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Archaeological/Historical Survey of San Onofre-to-Mission 230 Kv Transmission Line. W/Oversized Drawings
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1979
From: Eckhardt L
Shared Package
ML13304B525 List:
NUDOCS 7903280325
Download: ML20104A550 (190)


{{#Wiki_filter:ARCHAEOLOGICAL / HISTORICAL SURVEY OF THE SAN ONOFRE TO MISSION 230 KV TRANSMISSION LINE Prepared For: San Diego Gas & Electric Company 101 Ash Street San Diego, California 92101 Prepared By: WESTEC Services, Inc. 3211 Fifth Avenue San Diego, California 92101 k c . Ec k y Lesle$ C. Eckhardt Project Archaeologist January 1979 7903280326 L




- 1.1        Project Characteristics                               1 1.2         Archaeological / Historical Investigation Characteristics                                       15 2.0      PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                      17 2.1         Project Location                                      17 2.2        Project Setting                                        17


DATA 19 3.1 Archaeological Overview 19 3.1.1 San Dieguito Cultural Pattern 22 3.1.2 La Jolla Cultural Pattern 23 3.1.3 Late Milling Cultural Pattern 23 3.2 Historical /Ethnohistoric Overview 24 3.2.1 Protohistoric-Spanish Period, - 1769-1821 24 3.2.2 Mexican Period, 1821-1848 34 3.2.3 Early Anglo Period, 1848-1884 37 3.2.4 Anglo Community Development, 1884-1920 38 3.2.5 Recent HistoricalImpacts,1920 to Present 41 3.2.6 - Origins of Area Place Names 43 3.3 Record Search Data 47 .3.3.1 San Diego State University and San Diego Museum of Man 48 3.3.2 University of California, Riverside / Los Angeles 48 i

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) Section Title Pg 3.3.3 National Register / California Landmarks 48 4.0 TECHNIQUES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION 50 4.1 Field Survey 50 4.2 Photographic Record 51 4.3 Survey Limitations 51 5.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION RESULTS 52 5.1 Survey Results 52 5.2 Description of Archaeological Resources 52 6.0 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE ANALYSIS AND SIGNIFICANCE 65 6.1 Resource Analysis 65 6.2 Archaeological Significance 66 6.2.1 Explanation or Documentation of Historic Events or Movements 68 6.2.2 Native American Ethnic Values 68 6.2.3 Native American Spiritual Values 69 6.2.4 Direct Link or Bond with the Past 69 6.2.5 Sites as Sources of Potentially Unique Scientific Data 70


6.3 - National Register Evaluation 71 6.3.1 Site SDi-4538 72 6.3.2 Site W-120 72 6.4 Summary of Significance . 73 7.0 POTENTIAL ADVERSE IMPACTS 74

   ' 7.1 :        Direct Adverse Impacts                        74 7.1.1            Historic Resources                        74 7.1.2             Prehistoric Resources                     74 ii
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S 79 REFERENCES 80 List of Figures Figure Title Page 1 Regional Locale of the Project Area 2 2-1 Current Investigation and Archaeological Sites Encountered Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way)(San Onofre Bluff 7.5' USGS Quadrangle) 3 2-2 Current Investigation Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (No Archaeological Sites Encountered) (Las Pulgas 7.5' USGS Quadrangles) 4 2-3 Current Investigation Within SDG&E RIght-Of-Way (No Archaeological Sites Encountered) (Las Pulgas Canyon 7.5' USGS Quadrangles) 5 2-4 Current Investigation and Archaeological Sites Encountered Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (Oceanside and San Luis Rey , 7.5' USGS Quadrangles) 6 2-5 Current Investigation and Archaeological Sites Encountered Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (San Luis Rey 7.5' USGS Quadrangles) 7 2-6 Current Investigation and Archaeological Sites Encountered Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe 7.5' USGS Quadrangles) 8

  > 2-7       Current Investigation and Archaeological Sites Encountered Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (Rancho Santa Fe 7.5' USGS Quadrangle)                                                      ,

9 2-8: Current Investigation and Archaeological Sites Encountered Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (Rancho Santa Fe and Del Mar 7.5' USGS Quadrangles) 10 l i iIi

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Lht of Figures (Cont.) Figure Title M 2-9 Current Investigation and Archaeological Sites Encountered Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (Del Mar and La Jolla 7.5' USGS Quadrangles) 11 2-10 Current Investigation and Archaeological Re-sources Encountered Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (La Jolla 7.5' USGS Quadrangle) 12 3 Native Settlements in San Diego County and Linguistic Boundaries 32 List of Tables Table Title Page 1 Archaeological Sites Encountered During Field Investigations of the Project Area 53 Attachments Number Title M 1 Resumes R-1 2 Persons Consulted PC-1 3 Cultural History CH-1 4 Ethnobotanical Data EB-1 5 Record Search Data RS-1 iv

I FOREWARD This report has been prepared in response to a request by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC letter dated-10/2/78, Docket No. 50-361 & 50-362) for additional archaeological / historical information regarding proposed San Onofre 2&3 (SONGS) transmission lines. The information

     . contained herein incorporates results of earlier reports (Environmental Data Statement submitted to California Public Utilities Commission, Fall 1978) and is intended as a complete response regarding the archaeological / historical matters on the SONGS to Mission line.

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This reix>rt details and discusses an intensive archaeological / historical field survey conducted for San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) within an existing 230 KV transmission line right-of-way (R/W) within San Diego County. The transmission line corridor starts from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and terminates at the Mission Substation (Figure 1). The survey was conducted in order to assess the l'ocation and significance of cultural resources within the San Onofre to Mission 230 KV transmission line right-of-way. 1.1 Project Characteristics Currently, a combination of double circuit steel lattice towers, steel poles, and , wooden H-frame towers (196 structures in all) occupies the right-of-way to be used for the San Onofre to Mission transmission line. The R/W varies in width from 100 to 200 feet. One 138 KV circuit, which connects San Onofre with SDG&E's San Luis Rey Substation, is now supported by these existing structures. Also, the San Onofte-Mission

   #1 Circuit is supported on the remainder of the existing towers from Encina Hub to Mission Substation. For much of the R/W, this circuit is carried by lattice steel towers designed to accommodate two circuits. Thus, for about 80 percent of the San Onofre to Mission R/W, one vacant position exists on the lattice towers.

l Approaching the Oceanside Airport from the north, the existing 138 KV circuit transitions from the steel lattice towers to lower wooden H-frame structures for a

 . distance of about one mile (Figure 2-4). The reason for this transition is to reduce the height of the circuit and the structures in the vicinity of the Oceanside Airport. South r


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r Q~ - - ~ ~ FIGU R E , Current Investigation and Archaeological Resources Encountered ,,,q i Within SDG&E Right-Of-Way (La Jolla 7.5' USGS Quadrangle). u

l of the airport area, the circuit again transitions to a taller, lattice steel tower, which carries the circuit into the San Luis Rey Substation. South of the substation, the existing 138 KV circuit continues southwar'd to the Encina Hub, and is supported throughout this distance (5.6 miles) by wooden H-frame towers. These wooden towers are adjacent and parallel to the existing San Onofre-Mission #1230 KV and planned San Onofre-Encina 230 KV circuits (Figures 2-4 and 2-5). At the Encina Hub, the 138 KV circuit, which is supported to this point by the wooden structures mentioned above, transitions to steel lattice towers which carry the circuit westward into the Encina substation. As with the segment of the R/W north of the Oceanside Airport, the steel lattice towers which carry the existing 230 KV circuit from the Encina Hub to the vicinity of Miramar Naval Air Station (NAS) contain one vacant position. Just north of Miramar Road in the City of San Diego, the existing 230 KV circuit again transitions to lower wooden H-frame towers. These wooden towers support the existing circuit for a distance of approximately 4.2 miles, and have been constructed at the lower height to accommodate the Navy's operational requirements at NAS Miramar (Figures 2-9 and 2-10). South of Miramar, the existing circuit again transitions to the higher steellattice towers which support the circuit to its terminus at SDG&E's Mission substation, located just northeast of the point where I-805 crosses Friars Road in Mission Valley. The propoFed project calls for the addition of one circuit throughout the entire 53-mile length of the San Onofre to Mission right-of-way (Figures 2-1 through 2-10). Where vacant positions currently exist on the lattice towers, the new circuit would merely be pulled into place, thus occupying the second position on the lattice towers. This portion of the project would involve roughly 42.1 miles of the 52.9-mile R/W, the remaining 10.8 miles consisting of the following segments which would involve l construction: 13 i u i

r- 1 i

1. East of Oceanside Airport - 1.0 miles t 2. San Luis Rey substation to Encina Hub - 5.6 miles
3. West of NAS Miramar - 4.2 miles Proposed construction within these segments of the San Onofre-Mission R/W

. would result in the placement of 42 new structures and would involve the following activities:

1. East of Oceanside Airport Installation of new wooden structures within a one-mile segment of the R/W to provide for lower structures in the vicinity of the airport. These structures will be similar to the wooden structures which support the existing 230 KV circuit along this. segment. The lower profile near the airport was requested by the City of Oceanside.
2. San Luis Rey Substation to Encina Hub Replacement of existing 138 KV wooden structures with double circuit 230 KV steel towers within a 5.6-mile segment of the R/W parallel to and contiguous with an existing double circuit 230 KV steel tower line between San Luis Rey Substation and Encina Hub (the point at which existing 138 and
                      -230 KV lines turn west toward the Encina Power Plant).
3. West of Miramar Naval Air Station Installation of new wooden structures adjacent to existing wooden structures on a e.2-mile segment of the route west of the Miramar Naval Air Station to

, provide for lower structures in the vicinity of the Naval Air facility. The lower wooden structures are necessary to acemmodate the Navy's opera- , tional requirements. Specific work activities involved in the project include the following:

1. Excavation and placement of footings for 42 new structures. These include
- the wooden structures near Oceanside Airport, the steel lattice towers between the San Luis Rey Substation and the Encina Hub, and the wooden structure towers west of NAS Miramar. .
2. Hauling, assembly, and erection of wooden structures and steel towers.

3.' Hauling and installation of conductor and overhead groundwire assemblies. ,

4. Conductor stringing operations.

In summary, the proposed project will consist of four interrelated activities: 14

1. The addition of one circuit to the existing vacant position on existing double circuit steel towers from San Onofre to the Mission Substation (42.1 miles of the 52.9-mile R/W).
2. The installation of new wooden structures for a 1.0-mile segment of the R/W east of the Oceanside Airport.
3. The installation of 5.6 miles of steel attice towers between the San Luis Rey Substation and the Encina Hub.
                .4. The installation of 4.2 miles of wooden H-frame towers west of the Miramar Naval Air Siation.

1.2 Archaeological / Historical Investigation Characteristics The current investigation and detailed report includes an intensive field survey of the proposed project area by a qualified archaeological staff and consultant (resumes are presented as Attachment 1 to this report). The field survey was conducted within the existing transmission line right-of-way from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating 4 Station to the San Luis Rey Substation. From the Encina Hub, the survey commenced south within the subject right-of-way to Carroll Canyon and continued from Clairemont

      ' Mesa Boulevard until termination of the right-of-way within the Mission Substation (Figures 2-1 through 2-10). Information from other recent field investigations which located archaeological resources within those portions of the existing San Onofre to Mission 230 KV transmission line right-of-way scheduled for new construction (WESTEC 1978a; WESTEC 1978b) has been incorporated into the current investigation (Figures 2-4, 2-5, 2-9 and 2-10).

The investigative techniques employed in this study conform with the guidelines and requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Public Utilities l' Commission. y Prior to the commencement of fieldwork, a thorough review of pertinent l literature was conducted, including, but not restricted to: previous fieldwork reports for the area; historical documents relating to prehistoric sites; and a compilation of known l sites in the area (Section 3.0). l L i 15 j=*y-r -

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The Native American Heritage Council and all appropriate area representatives were contacted for their advice or comments regarding this project (Attachment 2). No responses have been received at this time (no negative comments are anticipated). Any responses to these requests and consideration of these resources in light of the proposed project will be appended to this report (and Attachment 2) when available. a



2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Project Location The route of the existing right-of-way involved in this project is shown on Figures 2-1 through 2-10. The 52.9-mile route extends from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in San Diego County, through Camp Pendleton, areas of unincorporated San Diego County, and portions of the Cities of Oceanside, Carlsbad, and San Diego, terminating at the San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Mission Substation northeast of the crossing of Interstate. Highway 805 (I-805) and Friars Road in Mission Valley. 2.2 Project Setting That portion of the San Onofre to Mission 230 KV circuit right-of-way subjected to current investigation is comprised of two study areas. The first area originates at , the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in extreme northwest San Diego County. The subject right-of-way extens southward along steep canyons and drainages within Camp Pendleton towards the San Luis Rey River floodplain. As the corridor continues southeast, it is surrounded by steeply sloping hills and canyons. The corridor extends up a steep canyon to the San Luis Rey Substation which is situated on an irregular mesa top. From this point to its termination at the Encina Hub, the right-of-way continues to traverse canyon / knoll systems althoigh it generally avoids the steeper slopes.

            'Ihe second area of reconnaissance commences from the Encina Hub and continues l
   - to the south one and one-half miles, finally connecting with the Encina Hub. The subject right-of-way then turns southeast and continues to the south past Batiquitos Lagoon, over Escondido Creek,' San - Dieguito River and through Los Pehtsquitos to Carroll Canyon. From Carroll Canyon, the corridor traverses the broad Miramar Mesa and San Clemente Canyon to its termination in the City of San Diego at the Mission

! Sub' station. 17

                                                            -       ~_              .     .            -.         .-. _-.

Past grazing and farming activities have apparently removed much of the native

     . vegetation which would have been present within the study area. Plant associations noted on or near the existing right-of-way included relatively small oak woodland or woodland-grass communities in nearby canyons, consisting of coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and aasociated undergrowth.

Sporadic stands of chaparral-type associations are present on slopes above the right-of-way, and in other areas where native vegetation has not been cleared or is currently undergoing autosuccessional replacement. Plants within this community include dense, stiff branched scherophyllous scrubs such as chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum), blue lilac (Ceanothus tomentosus), warty-stem ceanothus (Ceanothus verrucosus), black sage (Salvia mellifera), toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia), scrub oak (Quercus dumosa), yucca (Yucca schidigera), deerweed (Lotus scoparius), and yerba santa (Eriodictyon crassifolium). Poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum), sumac (Rhus laurina), and sagebrush (Artemisia californica) were also noted. A listing of these plants and others in the immediate vicinity with their known use by native Americans is provided in Attachment 4, Table EB-1. The geological setting varies from the predominant undivided sandstone forma-tions (both Torrey and Del Mar sands and Rose Canyon shale) to marine and non-marine terrace deposits on the mesa tops and knolls. Canyon floors are silted with alluvium and slope vian sediments. Soils within the project area vary from well-drained sandy loams to gravelly clay loams. i 1 18

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DATA , 3.1 Archaeological Overview 1 The coastal region of southern California has long been the subject of archaeo-logicalinvestigation. Stretching back at least to the early fieldwork of Malcolm Rogers in the 1920s, numerous archaeological researchers have collected a vast array of information and data pertinent to reconstructing past lifeways of native Californians (Rogers 1929). Past field investigations along coastal San Diego County have been sponsored by institutions such as the San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego State University, University of California at Los Angeles, University of San Diego, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act has brought the private sector into archaeological research through predevelopment surveys and mitigation or salvage projects. The interpretation and synthesis of over 50 years of coastal archaeological research would entail the preparation of severallengthy papers or monographs. Thus, for the purpose of this analysis, a brief overview of previous fieldwork is provided to establish a broad, regional framework within which the archaeological sites along the proposed San Onofre to Mission 230 KV right-of-way can be viewed. The reader is referred to the various sources noted throughout this discussion and in Attachment 3. Regionally specific data are presented in this subsection to supplement the cultural history discussed in Attachment 3 and ethnobotanical data in Attachment 4. 1

Archaeological studies have been conducted adjacent to the northern San Onofre to' San Luis Rey Substation right-of-way within Camp Pendleton. In his survey report Charles Bull (1975:39-41) reported an extremely large site (SDi-4538) with a midden
     - depth of over one meter (3 feet). Dr. Paul H. Ezell removed fragments of human bone from SDi-4538. The transmission corridor below San Onofre cuts across the site known as the Horno Canyon archaeological site.


As shown in Figure 2 of the Bull report (1975:3), his survey area included small segments of the SDG&E corridor near Horno Creek and further to the south at Las Flores Creek.' For the most part, the transmission corridor across Camp Pendleton has not been previously field surveyed, although one major study (Weleb 1977) has been conducted aorth and east of the project area, and several smaller studies have been completed along the San Luis Rey River (Carrico 1974, 1977; Drover 1977; Kaldenberg 1973),' no najor excavation or survey oriented toward testing hypotheses or generating significant data have been conducted in the area. A recent testing program at a site (SDi-5130) approximately 2000 feet west of the corridor near the Oceanside Airport revealed an extensive shell midden site that may have comprised a major settlement (Carrico 1975). Studies throughout the general area (Meighan 1954:215-227; McCown 1955; Warren 1964) have added significant data at the survey level, but have not possessed the type of data base which generates or warrants the conclusions necessary to formulate an adequate " cultural history" of the area.

Fieldwork and research along the coast between the San Luis Rey Substation and Mission Substation indicate a predominance of camp middens and campsites containing La Jolla cultural components within the coastal littoral (Rogers 1929:454-67, 1966; Moriarty et al.1959). The relative sparseness of Paleo-Indian San Dieguito sites is
   ; considered an indication that this ill-defined culture preferred and utilized inland valleys and desert regions (Rogers 1966:1-140; 1929:454-67; Moriarty 1969:1-8).

Taken as a whole, Early Milling sites in the coastal littoral in and around the corridor comprise an increasingly better-defined cultural pattern encompssing settle-ment and land use factors, special activity areas, and human movement across the land. Many of our assumptions about La Jolla peoples have not been thoroughly validated through rigorously applied, empirical archaeological research. However, competent excavors and researchers (Kaldenber[, and EzcIl 1974; Moriarty' 1959; Harding 1951; Rogers 1929,1945,1966) have produced at least chronological and cultural parcmeters, 20

and in so doing have developed a broad depiction of La Jolla peoples in the San Diego coastal region. The cultural picture that emerges is one of a largely nomadic people who seasonally inhabited the low mesas and knolls overlooking costal lagoons and bays, i beach fronts, and inland slopes. Drawn to the estuaries and ocean bluffs by an i environment teeming with edible life forms, the La Jollans evidently exploited the ocean and estuaries as a segment of a seasonal round (Warren 1954:4-5). If the archaeological record is correct in categorizing La Jollan sites within the study area, it would appear that the La Jolla peoples operated from seasonal base i camps located along the ocean front (Shumway et al.1959; Rogers 1929) or along bay- . estuary channles (May 1973; Carrico 1976b; Kaldenberg and Ezell 1974; Warren et al. 4-1961; Wcrren 1964). These seasonal base camps are probably the result of a people who j had developed a " Central-Based Wandering" community pattern. As defined by l Beardsley and others (1956:138), a Central-Based Wandering people is one "that spends part of each year wandering and the rest at a settlement or ' central base,' to which it may or may not consistently return in subsequent years."- 4 The cultural remains left at seasonal base camps of Central-Based Wanderers should differ significantly from those left at limited-use areas or temporary campsites, i by virtue of variable techno-economic activities, intensity of use, ecological setting,- and settlement systematics. J.N. Hill (1974:91) has suggested that main village sites or main base camps should possess relatively greater numbers of certain attributes or artifacts when compared with campsites or special use areas. Using the model developed by Hill, it can be seen that certain large La Jollan sites that have been labelled as habitation sites or villages tend to have .more structures or features, 4 l increased incidence of burials, evidence of multiple sex / age utilization, more hearths, greater variety of artifacts, evidence of tool manufacture and sharpening, more ornaments and decorative artifacts, evidence of a wider variety of floral and faunal 21

remains, location on or near ecologicaledge situations (ecotones), location strategically near a wide variety of economical, cultural and technological resources, and, finally, location near major drainages or sources of water. In fact, excavations along the southern San Diego County coast have supported Hill's contention of site differentiation and made it possible to categorize archaeological sites as limited-use areas, campsites and village or base campsites. Sites such as Scripps Estates I:SDi-525 (Moriarty et al. 1959; Shumway et al.1961), Torrey Pines Mesa:W-340/W-1075/W-1076 (Gross 1970; Carrico 1977), Batiquitos Lagoon:SDi-603 (Crabtree et al. 1963:323-439), the Sorrento Valley site (Harding 1951) and the Fox Point site (Smith 1973) probably represent major La Jollan base camps or proto-villages. Other sites along coastal San Diego County probably represent limited-use areas where the La Jolla people sought to exploit the rich and varia' ole environment surrounding them. 3.1.1 San Dieguito Cultural Pattern The oldest sites (San Dieguito Tradition circa 12,000 to 8000 years ago) are generally located on knoll and mesa tops well above present-day water sources. San Dieguito sites usually reflect temporary camping or sporadic resource exploitation by high nomadic hunters. Typical cultural debris on San Dieguito sites include flaking debris, large chopping scraping tools and blades. Cultural elements not usually associated with San Dieguito sites include milling equipment, shell middens, ceramics, crematons and small projectile points. Thus far, no village type sites associated with the San Dieguito culture have been excavated or reported within the general area. Similarly, no San Dieguito human burials have been found in San Diego County. A majority of San Dieguito sites are relatively small stone tool scatters or remnants of stone workshops where tools were manufactured. 22 i l _ _ - - _ _ - - _ _ l

3.1.2 La Jolla Cultural Pattern

                          .Within the study area, La Jollan sites (circa 7000 to 3000 years ago) are the most frequently occurring type of site. These sites are most often situated on lower terraces and hills above major water courses. The greatest density of La Jollan sites

! occurs on the margins of lagoons and estuaries adjacent to the San Diego coast. As one goes . inland to the coastal foothills and valleys, sites associated with the La Jolla Pattern decrease. !- Typically, La Jollan sites consist of medium to large activity areas including shellfish processing camps, occupation areas, stone tool workshops and milling sites.

Extensive camps may include human burials, stone tools, faunal remains, fire hearths and possible living floors. Less intensively occupied sites may be comprised of a few scattered stone tools or remnants of sporadic camping.

3.1.3 Late Milling Cultural Pattern

;                           The Late Milling Archaic Tradition encompasses two different linguistic 4

groups; the Shoshonean-speaking Luiseno and the Yuman-speaking Kumeyaay-Northern Dieguelb. Although different linguistically, these people shared similar material cultural traits. Late Milling sites are often situated near present-day water sources at much lower elevations than the sites of either the San Dieguito or La Jolla patterns. Generally, Late Milling sites vary from single isolated artifacts to entire village (rancheria) sites. Preliminary data indicates that most Late Milling villages were situated at the far eastern edges of lagoons or further inland along major water confluences. Late Milling sites frequently contain ceramics, projectile points, shell middens, milling equipment, stone tools and stone tool manufacturing debris. Several sites along the coastal zone of San Diego have contained cremations and other objects of sacred value. 23

3.2 Historical /Ethnohistoric Overview 3.2.1 Protohistorie-Spanish Period, 1769-1821 The arrival of Spanish explorers and missionaries in July 1769 began the slow procem of changing southern California from land controlled by a prehistoric society to a land dominated by European society and technology. The years 1769-1821 represent the fascinating transition period wherein the use of archaeological data and historical i data must be combined to depict the cultural history of the area. i The following dicussion is necesarily brief because of the limited study area . and because a thorough documentation of this period would require extensive use of original Spanish papers and documents. Rather than using a chronological approach, the discussion follows a geographic framework based on specific points of early Spanish-i native contact end/or lands that pamed from native ownership to Spanish ownership. e Mission Valley A thorough ethnohistoric review of Mission Valley is well beyond the scope of this paper. Several major sources clearly document the extensive native 4 American settlement and land use throughout Mission Valley although no major

    - settlements or ethnohistorically known villages are within or adjacent to the study area.

Primary ethnohistoric sources indicate a large rancheria, Cosoy, probably estended from the foot of Presidio Hill and eastward up Mision Valley to at , least the area west of the Stardust Country Club (Englehardt 1920; Geiger 1955, 1970). A recent manuscript has more fully documented the village of Cosoy and provides several sources for its location (Ezell and Ezell 1973), o Kearny Mesa The dearth of ethnohistoric and historic data about Kearny Mesa is probably a good indicator of infrequent use or travels across this largely uninviting flatland. Although native Americans no doubt exploited the area, their foraging left scant trace. No known villages or major native settlements are recorded for this area. 24

e Rose Canyon g. The Rcse Canyon area near the project site has not played a ' significant role in San Diego County history, although historically-important persons

          -have been associated with the canyon. On July 15, 1769 Spanish explorer Gaspar de Portola passed through Rose Canyon on his way to Monterey, California. Portola and others in his party remarked that Rose Canyon was relatively treeless although small      ,

oaks, chaparral and a type of wild rose were abun' ant (Teggart 1911; Fages 1972; Palou 1926). Portola's trail, later called El Camino Real, followed what is now the Santa Fe railroad route through Rose Canyon, across Miramar Mesa and into Sorrento Canyon. Portola and the other diarists did not note any Indians near the present project site, although they reported villages at the present site of the Pacific Drive-In (Rinconada) and, later, in Sorrento Valley (Ystagua). These two villages appear extensively in later mission records (Merriam 1968). Almost one hundred years after Portola's visit to the Rose Canyon, which he had named Calbn de San Diego, Louis Rose, a prominent San Diego pioneer, established a rancho in the canyon and left his name on the area. Rose operated a tannery and. thriving farm a few miles west of the project site and made extensive use of nearby oaks and lumber both as timber and as firewood (Hayes 1929:127-130). Another large settlement was situated east of the study area in and

  ,       around the Mission San Diego.         Known as Nipaguay, this rancheria was occupied throughout the Spanish period and well into the Mexican era. Population figures and general references indicate that Nipaguay was one of the larger villages along the San Diego River drainage (Merriam 1968; Englehardt 1920).

o -Los Patinsoultos On July 16, 1764 a Sparish exploring party led by Gaspar de Portola scrossed the desolate Miramar Mesa and entered the yawning lush Soledad-Sorrento 25

        .g.                                                                             .

O Valley west of the study area. Soledad Valley is the terminus for Los Pehsquitos Creek and the Sorrento Canyon drainage. As the exploring party approached Sorrento Valley, Crespi, a member of the party, t


noted that at first the valley looked "to us to be nothing less than a cultivated cornfield or Istm, on account of its mass of verdue (Bolton 1926:111)." Adjacent to the valley on a small knoll the men saw a Kumeyaay village with six straw houses. After ascertaining a that the natives were not only friendly but joyous at the arrival of the Spaniards, 4 Portola and his party descended into the valley where they noted that the rich verdure g was made up of large-leafed wild calabashes and thickets of Castilian roses.

,                                 While the men and animals were resting Portola made a gesture of

. good faith toward the Indians.

                                  "We stopped a little so that the commander might distribute some beads among the heathen of this village, and then
                        .         continued on our way to the north side of the valley (Palou:
                          ;       2:111)."

In return for the generosity which the Spaniards had shown, the natives offered a guide to the explorers. As the group left the valley with the Indian guide leading the way to a good camp site, Crespi reported that he saw two well-made pots of clay sitting in nearby pools of water (Palou 1926:2:111). The village in Sorrento Valley was to have repeated contact with the Spaniards in the ensuing years. The Kumeyaay name for this village was Hispanisized as

Ystagua or Estagua although, as was the case with many village names, the native word was often replaced with a geographical place name. In the case of Ystagua the name Rancheria de la Nuestra Senora de la Soledad was frequently used in the mission records (Merriam 1968:155). This rancheria probably controlled the land that later became Los Pehsquitos rancho.

Between 1774 and 1800 the Spanish missionaries succeeded in baptizing at least one hundred and forty-two persons from this village or from areas l 26

l associated with this village. An unusual feature of these baptismals is that one hundred and five of them were performed on children (Merriam 1968:155). This high percentage , of children is an anomaly when compared with the records for most of the other Indian villages where the ratio was most cften equal between children and adults. < , When, in 1775, the various Kumeyaay villages banded together to l storm the Presidio and the Mission San Diego de Alcala, Ystagua did not take up arms j against the Spaniards. Rivera y Moncada's report indicated that most of the coastal i villages did not side with their inland and mountain brethren in the abortive attempt to drive the Spanish colonists out of southern California (Rivera 1967:455). San Dieguito o Documentation of native American occupation of the lower portion of the San Dieguito River began in July 1769 when Don Gaspar de Portola traversed the mouth of the river near present-day El Camino Real and Via de Valle. As Portola and his exploring party descended into the San Dieguito River Valley, Miguel Costanso

$          (Teggart 1911:167) noted that:
                             "The Indians of the canyon immediately came to see us; they 4

approached little by little, full of suspicion, and as they , were greeted and presented with some strings of glass beads they quieted down and became so familiar with us that they occasioned annoyance." The Spaniards named the river valley and the Indian rancheria San Dieguito, after Saint

James the lesser, thus catapulting a prehistoric village into European California history.

, During the next fifty years of Spanish control the village at San Dieguito had repeated contacts with the Spanish intruders including at least 38 baptisms through Mission San Diego de Alcala and 7 baptisms through Mission San Luis Rey (Meriam 1968:143, 151). The village of San Dieguito, or Jallague as the natives called It, did not take part in the 1775 sacking of the Mission San Diego and apparently had very amiable relations with the Spaniards (Carrico 1977). t 4 t 27

1 4 Another as yet undocumented village or major campsite was located east of the current study area near the San Diego Aqueduct. This campsite is known $ primarily to native Americans through their oral tradition rather than through historical or archaeological data. i ! As the Spanish mission period was drawing to a close in 1821, Father Sanchez of the Mission San Diego noted that missionized natives were planting and harvesting corn in the river valley as part of their labors for the mission. Following the successful Mexican revohtion in 1822, the newly formed Mexican government awarded land grants to those persons who had been loyal to the revo't. One such land grant was 2 that of Rancho San Dieguito, awarded to Juan Maria Osuna in 1836 and comprising much of current Fairbanks Ranch property.

<                        When he gained title to Rancho San Dieguito Osuna also assumed
      'ontrol over the Indian pueblo of San Dieguito which Governor Figueroa had established 1833 (Brackett 1951) to ensure that the Indians residing in the area were guaranteed land rights and a means of subsistence. Juan Maria Osuna built adobe houses, brought in

! livestock and began cultivating the rich river valley apparently dispossessing the native occupants. In 1839 the natives complained that Osuna had run livestock over their fields, driven them off the most productive land and mistreated his laborers and servants. The complaints of the natives went unheard and unheeded; Osuna was a man of great power and prestige within a Mexican Community which afforded Indians little equality. Throughout the Mexican period, circa 1822-1848, Osuna and his family apparently devoted most of their efforts .toward maintaining a well-stocked and

   . successful rancho within the river valley itself.       Except for grazing, there is no
   . Indication that the nearby hills and valleys were used by Osuna. The Osuna adobes are
   -(were) located above the current site of the Rancho Santa Fe golf course and recreation area. The main house has been restored and is used as a private dwelling.


   - . -       .-- .  -=                                      .                                   .          .-       -.- -

e Batiquitos Batiquitos Lagoon and its tributary San Marcos Creek was first visited by Europeans in July 1769 when the Portola exploring party traversed the valley. Portola noted a large Indian village adjacent to fresh water sources. In later years Batiquitos (Spanish for "little baths" or " pools") was a stopping place for pasturage and i water. t As early as 1774 missionaries from the San Diego mission, then located on Presidio Hill, succeeded in baptizing at least one native. Between 1774 and 1793 { baptismal records for Batiquitos, also known as Apo-ijac, Acusquel or Apusquele, indicate that 25 children,11 women and 9 men were given baptismal rites. Another 211 natives from villages or rancherias close to, or actually at, Batiquitos were converted between 1774 and 1808 (Merriam 1968:150-151). Later post-Spanish period records contain only brief mentions of Batiquitos as an Indian village, possibly indicating its abandonment. Several researchers have speculated that most of the coastal villages were abandoned or drastically depopulated during the early Spanish colonial period, circa 1780-1820. e Agua Hedionda When Don Gaspar Portola and his party of explorers arrived at what is now known as Agua Hedionda Lagoon on July 18, 1769, they reported foul-smelling stagnant pools of water, thus the Spanish name for stinking water was permanently attached to the area. Portola's diarist noted that an abandoned native village occupied the valley floor near some clear water (Palou 1926:2:115). Later mission records and travalogues report that Agua Hedionda rancheria was a major Luiselb settlement that was abandoned by the mid-1800s (Carrico 1977; Merriam 1968) when the Agua Hedionda Rancho was granted to Juan Maria Marron. 4 29

e Buena Vista After their visit to the Agua Hedionda Valley, Portola's party con-tinued northward across mesa tops and deep canyons until they reached a deep, wide h valley near present-day El Camino Real and liighway 78. Because of the scenic vista

  -and open view to the Pacific Ocean, Portola named this valley Buena Vista, literally
    " good view."

Portola noted that a native village was situated on the summit of a hill above Buena Vista Creek. 'Ihe villagers had been told of the Spaniards' trek northward by native runners sent from the rancheria at San Elijo below Agua Hedionda (Palou

  '1926:2:116-117). Aware that the Spaniards had beads for trade, and curious to see these bearded men on large sweating beasts, at least forty villagers walked into the Spanish camp to barter and gawk. After an amiable exchange, the Luiselb traders left camp with glass trade beads, apparently satisfied that the newcomers were friendly traders.
;                          Buena Vista was another major Luiselb settlement that endured early Spanish influence and thrived until the early American period. In later years the rancheria apparently moved somewhat east away from the lagoon itself and inland, somewhat removed from El Camino Real and white influence.
                   .e      San Luis Rey The presence of Luiselbs throughout the lower portions of the San Luis Rey River is well-documented by historians, early explorers and ethnographers. Gaspar de Portola crossed the wide San Luis Rey River Valley on his way to Monterey (Carrico 1977) and found the valley floor "so green that it seemed to us that it had been planted (Palou 1926:2:116)." It was'also noted that two large Luiselb v;11 ages were situated on both sides of El Camino Real at opposite ends'of the valley.

The Spaniards found the natives to be friendly, outgoing and prepared for their arrival. Because of the water supply, lush vegetation and large numbers of j natives, it was recommended that the San Luis Rey Valley, originally named San Juan 30

f Capistrano, and later called San Juan Capistrano Viejo, be considered as a potential mission site. Twenty-nine years later, in 1798, four tracts of land were granted by King Carlos IV and a mission was officially founded at San Luis Rey although a church would not be built until1802. The present mission structure was begun in 1811 and completed in 1815. Mission San Luis Rey de Francia was one of the most successful California missions in terms of converting natives and development of a farming / grazing sub-f i sistence. Secularization of the mission, circa 1834, left the church without funds to support its large gardens, to maintain the thousands of heads of livestock or its converted native population. The most industrious converted natives were relocated at 1: t the Pueblo de Las Flores within the Las Flores Valley in what is now Camp Pendleton. Gradually the mission fell into a dilapidated state and the natives drifted away from the I mission system. The American takeover of California, which was finalized by statehood in 1850, led to further deterioriation of the church. In a dialogue reportedly dictated about 1835 by Pablo Tac, a Luiselb neophyte, the Luiselb name of Quechla was given for San Luis Rey (Tac 1958:19). Pablo Tac stated that quechlam was the plural form of a native word for a certain kind of j - stone and that quechla was the singular form. A recent historian (Hudson 1964) noted

that Keish, Qee'sh, and Quechla are orthographic variances for the same Luiselb 4

village /placename. In his 1908 study of the Luiselb, Sparkman (1908:191) reported that his informants called San Luis Rey, Keish (see Figure 3). The San Luis Rey area contained 21 different Luiselb clans indicating a dense and diverse population, equalled in numbers of clans only by the rancheria at Pechanga (Strong 1929:276-277). Based on Kroeber's estimate (1970:686) that a clan was comprised of 25 to 30 persons, a population of between 525 and 630 Luiselbs can be suggested for the San Luis Rey area. Kroeber (1970: Plate 57) recorded four villages in W 31

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Native Settlements in San Diego County and Linguistic FI G U R E Boundaries (af ter Kroeber 1970). 3 . 32

l l the vicinity of Mission San Luis Rey: Keish (at San Luis Rey); Wiasamal and Wahaumal, i located west of San Luis Rey; and Kwalam, located halfway between San Luis Rey and l Pala (see Figure 3). e Santa Margarita The first European exploration of the Santa Margarita Valley was . accomplished when Portola and his party continued their push northward to Monterey in July 1769. The Spaniards reported that a native village of no less than sixty persons was situated along the banks of Santa Margarita Creek. The natives traded with Portola's men and received glass beads which they apparently considered worthwhile. Throughout the late eighteenth century, the village at Santa Margarita had repeated contact with Spanish traders. Attempts to missionize the natives were only minimally successful until the founding of Mission San Luis Rey de Francia in 1798. Following secularization of the missions in 1834, various influential persons throughout i California sought and received large grants of land. Pio Pico ree'eived a prmisional grant in 1836 for portions of what later became the Santa Margarita y Las Flores.

Pio Pico's dealings with the natives who occupied the Santa Margarita area were frequently unscrupulous and unjust. Throughout the early 1800s natives either abandoned their traditional villages within what is now Camp Pendleton or temporarily centralized at the Pueblo de Las Flores. Originally, a pueblo established for the emancipated Luisefos from Mission San Luis Rey, Las Flores and Las Flores Valley as a whole was coveted by Pio Pico and his brother Andres. The Picos apparently gained title to Las Flores by granting it to Pablo Apis, a Luiselb nota, or leader, in 1844 1

and traded Apis the 2,200 acre Temecula grant for the more than 43,000 acre Las Flores grant (Witty 1970:29; Rush 1965:94). The later consolidation of the San Onofre,  ; Santa Margarita and Las Flores grants led to the formation of the huge Santa Margarita y Las Flores Rancho and the removal or demise of native population within the rancho. 4 33

  . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . , _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ ~ . . . _ . _

3.2.2 Mexican Period, 1821-1848 With the changeover to Mexican rule, the missions which previously provided cohesion for Alta California began to dissolve into ineffectuality. In their place a large number of ranchos were established - the so-called "Spanish" land grants were doled cut almost entirely during the Mexican Period. Within San Diego County, dissolution of the missions was felt most markedly in the vicinity of San Luis Rey and San Diego. Although the Mexicans assumed control in the early 1820s, it was not until the 1830s that secularization was effected. The missions were abandoned and a series of 32 ranchos was established in San Diego County. Five of the ranchos occupied portions of the study area (Brackett 1951). Rancho Santa Margarita y Las Flores, Spanish for Saint Margaret and the

   - Flowers, was by far the largest of the five land grants; it is now Camp Pendleton.

Actually, this grant is a combination of the 89,742-acre Rancho San Onofre y Santa Margarita, granted in 1841, and the more southerly 43,699-acre Las Flores Rancho, granted in 1844. Both were granted to Andres and Pio Pico (Rush 1965). The two rancho names were known from earliest historic times. The Santa Margarita River was named by Don Gaspar de Portola in 1769, and the name Las Flores is noted on early documents as a Luiselb rancheria. Originally, the Las Flores ranch was one of six ranches comprising the San Luis Rey Mission cattle empire and extended north into present-day Orange County. There are two major buildings remaining from this period. One, the main ranchhouse, is now the Commandant's headquarters at Camp Pendleton. The other is the asistencia at Las Flores, now in ruins. Neither is close to the project study area. Agua Hedionda was a medium-sized rancho approximately one-tenth the size cf Rancho Santa Margarita y Las Flores. It spread over slightly more than 13,000 acres,

,. occupying roughly the area of today's City of Carlsbad (USGS quadrangles). Land grant status' was granted in 1892 to Juan Maria Marron, an important politico and popular figure in San Diego (Brackett 1951). The main ranch house (now a private residence) 34

and several adobe ruins remain from the Mexican Period. One of the ruins is contiguous to the study area one-quarter of a mile east of the corner of Chestnut Avenue and present-day El Camino Real, but not within the proposed disturbance zone. None of the ether structures are within the study area. The next land grant south of Rancho Agua Hedionda is Rancho Los Encenitos, the ranch of the little oaks, which wo named by Portola on his 1769 journey. Rancho Los Encenitos comprises one square league, 4431.03 acres, and was one of the smallest land grants in the state. In 1842 it was granted to Andres Ybarra; shortly after Ybarra acquired the property, a ranch house complex was built. Today, only adobe walls of the main ranch remain (Rush 1965) because the house was not used after the arrival of the railroad. Neither the main ranch house nor any other ranch buildings are close to the proposed project area and, although the ranch has had changing uses, its land remains as some of the most undeveloped in coastal southern California. Rancho San Dieguito, little San Diego ranch, is the next land grant south and (neompasses the Rancho Santa Fe area. This ranch is not discussed in this report because the project study area is entirely east of Rancho San Dieguito. The first land grant in San Diego County and one of the most historic - Rancho de Los Pe11asquitos - is the next ranch south (Brackett 1951; Lowe 1978). Captain Francisco Maria Ruiz received the 8486-acre grant in 1823, shortly after the transition between Spanish and Mexican rule. Not considered large in comparison to other ranchos, it was used primarily for cattle operations. Captain Ruiz erected the first Peiksquitos ranch house about 1827; this historic Mexican-style adobe is located at the western edge of the property and over two miles west of the transmission right-of-way. On December 11, 1846, the retreating army of General Kearny rested at the Ruiz adobe after the battle of San Pasqual (Stone 1966). Ruiz gave the weary 35

Americans food, wine and shelter (Moyer 1969:2-3; Rush 1965:24-25). Hailed by some as the oldest standing building in California, the Ruiz adobe is in rapid deterioration. Later in the Mexican Period, Peksquitos was deeded to Francisco Maria Alvarado whose daughter and heir, Tomassa, married Captain George Johnson. Johnson built the historic Johnson-Taylor adobe in the east central portion of Los Peistsquitos in about 1876. Johnson was a wealthy part-owner of the Colorado River Navigation Company and a politician. In 1883, J. S. Taylor, a founder of the City of Del Mar, purchased the ranch and made further improvements on the ranch house and its environs (Moyer 1969:3; Rush 1965:35-36). Currently in a state of abandonment, the Johnson-Taylor adobe is located about two miles east of the proposed project. Both the Ruiz and Johnson-Taylor adobes have been designated as Historical Landmarks by the San Diego Historical Site Board. The last of the ranchos in San Diego County was Rancho Ex-Mission San Diego del Alcala whose western boundary coincides with the western boundary of the transmission corridor. The Mission, from which the ranch evolved, was established in 1769 and moved to its present site in 1774. The Mission took its name froin the Bay named by Vizca Vizcaino in 1602. Some sources say that Vizcaino eslied it San Diego in honor of St. James, but Stein disagrees with this translation and suggests the transliterated "St. Didacus." One of the most prosperous of California missions, San Diego de Alcala began to suffer reversals of fortune with the Mexican accession to power. With secularization in 1836, the 58,875 acre tract came under a succession of overseers and a few months before the end of Mexican rule it was formally granted to Santiago Arguello. This grant stood even though it was politically protested (Rush 1965). This mission buildings are more than two miles east of the study area and no known structures of historic value are located in the immediate vicinity of the transmission line. 36 L

3.2.3 Early Anglo Period, 1848-1884 The influx of Americans, resulting in the political takeover of southern California by the United States of America, wholly changed the character, fabric, and physical appearance of the area. Changes were not immediate, however, and for over 30 years (1848-1878), present-day San Diego County conditions changed at the rela-tively leisurely pace typical of earlier decades. Two significant innovations manifested )

themselves during the period
1) American citizens' acquisition of Rancho lands; 2) the construction of a railroad through San Diego County.

~ Patenting of lands through the American court system was a long, slow process. It was not uncommon for the patenting process to take 10 tor 15 years, longer

in some instances. The claims for the Pico grants were recognized by the courts in 1855, for instance, but a patent was not granted until 1879. At the Agua Hedionda Rancho, conditions were only slightly more efficient; a patent was granted in 1870, long after Juan Marron's death (Brackett 1951).

The patenting process was uniformly slow througout the area. In practice, the long patenting delay was not particularly confusing because the settler's land rights were considered inviolate unless a court proved it otherwise. At Los Encenitos Rancho, a conformation of grant was approved in late 1852, shortly after American accession, l however a patent was not granted until 1871. A patent was issued to Los PeFasquitos Rancho in 1876, and thee ex-Mission San Diego Rancho did not receive its patent until the same year. Competition over these lands may well have delayed their patenting: Los Pehnsquitos Ranch was contested between Francisco Alvarado and George A. - Johnson, while the ex-Mission San Diego Ranch was disputed betwen Santiago Arguello and the combined interests of Padre Olivia and Josit Antonio Estudillo (Brackett 1951). Railroad construction had significant impacts upon the area's development. Although the area's growth was not immediate, the Southern California Railroad was built north from San Diego (actually National City), and by 1881 was completed to the 37

study area. The original route did not go to Los Angeles, it turned inland at present-day Escondido Junction and followed today's spur line route to Fallbrook. Then the line wound through the tortuous Santa Margarita Canyon to Temecula, reaching San Bernardino in 1884. The connection to Los Angeles was completed within the next three years (WESTEC Services, Inc 1978c). Small stations and section houses were established at intermediate points along the line, but no real town development along the railroad in the North County occurred until the late 1880s. Very little urban development took place during this time. Early records show given populations only for the various ranchos - each rancho was purported to have had a convenient arbitrary population of 25 persons (Rand McNally and Co.1973). Los Encenitos Ranch became a stage station along the Los Angeles-San Diego route, but there was little encroachment for other uses prior to the mid-1880s. Otherwise, growth occurred only at San Luis Rey where a post office was established in late 1861. With cnly a short interruption, this post office has continued to operate to the present day (U.S. Post Office Department n.d.). 3.2.4 Anglo Community Development, 1884-1920 Completion of the Southern California Railroad made coastal San Diego County far more accessible than ever before. The easy accessibility opened the area to thousands of tourists and new residents. The previously natural landscape and the rancho-oriented lifestyle both were doomed by changing land uses, including an increase in agriculture. The easy cecessibility, increased population and changing land uses produced the Great Real Estate Boom of 1886-1888. 'Ihe short-lived economic prosperity largely disappeared cfter the boom, but it had formed the basic urban patterns which predominate today. Successful boom towns whose limits now encroach upon the study area include Oceanside and Carlsbad. The two towns have had parallel histories with 38

Oceanside consistently playing the role of " big brother," growing a little faster, ! starting a bit earlier, and developing more broadly than its neighbor to the south. Oceanside, named for its relation to inland San Luis Rey, began about 1884 as a seaside hamlet. It had an established population prior to the Great Boom of 1886-1888 and, due to massive out-of-state advertising, grew during the boom. Unlike most other southern California communities, it continued to grow after the boom; by 1900 it had a population of 330 and by 1920 Oceanside had over 1150 residents (Rand McNally n.d.). By that time, it was a mercantile and service center, exporting a wide variety of local vegetables through local packing houses. There was also a silica sand plant (Helbron 1936:319). Carlsbad is slightly older than Oceanside; John W. Frazier ' homesteaded in what is present-day central Carlsbad about 1883. Lured to the area by Frazier's recently' excavated and ever flowing well, several small agriculturalists gathered to form the community of Frazier's Well. A resort town was established there during the Great Boom because of the well-known, reputedly healthful qualities of the water. The town was renamed because of the water's supposed similarity to the famed i Well No. 9 at Karlsbad, Bohemia. Carlsbad's population quickly decreased following the Great Boom. Like Oceanside, Carlsbad had an agricultural growth incentive from the late 1910s to 1920s. However, by that time Oceanside had established itself as the

local retail center, effectively preventing Carlsbad from similar expansion and
economic diversity _(WESTEC Services,1978c).

I Early urban growth in the southern portion of the project area vicinity was

much less dramatic, because it is several rolles further inland. Genreally, the transmission route follows a rugged, dry area midway between the two major north-j south transportation corridors in the County, and there was little incentive to start towns in that area. Despite its inaccessiblity, aras near the present corridor route became ripe for speculation during the boom to the 1880s. In the period between 1885 and 1889 (U.S. Post Office Department n.d.), communities such as Merigan (or Sumac),

39 _ - . 2 -_._. _ . _

C San Dieguito, Black Mountain, Lusardi, and Linda Vista sprang into existence; now they are all only memories. Several have been forgotton so completely that no physical evidence is left, and only a few obscure records -promotion circulars, courthouse documents or post office repositories - prove that they ever existed. Merigan (Sumac), adjacent to Olivenhain, had a post office from 1889 to 1891. The San Dieguito post office was begun earlier in 1894 and lasted to 1886. Although it is probable'that the post office existed near or on the site of central Rancho Santa Fe (the land grant Rancho San Dieguito), this connection has not been proven. The town of Black Mountain was a postal entity from 1888 to 1903, and was probably near the head of McGonigle Canyon, but the exact location is unknown. Stein (1975) reports that Black Mountain was the location of California's first gold mine in / 1828, but the mine and town may or may not have been located on the same site. Lusardi, named for Peter Lusardi, an early Italian rancher, was a town that existed from 1889 to 1911 (Stein 1975; U.S. Post Office Department). It was located along present-day Black Mountain Road, about one mile south of Rancho Bernardo Drive. Linda Vista, Spanish for beautiful view, lived and died as an 1880s boom town long before the name was used for a residential subdivision in suburban San Diego. A station stop along the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, Linda Vista was locatred at the top of the grade between Rose and Soledad Canyons (where Miramar Road presently crosses over the tracks). A post office existed at this site between 1886 and 1899. Lacking any further data on these emphemeral communities, there is little evidence to mark their passing. They were probably homesteading-oriented, agri-cultural ventures, and with the exception of Linda Vista, were likely located outside of the immediate vicinity of the project study area. The Linda Vista site is probably more than 200 yards from the study area, assuming that Linda Vista's historic impacts occurred in a compact area near the railroad's main line. 40

The completion of an all-weather road through the area provided more incentive for growth. Wagon roads and trails were abundant into the 20th century, but non-railroad transport was actually little improved over that available to the padres in the 18th century.. Demands began to be made for better roads after 1906, due to the

    ,     availability of the automobile . The first long-distance road between Los Angeles and San Diego was completed in 1909; constructed of dirt and gravel, this surface was replaced with concrete by 1918 to support the general increase in trafffic (McVicar 1971).

3.2.5 Recent HistoricalImpacts,1920 to Present In recent decades, the landscape of many coastal southern California areas has been transformed to the extent that evidence of historic lifestyles and artifacts is scarcely recognizable. Generally speaking, the northern portion of the project study area has experienced very little development, but many changes have occurred south of l the old Santa Margarita y Las Flores grant boundary. Despite the large growth in the

  ;       area, even today the transmission lines go through zones less developed than those to the east or west.

The northern portion of the study area has changed in recent years from pastoral to military; in 1942, the U.S. Navy purchased the entire grant area. Since World War II, the U.S. Marine Corps has occupied the land, and acquired additionalland on the northeastern boundary of the old land grant (Brackett 1951). The population of the base is small, concentrated, and located over a mile from all portions of the transmission line right-of-way (USGS quadrangles). The line travels through generally uninhabited land in the Oceanside-Carlsbad area. Several post-World War II tract areas and the small subsettlement of Oceana are in close proximity to the transmission line; all appear to have been built after the line's construction (ASCS, various dates). Further south the line generally follows present-day El Camino Real Street, but south of State Highway 78, it jogs east to include the f



l. . .

valley wherein the original El Camino Real is thought to have traveled (WESTEC Services 1978c). The land is generally undisturbed and dry; however, swamplands, a cemetary, a golf course and agricultural lands all come near or underneath the right-of-way. The transmission line travels through incorporated areas of both Oceanside and Carlsbad due to large annexations in the late 1950s and mid-1960s, respectively (Burrus 1971). Soutneast of the Encina power generation station, the transmission line passes through lands that are alternately either Carlsbad or unincorporated land. East of El Camino Real, the transmission line passes through the Rancho La Costa area. This development was begun in 1965; and growth has occurred continuously up to the present time. Southeast of the La Costa area, the land near the transmission line is entirely rural and undeveloped except for small areas of sprawling ranch-style houses. South of Lusardi Creek, the line enters an undeveloped incorporated are belonging to the City of San Diego. This area was absorbed into the City in 1962 and 1964 (San Diego City Engineering Records Section) and remains predominantly rural as far south as Carroll Canyon Road. A light-industrial park there signals the beginning of a massive urbanized area. The area south of Carroll Canyon Road has been heavily impacted, but most of the development near the transmission corridor occurred only recently. The line passes through Miramar Naval Air Station, which has been used for military activities since before World War II(when it was Camp Kearny); most early land use impacts took place well to the esat of the present western boundary. The railroad here, of course,is j almost a century old; and El Camino Real(the railroad follows much the same route in I this vicinity) predates the railroad by over a century. But the more expansive, obvious features - the freeways, housing tracts and commercial features - are all nonhistoric, and most have existed only since the 1950s or 1960s. Generally, residential areas close i. 42 l

to Mission Valley are older, but historic artifacts within or near the study are rare or non-existent. Available records indicate that the transmission line was built during the mid-to-late 1950s apparently causing no obvious interference to existing structures. It was not the first long-distance electrical transmission line in the area; Heilbren (1936:201) indicates that an SDG&E line existed across north County as early as 1936. The present line was built to join the Encina power plant which was constructed in 1952, therefore, its earlier route was at least partially rerouted.  ; South of the Encina power plant, the line was also built after 1952, probably between the mid-1950s and early 1960s (ACSC). Uniformly, streets appear to have been patterned around the line. Furthermore, it does not appear that initial transmission line construction damaged significant historical properties, because it was located in generally rural, undeveloped areas. 3.2.6 Origins of Area Place Names Although few structures of historic importance exist within the ?.mmediate ^ vicinity of the transmission line, the large diversity of cultural influences / impacts in the area is evidenced by the historical nomenclature used. Spaniards, Mexicans and Americans have all contributed to the topography of the area. From north to south, place names crossing or close to the right-of-way include: e Foley Canyon, a small canyon on the northwest side of San Onofre Mountain, located about two miles southeast of the San Onofre Station. The derivation of its name, however, remains unknown according to Lou Stein, local place name expert (1975 49). o San Onofre is used as a place name for the nuclear generating station, a coastal bluff, and a high ((1725 ft. above mean sea level (MSL)) mountain in extreme northwestern San Diego County and a long-time Santa Fe Railway stop (northwest of l the generating station). San Onofre is Spanish for Saint Onuphrus, a fourth-century 43

                                            ~ _ _ .           __                -                 --__       . . _ . . _.

Egyptian hermit; records indicate the name was first used in 1828 for a land grant in the area, Santa Margarita y San Onofre, which was administered by nearby Mission San , Juan Capistrano. Like many land grants, it was named for a saint. Brackett (1951) explains,"The ranchero usually named his holdings for the patron saint of his family, or the saint upon whose holy day the grant was made." e Horno Canyon is south of San Onofre Mountain. "Horno" is Spanish for an )

          " oven" or " kiln," but its direct application as a place name is not known. Stein suggests it was named because of the extremely hot temperatures that may exist in the area.

o Piedra de Lumbre Canyon is located immediately northwest of Las Pulgas Canyon on Camp Pendleton. One of several suggested meanings for the Spanish phrase translates it as " fire rock." It is not known why or when the canyon was given this appelation. o Las Pulgas Canyon, largest canyon within Camp Pendleton, is located at the center of the present-day Marine base and is midway between the generating station and the Camp's southern boundary. The name is Spanish for "the fleas." i Unfortunately, fleas were an integral part of everyday life in many southern California areas. When Portola's expedition traveled north from San Diego in July 1769, they stopped at a deserted Indian rancheria which was infested with fleas to the point where the troops became infested and gave the site its name (Gudde 1949). o Aliso Canyon is locrated two miles south of Las Pulgas Canyon. "Aliso"is the Spanish word for alder, although it has also been used for sycamore. The name has , widespread une in California, and considering the predominant tree cover in the area, it is probable that it was named for the common western canyon sycamore, rather than the less frequent white alder (Lacy 1978). e French Canyon is located immediately north of Stuart Mesa, in southern l Camp Pendleton. It is place-named for settlers of French origin. Stein states that it is 44

i now a nickname form, which suggests that the original name may previously have been somewhat less complimentary than at present. I e Fire Mountain is located about two miles due east of central Oceanside. Stein indicates that the mountain (200 ft above MSL), currently occupied by a cemetary, was named because of the red stone outcroppings visible on its slopes. e Buena Vista Creek is the drainage which generally separates Oceanside from Carlsbad. Spanish for " good view," it is a commmon local name; the downstream lagoon and an upstream rancho are also called Buena Vista. Records indicate that the creek may have been named before the rancho; the creek was known as early as the end of the Spanish period (1821), while the land grant was not approved until 1845. Both creek and rancho may have been named for an Indian rancheria in the area (Gudde 1949).. e _ Mount Kelly is a hilltop,347 ft above MSL, immediately east of downtown Carlsbad. In 1870, Robert Kelly took over the ownership of the Rancho Agua Hedionda holdings, and in the 1890s his holdings were divided among his nine nephews and nieces.

Many members of the Kelly family are active in the Carlsbad area today (WESTEC Services,1978c).

s e Evans Point, the highest point in the western portion of Carlsbad, is located a mile east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and generally west-southwest of Rancho Agua Hedionda. It was named in 1908 for Admiral Robley D. Evans who commanded the U.S. Navy's Great White Fleet. The present residence of the Allen Kelly family, it was an earlier generation of Kellys who climbed the hill that year to watch the Fleet during 4 the West Coast portion of its highly publicized tour. The family was so impressed by the passage that they named the hill after Admiral Evans (Howard-Jones 1978; Pickle 1978). e ' Canyon de las Encinas is located along present-day Palomar Airport Road in southern Carlsbad. The name is a Spanish term signifying " canyon of the oaks" (canyon" 45 _ . _ . _ . _ _ , _..~..__ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ,

is an anglicized corruption of the Spanish word "ca7on"). The name, in English, is a common one; its origin in this locale is unknown. e Escondido Creek (Spanish for " hidden") flows under the transmission line east of Olivenhain. The town is named after the creek; specific details concerning its naming are unknown. Stein says that the creek name came from the Anza expedition which camped there and called it "Agua Escondido." e San Dieguito refers to a variety of physical and cultural features in the present-day Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe areas. A corruption of the Spanish term for "Little San Diego," it has been in use since 1778 when it was first applied to an Indian [ancheria. It is used to describe an Indian pueblo, a mexican land grant, an 1880s post office, a river, a valley and the present-day region of San Diego County (Stein 1975). r e La Zanja Canyon is an east-west trending c yon south of Lusardi Creek. A 4 spanish term signifying a ditch or trough, its origin here is unknown. e McGonigle Canyon is located between La Zanja Canyon and the Santa Monica Ridge. It is named for Felix McGonigle an early (1870s) settler and landholder in the district. The canyon had formerly been named Cordero Canyon for two brothers who travelled in the Portola expedition. e Santa Monica Ridge, just south of McGonigle Canyon, is named in honor of Saint Monica, a patron saint. It was probably named during the Spanish or Mexican periods, perhaps because a group of travellers visited there on her feest dPy. Specific data, however, is unavailable. I o Deer Canyon, south of the Santa Monica Ridge, is a very common name of

 - logical origin.

e Carroll Canyon, originating in the Kearny Mesa area, was named in honor of a

 -pioneer settler, Thomas Carroll. He had moved into the area by the early 1890s, and specialized in growing orchard crops (Stein 1975).


_- - - - - -= . - . . . - l e Soledad Canyon, originating on the Miramar Mesa area, was in all likelihood, named after nearby Soledad Mountain, which was named by early Spanish explorers.

    'Soledad is the Spanish word for " solitude," and was a common term for place names

during colonial times (Gudde 1949). e Rose Canyon, located between Soledad and San Clemente Canyons, was named for a prominent citizen of early San Diego. Louis Rose arrived from Texas in 1850 and Roseville, part of Point Loma, was his land development. He was also responsible for denuding Rose Canyon and other nearby areas of trees to provide , firewood for his tannery near the Bay and his illn in Rose Canyon. This was nearly 100 years after Portola's visit to Rose Canyon, which he named Cafon de San Diego. e San Clemente Canyon, situated north of Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, is named because in the early 1870s the canyon was variously used as a vineyard, orchard, and garden with an Indian named Clement in charge of the plantings (Anonymous 1875). e Montgomery Field, a Kearny Mesa airport, was named for John Montgomery, 1 a famous early flier whose many local air shows popularized aviation in San Diego. e Murray Ridge, above Mission Valley and west of I-805, like Murray Canyon but unlike nearby Lake Murray, was named for pioneer John Murray. He and his family homesteaded in Mission Valley when the land was opened for settlement in the 1880s (Stein 1975).

  - 3.3              Record Search Data The San Diego Museum of Man and the San Diego State Unviersity have a l   number of sites recorded within and surrounding the right-of-way which may be impacted by new construction.                          Those sites have been discussed in general in the previous subsections and are located on maps and described further in Attachment 5 of this report.

4 Additional record search data covering the entire length of the proposed San Onofre to Encina 230 KV right-of-way have also been received from the above 47

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l l institutions, as well as from the California State Office of Historic Preervation. Responses to these additional requests and consdieration of these resources in light of 1 the proposed project are also appended to tbis report as Attachment 5. The information obtained through WESTEC Services' record search effort are summarized in the following sub-paragraphs. 3.3.1 ' San Diego State University and San Diego Museum of Man WESTEC Services, Inc. has completed a thorough review of pertinent record data from those institutions and agencies possessing such data. The Society for California Archaeology District 11 Clearinghouse at San Diego State University forwarded a complete record search for the entire San Onofre to Mision right-of-way which is included in Attachment 5 to this report. Similar data were requested from the San Diego Museum of Man and are also contained in Attachment 5. 3.3.2 University of California, Riverside /Los Angeles Data from San Diego State University and San Diego Museum of Man constitute a complete inventory of officially recorded archaeological sites in, or adjacent to, the transmission corridor. Communication with the University of Cali-fornia, Riverside (Kaye White 1978: Personal Communication) and with the University of California, Los Angeles (Martin Rosen 1978: Personal Communication) confirmed the completeness of our inventory. Both of these institutions reported that San Diego State University was the official clearinghouse and that records kept at Riverside and at Los Angeles were incomplete duplicates of the larger, more updated records at San Diego State University. 3.3.3 National Register / California Landmarks The records at the California State Office of Historic Preservation indica-ted that several State Landmarks and National Register sites were located in the gener-al_ vicinity of the corridor. Our review of the data provided in their letter dated August 31,1978 is as follows: 48

e CLS No. 616/ National Register Las Flores Adobe and Las Flores Site a are located approximately one and one-quarter miles west-southwest of the San Onofre to Encina Hub corridor. e CLS No. 784, El Camino Real, is the recorded location of an early road / trail system. Throughout western San Diego County much of this historic road has been incorrectly recorded as following old Highway 101 along the coast. Actually the route was considerably farther inland near the present day El Camino Real between ' Carmel Valley and the San Luis Rey River. At the San Luis Rey River the original El Camino Real continued an inland route past the Mission San Luis Rey, across the high mesas east of Ysidora Basin, in Windmill Canyon, down to the Santa Margarita River near the Home Ranch and then followed a route similar to present-day Basilone Road until it lef t San Diego County. The San Onofre to Mission line is contiguous to old El Camino Real from Buena Vista Creek to the San Luis Rey River clong an approximate four mile stretch. The corridor crosses the probable route of El Camino Real within Carroll Canyon, above Agua Hedionda near Rancho Santa Fe, and above Rose Canyon. o Santa Margarita Ranchouse is located within Camp Pendleton more than two miles northeast of the corridor route. o San Luis Rey Mission Church is situated one mile northeast of the transmission corridor as it crosses the San Luis Rey River. o La Christianita, California Historical Landmark #562, is located several miles north of the generating station. 49 b i

4.0 TECHNIQUES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION 4.1 Field Survey The survey techniques employed in this study conform with the guidelines and requirements of the Society for California Archaeology (King et al.1973) and with those set forth by the National Park Service in their " Guidelines for the Preparation of Statements on EnvironmentalImpact.on Archaeological Resources." On-foot reconnaissance of the transmission line right-of-way during current investigation started in the most northerly aspect of the northenmost section of the project area. Traveling south between the right-of-way boundaries, two 2-person teams transversed each previously unsurveyed segment (in parallel, zig-zag fashion) of the existing right-of-way. As shown in Figures 2-1 through 2-5, these areas included the San l i Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and the existing southeasterly right-of-way to the l San Luis Rey Substation. Beyond the Encina Hub, the current field survey continued south within the subject right-of-way towards Carroll Canyon (Figures 2-5 through 2-10). The survey resumed one-half mile north of Clairemont Mesa Boulevard and continuea to the southeast until termination of the right-of-way within the Mission Substation in San Diego. Existing access roads, areas below existing transmission lines l and towers within the right-of-way were also thoroughly examined during field investigation. Archaeological resources were tentatively marked on survey maps (scale: 1 inch = 2000 feet) and nearby natural f;atures (i.e. trees, tall shrubs) were flagged to facilitate a later field check. All archaeological resources located during the course of the intensive field survey were su%equently field checked. The secondary field-check phase included all previously recorded and newly discovered sites. This included compiling new site record forms or updating previous site information and evaluating the cultural assemblage and I areal extent. All site information has been recorded with the San Diego Museum of i l 50 e , i

 ~     + , - , - - , . , -          ,+    ,    c- - - -,- . - - , ,  ,-r , - - . , - - . , -,,,,,n- - , , --n n--,. ,,v- , - -- , - , , - - - r-n...e     -.-,-s-.w.   ,

Man and San Diego State University, Department of Anthropology. A photographic record was compiled and sketch maps were prepared to include extent of site area, I r general topography, nearby roadways and other identifiable man inade features. Additionally, each of the conductor stringing operation locations (puller and reel) was subsequently field checked to include a reinvestigation of possible cultural resources and evaluation of impact upon any archaeological sites within said locations. 4.2 Photographic Record A photographic record of each site encountered within the study area was compiled. Photographs portray those features or remains comprising the most l l substantial or outstanding aspects of each site, as well as the general setting l l surrounding each resource. 1 Camera equipment employed during this process consisted of a 35mm single lens reflex camera Vivitar. Kodacolor II color print (ASA 100) film was used for the

majority of photographs taken. Photograph record forms were used to document each exposure, and these records (along with the negative) are on file at the WESTEC l Services, Inc. archaeological laboratory. Additionally, a complete set of prints will be
forwarded to SDG&E (Attachment 6).

4.3 Survey Limitations Portions of the subject right-of-way surveyed for the current study are covered oy , dense, drying, ruderal grasses. This flora obscures the surface soils from scrutiny in all l l but the most recently disturbed areas. For' this reason, recently graded access roads, cleared areas around existing power poles, game trails, and other portions of the subject property not blanketed by a dense layer of drying grasses were intensively scrutinized. l l 1 l l l 51 l

 .   . . _ .     . . _ . . _ _ _ . - .      s . . _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .    ., _ _ _ . . . , _ _ _ , _ . , _ _ _ _ . . - , . _ , . - - , _ _ _ _ . . , _ -

l l 5.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION RESULTS l 5.1 Survey Results l f The results of the current intensive archaeological / historical field survey of the f proposed 230 KV transmission line project between the San Onofre and Mission [ l Generating Stations were positive. Four previously recorded archaeological sites, 4 newIy discovered archaeological sites and six artifact isolates were found within the right-of-way boundaries, as shown in Figures 2-1 through 2-10. Additionally, results of two previous field surveys of portions of the same proposed San Onofre to Encina 230 KV right-of-way scheduled to receive construction impacts (WESTEC 1978a; WESTEC 1978b) were also positive: ten s.chaeological sites l l were encountered within or adjacent to the right-of-way boundaries. Five artifact isolates were also noted. Locations of these sites are shown in Figures 2-1 through 2-10. No historic sites were encountered within the proposed San Onofre to Encina 230 l KV transmission line project. l Location and description of all archaeological sites encountered during previots and current field investigations of the project area are detailed in the following subsection and in Table 1. Reference is made to each site's location in relation to the project area, each site's apparent surface extent, and the general condition of each site's resources. Where appropriate, disparities between data obtained through an cxamination of record searches and that which was noted in the course of the field l_ survey are also discussed. 5.2 Description of Archaeological Resources o SDi-4538: Discovered in 1960 by Speegle and Ezell, this La Jollan site is i described as a midden deposition containing an abundance of shellfish remains. One human burial was exposed by a stream cut and a surface collection was performed, l 52

i a r l

Table 1 r

ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ENCOUNTERED DURING FIELD INVESTIGATIONS ! OF THE PROJECT AREA San Onofre San Onofre Current Study to Encina to Mission December 1978 August 1978 October 1978 W-1527 (SDi-5455) W-1806 SDi-4538 W-120 W-1778 W-1833 W-1779 W-185 W-1780 W-281 W-1781 W-1955 W-1782 W-1956 W-1777 W-1957 W-120 W-1958 W-1528 (SDi-5444) Isolate Artifacts (6) Isolate Artifacts (5) 53

although no artifact description was completed. The site is located at the mouth of Horno Canyon just northeast of Interstate 5, within the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base. During the current field investigation the site area was revisited. Several artifacts including a chopping tool and flake were obsetsed as well as shellfish remains consisting of Chione sp. and Pecten sp.. At this time, it was noted that site SDi-4538 was located directly beneath transmission lines that span Horno Canyan smd directly to the southwest of the project right-of-way. The site area has been impacted severely by military construction and maintenance of a road leading into Horno Canyon. Dimensions fcr this resource were incalculable due to the disturbed nature of the area. e W-1833: This site is located on the north side of the San Luis Rey River centered on a small knoll east from a SDG&E power transmission line and immediately adjacent to the right-of-way (Franklin 1978). SDi-5131 (adobe) is one-quarter mile to the southwest. The river drainage is to the south / southeast 100 meters. The artifact assemblage is comprised of manos, chopping tools, Tizon Brown Ware fragments, hammerpounders, some flakes, one metate fragment, historic porcelain and glass. The inventory is not extensive and was not present on the surface in large amounts. Species of shellfish (Chione californiensis) were observed at the base of the knoll on the southwest fringe, with occasional fragmented shell on the knoll itself. The site measures 60 meters northeast to southwest, by 40 meters northwest to southeast. Ruderal grasses obscured the ground, but artifact visibility was nonetheless adequate. Site soil was an expansive clay / loam and was cracked in most areas. There was no obvious soil discoloration indicative of a rich midden. Tk2 presence of old historic glass and porcelain may be linked with SDI-5131, or SDi-5133, but that area of investigation was not pursued at this phase. e W-1527: Discovered in 1977 t'y Richard Norwood, this archaeological site is also recorded with San Diego State University as SDI-5445. It has been described as a 54

light shell scatter covering an extensive area. No other cultural debris were observed, and ground cover (weeds) was described as heavy (Norwood 1977). The site is located north of Mission Road, west of El Camino Real, and east of the Valley Drive-In in The city of Oceanside, California. I During an earlier survey of portions of the proposed San Onofre to Encina l 230 KV transmission line project (WESTEC 1978a),' site W-1527 was revisited and assessed. At that time, it was noted that site W-1527 was located near the 30 foot contour within the natural floodplain of the San Luis Rey River. Although the site did not match the previous configurations recorded by Norwood (1977), extremely thick , ground cover definitely limited complete documentation of the site's surface extent. At the request of SDG&E, WESTEC Services, Inc. implemented an accurate mapping and limited data recovery program for site W-1527, designed to refine record information and better assess potential adverse impacts. Trench excavation resulted in the recovery of historic debris, shellfish remains and limited stone tools and flaking debris examined from each test trench coupled with the site's physical setting within a major floodplain, may indicate that the site is comprised of flood deposited debris. Scrutiny of the horizontal and vertical deposition of these materials, coupled with available data concerning the flooding and disruption of the San Luis Rey River floodplain in 1916 (McGlashaw and Ebert 1918), indicate that nat"ral environmental forces may have deposited these cultural debris rather than deposition by human agency (Carrico 1978). e W-1806: This site was also encountered during an earlier survey of the existing transmission line corridor (WESTEC 1978b) and is situated near the southeast boundary of the San Luis Rey School, some 600 meters southwest of the intersection of Mission Road and El Camino Real. Primarily a shell midden scatter comprised of a variety of shellfish remains (Chione sp., Aquipecten sp., Ostrea sp., Donax sp.) in a t matrix of slightly darkened soils, this resource exhibited only two aritifacts: a single 55

Tizon Brown Ware pot sherd and one quartz flake. Intensive survey in the immediate region of this site suggests that much of what may have been a large, permanent campsite has already been destroyed by construction of the adjacent school and nearby housing. Scattered shellfish remains were observed along both the southeast and northeast perimeters of the school yard, and the area of site concentration appears along what may have previously been a low-lying knoll (60 foot contour) prior to school site construction. Dimensions for this resource were incalculable due to the disturbed nature of the area. e W-1778: Located west of El Camino Real and north of Mesa Drive, site W-1778 occupies a previously disturbed ridgeline near the 200 foot contour (WESTEC 1978b). Sighted immediately within and adjacent to SDG&E's San Luis Rey Subctation, this resource is comprised of stone tools (four hammer-pounders), flaking debris, scattered shellfish remains (Chione sp., Aquipecten sp., Ostrea sp., Donax Fp.) and darkened soils. Dimensions for this resource were calculated as being 40 meters (131 feet) by 30 meters (98 feet), although the site may have been larger prior to the impacts of construction related to Mesa Drive and the substation. e W-1779: Situated on the toe of a west-facing knoll everlooking Loma Alta Creek, site W-1779 occupies soine 1,050 square meters (35 x 30 meters) between the 125 and 150 foot contours. Noted during a previous study (WESTEC 1978b) were thousands of shellfish remains, primarily Donax sp., although at least one clamshell (Saxidomus sp.) was observed. Additionally, fire-cracked rocks were found in several disjunct portions of the site. Site disturbance has occurred, but is not immediately measurable. SDG&E transnnssion lines lie along the site's western boundary, while the most p ominent topographic feature on or near the site (to the east) has been graded flat. o W-1780: This resource was encountered within rand immediately adjacent to tne subject right-of-way on the eastern side of El Camino Real between Oceanside 56

Boulevard and Vista Way (WESTEC 1978b). The two loci identified for site W-1780 are situated between the 200-220 foot contours, and occupy an area some 60 meters (196 feet) by 30 meters (98 feet), and 15 meters (49 feet) by 10 meters (33 feet) in size. Artifacts and cultural debris noted during the course of this study include hammer-pounders, chopping tools, and numerous manos; shellfish remains (Chione sp., Aqui- , pecten sp., Donax sp., and salt water mollusk), fire-cracked rock, and dark, black soils were also observed. Site W-1780 has received intensive disturbance from nearby devF.opment, which has obliterated approximately 0.25 acres of site material. Prior periodic grading associated with SDG&E transmission easement roads has also impacted the site, cutting into as much as one-half meter (depth) of the site's surface. o W-1781: Occupying a ridgeline just above the 100 foot contour, site W-1781 , is situated just inside the northernmost portions of the City of Carlsbad corporate boundary. The site is comprised of two separate areas exhibiting artifact con-centrations, while a thin, scattered layer of cultural debris may be seen connecting the two. Site area has been estimated as 15,000 square meters, measuring 50 meters (164 feet) by 300 meters (984 feet) on a side. Artifacts observed on the surface include two quartz projectile points, one bifacial blade fragment, one domed scraper, felsite flakes, bifacial andunifacial manos (one each), numerous (10+) hammer-pounders, two pot sherds and chopping tools. Faunal remains consist of Chione sp., Aquipecten sp., Ostrea sp., Donax sp., and numerous mammal bone fragments. SDG&E's San Onofre to Mission right-of-way is some 30 meters east of this resource. Previous site disturbances include an earthen water reservoir, a modern house foundation, past agricultural activies, and SDG&E access roads. e W-1782: Discovered within the immediate path of the subject right-of-way on the northern side of Agua Hedionda slough, site W-1782 occupies the toe and south-t 57

T facing slope of a low-lying knoll between the 10 to 60 foot contours (WESTEC 1978b). Observed on the surface were chopping tools, one bifacial mano, flakes, one hammer-i pounder, fire-cracked rock, and shellfish remains (Chione sp., Aquipecten sp) scattes ed f over an area measuring some 80 meters (262 feet) by 50 meters (164 feet)- or 4,000 f square meters in size. Previous adverse impacts to this resource consist of easement roads, transmission poles and towers, and grading (in the northeast portion of the site). 1 Additional impacts created by foot, horse and ORV traffic have also occurred. o W-1777: Overlooking Agua Hedionda slough to the west, site W-1777 l l occupies a low knoll (20-60 foot contours) extending westward from Evans Point to the i east. Previously impacted by the existing SDG&E right-of-way (including the present 1 , subject corridor), agricultural activities, and access roads, the site has been reduced to 2,400 square meters in size, measuring some 40 meters (131 feet) by 60 meters (197 fett) on a side. The site consists of a light shell midden and lithic scatter exhibiting flaku, chopping tools, a scraper, fire-cracked rock, and shellfish remains (Chione sp., l' Aquipecten sp.) and salt walter mollusk (WESTEC 1978b). o W-120: Discovered during the 1920's and recorded by Malcolm Rogers in 1929, the site was described as a highland permanent camp with manos, metates, and fire hearths. Recent survey of this region for San Diego County's Comprehensive Planning Organization identified at least one locus of W-120 on the higher portions of the mesa near the 100 to 160 foot contours (Carrico 1978: personal communication). During the two previous investigations (WESTEC 1978a; WESTEC 1978b), site W-120 was revisited, and a second locus was observed. Located at a lower elevation than the previously described locus, W-120A exhibited flakes, one mano and mano fragment, fire-cracked rocks and shellfish remains (Chione sp., Donax sp.) l 58 i

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scattered across an area measuring some 20 meters (65 feet) by 15 meters (49 feet)in size. l Site W-120 (both loci) is presently being impacted by easement roads, l l wooden transmission poles and steel lattice towers, and a large community of cpparently homeless hispanic-speaking peoples. o W-1955: Newly discovered during the current investigation, this site consists of a large shell midden containing an abundance of Chione sp., Ostrea sp. and Pecten sp. shellfish remains. Several artifacts including a scraper and flake were also observed. The site is located on a ridge one-third mile west of the intersection of El Camino Real and Alga Road and directly under and adjacent to an SDG&E power pole. An unknown amount of the site has been removed by a nearby housing development. Presently the site surface areal extent is given as 2,500 square meters, o W-1956: Within the subject right-of-way, and along the southern slope of Escondido Creek, investigation of a concentration of exposed bedrock revealed the presence of milling surfaces on a single boulder. Two grinding slicks were noted clthough no other artifacts were encountered. Site disturbance is minimal, probably due to existing steep terrain and brush cover. i e W-1957: Directly to the northwest of Del Dios Road and immediately north l cf a large horse ranch, site W-1957 occupies the slope of a small knoll (420 foot ! contour) extending directly beneath an existing transmission line and access road. Previously impacted by the existing SDG&E right-of-way and agricultural activities, the site consists of lithic material scattered within an area measuring approximately 70 meters by 70 meters. The site consists of one bifacial mano, a chopping tool, one pushplane and several flakes. l I l I 59 L

o W-185: Previously recorded by Malcolm Rogers, this site was minimally described as a multi-cultural campsite with scattered mano fragments. Site W-185 was revisited and assessed during the current field survey. Updated site information indicates that the site is located on a small knoll now in a lemon grove near the 220 foot contour immediately north of the San Dieguito River. The site consists of a large, 10,000 meter square, campsite with heavily patinated metavolcanic scrapers, flakes, chopping tools, and hammerstone pounders. Several unifacial manos, various Tizon I Brown Ware sherds and shellfish remains (Pecten sp.) were also noted. The site has obviously been disturbed by clearing and agriculture and a SDG&E tower is located within the site boundaries on the top of the knoll. o W-281: The site is located south of the San Dieguito River and approxi-mately one mile west of the San Dieguito Valley. Record search data indicates that this previously recorded site is located within the western bounda>ies of the subject right-of-way. However, assessment of the site area during current investigation revealed cultural material, including heavily patinated scrapers, flakes and debitage, extending the fulllength of a knoll (10,000 square meters) at the 320 foot contour. Site cultural material was seen within the existing right-of-way, beneath a tower, trans-mission lines and within the access road, and to the east and west of the subject right-of-way. e W-1958: Immediately to the south of site W-281, a newly discovered archaeological site, W-1958, was encountered on a knoll within a 300-320 foot contour. Extending the full length of the knoll for approximately 10,000 square meters, the site i consists of flakes, scrapers and shellfish remains (Chione sp.). The inventory is not Extensive but was scattered over the surface in small amounts. Surface artifacts were i t i 60 l

observed within the SDG&E right-of-way and immediately to the east on the knoll extension. Previous site disturbances include past agricultural activities and SDG&E j access roads. t l e W-1528: Previously recorded by Richard Norwood (1978), record searches 1 describe this resource as a surface scatter of artifacts including two manos, ten flakes and two flaked stone tools within the SDG&E right-of-way and immediately east of the subject right-of-way in a disturbed area north of Carroll Canyon Road. Current and previous (WESTEC 1978b) investigation of this region disclosed ! the resource previously recorded, and located additional cultural debris in the subject right-of-way and immediately to the east and west of an SDG&E access road . Due to periodic grading activities, these newly identified materials are scattered thinly over an i area measucing 35 meters (115 feet) by 125 meters (410 feet) in size (4,375 square i meters). Situated entirely above the 410 foot contour, this portion of site W-1528 consists of assorted felsite and basalt flakes and tool fragments (20+), one small domed scrape", one pushplane, one sidescraper, one hammerstone pounder, a single bifacial

mano, and a limited amount of shellfish remains (Chione sp., Ostraa sp.). Site disturbance in this portion of W-1E28 has been extensive; beyond the grading activities mentioned atnve, site W-1528 is additionally impacted by the subject right-of-way, easement roads, domestic shrubs and trees, a single building, and material refuse.

i e W-114 and W-261: Record search data indicated the presence of two l additional previously recorded archaeological sites, W-114 and W-261, within the

existing right-of-way (Attachment 5). Both archaeological sites are represented in l

record search data by placement on maps of only the site numbers without exact indication of site location. Said representation, along with minimal site description, l l l 61 h

l usually indicates an early recordation of such sites,1920s or 1930s, and only general area location without updated site information. During the course of the current investigation, the locations of sites W-114 and W-261 were rechecked. The previously recorded site location of W-261 was thoroughly scrutinized and no evidence of cultural material was encountered within or immediately adjacent to the existing SDG&E right-of-way. Present field survey as well as recent survey data obtained through the Comprehensive Planning Organization (Carrico 1978: personal communication) also indicates that site W-114 is located approximately one-quarter mile to the northeast of the subject right-of-way. e Isolates: During the course of the previous field investigations of the project right-of-way and during the current field survey, isolated artifacts that appeared to be without direct context with other artifacts or features were noted l (Figures 2-1 through 2-10). The proximity of some isolates to archaeological sites would suggest that prior to as yet undetermined disturbances, these isolates could have been contained within one or another of the archaeclogical sites discussed in the previous subsection. During the current field investigation an isolated chopping tool and four j extremely weathered shell fragments were noted within the subject right-of-way and immediately adjacent to a transmission pole northwest of the San Luis Rey River. No other artifacts were encountered and no archaeological site has been recorded in the vicinity. ' l An isolated mano and several Donax sp. shell were noted along the subject right-of-way north of Mission Road. These materials were most probably associated with site W-1527 (documented in the report for the proposed San Onofre to Encina 230 l KV circuit - WESTEC 1978a) prior to the use of this area for agricultural activities. 62

A single Chione sp. shell was noted on a low-lying knoll 180 meters north of site W-1806 (WESTEC 1978b). This isolate may have been associated with what has already been described as a heavily impacted, and highly disturbed archaeological site. A single basalt scraper was noted immediately south of archaeological site W-1779 an *s probably associated with activities at that site. Two isolates were also noted nea- site W-1781 (WESTEC 1978b); one lying 200 meters northwest, and another situated some 100 meters southeast of the site. These were identified as a basalt hammerstone-pounder and a small domed felsite scraper, respectively. It is highly probable that these isolates were more closely associated to the principal site locus prior to recent intensive disturbance. Approximately one mile south of the Encina Hub, two isolated flakes were 4 encountered directly beneath the power lines within the existing right-of-way. Further south and approximately one-half mile northwest of El Camino Real, a small scatter of shellfish remains were noted on the slopes of a small knoll next to an SDG&E tower. No other artifacts were encountered although a newly recorded archaeological site, W-1955, was discovered nearby. The shell scatter consisted of eight fragments of Chione sp. A single flake was noted within the subject right-of-way on the northern slope of Escondido Creek. The artifact isolate is most likely associated with activities conducted at the newly discovered site, W-1956, located directly opposite on the southern bank of Escondido Creek. Two additional artifact isolates were noted during the current investigation. 4 A metate and a single flake were encountered directly beneath a SDG&E tower within a

 . large pile of rocks collected beneath the tower. Since the surrounding area is presently 63

under cultivation (tomatoes), it is probable that the rocks had been deposited beneath the tower during field clearing. The artifact isolates may represent cultural material displaced from a nearby disturbed site by clearing or plowing. An isolated scraper was also noted immediately south of Othello Avenue within the subject right-of-way. Recent grading and other landform alterations have severely disturbed this location. No other artifacts were recovered and no archaeo-logical site has been recorded in the vicinity. l l l l l l I ( l ! 64 l l

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6.0 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE ANALYSIS AND SIGNIFICANCE 6.1 Resource Analysis The cultural resources present within and adjacent to the proposed San Onofre to Mission 230 KV transmission line project appear representative of a well-developed hunting and gathering group (or groups) exhibiting a limited range of diverse tech-nologies. These resources are herein analyzed in terms of their observable qualities relative to the generalized data base for prehistoric cultures in the San Diego County region. As previously discussed, intensive survey of the project right-of-way revealed the presence of 18 archaeological sites. Food processing, as evidenced by milling technologies, was noted at 55 percent of the sites (W-120, W-1527, W-1780, W-1782, W-1833, W-1528, W-185, W-1956, W-1957 and W-1781), while 77 percent of the sites subjected to study exhibited rather extensive surface scatters of at least four species (or subspecies of salt water shellfish). Stone working, or evidence of sharpening, using, or making stone tools, was observed at every site with the exception of sites W-1779 and SDi-4538 (88 percent). The presence of pottery, as evidenced by fragmentary remains, was noted only at sites W-1527, W-1781, W-185 and W-1833 (22 percent). Prehistoric land use and, therefore, settlement patterns, are dependent upon 4

 . several factors, including lack or presence of natural, exploitable resources, nearness to 4

water, avoidance of areas considered taboo or beyond tribal / band boundaries, and site specific terrain. Generally, one can anticipate finding large shell midden sites within a few miles of the beach / lagoon zone because it is often more expedient in terms of search and preparation time to migrate to a major seasonal food source than it is to transport the resource back to a camp or village located several miles distant. To maximize the quantity and type of exploitable resources, large camps or villages were often situated in locales central to several major resources. Establishment of base 65

camps afforded prehistoric peoples the opportunity to maintain a semi-permanent central base from which they could extensively exploit the varied surrounding resources. A group of people who operate from a semi-permanent base camp often form "a community that spends part of each year wandering and the rest at a settlement of

' central base,' to which it may or may not consistently return in subsequent years" (Beardsley 1950:138). The concept of central based gatherers is probably applicable to the prehistoric peoples who occupied the sites currently under discussion. If this is the case, these archaeological resources may represent small, satellite camps or special use areas that were occupied sporadically as support camps for larger, more permanent camps or villages located nearby. Specifically, the quantity and tyn of artifacts at each site are indices to the type and intensity of human activity conducted there.

6.2 Archaeological Significance In recent years archaeologists, cultural historians and native Americans throughout California generally, and San Diego County specifically, have been forma-lizing previously ill-defined concepts of site significance (Moratto and Kelly 1976:193-201; Lipe 1974:213-45; May 1976; California Legal Services 1977:2-5, 8). This redefinition and clarification of basic premises has led to a more cohesive statement of significance, although several major problems still exist, e.g. the apparent conflict between some native American values and scientific research methods. Any evaluation of significance as it may apply to cultural resources must take into account several considerations. Past criteria for judging significance have often been far too oriented toward saving or salvaging only sites or features which represented the finest, largest or most unique cultural resource. As a result of this

   " Cadillac" approach, cultural resources have frequently been destroyed without regard for their research potential or resource value.


In many areas large Victorian houses and structures indicative only of upper class life have been saved and restored, while at the same time little attention has been focused on preserving elements of middle or lower class life. Similarly, until recently, archaeological sites representing major village complexes, ceremonial sites or obvious occupational areas have been more likely to receive attention than have quarry sites, bedrock grinding stations or temporary campsites (Talmage et al.1977). If this type of highly selective assessment of significance were allowed to continue, future cultural historians would be left with a seriously skewed data base without hope of ever replacing or reconstructing the serious gaps which would exist. In an effort to avoid this self-perpetuated destruction of resources many cultural resource managers, government agencies and field researchers have begun to take a more critical assessment of significance. A recent article by Moratto and Kelly (1976:193-202) has suggested that signifi-cance of cultural resources should be considered in light of historic, scientific, ethnic, public, geographic, monetary and legal significance. Rather than representing indivi-dual approaches to ascertaining significance, use of these criteria are employed as interdependent factors. The following assessment of significance for the cultural resources in the study area uses the system suggested by Moratto and Kelly as well as locallevels of significance. Archaeological sites can be evaluated for significance based on their ability to:(1) better explain or document a specific historic event or movement; (2) further our understanding of native American ethnic values; (3) preserve or maintain native American spiritual values; (4) transmit a feeling of, or a direct link to, the prehistoric past; or (5) represent a particular cultural pattern within a geographic or regional context. The condition or integrity of a site must be considered when assessing signifi-cance. A site that could have many of the attributes noted above may have been 67

severely disturbed to the point that its significance has been either lessened or destroyed. 6.2.1 Explanation or Documentaion of Historic Events or Movements Archaeological sites can be sources of data about a specific historic event or movement if artifacts or cultural debris indicative of that event or movement are present. An example would be excavation of trash dumps associated with the early Anglo-American period, circa 1860. Stratified trash mounds might document the gradual change and historic movement from a largely Hispanic-Mexican economic system to an American-British system, as evidenced by changing ceramic wares and bottles, increase in machine-made goods and decrease in Mexican-made goods. More specifically, a recent surface collection and limited subsurface archaeological test near Rancho Bernardo aided historians in correctly identifying the actual location of General George Kearny's ill-fated battle at Mule Hill (Schreier , 1975:19-22). Prior to Mr. Schreier's investigation, the exact battle location was hotly disputed. Thus, an apparently insignificant scatter of rusted metal and leather pieces became important as a major source of documentation about a significant historic event in early American California. None of the sites in the current study area can be said to represent or document specific historic events or movements. 6.2.2 Native American Ethnic Values An archaeological site or natural feature can provide information about native American ethnic values by substantiating land claims or antiquity of territorial possession. Recent damage suits insituted by native Americans against water districts and the Federal Government have been won or lost partially on the basis of archaeological / anthropological data (Ezell 1961; Ezell and Carrico 1975). In that sense, an archaeological site can be a significant resource as an ethnic' reference point, as proof of prehistoric occupation or as a source of ethnic identity. l l 68 t

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At this stage of research, none of the sites currently under study appear to contain data or resources that could fulfill the above requirements. A majority of the sites are probably not ethnically associated with contemporary native people. Addi-tionally, the site appears to lack the spectrum of data necessary to document ethnic identity. 6.2.3. Native American Spiritual Values Native American spiritual values may make an otherwise seemingly insigni-ficant site highly significant. The presence of sacred crystals, human burials or artifacts associated with religious practices can dramatically increase the threshold of site significance. Thus, spiritual or sacred significance can transcend the physical

  . manifestation of a site. For example, although a site may be severely disturbed to the point that it possesses only minimal scientific value, the presence of human bone or sacred stones must be considered as evidence of significant cultural values.

Archaeological analysis of surface debris indicated a lack of those artifacts s associated with spiritual values. Ethnographic data and consideration of living native Americans would aid in this assessment and will be evaluated if input from native representatives is received.

  = 6.2.4 '      Direct Link or Bond with the Past Large shell middens, bedrock pockmarked with grinding holes, and fragments (sherds) of prehistoric pottery on the surface of a site can constitute a link or bond with the distant past. Adults as well as children can thrill to the experience of holding a 9000 year old stone tool or feeling the 500 year old thumbprint' indentations in a clay fragment. Outdoor museums or sites left in open space can relay a sense of the past not often found in textbooks.

The significance of visually apparent sites is that they afford an opportunity for interested citizens to see, touch and feel a glimmer of the past. Increased urbanization and concomitant destruction of such educationally valuable sites reduces 69 b

the opportunity for the public to v8 tw these sites and thus increases the significance of those that remain. Past impacts, the irregular distribution of surface debris and the absence of I eesthestically or visually appealing features of sites may negate the possibility that these sites as a whole can be seen as direct, tactile links with the past. However, certain features, e.g. bedrock milling complexes, may serve as tactile links although the currounding site is destroyed or badly impaired. 6.2.5 Sites as Sources of Potentially Unique Scientific Data A final measure of significance is the importance of a site in explaining or clarifying regional / geographic archaeological uniqueness. The effects of the southern California coast upon native populations were profound. The availability of fresh l waters, the proximity to easily exploited lagoons, the lushness of the canyons, and temperate climate provided an environmental setting unlike any other. The archaeological sites in the coastal zone and on adjacent plains provide a chance to study intense settlement patterns, the dietary adaptations of prehistoric peoples, the social mechanisms associated with semi-maritime cultures, and the gradual

    . depopulation of the coast. As coastal land becomes more urbanized, coastal archae-clogical sites are lost with little or no data recovery. These resources are truly nonrenewable and sufficiently different to warrant at least minimal scientific testing.

The observed assemblages of cultural debris at sites W-1777 through W-1782 (inclusive), W-120, W-1527, W-1806, W-1833, W-1529, W-185, W-281, W-1955 through W-1958 and SDi-4538 may represent ill-defined, but probably unique and significant cultural resources. The question of significance in relation to archaeological resources can no longer be answered solely in terms of scientific value. The significance of any given archaeological site is multifaceted; consideration of only one of these aspects is wasteful at best. As suggested by Moratto and Kelly (1976:193-202), the significance of archaeological resources should be assessed in several terms, 70 .

including: research value to the scientist; aesthetic, cultural and economic values to the community at large, and; cultural heritage values to present-day native American

       . peoples.

As resources for scientific inquiry, the 18 archaeological resources identi-fled during' the current study may possess information about prehistoric lifeways including diet, seaf.onality, lithic technology, settlement patters, regional dispersal and cultural change. Investigation of these archaeological locales which determines site

     ,    function, provides data relative to inter-site relationships or refines the determination vis-a-vis cultural affinity would be a significant contribution to the prehistory of San Diego County.

i Local native Americans may also view these resources as culturally signifi-cant to further documentation of their rich heritage, although no materials or locations were observed which might immediately be identified as displaying aspects of spiritual, mythological or religious importance. 6.3 ' Nationsl Register Evaluation Archaeological resources in the study area vary from sites apparently possessing little scientific, cultural or aesthetic value, to sites that may be eligible for the National Register. At this time it is not possible to fully assess the archaeological sites in the study area by National Register Criterion (d). In brief, Criterion (d) states that properties may qualify for the National Register if they have yielded or might yield data or information significant to interpreting the prehistory or history of an area. Although each site in the study area can no doubt yield some information, it appears that two sites may warrant National Register status. These two sites are SDi-4538 and W-120. Site SDi-4538 is located within the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base and within the transmission corridor although not in

;       a construction area. Site W-120 is located adjacent to the Encina Hub and south of an area slated for new construction.


I 6.3.1 Site SDi-4538 l Site SDI-4538 as a whole is probably eligible for National Register status. The known presence of portions of at least one human skeleton coupled with the large I areal extent of a midden deposit in an area that has received only limited archaeo-logical investigation is ev!dence that this site may yield important data. Specifically the possibility of Juaneb rather than Luisek cultural affinity may be examined at SDi-

4538, or, if the site proves to be pre-Late Milling, an opportunity to document Early Milling patterns, e.g. Chumash versus La Jolla, may present itself.

The transmission corridor traverses a small, and severely damaged, portion of SDi-4538. Any further assessment or evaluation of SDi-4538 should involve _ the Department of the Interior and the responsible officers within the Marine Corps base

   ' itself. The bulk of the undisturbed portion of SDi-4538 as a whole is well-beyond the study area and removed from SDG&E jurisdiction. As currently proposed, no con-struction or new ground activity will result from the proposed project.

6.3.2 Site W-120 Site W-120 is one of several large archaeological sites situated along the

     -upland terraces of ancient ' Agua Hedionda.        Malcolm Rogers noted that this site contained artifacts from the late San Dieguito culture, the late La Jolla peoples and from the last group to inhabit, San Diego County, the Late Milling peoples (Northern Diegueh?). Test trenching at this site by Malcolm Rogers revealed cultural debris to
    . almost one meter in depth (Rogers n.d.).
                  -In the more than 50 years since Rogers recorded W-120, the two-acre sporadic midden site ha.: oeen relic collected, randomly excavated and criss-crossed with dirt roads. Local relle collectors boast of the quantity and variety of artifacts i

i that they have spirited away from this site. Yet, in spite of all these impacts, the site

   - retains large unmolested areas worthy of future assessment and investigation.

72 l ___

In a soon to be published cultural resource inventory of the Carlsbad region, the Comprehensive Planning Organization (CPO) recommends that W-120 be considered for inclusion to the National Register. That recommendation is based on the extent of l the site, the cultural variation present there, the location of the site on the supposed l " boundary" between Northern Diegueib and D;iselb peoples, and the research potential possessed by the site. Site W-120 was one of 22 from a total of 103 archaeological sites noted in the CPO study area which were recommended for National Register inclusion. 6.4 Summary of Significance All present-day human populations have evolved from pre-historic hunters and gatherers or foragers more similar to the ancient inhabitants of southern California than dissimilar. The basic human needs of food, water and shelter were fulfilled in similar ways along the prehistoric coasts of France, Africa, as well as southern California. Salvage and preservation of significant archaeological resources can

 . provide insights into prehistoric life. To learn about the native peoples of the survey area is to learn more about our own ancient roots.

I t l l l I 73 [

7.0 POTENTIAL ADVERSE IMPACTS . Based on current survey and record search data and preliminary con-i l struction plans, the following impacts may adversely affect known cultural resources within the proposed project area. l 7.1 Direct Adverse Impacts For the purpose of this study, direct impacts are defined as those alteratir.ns in landform or altered land use that are a h=ction of proposed installatan of new wooden structures, replacement of existing wooden structures and the proposed impact zones due to the addition of a circuit to existing towers. All new structures will be constructed within existing rights-of-way and, where possible, adjacent to existing towers. 7.1.1 Historic Resources i With the exception of the adobe ruin near Buena Vista Lagoon, and the recurring presence of El Camino Real mentioned earlier, no sites of historic significanca'or proven National Register status are known within or adjacent to the immediate project area. El Camino Real is recognized as California Historie !' Landmark number 784; the adobe ruin is as yet officially unrecognized. No known historic resources are within proposed impact zones or areas of new construction. 7.1.2 Prehistoric Resources As discussed in Section 1.1, the major areas of new construction for the proposed project and, thus, the areas with the greatest potential for being adversely impacted, are the 0.6 mile segment of the right-of-way just east of the Oceanside Airport, the 5.6 miles between the San Luis Rey Substation and the ! Encina Hub, and the 4.2-mile segment of the right-of-way west of Miramar Naval Air Station (Figures 2-4 through 2-10). These areas contain archaeological sites W-1806, W-1777, W-1778, W-1779, W-1780, W-1781, W-1782, and W-1528 l l 74 l i

(Figures 2-4 through 2-10), which could potentially be adversely impacted by the proposed project. Additional direct adverse impacts may occur during addition of one circuit l-l throughout the existing San Onofre to Mission 230 KV transmission line right-of-way. Where vacant positions currently exist on the lattice towers, the new circuit would be pulled into place using specific conductor (puller and reel) stringing locations (proposed impact zones) as previously discussed in Section 1.1 and shown in Figures 2-1 through 2-10. Archaeological sites W-1778 and W-1528 are also tituated within proposed staging locations and could be adversely impacted by the proposed project (Figures 2-4 and 2-9). The remaining archaeological sites described in this report (W-1527, W-120, l SDi-4538, W-1833, W .185, W-281, W-1955, W-1956, W-1957, and W-1958) will not be adversely impacted by proposed new construction or conductor stringing operation sites. l i i i s 75 l

8.0 MITIGATION MEASURES , Based on curent survey data, record search responses, and preliminary construction plans for those portions of the proposed San Onofre to Mission 230 KV circuit scheduled for new construction, or conductor stringing operation sites, archaeological sites W-1777 through W-1782 (inclusive), W-1528, and W-1806 could be adversely impacted by the proposed project. The areas of new construction for the proposed project are the 1.0-mile


segment of the right-of-ws: east of Oceanside Airport, the 5.6-mile segment between the San Luis Rey River and Encina Hub, and the 4.2-mile segment along i the flight path west of Miramar Naval Air Station. As noted previously (Figures 2-4 through 2-10), these areas contain sites W-1Y77, W-1778, W-1779, W-1780, W-1781, W-1782, W-1528, and W-1806. Mitigation measures proposed by SDG&E to minimize or limit potential adverse impacts to these resources are as follows: Phase I: Controlled, accurate instrument surveys for the locations and I perimeters of these cultural resources within SDG&E's right-of-way will be made, and the data transferred to the appropriate SDG&E project maps (scale: 1" = 200'). Ground cover surrounding these resources ought to be sufficiently scrutinized and cleared to allow more accurate definition of each site's horizontal extent. Such a measure will provide a more accurate assessment with regard to the potential for-direct adverse impacts. Phase II: Based on the results of instrument surveys, SDG&E engineers for the proposed project should assess the possibility of avoiding those archaeological resources proven (by Phase I above) to exist within sensitive portions of the project right-of-way, i.e. within areas scheduled for new transmission towers / poles, j - SDG&E access roads, and construction or winching staging areas. This measure l 76 i

u would allow SDG&E to implement avoidance procedures which might better [ preserve the affected resources and preclude damaging archaeological testing 1


Phase III: For those cultural resources Iceated in portions of the project ! area where avoidance is a viable engineering alternative, SDG&E's project engi-neers will design the project so that no construction will occur within or in the immediate vicinity of those resources, as defined by detailed mapping. Within the _ constraints of viable engineering design, SDG&E would incorporate into the project construction specifications a clause prohibiting any construction activities (in-cluding equipment staging, material storage, and construction of access roads) within or in the immediate vicinity of these archaeological sites. Phase IV: For those cultural resources located in portions of the project where avoidance is not feasible, the results of contacts with appropriate native American representatives will be used to ascertain the existence of any religious or

sacred values associated with those resources. If such values are found, further i discussions would be held to determine an seceptable course of investiga-l tion / mitigation. Alternatives to the general methods described below could include capping to preserve the resource, or the attendance of a nativa American l

representative during any subsurface testing. L The general method of investigation will include surface collection and controlled, limited subsurface testing to assess those resources' subsurface extent. A combination of testing methods, to include mechanical trench!ng (e.g. ditch witch) and hand excavated test pits (i.e.1 x 1 meter square) should be implemented to assess the nature, extent, and condition of any existing subsurface cultural ( deposits. All excavated (mechanical and hand-dug) soil should be passed through Sne-eighth-inch mesh hardware cloth and scrutinized by professional archaeologists to ascertain the presence or absence of subsurface cultural debris. Completion of s 77 l

s the subsurface testing procedures should be followed by a timely report detailing the fieldwork, results, disposition of cultural materials removed from the subsur-face, and necessity for additional testing or other mitigation measures, if appli-cable. , i 78



S The archaeological resources encountered within the San Onofre to Mission 230 KV transmission line right-of-way include some which are unique and signifi-cant cultural remains. The presence of these resources in an area which possesses the possibility for ansviering myriad questions about past lifeways enhances their significance and scientific value. Specific steps have been recommended to mitigate potential direct adverse impacts upon those resources within the right-of-way boundaries which could be affected by scheduled new construction or conductor staging operations. If these recommendations are implemented as noted in Section 8.0, valuable archaeological resources, specifically sites W-1528, W-1777 - through W-1782, and W-1806 will not be lost nor impaired. 4 4 1 6 1 l l l 79

REFERENCES CITED Anonymous I 1875 " San Clemente Canyon." San Diego Union, July 23. Automobile Club of Southern California n.d. . San Diego County Map, issues of 1931,1960,1966,1977. I Beardsley, R.K. 1956 Functional and evolutionary implications of community patterning. In Seminars in Archaeology, Memoir No.11, Society for American Archaeology. Becker, Robert H.

1969 Designs on the land
Diselbs of California ranchos. The Book Club of California, San Francisco.


  • Brackett, R. W.

1951 The history of San Diego County ranchos. Union Title Insurance and Trust Company, San Diego. Bull, Charles 1975 Thesis on file at San Diego State University. I i Burrus, John 1971 Annexations Stir Intercity Rivalry Across County. San Diego Union, August 1. California Legal Services 1977 Recommendations of the Luiselb tribe concerningInterstate 15's archaeological sites. Unpublished manuscript on file with CALTRANS, San Diego. Carrico, Richard L. 1974 Archaeological survey of Highway 76 near Oceanside, California. Unpublished manuscript on file at San Diego State University. 1975 Archaeological investigations at SDi-5130, Oceanside, California. Unpublished manuscript on file at WESTEC Services, Inc., San Diego.- 1976 Archaeological excavation and salvage of Los Compadres: Site W-578. Unpublished manuscript on file with the County of San Diego. 80

19"7 Portola's 1769 expedition and coastal native villages. Journal of California Anthropology 4:31-41. 1978 Mapping and data recovery program at site W-1527, Oceanside, Cali-fornia. Unpublished manuscript on file at WESTEC Services, Inc., San Diego, California. l Crabtree, Robert H., Claude Warren, and D. L. True 1963 Archaeologicalinvestigations at Batiquitos Lagoon, San Diego County, California. University of California Archaeological Survey Report, 1692-1963. Los Angeles.

             -Drover, Christopher 1977 Archceological site forms on file at San Diego State University.

Englehardt, Zephyrin 1920 The San Diego Mission. James Barry Company, San Diego. Ezell, Paul H. I 1961 The Hispanic acculturation of the Gila River Pimas. Memoir Series, No. 90. American Anthropological Association. Ezell, Paul H. and Richard L. Carrico 1975 Plants without water:'Ihe Pima-Maricopa experience. Unpublished document on file at WESTEC Services, Inc. Fages, Pedro 1972 A historical, political and natural description of California. Ballena Press, Ramona, California. Franklin, Randy 1978 Site form on file at San Diego Museum of Man. Geiger, Maynard

          ,          1970 _ Letter of Luis Jayme, O.F.M., San Diego, October 17,1772. Baja Travel Series Number 22. Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles.

l Gross, Timothy 1970 Analysis of mollusc remains from two La Jolla sites. Unpublished manuscript on file at San Diego State University. 81 L

Gudde, Erwin 1949 California placenames. University of California Press, Berkeley. Harding, Mabel 1951 La Jollan Culture. El Museo I(1). San Diego, California. Hayes, Benjamin Ignatius 1929 Pioneer notes from the diaries of Judge Benjamin Hayes, 1849-1875. Los Angeles: Private printing. Heilbron, Carl H. 1936 History of San Diego County. San Diego Press Club, San Diego., Higgins, Terry 1978 Oralinterview by Frank Nctris, December 20-21. Hill, J. N. 1974 The methodological debate in contemporary archaeology: A model. In Models in Archaeology, David L. Clarke (ed.) Methune Ltd., London. Horr, David A. 1974 American Indian ethnohistory: California and Basin-Plateau Indians. Garland Pubishing Company, New York. Howard-Jones, Marje 1978 Oralinterview by Frank Norris, December 21. Hudson, Tom I 1964 Three paths along a river: the heritage of the Valley of San Luis Rey. Southwest Publishers, Palm Desert. Kaldenberg, Russell L. 1973 Archaeological survey for portion of Highway 76, San Diego County, l California. Unpublished manuscript on file at Sart Diego State University. Kaldenberg, Russell L. and Paul H. Ezell 1974 Results of the archaeological mitigation of Great Western sites A and ' C, located on the proposed Rancho Park North Development near Olivenhain, , California. Manuscript in hands of the authors and on file with the San Diego State University, Department of Anthropology. 82 l

King, Thomas F. and Michael Moratto and N. Nelson Leonard 1973 Recommended procede es for archaeologicalimpact evaluation. University of California archaeological survey and Society for California Archaeology. Kroeber, Alfred L. 1970 Handbook of the Indians of California. (3rd edition) California Book Company, Berkeley. Lacy, Stephen 1978 Oral interview by Frank Norris, December 18. Lipe, William 1974 A conservation model for American archaeology. Kiva (39:3/4: 213-45). Iowe, Gary 1978 Oral interview by Frank Norris, December 20.

May, Ronald V.

1973 Archaeological salvage of the Lomas Santa Fe site. Unpublished manuscript on file with San Diego State University, Department of Anthropology. McCown, B.E. 1955 Temeku. Archaeological Survey Association of Soutien California. McGlashaw, H. D., and F. C. Ebert 1918 Southern California Floods of January,1916. California State Water-Supply Paper No. 426, Sacramento. McVicar, Jim 1974 Imperial Gateway Obstinate. San Diego Union, January 8. Meighan, Clement W. 1954 A late complex in southern California prehistory. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 10:215-227. , Merriam, C. Hart 1968 Village names in twelve California mission records, report of the

University of California Archaeological Survey No. 24, Berkeley.

Moratto, Michael and Roger Kelly 1969 Significance in archaeology. Kiva, 41(2):193-202. ( 83

c t l Moriarty, James R. 1969 The San Dieguito complex: suggested environmental and culturel relation , ships. Anthropological Journal of Canada,7(3):1-18. Moriarty, James R., George Shumway, and Claude Warren 1959 Scripps Estates Site I (SDi-525): a preliminary report on an early site on the San Diego coast. University of California Archaeological Survey 1958-1959 Annual Report. pp. 185-216, Los Angeles. Moyer, Cecil 1969 Historic Ranchos of San Diego County. Evening Tribune Publishing Company, San Diego. Norwood, Rick i 1977 Archaeological site forms on file at San Diego Museum of Man. 1978 Site forms on file at San Diego Museum of Man. Palou, Francisco i

'            1926 Historical memoirs of New California. (Volume II), edited by Herbert E. Bolton. University of California Press, Berkeley.

i Pickle, Mildred 1978 Personal communication. Rand McNally and Company 4 n.d. Business Atlas and Shipper's Guide. Rand McNally and Company, Chicago. Rogers, Malcolm n.d. Site forms on file at San Diego Museum of Man. i 1929 The stone art of the San Dieguito Plateau. American Anthropologist, i 31:454-67. Menasha. 1945 An outline of Yuman prehistory. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 1(1):167-198. 1966 Ancient hunters of the far west (ed.) Richard F. Pourade, Copley Press, San Diego. Rosen, Martin 1978 Personal communication. 84

Rush, Philip 1965 Some old ranchos and adobes. Privately printed, San Diego. San Diego City Engineering Records Section n.d. Annexation cards. Microfilm. San Diego Union v.d. Newspaper Index, 1868-1903 and 1930-1975. San Diego Public Library. Schreier, Konrad F., Jr. 1975 Tracking Mule Hill. Council on abandoned military posts,4:19-22. Smith, David D. 19731 Archaeological salvage of the Fox Point Site. Unpublished manuscript on file with the County of San Diego. Shumway, George, Carl L. Hubbs, and James R. Moriarty 1961 Scripps Estate site, San Diego, California. A La Jollan site dated 5460-7370 years before the ;eesent. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 93(3):37-72. Sparkman, Philip Stedman 1908 The culture of the Luiselb Indians. In University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology,8(4):187-234. Stone, Joe 1966 "The Story of a Road; from Portola to Today." San Diego Union, June 19. Strong, William D. 1929 Aboriginal society in southern California. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 26(1):1-358. Stein, Lou 1975 San Diego County Place-names. Tofua Press, San Diego. Tac, Pablo 1958 Indian life and customs at Mission San Luis Rey. Privately published at Old Mission, San Luis Rey, California. 85

Teggart, Frederick J. 1911. The Portola expedition of 1769-1777. Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History, 2:156-169. U.S. Geological Survey n.d. Topographic quadrangles. U.S. Post Office Department n.d. Postmaster appointment registers. Compiled and distributed by Alan Patera,1885 to present. Warren, Claude N. 1954 Archaeological site forms on file at San Diego State University. 1964 Cultural change and continuity on the San Diego coast, unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms,Inc. Warren, Claude N., D. L. True, and A. Eudey 1961 Early gathering complexes of western San Dago County. University of California, Los Angeles Archaeological Survey Annual Report,1960-61, Los Angeles. Welch, Patrick 1977 An archaeological survey of th: Santa Margarita River Valley and adjacent , areas, Camp Pendleton, San Diego County, California. Unpublished manumeript on file at San Diego State University. WESTEC Services, Inc. 1978a Environmental data statement, San Onofre to Encina 230 KV transmission line. Unpbullshed manuscript on file with San Diego Gas & Electric i Company. 1978b Environmental data statement, San Onofre to Mission 230 KB transmission line. Unpublished manuscript on file with San Diego Gas & Electric Company. 1978c Regional historic preservation study: Pilot area survey, Carlsbad area, San Diego County, (Volume I: Cultural resource and assessment). Manuscript on file with the San Diego County Comprehensive Planning Organization. 86

7.'hite, Kaye 1978 Personal communication. Witty, Robert M. 1970 Marines of the Margarita. Copley Press, San Diego. i 87

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Attachment 1 RESUMES

PAUL H. EZELL Senior Archaeologist

  -Ph.D.      Anthropology, University of Arizona at Tucson,1956 M.A.       Anthropology, University of Arizona at Tucson,1939 B.A.       Archaeology, University of Arizona at Tucson, 1937 A.A.       Sacramento Junior College, Sacramento, California, 1935 Experience:

1977 Consultant, WESTEC Services. 1973-1978 Senior Investigator for Cultural Resources Inventory of Camp Pendleton, U.S. Marine Corps Base, California. 1973-1976 Mayor's Sciences Resources Panel, San Diego. 1971 Consultant, Colorado River Indian Tribes Museum excavations in the ruins of La Paz, Arizona. 1971-1975 Director, Applied Archaeological Program, Department of Anthropology and San Diego State University Foundation. 1970-1974 Director, excavation at Bancrof t Ranch House, Spring Valley Historical Society. 1969 Summer excavation in Sweden (Viking cemetery). 1968 Consultant, Peace Corps Training Program. 1966-1968 Visiting lecturer, American Anthropological Association. 1966-1976 Project superintendent, Royal Presidio Excavation Project, San Diego Historical Society. 1964-1965 Visiting anthropologist for Cornell University, Coordinator of the Cornell Andean Research and Development Program in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. 1956 Came to San Diego State College as Assistant Professor of Anthropology, now Professor of Anthropology Emeritus. 1956' Spring and summer, taught part-time, instructor in anthropology la t , then, Arizona State College at Flagstaff, Arizona.

 -1956            Part-time Anthropology, Arizona State College, Flagstaff, Arizona; conducted additional salvage excavations for El Paso Natural Gas Company; archaeological survey, El Paso Natural Gas Company Pipe Line route, Ashfork to Glendale, Arizona.

R-1 L

PAUL H. EZELL Page 2 1955 Archaeological Survey, Southern Pacific Gas Line route across the Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona. 1951 Began working as research anthropologist for the Gila-Pima-Maricopa Indian community. ! -1950 Carried out archaeological survey for the U.S. National Park Service; archaeologist on the El Paso Natural Gas Company Pipe Line through Arizona. 1949 Assistant excavation foreman, University of Arizona Archaeo-logical Field School at Point of Pines, Arizona.

    . 1948              Re-entered the University of Arizona; granted the Ph.D. in
                    . Anthropology, 1956.

1946-1948 U.S. Inmaigration Border Patrol, Ajo, Arizona. 1943-1946 Served in the United States Navy. 1941-1943 U.S. Immigration Border Patrol, El Paso, Texas and Las Cruces, New Mexico. 1941 Field Supervisor, WPA Archaeological Project, Hillsboro, North Carolina. 2 1940 Laborer, Temporary Ranger, and Guide, U.S. National Park Service at Tonto, Walnut Canyon, and Casa Grande National Monuments, Arizona. , 1939 Field Supervisor, WPA Archaeological Project, Pueblo Grande,

     -1938             Assistant excavation foreman, Sul Ross-Peabody Expedition in the Big Bend, Texas.

l Ascociations and Societies: I-L American Anthropological Association (Retired Fellow). American Indian Ethnohistoric Conference.

    - American Society for Conservation Archaeology.

Archaeological Fellowship, San Diego State University (Advisor). 9 l R-2 J

  ,        ,   ..~..--v,              -m-.~~   ,.-, . ..-.~-,..,_._.-,_,-,,...m..,   , , , - ,   ,,,,-w, . - , , ,.   .m-m.r-,vw,--

PAUL H. EZELL < Page 3 Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (Editor, "The Kiva," 1953-1955). [ . Arizona State Museum, Research Associate, 1951-1954. Instituto Indigenista Americano.

     ~ Pacific. Coast Archaeological Society (Advisor).

I San Diego County Archaeological Society (Advisor). San Diego Historical Society. San Diego Museum of Man Association.

     -LSociety for Applied Archaeology (Fellow).

t ' Society for Historical Archaeology. e-Society for American Archaeology. Southwestern Anthropological Association (President 1967-1968). l Society of Professional Archaeologists Honors and Awards: 1976 Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, San Diego State University. 1974 ' President, Society for Californ's Archaeology. 1969 Thord Gray Fellowship in Sweden, American-Scandinavian Foundation. 1968- . President, Southwestern Anthropological Association. 1953 Holiday Fellowship in distory, University of Arizona.

     ~1952         Stillhamar Research Grant,'American Association for the Advancement of Science.

1937 B.A. with distinction. , 1935 A.A. with distinction. Biblicaraphy: 1977 = Evidence for the Use of Mastic in Haf ting Blades in the San Dieguito Complex. The Journal a' ~a lifornia Anthropology (in press). R-3

  .J PAUL H. EZELL Page 4 1976       The Excavation Program at the San Diego Presidio. The Journal of, San g History XXII:    ,

1-20. 1972 (with Noel D. Broadbent) Archaeological Investigations at the Casa de Jose Manual Machado (The Sterart House). Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 4, October, pp. 1-34. 1972 The Archaeological Survey of the Fa11 brook and De Luz Reservoir , Sites, Santa Nkrgarita Project. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 3, July, pp. 27-37. 1970 Background to Battle: Circumstances Relating to Death on the Gila,1857 (as junior author with Greta S. Ezell). In: Troopers West: Military & Indian Affairs on the American Frontier - Ray Brandes (editor). Frontier Heritage Press, San Diego, pp. 168-187, 1970 A chapter from the logbook. The Journal of San Diego History, Fall, pp. 20-24. 1968 The Cocomaricopa Mail. In: Brand Book Number One, pp. 28-34, San Diego Corral of the Westerners. 1965 Magnetic Prospecting in Southern California (with James R. Moriarty, John D. Mudie and Anthony I. Rees). American Antiquity, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 112-113, July. 1963 The Maricopas: An identification from documentary sources. Anthropological Papers, No. 6. University of Arizona Press. , 1963 Is there a Pima-Hohokam continuum? American Antiquity, Vol. 29, ! No. 1, pp. 61-66. Society for American Archaeology. l 1963 Death of a Society (with Henry F. Dobyns and Greta S. Ezell). Ethnohistory, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 105-161. American Ethno-historic Conference. Indiana University. Reprinted in The Emergent Native Americans: A Reader in Culture Contact - Deward E. Walker, Jr. (editor), Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1972, pp. 192-217. 1961 The Hispanic Accultuation of the Gila River Pimas. Memoir Series, No. 90. American Anthropological Association. 1960 What were Nixora? (with Henry F. Dobyns, Alden W. Jones and Greta S. Ezell). Southwestern Journal cg[ Anthropology, Vol. 16, No. 2, Summer, pp. 230-258. University of New Mexico Press. R-4

PAUL H. EZELL Page 5 1959 Sonoran Missionaries in 1670 (with Henry F. Dobyns). New Mexico Historical Review, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, pp. 52-54, January, University of New Mexico Press. 1958 An early geographer of the Southwest: Father Diego Bringas. El,Museo, Vol. 11, No. 2 (n.s.), May, pp. 18-30. San Diego Museum of Man. 1957 Thematic changes in Yuman warfare (with Henry F. Dobyns, Alden W. Jones and Greta S. Ezell). In: Cultural Stability and Cultural Change Proceedings of the 1957 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society, pp. 46-71. 1957 Fray Diego Bringas, a forgotten cartographer of Sonora. Imago Mundi, Vol. XII, pp. 150-158. Mouton & Co., The Hague, The Netherlands. r 1957 The conditions of Hispanic-Pimen contacts on the Pima River. America Indigena, Vol. XVII, No. 2, April, pp. 164-191. Instituto Indigenista Interamericano, Mexico, D.F. 1957 Indians finally get compensation. Editorial, San Diego Union January 26, San Diego. , 1956 Spanish leader visited pueblo. Feature article, Arizona Daily Star, February 23, Tucson. 1956 The Arizona section of the San Juan Pipeline (with Wesley L. Bliss). 11 Pipeline Archaeology, edited by Fred Wendorf, i pp. 81-139. Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe, and Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff. 1955 Research in the archives in Mexico, D.F. (with Greta S. Ezell). Arizona Quarterly, Voi. 11, No. 3, Autumn, pp. 251-258.. f University of Arizona, Tucson. 1955 Indians under the law: Mexico, 1921-1947. America Indigena, Vol. XV, No. 3, July, pp. 199-214. Instituto Indigenista Interamericano, Mexico, D.F. 1955 The archaeological delineation of a cultural boundary in Papgueria. American Antiquity, Vol. 20, No. 4, April, pp. 367-374. Society for American Anthropology. 1955 An artifact of human bone from eastern Arizona (w h Alan P. Olson). Ihe Plateau, Vol. 27, No. 3, January. Mu tum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff. R-5

   - _ - ~ , -. _ _ _ -_ _             _- . _ _ _ _ _     __      --_    _

PAUL H. EZELL Page 6 1954 An archaeological survey in northwestern Papagueria. The Riva, Vol. 19, No. 2. Spring. Arizona Archaeological Society, Tucson. 1937 Shell work of the prehistoric Southwest. The Kiva, Vol. 3, No. 3, December. Ari:ena Archaeological and Historical Society, Tucson. f R-6

4 RICHARD L. CARRICO Historian Manager, Cultural Resources Group M.A. History, San Diego State University, 1976 B.A. Anthropology, San Diego State University, 1975 B.A. History, San Diego State University, 1972 WESTEC Services, Inc., 1973 to present Archaeological and Historical surveys and excavations, 1970 to present WESTEC Services. Inc. Environmental impact investigations and accompanying analyses of residential, commercial and industrial project sites' historical and archaeological ,- resources. Investigations include field investigation, mapping, identifi-cation of cultural artifacts, and laboratory research. Has conducted archaeological / historical surveys throughout southern California. Has served as excavation director for several archaeological salvage projects. Designated qualified historian and archaeologist by San Diego County Environmental Review Board, and Society of Professional Archaeologists. i San Diego State University 4 Dig foreman at Bancroft Ranch House site, 1973-74. Completed archaeo-

logical-historical investigations for San Diego State University Founda-tion in conjunction with private developers, the California Department of Transportation and on behalf of the Pima - Papago and Maricopa Indians.

, Copley International l Completed primary research on a historical survey of the San Diego Santa Fe Depot for an Environmental Impact Report. Palomar Community College Employed as an instructor of Archaeology, 1974-75. i. Me sa Community College Employed as an instructor of Archaeology, 1976 to present. R-7

l 1 i RICHARD L. CARRICO Page 2 Archaeological Investigations (Private) l Served as dig foreman on six San Diego North County sites: W-450, W-459 W-551, W-578, LSF-7, and LSE-2. Over 6,000 hours of excavation experience, survey experience and archaeological research. Publications Journal of San Diego History, " Identification of -Two Burials at the Presidio de San Diego," (Fall 1973). Petroglyph: Newsletter of SDSU Anthropology Department, "The Bancroft Ranch Site," (Fall 1973); " Archaeology as Art," (Winter 1973). Indian Historian, "The Wilderness Concept: An Anglo-Ethnocentric View of Over-Reaction," (at press). San Diego County Archaeological Society Occasional Paper No. 1, "The Bancroft Ranch House: A Preliminary Report," (December 1974).

 ,           Journal of San Diego History, " Review of San Diego Indians as Farmers by Ted Couro," (Fall 1976).

Papers Presented

            - The Impact of the Railroad on Europe, 1848-1860," Phi Alpha Theta Conference, 1972.
             "The American Wilderness: A Study in Ethnocentric Over-Reaction,"

Phi Alpha Theta Conference, 1973.

             "The Bancroft Ranch House: From Kumayaay Village to Anglo Ranch,"

Society for Historical Archaeology Conference, Berkeley, l California, 1974.

             "The Romero Burials at the Presidio de San Diego," Society for Historical Archaeology, Berkeley, California, 1974.
             " Archaeologists and Developers: A Symposium," Society for California j                      Archaeology, San Diego, California, 1976.

l R-8

RICHARD L. CARRICO Page 3 Manuscripts

'                                "The Presidio de San Diego: From Fresh Adobe to Excavated Ruins,"

manuscript on file at the Serra Museum, San Diego Historical Society.

                                 "An Architectural and Historical View of the Presidio de San Diege Chapel," manuscript on file at Serra Museum, San Diego Historical Society.

l Editor of the Archaeological Fellowship of San Diego State University Newsletter and Quarterly Journal, 1973-1974. Awards Old Town Historians: Graduate Award for "An Architectural and Historical View of the Presidio de San Diego Chapel." l 4 Professional Affiliations Society for California Archaeology Society for Historical Archaeology Pacific Coast Archaeological Society San Diego County Archaeological Society Archaeological Fellowship of San Diego State University ! San Diego Historical Society


Pacific Historical Society Spring Valley Historical Society Phi Alpha Theta - Honorary Historical Society 1 i l t l r i R-9

LESLEY C. ECKHARDT Project Archaeologist M.A. Archaeology, University of the Americas, Puebla, Mexico (pending) B.A. Anthropology, University of California, Riverside, 1975 WESTEC Services Inc. ,1977 to present Archaeological and Historical surveys and excavations,1971 to present I I WESTEC Services, Inc. Environmental impact investigations and accompanying analyses of resi-dential, commercial and industrial project sites' historical and archae-ological resources. Investigations include field investigation, mapping, identification of cultural artifacts and laboratory research. Has con-ducted archaeological / historical surveys throughout southern California. Has served as excavation director for several archaeological salvage projects. Designated qualified archaeologist in Field Research by Society of Professional Archaeologists. California Department of Transportation Conducted excavations and analyses for state and federally funded highway j projects. University of California, Riverside d' l Conducted field surveys and excavations for private firms, state and federal agencies and the Archaeological Research Unit of UCR. Was actively involved in organizing and maintaining accurate field records and data banks. t

Riverside County Parks Department Conducted field surveys, excavations and analyses for department projects.

l Bureau of Land Management, Riverside i Conducted field surveys and was actively involved in organizing and main-taining field records and data banks. 3 1 i R-10 4 _ , . . ._ . - . , _ _ , _ . , _ . . m.,_, , _ . _ . , ~ . .,__...,_,_,.-r_..,.__..,__,_.._.___,. .,,-..._,_,--,...,,m.-_-, , , , _

                                            . - _ - . .                 . _ _ = _ . _      . .

LESLEY C. ECKHARDT Page 2 Riverside City Museum Conducted field surveys and analyses for museum projects. University of the Americas, Mexico Served as Assistant Instructor of Archaeology. Also conducted excavations and analyses for University projncts. Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico Conducted extensive field investigation at Cacaxtla, Tlaxcala. Investi-gations included excavation, mapping, identification of cultural artifacts, and laboratory research. Publications Perris Reservoir Archaeology, " Floral Remains," 1973. Papers Presented

  " Discovery of a New Pictograph Site in Rancho Dernardo, San Diego County,"

Annual Museum of Man Rock Art Symposium, 1977. i Manuscripts l Special Studies in " Archaeological Test Excavations in Moosa Canyon," Cali-I fornia Department of Transportation, 1978. Over thirty environmental impact reports, including excavation, field

survey, and analysis material, on file with City and County of San Diego.

t Organizations Society for California Archaeology l San Diego County Archaeological Society l Archaeological Resource Management Society l Spring Valley Historical Society l Society of Professional Archaeologists l l l R-11

                                                                    ~  _.

LESLEY ECKHARDT Page 3 Honors and Awards 1978 Membership Chairperson, Archaeological Resource Management 1976 Graduate Fellowship, Anthropology Department, University of the Americas, Mexico 1970-74 Dean's Honor List: University of Arizona, Tucson; Riverside City College, California; University of Califotaia, Riverside 1966 Valedictorian, Victor Valley High School, California J l l I t i j i l I l l I I R-12 l

Randy L. Franklin Associate Archaeologist Associate in Arts, Palomar Junior College, San Marcos, California,1978 Archaeological Certification, Palomar Junior College. San Marcos, California,1978 WESTEC Services, Inc.,1977 to present WESTEC Services, Inc. As an associate archaeologist, Mr. Franklin investigates environmental impacts related to historical and archaeological resources. As a member of the Cultural Resources Group, his investigations and analyses are related to residential, commercial and industrial project sites. His experience includes field investigations and mapping, in addition to identification of cultural artifacts and laboratory research. He has conducted archaeological / historical surveys throughout San Diego County and has served as excavation field supervisor for several archaeological salvage projects. Organizations San Diego County Archaeological Society Sierra Club Honors and Awards 1976-77 Desn's Honor List: Palomar Junior College, San Marcos, California R-13 i

l The following personnel who served as archaeological aides have, or are in the process of receiving, degrees in fields related to archaeological analysis. These persons are deemed qualified to serve as archaeological surveyors: Cheri Briggs, Sandy Day, Brenda Gelinas, Roxana Phillips, Keith Rhodes, Neil Rhodes, Jay Thesken, and Tom Thurbur. 1 b 1 R-14

Attachment 2 PERSONS CONSULTED l 1

WESTEC Semces. Inc. 3211 Ff.tnhenue San Dego. CA 92103 (714)2 % 9770


78-287E-3584 December 20, 1978 Ms. Rosalie Robertson 1174 Lexington Avenue El Cajon, California 92020 Subj ect : SDGSE Proposed Expansion of San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230 KV Transmission Line

Dear Ms. Robertson:

I would like to bring to your attention the San Diego Gas 6 Electric Company's proposed San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230 KV transmission line expansion. This project is within an existing right-of-way, and will consist of new structure installation plus modification of existing structures. Topo-graphic maps outlining the project's boundaries are enclosed. In our capacity as archaeological consultants, WESTEC Ser-vices, Inc. has been retained to conduct this study. It is our concern that all, or portions, of the property described above may have social significance to present-day native American peoples. Record searches requested from San Diego State Uni-versity and San Diego Museum of Man disclosed twenty previously recorded native American sites within the e:. tire project area. These sites are representative of the technology and cultural heritage of early native American peoples: W-114 (SDi-1016); W-119; W-120; W-121; W-127A (SDi-210); W-137 (SDi-4990); W-139; W-178; W-185; W-261; W-281; W-393; W-696; W 940; W-954; W-1527 (SDi-5445); W-1528 (SDi-5444); W-1632 (SDi-5455); SDi-4538; and GDi-5536. Additionally, it has come to be recognized that cer-tain areas, whether cultural remains are to be found there or not, may have sacred or religious significance to present-day native Americans. Within your jurisdiction as the native American representative the following sixteen sites have been recorded: W-114 (SDi-1016); W-119; W-120; W-121; W-127A (SDi-210); W-178; W-185; W-261; W-281; W-393; W-696; W-940 (SDi-4402); W-054 (SDi-4538); W-1528 (SDi-5444); W-1632 (SDi-5455); and SDi-5536. We are not qualified to address these questions directly, so we would request your advice on the matter. As a representa-tive for Kumeyaay Incorporated, we would appreciate any comments, information or advice you might offer. WESTEC Services, Inc. has conducted a field survey of the power line right-of-way, to evaluate the condition of previously recorded sites and document the presence of any previously PC-1

Ms. Rosalie Robertson December 20, 1978 Page Two unrecorded cultural remains. The Public Utilities Commission, the State Office of Historic Preservation, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission wi.1.1 assess the impact of this proposed development to environnental resources in the region; in part on the basis of our report and any additional public input. h' hen the study is completed, we will be pleased to provile you with a copy of t' e archaeological report for your consideration. Copies of this letter have been sent to Stephen Rios, Patricia Duro, Henry Rodriguez, and Vincent Ibanez. If you have any questions regarding this study or require additional information, please contact the undersigned at 714-294-9770. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Respectfully, f/;

                                                                            .      .. a .;u 2 Richard L. Carrico Manager, Cultural Resources Group RLC/rc Enclosures i.


eESTEC Semces. Inc. 3211 Fdtn Aene Ln Dwo.CA 92103 (714 2 % 9770 78-283E-3584 December 20, 1978 Mr. Henry Rodrique:: P. O. Box 281 Pauma Valley, California 92061 Subj ect : SDG6E Proposed Expansion of San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230 KV Transmission Line

Dear Mr. Rodrigue:

I would like to bring to your attention the San Diego Gas 5 Electric Company's proposed San Onofre to Mission /Encins 230 KV transmission line expansion. This project is within an existing right-of-way, and will consist of new structure in-sta11ation plus modification of existing structures. Topo-graphic maps outlining the project's boundaries are enclosed. In our capacity as archaeological consultants, NESTEC Ser-vices, Inc. has been retained to conduct this study. It is our concern that all, or portions, of the property described above may have social significance to present-day native American peoples. Record searches requested from San Diego State Uni-versity and San Diego Museum of Man disclosed twenty previously recorded native American sites within the entire project area. These sites are representative of the technology and cultural heritage of early native American peoples: W-114 (SDi-1016); W-119; W-120; W-121; W-127A (SDi-210); W-137 (SDi-4990); W-139; W-178; W-185; W-261; W-281; W-393; W-696; W-940; W-954; W-1527 (SDi-5445) ; W-1528 (SDi-5444); W-1632 (SDi-5455); SDi-4538; and SDi-5536. Additionally, it has come to be recognized that cer-tain areas, whether cultural remains are to be found there or not, may have sacred or religious significance to present-day native Americans. Within your jurisdiction as a native American repre-sentative, three sites -- W-137 (SDi-4990), W-139, and W-1527 (SDi-5445) -- have been recorded. We are not qualified to address these questions directly, so we would request your advice on the matter. As a representa-tive for the affected native American people from the San Luis Rey River to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, we would appreciate any comments, information or advice you might offer. WESTEC Services, Inc. has conductc ' a field survey of the power line right-of-way, to evaluate tae condition of previously recorded sites and document the presence of any previously PC-3

Mr. Henry Rodriquez December 20, 1973 Page Two unrecorded cultural remains. The Public Utilities Commission, the State Office of Historic Preservation, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will' assess the impact of this propose'd development to environmental resources in the region; in part on the basis of our report'and any additional public input. When the study is completed, we will be pleased to provide you with a copy of the archaeological report for your consideration. Copies of this letter have been sent to Steve Rios, Vincent Ibanez, Rosalie Robertson, and Patricia Dure. If you have any questions regarding this study or require additional information, please contact the undersigned at 714-294-9770. Thank1you for your assistance in this matter. Respectfully, f

                                                  ' T . 'a
                                                        .  [ ,, .     .

Richard L. Carrico Manager, Cultural Resources Group RLC/rc Enclosures O M [




WESTEC Senneis. inc. 3211 Fr'th Ame San Deco.CA 92103 a14)2%9770 78-286E-3584 December 20, 1978 Mr. Vincent Ibane: Tribc1 Representative Pechanga Reservation P. O. Box 181 Temecula, California 92390


SDG5E Proposed Exapnsion of San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230 KV Transmission Line

Dear Mr. Ibane :

I would like to bring to your attention the San Diego Gas 6 Electric Company's proposed San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230 KV transmission line expansion. This project is within an existing right-of-way, and will consist of new structure in-sta11ation plus modification of existing structures. Topo-graphic maps outlining the project's boundaries are enclosed. In our capacity as archaeological consultants, WESTEC Ser-vices, Inc. has been retained to conduct this study. It is our concern that all, or portions, of the property described above may have social significance to present-day native American peoples. Record searches requested from San Diego State University and San Diego Museum of Man disclosed twenty previously recorded native American sites within the entire proj ect area. These sites are representative of the technology and cultural heritage of early native American peoples: W-114 (SDi-1016); W-119; W-120; W-121; W-127A (SDi-210); W-137 (SDi-4990); W-139; W-178; W-185; W-261; W-281; W-393; W-696; W-940; W-954; W-1527 (SDi-5445); W-1528 (SDi-5444); W-1632 (SDi-5455); SDi-4538; and SDi-5536. Additionally, it has come to be recog-nized that certain areas, whether cultural remains are to be fcund there or not, may have sacred or religions significance to present-day native Americans. Within your jurisdiction as the native American representative, one site -- SDi-4538 -- has been recorded. We are not qualified to address these questions directly, so we would request your advice on the matter. As a representa-tive for the people of Pechanga, we would appreciate any comments, information or advice you might offer. WESTEC Services, Inc. has conducted a field survey of the power line right-of-way, to evaluate the condition of previously recorded sites and document the presence of any previous]y t PC-5


i Mr. Vincent Ibanez December 20, 1978 Page-Two unrecorded cultural remains. The Public Utilities Commission, the State Office of Historic Preservation,'and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will assess the impact of this proposed development to environmental resources in the region; in part on the basis of our report and any additional public input. h' hen the study is completed, we will be pleased to provide you with a copy of the archaeological report for your consid-eration. s Copies of this letter have been sent to Stephen Rios, Patricia Duro, Henry Rodriguez, and Rosalie Robertson. If you have any questions regarding this study or require additional information, please contact the undersigned at 714-294-9770. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Respectfully,

                                            ; % . , .:. .:k -

Richard L. Carrico Manager, Cultural Resources Group RLC/rc-Enclosures R



WESTEC Senoces. Inc bil Frfth AEue ' San Dego.CA 92103' (714)29497[0' 78-285E-3584 December 20, 1978 Ms. Patricia E. Duro Commissioner, Native American Heritage Commission P. O. Box 648 Valley Center, California 92082


SDGSE Proposed Expansion of San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230KV Transmission Line

Dear Ms. Duro:

I would like to bring to your attention the San Diego Gas 6 Electric Company's proposed San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230 KV transmission line expansion. This project is within an existing right-of-way, and will consist of new structure installation plus modification of existing structures. Topo-graphic maps outlining the project's boundaries have been sent to all area representatives. In our capacity as archaeological consultants, WESTEC Ser-vices, Inc. has been retained to conduct this study. It is our concern that all, or portions, of the property described above may have social significance to present-day native American peoples. Record searches requested from San Diego State Uni-versity and San Diego Museum of Man disclosed twenty previously recorded native American sites within the entire project area. These sites are representative of the technology and cultural heritage of early native American peoples: W-114 (SDi-1016); W-119; W-120 ; W-121; W-12 7A (SDi-210) ; W-137 (SDi-4990); W-139; W-178; W-185; W-261; W-281; W-393; W-696; W-940; W-954; W-1527 (SDi-5445); W-1528 (SDi-5444); W-1632 (SDi-5455); SDi-4538; and SDi-5536. Additionally, it has come to be recognized that cer-i tain areas, whether cultural remains are to be found there or not, may have sacred or religious significance to present-day native Americans. We are not qualified to address these questions directly, so we would request your advice on the matter. As a representa-tive for the Native American Heritage Commission, we would appreciate any comments, information or advice you might offer. WESTEC Services, Inc. has conducted a field survey of the power line right-of-way, to evaluate the condition of previously recorded sites and document the presence of any previously un-recorded cultural remains. The Public Utilities Commission, the PC-7

Ms, Patricia E. Duro ' December 20, 1978 Page Two State Office of Historic Preservation, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will assess the impact of this proposed development to environmental resources in the region; in part on the basis of our report and any additional public input. When the study is completed, we will be pleased to provide you with a copy of the archaeological report for your consideration. Copies of this letter have been sent to Stephen Rios, Henry Rodriquez, Vincent Ibanez, and Rosalie Robertson. If you have any questions regarding this study or re-quire additional information, please contact the undersigned at 714-294-9770. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Respectfully,

                                                       %             ~             5  e  .

Richard L. Carrico Manager, Cultural Resources Group RLC/rc PC-8

WESTEC 5Ece~s'inc~ ' 3211 Frf:h Avenue b? "g 03 (714)29197/0__ . . _ . 78-284E-3584 December 20, 1978 Mr. Stephen M. Rios Executive Secretary Native American Heritage Commission 1400 Tenth Street Sacramento, California 95814


SDGSE Proposed Expansion of San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230 KV Transmission Line

Dear Mr. Rios:

I would like to bring to your attention the San Diego Gas 5 Electric Company's proposed San Onofre to Mission / Encina 230 KV transmission line expansion. This project is within an existing right-of-way, and will consist of new structure installation plus modification of existing structures. Topo-graphic maps outlining the project's boundaries have been sent to all area representatives. In our capacity as archaeological consultants, WESTEC Ser-vices, Inc. has been retained to conduct this study. It is our concern that all, or portions, of the property described above may have social significance to present-day native American peoples. Record sear hes requested from San Diego State Uni-versity and San Diego Museum of Man disclosed twenty previously recorded native American sites within the entire project area. These sites are representative of the technology and cultural heritage of early native American peoples: W-114 (SDi-1016); W-119; W-120; W-121; W-127A (SDi-210); W-137 (SDi-4990); W-139; W-178; W-185; W-251; W-281; W-393; W-696; W-940; W-954; W-1527 (SDi-5445); W-1528 (SDi-5444); W-1632 (SDi-5455); SDi-4538; and SDi-5536. Additionally, it has come to be recognized that cer-tain areas, whether cultural remains are to be found there or not, may have sacred or religious significance to present-day native Americans. We are not qualified to address these questions directly, so we would request your advice on the matter. As a representa-tive for the Native American Heritage Commission, we would appreciate any comments, information or advice you might offer. WESTEC Services, Inc. has conducted a field survey of the power line right-of-way, to evaluate the condition of previously recorded sites and document the presence of any previously PC-9

Mr. Stephen M. Rios December 20, 1978 Page Two unrecorded cultural remains. The Public Utilities Commission, the State Office of Historic Preservation, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will assess the impact of this proposed development to environmental resources in the region; in part on the basis of our report and any additional public input. When the study is completed, we will be pleased to provide you with a copy of the archaeological report for your consideration. Copies of this letter have been sent to Patricia Duro, Henry Rodriquez, Vincent Ibanez, and Rosalie Robertson. If you have any questions regarding this study or require additional information, please contact the under-signed at 714-294-9770. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Respectfully,

                                   --~1          .;      -

Richard L. Carrico Manager, Cultural Resources Group RLC/rc PC-10


Attachment CULTURAL HISTORY In the prehistoric past, the area now comprising San Diego County was densely occupied by native American peoples including at least three major cultures. From roughly 12,000 to 8,000 years ago, the San Dieguito people were the sole inhabitors of this region. Beginning about 8,000 years ago and extending to about 3,000 years ago, the La Jolla-Pauma culture was in existence, with the Pauma aspect being present in the inland regions. Commencing about 2,500 years ago and 1,000 years ago respectively, the humeyaay (Diegue50) and Luise5o lived and hunted in the area. A b:oad overview of the three major cultural patterns is provided below. The following cultural history is a means of outlining and briefly describing the known prehistoric cultural traditions. A primary goal of a cultural history is to provide a diachronic or developmental approach to past lif3 ways, settlement patterns and cultural processes. Lacking a synthesis of valid, regionally specific data, we l are forced to fall back on a geographically generalized accepted cultural history which is, at best, ill-defined. As perceived by ! recent scholars, at least three major cultural patterns have operated in San Diego County (Table CH-1) . There is also the possibility that a much older "Early Man" period may have existed in North America, if not San Diego County. CH-1

Table CH-1 CHRONOLOGICAL MODEL FOR SAN DIEGO COUNTY PREHISTORY AND HISTORY CLIMATE TIME CULTURAL SETTING STAGE Medithermal Moderately warm; arid 1876 A.D........... Reservation Period and semi-arid 1850 A.D........... Anglo-European Era 1830 A.D........... Mexican Era 1769 A.D........... Hispanic Era........................ Historic l 1542 A.D...........Spanish Era.........................Protohistoric 4 1000 A.D. . . . . . . . . . . Late Prehis toric cultures. . . . . . . . . . .La t.e Milling i c1 3,000 B.P. . . . . . . . . . .La Jolla Complex te rmination


b3 } Altithermal................. 4,000 B.P. 1

;                                          6,000 B.P...........Los Compadres (W-578) occupied
Arid, warmer than 7,500 B.P. . . . . . . . . . .La Jolla Complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early Milling l present 1

l Anathermal.................. 8,000 B.P. 1 Harris Site (SDi-149) occupied Climate like present 9,500 B.P . . . . . . . . . . . San Dieguito Complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paleo-Indian , but growing warm, l humid and subhumid 4 ! End of Claciations......... 10,000 B.P. 4 21,000 B.P...........Yuha Man............................Early Man i l 4 8,000 B . P. . . . . . . . . . . Del Ma r Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ea rly Man l i l l ) 2

i Recent research and experimentation with amino-acid dating (Bada 1974) has given new life to a decades-old assertion (Carter 1957) that humans were in the New World' and specifica11y'along , Mission Valley and the San Diego River, over 40,000 years ago. Although such a possibility exists, and continuing research seems I to point in that direction, many scholars are unwilling to cate-gorica11y state that hunans occupied the New World before approxi-

mately 30,000 years ago. Continued research in the Arctic region

! and within our own area should help in resolving the date of ini-1 tial New World occupation. A. San Dieguito The oldest well-documented inhabitants of the region were apparently the Paleo-Indian San Dieguito people. Typified as 4 nomadic large-game-hunters, these people occupied the mesas, moun-tains and deserts of San Diego County roughly between 21,000 and 8,000, years ago (Warren 1961:252-253; Rogers 1966:140-148; Ezell t 1974: personal communication). The culture of the San Dieguito people has been divided into three relatively distinct phases representing assumed variations in time and space. Within these three phases exist various " industries" that are geographically , and ecologically based; these are not of' specific concern in this

              ' analysis.        San Dieguito I, the oldest of the known Paleo-Indians in San Diego County, inhabited the desert regions east of the Cuyamaca/ Laguna mountain ranges as long ago as 21,000 years (Childers 1974; Ezell 1974: personal communication).


. . CH-3
   ,w   -

s v -y e - - g o ,,-v---,--w-_-,e- we-~ n-we,- -

                                                                  .,-e v  -    m ~w--,e-eeor ew -- , , w ew ,re-mo v+ , w e w               e,<r=nn---nwe- --v-+*-=-<m--rev-- ~,,-   s .e~n   --

es c

l In general, the ancient hunters of the San Dieguito I phase apparently left little or no permanent record on the land, except i for their scattered lithic tools, waste stone debris and two recently discovered burials in the Yuha Basin-Truckhaven area (Rogers 1939:25-31; Ezell 1974: personal communication; Childers 1974; Wallace 1955:189-191). Broad characteristics of the San Dieguito I people include their manufacture and use of crudely formed stone flakes, blades and scrapers. San Dieguito II is found both in the desert and throughout western San Diego County. Lithic artifacts represented by this phase include more finely worked blades, somewhat smaller and lighter points, and a larger variety of scrapers and choppers. In general, however, the same morphological types remain basically unchanged from the earlier phase. Like their predecessors,-these

people were medium-to-large-game hunters, although foraging must have served to supplement their diet (Warren 1961
262; Moriarty.

1969:1-18), perhaps to a greater extent than most scholars have implied. The terminal San Dieguito phase, San Dieguito III, represents a morphological and typological change, as indicated by an altered I technology. The tool' types become far more varied both in style and in functional design, thus indicating a change in the cultur-

 -ally determined mental templates.        Such alteration in technologi-cal form can be attributed to environmental adaptation and/or a technological " snowball" effect, wherein technological advances and changes thrive and feed on themselves and progressively create
a new technological mode.

L L CH-4

As a result of such technological changes, the tools of the San Dieguito III phase exhibit not only a wider variety of tool types, but also a fundamental refinement in tool manufacture. A primary difference in tool technology is represented by the introduction of pressure-flaked blades and points. Unlike simple percussion flaking, pressure flaking requires a more delicate touch and more finely conceived mental template. The resulting tools exhibit form, complexity and balance not found in the early phases of the San Dieguito people. Other diagnostic traits associated with San Dieguito III include planes, choppers, plano-convex scrapers, crescentic stones, elongated bifacial knives, and intricate leaf-shaped projectile points (Rogers 1939:28-31). Beyond specific tool types and the introduction of pressure flaking, there exists no absolute method of discerning between San Dieguito II and III. Patination, a weathering process involving chemical change on the surface of stones, is a relative guide to antiquity and provides gross dis-tinctions between the San Dieguito phases; however, its use is limited by the many variables which are involved in its applica-

  - tion.

t-B. La Jolla-Pauma By about 7,000 years ago, a new group of peoples had begun to inhabit and exploit the coastal and inland regions of San Diego County (Moriarty 1969:12-13). These people, the La Jolla, were nomadic exploiters of maritime resources (Harding 1951; Moriarty CH-5

et al. 1959:185-216; Wallace 1960:277-306), who also relied on seed gathering and vegetal processing. The La Jolla people may have been entering into the mortar and pestle phase late in the terminal stage of the La Jolla-Pauma transitional period (Warren 1961). The tool types of the La Jolla indicate that these members of what Wallace (1955) terms Early Milling Horizon possessed a far greater reliance on the sea and foraging than their predecessors, the San Dieguito people, although Kaldenberg and Ezell (1974) have excavated at least one San Dieguito site, W-49, which contained a well-defined shell midden. The variety and quality of' lithic tool manufacture is much more basic and unrefined when compared with even the basal phase of the San Dieguito complex. Characteristic traits of the La Jolla culture include fire hearths, shell middens, flexed inhumation, grinding implements, and absence of ceramics. The archetype La Jolla sites are located along the coast near bay or lagoon areas. Several classic La Jolla sites are situated on the terraces above Agua liedionda Lagoon and Batiquitos Lagoon. In recent years, inland La Jolla sites of a seemingly later period have been discovered in transverse valleys and sheltered canyons, including Valley Center (True 1959:225-263; Warren et al. 1961:1-108; Meighan 1954:215-227). These non-coastal sites have led to a new name for La Jolla-type sites with an inland location. True (1959), Warren (1961) and Meighan (1954) had applied the term Pauma Complex to certain inland sites which possess a predominance of grinding implements (especially manos CH-6

and metates), lack of shell, greater tool variety, more sedentary life patterns than expressed by San Dieguito sites, and an in-creased dependence upon gathering. However, it is more probable that these inland sites represent a non-coastal manifestation of Early Milling peoples who adopted or developed a hunting mode more so than their coastal brethren. Wallace (1955:214-230) denotes this late transitional phase as Intermediate, and establishes its position between Early Milling Horizon and Late Milling Horizon. C. Kumeyaay/ Northern Diegueho - Luiseho By 2,000 years ago, Yuman-speaking peoples sharing cultural elements had occupied the Gila / Colorado River drainage (Moriarty 1966). Through gradual westward migration the Yumans drifted into Imperial and San Diego Counties, where they came into contact and apparently acculturated with the remnants of the Early Milling La Jolla cultural tradition (Moriarty 1966, 1965). Because of basic similarities in the late La .Jolla/early Yuman patterns, it is difficult to clearly define the contact period or point between La Jolla/Yuman. Dr. James R. Moriarty (1965,1966) has s.uggested that there existed a pre-ceramic Yuman phase, as evidenced from his work at the Spindrift Site in La Jolla. Based on a limited number of radiometric samoles, Moriarty has concluded that a pre-pottery Yuman phase occupied the San Diego coast 2,000 years ago and that by 1,200 years ago ceramics had diffused from the eastern deserts. CH-7

Although some researchers still follow Malcolm Rogers' belief that Yuman peoples first appeared in San Diego County only 1,000 years ago (Rogers 1945), there is a growing body of data support-ing Moriarty's hypothesis. A recent excavation of a La Jolla/ Kumeyaay site in Sorrento Valley (Carrico 1975) encountered a cultural stratification with a basal date of 3,755 years ago and a terminal date of 2,525 years ago. It is worth noting that the upper stratum (0-10 centimeters) of the dated column contained ceramics and projectile points commonly considered time-markers indicative of Late Milling Kumeyaay. Radiometric dating of a large shell sample from this stratum produced a date of 2,525 70 years B.P. The near absence of ceramics and total lack of pro-jectile points below the 10-centimeter level, within a series of strata that contained a variety of s,eemingly early cultural ma-terial dated at 2,925 70 B.P. (30-40 centimeters) and 3,755 75 B.P. (50-60 centimeters) may indicate that the Rimbach Site is a multi-component, culturally stratified site containing a transi-tion between La Jolla and Yuman circa 2,500 years ago. Whether Yuman peoples moved into the area 2,500, 2,000, or 1,500 years ago, they brought with them a culture heavily influ-enced by their Yuman neighbors in the eastern desert region of California and along the Colorado River. These prehistoric / protohistoric peoples possessed ceramics, operated a closely knit clan system, utilized a highly developed grinding technology, had elaborate and extremely complex kinship patterns, created rock CH-8

art, and carried on extensive trade with the surrounding cultural areas (Rogers 1945:167-198; Kroeber 1970:709-725; Strong 1929). It has also been postulated that the Kumeyaay and their neighbors to the north, the Luise o, may have beer practicing a basic type of protoagriculture prior to Hispanic contact (Lewis 1973; Shipek 1974: personal communication; Treganza 1947). About 1,000 to 1,500 years ago, a group of Shoshonean-speak-ing people migrated out of the Great Basin region and intruded like a wedge into southern California. This wedge separated the Yuman groups and was eventually to cause great cultural variations (Kroeber 1970:278; True 1966). In coastal San Diego County, this group of Shoshonean intruders has been labeled the San Luis Rey I and II Complex (Meighan 1954:215-227). , When the early Hispanic explorers contacted these people, they called them Luisehos, after the Mission San Luis Rey de Francia founded in the heart of Luise50 (San Luis Rey II) territory. Agua Hedionda Lagoon is traditionally considered as the point of separation between Northern Diegueho and Luise5o territory. Although of a different linguistic stock, the Luise5o and th'e Diegue o (after San Diego) shared many cultural traits. D.L. True (1966) has suggested that basic similarities in ecological exploi-tation, environmental setting and temporal placement forced the late-coming and highly nomadic Shoshoneans to adapt to a life style and cultural pattern that was established and functioning upon their arrival. D.L. True outlines certain attributes or CH-9

     ,                 .      - , ~._-       - - ,                         .                   -            -                    . -           - . -

x 4 j traits which he finds as dissimilar between the two cultures. He notes that Luiseio projectile points are more basic than those of the DiegueAo; those of the Luiseho are predominantly made of

              . quartz.      He also notes that ceramics were evidently a late devel-opment of the Luiseho; they probably learned the use of pottery from the Northern Diegueho.                                           True also postulates the Luiseho l              possessed a very small, very closed trade network; that in general f

they were not as world-aware as the DiegueRo, although Luise50 cosmology and religion seem better developed. Luiseho territory encompassed an area from roughly Agua { Hedionda inland to Escondido, east to Lake Henshaw, north into 2 Riverside County, and west through San Juan Capistrano to the coast. The current general study area supported large populations

            ' of Luise50, both in historic and prehistoric times.                                                                                    The Luiseno-
exploited a lush and bountiful environment within their territory through well-adapted seasonal migrations, extensive knowledge of native plant life, establishment of clan-governed districts, and various social control mechanisms. ,

The Luiseho were/are one of the most mystically sensitive and j _ religious peoples of California. Even a cursory analysis of their cosmological' tales, shamanism, world-view, and numerous special-i ized religious ceremonies reveals a deep-rooted, well-conceived, thoughtful approach to life's mysteries (Sparkman 1908:215-227; DuBois 1908; Kroeber 1970). J 4 i CH-10 4 e - ,*-r e +e 1v -w +w--w em~ r -w-#v * + - - - - - - - - - -*vww--%-m---*ve w+w,:.-- -e - - - . w , w e v w e-~*,'-w- - e- re w +-gmen--,=~~ws+-+v---*-y-+--ne---,----*--+-+

D. Protohistoric Period The Hispanic intrusion (1769-1822) into native-American southern California affected the coastal tribes and peoples living in well-traveled river valleys. The Mexican Period (1822-1848) saw continued displacement of the native population by expansion of the land grant program and development of extensive ranchos. The Gold Rush and the concomitant granting of statehood, combined with an influx of aggressive, land-hungry Anglos, caused a rapid displacement of the natives, as well as deterioration of their culture and lifeways (Shipek 1974; Bancroft 1886; Kroeber 1970). The literature on these later peoples, the Kumeyaay, Luiseho, Cahuilla, Cupeho and otherd, is rather extensive and includes Barrows (1900), Bean and Saubel (1972), Caughey (1952), Gifford (1918), Hayes (1929), True (1970), Heizer and Whipple (1957), Hooper (1920), Kroeber (1970), Cuero (1968), Sparkman (1908:87-234), and Strong (1929). CH-11


1974 Racemization of amino acids: a new dating tech-nique. Science, May.

Bancroft, Hubert H. 1886 The History of California: the works of Hubert Hove Hancroft. The History Company, San Francisco. Barrows, David Prescott 1900 Ethnobotany of the Cahuilla Indiane of southern California. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Bean, Lowell John, and Katherine Siva Saubel 1972 Temalpakh: Cahuilla I.ndian knoutedge and usage of plants. Malki Museum Press, Banning, California. Carrico, Richard L. 1975 The archaeological excavation and salvage of the Rimbach Site (W-654). Unpublished manuscript on - - file at County of San Diego. Carter, George F. 1957 Pleistocene man at San Diego. Johns Hopkins Press; Baltimore. .. Caughey, John W. (ed.) 1952 The Indians of southern California in 1852. Hunt-ington Library, San Marino, California. ' Childers, Morlin 1974 The Yuha burial, a paper presented at the Society for California Archaeology annual conference,1974, Riverside. Cuero, Delfina 1968 The autobiography of Delfina Cuero, as told to Florence Shipek. Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles. CH-12


              ,                                                           l l

DuBois, Constance 1908 The religion of the Luiseho Indians. University of Californ.ia Pub'ications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 8:69-186, Berkeley. Ezell, Paul H. 1974 Personal communication, San Diego, California. 1977 Personal communication, San Diego, California. Gifford, Edward W. 1918 Clans and moieties in southern California. Univer-sity of California Publications in American Archae-ology and Ethnology, 14:167-174, Berkeley.

 ' Harding, Mabel 1951      La Jollan Culture. El Museo I (1). San Diego.

Hayes, Benjamin Ignatius 1929 Pioneer notes from the diaries of Judge Benjamin Hayes, 1849-1875. Los Angeles: private printing. Heizer, Robert F., and M.A. Whipple 1957 The California Indians. University of California - Press, Berkeley. Hooper, Lucille 1920 The Cahuilla Indians. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 16:315-380, Berkeley. Kaldenberg, Russell L., and Paul H. Ezell 1974- Results of the archaeological mitigation of Great t Western sites A and C, located on the proposed Rancho Park North Development near Olivenhain, California. . Manuscript in hands of the authors and on file at San Diego State University, Depart-ment of Anthropology. Kroeber, Alfred L. 1970 Handbook of the Indians of California. (3d edt-tion) California Book Company, Berkeley. f CH-13

Lewis, Henry T. 1973 Patterns of Indian burning in California: ecciogy and ethnohistory. Ballena Press, Ramona, Cali-fornia. Meighan, Clement W. 1954 A late complex in southern California prehistory. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 10:215-227. Moriarty, James R. 1965 Cosmogony, rituals and medical practices among the Diegueho Indians of southern California. Anthro-pological Journal of Canada, 3(3):216. 1966 Culture phase divisions suggested by typological change, coordinated with stratigraph'cally con-trolled radiocarbon dating at San Diego. Anthro-pological Journal of Canada, 7(3):1-18. 1969 The San Dieguito complex: suggested environmental and cultural relationship. Anthropological Journal of Canada, 7(3):1-18. Moriarty, James R., George Shumway, and Claude Warren 1959 Scripps Estates Site I (SDi-525): a preliminary report on an early site on the San Diego coast. University of California Archaeological Survey 1956-1959 Annual Report, pp. 185-216, Los Angeles. Rogers, Malcolm 1939 Early lithic industries of the Lower Basin of the Colorado and adjacent desert regions. San Diego Museum Papers, No. 3 (May) . 1945 An outline of Yuman prehistory. Southwestern Jour-nal of Anthropology, 1(1):167-198. 1966 Ancient hunters of the far west, Richard F. Pourade (ed.), Copley Press, San -Diego. Shipek, Florence 1974 Personal communication, San Diego, California. CH-14

Sparkman, Philip Stedman 1908 The culture of the Luise5o Indians. _ University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 20(16):292-358. Strong, William D. 1929 Aboriginal society in southern California. Univer-sity of California Publications in American Archae-ology and Ethnology, 26(1):1-358, Berkeley. Treganza, Adan 1947 Possiblities of an aboriginal practice of agri-culture among the Southern Diegue50. American Antiquity, 12:169-173, Salt Lake City. True, D.L. 1959 An early complex in San Diego County, California. American Antiquity, 23(3):255-264. 1966 Archaeological differentiation of Shoshonean and Yuman speaking groups in-southern California. Un-published doctoral dissertatio'n, University of California _t Los Angeles. - 1970 Investigation of a late prehistoric complex in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, San Diego County, California. Monograph Series of the .trahaeologi-cat Survey, University of California at Los 4 Angeles. Wallace, William J. 1955 A suggested chronology for southern California coastal archaeology. Southwestern Journal for Anthropology, 11:214-230. 1960 Archaeological resources of the Buena Vista watar-shed, San Diego County. University of California, Los Angeles Annual Survey Psport, 1959-60, pp. 277-

      .                            366. Los Angeles.

Warren, Claude N. 1961 The San Dieguito complex and its place in San Diego County prehistory. University of California, Los

                               - Angeles Annual Survey Report, 1960-61, pp. 246-201.

Los Angeles. CH-15

  =7g    y    '&"    -1 '

yrp' T ema- 'V W -gt+-m-,-y----em- ev em-s** w M - w w.+"'s -- gg-eve-- -W-t---

Warren, Claude N., D.L. True, and A. Eudey 1961 Early gathering complexes of western San Diego County. University of California, Los Angeles Archaeological Survey Annual Report, 1960-67, Los Angeles. j I k e 4 4 4

  • g i -


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a W? * 'T* ** ' ' ' - ' ' ' " '


l 1 ETHN0 BOTANICAL DATA The intimate and complex relationship between nativo Ameri-cans and their environment has received renewed attention in recent years. Archaeologists, ethnographers; palynologists, and other scholars have attempted to-gain insights into folk medicine and

vegetal exploitation and preparation, and to understand the inter-relationships between past peoples and their environs. Through ethnographies, histories and personal interviews, a large, although not comprehensive, body of knowledge has been compiled about native-American plant use in southern California.

The reader is referred to a series of works that, taken ] together, comprise a broad ethnobotanical background for San Diego County. Examples include: " Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany " by Ken , Hedges (1967); TemcIpakh, by Lowell John Bean and Katherine Saubel . (1972); The Culture of the LuiseRo Indians, by Philip Sparkman. (1908); The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero (Cuero 1968); Indians of the Oaks, by Melicent Lee (1937); Handbook of the Indians of Cali-

fornia, by Alfred Kroeber (1970); and " Southern Diegueno Customs,"

by Leslie Spier (1923). Although plant life throughout the region has undergone a great deal of change (even during the 200 years since European contact), possible to make general assumptions about past plant communities and their use. Plant species noted near the project' area, and their known use and period of ripening, are noted ED-1

  ~ =       ,  ,-,=%y.   ,,,--ry.--r-   wp--emyy,-----    w  --r-,v-     -wwyv,.p.-,w,g,, --cw,,y- ~---r-,w. v- v--.--w-re.,g.,-w, -y-w.v.- y-,-y,-y.=,w--rr

in Table EB-1. Most native species present in the region today were also present in 1769, as evidenced by historical documentation (, ges 1972:46-47; Palou 1926:110-117; Emory 1848). Thus, recent ethnobotanical studies (Hedges 1967) may be of use back to at least 1769, and probably earlier. The presence of certain plants in the protohistoric period, and verification of their use by Late Milling peoples (circa 2,000 B.P. to 1769 A.D.), offers no assurance that earlier peoples utilized or even knew how to utilize specific plants. Construction of an ethnobotanical model with the hope of stretching inferences back prior to Spanish contact is tenuous, at best. The following discussion should be viewed as possible prehistoric uses of flora within the region. The single most important food source for Late Milling peo- ~ pies was the acorn. Although stands of coast live oak and scrub

   , oak in the general vicinity provide a substantial quantity of acorns, the black oak, growing in the upland mountain regions.
 . was preferred. Acorn collection and processing involves a series of specialized activities, ranging from scheduling (knowledge of when acorns are ripe and easiest to harvest), to shelling, grinding

! and leaching (Bean and Saubel 1972:121-1129; Hedges 1967:4-8; Lee 1937:241; Cuero 1968:30-31). Ethnohistorical and ethnographic data indicate the importance of females in procuring and preparing foodstuffs in aboriginal hunting and gathering societies. One early visitor (Bartlett 1 ED-2

Table EB-1 FIAKT SPECIES NOTED NEAR Tile PROJECT AREA. TilElk ENtMN USE AND FERIOD OF RIPENING FIANT SPEclES SEASONALIT,1 _ Common Name Scientific Name U,se Winter Sprips Summer Fall Willow Sallz sp. Construction -- Chamise A&nostcama fasoioulaisse Construction / Medicinal Scrub Oak Quervus alwmosa Food X Lilac Ceanothus swgavarpus Firewood { Holly-l.eaf Cherry Pruruss ilioifolic Food / Beverage X Toyon #sterrenrlse arbutifolia Food X Sugarbush Rhus osAata FooJ/ Beverage X Cooseberry Ribes quervatoriune Food 8 X l Squaw Bush Rhus trifol=ata Food /Severage X Engelmann Oak 04stuus sugelmannii Food X' l.tve Oak Owavus a.pifolia FooJ X

California Juniper Juniperus californica FooJ/ Medicinal I

] Manzanita Arutostaphylos Adans. Food / Beverage X Jimsonweed Ntura nurteloides slailucinogenic - Miner's Lettuce Mmtia perfoliata Food X Frickly Fear Cactus Opuntia vocidentalis Food X Wild Rose Rosa califomias Food / Beverage X '. White Sage Salvia apiana Food / Spice X j Black Sage Salpia surllifem Food / Spice I Elderberry Sambuous surzimaru Food / Spice X 4 4 J 1 4

e-1854:122) to the village of San Felipe noted: "The women appear to be the chief laborers, the men lounging about the camp most of the day." 1 Moving on to the rancheria of Vallecitos, Bartlett (1854: 125) noted much the same about DiegueHos residing there: "The

              ' laboring or preparing them [the acorns] for food is, like almost all other labor, performed by the women, who were to be seen in front of every hut wielding their heavy stone pestles."

Preparation of acorns requires specialized activities re-quiring technological diversity through the use of certain tools (i.e. hammerstone, mano, pestle) and specific grinding platforms (i.e. metates, mortars, slicks). The presence of all these imple-ments and features within the area is evidence for acorn process-ing and use. Although the nutritional value of acorns varies with species, - size and preparation method, Bean and Saubel (1972:125-126) have noted that acorns are very high in fat content and caloric value, t but contain less protein and carbohydrates than most cereal grains. Seasonal ~ variation in acorn availability, accessibility of alter-nate food sources, and time of the-year determine the' relative t importance of acorns at any given time. White (1963:121) has suggested that acorns comprised almost 50 percent of the LuiseHo diet.

                        .The inhabitants of-the study area would have had access to a wide variety of native fruits that are ethnographical1y recorded as
         . edible. Manzanita and holly-leaf cherry provided a fruit and a i


seed that could be ground into a meal (Hedges 1967:34; Bean and Saubel 1972:41; Cuero 1968:31; Sparkman 1908:194-230). Prickly pear and elderberry were consumed fresh or were dried for ntorage (Hedges 1967:24, 44; Sparkman 1908:195; Bean and Saubel 1972:77, 138; Lee 1937:138-142, 155-156). Toyon berries were eaten fresh or were dried or parched before consumption (Bean and Saubel 1972:77; Sparkman 1908:194). Spanish dagger served as a fruit that was usually roasted prior to being eaten, although sometimes it was eaten raw. Many of the plants comprising the Chaparral community have edible seeds that are easily harvested. Black and white sage seeds and leaves were ground into a meal that was made into mush or used to supplement other foods such as acorns (Sparkman 1908:229; Spier 1923:335; Hedges 1967:31; Lee 1937:63; Bean and Saubel 1972:136- - 138). Besides providing fruit, both prickly pear and Spanish dagger generate seeds that can be used as food (Sparkman 1908:230; Lee 1937:41; Spier 1923 :336) . - The riparian habitats along adjacent streams were a favored exploitation area for greens and native vegetables to supplement the native diet (Cuero 1968:33-34). Bartlett (1854:122) noted that the Dieguenos at San Felipe waded "about the marsh gathering roots

 .and seed..." Many of these greens were eaten raw; others were boiled or dried for later use.        New leaves and tender shoots of white sage were eaten raw; blossoms of Spanish dagger were par-boiled, and prickly pear pads were boiled (Hedget 1967:24, 31; Sparkman 1908:195-196; Lee 1937:126, 243; Spier 1923:336).


      --   yw <                   -w ,y  w-- ,n.    ;-~~-    - -- ,-.,      e    -g-a-   y - vvn==

r Beverages serve an important roie in any diet, as sources of water, sugars, nutrients, and refreshment. Native Americans in the San Diego area soaked manzanita pulp and/or the who'le fruit in , water to produce a beverage (Cuero 1968:31; Bean and Saubel 1972: 40-41). Lemonadeberry was mixed with water to produce a slightly acidic' beverage-(Bean and Saubel 1972:132). Cana was often boiled to produce.a tea that served as a refreshment and a medicinal tonic (Hedges 1967:19; Bean and Saubel 1972:70). Beverages were also made from berries of the sugar bush and basketweed (Bean and Saubel , 1972:132). Many plants that were used as food sources also provided nedicines. White sage, one of the most important curative plants, doubled as a medicine and a purifier (Cuero 1968:50; Hedges 1967: 31; Bean and Saubel 1972:136; Sparkman 1908:1-9). White sage and - California sagebrush were smoked or consumed as a cure for colds. White sage leaves were also used in a sweathouse as a vapor-pro-ducing medicinal (Bean and Saubel 1972:136, 138; Hedges 1967:44; Lee 1937:214, 243). Teas containing medicinal herbs and spices were a common method for treating colds, influenza and respiratory problems. Medicinal teas were made from white sage (Hedges 1967:31), elder-berry blossoms (Bean and Saubel 1972:138), and holly-leaf cherry bark (Bean and Saubel 1972:120). Fevers were cured by drinking tea made from elderberry blossoms (Hedges 1967:44; Bean and Saubel 1972:138; Lee 1937:214, 243). Teas made by boiling buckwheat ED-6

leaves or flowers (Bean and Saubel 1972:72) or manzanita leaves (Bean and Saubel 1972:41) were also used as a treatment for gastric disorders and diarrhea. Washes and antiseptic solutions were made from buckwheat, scrub oak, white sage, mistletoe, and chamise (Hedges 1967:38, 43; Bean and Saubel 19/2:72, 129, 136). Poultices made from boiled cottonwood leaves were used for sprains, sore muscles, minor cuts, and headaches (Hedges 1967:39; Bean and Saubel 1972:106). Construction materials for houses, fiber and thatching came from willows, oak, manzanita, deer weed, and chamise (Bean and Saubel 1972:29-31; Lee 1937:59; Cuero 1968:25; Spier 1923:338). Spanish dagger was the most commonly used source of fiber because of its pliable yet strong nature, plus its resistance to moisture and rotting (Cuero 1968:25, 31; Bean and Saubel 1972:152; Lee 1937:58-60; Spier 1923:338). Firewood was derived from oak timbers and bark (Bean and Saubel 1972:130). Chamise roots were used in roasting pits; chamise branches were tied together to make torches (Bean and Saubel 1972:30). Manzanita served as a major fuel source, espe-cially for indoor use, because of its clean burning (Spier 1923:41, 339). Local floral resources could have provided a viable source of basket or thatching material, including basket weed, bunch or deer grass, willow, and juncus (Merrill 1973:13-16). Storage vessels or granaries were m'ade of scrub oak, chamise and coffeeberry (Cuero ED-7

1968:31; Hedges 1967:13, 38, 40; Bean and Saubel 1972:135; Lee 1937:79-81). Dyes for baskets came from elderberry (Bean and Saubel 1972:138). Soap was derived from a variety of plants, depending upon the season and availability. Spanish dagger root was culturally pre-ferred and usually accessible (Bean and Saubel 1972:151-152; Cuero 1968:33). Sea-blite was another source of natural soap (Cuero 1968:33). In summary, the area in and around the proj ect area could have afforded native Americans a source of foods, medicines, condiments, and construction materials. Although ethnographic data cannot be directly applied to the prehistoric period, it may be inferred that at least some of the above data would apply to the aboriginal people who inhabited the study area. I I ED-8

REFERENCES CITED Bartlett, John R. 1854 Personal narrative of explorations and incidente in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua. D. Appleton and Company, New York. Bean, Lowell John, and Katherine Siva Saubel 1972 Tematpakh: Cahuitta Indian knoutedge and usage of plants. Malki Museum Press, Banning, California. Cuero, Delfina 1968 The autobiography of Delfina Cuero, as told to Florence Shipek. Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles. Emory, W.H. 1848 Notes of a military reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego in California. Senate Executive Document 41, 33rd Congress, 1st Session. Fages, Pedro - 1972 A historical, political and natural description of California. Ballena Press, Ramona, California. Hedges, Ken 1967 Santa Ysabel ethnobotany. Unpublished manuscript on file at San Diego Museum of Man. Kroeber, Alfred L. 1970 Eandbook of the Indians of California. (3rd edition) California Book Company, Berkeley. Lee, Melicent 1937 Indiane of the oaks. Privately published, San Diego. Merrill, Ruth Ear 1 1973 Plante used in basketry by the California Indiana. Ballena Press, Ramona, California. ED-9

O Palou, Francisco 1925 Historical memoire of new California. Herbert E. Bolton (editor), 4 volumes, University of California Press,-Berkeley, 2:116-121. Sparkman, Philip Stedman 1908 The culture of the Luise50 Indians. University of California Publications in American Archaeology , and Ethnology, 8(4):187-234. Spier, Leslie 1923 Southern Diegue50 ctstoms. University of Cali-fornia Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 20(16):292-358.

     ' White, Raymund C.

1965 Luise5o social organizations. University of California Publications in American Arc.haeology and Ethnology, t 8(2) :1-194. t 4


4 ED-10

    - _ - . _ . .      - . L. , _ . _ _ ._ -_-. . . .    . _ _ _ . , _ - _ _ _ _ . . . - _ . . _ _ _ _


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   *RAMENTo PStil dl6) 45-8006 August 31, 1978 Richard L. Carrico Cultural Resource Manager Westec Services, Inc.

1520 State Street San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Carrico:


San Onofre to Mission 230 KV Circuit and San C fre to Encina 230 KV Circuit I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the properties which may be effected by this undertaking. My staff has reviewed our files on properties listed on or determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and properties listed on the California Historic T=nd-rks. The following properties were noted to be in the vicinity of this undertaking and should be addressed in an enviornmental document: State T=nd= *ks

                    #562 La Cristianita
                    #616 Las n ores Asistencia
                    #734 El Camino Real                                            '

National Register of Historic Places Las Flores Adobe Santa Margarita Ranchhouse Ias nores Site San Luis Rey Mission Church l t If I can be of further assistance lease do not hesitate to contact Mr. William Seidel at (916) MS- - Sincerely yours,


Dr. Knox Mellon State Historic Preservation Officer Office of Historic Preservation KMapbp RS-1


  • 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego, Califomia 92101, Telephone (714) 239-2001 y )

REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request: Westec Services, Inc. William Eckhardt Date of Request: 23 August 1978 (I) Letter -( ) Telephone (I) In Person Date Request Received: 12 September 1978 (I) Map Received (X) Map Returned Nue of Project: SDG&E San Onofm to Mission and San Onofre to Encina 'mnsmisnen f'oM dm-Job #3519 ( ) The Museum of Man files show no recorded sites for the project area. KX) The Museum of Man files show the following sites bt)within (I)in the vicinity of

        'the project area.

Site No. W-99 Culture (s): La Jolla I and II; San Dieguito II (trace)


Occupation site; cobble hearths; burials; metates; manos; midden; stone flaking. Recorded by: M. Rogers Site No. F-108 Culture (s): San Dieguito II (trace); la Jolla II; Yuman III


Highland accretion midden; hearths; burial; shertis; bmwn jasper knife; Canalino chalcedony spearpoint; flaking; tools; notates. Recorded by: M.Ror'ers Site No. W-109 Culture (s): San Dieguito II (trace): La Jolla II: Yunan III


Highland winter camp; hearths; shc2t!s; flaking; midden; arrovpoints. Recorded by: M.Rcrem Site No. W-112 Culture (s): Traces of San Dieguito II. La Jolla II and Yunan TTT


Highland accretion midden with scattered camping; cobbic hearths; platfoms; metates; cache of quartz moonstones. Recorded by: n henv. - Site No. U-113 Culture (s) : La Jolla II (


Highland winter camp sites; cobble hearths; mortars; midden. Recorded by: M.Ro; em Site No. W-llh Culture (s): la Jolla II; Yuman III (trace)


Highland vinter canping; ccbble hearths; clatfoms; metates; shell. Recorded by:ED6aam Please note: The project area may contain archaeological resources in addition to those noted above. This report is made from San Diego Museum of Man files only and may not include data pertaining to localities other than those covered in previous Museum of Man surveys or gathered by other institutions or by individuals. R: cord check by: Grace Johnson 25 September 1978 RS-2 D:te: Signed: 4uN v

SAN DIEGO MUSEUM OF MAN 1350 El Prado Balboa Park, San Diego, California 92101 Telepnone (714) 239-2001 Page 2 of 10 _REPCRT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Westec Services, Inc. - Wiulam Eckhardt cour:n of Request: Name cf Project: SDG&E San Onofre to Mission and Encina Transmission Corridor - Job #3519 Sita N . W-115 Culture (s):la Jolla II


Highland winter camping; midden; cobble hearths; flaking; metates. Recorded by: M. Rogers Sito N2.

           ~11b            Culture (s): San Dieguito II; La Jolla II; Yuman III H

Dc[e,I Neh.ighlan s accretion; cobble hearths; platforms; midden; manos; metates; Recorded by:M. Rogers Sita No.W"117 Culture (s):Ia Jolla II; Tuman III (trace) ti DesIri[ge or a N.'ad; Highland camping site; midden; hearth stones, steatite digging weight shell; metates. Recorded by: !!. Rogers Sito No.


Cult 2 -(s): San Dieguito II; La Jolla I (?) and II s ,errace camp site; cobble hearths; burial; Canalino red serpentine S'e,cjy;ipti'I"o pgr ' ratedSlott.ummet stone; obsidian; tools; midden; shell; chart:oal. Recorded by:M. Rogers Sita N3. w"119 Culture (s): San Dieguito II (trace); La Jolla I (?) and II; Yuman III (trace Permanent highland slouch terrace midden; cobble hearths; sweathouse; fr'el,M.Nra"gInents; manos; burial; quartzite digging weight; sherds; flaking and flaked artifacts. Recorded by:1!. Rogers Sita N .


Culture (s): San Dieguito III; La Jolla II; Yuman III


Highland permanent camp site; hearths; midden; metates; manos. Recorded by: If. Rogers Culture (s): San Dieguito II; La Jolla I (?) and II; Yuman III


Sito No.


Slough terrace midden of a perranent type; cobble hearths; burials; Canalino steatite digging weigh; henatite clunmet stone; tools; metates t grinding slabs. Recorded by:P Dngm-Sits No. W-122 Culture (s): San Dieguito II: La Jolin TT


Highland accretion midden; cobble hearths; house pits; burial; metates; manos; tools; flakes. Recorded by:V ongav= Sito N2. W-123 Culture (s): La Jolla I and II: Yuman TTT


Slough margin midden; cobble hearths; crenat, ion; shertis; arrowooints; bow pipe. Recorded by:_M Rof*e RS-3 __

SAN DIEGO MUSEUM OF MAN - 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego, Califomia 92101, Telephone (714) 239-2001 pag, 3 ng- y , REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Sour:e of Request: Westec Services. Tne. - Wnliam Eckhnwit Name of Project: SDO&E San Onofre to Mission and Encina Nmm4 nnion en,,irin, _ .tns s m o Sito No. v 19), Culture (s) : %n m.,ui tn TT (+, ,..) . 7, .tn,,, TT


Highland winter scattered camping; cobble hearths; platforms; midden; burial; sherds. Recorded by: y ung m Sito No. W-125 Culture (s): San Dieguito II: Im Jolla II


Highland camping; hearths; metates; manos; flaking; hammerstones. Recorded by: M.Rogem Sito No. W-126 Culture (s): La Jolla I and IIt San Diern:ito II (trace)


Slough ternce midden; cobble hearths; woriced stone; flakes. Recorded by: M. Rogers W-127 Sito No.W-127A Culture (s): San Dieguito II: Im Jolla II


Slough terrace camping; cobble hearths; midden; tools; flaking; metates; manos; planes. Recorded by: M. Ropers Sito No.W-128 Culture (s): La Jolla I and II Yuman ITT (trace)


Highland accretion midden; cobble hearths; sherds; manos; bedrock metates; hammerstone; scraper. J.Moriarty 197h Recorded by: M.Rocers Sito No.W-129 Culture (s): La Jolla II: Yuman III


Highland camping; cobble hearths; platfoms; steatite perfonted curing slab; shell; sherds; metates. Recorded by: M.Ror'ers , Sito No.W-130 Culture (s): San Dieg'..ito II (trace): La Jolla II i


Slough terrace accretion camping; hearths; midden; metates; manos; steatite artifacts. Recorded by: M.Rocern l Sito No.W-131 Culture (s): San Die;;uito II and III (tsce): La Jolla TT l l


Slough terrace midden; hearthe; bowling stones; metates; bmken hopper-mortar. Recorded by: V.Pocnm i Sito No.U-132, A,B Culture (s): San Dieguito II: La Jolla IIt Yuman III


Slough terrace midden; cobble hearths; burial; sherds; netatesg l hammerstones; cores; choppers; scraper; r.anos; flakes *. E.L.Davia 1%7 boner crescent. Recorded by:M ROFem i RS-4 ._. _


;,                                        1350 El Prado. Belboa Park, San Diego, Califomia 92101, Telephone (714) 239-2001               Page b      of 10 REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RRCORD SEARCH Source of Request: Westec Services. Inc. - William Eckhart!t Name of Project: SDG&E San Onofre to Mission and Encina Transmission Corridor - Job #M19 Sits No.W-133A,B,C,DCulture(s): San Dieguito II (trace); La Jolla II: Yuman TTT (t me.i



Highland accation of scattered occupation; cobble hearths; sweat house; manos; Canalino spearpoint; midden; sherds; metates; M. Rogers flakes; core-hammerstone. Recorded by: E.L. Davis 1967 Sito No.W-13b Culture (s): San Dieguito II; La Jolla I (?) and II Descri tools; ption: metates; Slough grinding nargin midden with a long occupation; cobble hearths; flakes; slabs. Recorded by: M.Rorers Sito No. W-139 Culture (s): San Dieguito II (trace); La Jolla II; Luiseno ?


Highland accretion midden; cobble hearths; Channel Islands artifacts; sherds; arrowpoints; bowling stones; metates; mortars; postle. Recorded by: M. Rogers 5 4 Site No.W-lho Culture (s): Ia Jolla II; Luiseno i


Highland intemittent camping; cobble hearths; midden; sherde. Recorded by: M. Rogers

. Sito No.W-U1 Culture (s)
San Dieguito II (traee); La Jolla II: Luiseno


Slough terrace midden; cobble hesrths; Diegueno perfonted curing stone; she2ds; ring stones; metates; bone; olivella bead; abalone ring. Recorded by: M.RoRers l Sito No.W-% 1B Culture (s):Ia Jolla I and II; Luiseno


Midden; mortar frugments.

                      .. _                                                                                                  Recorded by: M. Rogers n-ou i   Site No.W-150B                                            Culture (s): San Dieguito II and III
  • h*$NhN Efie "NIS$Dhe hr N '
  • 4 Dieguito people.

i Recorded by:M. Rogers Site No.W-173 Culture (s): San Dieguito II and trace of III; Yuman III (trace) D g g tion: Highland car:p of the pemanent type; cobble hearths; flakes; shell; Recorded by:M. Rogers Site No. W-1703 Culture (s): San Dieguito II; La Jolla II; Yuman III (trace) I


Occupation site; shell. Recorded by:M.Ro2ere RS-5

SAN DIEGO MUSEUM OF MAN 1350 El Prado. Balboa Park, San Diego, Califomia 92101, Telephone (714) 239 2001

   ,                                                                                                    Page 1 of 10 REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request: Westec Services. Inc.                   W'111am EckhnMt Name of Project: SID&E San Onofm to Mission and Rncinn =-an,minoi nn c'n .-,-4 a                      n, _ m qqo Sito No. W-177            Culture (s): San Dieguito II; La Jolla II (trace)


Highland intemittent camping; metates; manos. Recorded by: M. Rogers Sita No. w"170 Culture (s): La Jolla II; Yuman III __ D g i ti g , ver terrace camp of probable pemanancy; Obsidian Island armwooint; Recorded by:_M. Rogers Sito No. W-179 Culture (s): San Dieruito II La Jolla TT


Highland camping sitet cobble hearths; midden; shell; metate fragments; manos; hammerstones; cons; flakes /debitage; scrapers. M. Rogers Recorded by: Arn1denham lo75 Sito No. W-181 Culture (s): San Dienuito II and III: La Jolla TT


. Highland accation camp site with scattered occupation; roasting platfoms or sweat-house debris; flaking.

Recorded by: v_pngom Sito No.W-185 Culture (s): San Dieruito IIr La Jolla TT (tmed


Highland scattend camping; mano f2agments. Recorded by: M_pngom Sits No.W186 Culture (s): San Dienuito TT or IITr Yuman TTT


River bottom canp site and workshop; cremation; sherds; arrovocints; , tools; flakes. l Recorded by:y_png,m W-166 l Sito ho.W-188A Culture (s): San Diegnito II and trace of TTIr La .Tolla TT (+ m,. A . v,, ,ni-l


Highland accation camp site; hearths; midden; shertis; manos; blades; flaking. L188A has location noted only with no data filed. Recorded by:RDn7nm l Sito No.W-191 Culture (s): San Dieguito II


Highland intemittent camping with scattemd occupation. [ Recorded by: M _ pny nm j W197 l Sita No.W-197A Culture (s): San Dieguito II: La Jolla TTr % m TTT l


Highland intemittent camping; hearths; sherds; metates; nanos; middens. l Recorded by:P Dnram L .

l SAN DIEGO MUSEUM OF MAN 1350 El Prado Balboa Park. San Diego, Califomis 92101, TelaaNne (714) 239-2001 Page 6 of 1 l REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Sourc2 of Request: Westec Services, Inc. William Eckhardt l Name gf Project: SDG&E San Onofre to Mission and Encina Transm4 =nion envririne . inh #w1o Sits N3. W-198 Culture (s): San Dieanito TT nnri TTT. Ta .Tn11m TT. h ,n TTT


Camps and quarry; cobble hearths; chert blade and arrowpoint; flakes; midden; tools; milling slabs; sherds; planes; scrspem; M.Rogen cores. San Dieguito type site with full range of Recorded by: v t. nov4. loAo artifacts. Sito N3. W-261 Culture (s): San Dieruito II


Camp site. Recorded by: M.Rocern Sito No. W-279 Culture (s): San Dieguito II: Ia Jolla TTr Yuman (tmee)


Plateau periodic camp site; house pit; cobble hearths; hand choppers; sherds; metates; manos. 1 Recorded by: u_ung,v  ; W-281 ' Sito No. W 281A Culture (s): San Dieruito IT: La Jolla TI


Camp sites; notates; manos; flaking. Recorded by: v_png,w Sita N3. W 282 Culture (s): La Jolla TTe Yunan TTT


Interrtittent ca. ping; ~ sherds; cobble hearths; metates; manos; choppers; flaking; bedrock metates and mortars; arrowpoints; shell. Recorded by: M _Pnt,, wn Sits Na. F-386 Culture (s): Not known l


Discovery she of quartz blade fragment. l Reported by: Recorded by: ?fm _ A _ MMr bil 1969 Culture (s): Diegueno l Sita No. F-392


Bedrock metates. Recorded by:R.ClaWe lo70 Sito No. F-393 Culture (s): Diegueno l


None I Recorded by: P_c1n w n lo7n ! Sito No. W-h67 Culture (s): Sen Dier uito II and ITTr La Jolin TT e Ynmn TTT l l


Midden; burial; pottery; choppers; blado. l Recorded by:"."nnnnn1r4 lo72 i RS- 7

,                  1350 El Prado Balboa Park, San Diego, Califomia 92101. Telephone (714) 239-2001 Page      7 of 10 REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Sourca of Request: Westec Services, Inc.                   William Eckhanit Name cf Project: SDG&E San Onofre to Mission and Encina Transmission CorH dov . Jnh #141o Sito No. W-h68           Culture (s): Not noted


Scatter of shell, cobble flake tools and manos; scrapers; planes; flakes. Recorded by: n_May 1o79 Sita No. W-558 Culture (s): Yuman III


Tizon bmwnware pottery fragments; scrapers; flakes. Recorded by: J Pn, t a v+y l o7h Sita No. v-577 Culture (s): San Dieguitor La Jolla Luiseno: Kumevaave Amerienn agH en1+-ural


Seasonal camp site and a food pmcessing ama; pottery; blades; pushplanes. As of Dec.197h the site no longer exists in any fom. Recorded by: M.rnlaanham 197h Sito No. W-59h Culture (s): Kumeyaay (?)


Grinding reported of this site originally station. Subsequent by Byzdynski surveys inthis areafailed to reveal any trace and filed by Kaldenberg. not to exist in the Thereported site, as originally location.moorted. aneggys Recorded by: R hldanbar 1975 Sito N2. W-597 Culture (s): San Dieguito (?)


Tool scatter; scraper-coms. Recorded by: M rnla.nhe7 1973 Sito N).W-601 Culture (s): Ia Jolla


Shell midden; manos; tools; flakes. Recorded by: n vinte 10 rh i Sito No.U-613 Culture (s): San Dieguito


Quarry site; lithic scatter; tool blanks; hearths; scrapers; flakes; cores; hammerstones; debitage, R.May 1975 Recorded by: D W1dankam 1075 Sito No.W-61b Culture (s): San Dieguito II and III


Canp site and food processing ama with flaking; scrapers; pushplanes. Recorded by: unnnoy love Sita N3.W-917 Culture (.:): San Dieguito (?)


Quarry site; scatter of flakes, cores, and tools; hanrierstones; debitage; scrapers; blades. Recorded by:D Yaldanka m 1076 RS-8

SAN DIEGO MUSEUM OF MAN 1350 El Prado. Balboa Park, San Diego Califomia 92101. Telephone (714) 239 2001 Page 8 of 10 REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Sourcs of Request: Westec Services, Inc. - William Eckhartit Nam 2 of Project: SDS&E San Onofn to Mission and Encina Tmnnebminn enM ane .Tnk #W10 Sita No.W-918 Culture (s): Not noted


Shell and flake scatter; manos; debitage; themal fractured mek. Recorded by: R.Kaldenberg 1976 Sits Na,W-919 Culture (s): San Dieguito (7); La Jolla


Shell and artifact scatter; midden; cores; flakes; scrapers. Recorded by: R.Kaldenberg 1976 Sito Ns.W-9h1 Culture (s): Not noted


Shell and flake scatter. Recorded by: R.Kaldenbem 1975 Sito No.W-9b2 Culture (s): Not noted


Shell and flake scatter; ceramics; metate; cores; hammerstones; scrapers; pushplane. Recorded by: R.Kaldenbem 1975 Sito No.W-9h7 Culture (s): Historic


Ruins of the Encinitas Adobe. Recorded by:R.Kaldenberg 1975 Sito No.W-950 Culture (s): unknwn


Canp site; shell and finke scatter; choppers; hamerstones; cores; debitage. Recorded by:R.Kaldenberc 1975 Sito No.W-951 Culture (s): Unknown


Camp site; midden; shell; flakes /debitage; manos; metate fragments; hammerstones; cores; scrapers; themal fractund mek. Recorded by:R.Kaldenben 1975 Sito No.Y-971 Culture (s): Non-diagnostic


Shell and lithic scatter; flakes; thema11y fractured rocks. I Recorded by: R.Kaldenbew 1976 Sito No.W-970 Culture (s): La Jolla


Lithic scatter; shell; hamerstone; cores; flakes; metate fragnent; mano fragments; pushplane; thema11y fractured rocks. Recorded by: R.Kaldenber Ic76 RS-9


;,                   1350 El Prado Balboa Park, San Diego, Califomia 92101, Telephone (714) 239-2001               Page 9            of g REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request:          Westec Services. Inc.                William Eckhardt Name of Project: SDC&E San Onorm to Mission and Encina T an ,ri n. inn en,.,4,4,,                                    _ .tns y,gl o Sits No. W-101             Culture (s): Not noted


Lithic scatter; tools; flakes; mano. Recorded by: J.Kinney 1976 Sito No. W-1035 Culture (s): Not noted


Flaking station; cores. Recorded by: J.Kinney 1976 Sits No. W-1036 Culture (s): Not noted . Descriptior: Lithic scatter; possible hearths; flakes; tools; core. Recorded by: J.Ki iney 1976 Sits No. -1038 Culture (s): Not noted ,


111111ng station; bedrock mortars and grinding slicks; manos; pestle. Recorded by: .T _ r4 nna r l o?< Sito No.W-1172 Culture (s): Unknown


Camp site; shell; hearths; cores; flakes /debitage. Recorded by: C.n n17 1977 Sita No.W-1306 Culture (s): Blade and Con _


Burnt and broken rock; hearths; cores; tools; choppers. l Recorded by:,wn 11 1c77 Sito No.W-1322 Culture (s): Ear]y Man Horizon l


Lithic sen+.ter; tools; corcs; flakes. Recorded by: _G cn 1r 1077 Sita No.W-1 15 Culture (s): Late Prehistorie l


Discovery cite of cloud blower pipe. Recorded by: LWn n 1c77 Sits No.W-1356 Culture (s): Prehistorie i Ducription: Shell; flakes; mano fragments. j Recorded by:U.tekhardt 1977 RS-10 . __ ._ . . _ __ . , _ __ _ _ _ -_____ ___. __ ~ _ -_ __ _ ._ .

SAN DIEGO MLISEUM OF MAN - 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego, Cavfomta 92101, Telephons (714) 239-2001 Page 10 of 10 REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FILES RECORD 3EARCH Sourca cf Request: Westec Services, Inc. William Eckhardt

Name cf Project
SDC&E San Onofm to Mission and Encina Transmission Corridor - Job #3519 L Sita N2. W-1359 Culture (s): Prehistoric


Artifact scatter; flakes; manos; shell. Recorded by:W.Eckhardt 1977 Sito Ns._W-1303 Culture (s): Early Man


Recorded by: B. Reeves 1977 Sito No.W-lh30 Culture (s): Early Milling ___


Cultan1 debris; flakes; debitage; scraper. Recorded by: L.McCoy 1977 Sito No.W-lh39A,B,C Culture (s): Early Milling; H_ storic De5:rition:W-1 39b consistsW lh39AW-lL390 ofa single flake. consists consists of a adobe min and flakes, debitage and scraper of a single projectile point. Recorded by: L.McCoy 1977

 @ito N3.W-lbbhB         Cultare(s): Not noted


Chopping tools. Recorded by:L.McCoy 1977 ito N3.W-lhh5B,C Culture (s): Not noted Descri tion:W-lhh5B consists of two utilized flakes. W-lhh5C consists of a single l projec$ile point. Recorded by:L.McCoy 1977 Dito N3.W-1500 Culture (s): Unknwn l


Bedrock grinding slicks. 1 Recorded by:S.Berryman lo77 ita N2.II-lb71 Culture (s):


Site mapped only. Site data has not been received. Recorded by:0.Stickel 1979 hito No. IT-17h1A,B Culture (s): La Jolla; Late Prehistoric j


Iocus A has flaked etone and pottery. Locus B has concentrations of rock, i Possibly not cultural. Recorded by: K. Hedges 1978 _ RS-11

3EPARMI IT OF ANTHROPOIDGY San Diego State University

                        .                         San Die o, CA 92182
                                                     . (714 286-6300 REPORT g ARCHAEDIDGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request WESTEC                                                                 ~

(x) Letter ( Date cf RequestAugust 23. 1978 ) Telephone ( ) In Person Data Request Received August 25. 1978 (x)MapReceived (x)MapRe_ turned Na:ne cf Project SDG&E San Onofre to Mission & San Onnfre to hina Tranamission Corrider 3519 ( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded sita for the project area. ( I) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( I) within (I)in the vicinity of the project area. Site No. SDI-147 Culture (s): Recorded by Trezanza.' no site description.


Sits No. SDI-148 Culture (s): Recorded by Treganza, no site description.


Site No. SDI-150 Cultu: e(s): Unknown



150 yartis in diameteri possibly 1 foot in depth, " arrowheads, metates, manos, and a possible stone hand tool". (Smart,1949) Sita No. SDI-209 Culture (s): Recorded by Treganza, no site description.


' Sito No. SDI-210                   Culture (s):       Rec'orded by Treganza, no site description.


i Sits No. SDI-213 Culture (s): Recorded by Treganza, no site description.


i Nots: This report includes only that infomation availabis from the San Diego State University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our fitas cannot be taken as assurance of the absence i of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any auttural renains are encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should be notified. Reccrd check by './_ b h kwD.tih . Data [ r 5 -

                              '1 4GA Nd                        s snee       IsW'1
                                                                                          ,     A&

a RS-12 ( . .

                        -             3EPARD(Dl? OF ANTHROPOIOGY San Diego State University
                     ,                     San Diego, CA 92182                              ps6e 2
. (714) 286-6300 REPORT g ARCHAIDIDGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEAROH l Scurce of Request -

Date cf Request ( ) Letter ( ) Telephone ( ) In Person Date R: quest Received ( ) Map Received ( )MapReturned Name cf Project  ! '( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. j( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( ) within ( ) in the vicinity of the project area. ~ Site No. SDI-316 Culture (s): Unknown


Approx.100 ft. in diameter,1 stone bowl and 1 acrapei plane, test pit yielded very few artifacts. (Warren,1958)' i Sita No. SDI-317 Culture (e): Unknown


Approx. 60 feet in diameter, area of dark soil covered with broken rock an a few artifacts. (Warren,1958) . Site No. SDI-318 Culture (s): Unknown


Annror. 60 feet in diameter, surface scatter. largely ditritus of felsite 1 chonner -observed. (Warren. 1958) Bits No. SDI-319 Culture (e): Unknown i


Approx. 60 ft. in diameter, surface si.te containing ditritus of feleite and scattered artifacts, scrapers and blades. (Warren,1958) his No. SDI-3PO Culture (s): Untnown


20 by 30 feet, amall chipping station, points, scrapers and 1 pot sherd. (Warren,1958) pits No. SDI-149 Culturw(s): !'The San Dieguito Type Site" " Harris Site"


17 ft + deposif,'frbm San Dieguito to Diegueno. Excavated: Rogers, Warren, Davis. & Ezell. ref:E:seum of Man Pubs.'"The San Dieguito Type Site. "(Warren,1958,May,1969, . Wakefield,1963) Note: This report includes only that infomation available fecm the San Diego State University fitas and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our files cannot be taken as assurance of the absence of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any cultural vertains are ? encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should be notified. , Rec:rd check by , Dato - Signed e

  • 8 o e I RS-13 ,

I l l

                                               .            3EPARIMINT OF ANTHROPOIOGY
  • San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182 page -3
                                                                  . (714) 286-6300 REPORT ON ARCHAEGIDCICAD SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Scurce of Request

( ) Letter ( ) Telephone ( ) In Person Date cf Request Date Request Received ( )MapReceived ( )MapReturned Name cf Project >( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. ( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( )within ( ) in the vicinity of the project area. Site No. SDI-532 Culture (s): Unhown


75 x 100 feet. scrapers. manos. crude. site soil not distinguishable from su m endina soil. (Warren. 1959) Sito No. SDI-608 - Culture (s): Unknown


Manos. Metate frag.. and scraper plane. (Warren,1959)

' Sits No. SDI-609                                    Culture (s): Unknown


300 x 300 feet, midden with few shells and surface artifacts-core tools and manos. Stratigraphic section of cut bank by J. Pzost. (Warren,1959) Sits No. SDI-610 Culture (e): Unknown


500 x 200 feet, -11 amount of midden with a few shells, core tools, scraper, metate and mano. (Warren,1969) SDI-611 Culture (s): Unknown ' Sito No. ~


300 feet in diameter, extensive habitation site, midden with shell,

                     ==nos, metates, choppers, scrapers, flakes, hammerstones etc. (Iowta,1959) 8112 No.                   SDI 630                 Culture (s): Unh own


300 x 100 feet,; dark soil with heavy shell concentration, large camp-Wallace ms. on file ASUCLA (Wallace,1958) l site, mano,11 hammerstones and choppe'r. ref: 1 Nota: This report includes only that infomation available frcm the San Disgo State A University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. lack of sites recorded in Ifour fitse cannot it should beany occur that taken as assurance cultural r eains are of the a

  • of archaeological materials. encountered during the course of construction, a q be notified.

i Rec:rd check by , l Signed Date - e e e 0

   ~e-    m-,         ---,ew..,      , ,_,,, _,_

3EPARTM N T DP ANTHROPOIDGY San Diego state University Page 4

                            .                                                             San Die o, CA 92182
                                                                                              .    (714 286-6300 REPORT ON ARCHAE 0IDCICAL SITE PIIIS RECORD SEARCH Source of Request                                                                                                                      -

Ibte cf Request ( ) Letter ( ) Telephone ( ) In Person Date Request Received ( )MapReceived ( ) Map Name cf Project ( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. ( )TheSanDiegoStateUniversityfilesshowthefollowingsites( )within ( )in the vicinity of the paject area. Site No. SDI-631 Culture (s): Unknown


200 yds. I 50 yds.. large campsite, manos, metate frag., choppers, cobble pestles. hamerstenes, slight midden. (Wallace.1958) Sito No. SDI-688 - Culture (s): Unknown l


Approx. 200 ft. in diameter, thin scattering of Pectia and chione to ! 1 1/2 feet, manos, choppers, and scraper planes. ( Warren & Warren,1960) Sito No. SBI-689 Culture (s): Unknown 7


100 x 50 feet, some shell, scrapers, manos and 3 blades. (Warren & Warren, 1960)

! Sits No. SDI-695                            Culture (s): Unknown



100 feet in diameter, stream cut witli shell and dark midden, approx. 1 foot deep. (Warren & True,1960) Sito No. EDI-696 Culture (s): Unkn3wn


150 yds. I 50 yds.. midden with light shell, core and hammerstone, mano, 3 net sherds. (Warren,&Trae, 1960) Gits No. SDI-697 Culture (s): Unknown


100 feet in diameter., artifacts and shell scattered on the surface, manos, scrapers and choppers. (Warren & True,1960) l Motn This report includes only that infomation available from the San Diego State liniversity files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our files cannot bs taken as assuranos of the absence of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any cultural renaine are

  • encountered during the course of construction '

s a qualified archaeologist should be notified. - Rec:rd check by , - Dato . Signed R$-15

i EEPARTMD'T DP ANTHROPOIDGY San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182 pase 5

                                                                         . (714) 366-6300 EEPORT g ARCHAEDIDGICAL SITE PILES RECORD SEARCH

[ Source of Request - l Dato cf Request ( ) Letter ( )Yelephone ( ) In Person Date R: quest Received ( )MapReceived )MapReturned ( Na=2 cf Pnject ( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. ( ) The San Diego State University f$les show the following sites ( )within ( ) in the vicinity of the project area. Site No. _SDI-696 Culture (s): Unknown


1000 x 400 feet, scattered shell and artifacts, manos, choppers and scrapers. (Warren & Tzue,1960) . Sito No. SDI-699 Culture (s): Unknown


200 x 50 feet, surface art'ifacts, manos and scraper planes. (Warren & True,1%0) . 91te No. SDI-700 Culture (s): Unknown


Approx. 200 ft. in disimeter, scattered Pectin and Chione, a few artifacts, manos, shoppers and scrapets. (Warren & Tzue,1960) Sits No. SDI-701 Culture (s): Unknown


200 x 100 ft., area littered with art'ifacts and a few shell, manos, metate, scrapers, and choppers. (Warren & True,1960) 11t2 No. SDI-702 Culture (s): Unicnown


200 ft. in diameter, flat bench covered with artifacts and some shell, scrapers, manos and choppers. (Warren & True,1960) Sto No. SDI-763 Cultun(s): Unknown. Also known as W-106. excavated by Kaldenberg.


3000 x 1000 feet. shell midden. a few low mounds (Na, 1 %1 ). Hohokam point. ha:nmerstones, c14=550'04 50 at 80 cms. (KaldenbeSg, nd) no ref. l l . ktn: This report includes only that infomation avpitabis from the San Diego State l thsivarsity files and may not include daic on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our files cannot' be tal.en as assurance of the absence of archaeological materials. If it should occur shat any cultural remains are encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should be notified, be:rdcheckby , '-. - - Jto - Signed

  • e
                                                                               .      RS-16                  -
 .-.-.-,-.,_,_,._-.,-_-__.__-_.-.,.-m,-       --

2EPARTMDl? 0F ANTIDt0POIDGY San Diego State University

                                             ,                                                           San Diego, CA 92182
                                                                                                           .   (714) 286-6300                                        page 6 REPORT ON ARCHAEDIDCICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH l Ssurce of Request                                                                                                                                                    -

I Data sf Request ( ) I,etter ( ) Telephone ( ) In Person Date Request Received ( )NapReceived ( )MapReturnef Name cf Project ( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the pmject area. ( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( ") within ( ) in the vicinity of the project area. Site No. SDI-764 Culture (s): Unknown


100 feet in diameter, shell and a few artifacts. (King,1961) Sits No. SDI-765 Cultun(s): Unknown. 100 ft. in diameter. Manos, 3 greenish


gravel lines, ca. 24 inches wide and 30 ft. to 60 ft long. Gravel pictographs? (Warren,1960) .

   'Sita No. SDI-946                                             Cultun(s): Unknown, perhaps Iniseno. Dark midden and moderate


amounts of shell,150 yards in diam. (CNW & RHC,1961). Very large site with thick shell midden, hammerstones, core, flakes, manos, metates. (Kaldenberg,19.76) Sita No. SDI-1015 Culture (s): Incornet location, no site records.


Sita No. SDI-4357 Culture (s): Unknown


Ca. 200 x 300 ft, Surface is littered with patinated scrapers, flakes and debitage. (Kaldenberg,1975) 21to No. SDI-4398 Cultun(s): Unknown


5 x 5 meters,' ~a ' deflated hearth" containing themally fractured rock. (Kaldenberg,1976) * - Notn This report includes only that infomation available from the San Diego State i ihniversity files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A , lack of sites recorded in our fitee cannot be taken as assurance of the absence l Of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any cultural resains are encountered during the courseof construction, a qualified anhaeologist should be notified. i Rectrd check by l . Dato - Signed

  • s
                                                                   -(                                               ,   .RS-17                                   .
       .                                                                                        D
           - - . . , . . , - - - -     --,,-       , , - , , ,     ..---,-n---,-,--,-,,-nn-n----n-,-~.,-                              -,-- ,-   ---,-.----n.                 ---an- .,.-- -.--- n ,- - - , - - -
                         .                                                  3EPARTMDIT OF ANTHROPOIDGY San Diego State University
                      .                                                           San Diego, CA 92182
                                                                                   . (714) 286-6300                           page 7 REPORT ON ARCHAIDIDGICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH S:urce cf Request Date cf Request                                                                                      ( ) Letter (    ) Telephone ( ) In Person Date R: quest Received                                                                               ( )MapReceived                ( )MapReturned fam2 cf Project

[ } The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the pmject area. l )TheSanDiegoStateUniversityfilesshowthefollowingsites( ) within ( ) in th2 vicinity of the project area. iite No. SDI-4401 Calture(s): "La Jolla" (May put 'a test pit in 1973)-


30 x 30 meters, a deposite of 50 to 80 cms. a shell fish processing camp, a shell midden, core, flakes, sidescraper, inetate frag.. mano, chopper. (Kaldenberg,1976 ' it2 No. SDI-4413 - Culture (s): " Late Prehistoric"


Scattered shell, fiskes and pottery, area less than 10 meter sq. (Welch, 4975) for ref. see below. SDI-4417 - ite No. SDI-4414 Culture (s): Unknown


A single mortar situated on top of a large, prominate butcrop. (Welch,1975) for ref. see below, SDI-4417 its No. SDI-4416 Culture (e): "La Jollan" '


200'e-w, 250' n-s, shell-Pecten, Chione and Esan clam, flakes and a nano frag. (Hancock & McPeek,1975. Welch,1975)for ref. see below, SDI-4417 i.t2 No. SDI-4417 Culture (s): Unknown. Low mounds, shell and cobbles, earth oven and


1 burial, Amargosa/ San DieguitoIII point, crescentic, metates(Ezell & Campo, 1975). Postholed,1x1 test, 6/75-bnmmersotne, doughnut stone, blade, burial, bowl 12 No. /ddMN(Af: frags., choppers, manos, scraper plane, point (Welch,1975)

        -    /@dg/                                                    Surface collection performed, April,1975, Ezell & Campo. 53 postholes dug, June,1975, welch. ref:5azita Margarita R ver                                           i  Valley & Adjacent Areas, Camp
            .Pendleton. Welch, 1975.
  $ This report includes only that inforwtation available from the San Diego State University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our fitas nannot be taken as assurance of the absence cf archaeological materials. If it should occur that any outtural retains arc encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should          '

be notified. . tc:rd check by , - ato . Signed

                                                                          .                                                                                1 RS-18       .
                                                      .             IEPARDG2;T OF ANTHROPOIDGY San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182
                                                                          .   (714)286-6300                           page 8 REPORT ON ARCHAIX)IDGICAL SITE PILES RECORD SEARCH S urce cf Request Date ef Request                                                                                ( ) Letter ( ) Tele' phone ( ) In Person Date Rsquest Received                                                                          ( )MapReceived               ( ) Map Retuned Name of Project

( ) Tbc San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. ( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( )within ( )in th2 vicinity of the project area. 51t2 No. SDI-4424 Culture (s): Unknown. ref. see SDI-4417


50 x 20 reters, light shell midden, oywter, Ch&one, Pe'eten, metate, flakes several tool frags., and cores. (Welch,1975) lite No. SDI-4426 Culture (s): Unknown. ref. see SDI-4417


50 x 20 meters, several flakes and 1 mano, scattered shell to depth of 28-35 cms. (Welch,1975) . lite No. SDI-4427 Culture (s): Unknown. ref. see SDI-4417


20 x 25 meters. Light shell ocatter exclusively of Chione, several flakes.13 postholes were dug. (Welch,1975) it? T3 SDI-4492 Culture (a): " San Dieguito. La Jollan"


Site covers hilltop, hammerstone, fl'akes. (Kaldenberg,1975) ref: " Rancho Zorro" (?) EIR Appendiz P, BECON its No. SDI-4538 Culture (s): Unknown "El Homo Creek Skeleton"


Ca. 7 ft. below . surface,1 burial exposed by stream cut, some shell, surface collection perfomed no artifact description. (Speegle & Ezell,1960) its No. SDI-4540 Culture (s): No site description


M: This report includes only that infomation available from the San Diego State University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites records.d in our files cannot be taken as assurance of the absence cf archaeological naaterials. If it should occur that any cultural remains are encountered during the course of construction, a qualified anhaeologist should

  • be notified.

Les:rd check by , Dato . Signed RS-19 .


                                               ,                           San Die o, CA 92182                                                                       page 9
                                                                             . (714 286-6300 REPORT OJ ARCHAIDIDCICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Ssurce of Request                                                                                                                                                          -

Date cf Request ( ) Letter ( ) Tele' phone ( ) In Person Date Request Received ( )MapReceived ( )MapReturned Name of Project ( ) The San Diego State University f41es show no recorded site for the project area. ( ) The San Diego State University f41es show the following sites ( )within ( )in the vicinity of the project area. 51t2 No. SDI-4578 Culture (s): Unknown


" Midden, excavation potential ok."                                                                                           no description, no identification iito No. SDI-4579 -                                            Culture (s): Unknown                                                               ~


                                  " Midden, excavation potential, excellent. no description, no identi-fication                                                                                                                                                      .

ito No. SDI-4630 Culture (s): " San Dieguito, La Jollan"


Contains concentrations of groundstone tools, flaked stone toole, midden, shell. Highly patinated. 3000 sq. ft. ref: contact RECON. an EIR. (Kaldenberg, 1975 ) ita No. SnT_ m i Culture (e): " San Dieguito (?)"


6000 sq. ft., random distribution of surface tools, 4 heavily patinated scrape 1 scores. ref: see RECON an EIR. (Kaldenberg,1975) Lt2 No. SDI-4662 Culture (s):"Kumeyaay".1976, posthole samples taken by Moriarty.


Midden 25m ns x.20m ew. 7-10% sample excavated Jan.1977, flakes, proj. points, manos, cores, hammerstones', bead. shell, potsherds. (Berryman,1977) Lt2 No. SDI-4846 Culture (s): "La Jollan"


2 loci encompassing 1/2 acre. Plakes, chipped tools, mano frags., thermally fractured rock and shell. Tostholing was done. (Kaldenberg,1976) gtej This report includes only that infomation available frenn the San Diego State University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our files cannbt be taken as assurance of the absence cf archaeological materials. If i' should occur that any cultural renains are encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should ' be notified. , ec:rd check by sta . Signed

                                                                       .                                                                                                                 e
  • e e RS-20 -

2EPARTMD'T DP ANTHROPOLOGY San Diego State University

  • San Diego, CA 92182 .
                                                                                                                           . (714J 286-6300                                 Page 10 REPORT ON ARCHAEOIDCICAL SITE PILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request                                                                                                                                                                    -
Date cf Request ( ) Letter ( ) Telephone ( *
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ) In Person     1
   ' Date R: quest Received                                                                                                                     ( )MapReceived                                 ( ) Map Returned Nama cf Project

(' ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. ( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( ") within ( ths vicinity of the pmject area.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           )in Sit 2 No. ,SDI-4847                                                Cultun(s): "La Jollan"


Extensive shell midden with deposits in excess of 3 ft',1250 x 1500 meters. mano frags., metate frags., flakes, blades, scrapers . (Bogers,1966, Kaldenberg,1976) Dita No. SDI-4848 Culture (s): "La Jollan" Rogers (1966) recorded pottery. Extensive ~


shell midden to depth of 1.5 - 3 feet and 700 x 650 ft. Manos and frags., mortar rim frags., metate frage., cores, choppers, flakes, scrapers, proj pt. (Kaldenberg : Dits No. SDI-4849 Culture (s): "La Jollan"


200 ft. x 150 ft. Midden containine h==nerstones, flakes, mano frags., and thermally fractured mcks. (Kaldenberg,1976) 31t3 No. SDI-4854 Culture (s): Unknown


Light lithic scatter.150 x 150 ft.. surface. hiahly patinated flakes and scrapers. (Kaldenberg, 1976) iito No. SDI-4855 Cultun(s): Unknown. Flaking station , 25 x 25 ft., cores and core


fraga. in contert, hammerstone, flakes, scraper, hearth feature,


quartz, andesite and basalt debitage. (Kaldenberg,1976) Bt2 No. SDI-4856 Culture (s): Unknown


30 x 12 ft, a ioasting pit or cooking area, some tools and flakes eroding from a large chamise to the west. (Ealdenberg,1976) I l - tote: This report includes only that info mation available from the San Diego State thsiversity fitse and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our files cannbt be taken as assurance of the absence of archaeologicat materials. If it should occur that any cultural remains are encountered during the courseof construction, a qualified arwhaeologist should be notified. beord check by - to . Signed l . I RS-21 .

        . - - _ , , ,                   . , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . , , , _ , . _ _ _ _ , , _ , , . _ , , , _ - _ _ - . _ _ , _ _ . _ _ , .                           ____,.___,_-_..,,.,.,,,-_m__,_                    __

3EPARDGET DP ANTHROPOIOGY San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182 p g 33 ( . (714) 286-6300 REPORT g ARCHAEDIDCICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH l Scurce of Request - lDatecfRequest ( ) Letter ( ) Telephone (

                                                                                                             ) In Person Date Rsquest Received                                                (   )MapReceived              (   )MapReturned Nams cf Project

( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the pnject area. 1( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( )within ( ) in the vicinity of the pnject area.

! Sit? No.SDI-4857                     Culture (s): Unknown


A hearth with 42 themally fractured cobbles and 25+ debitage, basalt and felsite. (Kaldenberg,1976) . i - I Site No. SDI-4858 - _ Culture (s): Unknown i


Light shell scatter,120 ft. in diameter, Chione only. (Kaldenberg, 1976) . Site No. SDI 4859 Culture (s): "Kumeyaay"


Light shell scatter and potsherds, 60 x 60 ft. May be a portion of W-149 as described by Rogers. (Kaldenberg,9976) 31to No. SDI-4860 Culture (s): Unknown


Hearth with underlying ash, 3 x 3 ft'. (Kaldenberg,1976) Culture (s): "Kumeyaay" [113 No. SDI-4862


Light shall scatter,130 x 130 ft., flakes,1 pot sherd, Pecten and Chione. (Kaldenberg,1976) hit 2No. SDI-4863 Cultum(s): "La Jolla"


150 x110 ft.,' 3 hell, themally fractured rock, manos, flakes and scrapers, on knoll slope and at base. (Kaldenberg,1976) Wota: This report includes orly that infomation available from the San Diego State thriversity files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our files cannot be taken as assurance of the absence of archaeologicat materials. If it should occur that any auttural remains are' encountered during the course of construction, a alified archaeologist should be notified. . betro check by 3Dto . Signed RS-22


        ,                .                               San Diego, CA 92182                              page 12
                                                           . (714) 286-6300 REPORT g ARCHAE 0IDCICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request                                                                                          -

Dato cf Request ( ) Letter ( ) Tele' phone ( ) In Person Date Request Received ( )MapReceived ( )MapReturned Xane of Project ( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the pmject area. ( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( )within ( )in the vicinity of the p mject area. Site No. SDI-4864 Culture (s): "La Jolla" A moderate scatter of artifacts of various


types,180 x 400 ft., flakes, metate frags, mano frags and some shell Chione and Pecten. (Kaldenberg, 1976) I Site No. SDI-4865 - Culture (s): "La Jollan' -


Dense surface shell concentration, 200 = 60 feet. Ha=nerstones, cores, flakes, mano frags., flake tools, Pecten and Chione.liart of W-1497 .(Kaldenberg,1976) Site No. SDI-4866 Culture (s): Unknown


Light shell-scatter, 80 ft. in diameter. (Kaldenberg,1976) Bite No. SDI-4867 Culture (s): "La Jollan"


Light shell scatter and lithic debris with black, sandy midden, 400 x 600 ft. (Kaldenberg,1976) , sito No. SDI-4868 Culture (s): "La Jollan"


TA cht surface scatter.100 x 40 ft.. ha-nerstone. cores. flakes. metate frna . mapo frans. nusholane. themally fractured rock. (Kaldenberg. 1976) lite No. SDI-4869 Culture (s): Unknown


Lirht scatter of iithic debris. 350 x 200 ft.. some shell fwgs Pecten, flakes and debitane. (Kaldenberg. 19'78) fote: This report includes only that infonnation available from the San Diego State ~ University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A

           -lack of sites recorded in our fitse cannot be taken as assurance of the, absence of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any auteural renasns are encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should be notified.                                                                -

beord check by , late . Signed e ' e RS-23 *

                                        .              SEPARDG2.'T DP ANTHROPOIDGY San Diego State University
                                      ,                     San Diego, CA 92182
                                                              . (714) 286-6300 page 13 REPORT g ARCHAE 0IDGICAL SITE PILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request                                                                                                                                         -

Date of Request ( ) Letter ( ) Telephone ( ) In Person Date Request Received ( )MapReceived ( )MapReturned Nane of Project ( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. ( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( )within ( )in the vicinity of the project area. Site No. SDI-4870 Culture (s): Unknown


Isolated tools, 2 core tools. (Kaldenberg,1976) Site No. SDI-4935 Culture (s): Unknown


Extensive midden deposit of flakes, ceramics, mano and metates, slicks nearby, 5,600 sq.m. postholes were dug. (Carrico, 1977) Possible. burial. Site No. SDI-4990 Culture (s): Not recorded. 17% test excavated 1977, ref: report submitted


to Carlsbad Dev. Corp, Carlsbad Plan. Comm. & SDCAS, May 20, 1977. 3 loci, 15000 sq. m. midden, pottery, cores, scrapers, beads, shell, bone, drills etc. (Ike, Rardaal 1977) Site No. SDI-5093 Culture (s): Unknown


Shallow midden with hearth and, bumt shell, possible flake. (Largenwalter,1977) iito No. SDI-5108 Culture (s): Unknown


Light flake scatter and stone / cobble alignnent. 190 x 32 feet. (May,1974) its No. SDI-5111 Culture (s): Unknown


Milling stati'on,'*3 basins. (May,1974) fots: This report includes only that infonnation available from the San Diego State ~ Universitu files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A lack of sites recorded in our files cannot be taken as assurance of the absence of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any cultural renains are encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should be notified. -

;2ccrd check by eto        .                                                        Signed
                                                        ,                  e 8

a RS-24 ,

i . SEPARIMENT OF ANTHROPOIDGY [ - San Diego State University [ San Diego, CA 92182 page 14 (714)286-6300


REPORT ,0_N ARCHAE 0IDCICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH . Source of Request - - Dste of Request ( ) Letter ( ) Telephone ( *

                                                                                                                   ) In Person

[ Date Request Received ( )MapReceived ( )MapReturned Nane of Project ( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. ( ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( ") within ( )in the vicinity of the project area. Site No. SDI-5112 Culture (s): Unknown


Milling station with 9 basins. (May,1974) Site No. SDI-5113 - Culture (s): Unknown. Pos;ibly Roger's W-282.


Milling station with 17 slicks. (May,1974) Site No. SDI-5114 Culture (s): Unknown


A roasting pit with medium to heavy patina. (May,1974) site No. SDI-5115 Culture (s): Historic, 22 I'31 ft., 2 room house ntin, walls were ~


plasteeed, glass, iron i plaster, bric'ks, wagon ports, machinery, bottles, Z jars, barrel straps, pans. 19c. settlement of Insardi faM1y.1872-1882. (May,1974) iite No. SDI-5120 Culture (s): Unknown Deceription: Small scatter of flakes, teshoas, one expended core. (Eclehndt,1977) 1936 sq meters, no depth ' its No. SDI-5121 Culture (s): Unknown


Large number of' artifacts,1600 sq. meters, thumbnail scraper, cores and - L frags., primary flakes and scrapers. * (Eckhardt,1977) _

    'o te : This report includes only that infomation available from the San Diego State                                                           '

i University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A .. tack of sites recorded in our fitse cannot be taken as assurance of the absence i of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any cultural remains are . I

 ;               encountered during the courseof construction, a qualified archaeologist should be notified.

t_ . y f ecord check by , ato . Signed e

  • m e , , ,


  • 7

2EPARTME:7 OF ANTHROPOIDGY San Diego State University

                             ,                                  San Dio6o, CA 92182
                                                                     .       (714) 286-6300                      page 15 REPORT g ARCHAE 0IDCICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request                                                                                              -

hte cf Request ( ) Letter ( ) Tele' phone ( ) In Person 4 ate Request Received ( )MapReceived ( ) Map Returned ' Mame of Project k ) Tbc San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area. _ ) The San Diego State University files show the following sites ( )within ( ) in the vicinity of the project area. S ite No. SDI-5123 Culture (s): Unknown


Only evidence remaining is a single utilized flake. '(Eckhardt,1977) fite No. SDI-5124- Culture (s): Unknown. 15y be W-393. "Probably San Dieguito" E


Extensive scatter of flakes and ha=nerstones, 2596 sq. m. (Eckhardt,

                                                                                                                       . 1977) kte No. SDI-5126 Culture (s): Unknown. 1 basalt flake.                                                          .


" Entire area to be resurveyed in atte=pt to define the site, because it m-                                                                                                                                       9 ~s. ....
 ,                     could not be adequately surveyed at this time." (Eckhardt,1977)                                                    'j~y4 Lte No. SDI-5130                Culture (s):                          "Encinitas" Widespread distribution of discolored soil,       bX
                                                                                                                                          *%.E .


artifacts, shell & exotic lithic. ca.1'5-20 acres, mano-metate frags., icX .

                                                                                                                                            . , cy- ; y s:

choppers. scrapers, flakes- worked anf utilized, historic adobe. (Drover,1977) fgf. Eto No. SDI-5131 Culture (s): " Mexican AmericanHistorical". Melted adobe walls, 15 x15 3.N L

      -\                                                                                                                                  = .sn 3                    


feet, burned wood house, cement & rock floor foundation of third structure.

 "                                                                                                                                        g' h [J".      .

Early to late 20th c. metal and ceramic artifacts. (Drover,1977) 1 L

                                                                                                                                          .m. y c e,.-
 @to No. SDI-5132                      Culture (s): "Encinitas"                                                                           [. J 5.



Localized shell frags., and exotic lithics,1 chopper. (Drover,1.977)

                                                                                                                                            ., )Y--
                                                                                                                                                  . ;.i P    ..;=+

.a f 3 2-e -

                                                                                                                                            . u ,

s4.3 sta: This report includes only that infomation available from the San Diego State c.: ;l: . C University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A 3 lack of sites recorded in our files cannot be taken as assurance of the absence .ir}b ( , ;, d ^ of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any cultural renains are ,, y encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should be notified.

                                                                                                 -                                         y(.3 C                  b
                                                                                                                                            +n.4 cord check by                       ,                               .

Ohj ze ;

 , to                .                                                          Signed
                                                                                                                                           .,i.;s.e a.
                                                                                                                                           !/+ g
 ;                s
                                                                                                                                           ?,y.})ft   .j Y

RS-26  ?.a



San Diego Sta te University San Dio6o, CA 02182 (714) 286-6300 page 16 REPORT ON ARCHAIDIDCICA.L SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request - = Date of Request ( ) Letter ( ) Tele' phone ( ) In Person -DAte Request Received ( ) Map Received ( ) Eap Returned _Name of Project , - ( ) Tbc San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area . - N ( ) The Sar. Die 6o State University files show the following sites ( ) within ( ) in the vicinity of the pm ject area. -fite No. SDI-5133 Culture (s): " Mexican-American Historical". Several historic stmetures



& a well. Melted adobe walla show 2 to 3 stmetures, floor tiles, ceramica L glass, butchered bone. (Drover, 1977 ) -[

ite No. SDI-5197 Culture (s): "Early Milling". Also historic adobe, 400 x 300 m, possible


midden, cultural debris scattered on knoll tr ., frags of adobe walls ~ j and foundation remnin, flakes, deb.itsge and scrapers. (McCoy, 1977 ) liteNo. SDI-5213 Culture (s): " Late Prehistoric" - Descrip tion: Shell midden, 900 x 400 ft., ha=serstones, cores, flakes, manos, themally fractured rock. (Nozwood, 1977) liteNo. SDI-S214 Culture ( s): " Late Prehistoric" _ = i


A shell midden, 2800 sq. meters, ha=merstones, cores, flakes, mano, and


retouched tool. (Norwood, 1977) 1 e -- h te No. SDI-5324 Culture (s): Unknown C- Possible milling site & lithic scatter. -


A-Two lithic scatters within one site, milling impleme to, themally frac- , [ s tured rocks, possible habitation, 45 sq. meters. (Hanna,1977) B- 1 mano. _ $to m No. SDI-5325 Culture (s): Unknown --


i -


Lithic scatter 2500 sq. meters, feleite, quartz, quartzite, rhyolite, basalt - and others. chert point, scraper, bu'm&d bone frag. (Henna, 1977) = --

  ^.Lte : This report includes only that infomation available from the San Diego State                                                          ~.

University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A - 3 lack of sites recorded in our files cannot be taken as assurance of the absence - f of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any cultural renains are = , encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should 4 be notified. e p s cord check by , nte Signed , _ 4 -


RS-27 5_;

                             .                                          SEPARTMEh'T OF ANTIDt0POIDGY San Diego State University San Die o, CA 92182                         page 17
                                                                                         . (714 286-6300 REPORT ON                            N ARCHAEDIDCICAL SITE PILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Reques.

Date of Request ( ) Letter ( ) Telephone ( ) In Person Date Request Received ( )MapReceived ( )MapReturned Nane of Project '( ) The San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area.

'(      ) The Sar. Diego State University files show the following sites ( ) within' ( ) in the vicinity of the project area.

Site No. SDI-5444 Culture (s): Unlenown [


2 manos.10 flakes and 2 flaked stone tools. 40 x 5 neters. severely graded

and diseked. (Nomood. 1978)

-_'31te No. SDI-5445 Culture (s): Unknown _


Light shell covering an extensive area. Donax. Chione and Pecten. s (Norwood,1977) . Culture (s): Unknown

 -hite No. SDI-5455


Eight,111 defined surface scatter of artifacts, cores and flakes. 80 x 50 meters. (Nozwood,1978) } ' pite No. SDI-5536 Culture (o): Unknown _ ]


Light scatter of flakes and 7 possibl'e stone features-cairns?. 2 conical 5 piles,1 rock alignment, 4 irregular cobble piles. (anna, 1977) fito No. SDI-5593 Culture (s): "La Jollan" =


Light lithics and shell scatter, scrapers, cores, mano frag., and harterstones,15 x 70 m. (krray 5& Bickford,1978)

 ' soi No. SDI-5594                                  Culture (s): "La Jollan" h           -


Lithic scatteij scrapers, cores, mano frage., hamierstones and blades, 40 x 100 m. (krray&Bickford,1978)- = 5 D_ o ots: This report includes only that infonnation available frcen the San Diego State University files and may not include data on file at other institutions. A $' lack of sites recorded in our fitas cannot be taken as assurance of the absence of archaeological materials. If it should occur that any cultural renains are n encountered during the courseof construction, a qualified archaeologist should g be notified.

-=                                                                                      *                                       '

7 ecord check by , . sto . Signed _ a e

                                                                                                           'RS.-28      ,

DEPARD(ENT OF ANTHROPOIDGY San Diego State University page 18

                                          .                         San Die o, CA 92182
                                                                      . (714 286-6300 REPORT ON ARCHAIDIDCICAL SITE FILES RECORD SEARCH Source of Request                                                                                        -

Date of kequest ( ) Letter ( ) Telephone (

                                                                                                                        ) In Person Date Request Received                                                           ( )MapReceived             ( )MapReturned      -=

fane of Project _( ) Tbc San Diego State University files show no recorded site for the project area.


( )TheSanDiegoStateUniversityf$lesshowthefollowingsites( ') within ( )in the vicinity of the p mject area.

         ;1te No. SDI-5595                            Culture (s): "La Jollan"


Light lithics and shell scatter, scrapers, cores, manos and ham erstones.

- 25 x 25 m. (Murray & Bickford, 19781 .

71to No. SDI-5601- Culture (a): " Late Prehistoric"


Ca. 3 acres encompassing 4 areas of concentration of shell and lithic artifacts. (Graham,1977) . ite No. SDI-5620 Culture (s): Urknown ref: Hist / Arch. Recon. of Merigan Ranch. Gregg 1978


Milling station consisting of 5 bedrock mortars, sherda flakes. , , (Gregg,1978) (te No. EDI-5652 Culture (s): Historic I


    "Spanish style" house, stone, leathei and brass button.              (Edwards,1977) 6 f te No.                                            Culture (s):                                                                       -



E , 9

 " te No.                                           Culture (e):

5 -



2 -



  • Ete: This report includes only that infomation available from the San Diego State 4 '

liniversity files and may not inalmle data on fits at other institutions. A lack of eites recorded in our filse cannot be taken as assurance of the absence of archaeological materiale. If it should occur that any cultural reains are encountered during the course of ocnstruction, a qualified archaeologist should 2 he notified. . _gccrocheckby , hte . Signed 3 , RS-29


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                                              .                                                                                          page 1 of 5 PHOTOGRAPHY RECORD PROJECT /SITg SDG&E San Onofre to Mission                                                                     JATE(s) December 1978 Vivitar                                                                                                                 NA CAMERA                                                              SPECIAL LENS / FILTER FILM                            Kodacolor II/ Black-white           Circle one                                 3lide          B&W       Color print PHOTOGRAPHER (s):                                                   FRAME NO.(s) 1)

Roxanne Phillips 1 thru 4 (slides)

2) Jay Thenken/Les1 py Fnkhnrrit ci thru 18 (B&W)


                                                                                                     'Cla                 nt Mesa              3 1             Commercial use of right-of-way 2              Commercial use of right-of-way                                                                                           S 3               Existing right-of-way                                                                                                   W 4                  Survey area Clairemont Mesa to Balboo                                                                                S 5                 Existing right-of-way                                                                   Convoy St.                    S 6                  Overview with isolate artifact                                                         Othello St                    W 7                     Isolate artifact in situ                                                            Othello St.                   W 8                      Isolate artifact                                                                                                 W 9                   Existing right-of-way                                                                 from Mira Mesa                S 10                                                                                                                                       N 11                                "                                                                        from Penasquitc s             N 12                                                                                                                                       N 13 (tomato fields)                                                                S near Black M.                 E 14                         Tomato fields                                                                       Road 15                        Existing right-of-way/ Tower                                                                                    NW 16                         Existing right-of-way near San Diegui to River                                                                 N 17                           Site Overview                                                                      W-1958                    SE 18                           Site overview                                                                      W-281                     E i

(Space for additional information on reverse side) STORAGE INFO: (NEOATIVE) Westec Services Inc. FILED BY: ( pa r s'?si SDG&E PS-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ L. Eckhardt

PHOTOGRAPHY RECORD 1 PROJECT / SITE SDG&E San Onofre to Mission JATE(s) December 1978 CA!SRA Vivitar SPECIAL LENS / FILTER N/A FILM Kodacolor II Circle one: Slide Brd Color print PHOTOGRAPHER (s): FRAME NO.(s)

1) Lesley Eckhardt 19 thru 30
2) Sandra Day 31 thru 38 COMfGNTS :

FRAME SUBJECT / FEATURE LOCUS / UNIT DIRECTION 19 Proposed Conductor stringing Operatic n Site (Mission) N 20 N 21 N 22 Site Overview W-1528 NW 23 S 24 W 25 Existing right-of-way W-1528 N 26 Proposed Conductor stringing operatic n site S 27 S 1 28 N 29 N 30 N 31 Isolate artifact near Palomar Airport Road down 32 Overview w/ isolate artifact IM 33 Maintenance within Existing right-of-way E 34 Site Overview towards W-119 W-120 W 35 Artifacts and Shell in flower field W-119 down 36 Site Overview W-119 SE 37 W-121 NW 38 , W-121 W (Space for additional information on reverse side) STO? AGE I?!PO: (NE0ATIVE) Wontec Services. Inc. PILED BY: (PRINTS) S_DG &R ____ __ _ _P S - 2_ _ _ _ T,. Ec kha rrl t

                                             .                                                  page 3 of 5 PHOTOGRAPHY RECORD PROJECT / SITE _                       SDG&E San Onofre 'to Mission         JATE(s)     December 1978        ,

CAMERA Vivitar SPECIAL LENS / FILTER N/A FILM Kodacolor II Circle one: Slide B&W Color print PHOTOGRAPHER (s): FRAME NO.(s)

1) Sandra Day 39 thru 53 2)

COMMENTS : FRAME SUBJECT / FEATURE LOCUS / UNIT DIRECTION I 39 Site overview W-1955 W 4 40 Shell Midden W-1955 down 41 Shell Isolates N 42 ' Artifact isolate (metate) W 43 Overview with artifact isolate SSE 44 Artifact isolate (flake) with metate down 45 Bedrock grinding (2 slicks) W-1956 SE 46 Bedrock grinding Escondido Creel: SW 47 Overview Artifact Isolate (flake) NW 48 Escondido Creek E 49 Site overview W-1957 S 50 Site Overview W-185 N 51 Artifacts W-185 down 52 Artifacts W-185 down 53 Artifacts W-185 down 1 (Space for additional information on reverse side) - STORAGE IN?o: (NEGATIVE) Westec Services. Inc. PILED BY:


(PRINTS) SDG&E L. Eckhardt

                                          ,                                                            page 4 of 5    -

PHOTOGRAPHY RECORD PROJECT / SITE. SDG&E San Onofre to Mission JATE(s) December 1978 CAffERA Vivitar SPECIAi,LEN5/PILTER N/A FILM Kodacolor II Circle one: Slide B'id Color print PHOTOGRAPHER (s): FRAME NO.(s)

1) Lesley Eckhardt 54 thru 66 2)

COMff.ENTS : FRAME SUBJECT / FEATURE LOCUS / UNIT DIRECTION 54 conductor stringing operation site camp Pendleton NW 55 W 56 S 57 l NW 58 S 59 Site Overview W-1778 N 60 conductor stringing operation site S 61 Pulling in progress N 62 W i 63 W 64 W ' 65 conductor stringing operation site N 66 conductor stringing operation site NW 1


(Space for additional information on reverse side) STORACE If;PO: (NEGATIVE) wonton Rorvinon. Tnn. PILED BY: (PRINTS) __ S_DG&E _ _PS-_4_ _ _______ _______ L. Eckhardt

                                        .                                                         page 5 of 5 PHOTOGRAPHY RECORD 1

l PROJECT / SITE SDG&E Camp Pendleton Survey JATE(s) November 3978 CAMERA 35mm Argus SPECIAL LE.1S/ FILTER N/A FILM Kodacolor II Circle one: 3lide B&W Color print PHOTOGRAPHER (s): FRAME NO.(s)

1) R. L. Franklin 67 thru 80 2)_

COMMENTS : FRAME SUBJECT / FEATURE LOCUS / UNIT DIRECTION 67 San Onofre Power Station from foothills (Nuclear) W 68 Drainage Canyon East of I-5 near Power Plant E 69 Coastal Plain-0ceanside, Beachtowns.. .. SSW 70 SSW , 71 Santa Margarita Mtn. range on Camp Pendleton NNE 72 NNE 73 Semi-Panorama Coastal Plain / Interior /Cuyamaca Peak iE S distance. Taken 74 frg, 7,, p,n,,, SE

                                  "             "         "               Hill
  • 75 SW ,

76 Riparian Area in Las Pulgas Canyon WSW 77 Marine Artillary Smoke from north bank bluff of River SE 78 Santa Margarita River (0' side Harbor- Hotel) _ WSW I soutnsloe o1 79 Across Santa Marg. River / Power poles S.M. River N 80 San Luis Rey River and Mission,showin > _ dredged area within dralnage/ and Uamp rendletui housing sprawl..................... . . southern bordc r. SE (Space for additional information on reverse side) STORAGE IN?O: (NEGATIVE) Monton norvinon. Tnc. FILED BY: (PRINTS) PS-5 L. Eckhardt SDG&E_ _}}