ML20155B067 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | North Anna |
Issue date: | 10/02/1998 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20155B055 | List: |
References | |
50-338-98-301, 50-339-98-301, NUDOCS 9810300054 | |
Download: ML20155B067 (300) | |
See also: IR 05000338/1998301
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Docket Nos.: 50-338. 50-339
Report ~No.: 50-338/98-301. 50-339/98-301
Licensee: Virginia Electric and Power Company
Facility: North Anna Power Station. Units 1 & 2
Location: Mineral. Virginia
Dates: August 17-21. and August 31-September 3. 1998
Richard 5. Baldnin
Chief License Examiner
Larry S. MellEq. License Examiner
Edwin Lea. Lice,'se Examiner
Approved by:
Thomas A'. Peebles. Chief
Operator Licens:ng and Human Performance Branch
Division of Reactor Safety
9810300054 981002
PDR AD0cK 05000338
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North Anna Power Station Units 1 & 2 )
NRC Examination Report No. 50-338/98-301 and 50-339/98-301 l
During the periods of August 17-21 and August 31-September 3. 1998. NRC
examiners conducted an announced operator licensing initial examination in
accordance with the guidance of Examiner Standards. NUREG-1021. Interim
Revision 8. This examination implemented the operator licensing requirements i
of 10 CFR 555.41. S55.43, and 555.45.
l Seven Senior. Reactor Operator (SRO) candidates and eight Reactor Operator (RO)
candidates received written examinations and operating tests. All
examinations were administered by NRC operator licensing examiners. The I
written examination was administered by the licensee on August 27. 1998, and I
the operating tests were administered by the NRC the weeks of August 17-21 and
August 31-September 3. 1998.
l l
- Control room activities were observed during the examination validation I
and examination weeks. The operators were found to be attentive and
professional in their duties. (Section 01.1) l
- In general, the examiners found the as-submitted written examination and
operating tests met the requirements of NUREG-1021 with one exception in
the area of JPM follow-up questions which was noted to need improvement.
The examination quality was improved as compared to the 1996
examination submittal. (Section 05.1)
. Fourteen of fifteen candidates passed the examination. Overall
performance on the operat mg test was satisfactory with strengths noted
in the areas of 3-way communication, crew briefs and annunciator
response procedure usaje. Weaknesses were noted in the areas of
determining tail pipe temperature with a leaking PORV identification of
i radiological posting requirements, reluctance of R0s to take manual
action without SRO prior approval. and the willingness of two of the
four crews to enter Technical Specification 3.0.3 when it was
l preventable. (Section 05.1)
. Candidate Pass /Filil
SRO R0 Total Percent
Pass 7 7 14 93.3
i Fall 0 1 1 6.6
- - 1
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Reoort Details l
Summary of Plant Status-
During the period of the examinations Unit 1 and Unit 2 were at 100 percent
! power.
l I. Ooerations
01 Conduct of Operations ;
01.1 Control Room Observation l
During validation and administration of the examination the examiners
observed the conduct of operations by currently licensed operators in
the control room. The reactor operators (R0s) were attentive to the
evolutions in progress. The senior reactor operators (SR0s) limited
personnel for official business only, which contributed to a quiet.
professionally managed control room.
05 Operator Training and Qualifications
05.1 Initial Licensino Examinations l
a. Scope l
NRC examiners conducted regular, announced operator licensing initial )
examinations during the periods of August 17-21. and August 31-September
3. 1998. NRC examiners administered examinations developed by the
licensee's training department, under the requirements of an NRC
security agreement, in accordance with the guidelines of the Examiner i
Standards (ES). NUREG-1021. Interim Revision 8. Six Senior Reactor i
Operator (SRO) upgrade, one SRO instant and eight Reactor Operator (RO) l
applicants received written examinations and operating tests.
b. Observations and Find 1nas
The licensee developed the SRO and RO written examinations. three Job
l Performance Measure (JPM) sets, and four dynamic simulator scenarios.
- with one spara scenario, for use during this examination. All materials
l were submitted to the NRC on schedule. NRC examiners reviewed, modified l
l as necessary and approved the examination prior to administration, The
NRC conducted an on-site preparation visit during the week of August 3.
i 1998, to validate examination materials and familiarize themselves with
the details required for examination administration.
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(1) Written Examination
The examination review was expedited due to the organization of
the submitted examination materials. Relevant portions of the
reference materials were attached to each test item.
This was the licensee's second time developing the examination in
accordance with the Examiner Standards and the pilot program. The
quality of the licensee's submittal was good and had shown
improvement as compared to the 1996 examination submittal. The
number of technical errors noted were minimal. Most NRC comInents
were to assure clarity in the question stem and to enhance the
quality of the incorrect distractors. The NRC recommended
replacing only three questions due to quality of the questions.
The final examination was considered a good product. in that it
discriminated a competent from a less than competent candidate.
(2) Operating Test Development
The NRC reviewed three walkthrough examination sets submitted by
the facility. These were comprised of job performance measures
(JPMs) and administrative JPMs and administrative questions. The
, examiners found the JPMs were developed to the appropriate level
as described in NUREG-1021. Some minor technical errors were
noted such as the incorrect designation of critical steps. The
quality of some of the JPM follow-up questions were weak in that
several JPN questions were considered direct look-up and lacked
operational validity and some were non-discriminatory. These
questions were either changed or references were not allowed to
answer these questions. Increased attention in this area is needed
to supply JPM follow-up questions consistent with the guidelines
of NUREG 1021. Interim Revision 8.
The NRC reviewed four simulator scenarios (plus one spare)
developed for the examination. Some changes and additions were
made to the scenarios to enhance the examiners' opportunity to
observe candidates perform all required competencies. One
scenario set did not have the required minimum number of
malfunctions as required by NUREG-1021. This was corrected during
the examination preparation week. Overall. the scenarios were
i found to be challenging and at the appropriate level of difficulty. The
l final scenarios were considered a good examiaation tool providing
l discrimination between satisfactory from less then satisfactory
l performance.
During the examination weeks the examiners found three procedures that
were confusing or hard to use. The facility acted promptly to resolve ,
these procedural issues. l
The facility administered the written examination on August 27, 1998 in
accordance with NUREG-1021 and by direction of the examination
l assignment sheet (Enclosure 7). The licensee during the course of the
! examination requested, by telephone, two. thirty minute extensions to
the four hour time period of the examination. The two extensions were
granted by the NRC Branch Chief, providing a total of five hours for the
l written examination. The facility requested the extension as the
candidates needed the extra time to adequately finish the examination. I
c. Examination Results and Conclusions
The facility licensee submitted post-examination comments for one
l written examination question, of which the NRC accepted (see Enclosures
3 and 4). The acceptance of this comment did not change the outcome of
the grading for any of the candidates.
, The quality of the licensee's proposed examination met the Examiners
l Standards. The licensee had improved the quality of the examination
l submittal when compared to their previous examination submittal (Report
i No.96-300). Some improvement in JPM question development is warranted
j in order to comply with the guidelines of NUREG 1021. Interim Revision
The examiners reviewed the results of the written examination and found
that fourteen of fifteen candidates passed this examination. Overall
! SRO candidate performance on the written examination was satisfactory.
! RO candidate performance on the written examination was weaker than SRO
l performance with one candidate failing the examination and two R0
l candidates achieving a grade less then 82 percent. The licensee
! conducted a post-examination item analysis of the SRO and RO written
examinations. This analysis identified seven questions where both SRO
and R0 candidates exhibited knowledge deficiencies. The analysis also
identified three other SRO specific knowledge weaknesses and three other
R0 specific knowledge weaknesses. The examiners concluded that no
generic knowledge weaknesses existed. A generic knowledge weakness
exists when multiple questions on the same system or topic were missed
by a large number of candidates.
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Examiners also identified several seaknesses in candidate performance
during the operations portion of the examination. Details of the
weaknesses are described in each individual's examination report. Form
ES-303-1. " Operator Licensing Examination Report." Copies of the
l evaluations have been forwarded under separate cover to the Training
l Manager in order to enab k +.he licensee to evaluate tha weaknesses and
provide appropriate remedial training for those op:dators, as necessary.
In general, these weaknesses included the following: knowledge of
radiological posting requirements. tail pipe temperature determination,
and candidates appeared hesitant to take manual control of systems when
automatic controllers were not functioning properly prior to obtafning j
SRO verbal approval. This contributed to one of the four crews having
an unnecessary reactor trip when manual control of feedwater was i
required following a steam generator pressure transmitter failure. l
Additionally, two crews exceeded a Technical Specification Limiting
Condition for Operation time limit and voluntarily entered Technical
Specification 3.0.3 when it could have been avoided by placing the
bistables in a tripped condition.
During scenario performance NRC examiners noted strengths in the areas
of three-way communications. SRO crew briefing techniques, and use of
annunciator response procedures. Candidates consistently followed the
licensee's communications procedures, briefing procedures and reviewed
annunciator response procedures in accordance with operations standards
and expectations.
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Manaaement Meetinas
X1. Exit Meeting Summary
At the conclusion of the site visit, the examiners met with
representatives of the plant staff listed on the following page to
discuss the results of the examinations and other issues. No
proprietary material provided was provided.
S. Crawford Senior Instructor. Nuclear
G. Crisman. Supervisor. Operations Support
J. Dauberman. Supervisor. Shift Operations
C. Funderburk. Manager. Station Safety and Licensing
A. Kozak Simulator Support Coordinator
H. Le. Nuclear Oversight
J. Scott. Supervisor. Operations Training
W. Shura. Nuclear Training Supervisor. Simulator
M. Whalen. Licensing Technical Analysis
M. Morgan. Senior Resident Inspector
L. Garner. Project Engineer. RII l
E. Lea Project Engineer / Examiner. RII l
L. Mellen. Examiner. RII
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