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Provides Plan for Temporary Chilled Water Source Via Svc Bldg Chilled Water Sys,For Review & Acceptance,Per Sser 2 (NUREG-1002).Listed Temporary Configuration Will Be in Place for Approx 14 Days
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/26/1987
From: Hunsader S
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-1002 2913K, NUDOCS 8704070004
Download: ML20205S356 (2)



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C J.", ') One First Nemonal Plaza. Chce00, Winoie Adtirees Hoply to: Poet Omco Box 767 Chece00, Illinois 60000 0767 -

March 26, 1987 1

Mr' Harold R. Denton U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, DC. 20555


Braidwood Station Unit'1 Control Room Ventilation Interim Operation Plan NRC Docket No. 50-456


(a) September 9, 1986 A.D. Miosi H.R. Denton (b) NUREG-1002, Safety Evaluation Report, Supplement

~#2, dated October, 1986

Dear Mr. Denton:

Reference (a) provide Commonwealth Edison's interim operation plan for the control room ventilation (VC) system.

Section 6.5.1 of reference (b) provided the staff evaluation and acceptance of that plan. This acceptance included the provision during fuel loading and reactor system testing before initial criticality that one train of the VC emergency make-up filter system be available including an associated chiller system and control room air handling unit.

The purpose of this letter is to provide, for your review and acceptance, our plan for a temporary chilled water source, via the service building chilled water system.

In an effort to complete the final modification and maintenance items on the control room chillers, prior to initial criticality, a temporary crosstie of the service building and-control room chilled water systems is being_ proposed. In effect this crosstie will add the load of the control room cooling to the service building chilled water system. This same_ method, utilized during early summer 1986 during the control room chilled water system preoperational testing, proved more than adequate in maintaining control room / auxiliary electric-room temperatures at design values.


8704070004 B70326 PDR ADOCK 05000456 E PDR _ ' {$g6g


Two temporary pipe sections, one supply and one return, will provide a flowpath from the service building chilled water header piping, (near the radiation chemistry laboratory air handling unit) to the control room cooling coils. All equipment in the control room chilled water system, other than the cooling coils and their associated supply and return water piping, will be isolated from the service building chilled water system. Utilizing the service building chillers, chilled water pumps and piping, an adequate source of 420F chilled water is thereby provided to cool all control room ve'.tilation loads. We anticipate this configuration to be in place for appropriately 14 days.

Please address any questions concerning this matter to this office.

Very truly yours, hv S. C. Hunsader Nuclear Licensing Administrator

/klj cc: J. Stevens NRC Resident Inspector-Braidwood 2913K i
