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Submits Change to Commitment for Submittal of ITS Application.Util Plans to Provide ITS Conversion Package Submittal to NRC in Dec of 2000
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/28/1998
From: Wadley M
NUDOCS 9901050305
Download: ML20198M327 (2)


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Northern States Power Company Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 2807 West County Road 75 Monticello, MN 55362 December 28,1998 10 CFR 50.71(e)

U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22 Change to Commitment for Submittal of improved Technical Specification Application



Letter from M D Wad!ey, VP Nuclear Generation, Northem States Power Company to USNRC Document Control Desk, dated September 26,1997, " Project Plans for USAR Review Project and Conversion to improved Technical Specifications (ITS)

In Reference 1, NSP made the following commitment:

Monticeilo plans to provide an Improved Technical Specification conversion package submittal to the NRC in June of 2000.

NSP hereby revises this commitment as follows:

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Monticello plans to provide an Improved Technical Specification conversion package submittal to the NRC in December of 2000.

I M)l Due to short term resource constraints, emergent work, and the reprioritization of ongoing licensing related projects, the planned submittal date for the ITS conversion package is being delayed by six months. These resource constraints include the following:


Engineering effort associated with the unanticipated early replacement of Monticello's suppression pool suction strainers in the summer of 1997 delayed work on the power rerate submittal by two to three months.


The total engineering and licensing effort spent on power rerate was greater than anticipated. in addition, during 1999 the plant engineering staff needs to l

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U.S. Nucitar Regulatory Commission Decembsr 28,1998 Page 2


continue its focus on monitoring and improving the performance of plant equipment under rerate conditions.


The engineering and licensing effort required to respond to NRC RAls associated with seismic issues was greater than anticipated.

l (4)

The USAR update project, which remains on schedule, is considered to have l

direct benefits for plant operation, configuration management and the accuracy of the licensing basis. As such, it is considered a more risk significant activity and is, therefore, being given higher priority than ITS.

Some of the work listed above was unanticipated, and some required greater levels j

of effort than originally planned. All of it is considered more risk significant than ITS conversion. Given the more urgent and risk significant work described above, a six month delay is considered necessary at this time.

Recent NRC/ Industry initiatives toward risk informed regulations, i.e. NRR/ Industry l

meeting on Risk-Informed Technical Specifications (Dec 8,1998), has the potential l

of changing the content of current technical specifications to the extent that further l

resource commitment toward ITS may not be prudent until the impacts of these initiatives are determined.

L We will contact our licensing Project Manager to schedule a meeting with the NRC l

Staff to discuss the Monticello ITS conversion in January,1999.

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Michael D. Wadley President, NSP Nuclear Generation I


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