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Submits Suppl 1 to Util Response to NRC Request for Addl Info Re 981118 Request for Deviation from Emergency Procedure Guidelines
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/10/1998
From: Hammer M
NUDOCS 9811180274
Download: ML20195E226 (3)





e-1 Neitt.em States Power Company Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 2807 West Hwy 75 j

Monticello, Minnesota $5362-9637 1

November 10,1998 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-0737

' Attn: Document Control Desk Supplement 1 Washington, DC 20555 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLAN Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22 Supplement 1 to NSP Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding November 18,1997 Request for Deviation from Emergency Procedure Guidelines



Letter from Michael F. Hamme.r, NSP, to USNRC Document Control Desk, " Request for Deviation From Emergency Procedure Guidelines, Revision 4, NEDO-31331, March 1987," November 18,1997.


Letter from Michael F. Hammer, NSP, to USNRC Document Control Desk, " Proprietary Information Related to NSP Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding November 18,1997 Request for Deviation From Emergency Procedure Guidelines," October 1,1998.

By letter dated November 18,1997 (Reference 1) NSP requested a deviation from the Boiling Water Reactor Owners' Group Emergency Procedures Guidelines, Revision 4, NEDO-31331, March 1987. The deviation was requested to recognize 2/3 core height i

as adequate core cooling following a large break loss of coolant accident.

The NRC Staff subsequently asked five specific questions which were addressed by letter dated October 1,1998 (Reference 2). In the response NSP stated, "If fewer than two ECCS pumps were available for RPV [ Reactor Pressure l

Vessel) injection (the minimum number expected to be available following the DBA-LOCA), Monticello would flood primary containment if RPV water level r

could not be restored and maintained above the minimum steam cooling RPV water level."


I 9s11180274 991110 7

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T J ALICENSEiN R C Misc Corresp\\EOP 11-98 RAl. doc

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After discussing this matter with members of the NRC Staff, NSP agrees to further l

specify that one of the two ECCS pumps referenced is to be a core spray pump. The l

replacemen,t statepent should then read, 1

l "If there is not at least one core spray pump injecting water into the RPV and one l

additional ECCS pump available for RPV injection, Monticello will flood primary l

containment if RPV water level can not be restored and maintained above the l

minimum steam cooling RPV water level."

- This submittal contains no new NRC commitments, nor does it modify any prior commitments. Please contact Marcus H. Voth, Project Manager of Licensing, at 612-i 271-5116 if you require additional information related to this request.


O/14N Michael F. Hammer Plant Manager Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant c
Regional Administrator - 111, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC Sr. Resident inspector, NRC


State of Minnesota, Atto: Kris Sanda J Silberg


Affidavit to the U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission l

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UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT DOCKET NO. 50-263 Supplement 1 to NSP Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding November 18,1997 Request for Deviation from Emergency Procedure Guidelines l

Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, by letter dated November 10,1998 l

supplements its October 1,1998 response to an NRC Staff request for additional information on a November 18,1997 request for deviation from emergency procedure guidelines.

This letter contains no restricted or other defense information.


[h Michael F. Hammer Plant Manager Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant On this lOY day of hovedec 1998 before me a notary public in and for said County, personally appeared Michael F. Hammer, Plant Manager, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, and being first duly swom acknowledged that he is authorized to execute this document on behalf of Northern States Power Company, that he knows the contents thereof, and that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief the statements made in it are true and that it is not interposed for delay.

- ~

' Samuel I. Shire'y


Notary Public-Minnesota [

cr- ^ ^ rr-rerer-------- --

Sherburne County s^"' '"L l. SHIREY My Commission Expires January 31,2000 1 Nr


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l JilCENsE\\N R C Misc Corresp\\EoP 11-98 RAI doc