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Forwards Addl Info Supporting 881026 Proposed Amend to Tech Spec Re Diesel Generator Testing Requirement. Acceptance of Amend Will Allow Unit 1 Surveillance Outage to Be Cancelled
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/22/1988
From: Hunsader S
To: Murley T
5243K, NUDOCS 8811290081
Download: ML20206J700 (55)


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m} Commonwealth Edison One Fd National Plaza Chicago, linos Address Repy M: Post Offc2 Box 76,7 Chicago, Enos 60690 0767 November 22, 1988 Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory' Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attnt Document Control Desk Subjects Braldwood Station Unit 1 Application for Amendment to I racility Operating License NPF-72 Appendix A, Technical Specifications tiRC_ Docket No.__50-456 Referencet (a) October 26, 1988 S. C. Hunsader letter to T. E. Murley Dear Mr. Murleys

(. In reference (a), pursuant to 10CFR 50.90, Commonwealth Edison

. Edison) proposed to amend Appendix A, Technical Specifications, of racility Operating Licenr.e NPT-72. The proposed amendn;ent requests a change to fechnical Specification to extend, on a one-time basis, the previously accepted 31 month surveillance testing requirement for Diesel Generators 1DG01KA and 1DG01KB, for an additional 7 months, until the first refueling outage for Braidwood Station Unit 1, currently scheduled for September, 1989.

The purpose of this letter is to provide additional information that supports what was provided to you in reference (a). Specifically, you will find attached the folicvingt Attachment "A" is the September 285, 1988 Cooper Energy Services Group letter that provides their approval of a one time extension up to 38 months for the 'init 1 Diesei Janerator Technical Specification surveillance.

Attachment "L" is the October 20, 1988 Westinghouse letter that transmitted thelv risked based evaluation performed to support the extension of the Diesel Generator Technical Specification survelliance (teardown inspgetion) from 31 months to 38 months.

Attachment "C" is the November 17, 1988 Cooper Energy Service = Group letter that provides the results of the ENSPEC 3000 Engine Analyser operated on Diesel Generators, 1DG01KA and ID01KB on November 14, and '

17, 1988. As stated in the letter, all operating parametets were wit.hin manuf acturer's specifications.

G311290081 881122 FDR ADOCK 05000456 4 1 1 P PDC ,

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In the Safety Evaluation and Evaluation of Significant Hazards Considerations provided with Reference (a) Edison Indicated that the failure histories of 50th diesel generators had been reviewed and trends of abnormal failures had not been identifled. The information provide 3 in Attachment "C" supports that conclusion.

As indicated in reference (a), an expedited NRC review is requested so that the revised Technical Specification can be in piece ptfor to the Braldwood Unit 1 surveillance outage, scheduled to start in early February, i 1989. Associated work packages will need to begin to be prepared soon, prior to the start of the outage. In addition, with Unit 2 surveillances becoming ,

due at the same time, a February, 1909 Unit 1 outage would result in a December, 1988 surveillance outage start for Unit 2. Acceptance of this ,

snendment will allow the Unit 1 surveillance outage to be cancelled and allow for these Technical Specification surveillances to be accomplished during the Braldwood Unit 1 Refueling outage, scheduled to start in early Septenber, i 1999. Also, the extension will allow the Unit 2 surveillance outage to begin in early January, 1989 instead of December, 1988.

Please direct any questions you may have concerning this matter to ,

this office. ,

Very truly yours, S. C. Huns 6 der Nuclear Licensing Administrator l

/sc1 l l

Attachments (A): September 26, 1988 Cooper Energy Services Group Letter I (B): October 20, 1988 Westinghouse Letter (C): November 17, 1988 Cooper Energy Services Group Letter cc Resident Inspector - Braidwood l S. P. Sands - NRR Regional Office KIII M. C. Parker - State of Ill.

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Sepember 26, 1988 l

Comonwes1th Edison Braidwood Nuclear Station  !

Rt. 1 Box 84 '

Bracev111e. Illinois 60407 Attention: Mr. Randall , Smith

Dear Mr. Smith:

Referring to Mr. Querio's September 16 1988 letter to G. L. Miller of Energy Services Group requesting an app,roximate thirty-eight (33) month elapsed time since the last full maintenance / inspection surveillance of your 1A and 18 diesal generator sets, which is two (2) months longer than previously agreed to.

On July 31, 1987 Energy Services Group approved a 36 month extension for the 1A and 18 diesel with a mutual agreement that thirteen (13) items of inspection be perfomed and in your September 16, 1988 letter y(Thecheck-listisattachedforyourreview.)ou state that this inspection wa It is my understanding you do trend monitoring of diesel generator operating parameters. I suggest you continue to do so and any significant change is cause to perfor* any or all the thirteen (13) points of inspection again.

Energy Services Group grants approval of a one tirne extension (36 to 38 months) for the 1A and 18 diesels to allow Braidwood to schedule diesel generator inspection with reactor full outage.

Sincerely, hh Glenn L. Miller Service Manager Eastern Regiun

/m Attachment (ThirteenPointInspectionList)

ArTERVARKit stRvlCts N Mo 3 50 ftidi 393.a200 Teen 24 63aa N AX' COOPER etSSlMER' EN TRoNiC' CoNThots NoRDaf R3' Pf NN* SUP( ArCR'

,,. seqEPM ETDtr$PFET b. B; 9-26-06 188 6 ; 61 5 ' CCMT G3;n 3


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The following items will be perfomed during the Preventative Maintenance Program.

1) A review of the Diesel Generator's starting times. operating logs and maintenance history to identify any significant trends of degradation.
2) Perfom engine analyzer to monitor peak firing pressures, compression pressures and cyltader vibration.
3) Record Turbocharger spindown time.
4) Inspect crosshead clearances by verifying freedom of movement.

(Until rocker am issue resolution.)

5) Inspect rocker am assemblies for each cylinder without disassembly.
6) Adjust intake and exhaust valve tappets for each cylinder.
7) Review operating logs for the following filter's differential pressure readings. If differential pressures are rising, inspect and clean filters as necessary.

! a Fuel 011 $ trainers l b Fuel Oil Filters l

c Full Flow Lube Oil Filter d Turbocharger Lube Oil Fitlers

8) Inspect and clean as necessary the following filters and strainers:

i a Luba 011 Strainers b Crankcase Breather Filter e Cylinder Head treather Filters d Ate Intake Filtors e Air Start Header Filters f Air Intake Manifolds

9) Inspect the fuel contro* linkage.
10) Inspect and clean as necessary fuel injector pump metering rods, tl) Inspect and clean as necessary the governer control "bimba" cylinder.
12) Inspect local control panel for cleanlinns.
13) Perfom engine analyzer to monitor peak firing pressures and cylinder vibration.

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/ ' ,/ J CCE-88-502 Pener Systems Omsv Westinghouse Energy Systems Electric Corporation e ns Pittsburp Pevsytvoa 15230 0355 NS-OPLS-OPL-I-88-422 October 20, 1988 Mr. C. A. Moerke General Design Engineer Byron and Braidwood Stations Corrconwealth Edison Company P.O. Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 C0f00hVEALTH EDISON COMPANY BRAIIkDOD - UNITS 1 AND 2 DIESEL GENERATOR SURVEILLANCE EXTDJSION

Dear Mr. Moerke:

. This letter transmits the risk based evaluation which has been perforned to support extension of the diesel generator teardown inspection from a 31 month interval to a 38 month interval. The effort was perforved at the request of Mr. E. Swartz with the cooperation of Mr. R. &ith at the Braidwood site, who received an advanced copy of the report via telex on 10/14/88.

The attachment includes a safety evaluatioa checklist (SECL-88-562) and a "no significant hazards" determination in support of the tecnnical specification change. This evaluation has as it's basis a recent evaluation which extended the surveillance interval to 31 months and was transmitted to Commonwealth Edison v.ia CAh'-10557/CE'a'-6021 dated 6/4/87.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.

Very truly yours, rl x,-l, . .l, j

h G.P. Toth, Manager pf, 4%ws L Ccenonwealth Edison Projects smd/

1 4 o

CCE-68-502 NS-OPLS-OPL-I-88-422 cc: R.E. Querio, Braidwood

<S.C;? Hunsader = .. s

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D. Swartz R. Sraith, Braidwood I


nu NS-RH01-!G-10 5 SEC L- 8 8 - 5(o 2.

ATTACHMENT 1 Customer Reference No(s).


(Change, Control or RFQ As Applicable)


(2) CHECK LIST APPLICABLE TO: - I[ A'c- 4 # wen (SubjectofChange) y '

(3) The written safety evaluation of the revised procedure, design change or modification required by 10CFR50.59 has been prepaied to the extent required and is attached. If a safety evaluation is not required or is incomplete for any reason, explain on Page 3.

Parts A and B of this Safety Evaluation Check List are to be ecmpleted only on the basis of the safety evaluation performed.

CHECK LIST - PART A (3.1) Yes No X A change to the plant r, described in the FSAR?

(3.2) Yes No X A change to the procedsrcs as described in the FSAR?

(3.3) Yes No X A test or experiment .iot described in the FSAR?

(3.4) its g_ No A change to the piart technical specifications (Appen x A to the Orerating License)?

W'CW,- htn C on CHECK LIST - PART B (J tificat on for Fart B answers must be included on Page 3.

(4.1) Yes No X Will the probability of an accident previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased?

(4.2) Yes No k Wili the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased?

(4.3) Yes_. No A Way the possibility of an accident which is different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be created?

(4.4) Yes No k May the probability of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased?

(4.5) Yes No X W111 the consequences of a La1 function of equipment important to safety previously y evaluated in the FSAR bs increased?

(4.6) Yes No n Nay the possibility of a malfunction of equipment important to safety different than any j No N already evaluated in the FSAR be created?

Will the margin of safety as defined in the 4 (4.7) Yes g bases to any technical specification be reduced? m m


, NS-RM0!-IG-10 5


SEC4 F61 i

ATTACHMENT 1(Continued)

Customer Reference No(s).

Westinghouse Reference No(s).

(Change Control or RFQ As Applicable)

WESTINGHOUSE NUCLEAR SAFETY EVALUATION CHECK LIST PAGE 2 0F 3 If the answers to any of the p.*., ceding questions are unknown, indicate under (5) REMARKS and explain on page 3.

If the answer to any of the above questions in (4) cannot be answered in the negative, based on written safety evaluation, the change cannot be approved without an application for license amendment submitted to NRC pursuant to 10CFR50.90.


Re f ere>,c e 'c s w - so 2; (sh/gy)

L'C A tow -to Tarn Se/s s 7,fon " Byron /Braic/ weed Diese/ $ rnera tor E L; c.a /

Spee; fiutio,, Es t-enven Ji45 6i $ cot jon ".

Re (enu e 2. : Byen Geneedinj 5 + w % Z ;,,i 6 in g C o n d h ,s f e r- Opeation Rdo otion Prepa m ,Wc 6 P- lo s 2 6 Apr,1 19 64 .

3 Re f ennce. 3 . B y en Ann,y P R n rechnol.j y L n s fe r D o c u . . < ,3 + .

A/ce. 19 86 .

(6) APPROVAL LADDER (Signatures): g /


, (6.1)Preparedby(NuclearSafety): N/ . I d ate: /#/7/88 (6.2)CoordinatedwithEngineer(s): / Date:

(6.3) Coordinating Group Manager (s): Date:

(6.4) Nuclear Safety Group Manager: 8 M /, / h _ Date: /M/FN f

.i i.

NS-RM01-IC-10 5

SECL-68.g&L ATTACHMENT 1 (Continued)

Customer Reference No(s).

Westinghouse Reference No(s).

(Change Control or RFQ As Applicable)

WESTINGHOUSE NUCLEAR SAFETY EVALUATION CHECK LIST PAGE 3 0F 3 The following sumarizes the justification upon the written safety evaluation,II) for answers given in Part B of the Safety Evaluation Check List:

. ' G.Ct W  ? .N h Af IIIReference to document (s) containing written safety evaluation:

.- ,>s >. . .

j PREPARED BY: [Meu, 8 ddy////

_ DATE: /d'/7/[8 v

jr -

7 <i ei io -


. . SEC 4 - 8 8 - 56 2.

BRAImoOD DIESEL GENERAICR 'DDWICAL SnMFICATIN EmNSIN DmotUCTIm Westinghouse was requested by orncrusalth niiscn to rupport, fmn a probabilistic riax a-nt (PRA) perspectise, an extansicn of the Braidwcod Unit 1 diesel generators teardown inspection requirement, tactnical specificaticn, frun a crie time 31 month interval to a one time 38 acnth interval to coincide with the currently planned refueling outage.

A previous study performed for n=-1 wealth FAiem by Westinghouse, reference 1, made two evaluaticris: the first evaluaticn was of a perinanent extension of the time interval for the diesel generator teardown inspections frun 18 acriths to 24 acriths, the second evaluaticn was a cne time extensicn of the teardown inspecticos frun 24 months to 31 zenths.

'Diese evi.luations showed both proposals to be acomptable. 'Ihe diesel generator manufacturer also approved, subject to the utility ocmducting a trund analysis ytwtam of diesel generator operating parameters.

Subsequently, the Nuclear Regulatory himmien (NRC) appIUved the request for the one time extensicn of the teardown inspection to 31 acnths.

02monwealth Ediscn had prvvicusly supplied Westinghouse the following inforation cancerning their maintenance piMares for the diesel generators.

1. Braidwood Unit 1, IA diesel ge:)arator cperability nonthly (staggered) and sardannual (staggered) surveillance, IBwCS, revision 54.

l 2. Diesel generator 1A 18 acrith teardcun inspection,1BNS, revisicn 1

3. A list of a$diticm1 preventative maintenance to be carried cut during the 18th acrith when the current 18 acrith taardown inspectice is extended to the 24th actith.

In ackiiticri, 0: mcr1 wealth Biiscn prtnidad the following updated information for this study:

4. Braidwood Unit 1, IA diesel generator eparability scrithly (staggered) and amninrruel (staggered) surveillance,1BwoS, revision 0 (Nota the revision rwverted to zero because it had been a Braidwood and Byron pr M m but is now exclusively a Braidwood ps M are).
5. Memo 5f/88-1130, Septem w 16,1988 frun R. E. Querio, Braidwood Nuclear staticri to G. L. Miller, Cocpar Industries
6. Meno, Septerter 26, 1988 frun G. L. Miller, Cooper Industries to R.

smith, BraicMxx1 Nuclear statico

7. List of ' Nots of araidwood thit 1 Diesel Generators frun 12/10/86 to 7/14/88 1

SEC L - 8 8 - 5 6 2.


'Ihe tasting re bres outlined in the monthly surveillance and is month taardown inrpecticn had been previously reviewed to estimate the type of potenttal f.ailure nedan detectable by these tests. 'Ihe then prt. posed maintenance swie was also reviewed in a similar manner.

'Iha tym of potential failuru modes that might be undetected by the preventative maintenance s w s e , but might be detectable by the 18 month taardown inspecticn prwie , wars identified. A m: del was w 'M to estimate the impact of these potentially undetected failury modes cm the oorunalt frequency and other risk critaria developed for the Byron PPA nrdal of references 2 and 3.

Both the previous study and this stud" are hamad en the following

= == ='tions .

1. 'Ihe coremalt frequency miel for G e loss of offsite power event, given the Byrtn Limiting Orditions for Operatico Relaxatico Program of refersnos 2, and in the subsequent Byrtn Living PRA ;wport of reference 3, is aplicable to both the Byrtn ard Braidwood generatinJ stations. 'Ihe type of diesel gr nerators used in both staticms are the same. 'Ihe cosite electric power systams of the two stations are similar with the Braidwood offsita power systan being considered to be more reliable than that of the Byrtn statier. as s.%m in referarce 4.

'Ibereform, this investigatico is based en the model developed in reference 2.

2. 'Ihe value used in reference 2 for the unvailability of the diesel generator (fails to start and fails to run) was 2.4E-02 and the maintenance unavailability was 1.54E-02. 'Ihe sum of these unavailabilities is a four percent unavailability cn demand for each diesel generator. 'Ihese values are used as a basis for ocrparison of the results of the two nodals.
3. Periodic testing (acothly, quarterly ard semiannually) will detect the majority of the potential failure ardaa. 'Ihis assucptico is in gros ent with the Byrcn PPA model ard is also a ocmncnly accepted assmpticn in other PRA studies.
4. 'Iha diesel generator actual operating time is small in the extended 31 months to 38 mcoths period ocupared to the cperating time anticipated during the expected service life of 40 years.

CCtCI11SICH It is concludai that the proposed eatensicn of the diesel generator taardown inspections frta 31 mmths to 38 acnths is acceptable as lcrg as a trerd analysis swie is in place and the acothly tests ccotinue with no indications of significant degredatico of the critical engine parameters specified by the manufacturer.


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'1he standarti used to arrive at a proposed detemination that a request for ar=.idments involves no significant hazards consideration is included in 10 CER 50.92. It states that the operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed &Eed.eits would not (1) irralve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) crwate the possibility of a new or different kind of accident fran any accident previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in a -

martJ i n of safety.

'Ibe following evaluation in relation to the three c.riteria denonstrates that the prtpcsed change to technical specificatien does not involve a significant hazards ocnsideration. <

FIRST CRITERIA It is shown that the prop.; sed, one tire technical specification charge will not significantly increase the unavailability of the diesel generators. 'Ihe diesel generators are currently perfomirg well, with one failure in the last 28 vralid tests. Wear ard tear of the diesel generators is minimal sirce they are called upon infrequently. A review of the diesel generator failure history shcus no trends of abnormal failures. 'Iberefore, the proposed, one time technical specification change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.


'Ihe prtposed, one tire technical specification only changes the teardcun impection interval of the diesel generators. It dces not add or replace any equipTnt that may result in a new or different kind of accident frcn any accident previously evaluated.


'Ibe prtposed, one tire technical specificatien change does not reduce any martli n.

ca. ..- c, si t

h f -l--L ( N M C V1 b s

ENERGY SERVKES GROUP w.e November 17. 1988 Comonwealth Edison Company R.M. #1 P. O. Box 84 Braceville, Illinois 60407 Attention: Mr. Jim Grzemski RE: Electronic Engine' Analysis Unit 1A - S/N 7175 Unit 18 - S/N 7176 Gentlemen:

On November 14 and 17,1988 the ENSPEC 3000 Engfrie Analyzer was set up and operated on the above re/crenced units. At this time, complete analysis and compression testirig was performed.

Both units ran very well throughout the test. All operating parameters were within rnanufacturer's specifications. Please review the 3ttached for additional information.

If you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate calling.

Sincerely, yg, j

, h~

/ James Burdette

' Field Service Representative

JB/sjs Attachment r

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