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Requests Withdrawal of Revs 16 & 18 to Physical Security Plan.Rev 16 re-submitted Per Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p)(2) & Deals W/Specific Operational Criteria of New Sys.Plan Withheld
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1997
From: Quinn S
NUDOCS 9709250219
Download: ML20211B424 (3)


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stephen E.ovinn ena m

} i Consolidated Edison Company of New York. Inc.

September 19,1997 l

ind tn Point Station j

sroadway a si akiey Averw.


Indian Point Units No.1 & 2 j.

'[3m Dockets No. 50 003 & 50 247 J

I Document Control Desk


US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station Pl.137 Washington,DC 20555 i


Security Plan Revisions 4


1) Con Edison letter dated August 10,1995.

(Exemption Request )

2) NRC letter dated November 1,1995 TAC No. 93318

([.xemption Approval)

3) Con Edison letter dated July 19,1996 (Physical Security Plan, revisions 16 and 17 )
4) Con Edison letter dated October 11,1996 i

( Physical Security Plan, revision 1 A )

5) NRC letter dated June 16,1997 TAC Nos. M96375 and


M96376 (Request to revise Exemption Request)

By letter dated June 16,1997 the NRC requested that Con Edison's submittal for changes to the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 1 and 2 Physical Security j

Plan pertaining to the exemption for requirements to 10 CFR 73.55(d)(5) and granted on November 1,1995, be revised and resubmitted.

On July 19,1996 Con Edison submitted Revision 16 to the Indian Point Units 1 j

and 2 Physical Security Plan pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(p)(2) Revision 16 pertained to an Access Control upgrade which adopts Biomet ic Hand Geometry as part of the exemption process.

On October i 1,1996, as a result of discussions with NRC staff, we submitted Revision 18. This revision contains additional commitments for the use of

- Biometric Iland Geometry.

Based on your request to revise the subinittal pertaining to the exemption and incorporation of the Hand Geometry Biometric Access Control System, we are I

withdrawing revisions 16 and 18 to the Indian Point Units 1 and 2 Physical Security Plan Revision 16 is re submitted pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(p)(2) and deals only with the specific operational criteria of the new system.

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@BBE NIE,Ill 9709250219-970919 P DR._ ADOCK 05000003 PDR

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Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mi, Charles W Jackson, Man:ger, Nuclear Safety cnd Licensing.

Very truly yours, i


Attachment C:

Mr. Ilubert J. Miller Regional Administrator Regioni US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Jefferey liarold, Project Manager Project Directorate 1 1 Division of Reactor Projects 1/11 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 14B 2 Washington, DC 20555 Senior Resident inspector US Nuclear Regulatory Commission PO Box 38 Buchanan,NY 10511 Mr. Lemoine Cunningharr.

Branch Chitf, Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation US Nuclear Regulator Commission ATrN: Document Control Desk Mail Station 9 D24 Washington, DC 20555 R. R. Keimig, Branch Chief Emergency Preparedness and Safeguards Branch Region i US Nuclear Pegulatory Commist' 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406

4 EXPLANATION OF CHANGEE PSP REVISION 16 (All changes aro undorlined)



CHANGEE 3.4.1 3-11

Adds, after operated by a card key, "Biometric Hand Geometrv and/or card reader." 3-14, 3-15 The section under -Card Keys is re-written to address the Biometric Hand Geometry System including Compensatory Measures for system failures.

Adds Hand Geometry / Card Reader to Figure 3.6 command Guard House and Guard House Extension.

4.1.1 4-1 Adds after, Thesu personnel are issued a

photo-badge, "and their hand recistered into the Biometric Hand Geometry System".

4.2.1 4-2

Deletes, "to nrovide a readily visible access authorization level indication.

Card Keys contain encoded information that is invisible, eermanent, and unalterable."

Adds, "No site access information is visible on the badae."

4.3 4-2 Deletes original title of " Searches" and adds new

chapter, "Biometric Hand Geometrv System",

" Searches" section is now 4.4.

4.3.1 4-2, 4-3 Adds detailed information on Biometric Hand Geometry including how the Hand Recorder works and " individuals will be allowed to keen their card kev with'them when thev decart the site."

4.5 4-7 Identifies two section number changes due to adding new chapter on Biometric Hand Geometry.-

(4.6.2b to 4.7.2b and 4.3.3 to 4.4.3). 4 Deletes is accomplished by,

" Security Personnel comoarina the individual with his ohoto-badoe.",


adds, "by J iometric Hand Geometry Registration."
