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Summary of Public Meeting - Special Inspection Results Crystal River Nuclear Plant
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/15/2010
From: Mark Franke
To: Franke J
Florida Power Corp
Download: ML102590396 (38)


UMTED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION II 245 PEACHTREE CENTER AVENUE NE. SUITE 1200 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-1257 September 15, 2010 Mr. Jon Franke, Vice President Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA1 B)

ATTN: Supervisor, Licensing &

Regulatory Programs 15760 West Power Line Street Crystal River, FL 34428-6708





Dear Mr. Franke:

On September 2, 2010, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) conducted a public meeting at the Crystal River Nuclear Plant EOFlTraining Center in Crystal River, FL. The purpose of the meeting was for the NRC to present the results of the Special Inspection that was conducted from October 13, 2009 to September 2, 2010, and that addressed the circumstances surrounding a delamination discovered in the concrete of the containment building at the Crystal River nuclear power plant last fall.

Mr. M. Franke of the NRC staff provided opening remarks. Mr. L. Lake of the NRC staff then presented the results of the inspection, which included a discussion of the delamination and an assessment of Progress Energys actions to address the issue. Progress Energy then presented additional information and addressed the NRC inspection results. The public was invited to observe the meeting and had opportunities to communicate with the NRC after the business portion of the meeting.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

FPC 2 Should you have any questions concerning this meeting, please contact me at 404-997-4436.

Sincerely, IRA!

Mark Franke, Chief Engineering Branch 3 Division of Reactor Safety


1. List of Attendees
2. Handout NRC Presentation Slides ML102440205
3. Handout Progress Energy Presentation Slides ML102581096 cc w/encl.: (See page 3)

FPC 3 Joseph W. Donahue cc w/encl: Vice President R. J. Duncan, II Nuclear Oversight Vice President Carolina Power and Light Company Nuclear Operations Electronic Mail Distribution Carolina Power & Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution Jack E. Huegel Manager, Nuclear Oversight Brian C. McCabe Crystal River Nuclear Plant Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Electronic Mail Distribution Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.

Electronic Mail Distribution David T. Conley Associate General Counsel James W. Holt Legal Dept.

Plant General Manager Progress Energy Service Company, LLC Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C) Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Mark Rigsby Stephen J. Cahill Manager, Support Services Nuclear Engineering Manager Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C)

Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C) Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Senior Resident Inspector R. Alexander Glenn U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Associate General Counsel Crystal River Nuclear Generating Plant (MAC BT15A)

- U.S. NRC Florida Power Corporation 6745 N Tallahassee Rd Electronic Mail Distribution Crystal River, FL 34428 Christos Kamilaris Attorney General Director Department of Legal Affairs Fleet Support Services The Capitol PL-01 Carolina Power & Light Company Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Electronic Mail Distribution Ruben D. Almaguer William A. Passetti Director Chief Division of Emergency Preparedness Florida Bureau of Radiation Control Department of Community Affairs Department of Health Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Chairman Daniel R. Westcott Board of County Commissioners Supervisor Citrus County Licensing & Regulatory Programs 110 N. Apopka Avenue Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA1 B) Inverness, FL 36250 Electronic Mail Distribution


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REGü Fission Product Barriers

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/ \Inspection Results

  • Generic Implications
  • Progress Energy Corrective Actions

Crystal River Unit #3 Containment Investigation and Repair September 2, 2010 Progress En rgy Enclosure 3

Fission Product Barriers Simplified Schematic

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Tendons (horizontals depicted)

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Barrier # 2 Reactor Vessel & Coolant Piping .

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Tendon depiction is for illustrative purposes and is not an exact scale 0


SGR Opening Dimensions

@ Liner 23 6 x 24 9

@ Concrete Opening 25 0 x 27 0 3

Progress Energy

Root Cause Analysis Investigation & Design Basis Team zW Comprehensive Team Commissioned Progress Energy personnel - expertise across fleet Industry peers:

ExeIon Southern Company SCE&G External expertise:

Performance Improvement International (P11)

MPR Associates AREVA Worley Parsons Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE)

Construction Technology Laboratories (CTL) 4 Progress Energy

Root Cause Analysis Investigation & Design Basis Team (continued)

Material Laboratories Support Mac Tec Soil & Materials Engineers (S&ME)

Field Data Support Sensing Systems, Inc Core Visual Inspection Services (Core VIS)

Nuclear Inspection & Consulting, Inc Precision Surveillance Gulf West Surveying, Inc AREVA Progress Energy

Root Cause Analysis Investigation & Design Basis Team (continued)

Numerous PhDs (11) with expertise in:

Root Cause Investigation Techniques Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Operations & Maintenance Material Science & Testing Concrete Standards & Construction Concrete Testing Concrete Creep Concrete Fracture Human Performance Process Analysis Containment Analysis Computer Modeling 6

Progress Energy

Concrete Operational Experience (OE)

Worley Parsons 1976 dome delamination investigation and repair (as Gilbert Corn monwealth)

Structural Preservation Systems (SPS)

Largest Concrete Repair Contractor in the US, 2nd largest Concrete Contractor (of any type) in the US Performs > 4,000 repair projects per year Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc (WJE)

Structural engineering and materials science firm specializing in failure investigations and problem solving Specialist in structural condition assessments and design of repairs and retro-fits for reinforced and post tension concrete structures Conducted original CR3 Structural Integrity Test (SIT) 7 Progress

Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee (NSOC)

Containment Sub-Committee Membership Member Title John Elnitsky (PG N) VP New Generation Programs and Projects (Chairman)

Joe Donahue (PGN) VP Nuclear Oversight Chris Burton (PGN) VP Harris Greg Selby Technical Director EPRI Dr. Shawn Hughes VP Shaw Stone & Webster Dr. Paul Zia Civil Engineering Professor, NCSU Hub Miller 33 years industry oversight experience Darrell Eisenhut 41 years industry operation and oversight experience 8

Progress Energy

Root Cause Analysis Investigation Approach Complex Investigation with 75 Potential Failure Modes Considered Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Containment Wall Surfaces Use of Impulse Response (IR) Method and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Over 8,000 IR data points taken Comprehensive C)fl all accessible areas Concrete Core Bores Over 150 core bores performed Ranged from 1, to 8 diameter, 6 to 32 long Validated Impulse Response (IR) data, along with boroscopic inspections Laboratory testing ProgressEnergy

Core A B C POUR 16 Borings ///// /////Y%4 EL. 240 r

7 r

fy% Pd4 FA POUR 15 EL. 230 AW% AW 9 / mT 4 / f /

A nJ%/% fd%%.

82 81 YJJLd%

POUR 14 rrrnts PEI)NI.

EL. 220 N



I rrRrs iI*F1!i 25 raiv POUR 13 EL. 210 POUR 12 EL. 200

  • CORE RORE OT [ELAMINATEC OPENING POUR 11 EL. 190 POUR 10 EL. 180 Conclusion Physical observation of fVJIA fd>9 #d/YY%

core boring has validated the POUR 9 delamination boundary, as accurately predicted by Impulse Response (IR). EL. 170 POUR 8 EL. 160 10 PILOT HOLE AT CORE #46 48* Progress nergy 7

Root Cause Analysis LaboratorAnaIsis Concrete Core Laboratory Analyses

  • Petrographic Examination Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio Density, Absorption, and Voids Compressive Strength, Splitting Tensile Strength, and Direct Tensile Strength Fracture Energy Accelerated Creep Test
  • Accelerated Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) Test Chemistry and Contamination Test Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Examination of Micro-Cracking 11 ProgressEnergy

Root Cause Analysis Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Modeling Tools Existing Industry Analysis Techniques Predicted Acceptable Margin to Delamination at CR3 Investigation Required Development of New FEA Tools of Progressively Increasing Complexity based on Data Obtained from the Delamination 3600 global containment model Visco-elastic I non-linear model Model includes individual tendons, rebar, liner, etc.

Sub-models (1 mesh) provide higher resolution of localized behavior 12 Progress Energy

Conclusions Design is Acceptable for Normal and Emergency Operations Construction was in Accordance with Design Delamination Occurred During the Outage Investigation was Thorough and Comprehensive New State-of-the-Art Analytical Methods had to be Created to Analyze Containment Response Root cause: De-tensioning scope and sequence resulted in redistribution of stresses that exceeded tensile capacity Could not have been predicted based on existing information and models at that time 13 Progress Energy

Design Basis & Repair FSAR Structural Design Parameters Containment Design Features Remain Unchanged Prestressed concrete cylindrical wall (shell), shallow dome roof Carbon steel liner serves as fission product barrier Liner anchored to concrete Containment Design Basis Maintained Leak-tight structure to contain Design Basis LOCA Elastic response to design basis loading to protect liner Design loads and combinations based on operating, accident and applicable code requirements Load factors applied to provide safety margin 14 Progress Energy

Design Basis Repair FSAR Design Loads

1. I.* ... . .*. .... .. . ........
  • All Containment Design Loads Analyzed
  • Seismic Temperature Loads
  • Accident Pressure (LOCA)

Accidental Containment Spray Actuation Pressure 15 Progress Energy

Design Basis & Repair Summary Final repair condition expected to be acceptable under 10 CFR 50.59 Design basis loading conditions will be satisfied Design code requirements will be met Changes to analysis inputs accepted by 50.59 evaluation Analysis consistent with the existing FSAR described Method of Evaluation 16 Progress Energy

Design Basis & Repair Repair Sequence Stress Relief Cut Complete De-tensioning Complete Concrete Removal Complete Concrete Placement In Progress Re-tensioning Post-Repair Testing Unit Restart 17

Post Repair Testing Pressure Tests Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) required per ASME Xl code For removing / replacing liner in SGR opening Plan to perform a Structural Integrity Test (SIT)

Normally a one-time initial construction structural test Test intent: measures structural integrity and deformation at 1.15 Peak Design Pressure (63.3 psig)

SIT will be followed by ILRT 18 Progress Energy

  • Containment original design and construction are acceptable for normal and emergency operations
  • Planned repair approach meets design basis requirements and code requirements The final repair condition is expected to be acceptable under 10 CFR 50.59
  • Containment will be fully capable of meeting its design safety function upon completion of repairs and testing 19 Progress Energy