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Discusses Licensee 840926 Response to Generic Ltr 84-15, Proposed Staff Actions to Improve & Maintain Diesel Generator Reliability. Response Provides Info Requested & Sufficient.Action on Generic Ltr Closed
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/1986
From: Zwolinski J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Taylor J
GL-84-15, NUDOCS 8603030312
Download: ML20154A154 (2)


February 24, 1986


I Docket No. 50-409 DISTRIBUTION l Docket BGrimes NRC FOR JPartlow Local PDR JStang Mr. James W. Taylor PD#1 Reading CJamerson General Manager RSernero JZwolinski Dairyland Power Cooperative OELD ACRS (10) 2615 East Avenue South EJordan La Crosse File La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 OMChopra GHolahan Glainas

Dear Mr. Taylor:



Re: La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR)

On July 2, 1984, the staff issued Generic Letter (GL) 84-15, " Proposed Staff Actions to Improve and Maintain Diesel Generator Reliability," to all licensees of operating reactors including the LACBWR. In the GL, the staff requested information on the reliability of diesel generators at LACBWR in the following three areas: reduction of number of cold fast start surveillance tests for diesel generators, diesel generator reliability data and diesel generator reliability. The details requested relating to these three areas were enclosures to GL 84-15.

By letter dated September 26, 1984, Dairyland Power Cooperative (the licensee) submitted a response to GL 84-15. The submittal provided responses to each of the three areas identified above. The licensee did not identify any changes needed to the LACBWR Technical Specifications because of GL 84-15.

The staff has reviewed the licensee's response. The staff concludes that this response has provided the information requested in GL 84-15 and is sufficient. The staff plans no further action on diesel generator reliability as part of GL 84-15. This letter closes out the staff's actions on GL 84-15.

Sincerely, pgguel signed bys s -

John A. Zwolinski, Director BWR Project Directorate #1 Division of BWR Licensing cc: See next page S

DBL:PD#1 DBL!P PWRA:EICSB g DBL:PD#1 CJamerson@ Jt g: jg OMChopraf JZwolinski J /jo/86 ( y J/86 f2/u /86 t/tt/86 l

8603030312 860224 PDR P ADOCK 05000409 PDR

Mr. James W. Taylor Dairyland Power Cooperative La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor cc:

Fritz Schubert, Esquire Clarence Riederer, Chief Engineer Staff Attorney Wisconsin Public Service Dairyland Power Cooperative Commission 2615 East Avenue South Post Office Box 7854 La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 Madison, Wisconsin 53707 Roy P. Lessy, Jr.

O. S. Heistand Morgan, Lewis & Bockius 1800 M Street, N.W.

7th Floor North Receptionist Washington, D.C. 20036 Mr. John Parkyn, Plant Manager La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Dairyland Power Cooperative P. O. Box 275 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspectors Office Rural Route #1, Box 276 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632 Town Chairman Town of Genoa Route 1 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632 Chairman, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Hill Farms State Office Building Madison, Wisconsin 53702 Regional Administrator, Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 1

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