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Insp Repts 50-338/89-08 & 50-339/89-08 on 890321-0417 & 0425-0503.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Status,Maint,Surveillance,Operational Safety Verification, Operating Reactor Events & LER Followup
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1989
From: Caldwell J, Frederickson P, King L, Munro J
Shared Package
ML20244B805 List:
50-338-89-08, 50-338-89-8, 50-339-89-08, 50-339-89-8, GL-88-17, NUDOCS 8906130306
Download: ML20244B815 (29)

See also: IR 05000338/1989008


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L Report Nos.: 50-338/89-08 and 50-339/89-08

Licensee: Virginia Electric & Power Company

Richmond, VA 23261 .

Docket Nos.: 50-338 and 50-339- License Nos.: NPF-4 and NPF-7


Facility Name: North Anna 1 and 2

Inspection Conducted: March 21 through April 17, 1989 and April 25 through

May , 1989.

Inspectors: Y <S. mash /d 6 / /?/3 9

J. L. Caldwell, Se ior Ryident Inspector Date' Signed


L. P. King, Resident I

W c1


Sf t 7lfr4

Date Signed

91 8. M 1,4 s/,7/r4

J. Munro, Resident' Inspector Datle Sibned

Accompanying Personnel: N. Economos

S. Lewis

. M. Shaeffer

Approved y: / / [

P.g Frddricksop(~ Acting Brapief


Cate/ Signed


ivision of Reactor Projects


Scope: This routine inspection involved the following areas: plant status,

maintenance, surveillance, operational safety verification, operating

reactor events, licensee event report followup, review of inspector

follow-up items, Generic Letter 88-17, refueling activities, and EDG

fuel oil storage and handling. During the performance of this

inspection, the resident inspectors conducted reviews of the

licensee's backshift operations on the following days: March 27, 30,

31, April 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, and 17, 1989.

Results: Within the areas inspected, there were two violations and two

apparent violations identified:

Violation: Failure to have adequate maintenance procedures to ensure

proper operation of ESF equipment 480 volt ITE breakers (paragraph


Violation: Failure to comply with TS for containment.

penetration vent and drain valves (paragraph 8).


8906130306 890517 ,'

PDR ADOCK 05000338


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Apparent Violation: Potential for the SW and RSHXs to have been

inoperable (paragraph 4.b).

Apparent Violation: Inadvertent loss of reactor vessel level

(paragraph 6.d).




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1. Persons Contacted -

Licensee Employees

  • M. Bowling, Assistant Station Manager

J. Downs, Superintendent, Administrative Services

  • R. Driscoll, Quality Control Manager
  • L. Edmonds, Superintendent, Nuclear Training
  • R. Enfinger, Assistant Station Manager
  • G. Flowers, Configuration Management Supervisor


  • M. Garton, Instrument Supervisor

G. Gordon, Electrical Supervisor

D. Heacock, Superintendent, Engineering

  • G. kane, Station Manager
  • P. Kemp, Supervisor, Licensing
  • J. Leberstein, Licensing Engineer
  • W. Matthews, Superintendent, Maintenance

T. Porter, Superintendent, Engineering

  • J. Stall, Superintendent, Operations
  • A. Stafford, Superintendent, Health Physics

F. Termine11a, Quality Assurance Supervisor

D. Thomas, Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor

Other ' licensee employees contacted during this inspection included

engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and

administrative personnel.

  • Attended exit interview

Acronyms and initialisms used throughout this report are listed in the

last paragraph.

2. Plant Status

On March 21, the beginning of the inspection period, Unit I was in Mode 5,

day 24 of an outage, which commenced with the C steam generator tube leak

event on February 25. On March 23, Unit 1 experienced a loss of the IH

emergency bus while performing tests of the EDG. The de-energization of

the IH bus resulted in the tripping of the operable RHR pump (IA). The

unit was not in a reduced RCS inventory (pressurizer level at the time was

approximately 5 percent) and the IB RHR pump was started within 60 seconds

of the 1A RHR pump trip (see paragraph 4.a for details). On April 14, the

licensee conducted a SW flow balance test on the RSHXs. The results of

the test indicated potential inoperability of the SW/RS systems (see

paragraph 4.b for details). On April 16, Unit 1 experienced another loss

of the operating 1A RHR pump. The unit had approximately 5 percent level

in the pressurizer and the operators started the IB RHR pump in approxi-


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mately 6 minutes. The cause of the loss of an RHR pump was a fault in the

switchyard caused by a personnel error (see paragraph 6.c for details).

On March 21, Unit 2 was defueled, day 30 of the refueling outage. The

fuel reload commenced on March 26 and completed on March 28. On April 3,

Unit 2. experienced a loss of CCW to the operating RHR heat exchanger. The

unit was drained to approximately 5 inches below the vessel flange at the

time and therefore not in a reduced RCS inventory condition. The

operators restored CCW flow in approximately 25 minutes (see paragraph 6.b

for details). On April 5, the reactor vessel head installation was

completed and Unit 2 entered Mode 5.

On April 13, the Chairman of the Czechoslovakian Atomic Energy Commission

and six of his associates visited the North Anna Power Station at the

invitation of the licensee. The chairman and his group were given a

presentation and a tour of the station and associated facilities by the

licensee. The inspector briefly met with the Czechoslovakia personnel

while they were touring the simulator in the training building.

3. Maintenance (62703)

Station maintenance activities affecting safety-related systems and

components were observed / reviewed to ascertain that the activities were

conducted in accordance with approved procedures, regulatory gides and

industry codes or standards, and in conformance with lechnical

Specifications. The following details the inspector's findings / concerns,

a. ASCO S0V Failure Root Cause

NRC Inspection Report 338,339/88-02 identified concerns relating to

the failure of air operated containment isolation valves. These

failures were attributed to problems with the ASCO SOV not performing

properly. As a result of these concerns, the licensee committed to

perform a failure analysis of the ASCO SOVs. The need for this

analysis was further highlighted in Inspection Report 338,339/88-36,

which identified concerns relating to instrument air water and oil

contamination problems that may have been the cause or at least

contributed to the cause of the ASCO SOV failures. The inspector

obtained a copy of the licensee's failure analysis report and the

following is a brief summary of the report and its conclusions.

(1) The cause of increased containment isolation valve stroke times

was due to the installation of improperly sized tubing on the

exhaust portion of the SOVs. Valve stroke times have been

consistent since the replacement of smaller exhaust tubing with

larger tubing. There are seven SOVs still requiring exhaust tube

replacement. The licensee plans to replace the tubing prior to

the startup from the present refueling outages.





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(2) Several SOVs (ASCO mode 1 ~ NPX8321A1E) were found stuck in mid

position. Their failure can be attributed to the combination of

the water intrusion into the instrument air system, and mixing


of the particulate contamination with assembly lubricants.

Consequently, the licensee concluded that ASCO NPX8321AIE SOVs

appear to be susceptible to particulat - contamination from the

instrument air system.

(3) Inspections were made on two SOVs ( ASCO model KX206-380-30)

which failed to operate once deenergized. In one case, the

likely failure mechanism was the adhesion between the

core / spring and solenoid sub-assemblies caused by oxidized

silicone lubricant deposits. In the other case, the root' cause

is inconclusive; however, a similar failure mechanism is

suspected. The licensee concluded that ASCO model KX206-380-3U

SOVs that are energized for prolonged periods may be susceptible

to the failure mechanism described above.

The licensee determined that the number of SOVs , (model

KX206-380-3U) which have failed to stroke since February 1988,

has been minimal. The two cases that have occurred were

inspected as discussed above. Paragraph 5.c of this report

contains an additional example of a SOV failure. The licensee's

engineering group feels this is an insufficient number to

definitely determine the root cause of ASCO SOV failures.

The licensee initiated EWR 89-166 to replace all SOV Mcdel NPX

8321AIE during the refueling outage. Once this modification is

complete, the model of ASCO SOV used on the inside air operated

containment ~1 solation valves will be different than those used on the

outside containment isolation valves for the same mechanical piping

penetration, except for the charging system trip valves. This will

help prevent common mode failures on a single penetration. The ISI

program has been revised to increase the frequency of stroke time

tests for many safety-related trip valves, exceeding ASCO's recommen-

dation in this area. Also, the quality of instrument air has

improved with modifications to the instrument air system. These

factors should increase the reliability of safety-related trip valves

whose pilot valve is an ASCO SOV.

b. LHSI Pump Maintenance

On April 10, the inspector witnessed portions of the overhaul of the

Unit 2 LHSI pump (2-SI-P-1A) per MMP-C-SI-1, Low Head Safety

Injection Pump Inspection, Repair and Seal Replacement. The

inspector observed the installation and torquing of the last two

columns on the pump shaft and the installation of one of the wedges

between the pump casing and the pump columns. No problems were

observed by the inspector.

c. Unit 2 Steam Generator Outage Work



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During the present Unit 2 refueling outage, the licensee conducted

numerous inspections and maintenance activities concerning the steam

generators. The following is a list of the activities and the




(1) : Steam generator eddy current testing was conducted on the tubes

of all three steam generators. All of the tubes were inspected

through the U-bend, except for several short U-bend radius Row 2

tubes, using the standard bobbin probe (both hot and cold legs).

In addition to the bobbin probe, the tubes in rows 8 through 12

/ere inspected to the seventh support plate using the 8 x 1

pancake probe (both hot and cold legs), and all other rows were

inspected on the hot leg side through the first support plate

using the 8 x 1 pancake probe. Any indication discovered by one

of the above methods was verified by the RPC probe. Also, 25

row 2 tube U-bends were inspected using the RPC probe. As a

result of the above inspection, four tubes in the A steam

generator,10 tubes in the B steam generator and 15 tubes in the

C steam generator are required to be plugged.

(2) Steam generator sludge lancing was conducted on all three steam

generators to remove sludge that had collected on the tubes and

. tube sheet. The results of the lancing involved the removal ~ of

288 pounds of material f rom the A steam generator, 312 pounds

from the B steam generator, and 226 pounds from the C steam

generator. This is comparable to the amount of that was removed

from the Unit 2 steam generators during the 1987 refueling

outage, which ranged from 230 to 270 pounds.

(3) As a result of the failed plug that caused a steam generator

tube leak event on the Unit I reactor in February of this year,

the licensee replaced several plugs in the Unit 2 steam

generators. The licensee determined that 13 hot leg plugs in

the A steam generator,10 in the B steam generator, and 30 in

the C steam generator would have to be replaced because they had

been determined to be susceptible to the same type of failure

that occurred in the Unit 1 C steam generator. Refer to

paragraph 6.d of this report for further details on the tube

plug concern.

(4) The Unit 2B steam generator J-tubes were inspected and

determined to be acceptable. The licensee had replaced the

Unit 2 carbon steel J-tubes with inconel J-tubes in all three

steam generators during the 1985 outage. Since the inspection

was satisfactory in the B steam generator, the other two steam

generators were not required to be inspected.

No violations or deviations were identified.

4. Surveillance (61726)


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The inspectors observed / reviewed technical specification required testing

and verified that testing was performed in accordance 'with adequate

procedures, that test instrumentation was calibrated, that limiting

conditions for operation were met, and that any' deficiencies identified

were. properly reviewed and resolved.

a. Loss of 1H Emergency Bus and 1A RHR Pump-

On' March 23, during the performance of 1-PT-82.3A, 1H: Diesel

Generator Test (Simulated Loss of Offsite Power in Conjunction.with

ESF Actuation Signal), the licensee inadvertently lost power to the

.1H emergency bus. The surveillance was intended to test the fast

start capability of the 1H EDG using a simulated safety injection and

90 percent degraded voltage signal. At the time of the surveillance,

Unit I was in Mode 5 with an RCS temperature of 102'F. Pressurizer

level was approximately 5 percent, the 1A RHR pump was operating and

the IH emergency bus-was being supplied by the alternate power source

through breaker 15H1. When the operator commenced the test, the

breaker upsteam of 15H1 (15B11) opened, causing 15H1 to also open and

de-energize the IH emergency bus. As a result of the : loss of the

bus, the operating 1A RHR pump, which is powered by the 1H bus, also

tripped. An operator stationed at the RHR pump controls immediately

started the - 18 . RHR pump, resulting in a negligible change in RCS

temperature. The IH EDG auto-started and loaded onto the bus in less

than 10 seconds as required. The IH EDG was subsequently paralleled

tc the alternate power supply and the IH bus was returned to normal.

The EDG-was secured in approximately 15 minutes.

The inspector reviewed the procedure 1-PT-82.3A and, as stated by the

licensee, there were no initial conditions or precautions requiring

the emergency bus to be powered by the . normal power' supply. Even

l though the procedure was inadequate in not requiring that the bus be

powered by the normal breaker 15H11, the operators stopped the test

on March 23 to determine if it was acceptable to continue with the

bus being powered from the alternate power supply. The Control

Operations Department was contacted and requested to determine if the

test switch would block the 15H1 breaker from tripping as it normally

does for the 15H11. The operators ' were informed that the 15H1

breaker would not trip; however, the Control Operations personnel

failed to check the upstream breaker 15B11, which was not blocked and

did trip on the simulated 90 percent degraded voltage signal.

The operations staff did an excellent job in stopping the test and

questioning the abnormal alignment. However, since the test proce-

dure did not have a requirement for the emergency bus to be powered

from the normal power supply, no formal change was required to

proceed in the abnormal alignment. The review conducted by the

Control Operations Department was informal and incomplete. This

informal review resulted in the failure of the Control Operations

personnel to identify that breaker 15B11 was not blocked by the test


switch and would trip.

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.The. licensee'has initiated corrective action, which involves placing

in- al1~ applicable ' surveillance , tests, deviations that. prevent the

test from being performed in an abnormal ' electrical alignment. .The

inspector has-verified that a procedure deviation does exist in 'the'

front of the control room copies of the following' surveillance tests;-

82.2A, 82.2B, 82.3A, 82.38, 82.4A, and 82.48. The licensee -has

committed to establishing a formalized approach for obtaining Control

Operations assistance, including a method of permanently ' capturing

and utilizing the information obtained. This apprea:h . will. be

developed and a schedule established for its implementation by May -

17, 1989.

b. Service Water to RSHXs Flow Balance

On April 4,- the inspector received a briefing on 1-PT-75.6, Service

Water System Flow Balance, prior- to performance of the test. This.

procedure was developed to allow for full flow testing of _ the SW

system through the RSHXs. The results of the procedure were designed-

to allow the licensee to determine if the design basis flow would

. actually be achieved through the RSHXs and provide data on the

maximum flow which could be allowed through the CCW heat.exchangers

during normal operations.

Concerns regarding the ability of the RSHXs-to perform their intended

safety function were raised in NRC Inspection Report 338,339/88-11.

These concerns involved potential increased fouling factor associated

with the RSHXs and the resultant reduction in their heat transfer

capabilities. However, during the discussion concerning the

increased fouling of the RSHXs, it was assumed that the heat

exchangers would receive their design SW flow.

Also, as documented in NRC Inspection Report 3'38,339/88-31, the

licensee identified a potential problem associated with SW flow

through the CCW heat exchangers. This concern involved SW pump and

CCW heat exchanger flow combinations which could prevent achieving

.the required SW through the RSHXs during an accident. An additional

complication involved the assumption that the SW pumps would deliver

a flow of 15,000 gpm per pump. This concern was identified as IFI.

'338,339/88-31-04, pending the SW flow testing that is being conducted

this outage.

The licensee conducted 1-PT-75.6 for the Unit 1 RSHXs on April 14.

The test performed head curve verifications on all four SW pumps and

indicated that the maximum flow rate for the pumps was actually

approximately 13,500 gpm instead of the 15,000 gpm that was expected

by the Itcensee. The results of the test also indicated that the SW

flow through two of the four RSHXs was below the required design flow

of 4500 gpm, as stated in the UFSAR, Table 6.2-2. The SW as-found

flow results are as follows:


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A RSHX - 5020 gpm


B RSHX - 4850 gpm

C RSHX - 3740 gpm

.. D RSHX - 2650 gpm



. The SW flow through the RSHXs is controlled by a throttle valve for

each heat exchanger (1-SW-103 A, B, C and D). The licensee was able

to . adjust these valves to achieve the following as-left SW flow



A RSHX - 4610 gpm

B RSHX - 4610 gpm

~C RSHX - 4570 gpm

L D RSHX.- 4660 gpm

Based on the discovery' of the SW flow below the required flow of 4500

gpm in two'of the RSHXs, the licensee notified the inspector of their

- findings and will follow up this notification with an LER in 30 days.


The inspectors were able to determine that the last time the throttle

valves (103 A, B, C and D) were flow tested and adjusted was in 1981.


Since that adjustment, major modifications have been 'made to the .SW

system, ' including the overhaul of the SW pumps, mechanical . and

chemical cleaning of the SW piping and' installation of new SW return

- headers with newly installed spray arrays and associated valves. As

a result of these modifications and maintenance, the licensee

conducted post modification testing but did -not include the

re-verification of the SW flow through the RSHXs (i.e., the throttle

settings of the 103 and 203 ~ valves). It is unclear whether the

improper throttle settings and resulting low SW flow rates were a

result of the modifications or of initially not being adjusted

properly. If adequate post ' maintenance testing had been conducted,

the licensee would had identified the RSHX SW flow rate discrepancies


The combination of the questionable SW pump and CCW heat exchanger

configurations (see IR 338,339/88-33), and the identification of two

of the RSHXs having SW flow rates below design bring into question

the past . operability of the Unit 1 SW and recirculation spray

systems. This item will be identified as an apparent violation


The test also demonstrated that the installed SW flow instrumentation

was not accurate. To ensure that the test flow data was accurate,

the licensee used temporarily installed ultrastnic flow

instrumentation and differential pressure instrumental!on installed

across each heat exchanger. The differential pressure instruments

agreed with the ultrasonic flow instrumentation for changes in the SW

flow during the throttle valve adjustments. This helped confirm the'


accuracy of the ultrasonic instrumentation.

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The licensee also determined, based on the SW pump head curves, the

maximum SW flow rate which could be allowed through the Unit 2 CCW

heat exchanger during normal operation and still meet the design flow

through the Unit 1 RSHXs during accident conditions. This

determination was made by adjusting the Unit 2 CCW heat exchanger SW

flow to the maximum achievable with SW flowing through the Unit 1

RSHXs at their design flow of greater than 4500 gpm each. Then the

SW flow through the RSHXs was se;ured and the resulting flow through

the Unit 2 CCW heat exchanger was determired based on the SW pump

discharge pressure and head curve. This flow rate, as determined by

the SW pump discharge pressure, was 10,800 gpm. The installed flow

instrumentation indicated approximately 12,500 gpm return header flow

and approximately 14,500 gpm supply header flow, demonstrating the

installed flow instrumentation inaccuracies.

5. Operational Safety Verification (71707)

By observations during the inspection period, the inspectors verified that

the control room manning requirements were being met. In addition, the

inspectors observed shift turnover to verify that continuity of system

status was maintained. The inspectors periodically questioned shift

personnel relative to their awareness of plant conditions. Through log

review and plant tours, the inspectors verified compliance with selected

TS and Limiting Conditions for Operations.

In the course of the monthly activities, the inspectors included a review

of the licensee's physical security program. The performance of various

shifts of the security force was observed in the conduct of daily

activities to include: protected and vital areas access controls;

searching of personnel, packages and vehicles; badge issuance and

retrieval; escorting of visitors; patrols; and compensatory posts. On a

regular basis, RWPs were reviewed and the specific work activity was

monitored to assure that the activities were being conducted per the RWPs.

The inspectors kept informed, on a daily basis, of overall status of both

units and of any significant safety matter related to plant operations.

Discussions were held with plant management and various members of the

operations staff on a regular basis. Selected portions of operating logs

and data sheets were reviewed daily. The inspectors conducted various

plant tours and made frequent visits to the control room. Observations

included: witnessing work activities in progress; verifying the status of


operating and standby safety systems and equipment; confirming valve


positions, instrument and recorder readings, and annunciator alarms; and

l observing housekeeping.

a. Tornado Watch


On March 31, the licensee was notified that the area in which the '

! North Anna station is located was under a tornado watch. The control

room operators entered AP-41.1, Severe Weather Conditions, and took


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the necessary actions ' associated witho the tornado watch. The.

inspector reviewed the AP, conducted a tour, of the station grounds

'and : randomly selected portions of ;the' abnormal procedure action


requirements to' be - verified. : The . inspector determined, based on-

observations, that the licensee was ' in' compliance with' the AP. A

severe weather condition did not the area:of the plant,

zb. Tour of High Radiation Areas

On April 12, the inspector made a ' tour of the following high

radiation areas with the Superintendent of Health Physics.

(1) The B' gas stripper room (lower level).

.No problems noted.


l- (2) The A gas stripper room (lower level).



The inspector observed the following:

(a) A leak downstream of a shut' capped drain valve on a heat

l3 exchanger.


(b) A broken stem off of air operated valve IBR-P-108.


(c) A loose ground strap on gas stripper discharge pump


l (d) Excessive boron on the gland of gas stripper discharge pump

l- 1-BR-P-78.

'(e) A . leaky gland on the suction valve to gas stripper

l- circulating pump 1-BR-P-10B.

l The inspector informed the Superintendent of Operations of the:

I above findings. The Operations Superintendent stated that an

I operator would be sent to these areas to document the problems

and ensure that a maintenance work request was written on each'



(3) Primary plant demineralized valve alley.

This area was generally clean, with the exception of two bags of


(4) Unit 2 seal injection filter area.

Health Physics had stopped work in this area due to housekeeping

problems. There was evidence that valve repacking had been in

progress. The gasket for the 4A filter head showed signs of



. leaking.



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The inspectors will conduct followup tours of these areas to

determine if the maintenance items are being corrected and if

housekeeping has improved.

c. Equipment Failures During February 25, 1989, Unit 1 Reactor Trip and

Cooldown to Mode 5.

The licensee has identified two valves in the list of equipment which

malfunctioned during the S/G "C" tube leak and subsequent cooldown to

Mode 5 of Unit 1. The identification of these valves and the related

failures are as follows:

(1) "C" Steam Generator Blowdown Trip Valve (1-BD-TV-100F) failed to


(2) Inlet Valve to the RHR System (1-RH-MOV-1701) failed to stay

open following the reactor trip.

The inspector reviewed applicable deviation reports, work orders and

root cause analyses, performed by Maintenance Engineering to address

the problems.

In reference to blowdown isolation valve,1-BD-TV-100F, results of

the licensee's investigation show that the valve malfunctioned

because the ASCO SOV was stuck in the energized position. The valve's

function is to close on loss of power and/or air to the 50V, which is

its "f ail-safe" position. Because the application requires the

solenoid to remain ' energized during plant operation, heat is

generated and the licensee believes that this heat causes the small

amount of silicone lubricant, used by the manufacturer during valve

assembly, to oxidize and behave like a mild adhesive holding together

the core / spring and solenoid subassemblies, as previously discussed

in paragraph 3.a. With these SOV parts stuck together, the solenoid

was prevented from repositioning itself when de-energized on reactor

trip, and the pilot valve remained open. To overcome this problem,

the licensee has increased the frequency of stroking these type

valves and plans to replace five redundant SOVs used for outside

containment isolation, as discussed in paragraph 3.a.

In reference to 1-RH-MOV-1701, residual heat removal suction

isolation valve, the inspector ascertained that the valve failed to

stay open because relay PC-143 failed to operate. However, at the

time of this inspection, the subject valve was open and the suspect

breaker was locked out in the off position. The licensee was

delaying stroking this valve until after fuel had been removed from

the reactor.

d. Steam Gencretor "C" Tube Leak Resulting from a Mechanical Plug

Failure, Unit 1.


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The inspector met with the licensee's cogniza'nt engineer to. discuss

'the status of planned corrective actions'and obtain a progress report

.on the mechanical plug failure analysis by Westinghouse. The failed

. plug was located in S/G tube R3C60 of S/G "C". This failure has been ,

discussed in 'NRC Inspection Reports 338,339/89-03 and 89-07. The

-plug was used by Westinghouse in November 1985 to remove the~ subject

tube from. service when eddy current inspection showed it .to be

defective. The plug in question vas made from inconel-600 material-

produced from one of the two heats identified as NX3513 or NX3962.

The material was processed by 'Huntington Alloy per ASME SB-166 and

furnished' as one 'nch, rough turned - round bar in the as annealed


A recent- Westinghouse proprietary report on the failure analysis

performed on a leaky mechanical plug, removed from tube R3C6 of S/G

"A", North Anna Unit 2 in July 1987, reported that the plug had been

made from the same heat of material. The report described the

microstructure as one exhibiting various degrees of carbide- network

in the grain boundaries which is indicative of inadequate solution

annealing, i.e., low annealing temperature, insufficient time at

temperature or both. The material in question contains 0.018% carbon


and exhibited a hardness level of HRB 104 or HRC 28.5. Further, the

report stated that .this hardness level was indicative .of a

significant ' amount .of cold work resulting from manufacturing

practices. The failure mechanism was identified as primary water

corrosion cracking with an intergranular fracture. Mechanical plugs

made from those two heats of material include 515 in North Anna

Unit I and 319 in Unit 2.

A -review of photographs of the failed plug, following its removal

from S/G "C", showed that is had failed circumferentially at the

second landing. The-licensee is inspecting the tubes around R3C60 to

verify wall integrity and stated that the adjacent tube sustained

sufficient damage (dented) to preclude inspection with a standard

i size 0.720" diameter probe. The licensee will attempt to inspect the

tube with either a 0.610" or a 0.580" diameter probe to determine the


degree of damage.

In Unit 2, the licensee's tentative plans were to remove those plugs

in which an engineering evaluation could not demonstrate safe


operation when left in place (see paragraph 3.c for further details).

In Unit 1, plugs which are shown as unacceptable for safe operation

will be plugged with a specially designed appliance to preclude the -

recurrence of a similar failure.

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Operating Reactor Events (93702)

The inspectors reviewed activities associated with the below listed

reactor events. The review included determination of cause, safety


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significance, performance of personnel and systems, and corrective action.

The inspectors examined instrument recordings, computer printouts,

operations journal entries, scram reports and had discussions with

operations, maintenance and engineering support personnel as appropriate.

a. Transportation Problem with a Reactor Coolant Pump Motor

On March 27, the licensee informed the inspectors that the

Westinghouse contracted trailer containing an RCP motor had broken

down approximately 12 miles from the North Anna station. The

inspector responded to the site of the breakdown and discovered that

the box containing the motor was still upright and intact on the

trailer. It appeared that the trailer, which was a low-boy, had

fatigued in the center on the right hand side, allowing the bottom of

the trailer to come in contact with the highway and generating

several brush fires along a two mile stretch. The truck driver

noticed that the load was getting much heavier, stopped the truck and

notified the licensee at approximately 11:00 a.m.

The HP technician at the site of the breakdown informed the inspector

that the radiation levels were as follows:

(1) The highest contact reading on the box external was 2 mr/ hour

(2) General area around the box was 0.3mr/ hour one meter from the


(3) The highest reading inside the box next to the RCP was Smr/ hour

at the top of the motor.

The inspector was also informed that no external or internal

contamination to the box was detected. The motor itself was in a

herculite bag and was reported to have both fixed and loose

contamination, but none of the contamination was detected outside the

I bag. The licensee also informed the inspector that the activity of

the RCP motor was estimated to be approximately 254 milicuries.

The licensee transported a crane and another low boy trailer to the

site and lifted the motor from the damaged trailer to a new trailer.

The motor was then transported back to the station. The motor was in

the process of being shipped by Westinghouse to their facility in

Pennsylvania for overhaul when the trailer failure occurred,

b. Loss of CCW to Unit 2 RHR Heat Exchanger

On April 3, the licensee experienced a loss of CCW to the Unit 2 RHR

heat exchangers. The unit was in Mode 5 with the reactor vessel

level at approximately 73 inches as indicated by the level standpipe.

This level is approximately five inches below the reactor vessel

flange; therefore, the licensee was not in a reduced vessel level

inventory condition as defined by Generic Letter 88-17. The


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operators determined the cause of the loss of CCW to be a loss of

instrument air to the CCW containment isolation valves which caused j

the valves to fail closed. Instrument air was restored and the

valves were reopened in approximately 25 minutes. The RCS

temperature, as indicated by the RHR pump discharge temperature,

increased from approximately 91 F to 96 F during the 25-minute

period. Details of the event are listed below.

At approximately 1:00 p.m., the control room operator responding to

an annunciator for RHR pump cooling low flow discovered the CCW

containment isolation valves which also supply the RHR heat

exchangers indicating shut in the control room. Operations personnel

were immediately dispatched to the area in the auxiliary building

where the CCW valves are located to determine cause for the closure

and to reopen the valves. This effort was hampered due to the CCW

valves being located in a contamination area requiring full

anti-contamination clothing. At 1:21 p.m. the operators reported

that there was no instrument air pressure to the CCW isolation

valves. These valves are air to open and spring pressure to close.

The operators proceeded to determine the cause for the loss of

instrument air and in parallel to prepare a jumper to get an air

supply to the CCW valves. At approximately 1:23 p.m. an operator

discovered an instricent air manual isolation valve closed which

isolated the air supply to the CCW valves. This valve was opened and

both CCW valves were reopened by 1:25 p.m., resulting in RCS

temperature (as indicated by RHR pump discharge temperature) to

decrease back toward the original temperature. l

The licensee determined, based on interviews with personnel in the

area, that a contract painter had t'een working on piping just above

the instrument air valve. This painter admitted to brushing up

against the instrument air valve handwheel, but reportedly stated

that he did not intentionally shut the valve. This instrument air

valve is located approximately 12 feet in the overhead, and has

approximately three turns from full open to full closed. The

inspector along with the Station Manager and the Operations

Superintendent entered the valve penetration ar2a where the

instrument air valve was located to inspect the valve. Based on

observations and physical manipulation of the valve handwheel, the

licensee determined that the valve was very easy to operate and could

have been closed by the physical contact of the painter.

Consequently, the licensee concluded that the valve had been

inadvertently closed by the painter.

The inspector had entered the control room shortly after the operator

had discovered the CCW isolation valves closed., The inspector

observed the operations staff to be very sensitive to the loss of

cooling water to the RHR heat exchangers and that prompt actions were

being taken to restore the cooling water. These actions included

notification of station management who responded to the control room,

discussions by the operations coordinator with both the electrical



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and instrument shops .to determine if L any work that they were

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performing could~have' caused the valve closure, dispatching operators

' to the area and trending '.the .RHR pump discharge temperature. The

emergency plan .' procedures 'were consulted to determine if. any - .

notifications'were required and the abnormal procedures 'for loss of

-RHR were consulted.

. c. . Loss of IH and 2J Emergency Busses

On' April 16, 1989,'at 1115, with both units in Mode 5, the station

lost the "C" Reserve Service Station (RSS) bus due to improper bus

rework and relay testing in' the switchyard. The function of the "C"

RSS bus is to provide power.. to the IH .and 2J emergency buses. The

inspector was- in the control room at the' time of the event and

observed the operations personnel response. Pressurizer levels

during.the event were 8 percent and_6 percent by cold calibration for

Units 1 and 2 respectively. The units were not in a midloop

operation at the time of.the event.

The event. occurred while contract personnel were performing' an

approved energizing procedure to rework the existing feed from the-

34.5kv bus 4. The procedure did not detail all of the leads to be

pulled or landed for the rework of the bus 4 feed. ' A technician had

marked up a panel-drawing, indicating the bus 4 leads to be pulled by

an' electrician. However, various leads from bus 3 were also marked

on the drawing from another step in the procedure. The technician.

failed to . inform the electrician.not to pull the leads for bus 3 and

left the immediate area. Consequently, when a bus 3 lead was lifted

c and went to ground, a 300 millisecond timer was ' activated and timed

out,: which - then deenergized the "C" transformer. The technician.

.upon realizing that had occurred, immediately notified the operations

personnel of the' occurrence.

The loss of the "C" RSS power supply ~to the IH and 2J emergency buses

resulted in the IH and 2J EDGs being auto-started. Component cooling

pumps auto-started and loaded as designed on both units. The Unit 1

"A" RHR pump, which was running at the time of the event, tripped on

undervoltage. Operations personnel entered 1-AP-11, Loss of.RHR, and

successfully started the Unit 1 "B" RHR pump. The decision to vent

the "B" pump prior to starting was made because operations personnel

were in the area at the time of the event and the pump had not been

run recently. This did not significantly delay the reestablishment

of shutdown cooling to the unit. All other major equipment

functioned normally, and operator response was appropriate.

l As part of the corrective actions to the event, the licensee

l discussed the evolution with the contractor technician. Further

discussions were held with the contractor management on the impact of


contractor actions on the safety of the plant. The licensee made a

four-hour report on the event.


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d. RCS Vessel Level

On April 26, Unit I was in Mode 5 with vessel level being maintained

in a level band of 68" to 72" above nozzle centerline. This level

band maintains level 26" to 30" above the " Reduced RCS Inventory"

level of 42". The vessel level was being monitored by a standpipe

located in the containment with a CRT monitor in the control room.

The operators were maintaining this level band by periodically

pumping any RCS leakage from the Primary Drain Transfer Tank (PDTT)

to either the RCS via the RHR System or to the Gas Stripper system.

Additionally, a head purge had been in progress for approximately 20

hours. During head purge, vessel level was erratic in indication but

remained on-scale. On observing a decrease in process vent flow, the

operators secured the head purge at 0224. When the purge was

secured, the RCS standpipe level dropped below the lowest ruler mark

indicated on the control room CRT monitor (68"). Personnel were

dispatched to the containment to investigate, and a makeup was

commenced to the RCS. RCS level was returned on scale in the control

room at 0315. A total of approximately 546 gallons was added to the

RCS from the VCT and level increased to 71". No problems were found

with the system line up in the containment, and the licensee

concluded the decrease in water volume was caused by diverting of

inventory from the PDTT to the Gas Stripper system to keep RCS

standpipe level on scale during the head purge. (Disc Pressurization

of the RCS loop isolation valves from an Accumulator causes a

positive in-leakage to the RCS of approximately .35 .5 gpm.) The

licensee further concluded that the head purge affected standpipe

indicated level by causing it to be erratic and indicate high.

On April 27 at 0500, with Unit 1 plant conditions as described above,

RCS standpipe level was again observed to be excessively erratic in

its indication. Head purge which had been in service at that time

for approximately 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> was secured to check standpipe level.

When the head purge was secured, standpipe level again went off scale

low (below lowest observable indication on CRT monitor - 64").

Makeup from the VCT and PDTT was started and 860 gallons were added

to restore level to 66". At 0545, a containment entry was made and

verified level was at 54". Thus, level decreased less than 54" to a

value that could have approached 42". Head purge was restarted and

level increased to approximately 70".

The inspector reviewed the controlling procedures for the plant

conditions and evolutions occurring at this time. These are

1-0P-5.4, Draining the Reactor Coolant System, and 1-0P-11.3, Purging

the Reactor Vessel Head. Neither procedure 1-0P-5.4, nor any other

procedure, addresses the methodology being utilized for the mainte-

nance of reactor vessel level. Specifically, the PDTT would be

pumped, as appropriate, to either the RCS (theough a temporary jumper

to the RHR system) or to the Gas Stripper system. Interviews with

the operators indicated a satisfactory knowledge of this system

line-up. The operators were also knowledgeable concerning RCS

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-leakage rates and accumulator in-leakage rates (calculated by the STA


' once a shift). However, since neither .the RCS leakage calculations

or the operators ' tracked the amount'of inventory transferred from the'

.. PDTT to the Gas Stripper system, the maintenance of adequateLreactor

vessel level became primarily a function of an accurate standpipe

level indication.



Procedure 1-0P-11.3 precluder draining of. the RCS with a reactor

vessel head. purge in progress. Similarly, procedure 1-OP-5.4

cautions that. draining of the RCS is not allowed while purging the-

reactor head. Interviews with the operators indicated that they felt

in compliance with these procedures during a reactor. head purge'even-

when transferring.the RCS inventory f rom the PDTT. to the Gas Stripper

system. The: operators indicated that the purpose of the inventory

transfer was for maintenance'of reactor vessel level between 68" and

72" and not a purposeful lowering of level that would be accomplished

by a draining operation. The operators recognized that the reactor

head purge could cause standpipe l level to be erratic and indicate

inaccurately high. The assumptinn was made.that although this. level

indication could be inaccurate, as regards the exact reactor vessel

level, it could be relied on as a trending indicator to insure that

vessel level was being properly maintained during PDTT pumping

operations. This assumption proved to be incorrect with respect to

pumping of the PDTT and associated diversions of.RCS inventory to the

Gas Stripper system. The operators' actions over a period of hours,

, although intending to maintain level,. effectively established an RCS

draining evolution. Procedure .1-OP-11.3 provides no guidance or

precautions with respect to conducting evolutions that have the -

potential for reduction of reactor vessel level. Procedure 1-0P-5.4,

Step 5.31 also cautions that during Reactor Vessel Head Purging

operations, the RCS standpipe may inaccurately indicate low. This

statement is at variance with what was actually observed to occur.

The failure to control RCS stardpipe level and the failure to

identify and correct the problem after the April 26 event is

identified as an apparent violation (338,339/89-08-04). j

7. 'L'icensee Event Report Follow-up (90712) l


The following LERs were reviewed and closed. The inspector verified that 1

reporting requirements had been met, that causes had been identified, that

corrective actions appeared appropriate, that generic applicability had

been considered, and that the LER forms were complete. Additionally, the

inspectors confirmed that no unreviewed safety questions were involved and

that violations of regulations or TS conditions had been identified.

(Closed) LER 339/89-006, Pressurizer Code Safety Valves Out of Tolerance.

This LER documents the testing of the Unit 2 pressurizer code safety

relief valves which is performed every refueling outage. The relief

valves are removed from the plant and shipped to Wyle labs to be setpoint

and leak tested. The results of the test indicated that the as found lift



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setpoint pressure for the C relief valve. (2-RC-SV-255IC) was below the TS


3.4.3 criteria of. 2485 11% psig (actual setpoint was 2444)>and that the A

- relieff valve;(2-F.C-SV-2551A) leaked by the seat following the as found

- testing. The vendor performed maintenance on the' valves and the as left

setpoints were reported to be within the TS 3.4.3 criteria. During the

L , previous Unit 2 outage in 1987, the A and B reliefs exceeded the TS

criteria and again: the C relief was below the TS criteria-(as found 2447 '

psig). .The licensee has not b?en able to determine a root cause for the

setpoint drift.


' (Closed) LER 339/89-05, Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoints Out! of


L Tolerance. The LER-documented the ~ testing performed at Wyle labs of all

15 of the Unit 2 main steam code safety relief valves. Five of the

safeties exceeded the' TS criteria of 1%, two of which were lower and

l: three were higher than the TS criteria. The licensee conducted an.

evaluation and determined that the design pressure of the steam generators

would not be exceeded even though three of the safeties had setpoints

higher than the criteria. .The LER also stated that all 15 valves

exhibited some seat leakage following the as found testing. During the

1987 Unit 2 refueling outage, the licensee reported that 11 of the 15 code

safeties exceeded the TS pressure setpoint criteria (all higher) and.14 of

the~15 exhibited seat leakage following the as found testing,

p The vendor refurbished and retested the valves to ensure that the as left


pressure setpoints where within the TS tolerances and exhibited no seat

leakage. The licensee has not been able to determine a. root cause for the:

setpoint drift and leakage.

8. Action on Previous Inspection Findings (92701)

(Closed) Unresolved Item 338,339/88-33-07, Review of root cause analysis

and corrective actions regarding ECCS pump breaker problems. In NRC

Inspection Report 338,339/88-33, the inspector identified this URI pending

determination by the licensee of root cause analysis and corrective

actions concerning ECCS pump 480 volt breaker problems. A vendor

representative from Brown Boveri overhauled and cleaned several 480 ITE

u breakers. The result of the inspection indicated that the roller surfaces

- and latches were sticky and difficult to rotate. Dried mud and debris

were found inside the mechanism, and there was evidence that both

degreaser and oil based solvents had been used on the breakers. It-is

suspected that a contributing factor to the breaker malfunction was the

use of improper lubricant in non-compliance with the technical manual


recommendation combined with leaving the doors to the building housing the

breakers open with a far. blowing in dust and debris from outside during

the hot weather months. As a result, the licensee is planning to initiate

an EWR to be performed during this outage. The EWR will install a filter

and fan in the room housing the breaker. The inspector will monitor the '

licensee's action during the hot summer iaonths to determine if the

breakers are maintained free of dust and debris.


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In NRC Inspection Report 338,339/88-33 the inspector requested the- i


licensee to provide information regarding operability of the B Quench

Spray System since the pump breaker failed to close properly. Based on

Technical Specification and Table 3.3-5, the Quench Spray Pumps

are required to develop an acceptable discharge pressure within 58

seconds. Periodic Test 1-PT-36.7.5 determined the response time for QS

pump 1-05-P-1B. The response time of 22.4 seconds was obtained during the

last performance of 1-PT-36.7.5 and the operator approximated the time

delay of the breaker closing to be 30 seconds. This places the pump

performance very close to the Technical Specification limit. Pump

1-QS-P-1B could have been inoperable depending on the exact breaker

closing time. The licensee submitted LER 89-001 " Sluggish Operation of

ITE 480 Volt Breakers Due to Inadequate Lubrication" to document the

problem. A review of this LER, revealed that the 480 volt breaker for the

inside recirculation spray pump (1-RS-P-1A) failed to close within the

time allowed by TS.

During the investigation of the maintenance procedure EMP-P-PL-01, 480

Volt Load Centered Air Circuit Breakers, the inspector determined that the

procedure did not include the specific lubrication requirements, specified

in the technical manual. The technical manual states that no lubrication

is required during the circuit breaker normal service life. However, if

the grease should become contaminated or if parts are replaced, any

lubrication should be done with NO-0X-ID or Anderol grease as applicable.

Technical Specification 6.8.1.a requires written procedures shall be

established, implemented and maintained, covering the applicable proce-

dures recommended in Appendix "A" of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2,

February 1978. Section 9 of Regulatory Guide 1.33 requires procedures for

performing maintenance. The failure of the licensee to have adequate

maintenance procedures to ensure proper operation of ESF equipment

breakers will be identified as a violation 338/89-08-01.

(Closed) Unresolved item 338,339/89-03-03, NRC review of TS

The situation associated with this item involves the failure of the

licensee to verify the position of the three quarter inch up to two inch

capped vent and drain valves which are located within the containment

penetration boundary as recuired by TS The licensee informed

the inspector that they had not considered these vent and drain valves as

containment isolation valves. The licensee believed that the TS

requirement only applied to manual isolation valves which isolated the

main pipe penetration. Consequently, the licensee admitted that they did

not perform the TS surveillance on these vent and drain valves.

TS states, in part, that at least once per 31 days the

if censee will verify all penetrations not capable of being closed by

operable containment automatic isolation valves and required to be closed

during accident conditions are closed by valves, blind flanges, or

deactivated automatic valves secured in their positions. Periodic tests

1-PT-60.1 and 2-PT-60.1, Containment Integrity, is the test performed by

the licensee every 31 days to comply with TS a.6.1.1.a.1. This procedure


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inspects approximately 43 containment penetrations to verify that the

closure mechanism is closed (e.g. valve hatch, etc.). Howevar, the vant

and drain valves located between each containment isolation valve and the

containment penetration (outside of containment) were not listed in this

procedure. The failure of the licensee to comply with surveillance TS will be identified as a violation 338,339/8S-08-02.

9. Generic Letter 88-17 Loss of Decay Heat Removal (TI 2515/101)

The inspectors reviewed Generic Letter 88-17 and the licensee's response

to the generic ' letter. At the time of the review, the licensee was

preparing Unit 2 for entry into a reduced RCS inventory condition as

defined by.the generic letter. Prior to entry into a condition with' RCS

level less than three feet below the vessel flange of the applicable

limit, the licensee experienced three events involving loss of RHR'

capability (see paragraphs 4.a 6.b and 6.c). During these events, the

operators demonstrated a heightened sensitivity concerning the loss of RHR-

and took prompt and aggressive corrective actions to restore RHR cooling .


~The inspector has reviewed the li,ensee's procedures and controls

regarding loss of RHR. The following is a brief description of the

inspector's review,

a. Training

As discussed'in NRC Inspection Report 338,339/88-36, the inspector

attended the operator's tcaining session associated with the loss of

i. RHR events. The inspector _ felt the training was excellent for the

l- time; allotted. The inspector also attended a training session for

maintenance personnel on April 5. This session discussed the effect

maintenance activities can have on RCS level and the operating RHR

pump and components. The training also described the additional

controls which will be placed on ' any maintenance . activity that can

affect RCS inventory. The inspector felt that this training session

l. covered the concerns and controis associated with performing


maintenance during a reduced RCS inventory condition.

One observation made by the inspector was that the licensee did not

document the briefings conducted with maintenance personnel-

subsequent to the initial training sessions. This observation was

discussed with the licensee.

b. Containment Closure



The inspector reviewed 2-OP-5.4, Draining the Reactor Coolant System,

and determined that the procedure required containment integrity to

be established in accordance with 2-PT-91, Containment Penetrations,


prior to RCS' level being reduced to less than 42 inches above nozzle

centerline. 2-PT-91 step 5.26 also requires that the containment

closure team be established prior to RCS level reaching 42 inches.


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The inspector . verified that the SRO log listed. the names of the ,

maintenance personnel who were assigned to the containment closure

team during a particular shift. The inspector also reviewed the

, containment breach log which was attached ' to 2-PT-91 listing all '

penetrations other than the equipment hatch and personnel hatch which

L had to'be closed to establish containment closure.


One weakness identified > hy the inspector was the lack. of procedural-

requirements for the establishment of the closure team, the training

and briefing requirements for the team and the documentation of

personnel attending briefings. However, during the present outage


the inspector did not detect any lack of understanding of the purpose


and requirements for the team. The reason appears to be the

heightened sensitivity by both management and the operations staff to

i the issues concerning Generic Letter 88-17 and loss of RHR. However,

I. in the future, if these requirements are not formalized, they may not

I get implemented as effectively.

The inspector has discussed this observation with the licensee and


they have agreed to review the situation and provide some additional

I, procedural guidance and controls. The inspector will review the

l licensee's actions again during the Unit 1 outage and will include a

i review of the licensee's procedural guidance associated with


containment closure requirements.

c. RCS Temperature

The inspector reviewed 2-0P-5.4, Draining the Reactor Coolant System.

l This review revealed that step 4.9 and step 5.26 of the procedure

required the operator to verify that two core exit thermocouple are

operable prior to RCS level reaching 42 inches above nozzle center-

line (three feet below the vessel flange). The core exit

thermocouple are displayed on the core cooling monitor in' the

control room.

The inspector verified on several occasions while the Unit' 2 reactor

was in a reduced inventory condition that at least two thermocouple

were operable and that the operator knew which ones were operable.

L During the times checked, the inspector. observed five operable

L thermocouple indicating in the control and being logged by the

l operator in 1-Log-4A. The inspector compared the thermocouple

l temperature readings to the RHR pump discharge temperature and they

l were very close confirming the operability of the thermocouple. The

RHR pump discharge temperature was also being recorded via a strip


The inspector reviewed 1-AP-11.2, Loss of RHR. Attachment 7 of the

procedure included a set of curves illustrating the heatup of the RCS

following the loss of RHR. Even though Attachment 7 is located at

the back of 1-AP-11.2, the inspector could not find any reference to



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this set of curves in the body of the procedure. This observation

was discussed with the licensee.

d. RCS Water Level .

North Anna presently has only one means of RCS level indication

during reduced inventory condition. This means of indication is a

temporarily installed tygon hose with a TV csmera and continuous

monitor in the control room. In a letter from L. Engle, Project

Manager, NRR, to W. Cartwright, Vice President, VEPCO, dated

February 13, 1989, the NRC concurred with the use of only one means

of RCS level indication for the short term at North Anna.

The inspector observed the RCS level indicatior via the TV monitor on

each tour of the control room. The level indication was clear and

easily read. The operators were monitoring the RCS level

periodically and are required to log the results every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

During RCS draining evolution, the inspector observed an operator in

the control room on a head set monitoring the TV monitor while in

communication with an operator in the containment locally monitoring

the RCS standpipe level. The inspector observed portions of the

level standpipe hose during a tour of containment on April 11. No

problems were observed.

e. RCS Perturbation

The inspector reviewed 1-MISC-37, Assessment of Maintenance

Activities for Potential Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory. This

procedure requires the Shift Superviser to assess all work orders

associated with the RCS, 51, RHR, RP or CVCS systems using the

following criteria:

(1) Component cannot be isolated completely from RCS.

(2) Operator action is required to maintain system level to permit


(3) Positive identification of component may not occur due to

similar devices in a surrounding area.

If the assessment of the above indicates there is a potential for

loss of RCS inventory, then the following actions are required:

(1) If maintenance requires an opening on the cold leg during

mid-loop operation, establish and verify a hot leg vent path.

' Ensure proper administrative controls are established to

inaintain the hot leg vent path until system integrity is



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(2) Conduct a pre-job briefing with maintenance personnel. Discuss

loss of inventory ' potential and contingency actions.

(3) Have .an operator accompany maintenance personnel to positively

identify the component and establish communications.

(4) Ensure makeup capability to the RCS is readily available.

(5) Establish communications between work site and control room.

(6) Notify the control room at the time work is started and when

work is suspended.

(7) Monitor RCS level (standpipe, pressurizer level, cavity level,

reactor vessel level) and containment sump level frequently

during the process.

(8) Notify the control room when the component is closed and system

integrity is restored.

All of the above items were discussed in detail during the

maintenance training session attended by the inspector on April 5.

l 2-OP-5.4, Draining the Reactor Coolant System step 3.0 requires that

l MISC-37 be entered into the action si iement status log and a copy

forwarded to the Shift Supervisor. This procedure also requires the



(1) An operator to be stationed in containment in communication with

the Control Room to monitor RCS level during draining


l (2) All personnel involved in the draining evolution must attend a

pre-job briefing.

(3) No draining of RCS while purging the vessel head.

(4) The pressurizer PORVs and their isolation valves to be open

venting the RCS.

The inspector found the procedure to be somewhat confusing, but did

not observe the operators having any problems maintaining compliance

with the generic letter requirements. The inspector discussed the

procedure deficiencies with the licensee.

f. RCS Inventory Addition

The inspector verified that 2-OP-5.4 required that one HMSI and one

LHS1 pump be operable prior to the RCS level being lowered three feet


below the vessel flange. 2-MISC-35.1, CR0 Turnover Checklist

(Modes 5 and 6), step 7 requires the offgoing and oncoming CR0s to


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7. i st the two operable pumps and flow paths any time RCS level is

three feet or more below the vessel flange. The inspector

periodically verified based on control room indication the operable

pumps and flow paths. .

Abnormal procedure 2-Ap-11.2, Loss of RHR, establishes the criteria

for using the ECCS pumps to feed and bleed the reactor vessel. This l

procedure provid'.s attachments with the requirements for the use of J

either the HHSI pump or LHSI pump to maintain the core covered and to

remove decay heat.

g. Nozzle Dams ,

North Anna has loop stop valves and, therefore, does not use nozzle



h. Loop Stop Valves

The inspector reviewed a memorandum from J. O. Erb, VEPCO, to D.

A. Heacock, VEPCO, dated March 30, 1989, which stated that the ,

required vent path for the hot leg side of the vessel should be

greater than 19.19 square inches. This vent path is established to

prevent the hot leg side of the vessel from pressurizing with all

three of the hot leg stop valves closed and a hole in the cold leg

side. The lice.nsee's assumptions included 52 new fuel assemblies and

35 days since shutdown in determining the required vent size.

The licensee chose the vent path to be the flange opening for two of

the removed pressurizer safety relief valves. The licensee

determined that one opening was greater than 19.19 square inches but

to be conservative, they elected to use two openings.

To prevent foreign material from entering the opening, the licensee

installed screens over the openings. During a tour of containment

the inspector observed the openings and the screens. It appeared to

the inspector that the metal of the screens took up approximately

half of the area of the opening. The inspector questioned the

licensee and requested a calculation be performed determining the

effective area of the openings minus the ?rea of the screen metal.

The calculation was performed and reported to the inspector. The

report stated that the sum total of both openings was just over the

requirement of 19.19 square inches (actual 21.22 square inches).

The inspector's overall observation of the licensee's actions

regarding the potential loss of RHR was favorable. Both management

and the operation staff demonstrated increased sensitivity toward any

evolution potentially affecting RCS inventory. The actions and

procedures, even though several procedural upgrades are needed, were

more than adequate to comply with their commitments to the generic

letter. The minor procedural inadequacies were compensated for by

the operator training and resulting knowledge level of the


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requirements for operating in a reduced RCS inventory condition.

Although the licensee's program for operating during a known reduced

inventory condition was favorably reviewed, an RCS level control

event, which occurred after the generic letter inspection effort,

revealed a . fundamental problem with knowing the actual level when

using the standpipe system. This issue is discussed in paragraph


10. Refueling Activities (60705, 60710)

The inspector reviewed the completed refueling master procedure 1-0P-4.3,

Controlling Procedure for Refueling. This review verified that the

precautions, initial conditions and action steps were completed and signed

off. The inspector observed that the applicable TS were listed in the

procedure and verified each time they were applicable.

The inspector interviewed the refueling coordinator and the refueling

shift supervisors. The inspector discussed the training activities for

the Westinghouse refueling personnel. The coordinator informed the

inspector that the contract refueling personnel were experienced refueling

personnel and received the training well.

During the 1987 refueling outages, the refueling activities went well with

the exception of two problems, one on each unit. These problems resulted

from the contract refueling personnel failing to follow procedures.

During the present Unit 2 refueling outage, the refueling shift

supervisors informed the inspector that the contract refueling personnel

were very receptive to their requests, unlike the previous outage. The

inspector was also informed that the refueling personnel followed the

procedures and their supervisor was very diligent in making sure that all

refueling steps were complete and properly signed off.

The inspector reviewed the deviation reports documented against the

refueling activities. This review did not reveal any problems similar to

the two reported problems during the 1987 outages. There were a couple of

minor discrepancies, but these errors did not have the potential for fuel

damage and were discovered by the refueling shift supervisor and


The core off load commenced on March 14 and the reload was completed on

March 29. The only problem experienced during the fuel movement in the

reactor cavity involved new fuel assembly X44. This assembly would not

line up ar.d seat on the lower core plate. The assembly was removed and

inspected. The lower flow nozzle suffered some damage due to the lower

core plate alignment pens coming in contact with the lower nozzle feet.

The assembly was replaced with the same type of new fuel assembly

scheduled for Unit I refueting. The damaged assembly X44 had the bottom

nozzle removed and both the assembly and nozzle were shipped to

Westinghouse. The bottom nozzle will be replaced with a new one and the

fuel assembly will be shipped back to the station for use in Unit 1.



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11. Storage.and Handling of EDG Fuel Oil (25588)

On January 16,1967, the NRC issued IE Information Notice 87-04 to alert

the licensee of potentially significant. problems . pertaining to long-term

storage of fuel oil for EDGs. The , inspector reviewed the licensee's

programs . for maintaining adequate quality of the EDG fuel oil stored

on-site. Through reviews and interviews, the inspector determined that

the licensee:


Evaluated the aforementioned Information Notice 6nd other similar

industry events,

- Took actions as a result of the evaluation, including lean out of

fuel oil tanks, evaluation of samples for biologio. growth, and

evaluation of the use of additives to the fuel,


Routinely. samples the fuel oil for viscosity, water, and' sediment in

accordance with TS, and


Inspects and cleans fuel oil filters and strainers during outages.

No violations or deviations were identified.

12. Exit

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on April 17, 1989, with

those persons indicated in paragraph 1, The issue discussed in

paragraph 6.d. was summarized with the licensee on May 2, 1989. The

inspectors described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the

inspection results listed below. The licensee did not identify as

proprietary any of the material provided to or reviewed by the inspectors

during this inspection. Dissenting comments were not received from the


Violation 338/89-08-01, Failure to have adequate maintenance procedures to

ensure proper operation of ESF equipment 480 volt ITE breakers (paragraph


Violation 338,339/89-08-02, Failure to comply with TS for

containment penetration vent and drain valves (paragraph 8).

Apparent Violation 338,339/89-03-03, Potential for the SW and RSHXs to

have been inoperable (paragraph 4.b).

Apparent Violation 338,339/89-08-04, Inadvertent loss of reactor vessel

level (paragraph 6.d.).

A licensee oral commitment to develop a formalized approach for obtaining

control operations assistance and establish an implementation schedule by

May 17, 1989, was discussed.





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13. Acronyms and Initialisms

AP Abnormal Procedure

CAD' . Computer Assisted Drawing..

CAE. Condenser Air Ejector


CDA Containment Depressurization Actuation

~CRO. Control Room Operator

DCP' Design Change Package

DHR Decay Heat Removal

DUR Drawing Update. Request

EDG Emergency Diesel Generator

EP Emergency Procedure

ESF Engineered Safety Feature

EWR Engineering Work Requests

GPM Gallons Per Minute

HP Health Physics

IFI Inspector Follow-up Item

IR Inspection Report

LCO Limiting' Condition for Operation

LER Licensee Event Report

MCC~ Motor. Control Center

MOV Motor Operated Valve

MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration

MREM Millirem

MSSV Main Steam Safety Valve

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

NSE Nuclear Safety Engineering

PDTT Primary Drain Transfer Tank

PES Plant Engineering Services

PORV Power Operated Relief Valve

PROM . Programmable Read Only Memory

PSIG Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge

PTSS Periodic Test Scheduling System

RCS Reactor Coolant System

RHR Residual Heat Removal

RMS Radiation Monitoring System

RS_ Recirculation Spray

RSHX Recirculation Spray Heat Exchanger

RTD Resistance Temperature Detector

RWP Radiation Work Permit

S/G Steam Generator

SALP Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance

SI Safety Injection

SNSOC Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee

50V Solenoid Operated Valve

STA Shift Technical Advisor

SW Service Water

TS Technical Specification

TSC Technical Support Center

UE Unusual Event

URI Unresolved Item


UFSAR Updated Final Safety Analysis Report

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VCT Volume Control Tank

WOG Westinghouse Owners Group






