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FOIA Request for Nine Categories of Documents Re Physical Independence of Electrical Cables at Facility.Info Requested Will Be Provided to Petitioners Before NRC on Ref Application for Amend to License
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/15/1986
From: Murphy S
To: Grimsley D
FOIA-86-760 NUDOCS 8612050072
Download: ML20214Q279 (3)



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Nuclear information and Resource Service 1616 P Street, N.W., Suite 160, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 328-0002 October 15, 1986 Donnie Grimsley Division of Rules and Records FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Office of Administration ACT REQUEST US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 gg ,7 /0 ~F-.E-$ 4 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REOUEST

Dear Mr. Grimsley,

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 522, as amended, and 10 CFR 9.8 of the Commission's regulations, the Nuclear Information and Resource Service requests the following documents regarding the physical ihndependence of electrical cables at the Shearon Harris plant. Please consider " documents" to include reports, studies, test results, correspondence, memoranda, meeting notes, meeting minutes, working papers, graphs, charts, diagrams, notes and summaries of conversation and interviews, computer records, and any other forms of written communication, including internal NRC Staff memoranda.

Pursuant to this request, please provide all documents prepared or utilized by, in the possession of, or routed through the NRC related to :

1. The compliance and non-compliance by CP&L to Regulatory Guide 1.75 "The Physical Independence of Electrical Systems".

Include documents related to any exemption requests or amendments or other deviations by CP&L for the Shearon Harris plant from the cable tray separation requirements

2. Any NRC inspections of the cable tray separations at Shearon Harris; documents indicating CP&L's performance regarding cable tray separation requirements
3. Documents related to the study done for CP&L by Wyle Lab on the physical independence criteria of electrical systems and approved by the NRC (We are not requesting the Wyle Report  ;


4. CP&L's plan to correct deviations from the separation requirements; including correspondence regarding changes to the

. NIRS FOIA 10/15/86 p.2 Shearon Harris FSAR

5. Any NRC study or inspection of the height, af ter installation, of the cables in the cable trays at Shearon Harris or the percentage of cable tray fill at Shearon Harris 6 The locations--for example the diesel generator room--of the cables already identified as not meeting the separation requirements; and the locations of the cables which are to be t covered or have been covered
7. NIK: interviews with Shearon Harris site inspection personnel about cable separation concerns and the adequacy of licensee inspections of electrical cables (as mentioned on page 10 of NRC's SALP report for Shearon Harris dated September 25, 1986)
8. Any NRC enforcement for failure to comply with the requirements in Regulatory Guide 1.75 by CP&L at the Shearon Harris plant
9. Documents which led to the August 22, 1986 notification by CP&L to the NRC that electrical separation was a reportable item under 10CFR50.55(e) .

Below is a list of the documents already located in the NRC's Public Document Room. We are requesting documents other than these:

-NRC to CPEL; September 25, 1986 SALP report 86-56 l -CP&L to NRC; September 19,1986 Item 233, Electrical Separation i

accession number 8610080095

-NRC memo; August 11,1986 " Problems Associated with Electrical Cable Separation" Docket 50400, acn:8608190204

, -NRC to CP&L; April 14, 1982


Report No 50400/82-09

-NRC to CP&L; March 12, 1985 Notice of Violation attached to l Inspection Report No.50400/8504

-CP&L to NRC; September 16, 1986 with attached Wyle Test Report

, No. 47879-06 In your response, please provide a list of offices to which this request was forwarded.

In our opinion, it is appropriate in this case for you to waive search charges, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 522 (a) (4) (A) "because furnishing the information can be considered as primarily benefiting the general public." The Nuclear Information and Resource Service is a non-profit organization serving local organizations concerned about nuclear power and provides information to the general public, members of Congress, State and local officials. Information required by 10 CFR 9.14 was l

provided by letter dated August 3,1984. The information  !


, 10/15/86 p.3 requested by this letter will be provided to petitioners before the NRC on the license amendment application referred to above.

We look forward to your prompt reply.

Sincerely, N /(Lp]L St phanie Murphy

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