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Forwards Supplement to 971125 License Amend Request Re Condensate Storage Tank Low Level Suction Transfer Setpoints for HPCI Sys & Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Sys
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/11/1998
From: Hammer M
Shared Package
ML20195C883 List:
NUDOCS 9811170233
Download: ML20195C878 (2)



Northem States Power Company Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 2807 West Hwy 75 Monticello, Minnesota 55362-9637 November 11,1998 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR Part 50 Attn: Document Control Desk Section 50.90 Washington, DC 20555 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22 Supplement No. 2 to License Amendment Request Dated November 25,1997 Condensate Storage Tank Low Level HPCl/RCIC Suction Transfer Attached is a supplement to our November 25,1997, License Amendment Request. The changes requested in our November 25,1997 request were related to the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) low level suction transfer setpoints for the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)

System and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System. Separate setpoints for plant operation with either one or two CSTs in service were proposed.

I The proposed Technical Specification changes would allow removing one CST from service for maintenance. During this period, both suction transfer switches would be temporarily connected to the level column of the operable CST to preserve the redundancy of the transfer logic.

l Temporarily cross connecting both level switches to a single level standpipe has the potential to increase very slightly the probability of failure of both level switches due to freezing or plugging of piping common to both switches. This issue is therefore being addressed by supplementing our November 25,1997 License Amendment Request with the attached description and safety evaluation for the level switch cross connection and a replacement no significant hazards considerations section.

j This submittal contains no new NRC commitments, nor does it modify any prior commitments.

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11/11/9e W J a \\LICFREE\\Tects Specs \\L. A.R's\\ CST \\CTT BupplemeM 2. doc 9811170233 981111I PDR ADOCK 05000263 P


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t USNRC Northern States Power Company

, Nov, ember,1,1, 1998 Pagd 2 l

Please contact Mr. Samuel Shirey, Sr. Licensing Engineer, at (612) 295-1449 if you require

- additionalinformation related to this request.

i l

Michael F Hammer

. Plant Manager.

. Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant c:

Regional Administrator-Ill, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC l.

Sr. Resident inspector, NRC l

State of Minnesota t

Attn: Kris Sanda J Silberg, Esq.

Attachments: Affidavit to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Supplement No. 2 to License Amendment Request Dated November 25,1997 l-i
