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Offers Assistance & Cooperation in Investigating Zack Co. Suggestions Discussed
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle, 05000000
Issue date: 07/27/1982
From: Devine T, Garde B
To: Palladino N
Shared Package
ML20023A480 List:
FOIA-82-366 NUDOCS 8305190124
Download: ML20023D039 (2)


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1901 Gue Street. N.W., Woshington. D.C. 20009: 202)234-9362 July 27, 1982 The Honorable Nunzio J. Palladino Chairman U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Chairman Palladino:

This letter is to offer GAP's and our clients' assistance and.

coopc.:ation for the investigation into the Zack Company. We were grat:.fied that the Commission prudently chose to await the results of Region 111's ("RIII") ongoing investigation. But we are con-corned about the brief deadline for the results -- next Tuesday

.at the latest. It may not be possible to answer Mr. Howard 's and {

Ms. Marello's allegations with confiddnce in the remaining week before the plant is ready to go beyond five-parcent power anyway. l i We have. no desiro to impose financial hardships upon Commonwealth -

Edison- ("Com Ed") , but a " rush job"'would not serve anyone's interests. Our clients' expertise in the 'f acts on the Zack allegations are essential to help moet .this difficult challenge. N Uc of fer the following suggestions in an effort to avoid further i public controversy.

(1) The investigation: should; include interviews with all r witnesses whose statements are included in our July 26 letter,

, as well as any other witncsses they refer. Their intimate know- '

ledge of the Zack program. and documents is an invaluable asset '

to insure an efficient, comprehensivo investigation.

(2) NRC investigators.should* take Sworn statements from all witnessus. The statements should be attached to the investigative report as exhibits, with appropriate del'etions for anonymity  !

request.s. This would avoid any disputes whether the ensuing report accurately characterizos their information.

(3) Each witness should immediately receiv'e a receipt for all documents provided to NRC i'avestigators.

(4) NRC investigators :should identify particular HVAC samples for independent laboratory tests af ter speaking with at least the i crincioal witnesses. A final decision on whether to permit full power operation should bo deferred until the test results are l received. Since the premise of the investigation is inaccurate I


l 8305190124 830311 l



,e, The Honorabic Nunzio J. Palladino July 27, 1982 Page Two paperwo'rk, independent tests are essential. We question whether the laboratory tests ordered Friday can adequately and compre-hensively respond to Mr. Howard's and Ms. Harello 's allegations,

, since the tests were ordered three' days. before their July 26 af fidavits and disclosure. They have many additional examples to discuss besides the Weldstar and.PJ1C purchases. Since an adequa :e review has not yet been completed to identify the relevant safety-related purchase orders, it is impossible to verify that all aff ected safety-related HVAC areas w.11 be covered by the few samples Mr. Keppler already sent to the laboratory.

Please excuse any presumptiveness in offering these suggestions.

We helic 1, however, that they address generic weaknesses in NRC in'. r. i . .-ions . On the eve of operations, another report that puE icly raiscs more questions than it answers should be avoided at all costs.


' l '

Thomas Devine Legal Director 7 63%.R m Billie P. Garde Director, Citizens Clinic for Accountable Government TD/BPG/mcy-
