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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000338/19990032 July 1999Insp Repts 50-338/99-03 & 50-339/99-03 on 990425-0605.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant SupportBoric Acid
Foreign Material Exclusion
Operability Determination
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
IR 05000338/199900112 April 1999Insp Repts 50-338/99-01 & 50-339/99-01 on 990131-0313. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Engineering,Maintenance & Plant Support.In Addition,Results of Insp by Region Based Fire Protection Specialist EnclBoric Acid
Fire Barrier
Stroke time
Reserve Station Service Transformer
Missed surveillance
Fire Protection Program
Unidentified leak
Manual Operator Action
IR 05000338/19980111 March 1999Insp Repts 50-338/98-11 & 50-339/98-11 on 981220-990130.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant SupportBoric Acid
High Radiation Area
Non-Destructive Examination
Stroke time
Locked High Radiation Area
Missed surveillance
Maintenance Rule Program
IR 05000338/199801014 January 1999Insp Repts 50-338/98-10 & 50-339/98-10 on 981108-1219.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Engineering,Maintenance & Plant SupportUltimate heat sink
Grace period
ML20196H4135 November 1998Insp Repts 50-338/98-05 & 50-339/98-05 on 980713-31 & 0921- 25.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Licensee Calculations,Analysis,Performance Test Procedures & Other Engineering Documents Used to Support Design & Performance
IR 05000338/199800718 August 1998Insp Repts 50-338/98-07 & 50-339/98-07 on 980720-23.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation & Evaluation of Biennial EP Exercise for North Anna Nuclear Station
ML20216H6713 April 1998Insp Repts 50-338/98-01,50-338/98-01 & 72-0016/98-01 on 980125-0307.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant SupportHigh Radiation Area
Maintenance Rule Program
IR 05000338/199701112 January 1998Insp Repts 50-338/97-11,50-339/97-11 & 72-0016/97-04 on 971102-1213.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant SupportGrab sample
Missed surveillance
IR 05000338/19970107 October 1997Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-338/97-10 & 50-339/97-10 on 970922-23 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Support by Regional Safeguards SpecalistSafe Shutdown
IR 05000338/199700421 July 1997Insp Repts 50-338/97-04 & 50-339/97-04 on 970518-0621.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant SupportTime of Discovery
Shutdown Margin
Foreign Material Exclusion
Feedwater Heater
Liquid penetrant
Flow Induced Vibration
IR 05000338/199700515 July 1997Insp Repts 50-338/97-05 & 50-339/97-05 on 970616-20.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant SupportSafeguards Contingency Plan
ML20140F2656 June 1997Insp Repts 50-338/97-03 & 50-339/97-03 on 970406-0517. Non-cited Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Engineering,Maintenance & Plant SupportBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Overspeed trip
IR 05000338/19970025 May 1997Insp Repts 50-338/97-02 & 50-339/97-02 on 970223-0405.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant SupportSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Stroke time
Temporary Modification
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
Overspeed trip
ML20137F76621 March 1997Insp Repts 50-338/97-01 & 50-339/97-01 on 970112-0222. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant SupportHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
High Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
IR 05000338/19960137 February 1997Insp Repts 50-338/96-13 & 50-339/96-13 on 961208-970111.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant SupportFire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Design basis earthquake
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
Power change
ML20133J1996 January 1997Insp Repts 50-338/96-12 & 50-339/96-12 on 961102-1207. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & EngineeringNondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Missed surveillance
Operability Determination
IR 05000338/19960102 December 1996Insp Repts 50-338/96-10 & 50-339/96-10 on 960922-1102. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant SupportWeld Overlay
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Maintenance Rule Program
Pressure Boundary Leakage
IR 05000338/199601115 November 1996Insp Repts 50-338/96-11 & 50-339/96-11 on 961014-18.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant SupportSafeguards Contingency Plan
ML20134G90721 October 1996Insp Repts 50-338/96-09 & 50-339/96-09 on 960811-0921. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant SupportFitness for Duty
Coast down
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20128K05930 September 1996Insp Repts 50-338/96-08 & 50-339/96-08 on 960812-16.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Cr Simulator,Tsc,Osc, EOF, & Joint Info CtrHealth Physics Network
Packing leak
IR 05000338/19960079 September 1996Insp Repts 50-338/96-07 & 50-339/96-07 on 960810.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineers, Maint & Plant SupportSafe Shutdown
Temporary Modification
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000338/199402929 December 1994Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-338/94-29 & 50-339/94-29 on 941128-1202 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program for Power ReactorsFitness for Duty
IR 05000338/199302912 January 1994Insp Repts 50-338/93-29 & 50-339/93-29 on Stated Date.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Status,Ler Followup,Safety Verification,Maintenance Observation, Surveillance Observation & Cold Weather PreparationsLoop seal
Fire Protection Program
ML20059B28814 December 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-27 & 50-339/93-27 on 931017-1120. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Status, Operational Safety Verification,Maintenance Observation & Surveillance ObservationFire Barrier
Enforcement Discretion
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000338/199302415 November 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-24 & 50-339/93-24 on 930919-1016.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Status, Operational Safety Verification,Maintenance Observation, Surveillance Observation & LER FollowupFire Protection Program
IR 05000338/199302829 October 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-28 & 50-339/93-28 on 931014-20. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Circumstances Surrounding Unit 2 High Head Safety Injection Subsystem Not Meeting TS Min Flow Requirement on 931014
IR 05000338/199302627 October 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-26 & 50-339/93-26 on 930927-1001.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee Radiation Protection Program,Involving Review of HP Activities Primarily Associated W/Unit 2 Refueling OutageHigh Radiation Area
Job Performance Measure
IR 05000338/199302120 October 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-21 & 50-339/93-21 on 930920-24.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Organization of Chemistry Dept & Units Responsible for Handling & Shipping of Radioactive Matl & Plant Water ChemistryAnnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Grace period
IR 05000338/199302315 October 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-23 & 50-339/93-23 on 930822-0918.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Status, Operational Verification,Maint Observation,Training & Action on Previous Insp ItemsShutdown Margin
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000338/199302513 October 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-25 & 50-339/93-25 on 930914-17.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Eddy Current Exam of Steam Generator TubesNondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
IR 05000338/199302017 September 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-20 & 50-339/93-20 on 930718-0821.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Status, Operational Safety Verification,Maint Observation, Surveillance Observation & Action on Previous Insp Items
ML20056E8654 August 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-19 & 50-339/93-19 on 930620-0717. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Maint Observation,Plant Status & Surveillance ObservationTornado Missile
ML20056D16713 July 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-18 & 50-339/93-18 on 930509-0619. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Examinations of Procedures & Representative Records,Interviews W/Personnel & Observaton of Activities in ProgressFire Barrier
IR 05000338/199300924 March 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-09 & 50-339/93-09 on 930208-12 & 22-55. No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Fitup,Preheat & Fabrication of Field Welds,Weld Repairs,Nde & Review of Fabrication RecordsNondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
Fire Watch
IR 05000338/199300815 March 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-08 & 50-339/93-08 on 930117-0220. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Status,License Event Rept & Surveillance ObservationCoatings
Nondestructive Examination
Emergency Lighting
High Energy Line Break
IR 05000338/199300112 March 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-01 & 50-339/93-01 on 930115-0211.Two Noncited Violations Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Program Organization & Mgt Controls,Hp Technician Training & Operational & Administrative ControlsHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
Job Performance Measure
IR 05000338/199300611 February 1993Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-338/93-06 & 50-339/93-06 on 930125-29.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Physical Security Program,Including Protected Vital Area Barriers.Portions Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
IR 05000338/19930055 February 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-05 & 50-339/93-05 on 930111-15.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Control of Heavy Loads in Containment & Crane Insps to Be Performed During SG Replacement ProjectControl of Heavy Loads
IR 05000338/19930023 February 1993Insp Repts 50-338/93-02 & 50-339/93-02 on 930104-08.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Design Changes & Mod,Engineering Support Activities & Licensee Event Rept FollowupLoop seal
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Tornado Generated Missile
IR 05000338/199202913 January 1993Insp Repts 50-338/92-29 & 50-339/92-29 on 921122-1219.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Minor Mods,Surveillances & Action on Previous Insp FindingsFire Protection Program
IR 05000338/199202631 December 1992Insp Repts 50-338/92-26 & 50-339/92-26 on 921130-1204.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Organization & Staffing,Radiation Protection Training,Procedures & Work ControlsCoatings
Locked High Radiation Area
Job Performance Measure
ML20126E34323 December 1992Insp Repts 50-338/92-30 & 50-339/92-30 on 921130-1204. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Support & Security Program Plans,Protected & Vital Area Barriers, Detection & Power Supply.Rept Partially Withheld
IR 05000338/199203117 December 1992Insp Repts 50-338/92-31 & 50-339/92-31 on 921207-10.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Operating Procedure & Abnormal Operating Procedure FollowupJob Performance Measure
IR 05000338/199202716 December 1992Insp Repts 50-338/92-27 & 50-339/92-27 on 921116-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Primary Water Plant Chemistry,Confirmatory Measurements of non-radiological Samples & Radiological REMPOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
IR 05000338/199202815 December 1992Insp Repts 50-338/92-28 & 50-339/92-28 on 921116-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:To Observe Certain Activities in Preparation for SG Replacement Project in Unit 1 & to Review Approved Welding ProceduresHydrostatic
Nondestructive Examination
IR 05000338/199202311 December 1992Insp Repts 50-338/92-23 & 50-339/92-23 on 921018-1121.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Minor Mods,Operations,Maintenance,Surveillance,Esf Walkdown,Ler Followup & Actions on Previous Insp FindingsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Temporary Modification
Missed surveillance
Stress corrosion cracking
Through-Wall Leak
Fire Protection Program
Overspeed trip
IR 05000338/199202525 November 1992Insp Repts 50-338/92-25 & 50-339/92-25 on 921102-06.No Violations Noted.Weaknesses Noted Re Heavy Loads Program. Major Areas inspected:post-refueling Startup Tests,Routine Surveillance of Core Performance & Control of Heavy LoadsShutdown Margin
Control of Heavy Loads
IR 05000280/199102223 August 1991Insp Repts 50-280/91-22,50-281/91-22,50-338/91-18 & 50-339/91-18 on 910731 & 0801-02.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Evaluation of Licensee Pipe Wall Thinning Insp & Replacement ProgramNondestructive Examination
Feedwater Heater
IR 05000338/19910046 March 1991Insp Repts 50-338/91-04 & 50-339/91-04 on 910128-0201.Major Areas Inspected:Observation of Inservice Insp Work Activities & Reactive Issues Re Relief Request for Noncode Repair on Unit 2Weld Overlay
Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
IR 05000338/199002519 November 1990Insp Repts 50-338/90-25 & 50-339/90-25 on 900916-1020. Noncited Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maint,Surveillance,Mods,Operational Event Followup,Midloop Operations,Ler Followup & Action on Previous Insp ItemsHydrostatic
Feedwater Heater
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
Fire Protection Program