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Responds to IE Bulletin 80-03, Loss of Charcoal from Std Type II,2 Inch,Tray Adsorber Cells. Standby Gas Treatment Sys Has Barneby-Cheney Type FC-1521 & FC-2645 Cells Secured by Studs & Retaining Clips.Deficient Cells Not Identified
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1980
From: Gilberts D
To: James Keppler
IEB-80-03, IEB-80-3, NUDOCS 8003310002
Download: ML19305C509 (2)



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NSP MURTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY M I N N E A P O L.l S, M I N N E S OTA 5 5 4 01 March 12, 1980 Mr. James G. Keppler Director, Region III Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137

Dear Mr. Keppler:

MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22 Response to IE Bulletin 80-03 Dated February 6, 1980 IE Bulletin 80-03 requested that power reactor facilities perform inspections of the charcoal adsorbers for loss of charcoal duo to adsorber cell degradation.

The only safeguards system at Monticello that contains charcoal adsorbers is the Standby Gas Treatment System. Information on the two charcoal adsorbers and the inspections performed as requested in Item 1 of the bulletin are given below.


Standby Gas Treatment System (2 Trains)

Adsorber Units: Quantity - 1 per train Adsorber Cells: Quantity - 12 per unit Type - 11, Earneby-Cheney Type FC-1521 1, Barneby-Cheney Type FC-2645 (test cell)

Weight - 94 lbs.

Design - Cells held in place by studs and retaining clips. Perforated screens secured to cells by rivets spaced 1/2 to 5/8 inches apart.

Inspections of the adsorber units were performed in accordance with Section 5 of ANSI N510-1975. The cells were in excellent condition with no signs of sagging, channeling or other degradation.

There were no gaps between the per-forated screens and casings. The visual inspection did reveal a minute amount of charcoal (approximately one tablespoon) on the floor of the exhaust side of each unit.

These small amounts of charcoal are believed to have fallen through the screens during handling of removal of test cartridges and to have accumulated over a period of several years.

MAR 141980 8 003 310 00 a I

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Mr. James G. Keppler Page 2-March 12, 1980 Monticello performs in-place halogenated hydrocarbon tests on the charcoal adsorbers once each operating cycle. The penetrations into the adsorbers have always been less than the maximum specified in the Technical' Specifi-cations (3 l%) and minute losses of charcoal have not affected the results.

o defective cells were identified, therefore no additional actions as de-scribed in Items 2 and 3 of the bulletin have been taken. Please contact Plant Management if you require additional information concerning our response.

Yours truly, D. E. Gilberts Vice President Power Production

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Mr. G. Charnoff NRC Division of Fuel Facility and Materials Safety Inspection Washington, D. C.