IR 05000413/1981015

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IE Insp Repts 50-413/81-15 & 50-414/81-15 on 810706-10.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Design, Class B Storage & Licensee Identified Const Deficiencies
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/1981
From: Debbage A, Merriweather N, Upright C
Shared Package
ML20030B656 List:
50-413-81-15, 50-414-81-15, NUDOCS 8108180410
Download: ML20030B662 (5)








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- REGION 11 g'['

101 MAR!ETTA ST., N.W SUITE 3100 o,


ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 Jul. 24 is81


Report Nos. 50-413/81-15 and 50-414/81-15 i


Duke Power Company 422 S. Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Facility Name:

Catawba Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 License Nos. CPPR-116 and CPiR-117 j

Inspection at Catawba site near Rock Hill, S.C.

Inspectars: f, Ys2.,1&T7$s -

7/f3 /7/

N. Merriweather

'Date Signed k N'-vYlr )#



A. Debba.e

' Date Signed


Approved by: [

ICI 8/

C.'M. Upi1ght/}le tipe/r Chief

/ Date ' Signed i

Engineering IMpectdtn Branch

Engineering and Technical Inspection D vision t


Inspection on July 6-10, 1981 Areas Inspected This routine, unannounced inspection involved 64 inspector-hours on site in the areas of onsite design, class B storage and licensee identified construction i

deficiencies. The design activities inspected included the safety related pipe supports and restraints, and heating ventilating and air conditioning.

I Results

Of the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.


8108180410 810724 PDR ADOCK 05000413 G





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Person > Contacted Licensee Employees

  • J. C. Rogers, Project Manager
  • S. W. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer
  • R. A. Morgan, Project QA Engineer
  • J. C. Shropshire, QA Engineer
  • H. D. Mason, QA Engineer
  • W. T. McClure, QA Technician
  • R. Barnes, Manager-Hanger Technical Support T. Evans, Supervisor-Hanger Technical Support J. Allgood, Technical Support Engineer-Electrical R. L. Bagwell, Storage Supervisor P. Harmon, Hanger Technician L. Huskey, Hanger Technician C. Vargas, Document Control Supervisor Other Organizations


T. Martin, Project Manager, Bahnson Service Company (BSC)

8. Crute, QA Manager, BSC NRC Resident Inspector

  • K. VanDoorn
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on July 10, 1981 with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings Not inspected.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.







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Independent Inspection Effort (92706)

An inspection was made of class B storage located in warehouse number 2.

The inspectors observed that: a) personnel access to the storage area was

controlled; b) housekeeping appeared adequate; c) food, drinks and salt tablet dispensers were not in the storage areas; d) stored items were accessible; and, e) equipment was identified. Also reviewed were receiving reports for one electrical motor (I.N. 1320.59-00-0002) and one electrical penetration (I.N. 1361.00-2) selected at random to determine if equipment was properly identified and stored.


Within the area examined, no violatior.s or deviations were identified.



Construction Deficiency Reports (92700)


(Closed) Licensee Identified Item 413,414/81-07-06, Potential trans-

formers / cables connected to diesel generators overvoltage during ground faults.

(1) Documents reviewed:


(a) Licensee's final report dated September 26, 1980 (b) Design change authorization number EPSP-011 dated September 8, 1980 (2). Description of Deficiency


The 4.16 KV Essential Power System at Catawba was designed to operate continuously with a single phase-to ground fault on the system whee being powered by the diesel generator (DG). Since the DG is high resistance grounded, voltage with respect to ground on


the two unfaulted phases could rise to line-to-line values should a phase-to ground fault occur.

The system was designed with


phase-to ground and wye-to-wye' connected potential transformers (PT's) with the neutral on the primary -solidly grounded. Since


the PT's were solidly grounded, the phase-to ground PT's connected i

to the two unfaulted-phases could.then have up to line-to-line


voltage impressed across them. The problem is that the PT's and other equipment in the secondary circuits were not sized fer i

phase-to phase voltage.

(3) Corrective Action The licensee has replaced all phase-to ground and wye connected potential transformers on the 4.16 KV system with phase-to phase


j and open-delta connected PT's. As a result of the PT.'s changing from wye to open-delta connections, several voltage and frequency

l transducers, voltmeter selector switches and DG watthour meters i


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I, were replaced. The work was inspected and documented in accord-ance with Construction Procedure 147A, " Electrical Cabinet Fabri-cation Inspection".


(0 pen) Licensee Identified Item 413,414/81-07-02, Solid state protec-tive relays and trip devices. The inspector requested the licensee to revise their final response to address what tests will be performed to i

identify silicon controlled rectifiers with the " copper to silicon" migration problem.


On-Site Design Activities (37055)

The object of this inspection was to ascertain what dcsign activities were

being performed on-site and to determine if these activities are performed

l in accordance with technical and quality assurance requirements ~ described in Duke Power Company (DPC) Topical Report.


Functional Responsibilities for On-Site Design j

The inspectors held discussions with respc..r le licensee representa-tives to determine what extent the licensee nas retained or delegated

responsibility for on-site design. The inspectors found that Corporate Design Engineering is responsibla for the design, procurement and manufacturing of original items for the-Catawba project, and there are two on-site design related activities in progress at the current time:


Pipe hanger supports and restraints Heating ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)


DPC has contracted with Bahnson Service Company to construct the HVAC systems. However, the design activities are performed by DPC corporate design. The design ectivities performed at-the site concern variation notices for pipe hangers and design change requests for HVAC. These


documents can be initially approved'at the site by the on-site desigi group or can be verbally approved by corporate design. All. variation notices (VN's) or design change requests (DCR's) will be transmitted to corporate design #9r final approval where corporate design may take


exception to the recommended disposition.

The VN's and DCR's are



"as-built" drawings unless corporate design takes exception.

Design will revise drawings to incorporate the variation and issue new drawings to the-site. The inspectors discussed the interfaces between Hanger Technical Support, Site Design and Bahnson Service Company to ensure that controls were in place to (a) limit interference problems between pipe hangers and HVAC ducting, (b) limit the amount of rework, j

and (c) ensure changes are reviewed and approved by corporate design.


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Design Procedures Reviewed (1) Design Speci fication Number CNS-1206.00-04-0003, Revision 6, " Pipe Hanger Support and Restraints" (2) CP-385, Revision 10, " Support / Restraint Erection Tolerances" The inspectors interviewed several personnel in the Hanger Technical Support Section to determine whether they were knowledgeable of the requirements specified in the above documents.

The inspectors also reviewed the controlled document list for procedure number CP-385 to ensure that the organizations performing design activities maintained the latest revision.


Design Changes VN's are initiated when the pipe hanger support / restraint cannot be installed as dimensioned on the drawing.

These VN's become firm

"a-built" drawings un ess later challenged by design.

Examples of VN's were examined and tield installations vare inspected to determine whether the reason /need for variation was ac Jate; variation did not appear to compromise the original design inte.

variation was reviewed and approved by "other than originator" and review did consider impact on overall design; and design drawings are revised to incorporate changes.

The inspectors held discussions w Rt. licensee / contractor representa-tives to determine design control of the HVAC systems. Design Change Requests (DCR's) are submitted by Bahnson to DPC where ducting cannot be installed in accordance with drawings or specifications.

DCR's become "as-built" drawings unless superceded. Discussions showed that j

communications between DPC and Bahnson are adequate to minimize the


impact of HVAC installation on pipe hanger supports / restraints.


Drawing Control l

Several isometric drawings,ere selected during the inspection and


found to be the current revisi: n.


Audits Audits and surveillance sheets were reviewed to assure compliance to tne reauirements in the QA Topical Report. Specifically covered were audit number C-80-9, "ASME Manual for Code Work" and monthly pipe



support attivity surveillances. Audits on Bahnson Service Company are performed by the corporate QA Vendors Group.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.


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