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Email from Khanna, Meena to Grobe, Jack; Hiland, Patrick; Skeen, David; Subject: Summary of Meeting with Chairman Jaczko - Crystal River 3 Containment Delamination Issue
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/08/2009
From: Meena Khanna
To: Grobe J, Hiland P, David Skeen
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Engineering
Download: ML102040276 (2)


° Sykes, Marvin From: Khanna, Meena "*'194FL' Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 6:26 PM To: Grobe, Jack; Hiland, Patrick; Skeen, David Cc: Reyes, Luis; Mallett, Bruce; Ruland, William; Orders, William; Munday, Joel; Holian, Brian; Lee, Samuel; Hipschman, Thomas; Joseph, Stacy; Howe, Allen; Nelson, Robert; Ashar, Hansraj; Farzam, Farhad; Thomas, George; Kuntz, Robert; Dennig, Robert; Boyce, Tom (NRR); Paige, Jason; Brown, Eva; Wert, Leonard; Sykes, Marvin; Franke, Mark; Burnell, Scott; Diaz-Toro, Diana; Trocine, Leigh


Summary of Meeting with Chairman Jaczko - Crystal River 3 Containment Delamination Issue Attachments: Summary - Delamination Chairman Brief (2).doc Attached is a summary of the meeting that we held with Chairman Jaczko regarding the Crystal River Unit 3 containment delamination issue.

Thanks, Meena Khanna, Branch Chief Mechanical and Civil Engineering Branch Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (301)415-2150 I

Meeting with Chairman Jaczko on Delamination of Containment Domes Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009 Time: 11:00 a.m Attendees: Chairman Jaczko, Tom Hipschman, Michael Marshall, Kamal Manoly, Meena Khanna, Hans Ashar, Farhad Farzam On Thursday, October 8, 2009, DE and DLR staff met with ChairmanJaczko and his staff to provide the Chairman with background information concerning containment delamination/degradation, in advance of his trip to Crystal River on Friday, October 9.

The staff provided a general description of the design of a post-tensioned reinforced concrete containment with steel liner, and used containment drawings to describe the containment and the associated buttresses. The staff also explained that there are approximately 35 pre-stressed containments in the U.S.

Chairman Jaczko asked for an explanation of "delamination," and if concrete delamination has been identified in containment buildings at other plants. The staff defined delamination, and indicated that concrete delamination has previously been identified at the Crystal River, Unit 3 and Turkey Point containments. The staff also provided a brief discussion of the root cause analyses and corrective actions for both prior occurrences.

Chairman Jaczko asked why the Commission should not currently be pursing this as a generic issue. The staff indicated that this is the first time we have heard of this problem being identified when cutting steam generator temporary construction openings, and until the licensee completes the root cause analysis, we do not have enough information to determine if this is a generic concern. We concluded the meeting by indicating that NRR/DE would provide technical support to Region II to address this issue, and that we will participate in the Special Inspection Team being dispatched to the site next week.

Action Item: Chairman Jaczko requested a list of all plants that have undergone steam generator replacements that required temporary containment construction openings, with a list of the containment type. NRR/DE and DORL is currently collecting the information, and will provide it to the Chairman ASAP.


Meena Khanna, Chief Mechanical Engineering Branch Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 301-415-2150