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Submits After Trip Rept
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim, 05000000
Issue date: 03/12/1987
From: Gwynn T
Shared Package
ML20151H158 List:
FOIA-88-198 NUDOCS 8808230135
Download: ML20151W004 (3)



7 March 12, 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Files FROM:

Thomas P. Gwynn yd Technical Assistant d



There were neither press nor the public present during the trip.


NRC personnel present included:


Lando Zech, Chairman b.

Max Clausen, Technical Assistant to the Chairman c.

Pat Gwynn, Technical Assistant to the Chairman d.

Tom Murley, Regional Administrator, Region I e.

Jim Wiggins, Section Chief, Region II f.

Two of the three resident inspectors currently assigned to Pilgrim (McBridgeandLyash) 3.

The above NRC personnel met during a working lunch in Plymouth, MA to apprise the Chairman of the status of the plant, current issues at the plant, and current items of interest.


The site visit began with a very brief presentation by Boston Edison Company (BEco) personnel. The handouts from the briefing and an agenda for the site visit are attacheo in a BECo briefing book.


Key BECo personnel attending the briefing and accompanying the Chairman on his tour included the following:


Ralph G. Bird, Senior Vice President, Nuclear b.

A. Oxsen, Vice President, Nuclear Operations c.

Kenneth P. Roberts, Nuclear Operations Manager f

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I d.

James M. Lydon, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer o.

Edward Howard, Vice President Nuclear Engineering f.

Neil Brosee, Maintenance Section Manager 6.

The plant tour generally followed the attached agenda, however, the tour was shortened to end at 4:00 p.m.


Mr. Stephen J. Sweeney, Chairman, President, and CEO of BEco joined the Chairman for his exit briefing at the BEco/ Pilgrim Emergency Operations facility. The following sumarizes the scope and substance of the Chair 1 nan's exit coments:


Thanked the utility for.their hospitality and the opportunity to visit the plant.


Discussed BECo's performance at Pilgrim over the last several years and BECo's apparent recognition of their problems.



Observed BEco's comitment of dollars to improvement of the plant and their apparent willingness to take the lead in making modificatiens to % prove their Mark I containment. This was a positive indicator of BEco's comitment to improve.


Discussed the clean, quiet, taut philosophy.

BECo made a good impression concerning their obvious efforts to improve t

cleanliness, housekeeping and the radiological working conditions at Pilgrim.

They were encouraged to continue those efforts.

i Pilgrim was not quiet, especially in the control room. The Chairman recognizFd the current plant conditions but also observed the distraction posed to the operators by over use of the paging system.

The Chairman also discussed his view of a TAUT plant and indicated that BECo had additional work to do in this area, e.

The operators appeared good and were anxious to operate the plant again. BECo was encouraged to increase the number of available operators and to decrease operator overt me.

4 f.

Emphasized the need for good configuratien control / design change control and root cause corrective action, g.

Corporate engineering and technical support was seen as a plus.

Suggested BEco consider utilizing the expertise in other areas, h.

The hRC is looking for results; not just for improved programs.

NFC rest see that Pilgrin esn and is doing better.

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Sense that a good relationship exists between NRC and BECo' in particular, good, honest communications.


The exciting challenge confronting BECo management today is their people and their attitudes.

Strongly suggested that senior management visit the plant and talk with the people routinely, k.

Encouraged the utility to challenge their operators with a company sponsored degree program.


The onsite plant specific simulator soon to be delivered was seen as a very positive benefit to the company and a symbol fo their comitment to excellence in plant operations and training.

Recognized the reporting of operations and chemistry to the same m.

section manager as a good approach.


Mr. Sweeney stated that he appreciated the Chairman's visit and his candor during the exit. The following sumarizes Mr. Sweeney's remarks:

NRC and BECo have the same goals (implies safe plant operations),



The exit comments didn't tell BECo anything they didn't already kr.ow. BECo learned of the problems at Pilgrim early on but was slow to scope the problems. They intentionally took their time in obtaining Mr. Bird's help to assure that they were getting the right man for the job rather than a person to fill an opening, c.

Mr. Sweeney stated that the company currently has a degree assistance program for its employecs and didn't know why it wasn't being made available to the operators. Mr. Bird will look into this, d.

BEco will not come to the Comission to seek restart of Pilgrim until BECo is absolutely convinced that they are fully ready.

BECc will not rush the process and wants to make sure they do things right.


BEco Briefing Book
