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Forwards Documentation Re Emergency Planning Between Util, Nrc,State of PA & Other Responsible Govt Agencies,Per ASLB 820601 Order.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/08/1984
From: Cullen E
To: Zitzer P
NUDOCS 8405100003
Download: ML20084J629 (102)



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                                                                                  '84 yy -9 g;; ;7y EUGENE J. SR ADLEY assessava esasmak coveseh DONALD SLAMMEN                                                              hbEICL (E $[lj; ,Q.


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EDW ARD J. CULLEN. J R. May 8, 1984 THOM AS H. MILLER. J R. INEME A. McMEMM A . mess. Tam, counesh Ms. Phyllis Zitzer Limerick Ecology Action 762 uucen Street Pottstown, PA 19464 Re: Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-352 & 50-3b3 Dear Ms. Zitzer. In accordance with the Board's Order of June lg 1982, I am forwarding to you copies of correspondence and documents regarding emergency planning among Applicant, NRC Staff, the Costunonwealth of Pennsylvania and other responsible governmental agencies. These documents supplement the material which was forwarded by our letter dated April 27, 1984, and provide additional correspondence covering the period April 3, 1984 through April 24, 1984. g Very truly yours, Aw f  %= f , Edward J. Cullen, Jr. ( i EJC,Jr./pkc enCS.

         ~cc: See Attached Service List
- 0000q/0006q i

m ! 8405100003 840508 PDR ADOCK 05000352 O PDR i S6]

        .n      .                               .
  • d e '

l cc; Judge Lawrence Brenner (w/o enclosure) Judge Peter A. Morris (w/o enclosure) Judge Richard F. Cole (w/o enclosure) Troy B. Conner, Jr., Esq. (w/ enclosure) Ann P. Hodgdon, Esq. (w/ enclosure) Mr. Frank R. Romano (W/o enclosure) Mr. Robert L. Anthony .(w/o enclosure) Zori G . Ferkin, Esq. (w/cnclosure) Mr. Thomas G erusky (w/o enclosure) Director, Pennsylvania Emergency (w/o enclosure) Management Agency Charles W. Elliott, Esq. (w/o enclosure) Angus Love, Esq. (w/o enclosure) David Wersan, Esq. (w/o enclosure) Robert J. Sugarman, Esq. (w/o enclosure) Martha W. Bush, Esq. (w/o enclosure) Spence W. Perry, Esq. (w/o enclosure) Jay M. G utierrez, Esq. (w/o enclosure) Atomic Safety & Licensing (w/o enclosure) Appeal Board Atomic Safety & Licensing (w/o enclosure) Board Panel Docket & Service Section (w/ enclosure) James Wiggins (w/o enclosure) Timothy R. S. Campbell (w/o enclosure) 6 e t 1 1 j l 1 . l 1 l 1 I k D

                  " " '" ' * ''; ' C E' " " 2 ' ' "~ "" "' '  "^ "" 5 5 ' ~" '"^ '"    ""~"~      '
            /     CORPORATE OFFICE: 1:! SEVENT STRE:.          e.. 23URJM ?A 152; .'3487 PH.;412)434 5000 April 23,1984 Niles Kissinger, Administrator                                                                                .

Leader Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 724 North Charlotte Street Pottstown, PA 19464

Dear Mr. Kissinger:

Enclosed per your request is a copy of the current draft of your facility's radiological emergency response plan (RERP) for incidents at the Limerick Generating Station. As we discussed on the telephone, I had been working with Steve Kracke for some time in the development of this plan. I am looking forward to meeting with you on April 27 and discussing the e..mergency planning effort in detail. Sin ely, John F. Long, Jr. JFL:jr Enclosure [ 4 l l l l l -

       .                                                                                 .n        .n  . ._       .. .


       /       RF/ERSOE OFF:OE CE .TER3 :::t N. FRCN'ST. i HARR:SE*.'R3 / PA 17110 FMP!7)236 0031 CORPORATEOFFICE: ::1 SE'/E:.T.-!STREE PCS3URGH FA d:: 343' FM.;412)434 5200 April 23,1984 Bernard P. Bertolino Director of Administrative Services Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Post Office Box 2675 Harrisburg, PA 17105

Dear Bert:

l Per your recent request, enclosed please find copies of all correspondence i I have had regarding the use of Wernersville State Hospital as a host facil ity. Also enclosed is a copy of the letter of agreement signed by the Philadelphia State Hospital. Specifically, Wernersville is being asked to accept patient evacuees, on a temporary basis, from the Manatawny Manor nursing home, in the unlikely event that the facility would need to be evacuated due to an emergency at the Limerick nuclear power plant.

        ' Anything you can do to authorize the officials at Wernersville to agree to such an arrangement, or to authorize such use within the Department, would be greatly appreciated. Time is of the essence, since the etergency plans will be exercised on July 25 and our planning efforts should be completed well before that date.

Any letter of agreement should be addressed to: Robert L. Reber, Director Berks County Emergency Management Agency Agricultural Center R. D. 1 Leesport, PA 19533 I would appreciate it if you could send me a carbon copy. I would like to apologize for bringing .this problem to you once again, but I am sure you share my dismay at how long this has taken. Your help is sincerely appreciated. As always, call with any questions or concerns. Siny.erely

                                                                            /.4 no John F. Lon , Jr.

JFL:jr Enclosure

 . DONALO W. 8AGENSTOSE                         .


  • BERKS COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SERN TWP. AGRICULTURAL CENTER.R.D.1.LEESPORT.PA 19533 (215)374-4400 January 31, 1983 D. D. Campbell, Superintendent -

Wernersville State Hospital Wernersville, PA 19565 Desr Mr. Campbell: As I am'sure you are aware, the Philadelphia Electric Company is in the

     .            final stages of construction of its Limerick Generating Station. You may also be aware that hospitals and nursing homes located within the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (approximately ten-mile radius of Limerick) are in the process of preparing radiological emergency response plans for incidents at Limerick.                                 -

A portion of Berks County is included in the plume exposur,e pathway EPZ. In addition, Berks County has been designated as a support county. In the event of an evacuation, Berks County would be called upon to host evacuees from the emergency planning zone, including hospital and nursing home patients. I would like to meet with you at some time in the near future in order to - discuss Berks County's responsibilities in this matter and the possible role your institution could play. In order to assist me in this planning effort, Philadelphia Electric has retained Energy Consutlants, Inc. of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. An emergency planning specialist from Energy Consultants will probably also attend our meeting. . I will soon be contacting you by telephone in order to schedule a meeting. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me in the meantime. I am looking forward to meeting with you. Sincerely, Robert L. Reber Director RLR:jr

                                                                                                         .r   , e  +    m..

Fnergy Consu tents, no. Riverside Office Center #3. 2101 Nor:h Fron: Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717/236-0031] March 15, 1953 . E. D. Rinehimer . Assistant Superintendent for Administration Wernersville State Hospital Wernersville, PA 19565

Dear Mr. Rinehimer:

Thank you and Russ Riegel for meeting with Bob Reber and me on Tuesday, March 15. We appreciate your time. As we discussed, I will be following up with the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare regarding departmental policies for the use of state facilities as evacuation support for non-state facilities in the event of a disaster or major emergency. I will keep you apprised of any inforniation as I receive it. - Thank you for your cooperation. - Sincerely, John F. Long, Jr. . Emergency Planning Specialist JFL:fr cc. R. Reber O CORPORATE OFFICE: 121 Seventh Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412/434-5CCO)

l ,- ..

      -nergy Consu tents, no.

Rivgrside Office Cen:er *3. 2101 Ner:h Front Street, Harrisburg. PA 17110(717/236-0031] June 15, 1953 Mr. Bernard P. Bertolino - Director of Administrative Services - Department of Public Welfare Commonwealth of Pennsylvania P. O. Box 2675 Harrisburg, PA 17105

Dear Mr. Bertolino:

This letter should serve to confirm the many discussions we have had regarding the involvement of State hospital facilities in emergency planning for the Limerick Generating Station. As you are aware, our firm has been retained by the Philadelphia Electric Company to assist in the development of emergency plans for counties, municipalities, schools and health ca:e facilities located within the Limerick emergency palnning zone (EPZ). One aspect of the development of health care facility emergency plans is the identificatiori of host (reloca-tion) facilities in the event of an evacuation. Through the respective county emergency management agencies, we have had discussions with the Wernersville State Hospital and the Philadelphia 5 ate Hospital regarding their ability to accept patient evacuees frem nursing homes within the Limerick EPZ. The administration of both facilities expressed a willingness to serve in such a capacity, providing that the Comonwealth concurred with such action and assuming that they were not previously committed to accepting evacuees from a sister State facility. It is my understanding that neither of these institutions is comitted to accepting evacuees frcm any State facility located within the Limerick EPZ. Therefore, on behalf of those nursing homes who may be forced to evacuate, I would like to formally request your office's approval for the Wernersville and Philadelphia state hospitals to agree to accept patient evacuees in the unlikely event of a serious incident at Limerick. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. The assistance provided to date by ycur office and the State hospital system has been greatly appreciated. Very incer . yours, de ohn F. Lcng Jr. JFL:jr i l l l CORFORATE OFFICE: 121 Seventh Street. Pittsburgh, PA 15222(412/434 5CCC)

[ , C O'.'M C NW E ALTM CF P ENNsYLV A NI A CESARTMENT CF PuSLIC WEL.sAgg WE9NERsV!LLE STATE NCspiTAL D. D. Campb ell 4,.. cu. vs ses s es un Superintendent 31 August 1983 4 Mr. John Long, Planning Specialist Operations Service Division Energy Consultants, Inc. . 2101 North Front Street { Harrisburg, PA 17110

Dear Mr. Long,

I regret that I am not in a pcsition to cooperate more fully with you in your development of a contingency plan for the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant. In fact, our position has not changed since we discussed this several weeks ago in person. It is our position at Wernersville State Hospital that we are not authorized to enter into an agreement as you requested. We referred you to Mr. Bernard P. , Bertolino, Director of the Bureau of Administrative Services, DPM, Harrisburg, i who has apparently referred you back to us. Mr. Bertolino has advised us that information will be forthcoming on this subject at-some time in the future. We at the hospital level have no authority to act until policy direction is received from Harrisburg. Kindly accept my apologies for not returning your phone calls, but I have no new information for you at this time. Sincerely yours,

  • A. G '
           .-        k tc c-   u n.J 1 E. D. Rinehimer
        . Assistant Superintendent / Administration ec:      D. D. Campbell, Superintendent -                                                       -

Wernersville State Hosoital Bernard P. Berto11no, Director Bureau of Administrative Services Harrisburg, PA


o CoMMoNWE ALTH oF PENNSYLVANI A DEPARTMENT of Pug (IC WELFARE PHILADELPHIA STATE HOSPITAL 14000 Roosevele Boulevard Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19114 TELEeyesg

                                                                                 . . . .     . , , ,          , . , A A E A 0 * : E 215, 6 71 4
  • 4,**
                                                 - Septe=ber 7, 1983 ..                  .    .        . ,                   ..

Samuel L. Ely, I~I, Director Mentgomery County Office of Energency Preparedness 100 Wilson Boulevard Eagleville, Pa. 19408 a

Dear Mr. Ely:

This letter will serve to confirm the willingness of Philadelphia Stare Hospital to accept intermediate care n= sing patient evacuees, to the tr.aximum extent possible, frc the Montgerary County Geriatric and Rehabilitation Center, in the event of a radiological emergency at the Li=erick Generating Station. It is our understanding that we will be contacted directly in the early stages of any emergency by the, Geriatric center. Any arrangements regarding the nt=ber of evacuees, the transfer of staff, etc., will be addressed at that time.' T..e contact person at this facility is the Nesing Supervisor who can be reached at (215) 671-4195,-

  ,                day or night, including weekends.                                                                      ,

It is a pleasure to have been of service to you. I Sin - i v, l *

                                                                                     ,          2 -
                                                               .tne   ousto[,..D.
  • Superintendent EE/?.IS/cs l

i cc Manage =ent Tea: - Administrative Services Department Heads l 1 l s .

l ENERGY CONSULTANTS RIVEP.S:CE OFFICE CENTER 3 / 2121 N. FRONT ST. / HARRISBURG / PA 17110 / PH.Jt71236-0031 CORPORATE OFFICE: 121 SEVE.*G STREC PITTSBURGH ' PA 15:22-3487 / PM. 412)434-5200 April 24,1984 l I Mr. Robert Miller Administrator Frederick Mennonite Home Route 73 Frederick, PA 19435

Dear Mr. Miller:

Enclosed for your review are two (2) copies of Draft 3 of the Frederick Mennonite Home Radiological Emergency Response Plan for incidents at the Limerick Generating Station. This draft incorporates review comments from the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the revisions desired by you and your staff follow-ing your review of Draft 2. Please review this new draft at your earliest convenience and make note of any questions or concerns. I will be in touch with you to discuss the results of your review and to confirm dates and times for training programs. Thank you for your continued assistance. Please call me with any questions. Sincerely, QA, W David L. Dunn DLD:jr Enclosures cc. Montgomery County OEP l l


ENERGY CONSULTANTS RIVERS:DECFFICE CENTER 3 2121 N. FRCNTST. / HARRIS 5URG / PA !?!!o / PH.CID236-CC31 CORPORATEOFFICE: 121 SEVENTHSTREET PCSBURGH PA 15222-2497iFM.i40.:434-5200 April 19, 1984 Mr. Timothy R. S. Campbell Director Chester County Department of Emergency Services 14 East Biddle Street West Chester, PA 19380

Dear Tim:

The enclosed list breaks out tentative areas for relocation of risk Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance services and Police Department; Reception Center; and Emergency Worker Decontamination points. I understand from our telephone conversation today that Chester County DES will arrange meetings in the appropriate support areas to determine specific locations, where necessary, and address unmet needs. Our feeling is that the Uwchlan and Schuylkill Township meetings should occur first since these muni-cipalities are projected for significant support roles. Please review the enclosed to ensure that the tentative assignments are in accord with Chester County's recommendations. Ron Deck will contact your staff in several days to discuss meeting dates and coordinate schedules, if the tentative assignments are acceptable to you. In the meantime, we will continue to work with the risk municipalities to assure their agreement with the assignments. Sincerely, koel Grottenthaler JG/dlt Enclosures - i

     .y ~~.-

6 Elverson Borough t

1. Ridge Fire Company
2. Emergency Worker Decontamination Center Uwchlan Township
1. Kimberton Fire Company
2. Liberty Fire Company (Spring City)
3. Springford Rescue ,
4. Ludwig's Corner Fire Company
5. ~ East Pikeland Township Police Department
6. Spring City Area Ambulance
7. Spring City Police Department
8. West Pikeland Police Department
9. West Vincent Police Department
10. Emergency Worker Decontamination Center Schuylkill Township
1. Phoenix #1 (Phoenixville)
2. Friendship #2(Phoenixville)
3. East Vincent Township Police Department
4. Phoenixville Police Department
5. Schuylkill Township Police Department '
6. Emergency Worker. Decontamination Center East Whiteland Township
1. West End Fire-Company #3.(Phoenixvi.lle)
2. Charlestown Township Police Department 3..WestEndAmbulance(Phoenixville)

West Nantmeal . 1

1. LEast Coventry Police Department
2. : Support to Morgan Corporation Reception Center s


                             ,,m -
                                               . ,. ,    - .,,..,,.     .,.-..,     ..h , ,.. _
     .' + .

_g_ West Whiteland Exton Mall. Reception Center West Goshen West Goshen Shopping Center Reception Center Downingtown

 ,                Downingtown High School Reception Center t

i h 4 k 6 M S f e~% wt w W

4/19 i TENTATIVE RELUCATION MUNICIPALITIES EOC FIRE / RESCUE AMBULANCE PULICE Charlestown Twp. Chesco Library East Whiteland East Coventry Twp. Chesco Library Ridge to Elverson West Nantmeal East Nantmeal Twp. W. Nantmeal East Pikeland Twp.- Chesco Library Kimberton to Uwchlan Uwchlan

         ' East Vincent Twp.                               Chesco library                                                                         Schuylkill Daniel Boone H.S.

North Coventry Twp. Chesco Library Norco to Union (Berks) (Berks) Phoenixville1)k Friendship 2 , to Schuylkill Phs:nixville Chesco Library West End 3 - To E. Whiteland W. End to E. Whiteland Schuylkill (Valley Forge FD) Schuylkill Twp. Schuylkill Twp. Schuylkill

        .Scuth Coventry Twp.                               Chesco Library Spring City                                       Chesco Library Liberty Springford /

N Uwchlan Spring City to Uwchlan Uwchlan Upper Uwchlan Outside EPZ Uwchlan Twp. Outside EPZ , Warwick Twp. 'Chesco Library ! West Pikeland Twp. Uwchlan Twp. Uwchlan Wsst' Vincent Twp.. Chesco Library Ludwig's Corner to Uwchlan Uwchlan 4 I


                                       . Frederick Mennonite Home Route 73-Frederick,'PA -19435 April 1984 I

Copy Nuncer Draft 3.- I

                                                                                                 .l J


                                                    ;                                         I l

I t 4 Draft 3

                  . + - - ,
                                                                  F-Str'SWe sg..m,,     _-

RADIOLOGICAL EME'GENCY R RESPONSE PLAN FREDERICK MENNONITE HOME Table of Contents 01:e I. Introduction A. Purpose.................................................... 1 B. Authority.................................................. 1 C. Raferences................................................. 1 D. Definitions................................................ 2 E. Responsibilities........................................... 4 F. Situation.................................................. 9 II. Notification / Initial Response A. I ni ti a l Noti f i cat i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 B. Plan Implementation........................................ 9 C. Emergency Management Team Notification..................... 9 D. On-Duty Personnel.......................................... 10 E. O f f- D u ty P e r s o n n e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) III. Concept of Operations A. Unusual Event.............................................. 10 B. Alert...................................................... 10 C. S i t e E me r g e n cy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 D. General Emergency.......................................... 12 IV.. Sheltering...................................................... 13 V. Evacuation Procedures........................................... 13 VI. De-es cal a t i on o f I n ci dent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l' VII. Reentry......................................................... 15 VIII. Plan Maintenance and Distribution............................... 15 1 Draft 3

l AttachmInt A: Notification Roster Attachment 8: Evacuation Support Attachment C: County Reporting Information Attachment 0: Plan Activation and Operation Schematic Diagrams Attachment E: Evacuation Vehicle Estimates l l I 4



                                                                       " Draft.3-

RAD 10LOGlCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN FREDERICK MENNONITE HOME I .- INTRODUCTION A. Purpose The following Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) is

                                  . designed to prepare Frederick Mennonite Hone personnel to respond appropriately to emergencies or potential emergency situations in 4                                    the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station.

The objective of this plan is to identify each necessary function, determine who will be responsible for it, assign authority within that function, and illustrate how that function will relate to others.

                                  .This Radiological Emergency Response Plan is a working document,                                           ,

action-oriented and designed as a guide for the time of stress. It is intended to be flexible and quickly adaptable to produce a safe environment for both residents and staff. This document is intended Eto conform to all appropriate Federal, j State, County and Municipal statutes and accrediting / licensing

  • agency regulations for the safety and care of residents and employees during a radiological incident.

i Orientation of new personnel should include issuance of appropriate sections of this Plan and instruction in the duties assigned therein. B. Authority The authority for the preparation of this Plan is provided by P. L. ' 1332, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Act of 1978. 4 C. References

                                           .Public Law 1332, "The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services
Act of'1978."

1 - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Disaster Operations Plan, Annex E - Fixed Nuclear Facility Incidents. Pennsylvania Department of Health Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plan. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, " Accreditation Manual. for Long Term Care Facilities," 1980.

                                          . United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal j,                                          Emergency Management Agency, " Criteria for Preparation and 1                                                          Draft 3
    , ~ , _ , .     , ,                          , . - .     ,     - - ,
                                                                                    - - .              ,,--.,.a. w

Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," NUREG 0654, FEMA REP-1, November 1980. Montgomery County Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Annex G; Health and Medical Services. E D. Definitions 4 The following definitions refer to terms mentioned within the text of this pla'n or commonly used in reference to long-term care / nursing facilities.

1. Dosimeters - Device for measuring and recording exposure to radioactive emanations.
2. Emergency Broadcast System (ERS) Announcements - Official announcements made at the county level for the specific purpose af providing instructions or directions from the County
                                 ;ommissioners, or their designated official representative, to the residents of the County. Announcements are made over the legally designated alerting and warning (EBS) network.
3. Emergency Management - The judicious planning, assignment and ,

coordination of all available resources in an integrated program of preYention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery for emergencies of any kind, whether from enemy attack, man-made or natural sources. l 4. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - A specific location within , the nursing home complex designated for use by the Emergency Managemant Team'to direct operations in tne event of an 4 emergency condition.

5. Emernancy Planning Zone (EPZ) - A generic area defined about a nuclear facility to facilitate offsite emergency planning and develop a significant response base. It is defined for the plume and ingestion exposure pathways, l
6. Fixed Nuclear Facility Incident (hereinafter called an
                                 " incident") - An incident is an event or condition at a fixed nuclear facility which could result in a negative impact on

' public health and safety. Four incident classifications have been identified; froh the least serious to the most serious they_ j are: ' Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency and General  ; Emergency. (Note: Site'or General Emergency classifications are not to be confused with a " Declaration of Disaster Emergency" made by the Governor.) Descriptions of the four incident classifications are as follows:

a. Unusual Event - Events are in process or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of .

the plant. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response.or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs.

               .                                         2                                    Draf t -.3
b. Alere - Events are in process or have occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant. Any releases are expected to be limited to sms11 fractions of the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels.
c. Site Emergency - Events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for protection of the public. Any releases are not expected .to exceed EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels except near the site boundary.
d. General Emergency - Events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degrada-tion or melting with for loss of containment integrity. Releases can be reasonably expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels offsite for more than the immediate site area.


7. Host F,acility - A nursing home or other facility located outside the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ with which a formal written 4 agreement has been made for the hosting of evacuated residents.
8. Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ - The area surrounding a fixed nuclear facility which potentially is subject to radiation exposure as a result of an incident involving radioactive ,

materiil emanating from the facility. Such potential exposure could involve: (a) whole body external exposure to gamma

radiation from the plume and from deposited materials, and (b) ~

inhalation exposure from the passing radioactive plume. The EPZ for this pathway consists of an area of approximately ten miles in radius around the fixed nuclear facility. (The exact size ' and configuration of the plume exposure pathway EPZ for the Limerick Generating Station was determined in relation to. local emergency response needs and capabilities as they are affected by conditions such as demography, topography, access routes, and jurisdictional boundaries.)_

9. Protective Action Guide (PAG) - Projected dose to individuals in the general population which warrants protective action.
10. Protective Actions - An action taken to avoid or reduce a i projected dose of radiation. (Sometimes referred to as
protective measures.)
11. ' Public Information Statemerts _Public announcements made by ,

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency or County spokespersons l 1 via newspaper, radio or television to explain government actions  ! being taken to protect the event of any public emer- , gency. The purpose of the announcement is to provide accurate. information, prevent panic and counteract misinformation and rumors. Reference to the emergency situation itself will be - made only in the context of the reasons for governmental _ actions, and not to provide detailed information about it. . 3 Draft 3 l f y ,- , m.w, , - - ,, ,,+,w . , , ~ .---,-----+---,--c-.--- -%--,- -a, . - , , - - , , m-e-.--w - w ~, ,


12. Radiological Emergency Response Plans (RERP) - Detailed incident response plans developed by the State and its agencies, County and Municipal emergency management agencies and special facilities in coordination with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the Limerick Generating Station. .
13. Radioprotective Drugs - A medication (generally Potassium Iodide) which blocks the absorption of radioactive Iodine-131 by the thyroid gland, which will be issued to individuals required to stay within the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.
14. Sheltering - Action by the public to take advantage of the protection against radiation exposure afforded by remaining indoors, away from doors and windows, during and following the 4

passage of the radioactive plume.

15. State of Disaster Emergency - A state of disaster emergency exists whenever the Governor issues a declaration of disaster emergency. A disaster emergency shall be declared by executive order or proclamation of the Governor at any time upon finding that a disaster has occurred or that the occurrence or the threat of a disaster is imminent. The state of disaster emergency continues until the Governor finds that the threat or danger has passed and terminates it by executive order or proclamation, but no state of disaster emergency may continue for longer than 90 days unless renewed by the Governor. The '

term, state of df3 aster emergency, is not to be confused with

;                       the incident classification terms called Site Emergency and i

General Emergency. i

16. Transportation Resources - Modes of transportation for evaucation of nursing home residents; generally includes ambulances, buses and trucks.

a 17 Ur. met Needs - Capabilities and/or resources required to support i emergency operations but neither available nor provided for at

,                       the respective levels of emergency response.

E. Responsibilities

1. Emergency Management Team Yhe implementation of this Radiological Emergency _ Response Plan i

is the responsibility of _ the Emergency Management Team. This team is comprised of the following individuals, with their stat.ed responsibilities:

a. Administrator - The 'overall authority for the implementation -

and direction of th;s Radiological Emergency Response Plan rests'with the Administrator or his designated alternate. Specific responsibilities include: (1) Coordinate the emergency management response to all radiological. incidents. 4 Draft 3

                     .~           - . -              -- ..       . ,   -.    ..         . . -

(2) Set up the Emergency Operations Center (E0C) in the Administrator's Office. (3) Establish and maintain communications with the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness and provide for internal facility communications via telephone intercom, paging or messenger. (4) Coordinate staff scheduling with the Emergency Manage-ment Team to ensure adequate 24-hour staffing for emergency conditions. (5) Coordinate the facility's emergency management response with the medical group / coordinator of the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness, designated host facilities and outside agencies. (6) Respond to all internal requests for personnel and equipment support. (7) Receive and maintain current resident census /trans-portation requirements and staffing needs, reporting unmet needs to the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness. (8) Terminate the emergency condition and deactivate the emergency response plan when conditions stabilize, allowing a return to normal operations. (9) Document the emergency management effort when normal operations are restored (it is advisable to maintain a date-time log of events during '.. e incident).

b. Director of Nursing - The Director of Nursing is responsible for the assignment of all nursing service personnel and any volunteers needed to supplement staffing requirements. In the absence of the Administrator, or his designate, the Director of Nursing shall assume control of the response.

In addition, the Director of Nursing is responsible for overseeing the preparation of resident census reports, the classification of residents for transport, and the coordination of the efforts of the resident care, clinical care and support departments.

c. Charge Nurse on Duty - The Charge Nurse on duty is respons-ible for carrying out responsibilities assigned by the Director of Nursing. In the absence of the Director of Nursing, the Charge Nurse shall be responsible for the assignment'of all nursing service personnel. In the absence of the Administrator and the Director of Nursing, the Charge Nurse shall assume control of the initial response,
d. Medical Director - The primary responsibility _of the Medical  ;

Director is ensuring adequate m(. dical care for Frederick 1 5 Draft 3

Mennonite Home residents. The Medical Ofrcctor shall prescribe appropriate precautionary measures so as to alleviate suffering and loss of life. The Medical Director shall also review and identify residents eligible for discharge during census reduction efforts.

e. Maintenance Supervisor - The Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for maintaining all electrical and mechanica' functicas necessary to ensure a safe facility environner.:.

The Maintenance Supervisor shall assign appropriate personnel to answer emergency calls for service from all areas of the Frederick Mennonite Home.

2. Other Agencies There are a number of external agencies with specific responsi-bilities in.the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station. These include:
a. Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness.

s Those responsibilities of the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness which are specifically related to this Radiological Emergency Response Plan include: (1) Implementation of protective action recommendations. (2) Coordination of emergency medical services to include maintenance of routine coverage. In the event of an evacuation, provision of assistance to homebound invalids, hospitals and nursing homes. (3) Personnel decontamination monitoring for the general population and decontamination of individuals as necessa ry. (4) Provision for medical support to mass care centers. (5) Provision for the .5ealth protection of emergency workers by implementing plans for protective actions including protective clothing, dosimeters, radioprotec-tive drugs, personnel decontamination monitoring, and related training. (6) Utilization of the Department of Health's hospital list

 .                       (those capable of treating contaminated and irradiated individuals) to designate the local and backup hospitals that will support fixed nuclear facility incidents.

(7) Identification of hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and other institutions. located within the plume exposure pathway EPZ. t 6 Draft 3


 - . . .                                                                        l l
b. Pennsylvania Departmsnt of Health (PaDoH)

The Pennsylvania Department of Health, under the direction of the Secretary of Health, has the following related responsibilities: (1) Development and maintenance of a comprehensive State emergency medical plan for response to radiological incidents. (2) Coordination with Federal health authorities, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), the Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP), and the Department of Agriculture to assess any radiation hazard to the public and develop corresponding health related guidance for incident response. (3) Support of counties and municipalities with technical advice, identification and coordination of medical resources in the event of an incident. (4) In coordination with PEMA and the risk counties, develcpment of procedures for stockpiling, distributing and administering radioprotective drugs. (5) Maintenance of a curren inventory, with a copy to PEMA, of Statewide medical facilities with the capability of treating radiation exposure victims. (6) Maintenance of current site-specific lists of local and backup medical facilities having the capability of evaluating, handling and treating contaminated and irradiated individuals. (7) Compilation and maintenance of a current listing of Statewide ambulance resources that could be made available for use in evacuating hospitals, nu, sing homes and invalids living at home. (8) Provision of technical advice and assistance to hospitals and nursing homes within the plume exposure 4 pathway EPZ as well as hospitals in general support and advice to them regarding their respective emergency response plans, with information to the respective county EMA's, through PEMA, regarding all emergency related messages, information, and assistance between the Department and individual institutions. (9) Cooperation with State Hospital Associations and other medical organizations in developing plans for prevent-ing adverse effects that may result from radiation exposure. 7 Draft 3

                               =                                    .   --

(10) Development and impicmentation of a uniform Statewide system for recording the contamination data and treatment of radiologically exposed individuals to include: 1 1 (a) Location at time of incident (b) Radiation exposure date (c) Contamination status (d) Treatment status , (e) Release status (11) In coordination with PEMA and BRP: (a) Issuance of guidelines for radiation detection and measureinent systems used by ambulance services and hospital emergency departments. (b) Issuance of guidance concerning the levels of radiation exposure related to the health and safety of ambulance services, hospitals and other health care personnel. (c) Development of emergency medical support and response training programs. (d) Development.of public education material to i explain to the populace the health hazards of radiation exposure and what can be done medically j to eliminate or lessen the hazards and treat individuals exposed to them. (12) Coordination of the medical response to incidents with any affected contiguous states.

c. Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)

The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency has the following related responsibilities'in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station: l (1) Responsibility as the lead State agency for emergency management and coordination of response activities. i (2) In cooperation with applicable State agencies and the

'American Red Cross, coordination of the resource management (including delivery to central resource receiving points) of available State equipment.and supplies to satisfy unmet needs of risk and support .

Counties. i l 8 Draft 3

l (3) Establishment and maintenance of agreements with ' supporting Federal agencies, adjacent States, voluntsu organizations and fixed nuclear facilities to provids for coordination and integration of emergency response l planning and operations. (4) Operation of an annual exercise to evaluate Radio-logical Emergency Response Plans and capabilities. ) F. Situation  ! An incident at the Limerick Generating Station having the potentia! for release of radioactive materials may require that the residents and staff of the Frederick Mennonite Home take some type of protective action. These actions may include:

1. Sheltering
2. Evacuation Appropriate responses may include some combination of these protective actions. Technical assistance concerning responses to a particular incident will be made available by the Department of

, Health, the Bureau of Radiation Protection, and Pennsylvania ! Emergency Management Agency through the Montgonery County Office of i Emergency Preparedness. . l II. NOTIFICATION A. Initial Natifica' tion Upon receiving information from the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness that a radiological incident at the Limerick Generating Station has been classified as an Alert, Sice Emergency or General Emergency, the telephone / paging operator shall immedi-ately notify the highest ranking staff person available within the facility. A confirmatory telephone call, verifying the initial notification, should be anticipated from Upper Frederick Towr ship. B. Implementation l. The individual so notified shall implement this Radiological Emergency Response Plan, as appropriate (reference Section III - Concept of Operations) C. Emergency Management Team Notification Upon implementation of the Radiological Emergency Response Plan, the telephone / paging operator shall imediately notify all members of the emergency management team (reference Attachmen','A). The ranking staff person on duty shall assume the role of directing the radio-logical emergency response until such time as a higher ranking staff person arrives. > 9 Draft 3

I D. On-Duty Personnel


On-duty personnel will be notified of the situation by the facility's public address system or telephone. On-duty personnel will remain at their assigned stations unless directed elsewhere by a member of the Emergency Management Team. Members of the Emergency Management Team should report to the Emergency Operations Center in the Administrator's Office.

E. Of f-Duty Personnel Off-duty personnel will be contacted by the appropriate member of the Emergency Management Team or their department supervisor.

Immediately upon notification, off-duty personnel should proceed to the nursing home and report to the appropriate department head or, j in the case of those assigned to the Emergency Management Team, to the Emergency Operations Center in the Administrator's Office. Off-duty personnel, upon learning of a Site Emergency or General Emergency through the mass media or Emergency Broadcast System, should not wait for notification but should proceed directly to the nursing home and report to their appropriate department head, or in the case of Emergency Management Team members, to the Emergency Operations Center in the Administrator's Officer. III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS Specific emergency management respanses are dependent upon the " Incident Classification" declared at the Limerick Generating Station. t Notification of the incident classification, and of any changes in that classification, will be received from the Montgomery County Office of , Emergency Preparedness. 4 i Please note that procedures for all classifications are cumulative; that

j 'is, procedures for each incident classification include those procedures established for all lower classifications.

A. UNUSUAL EVENT 1 i No formal notification will be received from the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness at this classification. No action is required. B. ALERT

1. Assemble Emergency Management Team H


2. Establish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the Administrator's Office. -

3 Perform immediate update of resident census (reference a Attachment C, Tab I) classifying' residents according to the following transport status: l 10 Draft 3 4 L_

a. Ambulance (litter patients)
b. Bus / Van-(ambulatory and most wheelchair patients) 4 Code resident chart in accordance with transport status, codi ;

as follows:

a. A - ambulance l
b. B - bus / van
5. Notify designated host facilities (reference Attachaent B, Tab I) of incident, requesting bed availability and reservatic-of available beds for resident evacuees.
6. Determine on-duty staff census.

, 7. Determine emergency staff needs for (a) shelter and (b) evacuation.

8. Identify residents whose medical status would permit temporary discharge to family custody (excluding those requiring ambulan e transportation).
9. Inventory supply needs for a 5-day period.
10. Provide an immediate report of the following (reference Attachment C, Tab I) to the Montgomery County Medical Coordinator at  :

I a. Resident census and transportation requirements,

b. Host facility bed availability.
c. On-duty staff census,
d. Any unmet needs.
11. Test emergency generator.
12. Stock kitchen with a 5-day supply of canned foods, fruits and juices, containers of potable water, disposable plates, cups a-d utensils.
13. Inventory and replenish medications, IV fluids and oxygen supplies for a minimum five (5) day period.-
14. Inventory and prepare dosimeters and radioprotective drugs (KI).


1. Prerequisite - Perform all appropriate actions outlined under ALERT.

11 Draft 3

                                               ,              .- ..       , _,      .  .s _ . -

2.- Terminate admissions.

3. Terminate visiting hours for the duration of tne incident.

i 4 Recall required off-duty personnel.

5. Prepare abbreviated resident transfer forms provicing personai data, diagnosis, medications, etc. ,


6. Place identification bracelets, or identification / disaster ta;s on all residents.
7. Time permitting, contact families of residents identiffea as being appropriate for discharge, and discharge residents to family care wherever possible.
8. Consolidate nursing units to reduce staffing requirements, as necessary.
9. Place minimum five-day requirement of residents' medication in individual bags stapled to resident transfer forms.
10. Assemble all required special care resident transportation nests (e.g., portable oxygen apparatus, patient restraints, etc.) at the appropriate nursing stations.
11. Contact host facilities (reference Attachment B Tab I) confirn-ing bed availability and reservation of availaole beds for resident evacuees. Request additional beds through the Montgomery County Medical Coordinator at , if required.
12. Confirm transportation resources through the Montgomery County Medical Coordinator at , and assure that transportation' providers have been reacted for dispatch.
13. Instruct staff in the procedures for distribution and use of radiation dosimeters and administration of radioprotective drugs (sufficient quantities of dosimeters and radioprotective drugs will be maintained on hand in the nursing home, dosimeters will be provided for 50% of total staff (emergency staffing levels) and potassium iodide will be provided for 50% of staff and 100%

of patients.

14. Notify families of possible resident evacuation and name/

location of host facility as time permits. D. GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. Prerequisite - Perform all appropriate actions outlined under ALERT and SITE EMERGENCY.
2. Await Protective Action Guidelines from the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness. Such guidelines'should consist of either:

12 Draft 3

a. Sheltering (reference Section IV), or
b. Evacuation, if evacuation can be safely completed prior to the release of significant radiation to the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ (reference Section V.).

IV. SHELTERING PROCEDURES A. Remain indoors with all doors and windows closed. B. Adjust heating / ventilation / air conditioning systems to eliminate or minimize the intake of outside air. C. If possible, evacuate exterior rooms with windows and/or doors in ravor of interior rooms. D. Distribute dosimeters to designated emergencj staff. E. Upon the direction of the Secretary of Health, distribute radioprotective drugs, instruct staff to administer them to themselves and patients (if so ordered by the attending physician) in accordance with tne instructions received with said drugs. V. EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. Authority - The Governor has the sole authority and responsibility for directing , and compelling an evacuation. The Governor or the highest ranking elected County or Municipal official in authority may recommend an evacuation for their respective jurisdictions. Evacuation of the Frederick Mennonite Home may be ordered by the Administrator. B. Reouired Coordination Any evacuation outside the Frederick Mennonite Home complex must be coordinated with the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness and the Emergency Response. Team of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, through the Montgomery County Medical Coordinator at . C. General Procedures

1. Notify host facilities (reference Attachment B, Tab I) of incident, requesting bed availability, commissioning available beds for resident evacuees and determining requirements for accommodating transfer of staff, reporting any unmet needs to the Montgonery County Medical Coordinator at .
2. Confirm dispatch / positioning of required transport vehicles from the Montgomery County Medical Coordinator at .
3. Prepare a roster of residents, their destinations and mode of transportation. Provide copies of roster for host facilities and the Montgomery County Medical Coordinator, i

13 Draft 3

    ,   .                                                                                        i 4    Assemble residents, together with resident charts, transfer             j forms, medication and other necessary medical support equipment at departure areas according to assigned transport status,
a. Ambulance cases will be assembled in the Nursing Entrance Lobby.
b. Bus / van cases will be assembled in the Residental Main Entrance.
5. Assign staff to provide external traffic direction for departure areas.
6. Assign medical / nursing staff to multiple-resident transport vehicles as deemed appropriate.
7. Distribute evacuation route maps (reference Attachment B, Tab II) to drivers unfamiliar with the route of travel or final destination.
8. Assist residents into appropriate trahsportation vehicles.
9. Dispatch selected staff to establish temporary administrative headquarters at one of the host facilities.
10. Secure the facility via the shutdown of cll, mechanical, electrical and physical plant systems, with the exception of sprinkler and alarm systems.
11. Secure records by locking all file cabinets and/or fire files, locking important records in fire files.
12. Secure resident's personal valuables and lock the safe, depositing an inventory list in a separate locked file.
13. Secure drugs / medications not being transported by triple locking all medication cabinets.
14. Notify the Montgomery County Medical Coordinator at ,

of the relocation site selected as the temporary administrative headquarters, indicating that evacuation is complete and depart


with the facility locked and secured. VI. DE-ESCALATION OF INCIDENT Upon notification from the Montgorery County Office of Emergency Preparedness that the Incident Classification for the Limerick Generating Station has been de-escalated, the Frederick Mennonite Home Administrator should oversee the orderly return of the facility to the level of preparation indicated by the new classification. The specific ^ steps to be taken and the sequence in which they are taken shall be determined by the Administrator. 14 Draft 3

VII. REENTRY Safety inspection of the physical plant an'd surrounding areas shall be performed by the Administrator and Maintenance Supervisor. Upon the determination that reoccupation of the nursing home is considered safe, department managers and the energency management team shall ensure that the facility is fully prepared to resume normal operations prior to reoccupation. When the facility is fully prepared, the emergency operations center will be re-established in the Administrator's Office and the Administrator will coordinate transportation and reoccupation through the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness. VIII. PLAN MAINTENANCE AND DISTRIBUTION A. Maintenance

1. The Administrator is responsible for ensuring the currency of the Nursing Home RERP, including the development and distribu-tion of all changes, as well as accomplishing an annual review.
2. All changes to the Frederick Mennonite Home RERP shall be coordinated through the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness.
3. The current date shall be placed on any page that is changed.

B. Distribution

l. Montgomery County E0C (copies to accommodate distribution to PEMA and Philadelphia Electric Company)

Copy Numbers 1-4 4 copies

2. Upper Frederick Township Emergency Management Coordinator Copy Number 5 1 copy
3. Frederick Mennonite Home Staff 15 ' Draf t ' 3

l ATTACHMENT A NOTIFICATION ROSTER I. Emergency Management Team Home Telephone Administrator Robert Miller Director of Nursing Ruth Bechtel, R.N. Medical Director Edwin Anderson, M.D. Maintenance Supervisor Levi Beiler 1 j II. Department Supervisors Director of Nursing Ruth Bechtel, R.N. Maintenance Supervisor Levi Beiler Dietary Christine Rhoads Housekeeping / Laundry Bessie Phillips Social Service Peg Hasson i f I I i A Draft 3

ATTACHMENT 3 EVACUATION SU? PORT Tab I: Host Facilities Tab II: Evacuation Route Mrps Tab III: Letters of Agreement

       -                        B             Draft 3

ATTACHMENT S g EVACUATION SUPPORT Tab I: Host Facilities Tab II: Evacuation Route Maps Tab III: Letters of Agreement i l 1 ( ' 1 B Draf t 3

                                                                     . i l



  • Facility: Rockhill Mennonite Community Route 152, Rox 21 Sellersville, PA 18960 Telephone: (215)257-2751 Contact Person: Mr. Randy Shelly l


  • Facility: Eastern Mennonite Home 4 207 West Summit Street Souderton, PA 18964 Telephone: (215)723-9881 I

Contact Person: Mr. Paul Moyer a

  • Facility: Dock Terrace Detwiler Road Lansdale, PA 19446 Telephone: (215)362-5757 Contact Person: Mrs. Lina Hughes or Mr. David Derstine (215/362-8073)

J i

  • Should pre-arranged host facilities be unable to provide full evacuation support, the Montgomery County Medical Group / Coordinator will assist in
         .the identification of alternate host facilties.

B-1 Draft 3


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aster >z @e>1>to,11te do>>2e zov west svuoir staunt sovocarou. *A t ess4 noss tais> 723 Seat July 1, 1983 Robert Miller, Administrator Frederick Mennonite Home Route 73 Frederick, PA 19435

Dear Mr. Miller:

This letter will serve to indicate the willingness of the Eastern Mennonite Home to accept patient evacuees, to the maximum extent possible, from the Frederick Mennonite Home in the event of an evacuation due to a radiological emergency at the Limerick Generating Station. i It is our understanding that you will contact this facility at the earliest possible stages of any incident. Detailed information regarding the actual number of evacuees to be hosted, the transfer of Frederick Mennonite staff, and any other concerns, will be addressed at that time. Your contact person in the event of an emergency is Paul D. Moyer, Administrator. Sincerely, l f ' A nof. l ' aul D. Moyet Administrat5r , djr

DOCK nOODS COh&{ UNIT 91INC. i h I s cxs cissxi

    %                                                                CSilu Sn). :ahk. f.; .%:J June 27, 1983 Mr. Robert Miller l                Administrator Frederick Mennonite Home Route 73           -..

Frederick, Pa. 19435 . i'

Dear Mr. Miller:

This letter will serve to indicate the willingness of Dock Terrace to accept patient evacuees, to the max-l imu= ex, tent possible, from the Frederick Mennonite Home l in the event of evacuation due'to a radiological emergency at the. Limerick Generating Station. It is our understanding that you will contact this _ facility at the earliest possible time. Detailed informa-tion regarding the number of evacuees, the transfer cf Frederick Mennonite staff, and other concerns, will be addressed at that time. In the event of an emergency, you would contact me at Dock Terrace, phone number 362-5757 or at my home, phone nu-.ber 723-4575. I Sincerely, UN ff to ,Y Lina 5. Hughes , FN, NHA Administrator LM/cd'a / CC: John Long,Jr'. Energy Consultants,Inc. e e


            ,            Box 21. Route 152. Sellersville. Pennsylvania 18:50
  • 215-257-2751
                                                          Mr. Robert Miller. Administrat:r Frederick Mennor.ite H::e Route 73 Fre de ri ck . PA 19L35

Dear Mr. Miller:

This letter will serve to indicate the willingness of the ROOKHILL MENNONITE C0KON!!Y to a:0e;t patier.: evacuees. t the maxinr.:: extent possible from tne Frederick Mer.nonite Home ir. the event of ar. evacuation due : a radiological at the Limerick Ger.erating Statier.. It is our u .ders tar. fir.; that you will ccr.ta: this facility at the earliest ; ssible stages of any ir. cider.t. Detailed inf:rtan es regarding the actua* number of evacuees tc te hosted. the transfer of Frederick Mennoni e s .aff, and any other concern, will be addressed at -hat time. Your contact perscr. ir. the event cf an emerger.:7 is Randy L. Shelly, Administrator. Sincerely.

                                                *S , p.f & s '

Randy L. Sr.elly. Adeinistra:Or RLS: : l 1 1 A Caring Ministry of the Franconia Mennonite Conference

e ATTACHMENT C ! COUNTY REPORTING INFORMATION j Date: j Time: j Part I: Census and Transportation Requirements

  • Census Transportation Classification i

Total Ambulance Bus / Van Skilled Nursing Patients i Residential Guests j On-Duty Staff Part II: Host Arrangements i f i Host Facilities Available Beds Skilled Residential Rockhill Mennonite Community j Eastern Mennonite Home l Dock Terrace



Part III
Unmet Needs i

! Provide updated transportation and census data to the county every 24 hours. C Draft 3 1

1 ATTACHMENT D Tab h Plan Activation Sequence Tab II: Operations Sequence D Draft 3

i'. . ..

,                                                           TAB I to ATTACHMENT 0 l




,                              MANAGEMENT TEAM                       ASSIGN /RE-ASSIGN ON-DUTY STAFF l                                                                    RECALL 0FF-DUTY STAFF i

i t I


] i l i . D-1 Draft 3 I i

F (. l 0. . W . rd s g 0 .


3 -

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ATTACHMENT E EVACUATION VEHICLE ESTIMATES l It is Jstimated that, on average, the following number and type of vehicles will t e necessary to totally evacuate the Frederick Mennonite Home. The actua' number and type of vehicles will be determined at the time of an actual incident. 14 Ambulances

  • 3 Buses **
  • Assuming 2 persons / ambulance
                                  ** Assuming 40 persons / bus E-1                            Draft 3


///      CORPORATE OFFICE: 21 c:.. :.N.r. : .: :.c. Fu 4 d = u. ~{r.,HAR:

55URg c.s 15220-3437 PH.(,/ .PA

                                                                                         .., 17110 i PH.t71]34-{c -.

April 16, 1984 Mr. Gerhard Martin Emergency Management Coordinator Borough of Green Lane , Marlborough Township 108 Walnut Street Green Lane, PA 18054

Dear Mr. Martin:

I am forwarding herewith for your review and comment eight (8) copies of Draf: 5 of the Green Lane Borough Implementing Procedures for your Radiological Emergency Response Plan. It would be appreciated if you would review these documents and inform me of any desired changes. Particular attention should be given to any special facilities such as day care or retirement centers in your municipality which may have special transportation needs and have not yet been identified in your plan. Additionally, we would recommend that you distribute these plans to your E0C staff in order that they have them available for training. Please let me knew if you need additional copies. Once again, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to conta:- me. Sincere , i ,

                                                                     ,  _- d. V Rona d L. Dock Planner / Trainer RLD/gmg Enclosures cc: Montgomery County OEP


O e IMPLEMENTfNG PROCEDURES Table of Contents Page Introduction............................................................ 11 Annex A. Emergency Management Coordinator.............................. A-1 Annex B. Police Services............................................... B-1 Appendix B Recall Roster and Resource Inventory.. .. . . . . . . . B-1-1 Appendix B Traffic Control Points and Access Control Points................................. B-2-1 Annex C. Fire Services................................................. C-1 Appendix C Recall Roster and Resource Inventori........... C-1-1 Appendix C Route Alerting................................. C-2-1 Attachment 1 - Route Al ert Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-2-2 Attachment 2 - Route Alerting Sector Map....... C-2-5 Attachment 3 ' Message - Hearing Impaired...... C-2-6 Appendi x C Muni ci pal Dosimet ry/KI Li st. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3-1 Appendix C Municipality Dosimetry /KI Receipt Form......... C-4-1 Appendix C Emergency Worker Dosimtry/KI Receipt Form...... C-5-1 Annex D. Transportation................................................ D-1 Appendix D Persons Requiring Transporation Assistance.................................... 0-1-1 Appendix D Transportation Resource Requirement............ D-2-1 Appendix D Speci al As si stance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-3-1 Appendix D Medical / Ambulance Recall Roster / Resources...... D-4-1 l 1 Draft S l l 0

i INTRODUCTION This section is intended to provide detailed immediate action guidance to i those energency response personnel designated to support the Green Lane ! Borough Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP). These actions represent the steps necessary to ensure that the general public is adequately protected. However, because conditions for emergency situations may vary, further actions may be dictated through the Montgomery County E0C or local elected officials. Guidance for development of these implementing procedures has been provided i through the policies contained within the Green Lane Borough RERP to which

these procedures are annexed.

s For ease of reference, implementing procedures have been color-coded by incident classification as follows: Blue - Unusual Event Blue - Alert Yellow - Site Emergency Pink - General Emergency Implementing procedures contained herein are assigne'd to the respective Green Lane Borough EMA staff officers: 4

1. Emergency Management: Emergency Management Coordinator
!              2. Police Services: Police Services Officer i
3. Fire Services: Fire Services Officer
4. Medical / Ambulance Services: Transportation Officer i
;              5. Communications: Onergency Management Coordinator              .
6. Transportation: Transportation Officer
7. Public Works
Police Services Officer
8. Radiological: Fire Serviees Officer i


ANNEX A Implementing Procedure Emergency Management Coordinator Emergency Management Coordinator: Gerhard Martin Alternate: (name) i UNUSUAL EVENT i

1. If notified, document:
a. Date:
b. Time:
c. Source: .
d. Details:
e. Actions Recommended:
f. Actions Taken:

A-1 Draft 5

Implementing Procedure Emergency Management Coordinator ALERT

1. Document:
a. Date:
b. Time:
c. Source:
d. Details:
2. Notify:

Telephone Time

a. Elected Officials (1) Green Lane Borough -

Richard Tyler home office Betty Martin home office Barbara Bray home office Alan Breyer home office Lillian Hess home office Kenneth Ruch home office John Balmen - Mayor home


office (2) Marlborough Township Samuel H. Snyder home of fi ce - Oraft 5 A.2 .

   .,-   .,'                                                                                                      j Marvin Reiman                                       home                              !

o ffice Stan Simon home office

b. Key Staff Police Services Officer home office or Deputy home office Fire Services Officer home office
 !                          or i                     Deputy                                                   home office Transportation Officer                                   home office or
,                     Deputy                                                   home office Have key staff report to E0C.


3. Verify that the following have been notified:

Telephone Time i a. Police Department 234-9161

b. Fire Department 234-4900
c. Ambulance 234-4550
d. Verification Message:

1 "This is (name a title) . I would like to verify that you have been notified tnat an incident classification of ' Alert' has been i declared at the Limerick Generating Station."

4. Report to and activate local Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
a. Activated (time)  !
b. County OPS Officer notified of EOC activation.


c. Check communication systems for operability.

(time) l d. Establish E0C security. 4 (time) A-3 Draft 5 I

e.. Monitor EBS station KYW 1060 AM. . ' (time)

f. Ensure Route Alert Teams have been mobilized as necessary.


;                      g.         If public alert system has been activated, ensure route alerting is
initiated where required.


h. Verify the County has assigned a RACES unit to the Municipal E0C.

1 (time)

1. Log all messages which provide information or require action.


5. Verify that the following have been notified:

Telephone Time

a. Schools i

t Green Lane Elementary Dr. Herbert Sermann 234-4387 of fice Principal i b. Major Industries j Cook Specialty Company Francis Underfer 234-4536 office

c. Verification Message:
                                  "This is                                   (name/ title)                 .        I would like to verify that you                                 -

t have been notified tnat an incident classification of ' Alert' has

been declared at the Limerick Generating Station."
;                  6. Notify the following:

Telephone Time j a. Special Facilities .

!                                Upper Montgomery County Park j

home name/ title- office , b. Message:

                                 "This is                                      (name/ title)                         . An incident classification
                                . of ' Alert' has been declared at. tne Limerick Generating Station."

Note: This is provided for informational purposes only. No actions j are normally required.

7. Ensure RACES operator contacts the County RACES base upon arrival a't the Municipal EOC.


8. Review remaining emergency procedures in the event of escalation.

4 A-4 - Draft 5

                                                              , . _ . _ . .                o~~.      ,    . _ , . ,         ,     ,.        . . . ,                           ,   ,
                            . -    . - . - , _ , . .                             ~,,
9. ' Report all unmet needs to the County ops Officer (telephone) .
10. Maintain Alert status until notified of termination, escalation or reduction of classification:


a. Date:
b. Time:
c. Source:
d. Disposition (1) Termination (2)' Escalation (3) Reduction
11. If escalation, accomplish appropriate Implementing Procedure. If termination or reduction of classification, verify / notify the following:
a. Verification:

Telephone Time (1) Police Department 234-9161 (2) Fire Department 234-4900 (3) Ambulance 234-4550

                                        .(4)    Schools Green Lane Elementary Dr. Herbert Sermann         234-4387 office Principal (5) Major Industries Cook Specialty Company Francis Underfer            234-4535 office _

(6) Verification Message:

                                               "This is       fname/ title)    . I would like to verify that you have been noti fied that the emergency at the Limerick Generat-ing Station has been terminated / reduced to Unusual Event."
b. Notification:

Telephone Time (1) Elected Officials (a) Green Lane Borough Richard Tyler home office A-5 Draft 5 k.._ - - - - - - -

l e l Betty Martin nome off1ce l l Barbara Bray home office ' Alan Breyer home office Lillian Hess home office  ! Kenneth Ruch home office L John Salmen - Mayor home j- office (b) Marlborough Township Samuel H. Snyder home office Marvin Reiman home office Stan Simon home office (2) Special Facilities

  • Upper Montgomery County Park  :

home name/tttle office (3) Message:

                                 "This is                  (name/ title)                                                                . The emergency at the Limerick Generating station has been terminated / reduced to l                                 Unusual Event."
12. Remarks / Actions Taken i I

I i i l

                                             .                                                       A6                                                     Oraft 5


l. .

Implementing Procedure  ! l Emergency Management Coordinator , l

                   $1TE EMERGENCY                                                                                                                                                          j If this is the first notification received or if escalation from Unusual                                                                                               i' Event, accomplish all actions; if escalation from Alert classification, Item 4 may be omitted
1. Document:
a. Date:

l \

b. Time:
c. Source - -
d. Details:
2. Notify:
a. Elected Offletals (1) Green Lane lorougn 5 Ricnard Tyler home office Betty Martin home office ,

Barbara Bray home office Alan Breyer home office Lilitan Hess home

                                                                                                                                                                , _ office

! Kenneth Ruth home office John Balmen Mayor home , office A-7 Oraft i _-___x____

(2) Marlborough Township Samuel H. Snyder home office Marvin Retman home office , Stan 5tmon home office

b. Key Staff Police Services Officer home office l Deputy _ home office Fire Services Officer home office or Osputy home l office Transportation Officer home office or Deputy home office Heve key staff report to (OC. '


3. Verify that the following have been nottfled:

Telephone Time

a. Police Department 234 9141
b. Fire Department 234 4900
c. Ambulance 234 4550_
d. Verification Message:
                        "This is        (name/titiv)     . I would like to vertft tnat you have been nettries snat a ' site Emergency' het been declared at the Limerick Generating Station."

4 Report to and activate the local toergency Operations Center

a. Activated (time) l b. County OPS Officer nottfled of LOC activation Delesnone).



(time) A=8 Oraft 5

c. Communications system checked for operability.


d. Establish E0C securit; .


e. Monitor EBS station KYW 1060 AM.


f. Ensure Route Alert Teams have been mobilized as necessary.

(ttme) 9 If the public alert system has been activated, ensure route alerting is initiated where required. (time)

h. Log all messages which provide information or require action.


1. Verify the County has assigned a RACES unit to the Municipal EOC.

l (time) l 5. Have additional emergency personnel report to the EOC (for 24 hour l operation), or where needed.

6. Ensure that appropriate E0C staff have placed their respective emergency
                            ,workers on standby status.


7. Verify that the following have been nottfledt islephone Time Green Lane Elementary l Dr. Herbert Sermann _234 43C office i Principal .
b. Major Industries Cook Specialty Company Francis Underfor _234 4')35 office
c. Verification Msisa y:
                                              "This is                                                                 Jname/ttels)       . I would Itke to verif l

l have been nottFled that an incident classtfication of 'ySite that you Emergency' has been declared at the Limerick Generating Station."

8. Notify the followingt
a. Special Facilities Upper Montgomery County Park home name/ title office i

A=9 Uraft 5

b. Message:
                         "This is               (name/ title)             . An incident classification of ' Site Emergency' nas been declared at the Limerick Generating Station." (Provide appropriate instructions as necessary.)                                                     l
9. Verify Resource Availability:

Ensure appropriate E0C staff have reviewed their respective resource inventories and have reported deficiencies to their respective counter-parts in the County E0C; for example, the Municipal Transportation Officer contacts the County Transportation Officer. 10. (time) Ensure Fire Services Officer has distributed dosimeters /KI to emergency workers. (time)

11. Review road conditions with E0C staff, i.e., there is no construction or other activity which would hinder movement of personnel or vehicles to/from the area. Ensure that the Transportation Officer and the County Fublic Works Officer are aware of any problem areas.

12. (time) Ensure RACES operator contacts the County RACES base upon arrival at the Municipal E0C. (time)

13. Report all unmet needs to the County Operations Officer.
14. (time)

Review remaining emergency procedures in the event of escalation.

15. Maintain Site Emergency status until notified of termination, escalation, or reduction of classification:
a. Date:
b. Time:
c. Source:
d. Disposition:

(1) Termination (2) Escalation ' (3) Reduction

16. If escalation, accomplish appropriate Impi.ementing Procedure. If termination or reduction of classification, notify / verify the follo'wing:-
a. Verification:
  • T Telephone Time s
                      -(1)     Police Departments                                    234-9161                                           1 v                 ,e                               t Fire Department (2)                                            .              234-4900                               '

I s '

                                     -                     A-10 '                                                      Draft 5
                                                                                      "               '              ^

a , ,a. +~

                                                                -p,_-       -      g          g,-----          -pwm-      ,      -   es

(3) Ambulance 234-4550 (4) Schools Green Lane Elementary Dr. Herbert Sermann 234-4387 office Principal (5) Major Industries Cook Specialty Company Francis Underfer 234-4535 office (6) Verification Message:

                     "This is       (name/ title)     .      I would like to verify you have been notified tnat tne emergency at the Limerick Generat-ing Station has been terminated / reduced to                                  .
b. Notification Telephone Time (1) Elected Officials (a) Green Laae Borough Richard Tyler home office Betty Martin home office Barbara Bray home office Alan Breyer home office Lillian Hess home office Kenneth Ruch home office John Balmen - Mayor home office (b) Marlborough Township Samuel H. Snyder home of fice Marvin Reiman home office A Oraft 5 w - - - , , ,

Stan Simon home 1 of fice (2) Special Facilities Upper Montgomery County Park home I name/ title office (3) Message:

                           "This is         (name/ title)         . The emergency at the Limerick Generating Station has been terminated / reduced to
17. Remarks / Actions Taken:

A-12 Draft 6

Imolementing Procedure Emergency Management Coordinator GENERAL EMERGENCY If this is the first notification or escalation from Unusual Event, accomplish all actions; if escalation from Alert or Site Emergency, Item 4 may be omitted:

1. Document:
a. Date:
b. Time:
c. Source:
d. Details:
2. Notify:

9 Telephone Time

a. Elected Officials (1) Green Lane Borough Richard Tyler home office Betty Martin home office __

Barbara Bray home office Alan Breyer home office Lillian Hess home office l Kenneth Rucn home office John Balmen - Mayor home office A-13 Draft S l

          --                                                     , . ~ ,            --_m .. _.          ,

(2) Marlborough Township Samuel H. Snyder home office Marvin Reiman home office Stan Simon home office

b. Key Staff Police Services Officer home office or Deputy home office Fire Services Officer home office or Deputy home office Transportation Officer -

home office or Deputy home office Have key staff report to EOC, (time)

3. Verify that the following have been notified:

Telephone Time

a. Police Department 234-9161
b. Fire Department 234-4900
c. Ambulance 234-4550
d. Verification Message:
                          "This is        (name/ title)    . I would like to verify that you have been notified tnat a ' General Emergency' has been declared at the Limerick Generating Station. The recommended protective action is                         ."
4. Report to and activate the local Emergency Operations Center.

l a. Activated l (time) l l t A-14 -Oraft 6 m -r - - - ,

[ .

b. . County 0PS Officer notified of EOC activation (telepnene).


c. Comunications system checked for operability.


d. Establish E0C security.


e. Monitor EBS station KYW 1060 AM.


f. Ensure Route Alert Teams have been mobilized as necessary.

(time) 9 Verify the County has assigned a RACES unit to the Municipal EOC. (time)

h. Log all incoming messages that provide information or require an action.
5. Ensure that all necessary emergency response personnel have reported to the E0C, where needed, or to pre-assigned location.


6. Verify that the following have been notified:

Telephone Time

a. Schools -

Green Lane Elementary Dr. Herbert Sermann 234-4387 office Principal

b. Major Industries Cook Specialty Company Francis Underfer 234-4535 office
c. Verification Message:
                    "This is      (name/ title)       . I would like to verify that you have been notified tnat a ' General Emergency' has been declared at the Limerick Generating Station. The recommended protective action is
7. Notify the following:

a. Special Facilities

                   -Upper Montgomery County Park home name/ title                  office A-15                                    Draft S L



b. Message: l l
                        "This is            (name/ title)      . A ' General Emergency' has            l been declared at tne Limerick Generating Station. The recommended protective action is                        .

Note: If a protective action has not yet been determined, instruct them to tune to the EBS station.

8. Verify Resource Availability:

Ensure appropriate E0C staf f have reviewed their respective resource inventories and have reported deficiencies to their respective counter-parts in the County EOC; for example, the Municipal Transportation Office:. contacts County Transportation Officer. (time)

9. Ensure Fire Services Officer has distributed dosimeters /KI to emergency workers and E0C staff.


10. Review road conditions with E0C staff, i.e., there is no construction or other activity which would hinder movement of personnel or vehicles to/from the area. Ensure that the Transportation Officer and the County Public Works Officer are aware of any problem areas.


11. Ensure RACES operator contacts the County RACES base upon arrival at the Municipal E0C. -


12. If sheltering is recommended:
a. Verify that the public alert system has been activated.

' (time) If not, notify the County EOC.

b. Monitor EBS station to ensure proper instructions are being given to the general population.


c. Ensure that Fire Department personnel have activated route alerting plan, if required.


d. Ensure Access Control Points have been manned.


13. If evacuation is ordered:
a. Verify that the public alert system has been activated.


               }       If not, notify the County EOC.

I b. Monitor EBS station to ensure proper instructions are being given to the general public. (time)

c. Ensure route alerting has commenced, if required.


d. Ensure Access Control Points have been manned.

(time) A-16 Draft 5

e. Ensure Traffic Control Points have been manned.


f. Assign sufficient emergency workers to Transportation Officer to support transportation resources, i.e., one emergency worker should be available for each vehicle used to evacuate tnose persons who do not have transportation.

(time) 9 Advise County OPS Officer of any additional unmet needs. (time) (1) (2) (3)

h. Monitor Cvacuation process and report any problem areas to the County OPS Officer.

(time) (1) (2) i' (3)

14. Maintain General Emergency status until: -
a. Reduction of classification.

4 (time)

b. Termination of emergency.


15. If reduction of classification or termination of emergency, notify /

l verify the following:

a. Verification:

Telephone Time (1) Police Department 234-9161 (2) Fire Department 234-4900 (3) Ambulance 234-4550 (4) Schools l Green Lane Elementary Dr. Herbert Sermann 234-4387 office

,                                             Principal (5) Major Industries Cook Specialty Company Francis Underfer                         234-4535 office A-17                                                      Draft 5

(6) Verification Message:

                     "Tnis is         (name/ title)     . I would like to verify you have been notified tnat tne emergency at the Limerick Generat-ing Station has been terminated / reduced to                             .
b. Notification '

Telephone Time (1) Elected Officials (a) Green Lane Borough Richard Tyler home office Betty Martin home office Barbara Bray home office Alan Breyer home office Lillian hess - home office Kenneth Ruch home ~ office __ John Balmen - Mayor home office (b) Marlborough Township Samuel H. Snyder home office Marvin Reiman home office Stan Simon home office (2) Special Facilities Upper Montgomery County Park - home name/ title office A-18 Draft 5

    ..          .- .    ..      - = . .    .   ..                    . _               . -_ .                        - _ -_-           .--          ..
               .                                                                                                                                            l

(3) Message:

                                        "This is            (name/ title)                                 . The emergency at the Limerick Generating Station has been terminated / reduced to
                                                            .          Provide instructions as appropriate.
16. Remarks / Actions Taken:

I i 'l i I 1 t t-l I A-19 Draft 5 ,i, v- - - 4 - =e 1 g- w-m-r- -~g- =+er g9- 4 y n w- -.w= y " er f g g

               .                                                                                      4 ANNEX B Implementing Procedure
  • Police Services l

Police Services Officer: (name) Alternate: (name) UNUSUAL EVENT No response necessary unless police services are required at the Limerick Generating Station. ALERT The Police Services Officer shall:

1. Upon request of the Emergency Management Coordinator, report to the E0C.


2. Ensure that normal police functions are maintained.
3. Review remaining emergency procedures in the event of escalation.
4. Maintain Alert status until notified of termination, escalation or reduction of classification.
5. Remarks / Actions Taken:

t l i )

  • Note: This procedure has been modifiedJto include Public Works procedures.

~ B-1 Draft 5 1 s--

Police Services SITE EMERGENCY The Police Services Officer shall:

1. If this is the first notification received or if escalation from Unusual Event, then:
a. Report to the E0C.


b. Ensure normal police functions are maintained.
c. Proceed to Step 2.
2. If escalation from Alert c.- if proceeding from Step 1, then:
a. Mobilize, if necessary, additional police personnel (reference Appendix B-1) and have them report to police station.


b. Review personnel / equipment inventory (reference Appendix B-1),

verify availability, and report unmet needs to County E0C, Police Services at . (time)

c. Ensure police and public works emergency workers have been issued dosimeters-XI.


d. Monitor weather conditions.
e. Review remaining emergency procedures in the event of escalation.
f. Maintain Site Emergency status until notified of termination, reduction of classification or escalation. (NOTE: If a protective action is recommended at Site Emergency, accomplish the appropriate steps indicated in the General Emergency section).
3. If termination, have personnel return dosimeters and unused KI to the Fire Services Officer.


4. Remarks / Actions Taken B-2 Draft 5
              .,.                                                                                             l Police Services GENERAL EMERGENCY The Police Services Officer shall:
1. If this is the first notification received or if escalation from Unusual Event, then:
a. Report to the E0C.


b. Mobilize additional police personnel and have them report to police station (reference Appendix B-1).


c. Review personnel / equipment inventory (reference Appendix B-1),

verify availability, and report unmet needs to County E0C, Police Services at . (time)

d. Ensure police and public works emergency workers have been issued dosimeters-KI.


e. Monitor weather conditions,
f. Proceed to Step 2.
2. If escalation from Alert or Site Emergency, or if proceeding from Step 1, then:


a. If recommended protective action is sheltering, (1) If requested, have Police Department personnel assist Fire Department with route alerting (reference Fire Services
                              ,         Implementing Procedure).

(time) (2) Initiate increased security measures, i.e., increase vehicular patrols and, if applicable, man Access Control Points (reference Appendix B-2). (time)

b. If recommended protective action is evacuation, (1) Ensure Traffic Control Points are manned (reference Appendix B-2).

(time) (2) Ensure Access Control Points are manned, if applicable  ; (reference Appendix B-2). ' (time) (3) Be prepared to initiate road clearing operations as necessary.

3. Maintain General Emergency status until notified of termination or reduction of classification.

B-3 Draft S

.o . 1

4. If termination, have police and public-works personnel return dosimeters and unused.KI to the Fire Services Officer.

(time) 4

                           '5. Remarks / Actions Taken:

i i i i. 1 i i .i i i i [ t i! 1 i t s  ; 8-4 Draft 5 I 1

              - . - . ,         ,          - - . .               ,,          _? ,        . - , , . - - . , , ,       -,        ',,.     -

r., . .. I Appendix 3-1 POLICE - EMERGENCY RECALL ROSTER i 4 4 Names and telephone numbers will be on file in the EOC.



                                            ,   3 cars 4

B-1-1 Oraft-5

Appendix B-2 l TRAFFIC CONTROL POINTS Responsible Post Police # Officers Number Location Organization Assigned Green Lane 1 Route 63 & Upper Ridge Road Borough 1 Green Lane 2 l Route 63 & 3rd Street Borough 1  ; Marlborough 1 Upper Ridge Pike & Sumneytown Pike Borough 1 77 Perkiomenville Rd. & Sumneytown Pike State 2 ACCESS CONTROL POINTS Responsible Post Police # Officers Number Location Organization Assigned 306 Route 29 & Park Road State Barricade 307 Route 29 & Route 63 State 1 308 Route 63 & Upper Ridge Road State Barricade 309 Route 63 & Perkiomenville Rd. State 1 310 Route 63 & Geryville Pike State 1 Marlborough 101 Route 63 & Church Road Township 1-Marlborough 102 Reiman Rd. & Hoppenville Rd. Township 1 Marlborough 103 Route 29 & Washington Lane Township 1 B-2-1 Oraft 5 l

ANNEX C Implementing Procedure Fire Services

  • Fire Services Officer: (name)

Alternate: (name) UNUSUAL EVENT No response necessary unless Fire Services are requested at the Limerick Generating Station. - ALERT The Fire Services Officer shall:

1. Upon request of Emergency Management Coordinator, report to the E0C.


2. Ensure that normal fire protection services are maintained.
3. If required, ensure mobilization of sufficient personnel to meet Route Alert Team requirements and make assignments to vehicles (reference Appendix C-2).


4. Inventory dosimeters /KI and prepare for distribution. If applicable, complete a Receipt Form for Dosimetry-Survey Meters-KI (reference Appendix C-4). -


5. Review remaining emergency procedures in the event of escalation.
6. Maintain Alert status until notified of termination, escalation or reduction of classification.
7. Remarks / Actions Taken:
  • Note: This procedure has been modified to include Radiological procedures.

C-1 . Draft 5

         ..          = , _ .                                                              .      . .             _..             .

Fire Services SITE EMERGENCY The Fire Services Officer shall: l

1. If this is tne first notification received or if escalation from Unusual i Event, then: l
a. Report to the E0C.


b. Ensure normal fire protection services are maintained.
c. If required, ensure mobilization o'f sufficient personnel to meet Route Alert Team requirements and make assignments to vehicles (reference Appendix C-2).


d. Inventory dosimeters /KI anc prepare for distribution. If applicable, complete a Receipt Form for Dosimetry-Survey Meters-XI (reference Appendix C-4). .


e. Proceed to Step 2.
2. If escalation from Alert, or if proceeding from Step 1, then:
a. Mobilize additional personnel as necessary and have them report to i fire station (reference Appendix C-1)..


b. Distribute dosimeters /KI to municipal emergency workers (reference Appendix C-3); obtain a signed receipt (reference Appendix C-4).


c. Ensure Fire Department emergency workers have been issued dosimeters /KI.


d. Review personnel / equipment inventory (reference Appendix C-1),

verify availability, and report unmet needs to County E0C, Fire Services at . (time)

e. Review remaining emergency procedures in the event of escalation-.


f. Maintain Site Emergency status until notified of escalation, termination or reduction of classification.
3. If termination, collect dosimeters and unused KI from emergency workers and prepare for return to County.


4. Remarks / Actions Taken: -

1 C-2 Draft 6 I

                    , -                   ,_.        ~         y   v        --mq        y    =
                                                                                                     =*m   mr      O 9 "         " *
  • Fire Services l GENERAL EMERGENCY The Fire Services Officer shall:
1. If this is the first notification received or if escalation from Unusual Event, then:
a. Report to the EOC.


b. Ensure mobilization of sufficient personnel to meet Route Alert Team requirements and make assignments to vehicles (reference Appendix C-2).


c. Invantory dosimeters /KI and prepare for distribution. If appli-cable, complete a Receipt Form for Dosimetry-Survey Meters-KI (reference Appendix C-4).
d. Distribute dosimeters /KI to municipal emergency workers (reference Appendix C-3); obtain a signed receipt (reference Appendix C-5).


e. Mobilize additional fire personnel and have them report to fire station (reference Appendix C-1). -


f. Ensure Fire Department emergency workers have been issued dosimeters /KI.

(time) 9 Review personnel / equipment inventory (reference Appendix C-1), verify availability, and report unmet neeas to County E0C, Fire Services at . (time)

h. Proceed to Step 2.
2. If escalation from Alert or Site Emergency, or if proceeding from Step 1, then:
a. Monitor route alerting, if required, and support as necessary.


b. Inform County EOC upon completion of all route alerting in municipality. '


3. Maintain General Emergency status until notified of termination or reduction of classification.
4. If termination, collect dosimeters and unused KI from emergency workers and prepare for return to County.


5. Remarks / Actions Taken:

i C-3 Draft 5

Ap'pendix C-1 FIRE SERVICES-EMERGENCY RECALL ROSTER Names and telephone numbers will be on file in the E0C. i FIRE - RESOURCE INVENTORY . L 2 pumpers 1 rescue truck 1 tanker l f 4 4


i C-1 -Draf: 5 / 1 e

              -m  - -

r _ w r ,y y +--..,.-v-- + .-w--- r,- , - , , . - -

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1. GENERAL A. The Borough of Green Lane is divided into Sectors.

B. Each Sector is assigned a Route Alert Team (reference Attachment 1). C. Two (2) persons should be assigned to each team. II. PURPOSE The purpose of route alerting is to supplement the public alert system in the event the system fails. It may also be used to alert the hearing impaired (reference Attachment 3). II


S A. When dispatched by Montgomery County 0EP, commence route alerting in designated sect. ors (reference Attachment 2). B. Route Alerting is accomplished by driving slowly along designated roads, periodically activating the vehicle siren and making the following announcement on the PA system:

                        "There is an emergency at the Limerick Generating Station; please tune to your EBS station KYW 1060 AM."

C. Upon completion of route, notify Montgomery County OEP and return to station. Note: If route alerting has taken place during a contaminating incident, proceed to the designated emergency worker /

          ,                     decontamination station.

C-2-1 Draft 5

l l Attachment 1 ROUTE ALERT TEAMS Sector No. 1 Alsrt' Team: Fire Department l Leader: Assistant: Transient Location (s): (TBD) Hearing Impaired: List will be on file in the E0C. Sector No. 2 Alert Team: Fire Department Leader: Assistant: Transient Location (s): (TBD) Hearing Impaired: List will be on file in the EOC. Sector No. 3 Alert Team: Fire Department Leader: Assistint: Transic.1t Location (s): (TBD) Hearing hpaired: List will be on file in the E0C. Sector Ntt. 4 Alert Team: Fire Department Leader: _


Transient Location (s): (TBD) Hearing Impaired: List will be on file in the E0C. Sector No. 5 Alert Team: Fire Department Leader: Assistant:  ; Transient Location (s): (TBD) Hearing Impaired: List will be on file in the E0C. 1 C-2-2 Draft 5

Sector No. 6 Alert Team: Fire Department Leader: Assistant: f Transient Location (s): (TBD) l' Hearing Impaired: List will be on file in the E0C. I Sector No. 7 Alert Team: Fire Department Leader: Assistant: Transient Location (s): (TBD) Hearing Impaired: List will be on file in the E0C. 4 Sector No. 8 Alert Team: Fire Department Leader: Assistant: Transient Location (s): (TBO) Hearing Impaired: List will be on file in the EOC. f 't C-2-3 Draft 5

O *

         ,1                                                             l Attachment 2 ROUTE ALERTING SECTOR MAP Map will be inserted in final draft.

e-C-2-4 Oraft 5


Attach =ent 3 MESSAGE - HEARING IMPAIRED There is an emergency at the Limerick Generating Station. PleTse contact a relative, friend or neighbor so that you can receive important information being broadcast over the emergency broadcast system. Please review your public information brochure for incidents at the Limerick Generating Station for additional important infonaation. If you do not have a relative, friend or neighbor nearby to assist you, please tell the individual who gave you this information immediately. e 1 i 1-C-2-5 Oraft 5 .

Appendix C-3 MUNICIPAL 00SIMETRY-KI LIST AGENCY NUMBER OF EMERGENCY WORKERS A. Municipal Emergency Management Agency Marlborough Township Building 32 Upper Ridge Road - Green Lane, PA l B. Fire Companies Green Lane Fire Company 35 3rd and Main Streets Green Lane, PA C. Ambulance Service Green Lane Community Ambulance 20 3rd and Main Streets Green Lane, PA D. Police Department

.                                                          Marlborough Police Department                                                                                                            3 1

55 Lumber Street 4 Green Lane, PA - E. Public Wo rks 3 Total Units of Dosimetry-KI Required 93 C-3-1 Draft 5

A;;endix C-4 ( .' RECEIPT FORM FOR 005 fMETRY-SUR'IEY ' METERS-XI ISSUED BY ' ISSUED TO ACOR255 A00RESS RESPCNSISLE INDIVIOUAL - TELEPHCNE . l INSTRUCTIONS: Ouring a nuclear pcwer plant incident,se u this form to maintain properfy c:n-trol teams. when distributing the items listed belcw to municipalities and decantamination mer.itoring This form shculd be used for transfer of these in bulk form frcm: (1) 'the county emergency management agency'to risk municipalities and decontamination menitoring teams; and (2). the munic'ipalities to their local emergency respense organizatiens ( l firei police, and ambulance associations). . LINE NUMBER DESCRIPTION CUANTITY

1. CD V-742 Self-Readin Dosimeter (0-200R)
.f                      CD V-730 Self-Readine Ocsimeter (0-20R)                                                                               -

3. OC.3-622 Self-Readine Ocsimeter (0-20R) 4 CD V-750 Desimeter Char;er

5. TLD (Ther=cluminescent Oosimeter)

Serial Numbers THROUGH I s *

6. I Potassfum fedide (X!1 Tablets (Bettles of 14' Tablets Each)
7. CD V-700 survey Meter .
8. Oosimetry-XI Resort Form
 -      9.             Decentamination M:nitoring Resort Form                                            *
10. Recef et Form for Oosimetry-Survey Meters-XI
11. Ackncwledgement of Receipt by Emergency Workersfor Desi. metry-XI and Survey Meters


 .Te          JRE: X OATE

( c41 Oraft 5

Appendix C-5

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C-8-1 MB

s ANNEX 0 Implementing procedure". Transportation Transportation Officer: (name) , Alternate: (name) UNUSUAL EVENT No response required. ALERT The Transportation Officer shall:

1. Upon* request of the Emergency Management Coordinator, report to the E0C.


2. Update the list of those individuals who do not normally have transportation available 24-hours a day (reference Appendix D-1).

(time) -

3. Update the list of those individuals requiring special assistance in the event of evacuation (reference Appendix D-3). -


a. Notify County Medical Coordinator of changes in the list of those individuals requiring ambulance support.


4. Review remaining procedures in tKe event of escalation.


5. Maintain Alert status until notified of termination, escalation or reduction of classif.ication.
6. Remarks / Actions'Taken: .


  • Note: Tnis procedure has been modified to include Medical / Ambulance procedure.

D-1 Draft 5

Transportation SITE EMERGENCY The Transportation Officer shall:

1. If this is the first notification received or if escalation from Unusual Event, then:
a. Report to the EOC.


b. Update the list of those individuals who do not normally have transportation available 24-hours a day (reference Appendix D-1).

(time) (1) Notify the County Transportation Coordinator of any changes in requirements. (time)

c. Update the list of those individuals requiring special assistance in the event of evacuation (reference Appendix D-3).

(time) (1) Notify County Medical Coordinator of changes in the list of those individuals requiring ambulance support. (time)

d. Proceed to Step 2
2. If escalation from Alert or if proceeding from Step 1, then:
a. Review remaining emergency procedures in the event of escalation.


b. Maintain Site Emergency status until notified of termination, escalation or reduction of classification.
3. If termination, return dosimeters and unused XI to Radiological Officer.


4. Remarks / Actions Taken:

Draft 6 D-2

l .o , Transcortation GENERAL-EMERGENCY l The Transportation Officer shall:

1. If this is the first notification received or if escalation from Unusual Event, then:
a. Report to the E0C.


b. Update the list of those individuals who do not normally have transportation available 24-hours a day (reference Appendix D-1).


c. Update the list of those individuals requiring special assistance in the event of evacuation (reference Appendix D-3).

(1) Notify County Medical Coordinator of changes in the list of those individuals requiring ambulance support. s (time)

d. Mobilize additional medical / ambulance personnel and have them report to ambulance base (reference Appendix D-4).


e. Proceed to Step 2. -
2. If escalation from Alert or Site Emergency, or if proceeding from Step 1, then:
a. If reconnended protective action is sheltering, no further action is required.
b. If recommended protective action is evacuation, then:

(1) Add to Appendix D-1 the names and addresses of those-individuals who call in requesting transportation assistance. (Note: Multiple copies of this list may be necessary). (time) (2) As ' transportation resource requirements, including those for special needs (vans, etc.), exceed availability (reference Appendix D-2), notify the County Transportation Coordinator at of additional requirements. (time) (3) Inform the EMC of the number of vehicles that have been requested thru the County and request that an emergency worker be made available for assisting each vehicle. (time)

c. Prepare a list of names and addresses of persons to be picked up for each vehicle including ambulance.


d. Upon the arrival of vehicles at the municipal transportation. staging areas, ensure that an emergency worker is assigned to each vehicle.

A list of names and addresses of persons to be picked-up should be D-3 Draft 5

provided for each vehicle along with instructions to proceed to the l designated Reception Center and assigned Mass Care Center. Persons being evacuated by ambulance shall be evacuated to . (time)

3. Maintain General Emergency status until notified of termination or reduction of classification.
4. If termination, return dosimeters and unused KI to Radiological Officer.


5. Remarks / Actions Taken:

D-4 Draft S

                                                    - > ,                                    ~

Appendix 0-1 PERSONS REQUIRING TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE List will be on file in the E0C. D-1-1 Oraft 6

Appendix 0-2 TRANSPORTATION RESOURCE RE0VIREMENTS Vehicles Required Vehicles Available Unmet Needs Buses: 2 Buses: 0 Buses: 2 Ambulance: 2 Ambulances: 2 Ambulances: 0 i i i T i 4 1 1 I D-2-1 Draft 5 j 1 l l

Appendix 0-3 RESIDENTS WITH SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS A. Residents Requiring Ambulance Support List will be on file in the EOC. B. Residents With Other Special Requirements List will be on file in the E0C. p f t 1 i 1 a I 0-3-1 Draft 5

J Appendix D-4 MEDICAL / AMBULANCE PERSONNEL RECALL ROSTER i J Names and telephone numbers will be on file in the E0C. i s MEDICAL / AMBULANCE RESOURCE INVENTORY 4 I 2 ambulances i i 1 1 D-4-1 Draft 5

          .,      .   , -            m   _ -,...          .-      , _ . . - -   , . - ,          ,      .c.. -

COCSTY OF CHESTER ~ COA 1Ai!SSIONERS Earl 51. Baker, Chairman Robert J. Thompson Patricia Aioran Baldwin DEPARTA1ENT OF E31ERGENCY SERVICES 14 East Biddle Street, West Chester, PA 19380 (215) 431-6160 Timothy R. S. Campbell Director April 3, 1984 Robin Wenger Hoffman Energy Consultants Riverside Office Center #3 2101 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110

Dear Robin:

Just a brief note to ask you to get together with Mr. Ken Stewart and possibly address the issue of training for non-traditional emergency services groups. By this, I am referring to our amatuer radio emergency services " ARES" and our Emergency Services 4 Wheel Drive Division. Both groups provide tremendous amounts of support to our operations and will be vital in the response to emergencies at the Limerick Nuclear Generating Station. Overall, the training has been excellent and well received. I think that any problems that have occurred are probably related not to training but to feelings concerning the issue of nuclear power and the siting of the plant. Sincerely, aAGot Timothy R. S. Campbell Director TRSC:ce cc: K. Stewart i  %. h% fM Q 5;fjj :ooccc .682 .igj

\ ,1 A"

     /      ENERGY                     CONSULTANTS RNERSIDEOmCECENTER312101 N. FRONTST. / HARRISSURG / PA 17110 CORPORATE OmCE: 121 SEVENTH SEEET P:TTSBURGH                    - PA 15222-3487 / PH.(412M34-520n I

April 6, 1984 Mr. Russell B. Hummel Emergency Management Coordinator Douglass Township, Montgomery County Gilbertsville, PA 19525 ,

Dear Mr. Hummel:

I g As you are probably aware, Energy Consultants has been hired by Philadelphia Electric Company to assist you and your county in the development and presentation of a radiological emergency preparedness training program. A - training and drill program has been established to provide training to:

             -  County Emergency Operations Center Personnel
             -  Municipal Emergency Operations Center Personnel
  • Fire, Fire Police and Rescue Organizations Law Enforcement Agencies ~

Emergency Medical Organizations

  • School Administrators, Staff and Bus Drivers .

Hospital and Nursing Home Staff Other Groups and Organizations that could be asked to respond should an accident ever occur at the plant - Two separate training programs are being offered to those personnel who would operate your municipality's Emergency Operations Center. session is entitled " Introduction to Radiation / Planning." The first three-hour The course includes information on radiation measurement and effects as well as on the planning concepts incorporated in your municipal response plan. session, entitled "E0C Operations," includes specific information on theThe second train activation and operation of an Emergency Operations Center. }, The session also t could be encountered during a radiological emergency.contains i a will be followed by a drill progran which will enable your personnel toThe training prog  : demonstrate emergency. their ability to implement their plans and to respond to such an , ,
