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Summary of 830622-24 Caseload Forecast Panel Site Visit Re Plant Status Review
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Palo Verde
Issue date: 07/27/1983
From: Licitra E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML082380886 List: ... further results
FOIA-83-498 NUDOCS 8402090076
Download: ML20080D297 (7)


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j g, cW v'/ a s,..... f Docket Nos.:

50-528/50-529 JUL 2 71983 and 50-530 APPLICANT: Arizona Public Service Company FACILITY:

Palo Verde, Units 1, 2 and 3



OF CASELOAD FORECAST PANEL VISIT A Caseload Forecast Panel visit was held at the Palo Verde site on June 22 and 23, 1983 to review current plant status. The agenda for the visit is shown as Enclosure 1.

An exit meeting was held in Phoenix, Arizona on June 24, 1983. The visit is summarized as follows.

Sumary On the morning of June 22, the applicant made a presentation which covered


the agenda items shown in Enclosure 1.

Attendees for the presentation are listed in Enclosure 2.

For Unit 1, the applicant stated that it is over 99% complete and expects to load fuel by November 1983. About 80% of the subsystems have been turned over for startup testing and about 40% of the tests have been completed.

The applicant stated that Unit 2 is over 97% complete and the applicant is trying to load fuel prior to the August 1984 scheduled date. About 11% of the subsystems have been turned over for startup testing and testing is expected to start in earnest later this year.

Unit 3 is about 65% complete and fuel load is projected for January 1986.

On the afternoon of June 23, the Forecast Panel toured all major structures in the Unit 1 facility. Hot functional testing was in progress at the time.

The Unit 2 and Unit 3 facilities were toured on June 23.

The exit meeting was held on the morning of June 24 and the attendees are listed on Enclosure 3.

We informed the applicant that we would not be able to complete our assessment of plant status until after we returned to Bethesda, Maryland. We will advise the applicant of our dates after the assessment is complete.


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e402090076 831031

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83-498 PDR E'. A. Licitra, Project Manager

$R Licensing Branch No. 3 E

Division of Licensing


See next page

Palo Verde Mr. E. E. Van Brunt, Jr.

Vice President - Nuclear Projects Arizona Public Service Company P. O. Box 21666 Phoenix, Arizona 85036 cc: Arthur C. Gehr Esq.

Regional Adminstrator-Region V Snell & Wilmer U. S. Nuclear Regulatorf ' Commission 3100 Valley Center 1450 Maria Lane Phoenix, Arizona 85073 Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596 Charles S. Pierson Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Berlin, Esq.

200 State Capitol Winston & Strawn 1700 West Washington Suite 500 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 2550 M Street, N. W.


Charles R. Kocher, Esq., Assistant Counsel James A. Boeletto, Esq.

Lynne Bernabei Southern California Edison Company Government Accountability Project P. O. Box 800 of the Institute for Policy Rosemead, California 91770 Studies 1901 Que Street, N. W.

fis. itargaret Walker Washington, D. C.

20009 Deputy Director of Energy Programs Economic Planning and Development Office 1700 West Washington Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Mr. Rand L. Greenfield Assistant Attorney General Bataan Memorial Building Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503 Resident Inspector Palo Verde /NPS U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission P. O. Box 21324 r

Phoenix, Arizona 85001 Ms. Patricia Lee Hourihan 6413 S. 26th Street P,hoenix., Arizona 85040 6




ENCLOSURE 1 CASELOAD FORECAST PANEL SITE VISIT Palo Verde Units.1, 2 and 3 MEETING AGENDA Presentation for each unit Overview of project construction and preoperational testing schedule, 1.

including progress and major milestones completed, current problems and any anticipated problem areas that may impact the current pro-jected fuel load date.

Detailed review and current status of design and engineering effort 2.

(by major discipline), including any poi.ential problems that may arise from necessary rework..

Detailed review and current status of procurement activities, including 3.

valves, pipe, instruments, cable, major components, spare parts, etc.

Actual and proposed craft work force (by major craft), craft avail-A.

ability, productivity, potential labor negotiations and problems.

Detailed review and current status of all large and small bore pipe 5.

hangers, restraints, snubbers, etc., including design, rework, pro-curement, fabrication, delivery and installation.

Detailed review of project schedule identifying critical path items, 6.

near critical items, amount of float for various activities, the current critical path to fuel loeding, methods of implementation of corrective action for any activities with negative flaat, and provisions for contingencies.

The estimated project percent complete as of May 31, 1983.

Detailed review and current status of bulk quantities, including 7.

current esWated quantities, quantities installed to date, quantities scheduled to date, current percent complete for each, actual versus forecast installation rates, in cubic yards /mo., linear feet /mo., or number /mo., and basis for figures.


Concrete (CY)


Process Pipe (LF)

- Large Bore Pipe (2 1/2" and larger)

- Small Bore Pipe (2" and smaller)


Yard Pipe (LF)


Large Bore Pipe Hangers, Restraints, Snubbers (eal (e)

Small Bore Pipe Hangers, Restraints (ea)

( f)

Cable Tray (LF) l

-2 (g) Total Conduit (LF)

(h) Tota 1' Exposed Metal Conduit (LF)


Cable (LF)

- Pcuer

- Control

- Securi ty

- Instrumentation

- Plant Lighting (j) Terminations (ea) e

- Power

- Control

- Securi ty

- Instrumentation

- Plant Lighting (k) Electrical Circuits (ea)

- Power

- Control

- Security (1) Instrumentation (ea) 8.

Detailed review and current status of preparation of preop and acceptance test procedures, integration of preop and acceptance test activities with construction schedule, system turnover schedule identifying each system and status, preop and acceptance tests schedule identifying each test and status, current and proposed preap and acceptance tests program manpower.

(a) Total number of procedures required for fuel load.


Number of draft procedures not started.

(c) Number of draft procedures being written.


Number of procedures approved.


Number of procedures in review.

( f) Total number of preop and acceptance tests required for fuel load identifying each.

(g) Number of preop and acceptance tests completed identi fyine each.

(h) Number of preop and acceptance te-ts currently in progress identi fying each and status.


Number of systems and/or subsystems turned over to start-up identi fying each.


3-9.. Detailed discussion and status of chances attributed to NUREG-0737 and other recent licensing requirements.



Discussion of schedular impact, if any, regarding poten"tial deficien-cies reported in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55(e).

11. Overview of curr'ent construction and startup manage. ment organization showing interfaces between the two.

12. Site tour and observation of construction activities.

e e

e e



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Bill Quinn, APS 2.

Mike Jones, APS 3.

John Allen, APS 4.

John Kirby, APS 5.

Carl Andognini, APS 6.

Ken Kieselbach 7.

Stuart Wilkening, Bechtel 8.

Jerry D. Houchen 9.

Will Jump 10.

Mark Mahan 11.

Steve Day

12. Manny Licitra, NRC 13.

Bill Lovelace, NRC 14.

Dick Hartfield, NRC

15. John Roedel, APS 16.

Edwin E. VanBrunt, Jr., APS 17.

W. G. Bingham, Bechtel 18.

Art Gehr l

6 ENCLOSURE 3 MEETING ATTENDEES NAME AFFILIATION Manny Licitra NRC/DL/LB3 W. Lovelace NRC/RM R. Hartfield NRC/RM B. Quinn APS C. Andognini APS J. Kerby APS A. Rogers APS M. Jones APS G. Johnston NRC/ Resident S. Wilkening Bechtel E. Van Brunt APS j

f I








SEP 2 1983 DISTRIBUTION Document Control 50-528/529/530 NRC PDR L PDR NSIC Docket Nos.:

50-528, 50-529 PRC System and 50-530 LB#3 Reading JLee Mi Hr. E. E. Van Brant, Jr.

GWKnighton Vice President - Nuclear Projects TMNovak Arizona Public Service Company Attorney, OELD Post Office Box 21666 Jordan, IE Phoenix, Arizona 85036 Taylor, IE ACRS (16)

Dear Mr. Van Brunt:


Results of Caseload Forecast Panel Visit to Palo Verde In June 1983, the NRC Caseload Forecast visited the Palo Verde site to assess the status of construction and testing activities for the purpose of making an independent pmjection of fuel loading for all three Palo Verde units.

At that time we stated that we would not be able to complete our assessment until after we returned to Bethesda, Maryland.

Subsequently, by letter dated August 16, 1983, you infonned us that you have revised the projected fuel load dates for Palo Verde Units 1, 2 and 3 to May 1984, February 1985 and May 1986, respectively.

At this time we have completed our assessment for the Palo Verde units.

We find that our projected fuel load dates are essentially in agreementwith your recently revised dates.

If you have any questions regarding this assessment, you should contact Manny Licitra, the Licensing Project Manager.




Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing cc:

See next page g o D

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