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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App G Records Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/1987
From: Grimsley D
To: Moriarty P
FOIA-87-185 NUDOCS 8705200675
Download: ML20214C364 (3)





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No agency records subject to the request have been located.

No odditional agency records subiect to the request have been located.

Agency records subrect to the request that are identifed in Appendix b are already available for public inspection and copymg in the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subt ect to the request that are identsfed in Appendin are bemg made available for public mspection and copymg in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.

The nonpropretary verson of the proposalts) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staff is now being made available for public inspecten and coying at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,1717 H Street, N W , Washint, ton, DC. in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.

Enclosed is information on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records placed in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington. DC.

Agency records subject to the request are enclosed. Any applicable charge for copies of the records provided and payment procedures are noted in the comments section.

T.ecords subrect to the request have been refereed to another Federal agencyties) for revew and direct response to you.

In view of NRC's response to the request, no further acten is being taken on appealletter dated PART li.A-lNFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain informaton in the requested records is being withheld from pubhc disclosure pursuant to the FOIA exemptons desenbed in and for the reasons stated in Part H. sec-tions 8. C, or d D. Any released portons of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made available for public inspecten and copying in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H StreetTN.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.



675 870515 PDR

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1Re::F01A-87-185 APPENDIX G1

, RECORDS MAINTAINED AMONG PDR FILES 1.: 3/24/83 'EN 83-19,:EA 83-07. Acc 8303280043.

-2.' 3/29/83' Ltr to Philadelphia Electric Co.,Lfrom R.C. Hayner, Region 1, subj: Notice of Violation and proposed- <

Imposition of Civil Penalty (EA 83-07). ACC 8306220181.

'3. -6/8/83 :Ltr to Philadelphia Electric Co., fromLJ. Axelrad, IE.  !

EA 83-07.' ACC. 8306090440 '

4. 6/8/83. =EN 83-40,-(EA 83-046) .Acc. 8306100099.
5. 7/12/83 Ltr to Richard C. DeYoung, IE. from Philadelphia Electric Co.,'(EA-84-046). Acc. 8308040543.
6. -6/13/84 EN84-33.(EA84-39). Acc. 8406200201.

-7. 7/18/84' Ltr to Richard C. DeYoung, IE, from Philadelphia Electric Co. EA 84-39.- Acc. 8407270277.

8. --10/25/841 Ltr to Philadelphia Electric Co. ' from Thomas Murley, Region 1, subject: Notice of Violation. 'EA 84-94.

Acc. 8411120355.


9. 5/24/85 EN 85-42 (EA 85 42) Acc. 8506060681.
10. 5/30/85 Ltr to Philadelphia Electric Co., from T.E. Murley, .

Region I, subject:

Imposition of Civil Penalty Notice of at Violation Peach Bottom. and PropEA85-42) (osed: .

Acc. 8506070346.

11. 2/3/86 Ltr to Philadelphia Electric Co., from Thomas E. Murley, Region I, subject: Completion of requirements by Order Modifying license (EN 84-39), Acc. 8602070199.
12. 3/25/86 Ltr to Philadelphia Electric Company, from Richard Starostecki, subject: LInspection 50-278/86-09, (EA-86-059). Acc. 8603310157.
13. 4/16/86 Ltr to NRC from Philadelphia Electric Co., subject: LER '

Peach Bottom (EA-86-059). Acc. 8604230188.

14. 12/12/86 EN 86-37A (EA 86-059). Acc. 8612160437.
15. 2/3/87 EN 87-05 (EA 87-05). Acc. 8702170046.


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Re: F01A-87-185 APPENDIX G (Continued) .


16. 2/9/87 LLtr to Philadelphia Electric Co., from T.E. Murley, Region I, subject: Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty (NRC Investigation 1-85-019),

EA 87-05). Acc. 8702170654.



.gril 1, T.E7 Nuclear Regulatory o 111ssion TREEDOM OF INFORMATION vire-tor, vivision of fulas J 61:oris i ACT REQUEST  ;

Office of ".diinistration MA-87 O '

.eshincton, UC 21535 $ 4c,g g-S -# 7 vaar Sir: j This is a recuest under iS.) Freedoi of Infor1ation liet 9s  !

a lenced (5 !i.3.C, 55'?).

t 1

I c, writing to recuest all infor11 tion that aerteins to safety violctions et the ?vch Jottoi nuclear ,oser plant. TSis should include all internel le,oranda, 91-site ins,ector's re] orts, end any testi,onial evidence su;nlied 5y Peach Jotto, eulayees, for,er e1,31oyees, or govern,ent infor1ers. I on nost interested in  ;

oStaininq sny docu1ents used by the iE in 1%ing its decision to shut dosn o.aerrtions at ? vci Jottoi.

l Please include Srckaround infor1ation relatina to srfety violations uncovered in 19?' and tm. additionally, I would like any infor12 tion used by the N, when it listed ?each 30tto, as one of 13 l'.3. reactors with significent op rating aroble,s.

1 To cvoid vny ,isunderstanding of ly reouest, I an enclosing a news,m er article that outlines the nreas I ai interested in.

! r1 mre that the Fula orovides thit if only .a ortions of a file are exe uted fro, release, the reiainder lust Se released. I there-fore recuest that I be rotidad uith all non-exclat 90rtions which are reason. sly segrega51e. I, of course, reserve 1y richt to acneal the withholding or deletion of any infor1ation.

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Pace 2 I a, are,ared to o.'.y reason 61e costs for lorting the recuested infor1ation nn reuroducino it. The a unded act does arovide, hoiever, th't "ou ,ust reduce or varin fees if it "is in the oublic interest 'ac,use furnicinq the infor ation can 'ae con-sidered asyirrily ']enefittina tha au')lic." I believe this recunst 11.' inly fits that category. I th9refore as'< vou to riv- eny fes. If you rela othar'<ise, and if tSe fe s sill exceed 'li).D, I renuest ,,rlission to reviet the -ocords 'thich are ros,onsive to this recuest ,nri to select those '<hich 1 < ant ca.)ied.

if you hs'v9 nny cuestions reinrding this recuast, 71aase tola, hone y at ?15-T3 /9 5.

As ,rovided in the Freedo, of Infor1atio:1 'ct, i "ill enact to .

raceive o realy within ten "orking days.

fcerely O, '

Pauli.oriarty KY;-TV 5th & M.'r!<at St.

Philadel;)hia,.%. 19196 l



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VoL 316. No. 91 e*

& jfftitabelpita 3nquirer

  • ir r'd=a** '"*'" *w Wednesday Apr.ll.150 i rtv c T.hi.w .Fis.c C.ents l

s l PE nuclear plant closed; operators found asleep j l

j fly Das Stets Accordt g to Stello, the investiga- ruont problem. PE wasordered to file ny's power and that the shutdown its castomers. will have to mbsorb the o At times durirg sartius shift < W tion so fa. has revealed that "one or a corrective plan within seven days. would result in higher energ) costs. costs particularly during ths 11 p m -t+* [

j and Joyce G.=cmperlein

  • ==rw he * =v more" cP rators and their superv> The shutdown will have wide. Whettwr th..w costs can be passed The NRC said its investigation be, a m. shift, members e.f it.c . p. rat ir.

1 The Nuclear Itegulatory Commis. sors" least for the past five spread impact on utihties - and p, on to sonsumsrs will be up to the gan March 24 when it

  • received in, staff have been asleep or inaitinen.

i sion yesterday ordered PhiladcIphia months, g .rtodically slept or have tentially on customers-throughout state l'ut'tec Utahty Commission. he formath" that control room opera. to operati<ms Thus inmiss4 in Electr$c Ca to shot down the Psach censed dt les."

been eth rwise inattentive to 16- the regwn. PE built and operates the said. In 1% pet. the comminson has lors "had been observed sleeping cluded bconsed oper.itors. wrp.r ! ,

postoas nuclear plant at (Alta. Yart Peach tbttom reactors, but the plant refuse d,t e afi. w I'E to pass along while on duty." NRC spnbesmtn de. censed ope rators and hift un r. U because plant operators re. The ori er effects both nuclear is owned by four companies - PI', costs sur an sather Peach ,llottom chned to say how the federat agency sors The hkr sa:J e.t= rat rs ma l; County'y pested! had been found sleeping in power un s at peach Stottom which Public Service Electric & Cas Co. of shutd,oen 65 considered im pre- got that informatton. he alert to ensure tL.t t! . ct:

as along ta e Susquehanna River. One Newart. N J., Atlantic City ricctree dent. Stello smd that, as a result of the riperating safsly and rnot N tag.ah.

the control roots. I)aniel P Iklaney, the PUC's chief tap the NRC put enspectors in the of takang tim. t) acts.m en Tsynw ;

Victor Stallo Jr., the NRC's exece. unit was ordered shut down. The Ca and Delmarva Power & IJght Co. .

tive director. saki a week of laveste other un '. which was shut down of Wilmington. counwl. head interday that of the plant around the clock. Ile said the plant c mdatums."

PE spokesman Nett McDermott agency hods the NRCerdered shut- investigation, which is continuing, o $ hill sugitrvisors ar.d shift 4 gatlee determined that Peach Bot. March IJ for refuehag, cannot be som *ts an immediate threat to the ressa'ted int I the NRC approves a said the Peach Bottom facthey sup= d..wn to bc imprudent *- the result so far has come up with three prince, perintendents ciths* 6 acw ar.d co -

plan from PE to correct the control- phes up to 20 percent of the compa- of gwr managemerit - PE, and not pat findings- &c PEACil IX)rtM1 en IJM public health and safety

  • 4



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suuren's North Carolina distrEt. Itinding mcasuies.

PE ordered to close plant PEACH BOTTOM, from 1 A tom's operation.

' doned" the bchavior or they "should people are running plants, using have known." a last year. PE wasbyfined one $200,000 for drugs and falling asleep at the i

safety violation of the whcci," he said.

  • Plant management above the su. plant's 12 licensed operators. The vi-An NRC source in Washington said pcrvisor level" knew or should have olation went undetected by three it was "a bit surprising" that it took j known"what was going on and they separate safety systems. The com- the agency's on. site inspecto "either action totookcorrectnothis action or inadequate situation.- panyinwas five viciations 198,3 fined a total of $170.000 for long to detect the prob!cm and 1984.

Stcllo said NRC regulations " pro, last summer, NRC officials listed that the agency has disciplined PE hibit sleeping or otherwise inatten, the reactors among 16 in the United because of violations at the plant live operators" and that Peach Bot. States with significant before and that the problems were tom's quality. assurance program problems. In a report to a congres-operating ' alleged to have been going on f

" failed to identify this condition ad. least five months.

sional subcommittee, the NRC sug-verse to safety." ,

gested that utility officials allowed PE owns 42.49 percent of the plant, The shutdown began at 11:30 a.m. " poor practices and attitudes

  • to de- as does Public Service Electric & Gas.

yesterday and must be completc in 36 Ve!0p at Peach Bottom because they Atlantic Electric and Delmarva Power each own 7.51 percent of the hours, according to Ihe NRC order. It were preoccupied with getting its operation.

was not clear yesterday how long the new units at Limerick operating. Spokesmen for Atlantic Electric plant would be shut down.

Private groups opposed to nuclear and Delmarva conceded that the all"We haveonno depends idea what theyright do to now.That fix shutdown. power reacted quickly to yesterday's shutdown would increase the the problem " said Karl Abraham, an but they said it was too early tojudge "I think the fact they've been sleep- the effect.

NRC spokesman in King of Prussla. log on the jobis a clear sign of a lack Edward F. Anderson, a spokesman Before PE can restart the plant, the of respect for the Nuclear Regulatoryfor PSE&G, said the utility would company will have to file with the Commission," said Frances Skolnick, have " sufficient power" for its cus.

NRC "a detailed and comprehensive plan and schedule" of what it in. coordinator for the Susquehanna tomers without having to go to out-Valley Alliance.

tends to do to correct the problem, side sources.

he said. "I am glad that the plant has been PE intends to buy power from McDermott said PE began its own closed down because I really feel other regional utilities to replace the that with those kind of operators at a electricity lost in the Peach Bottom investigation of the charges yester. nuclear power plant, the pub!!c shutdown, McDermott said. The com-day. " Philadelphia Electric Co. is de-health and safety is most definitely pany will have to pay higher prices termined to get to the bottom of this being jeopardized," said Skolnick, for it than for electricity it gener-so as to determine whether there is whose group was formedin the wake stes. he said. l any truth to these allegations," he of the Three Mile Island accident in said. The price of PE's common stock 1979.

"The company is committed to take fell as much as $1.875 a share after Ken Bossong, director of the Pub. . the shutdown was announced. but it whatever measures are necessary to lic Citizen's Critical Mass Energy recovered from a low of $20.75 to assure that plant operations are con- Project in Washington, criticized the close at $21.875 a share, down 75 ducted with the highest degree of NRC. i professionalism and excellence," he cents a share from the close of trad.

said. "It {llustrates the fact that the NRC Ing on Monday, has totally failed to implement any- Wall Street analysts expressed lit.

He declined to identify the employ. thing in the way of a worker-training tle alarm about the effect of the ces involved. lie said that because program," he said. "It was required order on PE's finances, the NRC's findings are "allegatic is," to do so by a 1982 law," said Bossong, no disciplinary action has been "I don't think it's an earth shatter-taken against any employce.

whose organization, founded by ing or an unmanageable proble:n. I Ralph Nader in 1971, had filed law.

NRC spokesmen said yesterday suits to force compliance. think it is more an embarrassment than anything else," said Dan Scotto, that the shutdown order was "the "The problem is endemic to the an analyst with LF. Rothschild Un-first of its kind." But yesterday's or. Industry. There is no training of terberg Towbin Inc. In New York. ,

der was not the first time the agency . workers in any kind of formalized lie said the implications were had disciplined PE over Peach Bot.

way, and consequently unqualifed " pretty severe" for the other owners as well, although most of yesterday's attention was focused on PE, the 11-censee and operator.

Rodd Anderson, vice president of stock trading at Shearson lehman Dros., said the effect on PE and its payment of dividends would depend

. on how long the plant is closed.

lie attributed the recovery of PE stock yesterday to its high dividend.

- At the current dividend of $2.20 a year, shareholders get a return of
