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Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Florida Power Corporation, Concerning the Applicant'S Response to a Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Crystal River, Unit 3
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/2010
From: Robert Kuntz
License Renewal Projects Branch 2
Florida Power Corp
KUNTZ R, NRR/DLR, 415-2989
Download: ML100070317 (7)


February 2, 2010 APPLICANT: Florida Power Corporation FACILITY: Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant



OF TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL HELD ON DECEMBER 10, 2009, BETWEEN THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION, CONCERNING THE APPLICANTS RESPONSE TO A REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE CRYSTAL RIVER UNIT 3 NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) and representatives of Florida Power Corporation (FPC, the applicant) held a telephone conference call on December 10, 2009 to discuss the applicants response to a request for additional information (RAI) concerning the Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant (CR-3) license renewal application (LRA). The telephone conference call was useful in clarifying the applicants RAI response.

During the teleconference the staff sought clarification on responses to RAI provided in letters dated September 11, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No. ML092580095), and November 12, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No. ML093210167).

From the RAI response dated September 11, 2009:

RAI 2.2-01:

The staff sought clarification on how the Hydrogen Monitoring system fits in with the evaluation of the Post-Accident Containment Atmospheric Sampling system (PASS) as being in scope for license renewal. The staff sought clarification on if the Hydrogen Monitoring system was being treated as a separate function of the PASS or if it is a separate system. The applicant clarified that the Hydrogen Monitoring system is a subsystem of the PASS, and it is not intended to be treated as a separate system. The applicant stated that all intended safety functions of the hydrogen monitoring system are included in the PASS system description in the LRA.


The applicant indicates that the AAC diesel does not serve a station blackout (SBO) function or are not required to serve as the source for any accident or safe shutdown loads; however the AAC diesel is referred to in the Final Safety Analysis Report as a source of backup for the safety-related AC distribution bus, which may indicate that the AAC diesel is a backup for the EDG system as needed. The staff sought clarification on why the AAC diesel is being credited as a backup to the EDG, yet they do not consider it to be in scope for license renewal. The applicant mentioned during the call that the AAC diesel is used as a backup to the EDG for extended maintenance outage conditions. The applicant stated that neither the AAC diesel nor AFW pump supplied by the AAC diesel are credited in mitigating any design basis accident or regulated event at CR-3.

From the RAI Response dated November 12, 2009:

RAI 2.3-03:

The applicant's response to continuation issues on the station drains system (Section, LRA Drawings: LRA-302-113-LR, SH 02 and LRA-302-163-LR, SH 01) indicated on Page 13 of 47 of the enclosure needs more clarification to address the continuation issue. The applicant appears to indicate that the line in question is in scope, however, it is not clear what is meant by the following statement: "...drawing convention for flow diagrams does not depict all drain piping." The applicant clarified during the call that the drain piping is not completely captured in the LRA drawings for Station Drains System, but all piping associated with the system located in the Intermediate Building and Auxiliary Building are in scope for license renewal.

RAI 2.3-03:

The applicant's response to drawing continuation issues for the Condensate System (LRA Section, LRA Drawing LRA-302-101-LR, SH 01) indicated on Page 13 of 47 of their enclosure indicates that the lines in question, "...should not have been highlighted." However, the applicant doesn't clarify if the flow diagram will be redrawn, nor indicate where the lines go.

The applicant clarified during the call that the highlight lines were highlighted in error on the drawing, and the lines were only meant to represent the work to be performed by another vendor on site and are not part of the Condensate system.

RAI 2.3-04:

On page 21 of 47 under the Control Complex Chilled Water System (LRA Section, the staff sought clarification on why the di-electric couplings shown in LRA drawing LRA-302-756-LR, SH 01 are not part of the pressure boundary. The applicant described the di-electric couplings as a series of insulated sleeves for the bolting on the flanged connection. The couplings do not serve any intended functions for pressure boundary or heat transfer.

Therefore, these couplings are not in scope for license renewal.

RAI 2.3-04:

On pages 25 & 26 of 47 under Jacket Cooling System (LRA Section, the turbochargers are discussed as active and complex assembly, which according to the applicant, would not exclude them from the scope for license renewal. The applicant concurred that the turbochargers can be characterized as a component type that can be included in the general category of piping and piping components in the diesel exhaust system. No new materials or environments need to be included in the aging management reviews included in the license renewal application.

RAI 2.3-06:

On page 38 of 47 under EPP-3 Diesel Air Starting System (LRA Section, the applicant addressed the flexible connections being listed in Table 2.3.3-26 as part of an aging management review (AMR), however the applicant did not address the generic question on

flexible connections. The applicant clarified that there were two classifications for flexible connections for all mechanical systems evaluated for license renewal. One type were flexible stainless steel metals (with braided jackets), which were included in the general component type piping and piping component on the AMR table. The other type of flexible connections are elastomer expansion joints, which were treated separately due to different AMRs needed for those components.

RAI 2.3-06:

On page 39 of 47 under the Make Up and Purification System (LRA Section, the applicant discusses strainer housings as being listed in Table 2.3.3-42. The applicant didn't clarify how the Y-strainers were being evaluated in other systems as being included for aging management in an AMR. The applicant clarified that the Y-strainers for this system were classified as pressure boundary intended functions. The applicant also clarified that for all other strainers or components that served more than one intended function, those components were treated separately in the AMR tables for those particular systems that were evaluated for license renewal. The applicant also stated that if there was no filtering function for that particular system, then the strainers did not receive a filtering function for that system and only a pressure boundary intended function.


On pages 43 & 44 of 47 for Spent Fuel Cooling system (LRA Section, the components were described by the applicant as being fuel pool gates, but were designated similar to the heat exchangers on the same LRA drawing. The applicant did not indicate if these fuel pool gates should also be in scope for license renewal. The applicant stated that the spent fuel gates are not permanently installed, that they do not have an intended function for license renewal and therefore not included in the scope of license renewal. They added that the air lines supply the inflatable seals on the gates were included in scope of license renewal up to the gates under 10 CFR 54.4 (a)(2), for spatial interactions only. The air seals were not included in the scope of license renewal.

The enclosure provides a listing of the participants.

The applicant had an opportunity to comment on this summary.


Robert Kuntz, Sr. Project Manager Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-302


List of Participants cc w/encls: See next page

flexible connections. The applicant clarified that there were two classifications for flexible connections for all mechanical systems evaluated for license renewal. One type were flexible stainless steel metals (with braided jackets), which were included in the general component type piping and piping component on the AMR table. The other type of flexible connections are elastomer expansion joints, which were treated separately due to different AMRs needed for those components.

RAI 2.3-06:

On page 39 of 47 under the Make Up and Purification System (LRA Section, the applicant discusses strainer housings as being listed in Table 2.3.3-42. The applicant didn't clarify how the Y-strainers were being evaluated in other systems as being included for aging management in an AMR. The applicant clarified that the Y-strainers for this system were classified as pressure boundary intended functions. The applicant also clarified that for all other strainers or components that served more than one intended function, those components were treated separately in the AMR tables for those particular systems that were evaluated for license renewal. The applicant also stated that if there was no filtering function for that particular system, then the strainers did not receive a filtering function for that system and only a pressure boundary intended function.


On pages 43 & 44 of 47 for Spent Fuel Cooling system (LRA Section, the components were described by the applicant as being fuel pool gates, but were designated similar to the heat exchangers on the same LRA drawing. The applicant did not indicate if these fuel pool gates should also be in scope for license renewal. The applicant stated that the spent fuel gates are not permanently installed, that they do not have an intended function for license renewal and therefore not included in the scope of license renewal. They added that the air lines supply the inflatable seals on the gates were included in scope of license renewal up to the gates under 10 CFR 54.4 (a)(2), for spatial interactions only. The air seals were not included in the scope of license renewal.

The enclosure provides a listing of the participants.

The applicant had an opportunity to comment on this summary.


Robert Kuntz, Sr. Project Manager Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-302


List of Participants cc w/encls: See next page DISTRIBUTION: See next page ADAMS Accession Number: ML100070317 OFFICE LA:DLR PM:RPB2:DLR BC:RPB2:DLR PM:RPB2:DLR NAME YEdmounds RKuntz DWrona RKuntz DATE 1/27/10 1/28/10 2/1/10 2/2/10 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY


Garry Armstrong NRC Stanley Gardocki NRC Chris Malner Florida Power Corporation Jeff Lane Florida Power Corporation Bob Reynolds Florida Power Corporation ENCLOSURE

Memorandum to Florida Power Corporation from R. Kuntz dated February 2, 2010






PUBLIC [or NON-PUBLIC, if applicable]

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Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant cc:

Mr. R. Alexander Glenn Mr. Daniel R. Westcott Associate General Counsel (MAC- Supervisor, Licensing & Regulatory BT15A) Programs Florida Power Corporation Crystal River Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 14042 15760 W. Power Line Street St. Petersburg, FL 33733-4042 Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Mr. James W. Holt Senior Resident Inspector Plant General Manager Crystal River Unit 3 Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 15760 W. Power Line Street 6745 N. Tallahassee Road Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Crystal River, FL 34428 Mr. William A. Passetti, Chief Mr. Jack E. Huegel Department of Health Manager, Nuclear Oversight Bureau of Radiation Control Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C) 2020 Capital Circle, SE, Bin #C21 15760 W. Power Line Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1741 Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Attorney General Mr. David T. Conley Department of Legal Affairs Associate General Counsel II - Legal The Capitol Dept.

Tallahassee, FL 32304 Progress Energy Service Company, LLC Mr. Ruben D. Almaguer, Director P.O. Box 1551 Division of Emergency Preparedness Raleigh, NC 27602-1551 Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Mr. Michael P. Heath Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Supervisor, License Renewal Progress Energy Chairman 8470 River Road, 2E Board of County Commissioners Southport, NC 28461 Citrus County 110 North Apopka Avenue Mr. Mark Rigsby Inverness, FL 34450-4245 Manager, Support Services - Nuclear Crystal River Nuclear Plant (SA2C)

Mr. Stephen J. Cahill 15760 W. Power Line Street Engineering Manager Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C) 15760 W. Power Line Street Mr. Robert J. Duncan II Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Vice President, Nuclear Operations Progress Energy P.O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602-1551