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Trip Rept of 850420-22 Visit to Port Gibson,Ms,To Participate in Field Test of Draft Training Review Criteria & Procedures at Plant.Nrc Teams Observed Licensed Operator & Nonlicensed Operator Training
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Grand Gulf
Issue date: 06/03/1985
From: Blumer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Persensky J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML082310270 List:
FOIA-87-787 NUDOCS 8801210048
Download: ML20147E230 (2)



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9JBoceER fz+3 JUN 3 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR:

J. J. Persenskv, Section Leader Personnel Qualifications Section Licensee Qualifications Branch, DHFS t


Alice H. Blumer Personnel Qualifications Section 4

Licensee Qualifications Branch, DHFS


TRIP REPORT ON FIELD TEST OF TRAINING REVIEW CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES AT GRAND GULF NUCLEAR PLANT, PORT GIBSON, MISSISSIPPI On April 20-22, 1985, I participated in a field test of the draft training review criteria and procedures at Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant. Other NRC participants were David Stadler and Dolan Falconer from Reginn !!. Tom Mazour, project manager for Analysis and Technology, North Stonington, Connecticut (Contract No. RS-NRR-84-078), also participated.

In order to maximize the efficiency of the process, we divided into two teams, assigning licensed operator trainit.g to one team and nonlicensed operator training to the other team.

Each team consisted of a regional inspector and the A&T project manager or the NRC contract r.onitor.

In order to enable objective viewing of inspector perfomance with the review criteria and procedures, both the contractor and I functioned at resources, answering questions when necessary but refraining from coaching. This strategy was used to enable us to recognize the difficulties whirn could be experienced by a user who, although a technical expert in the nuclear subject matter, might not be equally expert in the Instructional Systems Development Process (ISD) which underlies the training review criteria and procedures.

The plant training personnel working on the preparation of the training program for INP0 accreditation were extremely helpful.

In fact, we were pleased to hear from Ken Beatty and his staff, as well as others involved in operator training, that the document we were using was consistent with INP0 Accreditation, straightforward and fair. We had several requests to leave copies but did not think it appropriate to do so until the document is finalized.

On each day of the field test, we gave in-depth feadback on our findings to the training staff and discussed any questions the training staff asked. On the final day, we participated in a fortnal exit briefing ennducted by NRC's Dolan Falconer and Dave Stadler for the Grand Gulf plant manager and his staff. The substance of this briefing was the closecut of several outstanding items from the previnus training inspection and.<everal general observations about the direction of the plant's training. Naturally, we thanked tha staff for its openness and its willinoness to assist in our fiald test over the 2-1/2 oc/ period.

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As a result of the field test, A&T is making several changes in the draft document. These changes relate to elimination of typos, elimination of redundancies and addition of more introductory material fnr the users of tha i

document.. In addition, we have asked the training staff to send us copies of several specified training procedures for inclusion in a separate book of examples to assist users in mastering the scoring system. There are no substantive changes being made to the concept or content of this document as a result of the field test.

In fact, if it were necessary to use the document without further field testing, I believe that no substantive problems would surface as long as the users were properly briefed as to the proper application of the document and as long as appropriate personnel were selected as users.

The Region II inspectors were the key to the success of this field test.

Their participation was highly professional; they were well prepared, businesslike and had numerous suggestions for increasing the usefulness of the product.

It was particularly gratifying to receive their offers of further assistance and support for the field tests and introduction of the product into general usage.

Alice H. Blumer Personnel Qualifications Section Licensee Qualifications Branch, DHFS l


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