IR 05000413/1981019

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IE Insp Repts 50-413/81-19 & 50-414/81-19 on 810726-0825.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Previously Unresolved Items,Welding & Nonwelding Activities,Qa Surveillance,Instrumentation & Followup of Identified Items
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1981
From: Bryant J, Van Doorn P
Shared Package
ML20031G049 List:
50-413-81-19, 50-414-81-19, NUDOCS 8110200735
Download: ML20031G054 (7)






E REGION 11 101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., SUITE 3100 g




Report flos. 50-413/81-19 and 50-414/81-19 Licensee:

Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street


Charlotte, fiC 28242 Facility flame: Catawba Docket flos. 50-413 and 50-414 License flos. CPPR-116 and CPPR-117 Inspection at Catawba site near Rock Hill, South Carolina Inspector:

M k. c: d m N e.

M 9/ar/N


Date Signed P. K. Van Doo,rn Approved by:

8 4. MmD r. L 9/3c/N J. C. Bryant,ySection Chief, RRPI Division Date Signed SUiNARY Inspection on July 26, 1981 through ?;Jgust 25, 1981 Areas Inspected This routine, announced inspection involved 152 inspector-hours on site in the areas of followup on previous unresolved items; observation of welding and non-welding activities for reactor coolant pressure boundary and other safety-related piping; review of QA Surveillance reports; instrumentation (components and systems) - observation of work and work activities; and followup


of flRC identified and licensee identified items.

Resul ts Of the 5 areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.


8110200735 810930


PDR ADOCK 05000413




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Persons Contacted


Licensee Employees

  • J. C. Rogers, Project Manager S. W. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer
  • R. A. florgan, Project QA Engineer T. D. itills, Construction Engineer Mechanical
  • J. C. Shropshire, QA Engineer Supervisor
  • H. D. tiason, QA Engineer Supervisor
  • H. L. Atkins, QA Engineer J. W. Glenn, QA Engineer D. A. Jenkins, QA Engineer M. R. Hemphill, QA Engineer
  • T. A. Barron, QC Engineer flechanical D. H. Llewellyn, Welding Engineer D. E. Gadd, Welding Engineer C. R. Baldwin, QC Technical Supervisor Welding W. T. McClure, QA Technician R. D. Blackwelder, QA Technician R. G. Rouse, QA Technician Other licensee employees contacted included 10 construction craftsmen, 2 technicians and 5 inspectors.
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on August 20, 1981 with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.

The unresolved item described in paragraph 11.b was discussed in detail.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings



(Closed) Unresolved IteYi (413,414/80-15-02): NDE of repair excavations for containment welds.

The inspector reviewed this item and determined that the licensee has satisfactorily addressed the technical adequacy of the previously performed welds.


(C.ased) Infraction (414/80-33-02): Reporting of cracks in auxiliary building concrete. Licensee actions concerning this item inclcded reporting of cracks via a nonconforming item report, training of personnel and repair of the affected wall. The inspector verified completion of the above actions and considers them to be satisfactory.





(Closed) Violation (413, 414/81-05-01): Inadequate measures to control welding.

Licensee actions concerning this item included correction of documentation and training of personnel.

The inspector verified completion of the above action and considers them to be satisfactory.


(Closed) Violation (414/81-05-02): Failure to follow bead width procedure requirements. Licensee actions concerning this item included evaluation of the weld and retraining of personnel. The inspector verified completion of the above action and considers them to be satisfactory.


(Closed) Unresolved Item (413,414/81-06-01): Delay in implementation of design requirements. The licensee has developed a log system in each engineering branch to prevent implementation delays. The inspector reviewed the log system in each branch and held discussions with licensee personnel in each branch. Licensee actions were satisfactory.


(Closed) Unresolved item (413, 414/81-06-02):

Control of hanger cold load settings. The licensee has provided improved installation guidelines, has trained installation personnel and is implementing a


detailed procedure to control final cold load setting. The inspector


verified the above actions and found to be satisfactory.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required to determine whether they are acceptable or may involve violations or devia-tions. One naw unresolved item identified during this 'nspection is discus-sed in paragraph 11.5.


Independent Inspect'.,o Effort a.

The inspector conducted general inspections of site work and work activities and observed equipment protection / storage and housekeeping in the auxiliary building, containment buildings, pipe fabrication shop and storage areas.


The inspector reviewed numerous Nonconforming item Reports (NCI's) to determine if nonconforming conditions were adequately described, dispositioned and evaluated in accordance with NRC and licensee procedure requirements.


The inspector reviewed QA surveillance reports to determine if specific construction areas were being adequately reviewed and to determine if adequate followup actions were being performed. Surveillance reports were reviewed for the month of July for the areas of electrical, instrumentation installation and flush and pressure testing of QA Condition piping systems.


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No violations or deviations were identified.


Instrumentation (Components and Systems)-Observation of Work and Work Activities a.

Requirements for installation of instrumentation are delineated in various procedures, instructions and standard / detail drawings. The inspector reviewed selected documents to determine technical adequacy site specific requirements. The following documents were reviewed:

Procedure CQAP M-61, Rev.4 - Instrument Process Control and Inspection.

Procedure CP-368, Rev. 3 - Instrument Control


Supplemental Inspection Instructions (M6ID),

S/N 1-1, Rev. 0 - Thermowell Inspection S/N 1-2, Rev. 0 - Configuration of Instrument Reservoirs S/N 1-4, Rev. 3 - Instrument Tube Support Erected in Accordance with the ASi1E NF Code S/N 1-6, Rev. 0 - Instrument Loop Inspection Required Prior to System Turnover for Flush and Hydro Activities Drawing 1-CS-A-20.0, Rev.1, Installation Field Practices 1, Rev.1, Installation Field Practices


.2, Rev. 1, Installation Field Practices

.3, Rev. 3, Installation Field Practices

.4, Rev. 3, Installation Field Practices

.5, Rev. 4, Installation Field Practices

. 6, Re v. 1, Installation Field Practices

.7, Rev. 1, Installation Field Practices

.8, Rev. 3, Installation Field Practices

.9, Rev. 2, Installation Field Practices 10, Rev. 1, Installation Field Practices


Drawing CN-1499-M120.0, Rev. 4, Instrumentation Pipe and Tube Supports l

.1, Rev. 6, Intrumentation Pipe and Tube Support

.2, Rev. 4, Intrumentation Pipe and Tube Support

.3, Rev. 6, Intrumentation Pipe and Tube Support-

.6, Rev. 2, Intrumentation Pipe and Tube Support

.7, Rev. 2, Intrumentation Pipe and Tube Support

.8, Rev. 4, Intrumentation Pipe and Tube Support

.9, Rev. 3, Angle Mounting Bracket for ASME III Class 2 10, Rev. 1, Excess Flow Check 'lalve ! bunting


Bracket 11, Rev. 5, Mounting Bracket 'for AStiE III C1.2 Instrument Valves



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12,-Rev. 1, Instrumentation Pipe and Tube Supports 13, Rev. 1, Instrumentation Pipe and Tube Supports Drawing CN-1499-M12, Rev. 5 Containment Vessel Penetration for Instrument Impulse Lines Drawing CN-1499-17.02, Rev. 2 Solenoid-0perated. Control Valve Safety Solenoid Drawing CN-1499-M123, Rev. O Self Contained Pressure Regu-lating Contral Valve Nuclear Safety Related Drawing CN-1499-M124.03, Rev.1 Support Design for Safety-


Related Solenoid Valves


Located.Anywhere In The Plant Drawing CN-1499-M124.04, Rev.1 Support Design for Safety-Related Solenoid Valves Located Anywhere In The Plant Drawing CN-2499-RC5, Rev. 1 CCW Pump Structure Instrument Locations b.

In addition, the inspector observed inspection of Unit 1 instrumentation ' loop No. IKCFS5770 for conformance to installation requirements in the areas of mounting and anchoring, identification, location, protection, separation, record keeping and identification of discrepancies.

No violations or deviations were identified.



Licensee Identified Items (50.55(e))


(Closed) (413, 414/81-17-05): Inadequate evaluation of materials. The item concerned the fact that the licer.see had not evaluated past material problems for NRC. The licensee has determined that materials were repaired or scrapped as appropriate.

These actions are considered satisfactory.


(Closed) (413,414/81-17-06): Inadequate evaluation of materials.

This item is similar to the item above and actions concerning this item were


the same as above. The arrective actions are considered satisfacto.y.


(Closed) (413, 414/81-17-07): Fillet welds incorrectly specified. This I

item concerned the fact that fillet welds were repeatedly incorrectly

specified as to weld size. The welds have been correctly specified.and personnel have been appropriately trained. These actions are considered satisfactory.


No violations or deviations were identified.




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Safety-Related Piping (Welding)-Observation of Work and Work Activities a.

The applicable code for installation of safety-related piping is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III,1974 Edition plus addenda through summer 1975.

The inspector observed in-process welds at various stages of completion and reviewed records for conformance to code and procedure requirements in the areas of documentation of pertinent information and QC signoffs via a weld traveler, availability of pertinent instructions, use of appropriate qualified welding procedure, provisions for weld repair, certification of filler material, control of welding parameters, verification of welder


qualification, use of specified shielding and purge gas, condition of welding equipment, provisions for voltage and amperage cnecks, verification of proper fitup, control of preheat and interpass temperature, conditon of weld and base metal surfaces, and verification that appropriate inspections were being performed. The following welds were observed:

Size (In. Dia.)

Stage of Welding Observed 1FW10-13

Intermediate 1FW14-3

Repair 2ND12-6

Fitup 2NDB61-1



  • First number indicates Unit number.


No violations or deviations were identified.


Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping (Welding)-Observation of Work and Work Activities The applicable code is delineated in paragraph 8.

Th? inspector observed welds at various stages of completion for conformance to code and procedure requirements in the areas described in paragraph 8.

The following welds were observed:

Size (In. Dia.)

Stage of Welding Observed 2NC58-4

Intermediate 2NC58-5

Final 1NC195-13

Final 1NC195-18


  • First number indicates Unit number.







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No violations or deviations were identified.


Safety-Related Piping - Observation of Work and Work Activities The applicable code is delineated in paragraph 8.

The inspector observed handling and protection of piping for fabrication of the welds listed in paragraph 8 for conformance to procedure and code requirements in the areas of control of tools for grinding, brushing and filing; use of appropriate handling and rigging equipnent; control of cleanliness; and control of cold spring where applicable.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping - Observation of Work and Work Activities a.

The applicable code is delineated in paragraph 8.- The inspector observed handling and protection of piping for fabrication of the welds listed in paragraph 9 for conformance to procedure and code require-ments in the areas of control of tools for grinding, brushing and filing; use of appropriate handling and _ rigging equipment; control of cleanliness; and control of cold spring where applicable.

In addition, the inspector observed initial walkdown inspections of piping in


accordance with isometric drawings CN-1491-NIO84, Rev.12 and CN-1491-NIO85, Rev.10.


During the walkdown inspection on August 7,1981 it appeared that the measuring techniques being used could, in certain instances, result in significant errors on the order of several inches.

Essentially, steel tapes and an' angle finder were being used.

The inspector noted that the installation inspection toleranca is plus or minus 1 inch. The inspector informed the licensee that this would be an unresolved item until a full evaluation was made to determine if significant errors have been made and/or if inspection techniques need to be improved (413,414/81-19-01, Control of measurement accuracy during piping-system installation inspections).


No violations or deviations were identified.

