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Summary of 741230 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Schedule for Resolving Open Items & to Discuss Revised Schedule for Issuance of Plant Ser.Attendee List Encl.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, 05000449, 05000448
Issue date: 01/28/1975
From: Paulson W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20235B454 List:
FOIA-87-554 NUDOCS 8709250002
Download: ML20235C752 (3)


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e JAN 2 8 W5 Docket Nos

'and 50-449 g, _ 4

  • o i

Applicant Potomac Electric Power Computy (PEPCO) i Pacility: Douglas Pefat % clear Gamerating Station, Daits 1 & 2 SIMIARY OF MEETING 'TO DISCUSS: A SCHEDULE FOR RESOLT/ING OPEN ITEMS l


on December 30, 1974, a meeting was held with PEPCO to disecos a schedule for resolving open items and to discuss a revised achedule for the issuance af the Douglas Point Safety Evaluation Report. A list of attendees is smieloset l

I l

The Regulatory staff's view is that the open iss ses should be resolve 4 l

l 1

prior to the issuance of the SER. Resolution at this stage would l

i include providing additional information requested by the staff as well as a clear indication of these staf f positions with which PEPCD disagrees, Af ter reviewing the 23 open issuee, PEFC0 stated that it could respond I

to all the issues by Jsomary 20, 1975. The ataff stated that basM on this submittal date, the issuance cf the SER would be targeted for


April 1, 1975.

This revised schedule will not affect the start of constructies because PEPCO has announced a five yate delsy in the Douglas Point sebedule.

Orliinal signed by l

Walter f r.un j

i Wa*ter A. Paulson, Project usuager i

i Light itster Raseters transk 1-2 Diviaise of Raeeter Lieansias i

Enclosuret l

List of Atteedses Fsu -87 ss4 Il O'709230002 g70922 PDR FDiA d!

MCCREA B"/ -554 PDR L/gl-2..

..L/ LWR 1-2.

o" : = >

sua awi

  • WPaUlson/ esc WB le






1/4....,./ 75 1/4_75 Form ABC418 (Rev. 9 5O ALCM 0240 W u. s. eovsanzswv ramtme o'rrects sova.eae.see

I 1


,O cc;.Mr. Paul Dragotsais, Vice President Maclear Engineering & Construction Croup


Fotomac Elaetric Power. Company i

1900 Feensylvania Avenws, M. W.


Washington, D. C.

20006 j

George F. Trowbrid3e. Esq.

5%ew, Pittman, Fotts & Triebridge_

91017th Street, N. V.

Washington, D.' C.

20006 Edserd F. Lawson, Esq.

Speial Assistant Attonwy General


I Tawes State Office Building 500 Taylor Avence - C4 Arospolis, Maryland 21401 i

j' Andrew F. Miller, Esq.

attorney General of Virginia j

Supreme Court Library Building


East Brohd Street l

Eicharad, Virginia $3219 i

Philip Meuse, Esq.


Envireummatal Defene Fund i

1525 Eighteenth St. net, it. W.

Washingtes, D. C.



Mr. T. Ray Jones, Chairman Citisees Ccumcil for a Claas Fotonse j

918 Eambrook Court I

silver Spring, Maryland 20902


l Fred Kelly, Esq.

i Qicaepeaka Bay Foundation, Inc.

P. O. Esz 1709 Ammape11s, Maryland 21404


habert A. Vanderbye, Eag.

i 7807 Cliffalde Coert Springfield, V12ginia 22153 i

i Villian E. Cstroll Esq.

Assistaat Counsel f

hedgierters, U. S. Marine Corps


l Cede M j

Cosmosmoalth Du11 dias, Boom 668 l

Usskington, D. C.



I l

or rics >

eunuaus >

Davs W Form ABC.)l4 (Rev. 9 53) ABCM 9248 W u. s. oovsmuessut enawtime oPracss i,v..sss,see

QETING NOTICES DocketFile(s)4.=*


D. Ross AEC PDR T. Schroeder Local PDR A. Kenneka, TR LWR 1-2 File R. Fraley (ACRS) (12)

L Reading S. Varga E. G. Case Project Mgr.

A. Giambusso EP Project Mgr.

R. S. Boyd Attorney, OGC R. C. DeYoung RO (3)

R. W. Klecker RS (3)

M. Williams Licensing Asst.

V. Moore Receptionist, BETH R. Denise OIS (meeting with interveners)

D. Skovholt J. Peters D. Muller Principal Staff Participants K. Coller W. Butler J. Stolz R. Clark R. Ireland D. Vassallo K. Kniel

0. Parr G. Lear A. Schwencer P. Collins R. Purple i

D. Ziemann G. Knighton G. Dicker B. J. Youngblood W. Regan it. Vollmer R. Houston H. Denton R. Tedesco R. Haccary V. Stello B. Grimes M. Spangler R. Ballard J. Kari ne r W.


v. ni.n.iroya C. C.

l J. Knight

$. Pavlicki L. S T.

Ipp:11to T. Novak w___-_-___-.