IR 05000416/1986016

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Insp Rept 50-416/86-16 on 860521-23.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Limited Emergency Preparedness Exercise to Demonstrate Adequacy of Corrective Actions Strengthening Radiological Assessment Performance
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1986
From: Decker T, Gooden A, Sartor W
Shared Package
ML20211K335 List:
50-416-86-16, NUDOCS 8606270378
Download: ML20211K345 (4)




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/ JUN I 6 1986 Report No.: 50-416/86-16


Licensee: Mississippi Power and Light Company Jackson, MS 39205 Docket No.: 50-416 License No.: NPF-29 Facility Name: Grand Gulf Inspection Conducted: May 1-23, 1986 Inspectors: 4 W. M. Sartor'

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A. Gooden chtIn Oa'te Signed Accompanying Personnel: G. Wehmann NRC RII Observer: D. M. Collins, Chief, Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Pro cti Branch Approved by: lo & [/ /2 8/

T. R. Decker, Chief , Dhte Signed Emergency Preparedness Section Division of Radiation, Safety and Safeguards



SUMMARY, Scope: This was a routine, announced observation / inspection of the licensee's limited emergency preparedness exercise to demonstrate the adequacy of corrective actions taken to strengthen its performance in the ' area of radiological

, assessmen ,

Results: Within the emergency respons'e areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie s T

8606270378 860616 PDR ADOCK 05000416 G PDR




. Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • 0.D. Kingsley, Jr., Vice President, Nuclear Operations
  • L. F. Dale, Director, Nuclear Licensing and Safety
  • J. E. Cross, MP&L Site Director
  • P. B. Benedict, Emergency Planning Coordinator
  • D. H. Wells, Nuclear Instrumention Supervisor
  • J. L. Robertson, Operations Superintendent
  • R. C. Fron, Manager Plant Support
  • J. G. Cesare, MP&L Manager, Nuclear Licensing
  • J. D. Bailey, MP&L Compliance Coordinator
  • S. B. Mahoney, Chemistry Training Coordinator
  • J. C. Vince111, Chemistry / Rad Support Technical Assistant
  • T. O. Hildebrandt, Radiation Control Supervisor
  • J. D. Williams, Health Physicist Instrumentation Specialist
  • J. V. Parrish, MP&L Chemistry / Radiation Control
  • J. G. Hurley, MP&L Emergency Planning Specialist
  • G. O. Smith, MP&L Plant Chemist


Other licensee employees contacted included engineers, technicians, i operators, security force members, and office personne ,

NRC Resident Inspectors


  • R. C. Butcher
  • Attended exit interview  !

2. Exit Interview l The inspection scope and findings were summarized on May 23, 1986, with

those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the

! areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding No i

dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspectors during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (92700)

This subject was not addressed in the inspectio !

4. Exercise Scenario J

The exercise scenario was reviewed to determine that provisions had been made to exercise those elements of the emergency response organization to meet the objectives for the radiological assessment limited exercis . - _ _ - _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ - -____ ______-__ - _ _ - -

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The scenario was provided in advance of the exercise and the review indicated that the sequence of events resulted in radiological parameters supported by necessary controller / player messages to adequately evaluate the objective Initial activation of the emergency organization for the Control Room and Technical Support Center (TSC) was performed as a training drill but was not demonstrated as an exercise objective. Upon declaration of a Site Area Emergency, the scenario provided for only the radiological assessment personnel of the Emergency Operations Facility (to include the supporting field monitoring teams) to mobilize and perform assigned functions until exercise objectives had been accomplished. Additional personnel that participated for needed interface or training included minimal Technical Support Center and Site Access Point (SAP) personnel, and Mississippi State Department of Health personnel in the E0F and in the State Emergency Operations Center for telephone communication No violations or deviations were identifie . Radiological Assessment Management direction and control of the radiological function was demonstrated in the EOF by activating the Offsite Emergency Coordinator and his technical and administrative assistants, and the Radiation Emergency Manager and his staf The staffs demonstrated their knowledge and utilization of the radiological assessment-related Emergency Plan Procedures; TSC/ EOF coordination of offsite dose assessment activities; EOF direction of offsite monitoring teams via the SAP; the ability to perform offsite dose projections and make timely protective action recommendations to offsite agencies; and the coordination with Mississippi State radio-logical assessment personnel located at the EOF and state E0C. There were no significant negative findings identified which was attributed to a significant commitment of resources and effort by the licensee in preparation for this limited exercise. It was also noted that this limited exercise permitted the Offsite Emergency Coordinator to dedicate his total management attention and direction to the radiological assessment area which was a scenario / exercise artificiality in this cas No violations or deviations were identifie . Exercise Critique / Exit Meeting The licensee conducted a thorough critique of the limited emergency exercise at the conclusion of the inspection on May 23, 198 The licensee acknowledged meeting all the exercisa objectives, and then discussed the following areas of the exercise for correction or improvement:

The field monitoring teams were not kept apprised of the plant status and event *

Field monitoring team minor equipment problems were noted such as the tearing of the paper suits and surgeon gloves worn by team member _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _

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Emphasis on the field monitoring team's health physics procedures to ensure samples are not cross contaminated and the interior of the vehicles are not accidentally contaminate * Ensure field monitoring team personnel are not KI sensitiv At the conclusion of the licensee's critique, the NRC inspector summarized the inspection findings. The licensee agreed to the need for corrective action in screening to negate the assignment of KI sensitive personnel to field monitoring teams and this was indicated as an inspector followup item (50-416/86-16-01).

No violations or deviations were identifie . Followup Items (92701)

The following items were reviewed during the exercise and identified to the licensee at the exit meeting as recommended for closur (Closed) Exercise Weakness 50-416/85-44-01, 50-417/85-08-01: Failure to follow referenced procedures regarding Followup Notification (FUN)

messages. Licensee action regarding this item was observed during this inspection and found to be performed in accordance with procedure (Closed) Exercise Weakness 50-416/85-44-05, 50-417/85-08-05:

Inadequate training of the dose assessment group regarding calculations of dose projections. During this exercise, it was observed that the dose assessment group was able to make timely and accurate dose projection calculations, (Closed) Exercise Weakness 50-416/85-44-06, 50-417/85-08-0 Lack of training of the radiological monitoring / survey team During this exercise it was noted that the radiological / survey teams were well trained and accomplished their tasks as defined by the procedure l


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