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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Plant Preliminary Decommissioning Plan by 900501
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/15/1990
From: Erickson P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Crawford A
NUDOCS 9003200133
Download: ML20033F355 (5)





March 15,1990 Docket No. 50-267 Mr. A. Clegg Crawford Vice President, Nuclear Operations Public Service Company of Colorado P. O. Box 840 Denver, Colorado 80201-0840

Dear Mr. Crawford:


FORT ST. VRAIN PRELIMINARY DECOMMISSIONING PLAN - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION By letter dated June 30, 1989, you provided a Preliminary Decomissioning Plan for Fort St. Vrain. On December 1,1989, you provided a response to our request for additional information of October 4, 1989.

During our review of your response, we determined that additional information was needed.

Please provide your response to the enclosed request by May 1, 1990.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

Peter B. Erickson, Project Manager Non-Power Reactor, Decomissioning and Environmental Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l

cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION n Docket iile 4

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March 15, 1990 i

Docket No. 50-267


Mr. A. Clegg Crawford


Vice President, Nuclear Operations i

Public Service Company of Colorado


P. O. Box PM Denver, Co'icmso 80201-0840 i

Dear Mr. Crawford:




FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION By letter dated June 30, 1989, you provided a Preliminary Decommissioning Plan i

for Fort St. Vrain. On December 1,1989, you provided a response to our request for additional information of October 4, 1989, During our review of your response, we determined that additional information was needed.

Please provide your response to the enclosed request by May 1, 1990.

Sincerely, c'd

'C %

eter B. Erickson, Project Manager Non-Power Reactor, Decommissioning and Environmental Project Directorate -

Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page i

i 1

14 Mr. A. Clegg Crawford Docket No. 50-267 Public Service Company of Colorado Fort St. Vrain j


Mr. D. W. Warembourg, Manager Regional Representative Nuclear Engineering Division Radiation Programs Public Service Company Environmental Protection Agency of Colorado 1 Denver Place P. O. Box 840 999 18th Street, Suite 1300 Denver, Colorado 80201-0840 Denver, Colorado 80202-2413 Mr. David Alberstein, Manager Robert M. Quillen, Director Fort St. Vrain Services Radiation Control Division GA International Services Corporation Department of Health P. O. Box 85608 4210 East lith Avenue San Diego, California 92138 Denver, Colorado 80220 Mr. H. L. Brey, Manager Mr. Charles H. Fuller Nuclear Licensing and Resource Nuclear Production and Management Division Station Manager Public Service Company of Colorado Public Service Company of Colorado P. O. Box 840 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Denver, Colorado 80201-0840 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Senior Resident Inspector Mr. P. F. Tomlinson, Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Quality Assurance Division P. O. Box 640 Public Service Company of Colorado Platteville, Colorado 80651 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Kelley, Standfield & 0'Donnell ATTN: Mr. J. K. Tarpey Mr. D. D. Hock Public Service Company Building President and Chief Executive Officer Room 900 Public Service Company of Colorado 550 15th Street P. O. Box 840 Denver, Colorado 80202 Denver, Colorado 80201-0840 Regional Administrator, Region IV Comitment Control Program U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Coordinator 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Public Service Company of Colorado Arlington, Texas 76011 2420 W. 26th Avenue, Suite 100-D Denver, Colorado 80211 Chairman, Board of County Comissioners of Weld County, Colorado Greeley, Colorado 80631


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DOCKET NO. 50-267 i

i These coments are directed to Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSC's)

Preliminary Decomissioning Plan dated June 30, 1989, and PSC's response of December 1,1989 to our October 4,1989 request for additional information.

PSC Response to NRC Questions 1 and 16:

" References" and " Decommissioning cost Estimate" The Fort St. Vrain (FSV) facility is a unique facility and to assure sufficient funds will be available for decontamination and decomissioning as required by 10 CFR 50.75(f), the NRC needs a more detailed basis for the costs than PSC i

provided in Attachment 3:

"FSV Site Specific Decomissioning Cost Estimate for Preliminary Decomissioning Plan." The cost study should provide all component costs for each activity as well as the rationale for the effort to complete each activity.

PSC cost estimate was based on the assumption that FSV would complete defueling by October 1992.

If it is confirmed that defueling will not be completed by the original estimated date, the cost estimate should be revised to reflect this impact. Also PSC states that their contingency cost ranges from 20% to 140% for PCRV dismantlement. What is the basis for this large range?

PSC provided cost estimates for each major decomissioning activity. However, labor and 0&M costs are simply stated without detail and discussion. Please provide the basis for these costs and a rationale for how they are determined.

The cost estimate also needs to include the waste disposal cost for each activity. The disposal costs should be computed based on waste volume and-classification, and include surcharge, packaging and shipping costs.

Finally, for each separate activity all indirect costs associated with the activity need to be included. The indirect costs would include cost for insurance, licensing cost, office equipment cost, cost of office space, contractor's profit, and other miscellaneous costs required to support the activity.

If a sumary sheet is provided which sumarizes all these cost components, sufficient references should be provided to support how these costs were developed.


F i

PSC Response to NRC Question 10:

" Decontamination and Dism:ntlement Plans

  • The response provided by PSC is adequate for the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan; however, a more accurate nuclide analyses to characterize the components will be required before actual disposal of the material.

PSC Response to NRC Question 17:

PSC's responses did not include a contingency plan for waste storage if disposal capacity is not available.

PSC needs to provide a discussion of the storage facility that might be used and the estimated costs for it.

PSC Response to NRC Ouestion 18:

" Residual Radioactivity Criteria" PSC states they will use 5 uR/HR above background as the limit for residual contamination. Please note that current residual contamination criteria are the limits in Regulatory Guide 1.86 and 5 uR/HR above background as measured at one meter. We acknowledge that PTC" committed to using updated limits when available.

NUREG-CR 5512, January 1990

  • Residual Radioactive Contamination From Decommissioning" provides a technical basis for calculating the residual radiocctive contamination limits allowable for unrestricted release of dicommissioned facilities.