IR 05000412/1987059

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Insp Rept 50-412/87-59 on 870908-11.No Violations Noted. Majors Areas Inspected:Startup Test Program Review & Power Ascension Test Witnessing
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 10/08/1987
From: Eapen P, Wen P
Shared Package
ML20236A137 List:
50-412-87-59, NUDOCS 8710220064
Download: ML20236A142 (4)



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Report No~. 50-412/87-59 Docket'N License N NPF-73'

Licensee: Duquesne Light Company Post Office Box 4 Shippingport, Pennsylvania- 15077


Facility Name: ' Beaver Valley Unit'No. 2


Inspection At: -Shippingport, Pennsylvania'

Inspection Conducted: LSeptember 8-11, 1987 Inspector: d I. b P.-C. Wen, Reactor Engineer, Special Test



Pr grams Sec on EB, DRS Approved f~-67 v M /d 8 '

j r Dr. P. K. Eapen,~ Chid (/ Special Test ' dhte 1 Programs Section,'EB, DRS- l l

Inspection Summary:

Inspection on September 8-11, 1987 (Inspection Report No. 50-412/87-59)

l Areas Inspected: Startup Test Program review and Power. Ascension Test Witnessin Results: No violations were identified.

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DETAIL .0' Persons Contacted Duquesne Light Company

  • J. Godleski, TCT Engineer
  • D. Hunkele, Director, QA Operations
  • J. Johns, Supervisor, QA Surveillance T. F. McGourty, Principle Engineer
  • T. P. Noonan, Assistant Plant Manager
  • R. G. Williams, Principle Engineer
  • G. Zosack, Compliance engineer j T. G. Zyra, Director, Site Test and Plant Performance l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • J. Beali, Senior Resident Inspector L. Prividy, Resident Inspector The inspector also contacted other administrative and technical licensee personnel during the course of the inspectio * Denotes those present at the exit meeting held on September 11, 1987.


2.0 Power Ascension Testing 2.1 Startup Test Program i The licensee performed two major transient tests (Main Steam l


Isolation Valve Closure Test and Loss of Power Test) during this inspection period (September 8-11, 1987). After completing 1 startup testing through 50% power plateau, the was shut down on September 11, 1987 for a planned mini maintenance outage, i

The Load Rejection Test (IST-2.04.06) at 50% power level was delete Instead, a 10% load swing test was performed at'50% powe This test change was approved by the Joint Test Group (JTG) and Onsite Safety Committee (OSC). Additionally, load rejection test at 50%

power level is not one of the regulatory positions in Regulatory Guide 1.6 The inspector had no question .2 Test Witnessing The inspector witnessed entire portions of the tests described belo '

These tests were observed against the attributes identified in Inspection Report 50-412/87-55, section __-- -

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f Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Closure Test (IST-2.21A.02)

This test was performed on September 9, 1987 at 30%' power level by)

simultaneous 1y' closing all .3 MSIVs. . -Upon MSIVs closure,- the: steam-generator levels shrunk from. normal (~41%) to' low-low. level, and


caused reactor trip. The actions'of the control room operators-following the reactor trip.were:in accordance'with established:

procedures. The MSIVs.were. reopen to restore the normal path of'

decay heat removal; the unit was' stabilized shortly'in.accordance with plant. procedure. Preliminary test.results indicated that;all MSIV closure times met the test acceptance criteria-(5 seconds /from the time the valve received the signal to the time:the valve' fully


closed). However,:the feedwater' flow and_the associated stea '

generator level control did not respond. adequately. The licensee and )

reactor vendor were evaluating' the: test results. The inspector:wil1<

i follow this in a future inspectio '

l- l Loss of Power Test (IST-2.04.03)  !


On September 9, 1987 with the reactor at approximately 30%, th i licensee performed a loss of. power accordance with test-procedure IST-2.04.03, " Verification of Plant Performance.Following a Turbine Trip Coincident with'a Los of Offsite Power ~at Load." 'The l inspector observed the test briefing between the test. engineers and- 1 operations personnel' prior to the conduct.of the tes The' test- ,

briefing was thorough and comprehensive. .The' inspector 'also verified '

that the required prerequisites'had been complete '


Prior to the test, auxiliary electrical load was being supplied by Unit Station Service Transformers TR-2C and TR-2 The-test'was initiated by manually tripping the turbine generator. 'The emergency diesel generators, loading sequence, and plant system's responded as designed. As part of the test, electric power to the 'RCPs'was - a l

removed and the plant went into- natural circulation. During t_his 1 test the performance of the Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump

was also verifie i y

Preliminary results indicated that the plant responded as designed following the turbine trip with no offsite power. However, such l equipment problems as the malfunction of the plant paging. system were '

identified. The licensee is currently evaluating test results.. Th .

inspector will follow this in a future ' inspectio ,



i Summary The licensee conducted these transient tests in accordance with approved test procedures by highly qualified test personnel. These tests met the test objective No unacceptable conditions were identified.' '




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3.0 Independent Verification -

During the loss of power test, the inspector independently verified the l plant response. For' example, the inspector assured that the reactor-


entered natural circulation by observing that (1) there was ~approximatel !

19 F - ' difference between T hot and T cold temperatures (2) T hot and incore q thermocouple temperatures were tracking closely and (3) there was i sufficient subcooling within the reacto .0 QA/QC Interface j i


The licensee QA Surveillance Group continuously provided test coverage for the startup test program. During this ' inspection- period, the '

I inspector noted that QA personnel were actively following startup pro--  ;

gram tests. Appropriate surveillance ' reports WEre issue )


No unacceptable conditions were identifie l 5.0 Exit Meeting '

An exit meeting was held on September 11, 1987 to discuss the inspection scope and findings, as detailed in this report (see paragraph 1.0 for attendees).

l At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the i license Based on the NRC Region I review of this report and discus-


I sions held with the licensee representatives'at the exit, it was determined that this report does not contain information subject to 10 CFR 2.790 restriction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ - . _ _