IR 05000413/1981007

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IE Insp Repts 50-413/81-07 & 50-414/81-07 on 810421-24.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Handling of IE Bulletins,Observation of Work & Review of Quality Records of Electrical Motors
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/1981
From: Conlon T, Ruff A
Shared Package
ML20004E212 List:
50-413-81-07, 50-413-81-7, 50-414-81-07, 50-414-81-7, NUDOCS 8106110358
Download: ML20004E214 (4)



1 ' / pn ter .8' - ug% + UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION o $3 .E REGION 11 %..... [[ 101 MARIETTA ST., N.W.. SUITE 3100 - o, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-i Report Nos. 50-413/81-07 and 50-414/81-07 . Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Facility Name: Catawba Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 License Nos. CPPR-116 and CPPR-117 Inspection at Catawba Site near Rock Hill, South Carolina Inspector: /? /$ )$/ f///P/ A."B. Ruff ' r // D' ate' Signed Approved b MM f-4 - F/ , T. E. Conlon, Section Chief, Engineering Date Signed Inspection Branch Engineering and Technical Inspection Division SUMMARY , Inspected on April 21-24, 1981 Areas Inspected This routine, unannounced inspection involved 23 inspector-hours on site in the areas of Licensee identified items; handling of IE Bulletins; observation of work, work activities, and a review of quality records associated with safety-related-electrical motors.

Results Of the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.

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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees D. Beam, Project Manager

  • S. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer
  • R. Morgan, Project QA Engineer
  • H. Mason, Supervisor QA Engineer
  • J. Rowell, Supervisor, Electrical Technical Support
  • T. McClure, QA Representative J. Glenn, Associate QA Engineer
  • J. Warren, QC Representative
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on April 24, 1981 with ' those persons indicated in paragraph I above.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings a.

(Closed) Infraction 413, 414/80-11-05: Construction Electrical Test Program.

The inspector reviewed the revised construction procedure ' CP-466, Revision 2, " Electrical System Checkout" which now includes the necessary requirements.

, b.

(Closed) Infraction 413, 414/80-28-01, Instrument tray and tray supports installed on safety-related motor without procedures or drawings appropriate for the circumstances. The inspector reviewed the licensee corrective action as identified in OPC response to Region II l dated November 21, 1980.

Nonconforming item 9713 is complete. The I tray supports have been removed from the motors and site personnel have L been trained.

! L 4.

Unresolved Items ! Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.

' l l S.

Licensee Identified Items (LII) The inspector reviewed the status of electrical LII with site personnel.

The following identifies the status of items examined.

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(0 pen / closed) LII 413, 414/81-07-01 - (DPC No. 80-01), Faulty Connec- .tions in Electrical Equipment Supplied by Nelson Electric. DPC report of February 1, 1980 and June 18, 1980 describes the problem and provi-ded a schedule when the corrective action is to be completed. Noncon-forming Item Report (NCI) 7493 was issued to track this item and to provide corrective action. This document was examined by the inspector and has been signed off by the site as completed work.


(0 pen) LII 413, 414/81-07-02 - (DPC No. 80-02), Solid State Protective Relays and Trip Devices - Deficiency SCRs.

DPC report dated February 29, 1980 states "During relay and trip device acceptance and system startup testing, it was determined that three relays and trip devices did not meet the Time-Current characteristic specifications of the relay for its application (i.e., the relay or device would trip at a lower level of current or time than its setting).

Preliminary investigations indicated that the output SCR in the relays was deficient. One relay was returned to the manufacturer for investiga-tion.

The relay manufacturer and SCR manufacturer have evaluated and analyzed the deficiency and advise that the deficiency has been caused by " copper migration" within the SCR.

The copper migration was from the top metal system into the bulk silicon material which would result in its failure. The migration is a direct function of temperature and time.

The deficiency is further described in a letter dated February 11, 1980 to Mr. Victor Stello, NRC/0IE, from Mr. D. D. Duvall of Gould-Brown Boveri. However, that report incorrectly identifies how or where the deficiencies were detected.

The deficiencies were identified initially during testing at McGuire Nuclear Station rather than at Catawba Nuclear Station.

The manufacturer is conducting further evaluations to determine if the SCR deficiency is lot or batch related or purely random.... Upon completion of this evaluation or any identification of deficiencies in the subject relays or trip devices in safety-related circuits, action will be undertaken to change out those SCR's and trip devices as required to correct any deficiency.

The change out of any SCR's and trip devices identified by the evaluation is anticipated to be completed by January 1,1981. A final report will be provided at that time." This item is to remain open pending receipt of final report and subsequent examination at Catawba site.


(0 pen) LII 413, 414/81-07-04 - (DPC No. 80-09), Lack of Radiation Cure on Cross-linked Polyethylene Cable Conductor. OPC report of July 31, 1980 identifies problem and provided corrective action. NCI 9362 was issued at the site to track this item and is in the final stages of completion. This item is to be examined on a subsequent inspection.


(0 pen) LII 413, 414/81-07-05 - (DPC N. 80-13), Improper Operation of Optical Isolators.

DPC report of September 26, 1980 and November 18, 1980 identify this problem and states change out will be completed by the first part of 1982.


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(0 pen) LIl 413, 414/81-07-06 - (DPC No. 80-12), Potential Transformers / Cables Connected to Diesel Generators Overvoltages During Ground Faults.

DPC report of September 26, 1980 identifies this problem and designates the corrective action.

Corrective action is to be accom-plished before fuel load, f.

(0 pen) LII 413, 414/81-07-07 - (DPC No. 81-02), Moving Arcing Contacts were found to be cracked on 600V AC breakers in load centers manu-factured by Brown Boveri Electric, Inc.

DPC report of March 9, 1981 identifies this problem and designates the corrective action.

This item is to be examined on a subsequent inspection.


Status of Inspection and Enforcement Bulletins (IEBs) (Closed) IEB 79-28, Possible Malfunction of Namco Model EA 180 Limit Swit.ches at Elevated Temperatures. DPC report of February 4,1980 acknow-ledges receipt of IEB and states corrective action will be completed by July 1, 1980. NCI 7001 was issued to replace the top gaskets at Catawba.

This NCI was complete and signed off by site personnel.


Independent Inspection The inspector conducted a walk-through inspection of the auxiliary building.

The current status of the electrical areas of the construction was observed.

Additionally the warehouse storage areas used for instrumentation and electrical equipment was examined.

Electrical penetration assemblies in warehouse storage were noted to have internal pressures applied.

Within the areas examined, there were no violations identified.


Electrical (Components and Systems II) - Observation of Work, Work ' Activities, and Review of Quality Records The inspector examined the installation of the following electrical motors:

Diesel Engine 1A1 starting Ai-Compressor Motor, Nuclear Service Water Pump ! Motor IB, and Component Cooling Pump Motors 1Al and 1B1.

i The work, work activities, and quality records associated with receipt l inspection and material certification; storage, handling, and identi-i fication; and installation were examined.

Quality Assurance Program l Procedures P-1, " Receiving Inspection; P-3, " Storage Inspection"; and M-41, j " Electrical Equipment Installation Inspection" were used in this exami-I nation.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.

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