairs prior to plant start-up following the next time the

plant is in cold shutdown.

Engineering Staff Knowledge and Performance

Inadequate Primary Coolant Pump Oil Collection System

Inspection Scope (37551)

The inspectors reviewed various phases of Primary Coolant Pump P-50D oil leak

repairs, applicable condition reports, and Design Basis Document 2.04, "Primary

Coolant System."


Observations and Findings

On December 17, 1998, system engineering personnel identified that the primary

coolant pump's oil collection system was inadequate. Appendix R, Section 111.0, of

10 CFR Part 50, required that each primary coolant pump be provided with a lube oil

collection system that was sized to contain the entire lube oil system inventory. The oil

collection tanks associated with the primary coolant pumps were sized based on a

nominal capacity of the upper reservoir of 62 gallons and the lower reservoir of

18 gallons. The collection tank capacity for P-50D, based on tank dimensions, was

91 gallons.

  • However, a total of 84 gallons was added to the upper reservoir for Primary Coolant

Pump P-50D following oil leak repairs. Therefore, the 84 gallons in the upper reservoir,

when combined with the nominal 18 gallons in the lower reservoir, exceeded the

capacity of the oil collection tank. Consequently, the oil collection tank on P-50D was

outside the design basis and failed to meet the requirements of Appendix R. System

engineering personnel demonstrated a positive questioning attitude that contributed to

the identification of this issue. Condition Report C-PAL-99-1962 was written to document

this non-compliance.

  • The inspectors noted that Design Basis Document 2.04, dated June 18, 1997,

Section, "Fire Protection," stated that primary coolant pump oil collection system

  • was validated by Engineering Analysis, EA-D-PAL-92-220, *Revision 1, "Analysis of--*

Adequacy of Oil Collection System for Primary Coolant Pumps P50A, B, C, and D,"

June 7, 1993. That engineering analysis apparently was a missed opportunity to identify

that the oil collection system was inadequate which demonstrated a lack of rigor during

performance of the analysis.

Further analysis by system engineering personnel determined that the upper and lower

--oil-reservoir-systems on the primary*coolant pumps-were* independent*of*each-other:-- - ------ ------

Also, the oil collection system was sized to collect oil from the worst anticipated leak and

not two totally separate oil reservoir leaks. Therefore, engineering personnel declared

the oil collection system operable but degraded because it would collect all the oil for a

leak from either the upper or lower reservoirs but not a simultaneous leak from both.


  • .

However, the oil collection system did not meet applicable 1 O CFR Part 50, Appendix R,

requirements. The adverse safety consequences were considered minimal because

both the upper and lower oil reservoirs would have to fail concurrently to exceed the oil

collection system's capacity. Also, if the upper and lower reservoirs both failed then the

amount of oil that spilled onto the containment floor would be minimal and would not

come into direct contact with any heated or ignition surfaces.

Licensee personnel reported this condition to the NRC in accordance with

10 CFR 50. 73. The corrective actions were documented in the evaluation of Condition

Report C-PAL-98-1962, and in Licensee Event Report 98-011. The licensee's planned

corrective actions included requesting from the NRC an exemption from the

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, requirements. If the exemption was not granted then the

oil collection tank capacity would be increased to be able to collect the entire inventory

of the lube oil system. The corrective actions were considered to be reasonable and


The inadequate sizing of the primary coolant pumps' oil collection system is a violation

of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section 111.0. This non-repetitive, licensee-identified

and corrected violation is being treated as a Non-Cited Violation, consistent with

Section Vll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy (50-255/98022-05(DRP)).


Primary Coolant Pump P-50A Pump Casing Leak (37551) *

The inspectors reviewed the applicable condition reports and the leak investigation

analysis. On December 14, 1998,_ with the plant in hot shutdown, system engineering .

conducted a walkdown of Primary Coolant Pump P-50A and identified a build-up of boric

acid near the component cooling water inlet line to the pump. Condition

Report C-PAL-98-1939 was generated to document the issue. System engineering

conducted the walkdown to specifically check P-50A because boric acid buildup was

identified, and subsequently cleaned, on the component cooling water inlet flange to

P-50A and the surrounding area during the 1998 refueling outage. However, at that

time, the boric acid buildup was incorrectly contributed to pump seal leakage.

System engineering personnel inspected all of the primary coolant pump casing studs

on the other three primary coolant pumps in response to the identified degraded studs

on P-50A. No other stud degradation or active leaks were identified. The inspectors

concluded that the walkdown that was performed during this outage demonstrated a

positive questioning attitude and a pro-active initiative by system engineering personnel

that contributed to the identification of the leak on primary coolant pump P-50A.


  • Conclusions Regarding Engineering Staff Knowledge .and Performance

The inspectors concluded that system engineering personnel demonstrated a positive

--**-* _____ questioning.attitude.during primary-coolant-pumpoil leak-repairs-this-outage-which-*-*

contributed to identifying the inadequate primary coolant pumps' oil collection system.

However, engineering personnel missed an earlier opportunity to identify the deficiency

during an engineering analysis that was conducted in the early 1990's. The inadequate

primary coolant pumps' oil collection system was a Non-Cited Violation.


Also, the inspectors concluded that the walkdown that was performed during this outage

demonstrated a positive questioning attitude and a pro-active initiative by system

engineering personnel that contributed to the identification of the leak on Primary

Coolant Pump P-50A.

IV. Plant Support


Radiological Protection and Chemistry (RP&C) Controls

R 1.1

Radiological Protection (71750)

The inspectors conducted frequent plant tours and reviewed radiological protection dose

management that was conducted during the forced outage. No deficiencies were noted

during routine tours. The radiation received (9.20 person-REM) during the forced

outage was less than the projected dose (10.45 person-REM) which demonstrated

effective dose management. Also, a first time evolution was completed that flushed the

shutdown cooling heat exchangers after shutdown cooling was secured by recirculating

the water to the safety injection refueling water storage tank. The evolution effectively

reduced post-outage dose rates in the area of the shutdown cooling heat exchangers

(safeguards rooms) to pre-outage levels and reduced dose rates in the safeguards

rooms which were routinely toured by plant personnel. The inspectors concluded that

effective dose management was demonstrated during the outage. Also, flush of the

shutdown cooling heat exchangers, a first time evolution, demonstrated a positive pro-

active initiative to reduce radiation dose rates in plant areas that were routinely toured

by plant personnel.

V. Management Meetings


Exit Meeting Summary

The inspectors presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at

the conclusion of the inspection on January 12, 1999. The licensee acknowledged the

findings presented and senior plant management indicated that an evaluation regarding

the operator performance deficiencies that were identified during this outage would be

_ cqnducted. The inspectors asked the licensee whether any materials examined during

the inspection should be considered proprietary. No proprietary information was


- - -------

--- -- --- --

-- ---------

-- --- --------------- ------ -- ----

~ -------




T. J. Palmisano, Site Vice President*

G. R. Boss, Operations Manager

P. D. Fitton, Manager, System Engineering

N. L. Haskell, Director, Licensing

D. G. Malone, Licensing

D. J. Malone, Acting Manager, Chemical and Radiological Services

R. L. Massa, Shift Operations Supervisor

D. W. Rogers, General Manager, Plant Operations

G. B. Szczotka, Manager, Nuclear Performance Assessment Department

R. G. Schaaf, Project Manager, NRR

-- -- -- --


--- -- --- --- *-


------- ------------- ~- -----------




IP 71707:

IP 62707:

IP 61726:

IP 37551:

Plant Operations

Maintenance Observations

Surveillance Observations

Onsite Engineering

IP 71750:

IP 92901:

IP 92903:

IP 92700:

Plant Support Activities

Followup - Operations

Followup - Engineering

Licensee Event Reports
















CCW system placed In a configuration that was contrary to

procedural requirements


Apparent failure to follow surveillance procedure


Failure to submit engineering analysis for NRC review


Failure of the MSIVs to be capable of closing fully under

no flow conditions


Inadequately sized primary coolant pumps' oil colle.ction



High pressure safety injection system inoperability ...


CCW system placed in a configuration that was contrary to

procedural requirements .


Failure of the MSIVs to be capable of closing fully under

no flow conditions


Inadequately sized primary coolant pumps' oil collection


---*------ ___ None ___________________ ------*------------------*----- .. ------*