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Insp Repts 50-338/88-24 & 50-339/88-24 on 880815-19. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness,Including Emergency Plan & Implementing Procedures & Emergency Facilities Equipment
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/26/1988
From: Decker T, Testa E
Shared Package
ML20155C212 List:
50-338-88-24, 50-339-88-24, NUDOCS 8810070290
Download: ML20155C218 (7)

See also: IR 05000338/1988024


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l Report Nos.: 50-338/88-24 and 50-339/88-24


i Licensee: Virginia Electric and Power Company

Richmond, VA 23261

Docket Nos.: 50-338 and 50-339 L'icense Nos.: NPF-4 and NPF-7


Facility Name: North Anna Power Station

Inspection Conducted: August 15-19, 1988



iA n  :) 9/26/8 8

NE.D. Testa c/ ' Datb Si'gned

Approved by: NM

(uT.R. Decker,SectionChieV

9/2 //[A

Date Sitjned

Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


Scope: This routine inspection was conducted in the area of emergency

preparedness, and included a review of the following programatic areas:

(1) Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures; (2) emergency facilities,

equipment, instrumentation, and supplies; (3) organization and management

control; (4) training; and (5) independent reviews / audits.

Results: Two violations were identified: (1) failure to use the most recent

revision of the Emergency Personnel Augmentation Telephone Call List; and

(2) failure to demonstrate the capability of meeting staffing requirements for

emergency response team personnel.

The findings of this inspection appear to indicate a weakness in the

notification and emergency response staffing capabilities at the site,

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1. Persons Contacted

Licensee Employees

  • K. Bridges, Shif t Supervisor, Security
  • E. Dreyer, Supervisor Health Physics
*R. Driscoll, Manager, Quality Assurance
  • S. Harrison, Coordinator - Corporate Emergency Planning


  • J. Higgins, Director, Nuclear Security
  • G. Kane, North Anna Power Station, Station Manager
  • P. Kemp, Licensing Coordinator l
  • K LeFevre Sr. Health Physicist (Corporate) l
  • T. Maddy, Supervisor Security  !
  • B. McBride, Coordinator - Emergency Planning

D. Ross, Sr. Health Physicist Staff

R. Rodgers, Shift Supervisor

  • 0. Vanderwalle, Supervisor, Licensing I

! Other licensee employees contacted during this inspection included

l engineers, operators, mechanics, security force members, technicians, and

j administrative personnel.

Other Organizations


1 A. Baskerville, Coordinator of Emergency Services. Orange County

M. Haman, Coordinator of Emergency Services. Hanover County

R. Scott, Emergency Coordinator Spotsylvania County

Nuclear Regulatory Conmission

i *H. Bemudez, Radiation Specialist



  • J. Caldwell, Senior Resident inspector I
  • J. Kahle, Chief, Radiological Effluents and Chemistry Section I



  • Attended exit interview I

2. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcetent Matters

This subject was not addressed during this inspection

3. Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedure (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(16), 10 CFR 50.54(q), Appendix E to

10 CFR Part 50, and Section 8 of the licensee's Emergency Plan, this area

was inspected to determine whether significant changes had been made in

the licensee's emergency preparedness program during the past year, and to

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assess the impact of any such changes on the overall state of emergency  !


preparedness at the facility.

The inspector reviewed the licensee's systems for making changes to the



Emergency Plan and the Emergency Plan implementing Proce.ures (EPIPs). By


a selective review, the inspector verified that the licensee's management j

approved revisions to the Emergency Plan and the EPIPs issued since June '

1, 1987. Controlled copies of the Emer

in the Technical Support Center (TSC) gency

and Local Plan and EPIPs

Emergency were examined

Operations 1

Facility (LEOF) and found to contain the correct revision.

The inspector reviewed the licensee's agreement letters with the following t

offsite agencies and found them current,


County of Louisa  ;

Louisa Volunteer Fire Company L

Louisa County Sheriff

Louisa County Rescue Squad, Inc.

' *

Mineral Volunteer Fire Department

Spotsylvania County Sheriff

Spotsylvania Fire Department


Spotsylvania Office of Emergency Services

Orange County Sheriff's Department -

'l *

Orange County Board of Supervisors

J Hanover County Sheriff I

1 Hanover County



Caroline County Office of Emergency Services f

i f

) No violations or deviations were identified.


j i. Emergency Facilities, Equipment, Instrumentation, and Supplies (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(8) and (9), 10 CFR 50.54(q), and Section IV.E

)' of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, this area was inspected to determine

whether the licensee's emergency response facilities and other essential ,

emergency equipment, instrumentation, and supplies were maintained in a '

. state of operational readiness, and to assess the impact of any change in

this area upon the emergency preparedness program.


The inspector selectively examined emergency supplies and equipment in the  !

i Control Room, TSC, Operational Support Center (0SC), Alternate Operational I


Support Center, LF0F, current Corporate Emergency Response Center (CERC),

l planned future Corporate Emergency Response Center and Local Media Center.


) The current CERC located at 1 James River Plaza Office Building will be

relocated on or about September 16, 1988, to the innsbrook Technical

i Center. A floor plan of the future CERC was reviewed. I



The Local Media Center was relocated during this past year fram the

l Mineral Fire Hall to a newly constructed facility onsite. The new 1

j facility also houses the Infonnation Center. No problems were identified.









The inspector selectively reviewed Periodic Test (1-PT-114) Emergency Kit

Inspection for the period January 19, 1988 to July 18, 1988, and found no

problems. Procedure 1-PT-38.1.4, Ventilation Vent "A" Off Line Radio Gas

Monitor (VG-104) Functional test records were selectively reviewed for the

period January 21, 1988 to July 27, 1988, and no problems were found.

The following Control Room Meteorological Instruments were verified to be

operational during a tour of the Control Room.

TR-MM-100A 10 meter Temperature

TR-MM-100B Delta Temperature

ST-MM-100 Sigma Theta

SR-MM-101A Wind Speed

SR-MM-101B 10 meter Wind Speed

ZR-MM-101A 30 meter Wind Direction

ZR-MM-101B 10 meter Wind Direction

ZR-MM-101C Backup Wind Direction

The inspector selectively reviewed the Alert and Notification System test

results for t.ouisa and Spotsylvania Counties for the period January 1987

thru August 1988. The results of the growl test conducted monthly using

procedure SNS-EWS-01 and the full-cycle test conducted quarterly using

procedure 1-PT-172.2 indicated an acceptable level of siren availability.

No violations or deviations were identified.

5. Organization and Management Control (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b) (1) and (16) and Section IV.A of Appendix E

to 10 CFR Part 50, the area was inspected to determine the effects of

changes in the licensee's emergency response organization and/or

management control systems of the emergency preparedness program, and to

verify that such changes were properly factored into the Emergency Plan

Implementing Procedures.

The organization and management of the emergency preparedness program were

reviewed and discussed with a licensee representative. The licensee  ;

stated that two offsite emergency planners, one in Spotsylvania County and '

the other in Hanover County, were new since the last inspection.

Discussions with the Spotsylvania County Emergency Coordinator, Orange i

County Coordinator of Emergency Services and Hanover County Coordinator of I

Emergency Services indicated that a satisfactory relationship existed l

between the licensee and the counties. The licensee reviewed the ,

organizational changes in the corporate organization with the inspector. l

None of the changes appear to reduce the effectivenesses of emergency I

support to the site. Changes at the site include a new station manager

and a new emergency planner. The new station manager was promoted from

the site organization and was already familiar with the site emergency

plan and had been previously assigned emergency response activities. The

new emergency planner assumed his duties in January 1988. The previous








planner accepted a position in the Corporate Office Emergency Planning

organization. Continuity of the site emergency planning activities appear

to be satisfactory since the previous planner was made available to

support the site during the transition. The previous planner continues to

assist the site.

No violations or deviations were identified

6. Training (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2) and (15),Section IV.F of Appendix E to

10 CFR Part 50, and Section 8 of the Emergency Plan, this area was

inspected to determine whether the licensee's key emergency respnnse

personnel were properly trained and understood their emergency



The inspector conducted an interview in the LEOF with a Shift Supervisor i

undergoing requalificaton training. The Shift Supervisor was given

several sets of hypothetical emergency conditions and plant data and was

asked in each case to talk through the response he would provide as

Interim Station Emergency Manager if such an emergency actually existed.

The individual was able to correctly classify event situations and provide

Protective Action Recommend. tion as appropriate. The individual exhibited

a working knowledge of the Emergency Plan and EPIPs. No problems were


The inspector selectively reviewed the training records of individuals

designated as Station Emergency Manager. No problems were found.

The inspector witnessed an unannouned North Anna Power Station Energency

Response Per,onnel Call Out Drill using procedure 1-EP-MISC-1 dated June  :

30, 1988. The drill was initiated at about 7:05 p.m. on August 17, 1988, i

By procedJre, EPIP 3.01 titled, Callout of Emergency Response Personnel,

Security Obtained Section 1.2 of the North Anna Power Station Telephone

Directory. The inspector determined that the two call lists which were to

be used were outdated revisions of the call list. The most recent  !

revision of the call list contained at least 5 changes from the call list '

used. One change involved a revised home telephone number. The use of ,

the outdated call list was identified to the licensee as a violation.  !

Violation (50-338,339/88-24-01): Failure to use the most recent revision

of the Emergency Personnel Augmentation Telephone Call List.

The inspector observed the callout and compared the results with the

comitments in Table 5.1 Titled Minimum Staffing Requirements for

Emergencies. The inspector found that 5 of 11 major functional area

personnel could not respond in the 30 minute comitment. Primary and

alternate Personnel in the Plant System Engineering Repair and Corrective  !

Actions Functional area could not be contacted by telephone and thus did ,

not respond. Notification telephone calls to four other emergency  :

response personnel took in excess of the 30 minute comitment. A second


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unannounced drill conducted at about 10:30 pm the next evening (August 18,

1988), failed to demonstrate the augtrentation capability. The failure to

demonstrate timely augmentation was identified to the licensee as a


Violation (50-338, 339/88-24-02): Failure to demonstrate the capability ,

of meeting staffing requirements for emergency response team personnel.


Two violations were identified. 7

7. Independent Review / Audits (82701)

< Pursuant to 10 CFR 47(b)(14) and (16) and 10 CFR 50.54(t), this area was

inspected to determine whether the licenree had performed an independent

review or audit of the emergency preparedness program, and whether the  ;

licensee had a corrective action system for deficiencies and weaknesset



The inspector selectively reviewed records of the emergency preparedness  ;

program audit. An independent audit was conducted by the licensee's  !

j Quality Assurance Group and and was ccmpleted June 10, 1988. The findings e

of the audit were documented in Audit Report N-88-02. Thirteen (13) l

] findings and eight Items of Concern were identified. Final response to

the findings had not been completed. These responses will be reviewed  ;

during a future inspection.

! The inspector reviewed records as ociated with the review of the Emergency i


Action Levels (EAls) by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the local  !

county's emergency planners. The review took place during a quarterly


meeting at the North Anna Information Center on March 17, 1988. No ,

problems were identified. l


The inspector reviewed records associated with the preparation of the 1988 (

and 1889 Emergency Information Calendar and Emergency Information and l
found no problems.  ;

f The inspector reviewed the Exercise Critique for the June 28, 1988, North

i Anna Power Station full scale exercise and noted that the identified items '

l for improvement were placed on the commitment tracking systems with i'

comitment dates and responsibility for action assigned. The closecut of

i these items will be reviewed during a future inspection. No problems were .

j identified. l


During a review of the records for the February 5,1988 Health Physics

il Drill, the 'nspector determined that neither observer / evaluator coments



q r.or the Drill Critique discussed whether the drill objectives had been l

9 met. The absence of a definitive statement on meeting drill objectives and l

l an action plan to correct objectives not met was identified as an

j InspectorFollowupItem(IFI).

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IFI (50-338,339/88-24-03): Incorporate a statement in the Drill Critique

Report addressing whether drill objectives were or were not met and develop

action items to correct those objectives not met.

No violations or deviations were identified

8. Exit Interview

The inspection scope and results were sumarized on August 19, 1988, with

those persons indicated in Paragraph 1. The inspector described the areas

inspected and discussed in detail the inspection results listed below.

The inspector received two memoranda dated August 18, 1988, at the exit.

One memorandum from the Station Manager to the Security Supervisor


Mdressed Reproduction and Storage of Controlled Documents and

l Administrative Procedure 6.4 titled. Controlled Document Holders

! Responsibility. The second memorandum from the Station Manager to file

I addressed an Action Plan to Prevent Inadequate Implementation of the

( Emergency Planning Callout Procedure. Actions outlined in the memoranda

l will be reviewed during future inspections. Although reviewed during this

inspection, proprietary information is not contained in this report.


Dissenting comments were not received from the licensee.

Item Number Description and Reference

50-338,339/88-24-01 Violation - Failure to use the most recent

revision of the Emergency Personnel

Augmentation Telephone Call 1.ists,

Paragraph 6.

50-338,339/88-24-02 Violation - Failure to d0monstrate the

capability of meeting staffing requirements

for emergency team personnel, Paragraph 6.

50-338,339/88-24-03 Inspector Followup Item - Incorporate a

statement in the Drill Critique Report

addressing whether Drill Objectives were

or were not met and develop action items

to correct those objectives not met.

Paragraph 7.

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