ML20071G640 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Indian Point ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/20/1983 |
From: | Heimbach L NEW YORK, STATE OF |
To: | Palladino N NRC COMMISSION (OCM) |
References | |
NUDOCS 8305240312 | |
Download: ML20071G640 (1) | |
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MONTHYEARML20217B3331999-10-0707 October 1999
[Table view]Responds to 990825 Telephone Call Re Presense of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Wastes at Plant,Unit 1 ML20212F4481999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards NRC Form 536 Containing Currently Proposed Site Specific Operator Licensing Exam Schedule & Estimates of Number of Applicants for Generic Fundamentals Exams Through Cy 2003 ML20212F7051999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Rev 19 to Ipn,Units 1 & 2 Physical Security Plan. Plan Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21 ML20211N0681999-09-0202 September 1999 Informs That Commission Requested Publication of Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amend to Fol,Proposed NSHC Determination & Opportunity for Hearing. Amend Changes Senior Reactor License Requirement for Operations Manager ML20211H6291999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for July 1999 for Indian Point,Units 1,2 & 3. Rept of Noncompliance Is Attached for Noncompliance Which Occurred at Unit 3 ML20211E1531999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Semi Annual fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for 990101-990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) ML20211H6051999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Rev 8 to Security Force Training & Qualification Plan, for Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant.Rev Facilitates Transition of Duty Weapons Carried by Security Force Members from Revolvers to Semiautomatic Pistols ML20211A9241999-08-11011 August 1999 Informs That IPS Currently Estimates,That Approx Two Licensing Actions Will Be Submitted to NRC During Remainder of 1999 NRC Fiscal Yr & Approx Ten Will Be Submitted During 2000 NRC Fiscal Yr ML20210M7251999-07-26026 July 1999 Forwards Projection of Ability to Pay Retrospective Premium Adjustment for Period of Aug 1999 to 000731, Which Demonstrates That Ceny Will Have Sufficient Cash Flow &/Or Cash Reserve Available Throughout Period to Pay Premium ML20210G8911999-07-20020 July 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-5 for Proposed New TS 3.2.1.i,revising Senior Reactor License Requirement for Operations Manager ML20209B6611999-06-29029 June 1999 Returns Recently Submitted Renewal Applications,Nrc Form 398,for Three Reactor Operators,As They Are Not Completed Properly.List of Docket Numbers & Block Numbers That Contain Incorrect Info & Block Numbers Not Completed.Without Encls ML20196A6371999-06-15015 June 1999 Forwards Rev 19 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21 ML20207D1861999-05-27027 May 1999 Informs That Effective 990328,NRC Office of NRR Underwent Reorganization.Mt Masnik Section Chief for Indian Point Station,Unit 1.JL Minns Remains Primary Contact for All Routine Licensing & Administrative Matters.Chart Encl ML20205R2961999-04-15015 April 1999 Forwards Copy of Proposed Change to Indian Point SPDES Permit NY0004472.Proposed Change Requests Permission to Add Permitted Outfall to Plant as Well as Change Character of Existing Outfall.Without Encl ML20205R1981999-04-15015 April 1999 Requests That Dept of Environ Conservation Modify SPDES Permit for IPS IAW Proposed Rev Attached & Described as Listed ML20196K8111999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards Decommissioning Funding Status Rept for Indian Point,Units 1 & 2 Through 981231 ML20205F9711999-03-25025 March 1999 Informs That Under Separate Cover,Licensee Transmitted to Ofc of Nuclear Regulatory Research Annual Rept of Results of Individual Monitoring at Indian Point,Units 1 & 2,for CY98 ML20204F7931999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Table Outlining Nuclear Property Insurance Which Has Been Placed on Behalf of Consolidated Edison Co of Ny, Inc.Insurance Covers Indian Point,Units 1 & 2 ML20204J9971999-03-0909 March 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-003/98-19 on 981130-990222.No Violations Noted ML20203B9001999-02-0808 February 1999 First Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Forwards Documents Listed in App a Already Available in PDR, Documents in App B Released in Entirety & Documents in App C Being Withheld in Part (Ref Exemption 6) ML20202J6171999-02-0505 February 1999 Forwards Transcript from 990120 Public Meeting Held in Peekskill,Ny Re Decommissioning ML20199H3731999-01-11011 January 1999 Informs That T Schmeiser,Con Ed Plant Manager for Plant Is Retiring,Effective 990111.AA Blind Will Assume Duties & Responsibilities of Plant Manager Until Replacement Named ML20198E9561998-12-21021 December 1998 Forwards Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC Licensed Activities Re Deliberate Misconduct in Violation of Regulation When False Info Was Provided to Two NRC Licensees ML20198C2371998-12-15015 December 1998 Ltr Contract:Task Order 237, Review & Evaluation of Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant Application for Conversion to Improved TS, Under Contract NRC-03-95-026 ML20198C3251998-12-11011 December 1998 Responds to ,Responding to NRC Ltr Re Concerns Raised About Potential Chilling Effect from Temp Denial of Site Access to Employee Raising Safety Issues to Util Senior Mgt ML20198C4911998-12-11011 December 1998 Forwards Rev 18 to Physical Security Plan,Reflecting Organizational Changes & Incorporating Administrative Corrections & Clarifications.Encl Withheld ML20155H2901998-11-0303 November 1998 Responds to to Lj Callan Expressing Concern About Continued Operation of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station.Explanation Why NRC Do Not Think Revoking OLs for Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Justified,Provided ML20155F9181998-10-28028 October 1998 Forwards Changes to SPDES Permit,Removing Requirement to Monitor Svc Boiler Blowdown for Phosphates,Eliminate Redundant Sampling of Oil or Grease Entering Flow Tributary to Floor Drains,Per Ts,App B,Section 3.2 ML20155D2791998-10-23023 October 1998 Forwards Corrected Pages for Indian Point Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for 1997 ML20154Q1761998-10-21021 October 1998 Second Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Documents Listed in App C Being Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemption 7) ML20154L8031998-10-16016 October 1998 Ack Receipt of & Payment in Amount of $55,000 in Electronic Funds for Civil Penalty Proposed by NRC in .Corrective Actions Will Be Examined During Future Insp ML20155H3021998-09-24024 September 1998 Urges NRC to Revoke Operating Licenses for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station,Units 2 & 3 & Not Renew OL for Unit 1 ML20154A1391998-09-22022 September 1998 Informs That Effective 980724,AA Blind Assumed Position of Vice President,Nuclear Power & Ja Baumstark Assumed Position of Vice President,Nuclear Power Engineering,Effective 980813 ML20153F0661998-09-18018 September 1998 Provides Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-286/98-05 & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty Dtd 980819.Corrective Actions:Existing Drawings for Spare Switchgear Cubicles Have Been Revised ML20151W4871998-09-10010 September 1998 Informs That as Part of NRC Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan,Commission Assigned Two Senior Reactor Analysts (Sras) to Each Regional Ofc.T Shedlosky & J Trapp Has Been Assigned as SRAs for Region I ML20151W9511998-09-10010 September 1998 Informs That as Part of NRC PRA Implementation Plan, Commission Has Assigned Two Senior Reactor Analysts (Sras) to Regional Ofc.T Shedlosky & J Trapp Has Been Assigned SRAs Duties for Region I ML20238F5151998-08-26026 August 1998 First Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Documents Listed in App a Being Released in Entirety. Documents Listed in App B Being Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemption 6) ML20155F4391998-08-26026 August 1998 Forwards Demand for Info,Being Issued to Enable NRC to Fully Understand Recipient Views on Facts & Circumstances Surrounding Allegedly False Info Provided to Two NRC-licensed Activities IR 05000286/19980051998-08-19019 August 1998 Discusses Insp Rept 50-286/98-05 on 980528-0612 & Forwards NOV & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000.Most Significant Violation Involved Failure, Following Design Mod in Oct 1997 ML20237B1001998-08-0505 August 1998 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-247/97-13,50-247/97-15,50-247/98-02 & Investigation Rept 1-97-038,respectively.Corrective Actions:Acted Promptly to Assure Conforming to Testing Requirements ML20236X8511998-07-31031 July 1998 Forwards Rept Re Projection of Ability to Pay Retrospective Premium Adjustment for Period 980801-990731,per 10CFR140.21 ML20236V4211998-07-13013 July 1998 Forwards SER Approving Topical Repts WCAP-14333P & WCAP-14334NP (Proprietary & non-propiretary, PRA of RPS & ESFAS Test Times & Completion Times ML20236Q1431998-07-0808 July 1998 Responds to Administrative Ltr 98-03 Re Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates IR 05000247/19970131998-07-0606 July 1998 Discusses Insp Repts 50-247/97-13,50-247/97-15 & 50-247/98-02 & Forwards Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $110,000 ML20238F5231998-06-29029 June 1998 FOIA Request for Documents Re NRC Office of Investigation Rept 1-97-038,meeting Minutes of Summary of Enforcement Conference on 980506 & Meeting Minutes or Summary of 980520 Predecisional Enforcement Conference ML20154Q1831998-06-29029 June 1998 FOIA Request for Documents Re NRC OI Rept 1-97-038,meeting Minutes of Summary of Enforcement Conference on 980506 & Meeting Minutes or Summary of 980520 Predecisional Enforcement Conference ML20236J9871998-06-24024 June 1998 First Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Already Available in Pdr.Documents Listed in App B Being Released in Entirety ML20248F2891998-05-26026 May 1998 Ltr Contract:Task Order 8, Indian Point 2,A/E Follow-up Insp, Under Contract NRC-03-98-021 ML20248L9861998-05-21021 May 1998 Forwards Rev 7 to Security Force Training & Qualification Plan.Review to Verify Receipt of Revised Plan & Sign & Return Receipt Ack Form Provided ML20247M6951998-05-20020 May 1998 Forwards RAI Re GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions, for Plant,Unit 2 1999-09-02 Category:INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE MONTHYEARML20212F4481999-09-17017 September 1999
[Table view]Forwards NRC Form 536 Containing Currently Proposed Site Specific Operator Licensing Exam Schedule & Estimates of Number of Applicants for Generic Fundamentals Exams Through Cy 2003 ML20212F7051999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Rev 19 to Ipn,Units 1 & 2 Physical Security Plan. Plan Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21 ML20211H6051999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Rev 8 to Security Force Training & Qualification Plan, for Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant.Rev Facilitates Transition of Duty Weapons Carried by Security Force Members from Revolvers to Semiautomatic Pistols ML20211E1531999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Semi Annual fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for 990101-990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) ML20211A9241999-08-11011 August 1999 Informs That IPS Currently Estimates,That Approx Two Licensing Actions Will Be Submitted to NRC During Remainder of 1999 NRC Fiscal Yr & Approx Ten Will Be Submitted During 2000 NRC Fiscal Yr ML20210M7251999-07-26026 July 1999 Forwards Projection of Ability to Pay Retrospective Premium Adjustment for Period of Aug 1999 to 000731, Which Demonstrates That Ceny Will Have Sufficient Cash Flow &/Or Cash Reserve Available Throughout Period to Pay Premium ML20210G8911999-07-20020 July 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-5 for Proposed New TS 3.2.1.i,revising Senior Reactor License Requirement for Operations Manager ML20196A6371999-06-15015 June 1999 Forwards Rev 19 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21 ML20205R2961999-04-15015 April 1999 Forwards Copy of Proposed Change to Indian Point SPDES Permit NY0004472.Proposed Change Requests Permission to Add Permitted Outfall to Plant as Well as Change Character of Existing Outfall.Without Encl ML20196K8111999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards Decommissioning Funding Status Rept for Indian Point,Units 1 & 2 Through 981231 ML20205F9711999-03-25025 March 1999 Informs That Under Separate Cover,Licensee Transmitted to Ofc of Nuclear Regulatory Research Annual Rept of Results of Individual Monitoring at Indian Point,Units 1 & 2,for CY98 ML20204F7931999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Table Outlining Nuclear Property Insurance Which Has Been Placed on Behalf of Consolidated Edison Co of Ny, Inc.Insurance Covers Indian Point,Units 1 & 2 ML20199H3731999-01-11011 January 1999 Informs That T Schmeiser,Con Ed Plant Manager for Plant Is Retiring,Effective 990111.AA Blind Will Assume Duties & Responsibilities of Plant Manager Until Replacement Named ML20198C4911998-12-11011 December 1998 Forwards Rev 18 to Physical Security Plan,Reflecting Organizational Changes & Incorporating Administrative Corrections & Clarifications.Encl Withheld ML20155F9181998-10-28028 October 1998 Forwards Changes to SPDES Permit,Removing Requirement to Monitor Svc Boiler Blowdown for Phosphates,Eliminate Redundant Sampling of Oil or Grease Entering Flow Tributary to Floor Drains,Per Ts,App B,Section 3.2 ML20155D2791998-10-23023 October 1998 Forwards Corrected Pages for Indian Point Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for 1997 ML20155H3021998-09-24024 September 1998 Urges NRC to Revoke Operating Licenses for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station,Units 2 & 3 & Not Renew OL for Unit 1 ML20154A1391998-09-22022 September 1998 Informs That Effective 980724,AA Blind Assumed Position of Vice President,Nuclear Power & Ja Baumstark Assumed Position of Vice President,Nuclear Power Engineering,Effective 980813 ML20153F0661998-09-18018 September 1998 Provides Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-286/98-05 & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty Dtd 980819.Corrective Actions:Existing Drawings for Spare Switchgear Cubicles Have Been Revised ML20237B1001998-08-0505 August 1998 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-247/97-13,50-247/97-15,50-247/98-02 & Investigation Rept 1-97-038,respectively.Corrective Actions:Acted Promptly to Assure Conforming to Testing Requirements ML20236X8511998-07-31031 July 1998 Forwards Rept Re Projection of Ability to Pay Retrospective Premium Adjustment for Period 980801-990731,per 10CFR140.21 ML20236Q1431998-07-0808 July 1998 Responds to Administrative Ltr 98-03 Re Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates ML20238F5231998-06-29029 June 1998 FOIA Request for Documents Re NRC Office of Investigation Rept 1-97-038,meeting Minutes of Summary of Enforcement Conference on 980506 & Meeting Minutes or Summary of 980520 Predecisional Enforcement Conference ML20154Q1831998-06-29029 June 1998 FOIA Request for Documents Re NRC OI Rept 1-97-038,meeting Minutes of Summary of Enforcement Conference on 980506 & Meeting Minutes or Summary of 980520 Predecisional Enforcement Conference ML20248L9861998-05-21021 May 1998 Forwards Rev 7 to Security Force Training & Qualification Plan.Review to Verify Receipt of Revised Plan & Sign & Return Receipt Ack Form Provided ML20217F8501998-03-20020 March 1998 Forwards Table Which Outlines Nuclear Property Insurance That Has Been Placed on Behalf of Util,Per 10CFR50.54(w)(3) ML20199L9531998-01-26026 January 1998 Forwards Addl Info on Rev 6 to Security Force Training & Qualification Plan,Per 980113 Telcon Request of G Smith.Encl Withheld ML20199F7541998-01-21021 January 1998 Forwards Rev 17 to Physical Security Plan,Per Requirements of 10CFR50.54(p).Rev 17 Contains Summary of Changes, Detailing Changes Incorporated.Encl Withheld ML20198N1151998-01-20020 January 1998 Submits Status of Response to NRC Request for Addl Info, for Licenses TR-3 & R-93.Request for Commitment to Complete Decommissioning Activities by 2007 Has Been Persued Up Through Nasa Mgt ML20202F8281997-11-26026 November 1997 Reports Mod to Indian Point SPDES Permit as Required in Ts. Copy of New York State Dept of Environ Conservation Ltr That Modifies Permit Is Encl ML20198P7901997-10-31031 October 1997 Forwards Rev 6 to Physical Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.4(b)(4) to Meet Requirements of 10CFR50.54(p).Rev 16 Contains Summary of Changes, Detailing Changes Incorporated. Encl Withheld ML20198P3181997-10-30030 October 1997 Forwards Corrected Pages to Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for 1996 ML20211H7771997-10-0202 October 1997 Forwards Responses to RAIs 650.1 Through 650.8 Re Generic Issues & Generic Communications on Valve Testing & Valve Qualification.Westinghouse Status for Subject Issues Will Be Confirm W Pending Rev to SSAR & WCAP-13559 ML20211B4241997-09-19019 September 1997 Requests Withdrawal of Revs 16 & 18 to Physical Security Plan.Rev 16 re-submitted Per Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p)(2) & Deals W/Specific Operational Criteria of New Sys.Plan Withheld ML20211A9411997-09-18018 September 1997 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-286/97-80.Corrective Actions:Revised Administrative Procedure AP-3 to Establish Responsibility for Engineering Review & Revised EOP ES-1.3 ML20149J2491997-07-16016 July 1997 Forwards Environ Ts/Nonroutine Event Rept for Units 1 & 2. Appropriate Ny State Agency Notified ML20148S5731997-06-26026 June 1997 Forwards Response to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-247/96-80;96-07;96-08;97-03 & Imposition of Civil Penalties on 961027-970405.Corrective Actions:Unique Tag Numbers for Louvers Were Generated ML20148P2931997-06-10010 June 1997 FOIA Request for Documents Re Copy of Indian Point 3 Effluent & Waste Disposal Rept Pursuant to Reg Guide 1.21 for First & Second Quarters of 1985 ML20148J1431997-06-0404 June 1997 Forwards Rev 15A to Ipn Units 1 & 2 Physical Security Plan, Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Plan Withheld ML20137M8371997-04-0101 April 1997 Provides Supplemental Response to RAI Re TS Change Request 96-01 on Conversion to Framatome Cogema Fuel.Tech Specs, Encl ML20137A8301997-03-13013 March 1997 Forwards Response to NRC Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-286/96-80 on 961213.Corrective Actions:Expert Panel Has Agreed to Include Turbine Bldg & Power Conversion Equipment Bldg in Scope of IP3 Maint Rule Program JPN-97-008, Forwards Comments on Draft NUREG-1560, IPE Program: Persprctives on Reactor Safety & Plant Performance1997-03-0404 March 1997 Forwards Comments on Draft NUREG-1560, IPE Program: Persprctives on Reactor Safety & Plant Performance ML1004713451997-02-26026 February 1997 Forwards Proprietary & non-proprietary Versions of W Rept Entitled, Conditional Extension of Rod Misalignment TS for Indian Point 3. Authorization Ltr & Affidavit,Encl. Proprietary Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790 ML20135C7121997-02-21021 February 1997 Forwards Table That Outlines Nuclear Property Insurance on Behalf of Util Covering Units 1 & 2 ML1004713471997-02-18018 February 1997 Authorizes Utilization of Encl Affidavit by Util Re WCAP-14669,Rev 1, Conditional Extension of Rod Misalignment TS for Indian Point 3. Rept Should Be Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4) ML20134N6481996-12-24024 December 1996 Provides Further Details Re Corporate Reorganization of Consolidated Edison Co of Ny for Indian Point Units 1 & 2 ML20132C8071996-12-12012 December 1996 Forwards Check for $100 for Payment of NRC Invoice 7I0053 for Indemnity Fee on License DPR-5 for One Year Period 961204-971203.W/o Check ML20129D9611996-10-11011 October 1996 Forwards Controlled Copy of Plant Physical Security Plan,Rev 18,re Access Control Upgrade Which Adopts Biometric Hand Geometry.W/O Encl ML20117P6151996-09-11011 September 1996 Forwards Rev 9 to Security Training & Qualification Plan.W/O Encl ML20117E3891996-08-21021 August 1996 Forwards Four Copies of IP3 Security Contingency Plan,Rev 4. W/O Encl 1999-09-17 Category:STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO NRC MONTHYEARML19332F5261989-10-31031 October 1989
[Table view]Forwards Resolution 276 Re Emergency Siren Failure at Plant for Comments ML20207T2741986-12-0808 December 1986 Requests Clarification of Recent FEMA Statement Re Early Dismissal of School Children in Nuclear Emergency & General Emergency Procedures ML20206M2791986-07-29029 July 1986 Advises That Future Correspondence Should Be Sent to Aj Donahue,Mayor of Village of Buchanan,Ny ML20203F4711986-07-21021 July 1986 Ack Receipt of Re Response to Bl Brandenburg. Future Correspondence Should Be Addressed to AP Orourke at Listed Address.Related Correspondence ML20211N4521986-06-20020 June 1986 Discusses County Participation in 860604 four-county Emergency Preparedness Drill.During drill,15 of 49 Alert Sirens Failed.Recommends That Computerized Verification Sys Be Installed W/Monitoring Stations at Each of 49 Sirens ML20199E1921986-06-17017 June 1986 Requests Implementation of Encl Resolution 211-Requesting Immediate Shutdown of Nuclear Reactors at Indian Point, Buchanan,Ny Adopted at 860506 Meeting ML20199E7331986-06-17017 June 1986 Forwards Rockland County Legislature Resolution Requesting Governor of State of Ny to Shut Down Plants Due to Problems W/Evacuation Plan & Dangers Underscored by Chernobyl Catastrophe ML20099J4371985-03-15015 March 1985 Forwards Resolution Requesting Specific Info & Assistance from Listed Sources in Event of Emergency at Facility.Info Will Aid in Discharging Responsibilities to Citizens & Children in School District.Served on 850319 ML20087N8371984-03-29029 March 1984 Forwards Town Councilman Fx Lynett Statement Re Emergency Communications.Allocation of Funds to Westchester Mrd District 3 for Coordination of Proposed Evacuation Plan Requested ML1003409731984-03-15015 March 1984 Requests Responses to Listed Questions Re Recent Fine Levied on Util Concerning Two Inoperable Valves in Containment Spray Sys.Nrc Insp Requirements & Procedures Questioned ML20086R7861984-02-15015 February 1984 Forwards Resolution 76 Authorizing County Participation in four-county Radiological Planning Task Force & Authorizing Use of County Employees for Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness.Implementation Requested.W/Certificate of Svc ML20080B3921984-02-0303 February 1984 Forwards Response to ASLB 831024 Recommendations to Commission Re Safety Issues.Proposed Commission Attendance at Next Emergency Response Drill Would Improve Understanding of Problems at State & Local Levels ML20082P2651983-12-0202 December 1983 Forwards Resolution Unanimously Passed at 831122 Regular Town Board Meeting Re Emergency Response Plan ML20083J6281983-11-28028 November 1983 Expresses Concern Re Intent & Direction of NRC Reexam of Current Emergency Planning Regulations.Safety Stds Need Strengthening ML20082H4511983-11-16016 November 1983 Catigates Public Officials for Approving Emergency Plan That Omits Ref to School Children Evacuation ML20085L3831983-10-17017 October 1983 Forwards Rh Bogardus Re Adequacy of Radiological Emergency Response Plan ML20076H0561983-08-29029 August 1983 Forwards Study, Rockland County Fallout Shelters, Proving Condition of Shelters in County Does Not Offer Sheltering as Viable Alternative to Evacuating ML20080C6831983-08-18018 August 1983 Forwards Town Resolution Committing to Continued Participation in Emergency Response Plan ML20076K7421983-07-11011 July 1983 Forwards Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions Per 830422 Memo ML20085A1741983-06-27027 June 1983 Forwards Rockland County Legislature Resolution 391 Authorizing County Atty to Take Legal Action If NRC Does Not Shut Down Plants on 830609 ML20085A1481983-06-27027 June 1983 Forwards Rockland County Legislature Resolution 389 Requesting Plants Cease Operation Until County Radiological Plan Approved ML20085A1691983-06-27027 June 1983 Forwards Rockland County Legislature Resolution 390 Requesting State of Ny Legislature to Pass Legislation Regulating Nuclear Power Industry,Based on Economic Consequences of Radiological Accidents & Nuclear Waste ML20071M0471983-05-25025 May 1983 Expresses Concern That Addl Actions Required to Satisfy Mandates Per 10CFR50.54(S)(1).State of Ny Disaster Preparedness Commission Will Work W/Utils Until Rockland County Completes Emergency Preparedness Plans ML20071H1611983-05-20020 May 1983 Forwards Written Testimony on Efforts to Address Deficiencies in Emergency Response Plan Since 830505 ML20071H1971983-05-20020 May 1983 Supports Suspension of Plant Operation ML20071G6401983-05-20020 May 1983 Informs of Full Cooperation Between Licensee & Local Govt in Development & Exercise of Emergency Radiological Response Plan,Contrary to Commissioner Ahearne 830506 Statement ML20071H2091983-05-19019 May 1983 Forwards Citizen & Group Statements Expressing Concern Re Plant Safety & Flawed Evacuation Plan,In Response to Commission Order CLI-83-11 ML20071H1101983-05-19019 May 1983 Forwards Ossining Town Board Resolution Expressing Concerns Re Emergency Plans.Deficiencies Must Be Corrected Before Plan Approved ML20071H1581983-05-19019 May 1983 Expresses Concerns Re Adequacy & Workability of Evacuation Plans ML20071H2121983-05-19019 May 1983 Forwards Board of Trustees of Village of Buchanan Statement That Plants Are Safe & Provide Clean Energy ML20071L5321983-05-19019 May 1983 Requests Concrete Actions Re Emergency Evacuation Plan in Light of FEMA Stated Deficiencies,In Response to Commission 830505 Order CLI-83-11 ML20074B0791983-05-16016 May 1983 Requests Time to Address Commission on 830526 Re Commission 830513 Order ML20079R9201983-05-13013 May 1983 Requests,Per County Resolution 302,immediate Suspension of Licenses Based on FEMA Rept Findings.Resolution Encl ML20023D1781983-05-11011 May 1983 Supports Immediate Plant Shutdown.Emergency Response Plan Represents Theory & Not Practicality ML20073G9401983-04-12012 April 1983 Forwards Testimony of Jm Parmelee Re Energy & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown ML20073D7201983-04-0707 April 1983 Forwards R Seasonwein Assoc,Inc Complete Survey Results. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20072K3241983-03-25025 March 1983 Forwards Ucs/Pirg of Ny Exhibit 16 Addressing Info Needs of non-English Speakers in 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone, Per a Potterfield Request at 830323 Hearing ML20071E4871983-03-0808 March 1983 Expresses Strong & Vehement Objections to Scheduling Order Allowing Rockland County Only 1/2 Day to Present Testimony. Three Full Days Needed ML20071D2991983-03-0404 March 1983 Forwards Radiological Offsite Emergency Revs, Inadvertently Omitted from Revs Supplied to FEMA on 820722. Matls Should Be Incorporated Into Ny State Proposed Exhibit 6 ML20079N9331983-03-0101 March 1983 Forwards Revs to Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan.W/O Encl.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20071D2481983-03-0101 March 1983 Presents Resolution 156 Directing Rockland County Not to Participate in four-county Radiological Response Drill ML20071D2451983-03-0101 March 1983 Presents Resolution 159,memorializing County Request That Ny Governor Cuomo Direct Ny State Ofc of Disaster Preparedness Not to Impose State Radiological Evacuation Plan on Rockland County ML20071C4571983-02-22022 February 1983 Forwards Supplemental Testimony of Sz Gdanski,B Flicker, D Hastings,Jf Kralik,Dp Mcguire,R Northrup,H Reisman, L Scharf & R Wein.Related Correspondence ML20071B4131983-02-22022 February 1983 Forwards Exhibits Sponsored by Ny State Witnesses on Emergency Planning ML20083Q4081983-02-21021 February 1983 Forwards R Seasonwein Testimony on Commission Question 3 Re Emergency Planning ML20079L8591983-02-18018 February 1983 Forwards Supplemental Testimony of Ny State Witnesses on Commission Questions 3 & 4 Re Emergency Planning.Related Correspondence ML20079M9061983-02-10010 February 1983 Requests Info Re Transportation of Nuclear Waste in & Through Putnam County,Ny ML20070T1501983-02-0404 February 1983 Responds to 830128 Request for Hearing Schedule.Total Time for cross-examination of State of Ny Witnesses Should Be Limited to 6.5 H ML20064D5031982-12-30030 December 1982 Forwards AB Delbello,Rs Jurkowski,As Curran,Dp Guido, AR Marasco & Cw Bates Supplemental Testimony.W/O Testimony. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20070H2371982-12-20020 December 1982 Urges Plants Not Be Restarted Until Workable Emergency Plan Implemented 1989-10-31 |
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<Ph[hk Cousrv Execuruc May 20,1983 2 'b d l
Dear Commissioner Palladino:
-> /
Q ft jto Orange County is one of the four counties within the 10-mile area of the Consolidated Edison and the Power Authority State of New York nuclear power plants at Indian Point in Buchanan, New York.
Orange County Government has developed and exercised an Emergency Radiological Response Plan which will be employed should there ever be a need as a result of an event at the Indian Point site.
Our success in planning and preparation was attained, not through Orange County's isolated efforts, but rather through the cooperation and hard work of Orange County's governmental staff, Orange County's volunteers, various agencies of New York State Government, Westchester, Putnam and Rockland Counties, Consolidated Edison and the Power Authority State of New York.
I was surprised to read in the May 6,1983 edition of The New York Times, Nuclear Regulatory Commission member John F. Ahearne's comment which is as follows: "It appears to me that the licersees have not been effective in working with their governmental neighbors: I do not know if this is a misconception, whether it is due to a belief the NRC would never shut down the plants for inadequate emergency planning or whether the licensees have overlooked this relationship."
Emergency planning for' the Indian Point nuclear power plants is very serious business. At all times, through the preparation and exercise phases of our emergency planning, the licensees have demonstrated complete cooperation with Orange County Government. In helping to develop the most comprehensive and effective emergency plan possible.
equipment requests and technicalsupport were provided when needed.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has certified Orange County's ability to respond in adequate fashion in the event of a possible accident at Indian Point. Our readiness is the result of hard work and cooperation between all parties involved.
Sjneerely, ,
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8305240312 830520 PDR ADOCK 05000247 F PDR Dr. Nunzio J. Palladino Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 i
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