IR 05000413/1981028

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IE Insp Repts 50-413/81-28 & 50-414/81-28 on 811126-1225. No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation of Work & Work Activities & safety-related Welding
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/19/1982
From: Bryant J, Van Doorn P
Shared Package
ML20040E609 List:
50-413-81-28, 50-414-81-28, NUDOCS 8202050174
Download: ML20040E614 (5)






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Report flos. 50-413/81-28 and 50-414/81-28 Licensee:

Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street i

Charlotte, fiC 28242 Facility flame:

Catawba Docket flos. 50-413 and 50-414 License flos. CPPR-116 and CPPR-117 Inspection at Catawba site near Rock Hill, South Carolina Inspector:

0 b c-l' Ws b-r O///9/)?.

P. K. Vary Doorn //

Date Sfgned


Approved by:

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. frryantTSgty on Chief, Division of

$6te' Signed esident and 'R6 actor Project Inspection SUfMARY Inspection on flovember 26 - December 25, 1981 Areas Inspected This routine, announced inspection involved 108 resident inspector-hours on site in the areas of reactor coolant pressure boundary piping (welding) - observation of work and work activities (Unit 2); safety-related piping (welding) -

observation of work and work activities (Units 1 and 2); protection of installed equipment, components and piping (Units 1 and 2); safety-related pipe support and restraint systems (Unit 1); reactor vessel internals (welding) - observation of


welding and associated activities (Unit 1); and followup of licensee and flRC identified items (Units 1 and 2).

Resul ts Of the six areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.

8202050174 820119 PDR ADOCK 05000413 G




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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees W. H. Owen, Senior Vice President, Engineering & Construction R. L. Dick, Vice President Construction J. C. Rogers, Project flanager J. R. Wells, Corporate QA lianager S. W. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer W. O. Henry, QA Manager, Technical Services r

  • L. R. Davison, QA flanager, Projects Division J. M. Curtiss, QA lianager, Vendors Division
  • T. H. Robertson, Construction Engineer, Civil / Welding
  • R. A. florgan, Project QA Engineer
  • J. W. Rowell, Construction Engineer Electrical T. D. llills, Construction Engineer llechanical
  • J. C. Shropshire, QA Engineer Supervisor
  • H. D. fiason, QA Engineer Supervisor J. E. Cavender, Level III Inspector J.11. Glenn, QA Engineer H. L. Atkins, QA Engineer D. H. Llewellyn, Welding Engineer D. E. Gadd, Welding Engineer


C. R. Baldwin, Welding Inspector Supervisor S. W. Hamrick,flechanical Engineer T. A. Barron, QC Engineer Mechanical Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, l

technicians, inspectors and office personnel.

Other Organizations Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company J. W. Koske, Authorized Nuclear Inspector C. F. Toegel, Authorized Nuclear Inspector B. Wood, Authorized fluclear Inspector


  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on December 18,1981 wi th those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.

The unresolved items discussed in paragraphs 5.0 and 6.b were discussed in detail.

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Licensee. Action on Previous Inspection Findings



(Closed) Unresolved Item (413, 414/81-03-02):

Control of internal i

Jacking during weld joint fitup.

An engineering evaluation of this process was performed by the licensee and documented in letter S/N f1G-81-567 dated November 24, 1981.

This evaluation concluded that the jacking being utilized was an acceptable method for elimination of ovality in relatively thin wall pipe.

It was also determined that no


violation of code requirements had taken place. The inspector considers the licensee actions to be satisfactory.



(Closed) Unresolved Item (413, 414/81-11-02):

Control of evaluation of linear indications in carbon steel piping. The licensee has implemented a logging system via site procedure CP-604 to assist in identifying generic problems.

The licensee also perfomed an engineering evaluation / justification of acceptance criteria used to date.

Licensee evaluation is documented in letter Serial Nos.

11G-81-250 and 11G-81-324 dated October 29, 1981 and July 16, 1981 respectively.

It appears that proper evaluations have been made to


date and appropriate action has been taken to identify generic





(0 pen) Unresolved Item (413, 414/81-24-01):

Verification of appropriate corrective action for nonconforming items.

The inspector reviewed numerous nonconforming item reports (NCI's) dispositioned i

during the inspection period to determine if adequate corrective actions were taken. This item remains open pending further licensee


actions concerning the previously questioned NCI's.

No violations or deviations were identified.

I 4.

Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required to l

determine whether they are acceptable or may involve violations or devia-i tions. New unresolved items identified during this inspection are discussed l

in paragraphs 5 and 6.b.

l l


Nonconforming Item Report Review l

During review of NCI's on December 16, 1981, the inspector noted that NCI


No.12770 identified instrumentation specification No. ICS-A-20.2 as being ambiguous in one area. Previous NRC items were identified relating to


ambiguity of electrical specifications; Unresolved Item 413, 414/81-17-02 -

Control of electrical cable pulling tension and Violation 413, 414/81-22-01


- Failure to adequately control power cable spacing.

Based on these items and conversations with licensee personnel it appears that generic evaluation of electrical and instrumentation specifications for ambiguity may be a

necessary. The licensee indicated that some actions had already been initiated concerning electrical specifications. The licensee was infonned



that NRC would verify that appropriate evaluations and corrective actions l

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were ' performed. This is Unresolved Item 413, 414/81-28-01; Clarification of electrical / instrumentation specifications.


Independent Inspection Efforts (Units 1 and 2)


The inspector conducted general inspections of site work and work activities; observed protection and storage of mechanical equipment,


electrical equipment, electrical cables, instrumentation and piping; and observed housekeeping. These inspections were performed in the auxiliary building, containment buildings, pipe fabrication shop and storage areas.


On December 7,1981, the inspector noted that the tubing expansion loop for instrumentation loop 1NVFT6150 was in contact with a containment plate stiffner. On December 16, 1981, the inspector noted that the


tubing expansion loop for instrumentation loop 1RNFS5460 was approxi-mately 1/32-inch from steel tubing of a support.

It appears that no criteria have been established by the licensee for clearance of l

instrumentation expansion loops from adjacent structures or equipment.

i Pending evaluation of significance this is Unresolved Item 413, 414/81-28-02:

Control of instrumentation tubing expansion loops.

No violations or deviations were identified.




Licensee Identified Items 50.55(e) (Units 1 and 2)

(Closed) (413, 414/81-17-11; (SD 81-13)) - Piping material defect violated minimum wall. The final report uas submitted on July 10, 1981.

The report has been reviewed and determined to be acceptable by NRC:RII. The inspector verified that the corrective actions identified in the report have been comple ted.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Safety-Related Pipe Support and Restraints Systems (Unit 1)

The applicable code for safety-related pipe support and restraint systems (

installation is the ASt1E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III,


Subsection NF,1974 Edition plus addenda through summer 1975.

The inspector observed installation in progress of hanger Nos.1-R-HV-1369 and 1-R-KC-0696 for conformance to code and procedure requirements in the areas of use of specified materials, location, documentation, conformance to drawings, welding requirements and anchor bolt installation.



No violations or deviations were identified.

I 9.

Reactor Vessel Internals (Welding) - Observation of Welding and Associated Activities (Unit 1)

The inspector observed welding in progress for installation of reactor vessel internals being accomplished in accordance with Westinghouse



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Specification No. C16A407G01, Rev. 9; site procedure CP-639, Rev. O, and Westinghouse Drawing 6120E24, Sub 7.

The inspector observed welds of upper locking cups for columns E3, F7 and H3 for the lower internals for conformance to requirements in the areas of location, conformance to welding procedure, appearance of welds and base material, in process records,_

control and certification of weld material, and welder qualification.

No Tiolations or deviations were identified.


Safety-Related Piping (Welding) - Observation of Work and Work Activities (Units 1 and 2)

The applicable code for installation of safety-related piping is the AS!!E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III,1974 Edition plus addenda through summer 1975. The inspector observed in process welds at various stages of completion and reviewed records for conformance to code and procedure requirements in the areas of documentation of pertinent


information and QC signoffs via a weld traveler, availability of pertinent instructions, use of appropriate qualified welding procedure, provisions for weld repair provided, certification of filler material, control of welding parameters, verification of welder qualification, use of specified shielding and purge gas, condition of welding equipment, provisions for voltage and amperage checks, verification of proper fitup, control of preheat and interpass temperature, condition of weld and base metal surfaces, and verification that appropriate inspections were being performed. The following welds were observed:

Weld No.*

Size (In. Dia.)

Stage of Welding Observed 1BB58-7

Intennediate 2ND15-16

Root 2ND4-5

Repai r

  • First number denotes Unit number.

j In addition the inspector observed liquid - penetrant inspection of weld Nos. 188133-1, 1BB133-2, IBB136-2, 1BB136-21, 188136-22, INR59-9, INR81-1, INR81-2, INR81-3, INR81-5, INR81-7 and 1NR81-8 for conformance to requirements in the areas of procedure requirements, suitability of surface, and qualification of examiners.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping (Welding) - Observation of Work and Work Activities (Unit 2)


l The applicable code is delineated in paragraph 10.

The inspector observed root welding in progress for 10-inch weld Nos. 2NC46-11, 2NI63-9 and i

2NI63-10 for conformance to code and procedure requirements in the areas delineated in paragraph 10.

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No violations or deviations were identified.



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