IR 05000213/1986002

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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp 50-213/86-02
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 05/30/1986
From: Martin T
To: Opeka J
NUDOCS 8606120576
Download: ML20205S535 (2)


l MAY 3 01986


Docket No. 50-213 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company ATTN: Mr. J. F. Opeka Senior Vice President - Nuclear Engineering and Operations Group P. O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06101 Gentlemen:

Subject: Inspection No. 86-02 This refers to your letter dated May 5,1986, in response to our letter dated April 2, 198 Thank you for informing us of the corrective and preventive actions documented in your letter. These actions will be examined during a future inspection of your licensed progra Your cooperation with us in this matter is appreciate

Sincerely, g t. 3, Sip #

f amas T. Martin, Director sion of Radiation Safety and Safeguards cc:

R. Graves, Plant Superintendent D. O. Nordquist, Manager of Quality Assurance R. T. Laudenat, Manager, Generation Facilities Licensing E. J. Mroczka, Vice President, Nuclear Operations Gerald Garfield,-Esquire Public Document Room (POR)

Local Public Document Room (LPOR)

l Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector State of Connecticut l


0FFICIAL RECORD COPY RL HN - 0001. /19/86 f 8606120576 e60530 I PDR ADOCK 05000213 G PD I



Connecticut Yankee Atomic 2 Power Company



c J bcc we,ence:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o encl)

Section Chief, DRP 5;S, RI:DRSS RI:DRSSgth re RI:0RSS Sherbini/emw Siinbaky Bellamy 5/ZW86 5/2g86 5/30 /86 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY RL HN - 0002. /19/86







C CONNECTICUT YANKEE TELEPHONE P O Box 270 B E R L I CONNECTICUT HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT 06141-0270 203-665-5000 May 5, 1986 Docket No. 50-213 A05669 Mr. Thomas T. Martin, Director Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Reference : (1) Thomas T. Martin Letter to J. F. Opeka transmitting I&E Inspection No. 50-213/86-02 Gentlemen :

Haddam Neck Plant Response to I&E Inspection 50-213/86-02 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.201 (" Notice of Violation")

and Appendix C (Enforcement Policy) of the NRC's Rules of Practice (10 CFR 2), this report is submitted in reply to Reference (1). Said reference informed the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) of one violation that was identified during a routine inspection of the Haddam Neck Plant f rom February 10 through February 14, 198 The response to Appendix A of Reference (1) is contained in this lette Violation

"As a result of the inspection conducted on February 10-14, 1986, and in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy (10 CFR 2, Appendix C),

the following violations were identifie Technical Specifications 6.8 states, in part, that temporary changes to procedures may be made provided the intent of the original procedure is not altered, the change is approved by two members of the plant management staf f , at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License, the change is documented, l reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC), and approved by the station superintenden <


. ,, l

. -2-Section 6.3.2 of Procedure No. RAP 6.3-5 requires that solid

- waste be compacted in a compacting box and that a lid be installed to seal the box prior to the compacting operatio Contrary to the above, on September 5, 1985, a highly contami-nated drum was compacted without the use of a compacting box or sealing lid, resulting in extensive contamination of the com-pacting area and internal contamination of three workers. This operation was an alteration of the original intent of the procedure but the change was not approved by plant management, documented in accordance with procedures, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee, and approved by the station superintenden This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement V)"

Res ponse In this particular instance, the compacting equipment was used in a manner which dif fered f rom the original intent of Procedure RAP 6.3-5,

" Radioactive Material Management". However, it is important to note that the procedure was not altered to allow compacting without a compacting box or lid. Temporary or permanent procedure change processes were not involved in this inciden RAP 6.3-5, " Radioactive Material Management", has since been revised to strengthen control over the use of the compacting equipment. The procedure change stresses the f act that the compactor will only be used for normal compacting operations, without deviation, unless prior approval is grante:1 by the Health Physics Supervisor. The change also clarifies the prerequisites needed for compacting operations. All departmental personnel (including supervisors) were instructed of the changes to the procedure and the reasons for them. Adherence to procedures and proper reaction to unusual situations were stresse Strong emphasis was placed on the need to prevent recurrence of events of this nature. Full compliance was achieved on April 1, 198 Very truly yours, CONNECTICUT YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY

> b bid J. F.sQp(ka c/

Senior Vice President

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