IR 05000338/1987033

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Insp Repts 50-338/87-33 & 50-339/87-33 on 870928-1002.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Containment Isolation Sys Local Leak Rate Program, Including Review of Test Procedures & Valve Alignments
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 11/17/1987
From: Jape F, Whitener H
Shared Package
ML20236R793 List:
50-338-87-33, 50-339-87-33, NUDOCS 8711240033
Download: ML20236R798 (7)


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[ n REGION 11 g j'  ; 101 MARIETTA STREET. .


  • 2 ATLANTA, GEORGI A 30323



Report Nos.: 50-338/87-33 and 50-339/87-33

.i Licensee: Virginia Electric and Power Company -

Richmond, VA 23261 .j


I Docket Nos.: 50-338 and 50-339' License Nos.: NPF-4 and NPF-7-


Facility Name: North Anna 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: September 28 October 2, 1987-Inspector: N I //l /[o,f./ // - / d" l'7 ff. ' L . Whi te n b r Date Signed Approved by: '



b .-

Date Signed'

F. Jape, Chief /



Test Programs Section Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY-Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection was in the areas of review of the-containment isolation system local leak rate program including review of. test procedures, valve alignments and observation of; testin l Results: No violations or deviations were identifie I

-j 8711240033 871119 i PDR ADOCK O y8 l G


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l Persons Contacted


1 '

Licensee Employees

~* W. Harrell,LStation Manager

  • E. Kane, Assistant Station Manager .. .
  • L. Bowling, Assistant. Station Manager, Nuclear Safety and Licensing 1
  • J. A. Stall, Superintendent, Technical Services-
  • 0. A. Heacock,-Supervisor, Surveillance and Test Engineering
  • P. A. Pendergast, Surveillance and Test Engineer i
  • G. Harkness, Lice'nsing Coordinator J J. Leberstein, Licensing Engineer L. Lane, Controi Room Operator NRC Resident Inspectors
  • J. Caldwell, Senior Resident Inspector L. King, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on October 2,1987, withL those persons indicated in paragraph.1' above. -The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail .the inspection finding No' :)

dissenting comments were received from the license d The following new items were identified during this inspection:

.] Inspector Followup Item 338/87-33-01 .and 339/87-33-01: Review licensee's evaluation of the use of the. vendor rotameter calibration l correction factor for deviation of 45'psig (Paragraph 5.b.-). j 1 Unresolved Item 338/87-33-02 and 339/87-33-02: Review ' licensee's 1 l evaluation of reverse testing. of containment . isolation valve l L (Paragraph 5.b.). q

! '

' Unresolved Item 338/87-33-03 and 339/87-33-03: Review licensee's evaluation of potential leakage through the bypass line on~the leak :

rate test rig (Paragraph 5.c.), i The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the. materials provided; l to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio !




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Licensee Action 'on Previous' Enforcement' Matters This subject.was not addressed'in the inspectio I Unresolved Items ,

Unresolved items are . matters about which more .iriformation is required to ~ l determine whether . they are acceptable ~ or may ' involve : violations or- l


deviations. Two unresolved items related to ~ each unit 'and: identified-during this inspection are discussed in paragraphs.5.b. and . Containment Local. Leak Rate Test Program Units 1 and 2 (61720)


-1 plant Procedures-The inspector reviewed the overall local.. leakage -rate program : for.-


North Anna to verify that procedures 1 have been - developed :and implemented consistent with the regulatory requirements. Documents'


reviewed either totally, or in part, included:

(1) 2-PT-61.3.4, " Total Leak Rate Calculation" The procedure establishes the controls for tracking and summing .

the individual Type .B and ~C local ' leak rate tests to verify that



leakage is within the. limi (2) 2-PT-61.2.3, " Containment Type B Test - Equipment Hatch"'


(3) 2-PT-61.2.1, " Containment Type B. Test - Electrical Penetrations" l (4) 2-PT-61.2.2, " Containment Type B Test - Fuel Transfer-Tube" (5) 2-PT-61.3.2, " Containment Purge Valves Type C Test - As Found" (6) 2-PT-61.3.3, " Containment- Purge Valves Type C Test - As Lef t


(7) 2-PT-61.1, " Containment-Airlocks - Leakage Rate" The procedure specifies the instructions for the. full press'ure


test of the airlock I (8) 2-PT-61.3, " Containment Type C Test"


Based on the review of portions of the 'above procedures ona : sampling - q

[~ basis, the inspector concluded that the licensee has developed 4 and .

implemented procedures which address the essential' elements--of- the - ,

local leak rate test regulatory-requirement '






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I Comments'On' Test Procedures During the procedure review, some concerns L were . identified and discussed with the licensee. These items do' not affect the above ,


conclusion that the local. leak rate test program .is defined, buti relate more to test. method :(1) 2-PT-61.3.2, " Containment Purge Valves Type C Testi"As found" In ' this' procedure, and . several' other . test procedures, : the .

inspector identified anomalous statements: relating "to' the-

- calibration of. flow meters as follows:-

"Whenever possible, use a rotameter that was calibrated at 45: l psig when testing by the make up method. When-.possible,- usef a -)

rotameter that was calibrated. at 14.7 psia whe'n th .;

leak through method- . If..a. rotameter used at a' pressure other than its calibration pressure, multiply the indicated: y


reading by the appropriate correction factor. gi'en; v in .

.. Attachment Show the calculation in theLremarks section-and '

record the corrected leak rate." j The correction. factor referenced above is.prov'ided'in the vendor  ;

manual as follows: l F = F IPt.x Tcl 1/2 lPc Ttj 'j l_ _I o

Where: i F'is'the corrected flo Fo is the indicated flow on the rotameter calibrated scal Pt is.the test absolute pressur Pc is the instrument calibration absolute pressure,:


Tc is the ins _trument calibration temperature ( R).

Tt is the test temperature ( R). u The NRC would normally expect a test p'rocedure to; specify that l l the instruments to be usedm are calibrated. for the appropriate-test condition The concern is ' that the correction? factor, .

which is acceptable for minimal differences from'.the calibrated-conditions, may introduce. an -error when used to ' correct 1 differences of the order of 45-psi. If an error is introduced, l the measure of flow could- be. outside ' of- the 2% < accuracy specified for instrument calibratio . -l o

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i; At the exit interview, licensee management agreed to verify th validity of the correction factor, for the flow instruments.and; range of pressures specified in the test' procedure'with the flow meter vendor. This matter is identified as

Inspector Followup Item (338/87-33-01 and s 339/87-33-01):

Review the evaluation for, using the rotameter correctio factor in the vendor's manual for ,the' range of- pressure specified in the Type B and C leak rate. test 1 procedure (2) 2-PT-61.3, " Containment Type C. Test"


The inspector reviewed a small sample of. the. valve alignments


l .for Type C testing'and determined that:in some_ cases,;where both.


isolation valves were L located outside L containment, .the local .

test was performed by; presurrizing ;between 'the valves. This-results in testing the inner reverse (non-accident).

direction. Discussion with the lice'nsee indicated thatL some of:

j these' valves were globe - or_ gate = valves which arei not"normally


considered conservative when tested -in the. reverse directio Sufficient detailed . information on: which - to evaluate 'the conservatism of these tests . was : not' available- .in the' test -

procedure. At the exit interview,.the licensee? agreed to review the test valve alignments to. identify the ' valves-. tested in the .

reverse direction; the type. of Evalves; and/ the in .line j orientation of the seat, packing Land bonnet ' seals. This- ,j evaluation along with the. justification for considerin'g the 1 tests conservative will tue provided to .the NRC' for review. In a subsequent telephene call between Plant Management an Region II, October 9, 1987,Lthe 1,1censee further agreed that any ,

valves identified with untested boundaries, such asi packing,  ;

would be properly tested prior'to startup'of either Unit 1 or '


This matter was identified as:

Unresolved Item (338/87-33-02 and . 339/87-33-02): . Review- 1 licensee's evaluation . for reverse testing sof containment isolation valve i


c. Observations-


The inspector witnessed the Type C test on Penetration'No. 89, Air Ejector Vent. The test was conducted in~accordance with'an. approved;


procedure which was present at the test' site. .When this test failed-to meet the leaksge limit, the test? personnel processed work. requests; '

to have the penetration . repaired. The ' maintenance procedure- d contained instructions that subsequent to maintenance aclocal lea !

rate test must be performe Control of pre- and post-maintenance =

leak rate testing is discussed further;in paragraph . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _- -_- .-




During the test, the inspector observed that ' leak - rate . test ' rig


utilized a bypass' line. which bypasses othe flow meters for rapid pressurization of the test volum Isolation .of the . bypass line during .a test is provided by. an air admission valve which is not-routinely checked for leak tight isolation ~ of' the. bypass lin If-the air admission ' valve leaks,. the , potential exists for make-up air g flew to the test volume 'which is; not detected by the flow meter At the exit' interview,- licensee management agreed to ' verify that there is no bypass leakage in' the air admission valve of'the test. rig


which will affect previous test results and to. establish a' positive method for ensuring isolation of the bypass lin This matter was identified as:


. .. 1 Unresolved ' Item '(338/87-33-03 'and' 339/87-33-03):- . Review- .l licensee's verification that previous Type B and C test results 3 are acceptable-and action takenLto ensure that_no bypass leakage 1 can occu ] Test Results

.f The controlling procedure for local- leak rate testing, PT-61. requires that a leak rate logbook will be maintained which confirms and updates the containment . leakage status. Only Type.B and C leak rate measurements related to the--0.6 La limit - are recorded in this-log.

l Review of the log showed that Type B and C; testing . since the j l integrated leak rate tests in 1984 had been performed'at the required j l frequency for both units. The as left leak rate was in general no i more than one half of the allowable-leakag ;

, Additional Leak Rate Areas Reviewed Type A Leak Rate Test l

The Safety Evaluation Report (SER), Supplements to the ' SER, and portions of Chapter 6 of the- updated. FSAR (UFSAR) we're' reviewed . to i identify any exemptions to Appendix'J- and the isolation l boundary requirements for the integrated leak rate- (Type A) te s t -. 'No Appendix J exemptions were identified in the SER and Supplements In ;

Chapter 6 of the UFSAR, - Table 6.2-72 identifies _ the penetration- -'

alignment for.the Type A test. This -table. was added 'to the UFSAR subsequent to NRR review of the initial FSAR and is not addressed in-the SER and Supplements. There are 'eight explanatory notes to this


table some of which indicate that Type C leakage corrections will not be made for certain systems which will be flooded and operating, or isolated, during the Type A test. Also', the Type'A test procedure is

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in the process'of revision and not available for' review at this tim At the exit interview, the inspector 1 informed :the licensee that'

review of the table and Type A test'. procedure _would'be performed'at a-


future time consistent.with the next scheduled Type A tes b. "As found" Leak Rate The licensee stated that determination of the "as found" integrated leak rate will be controlled by the Type A test j procedure. ' This-procedure is in the process of. revision and was. not' available for this tim However, the inspector'was able<to' determine?

that the licensee has established the control. process to ensure _that'

pre- and post-maintenance leak rate data are obtained for containment I isolation. va l v'e s . This control .is established 'through the maintenance procedures'and work order system. The Shift; Supervision -i is responsible for determining . the pre and post-maintenance leak 1

rate testing requirements and - assuring. that these requir.ements ' are ;

identified and performed. The inspector reviewed a general valvet maintenance procedure,- MMP-C-6V- The ._ shift : supervisor .i s: s responsible for identifying ~t he required leak' rate testing .i n Attachment 4.0 of this procedure by periodic Ltest procedure numbe q i The inspector concluded that the licensee has established controls .to i obtain the leak rate data required - to determine the "as found" integrated leak rate. The control and. processing- of this = data will; be reviewed in relation to the Type A test at a future time.

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