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AO 75-8:on 750124,reactor a Low Water Level Scram/Reactor High Water Level HPCI Turbine Trip Instrument LIS-2-2-3-101D Out of Svc.Caused by Incomplete Testing.Instrument Backfilled,Vented & Returned to Svc
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/03/1975
From: Cooney M
To: Giambusso A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20086K497 List:
AO-75-8, NUDOCS 8401270154
Download: ML20086K496 (2)





2301 M ARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA. PA.19101 12151841 4o00



February 3, 1975 A/

Mr. A. Giambusso Director, Divisien of Reactor Licensing ,

Of fice of Nuc1 car Reactor Regulations United States Nuc1 car Reguletory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Giambusso:


Abnormal Occurrence lhe following occurrence was reported to Mr. Robert Carlson, N.R.C. Region 1, Office of Inspection and Enforcement on January 25, 1975. Written noti fication was made to Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Region 1, Office of Inspection and Enforcenent on January 27, 1975. In accordance wi th Section 6.7.2.A of the Technical Speci fications, Appendix A of DPR-44 for Uni t 2 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, the following report is being submitted to the Director of Reactor Licensing as an Abnormal Occurrence.


License Number DPR-44 Technical Speci fication


Tabics 3 1.1 and 3.2.8 Report No.: 50-277-75-8 Report Date: February 3,1975 Occurrence Date: Janua ry 24, 1975 Faci li ty: Peach Bottom . Atomic Power Sta tion R.D. //1, De l ta, Pennsylvania 17314 Identification of Occurrence:

'A' reactor low water level scram /rcactor high water level HPCI turbine trip ins trument (LIS-2-2-3-1010) not in service. .

Condi tions Prior to Occurrence: j i

Uni t 2 s ta rting up--approxima tely 20% power. ,

I-I Description of Occurrence:

i i

During a routine plant startup inspection of plant safety l instrumentation, one of the reactor low water Icvel scram / reactor high water icsci HPCI turbine t rip instruments (LIS-2-2-3-1010) was found to not have been properly returned to service following maintenance on i ts  ;

instruaent test valve block. '

e401270154 750203 PDR ADOCK 05000277 S PDR p/fM 3 no._v .7 m


// .

f N* ' c M r. A. Gi cmbus so'~'

February 3, 1975 Page 2 Designation of Apparent Cause of Occurrence:

The testing specified to be completed following maintenance was incompletc in that verification of correct valve lineup was not required.

Analysis of Occurrence:

The switch was found in the equali zed condi tion which drives it full upscale and gives one of the two needed reactor high water Icvel ,

turbine trips for the HPCI. The reactor low water 1cvel scram swi tches l are arranged in a one-of-two twice logic, thus no one switch being disabled can render this scram inoperabic. Because the other three scram swi tches and the other reactor high water Icvel HPCI turbine trip switch were operabic, the safety implications are minimal.

Corrective Action:

This instrument was immediately backfilled, vented, and re-turned to service. Verbal instructions have been issued to remind per-sonnel to be more careful in specifying verification testing following naintenance.

Failure Data:

None previous.

Very truly yours, e

M. . ooney A t. Gent . Superintendent Generation Division cc: Mr. J. P. O 'Reilly, Di rector Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region 1 Uni ted States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenuc King of Prussia, PA 19406