IR 05000327/1982005

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IE Insp Repts 50-327/82-05 & 50-328/82-05 on 820329-0402. Noncompliance Noted:Failure to Implement Retraining Required by Procedures & Failure to Train Outage Craftsmen in QA Program
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/1982
From: Skinner P, Upright C
Shared Package
ML20062J676 List:
50-327-82-05, 50-327-82-5, 50-328-82-05, 50-328-82-5, NUDOCS 8208160501
Download: ML20062J919 (5)













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101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., LUIT c 3100 (






Report Nor. 50-327/82-05, 50-328/82-05 t

Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority




500A Chestnut Street Tower II i


Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401 -


Facility Name:

Sequoyah 1 & 2



s Docket Nos. 50-327, 50-328 License Nos. DPR-77, DPR-79 Inspection at Sequo ah site ear Chattanooga, Tennessee Inspector:



N /7, /782.


P. H. Skinner _

~ / Date Signed Approved by:


'944-k/Y h

C.'M. '1Jp'right, Secjlion ief D6te Signed Engineering Insps ranch Division of Engi,n/tio.

eering and Technical Programs


SUMMARY Inspection'on March 29,1982, - April 2,1982 Areas Inspected This routine, unannounced inspection involved 38 inspector-hours on site in the areas of licensee action on previous enforcement matters, non-licensed personnel training, and review of previously identified inspection findings.


Results Of the three areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified in two areas; three violations were found in one area (Failure to conduct initial training and replacement training, paragraph 5.a; Failure to implement retraining required by procedures, paragraph ~5.b; and Failure to train outage craf tmen in the quality assurance program, paragraph 5.c).





0200160501 820009











Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • H. Arnold, Supervisor, Operator Training Section, POTC
  • A. Carver, Compliance Nuclear Engineer
  • E. Craigge, Supervisor, Safety Staff C. Deweese, Shift Engineer G. Erickson, QA/QC Supervisor, Central Laboratory Services R. Garrison, Training Lt. Security
  • R. Hamilton, QA Supervisor
  • M. Harding, Compliance Supervisor J. hartley, Supervisor, Measurements Laboratory D. Jackson, Safety Engineer
  • C. Mason, Plant Superintendent


  • J. McGriff, Assistant Plant Superintendent
  • L. Nobles, Operations Supervisor W. Popp, Chief, Nuclear Training Branch L. Smith, Training Officer Other licensee employees contacted included operators, security force members and office personnel.


NRC Resident Inspector

  • E. Ford, Senior Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on April 2,1982, with


those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The licensee acknowledged the


inspection findings.



Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters The following items were reviewed with respect to the corrective action as described in licensee correspondence dated March 16, 1981:


(Closed) Violation (327/80/46-01):

Failure To Accomplish Calib. 61on Of Nuclear Instrumentation Under Suitable Environmental Conditions And Inadequate Calibration Procedures.

Instructions for calibration of nuclear instrumentation have been revised to include humidity require-ments before performing tests where required.

Instrumentation Instruction Letter #3 dated February 1981 has been issued to specify and tag instruments that require use and/or calibration for specific environmental conditions.








(Closed) Violation (327/80-46-02):

Failure To Follow Trainin'g Procedures.

Records were reviewed at the Central Laboratory docu-menting training and experience of personnel conducting calibration and repair of instrumentation.


(Closed) Violation (327/80-46-03): Failure To Establish A Program To Control / Monitor Laboratory Environment. A program has been established to control and monitor laboratory environment as described in Labora-tory Instruction Letter #2, Environmental Control Laboratory Procedure 202, dated February 1981.


(Closed) Violation (327/80-46-04):

Failure To Obtain Required Corrective Action.

OP-QAP-18.1 was revised to eliminate category B findings. The items pertaining to Central Laboratory activities have


been corrected.


(Closed) Violation (327/80-46-06):

Failure To Conduct Retraining And Replacement Training. The inspector reviewed various training records of plant staff personnel. A repeat violation was identified and is discussed in paragraph 5.a.


(Closed) Violation (327/80-46-07):

Failure To Perform Comprehensive Audit In Areas Of Training. This violation was withdrawn in a letter to the licensee dated April 9,1981.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.


Non-Licensed Personnel Training (41700)



Technical Specification 6.4, Training (b)

Topical QA Program (TVA-TR75-1) Revision 4



00AM Part III, Section 6.1, Selection and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants, dated 1/81 (d)

DPM No. N78A13, Nuclear Plant Operator Training Programs, dated 8/81 (e)

DPM No. N79A7, Nuclear Plant General Employee Training Program, dated 11/81 (f)

AI-14, Plant Training Program, Revision 11 (g)

RCI-2, Radiological Hygiene Training, Revision 7 (h)

Compliance Visits, Audits, and Inspections - Inplant Survey Check? 'st No. 2c-82-1, dated 1-27-82






n The inspector reviewed the training program which provides the required training for the facility staff personnel. This program was reviewed to verify that: the program complies with requirements contained in references (a) through (g) above; the program covers training in the areas of admini-strative controls and procedures, radiological health and safety, industrial safety, security procedures, emergency plan and quality assurance training, and pre-natal radiation exposure training for females; nonlicensed operators are trained in functions which they perform; related technical and on-the-job training is provided to applicable personnel where required.

Based on this inspection, three violations were identified as discussed in paragraphs 5.a through 5.c.


Failure To Conduct Training and Replacement Training Reference (a) requires a training and replacement training program be maintained that meets or exceeds the requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971.

Paragraph 5.4 of ANSI N18.1 identifies the training required for all persons regularly employed in the nuclear power plant.

Reference (f)

implements this requirement and identifies the specific General Employee Training (GET) initially required to be provided for each inember of the operating staff. The inspector reviewed training records of 25 permanent operating staff personnel and 65 outage personnel.

This documentation indicated that approximately 40% of the plant staff personnel and 35% of the outage personnel had not received all required i'itial training.

The inspector reviewed reference (h) which also identified this problem. Since a similar violation was identified in a previous inspection conducted in December 1980 (Inspection Report Nos.

50-327, 328/80-46, dated 2/13/81) and the corrective action that was taken in response to the NRC finding did not correct this problem,


credit cannot be given for a self-identified violation.

This failure


to provide the required GET is a repeat violation (327, 328/82-05-01).


Failure to Follow Procedures Reference (b) paragraph 17.2.2 requires a training and retraining program for staff personnel performing quality affecting activities and that proficiency of personnel performing these activities be maintained by retraining, reexamination and/or recerti fying.

Reference (c)

paragraph 1.5 identifies the required General Employee Training (GET)

and requires retraining necessary to ensure personnel remain profi-cient.

References (e) and (f) implement the GET program and require retraining in various areas (GET 1,4,5,6,11,13 and 14) be initiated when significant changes to controlling documents occur or other indicators reflect the need. A review of approximately 25 operating staff personnel training records indicate that retraining has never been provided in thase areas although docuraents controlling and describing these areas have been revised several times since the initial training was conducted. This failure to follow procedures is a violation (327, 328/82-05-02).

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Failure to Train Outage Craftsmen In The Quality Assurance Program Reference (a), Section 17.2.2 requires a training program to provide for indoctrination of personnel performing activities affecting quality


as necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained. Reference (c), paragraph 6.1, requires that all persons regularly employed in the nuclear power plant be trained in the area of the Plant Quality Assurance Program. Reference (f) does not include a requirement to train outage craftsmen in the Quality Assurance Program.

This failure to train outage craftsmen in the QA Program is a violation (327, 328/82-05-03).


Licensee Actions on Previously Identified Inspection Items a.

(Closed) Open Item (327/80-46-13):

Possible Inaccurate Readings On Multi-Scale Instruments. The Supervisor of the Electrical Laboratories has evaluated this area and issued guidance to calibration personnel to review for this potential problem.

This guidance was provided in Instruction Letter #4 dated July 8,1981.


(Closed) Open Item (327/80-46-14):

Possible Record Retention Inade-quacies. A system has been initiated at the Central Laboratory and by the Sequoyah Measuring and Test Equipment (M&TE) program which identi-fies and maintains records that identify the use of each piece of M&TE such that if a piece of calibrated equipment or a calibration standard is found out of tolerance, each item that was previously calibrated by the standard or each use of the M&TE can be identified and evaluated to determine the effect of the out-of-tolerance condition.




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