IR 05000413/1981016

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IE Insp Repts 50-413/81-16 & 50-414/81-16 on 810714-17. Noncompliance Noted:Failure to Follow Procedures for Control of Surface Applied Matls
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/21/1981
From: Herdt A, Zajac L
Shared Package
ML20010H292 List:
50-413-81-16, 50-414-81-16, NUDOCS 8109240321
Download: ML20010H303 (6)


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'E " REGION 11 h

- 101 MARIETTA.ST., N.W., SulTE 3100 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 ..... JUL 3 01991 Report Nos. 50-413/81-16 and 50-414/81-16 i Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Ltreet Charlotte, NC 28242 Facility Name: Cataca l Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 License Nc-CPPR-116 and CPPR-117 Inspection at C tawba s4 near Rockhill, South Carolina / /[[ , l Inspector: / O10<J _ Datie Sidned

f L. D. Z(fa " !!g 7/d[/h/ [A[ ' Approved by: A. R. Herdt, Section Chief D' ate Signed Engineering Inspection Branch Engineering and Technical Inspection Division SUMMARY Inspection on July 14-17, 1981 Areas Inspected This routine, unannounced inspection involved 31 inspector-hours on site in the areas of fitup, welding, radiographic film review, QA record review and visual examination of welds in the reactor coolant pressure boundary piping system (Units 1 and 2); walkdown inspection ~ of installed reactor coolant pressure boundary piping systems (Unit 1); and -storage ofl reactor coolant pressure boundary piping (Unit 1).

. Results . Of the seven areas inspected, no violations or. deviations were identified in six - areas; one violation was found in one area (Violation - Failure to follow procedures for control of ' surface applied. materials, paragraph 5.b).

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. . . . . . REPORT DETAILS 1.

Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • S. W. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer
  • R. A. Morgan, Senior QA Engineer
  • J. C. Shropshire, QA Engineer Supervisor
  • T. H. Robertson, Construction Engineer

- R. D. Blackwelder, QA Technician D. H. Llewellyn, Welding Engineer Other licensee employees contacted included five welders and three office personnel.

NRC Resident Inspector

  • P. K. VanDoorn
  • Attended exit interviev 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on July 17, 1981 with those perse:.s indicated in paragraph 1 above. The following specific items were discussed in detail: (0 pen) Violation 413, 414/81-16-01 - Failure to follow procedures for control of. surface applied materials, paragraph 5.b.

(0 pen) Unresolved Item 413, 414/81-16-02 - Control of NDE for internal pipe weld repairs, paragraph 6.a.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings Not inspected.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters akaut which more information is required to determine whether they are acceptable or may involve violations or devia-tions. New unresolved items' identified during this inspection are discussed in paragraph 6.a.


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Independent Inspection Effort a.

Radiographic Film Review (Unit 1) The inspector reviewed radiographic films, for the welds listed below, to determine if they meet the applicable ASME Code requirements.

The applicable requirements are Section V of the ASME Code,1974 edition with addenda thru summer 1975.

Weld Ident.

Pipe Size and Material System 1NV 613-3 3" Stainless Steel Chemical Volume Control 1NV 613-10 3" Stainless Steel Chemical Volume Control 1NV 22-7 274" Stainless Steel Reactor Coolant 1NV 22-2 31" Stainless Steel Reactor Coolant No violations or deviations were noted.


Sighting of Completed Reactor Coolant Piping Welds (Unit 2) The inspector sighted several completed piping welds installed in Unit 2 to determine if the weld cs ntour, identification marking and the general pipe surface condition we e in conformance with applicable procedures. The following discrepa ncies were noted:

(1) Reactor coolant weld 2NC-9-3 had bare lead numbers attached to the stainless steel pipe surfac', adjacent to the weld, with masking tape. This condition vin'.ates two different procedures CP-170 and CP-479. Catawba Construction Procedure CP-170, paragraph 4.3.C states that, " Contact of stainless with low melting metals such as copper, aluminum, tin, lead, etc., and low melting alloys such as brass shall be prohibited." The lead numbers in this case were { used as location markers for radiographic examination and were ' left on the pipe after the examination was complete. Catawba Construction Procedure CP-479 specifies approved' tapes that are i permitted to be used on stainless steel surfaces. Masking tape is not one of the approved tapes.

(2) Reactor coolant weld 2NC-9-7 also had bare lead numbers attached l to the stainless steel pipe surface, adjacent to the weld, but l with approved tape.

In this case, thermal arcing had been performed in one weld area to remove a defect. The thermal arcing also melted part of the lead number "3" and the tape attaching the number to the pipe.

The melting of lead on the austenitic _ f stainless steel could affect the integrity of the pipe. Further- ' more, leaving tape on the pipe surfcce during a heating operation violates CP-479 which, in part, states, "The tape shall be used at ambient temperatures and all tapes and residue must be removed prior to... exposure to temperatures above ambient."

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The licensee removed the lead numbers and the tape and agreed to initiate action to preclude recurrence. The licensee also agreed to ensure no lead contamination exists in the area where the lead number was melted.

This item is violation 413, 414/81-16-01, " Failure to follow procedures for control of surface applied materials."

i No violations or deviations were noted except for the violation identified above in paragraph 5.b.


Inspection of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping a.

Observation of Work (Units 1 and 2) The -inspector observed various work activities 'related to reactor coolant pressure boundary piping welds to determine if work was being accomplished in accordance with NRC and licensee requirements.

The following activities were observed: Weld Ident.

Pipe Size System Activity Observed INC 194-17 5" Reactor Coolant Grinding bevel of weld end prep INC 192-5 8" Reactor Coolant Welding of root layer 1NI 312-24 8" Safety Injection Tacking of Consumable insert 2NC 42-11 12" Reactor Coolant Automatic welding of root layer 2NI 185-11 8" Safety Injection Visual examination of fitup 2NV 186-12 3" Chemical Volume Welding of root layer Control INC 256-4 3" Reactor Coolant Capping of pipe end and i storage of assembly The following discrepancies were noted: ! (1) During automatic welding of the first layer over the root layer of joint 2NC-42-11, two burn-throughs (BT) occurred, wherein two globs of oxidized molten metal formed on the inside surface of the root layer. After completing the joint. the welder elected to repair the burn-throughs by grinding the two globs flush with the adjacent weld metal. Since BT is a major defect which could ______- _---

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result in microcracking in austenitic stainless steel, the repaired surface after grinding should be liquid peretrant (PT) exar <ned to assure that the weld surface is defect free.

It f, pointed out that Section III, paragraph NB 4440 of the i,SME Code requires either a 1; quid penetrant or a magnetic part'cle test of the surface af ter grinding to remove a defect. However, in this case, the licensee did not intend to perform a PT after grinding because the weld ir question was beyond the distance from the opec.

end of the pipe considered accessible for PT.

The licensee considered that the same accessibility rules applir.d regardless of whether the initial weld was being examined internally or internal weld repairs were being examined. The inspector pointed out that if the PT accessibility guidelines are to apply to repairs made by grinding, then the method of repair should be determined on the basis of the feasibility of nondestructive examination.

The repair; in question were PT'd since PT wa: feasible even though, the cmditions did not meet the licensee's accessibility guide-lines. The licensee agreed to review their controlling procedures for weld repairs and ensure th) required NDE is applied accord-ingly. This will be carried as Unresolved Item 413, 414/81-1C-02, " Control of NDE for internal pipe weld repairs."


Walkdown of Installed Picing Systems (Unit 1) The inspector performed a walkdown of the piping systems listed below to determine if they were installed in accordance with the as-built final design drawings.

System Drawing Residual Heat Removal CN 1491-ND-001, Rev. 9 Residual Heat Removal CN 1491-ND-003, Rev. 10 Chemical Volur:e Control CN 1491-NV-029, Rev. 10 Reactor Coolant CN 1491-NC-068, Rev. 9 Reactor Coolant CN 1491-NC-057, Rev. 12 The walkdown check included the following:

(1) pipe size and material (2) configuration of pipe run (correct number of fittings and compo-nents) (3) identification cf valves and major components (4) fitting configuration, e.g., elbow, tee, reducer, etc.

(5) correct position of valve.

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QA Records Review (Unit 1) The. inspector-reviewed records associated with the welds listed below- ' to determine if the records are in conformance with established procedures and whether the records reflect work accomplishment consistent with applicable requirements.

, Weld Ident.

Pipe Size and Material System-1NC 194-17 5"~ Stainless Steel Reactor Coolant INC 192-5 5" Stainless Steel Reactor Coolant 1NI 312-24 8" Stainless Steel Safety Injection INC 22-7 27h" Stainless Steel Reactor Coolant INC 22-2 31" Stainless Steel Reactor Coolant INI-1-13 8" Stainless Steel Safety Injection IND 1-14 14" Stainless Steel Residual Heat Removal IND 37-16 12" Stainless Steel Residual Heat Removal INI 1-3 8" Stainless Steel Safety I'njection No violations or deviations were noted.

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