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Discusses Establishment of Schedule for Review of Application for CP for Facility.Estimates Partial Initial Decision on NEPA & Site Suitability Matters to Be Issued on 770423.Comments on Encl Summary of Milestones Requested
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Marble Hill
Issue date: 12/10/1975
From: Boyd R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Coughlin J
Shared Package
ML20235B454 List:
FOIA-87-554 NUDOCS 8709250187
Download: ML20235D302 (4)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

e OEC 1 0 $75 l

Distribution _ -

A kat File IE (3) 1RC PDE WBaass Doeket Bos. STE 50-566 Local pDE TIC

'and STE 50-547 LWR 1-3 File SKirsliu RCDeYoung UYoungblood RKlecker LBremmer (ELD)

JWilson Dr. James Coughita VEpilson J13mchsama, OREL l

Vice President - ame1***

ACAS (16)

TB&bernathy, DTIE l

f Public Service Indiana j

1000 E. Mais street Flainf tald Indians 46164 i

Dear Dr. Cough 11a:

This letter is in regard to the establishment of a =*had=1m for our l

reriew of your applicaties for a constreetion permit for the Marble Bill Emelear Generattag Statisa. We have era 1 mated our wartland, and based on this evaluation we estiante the Partial Yetetal Desistan en uBFA ama atte suitability metters for see-her s, ins.

si-n-ty, j

we estimate the Prospective Desistem Data to be April 23, 1977. A an==ary of the more important milestones is peeridad as en smalesure for your informatism and rariew, based on infesmatima availabic at this time. It should be realised that the emalseed dates are target milestones which any require some changes as the review preeems pro-coeds. In our disemesion of the entiremmental rafise mehad=1e with your staff es movenbar 24, 1975, we indicated our espect=*iaa of reducias the revias time by one to two months, provided as samamal problems are==a===*= red in Appendix I and other areas of the rerter.

While we will est formally infera you et minor shaages to the enhedsle, i

we will sentira, in writing, significant changes to the ashadele.

I During the course of the review we will infess you as early as possible of areas of destga med analysis that de not meet sur requiremmes and the latest date en whiah new informatism is required to avoid a==had=1=

delay. To avoid carrytag outstanding itene into the SEE we fatoms to If esapleta all accessary estions se than prior to S E preparattaa.

this can est be done la a timely faskism the askedula may amed to be alipped to permit as to eensider the mesessity of eyesifiantly ha=d14mg the outstanding items in the hearing as esotested matters ama to begin the preparattaa of interrogatories ubish womid be served se yes as l

part of the staff's discovery process with eeptes samt to all parties.

If this process is required, we would intend to esmplete it well ta advanes of the publication of the SEk.

Many of the milestemas of the staff review require specifts, impit, preparaties, or participation from you, seek as reopenses to questfees, site visite, ACES meetings and responses to public and agemsy comments.

For this reases, we beliere that you shes1A critically rarisw the dates associated with these important milestones and advise as as to j

whether you believe the dateo are realistia er shseld he adjusted.

ore ocs >

onsk f0I,4 8ff-56j



870925OYli7 s7'dNi!


I DEC 1 0 55 Dr. Jones Coughlin i Af ter you have reviewed these mileetsees and associated dates, I f

enggest that a representative of year eerperation organisatise telephoes Mr. J. N. Wileen, the Lisemaing Project Manager for tbs Marble Bill review, to diasmas the ashedule. This disosastem should be schadeled sometime within the mest two weeks.

Stasaraly, D'.%? i:=d tf.

h:- i. W Roger Boyd, Asting Director Divistoa of Remeter Licensing Offisa of Macicar Reactor Regulation Bodomsret As stated est Leonard M. Troeten, Esq.

Lesseef, tamb Leiby & WRam 1757 N street, E. W.

Washington, D. C.

20036 Charles W. Campbell, Esq.

I Vise President and General Counmal i

Public service Indiana 1000 R. Mais street Flaintfald, Indiama 46168 Mr. Villima Eartier Armate Power Distribution "M==% Elastric Corporation F. 6. Dez 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 l


t R. J. Ses11sk Sargent & Lundy Engineers 55 East Monroe street i

chisage, Illinois 60601 i

or.c RL: LWR 1-3.

RL LWR 1-3...AD/EP


DRL ----

INWilson:mj f ODParr tMuller_

LCDeYoung RBoyd.,

L2/ /75 L2/ /75 12/ /75 12/ /75...... _ 12/ /75_

Foran ABC.) s t Rev. 9-5)) AEChi 8240 W u. e. oovsanassue pneuvia.e orrecss se.

h 1

MARBLE HILL REVIEW SCHEDULE EVENT DATE Starting Point Complete Application, SAR, ER Received 09/17/75C Safety Review Schedule Receive Applicant's Response to Acceptance Review Questions 11/03/75C

- First Round Questions Issued to Applicant 11/26/75T

. Receive Applicant's Response to First Round Questions 01/14/76T.

Staff Positions Issued to Applicant 03/24/76T Receive Applicant's Response to Staff Positions 05/12/76T Safety-Evaluation Report Issued 08/10/76T

. Safety Evaluation Report Supplement Issued 11/16/76T Environmental Review Schedule Site visit 08/05/75C Questions Issued to Applicant 08/11/75C Rec.eive Applicant's Response 09/15/75T Issue Draf t Environmental. Statement 02/13/76T Public Comment Period Ends 04/05/76T Receive Applicant's Response to Comments 05/06/76T Issue Final Environmental Statement 06/28/76T Advisory Connittee on Reactor Safeguards Advisory Cormittee on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee Meetings (unknown)

Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Meeting 09/10/76T Receive Advisory Committee on Reactor 09/20/76T Safeguards Letter Public Hearing Process (Safety and Environmental)

First Prehearing Conference (unknown)

Second Prehearing Conference (unknown)

Start Environmental Hearing 07/28/76T End' Environmental Hearing 09/27/767 LWA Decision 12/08/76T Start Radiological Hearing 12/14/76T End Radiological Hearing 02/12/77T End Point Prospective Decision Date 04/23/77T L _ -__ - _

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s 14

$1C DISTniBUTI')N i on PAR 150 DGCKE F f.1 ATERI AL ENVIRO IHOW TVA u^n or occuw, 10:

Mr. Roger S. Boyd Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401 6-11-76 J.E. Ci11 eland DA ATust- -



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semerioN Ltr notarized 6-11-76'trans the ENCLOSURE Revision #1 to Phipps Bend ER following:

which consists of a revised chapter 1 i

reflecting changes in the scheduled comercial opr. dates & updates the projected loads with recent forecast...

(41 cys enc 1 rec'd) 1,

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