W3P90-1187, Forwards Booklet Entitled, Safety Info - Plans to Help You During Emergencies, Recently Distributed to General Public

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Forwards Booklet Entitled, Safety Info - Plans to Help You During Emergencies, Recently Distributed to General Public
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/17/1990
From: Burski R
W3P90-1187, NUDOCS 9008230219
Download: ML20059A770 (9)


{{#Wiki_filter:. ERefer: :10CFR50 Appsndix E-S .,?

                  ' OE ' g Entagy Cper:tiIns Inn.

317 Baroom St ~

                                                                                                ' the Obans. LA 70112             j 4

Opbr ns = * = -28o5 Te! 50L739477 4 i ly ;L Anymond F. Burski -) unm J Safety & ikqut/y A!Ws


l W3P90-1187 :1 A4.05 I QA Argds t' - 17,/1990 d e U.S.--Nuclear . Regulatory Commission 1 L ATTN: ' Document Control' Desk Washington, D.C. 20555' l


-      - Waterford 3 SES                                                                       I
                                           'Mcket < No.~ 50-382                                                                4
                                               'se M NPF-38 Sm.wy Information Booklet-                                                             !

Gentlemen: Enclosed for information -and use are three' copies 'of the Waterford 3 booklet (AprilL 1990 issue) entitled, ." Safety Information Plans to' Help .You--zDuring . " Emergencies" . Copies of this booklet were recently distributed to' the general-public in the Waterford 3 area. Pleasefadvise if you' desire additional copies. l Very truly yours,

                             ..        O RFB/LWL/ssf Enclosure cc (w/ Enclosure):- Messrs. R-'D. Martin, NRC ' Region IV D.L. Wigginton,. NRC-NRR E.L. Blake .                                                         ;

W.M. Stevenson R .B .1 McGehee , 1 NRC Resident Inspectors Office l l l t . g333.. Jg6L 4 c

   ,         . r-n(           ;


                      ' p.      ADOCK'05o00382>

2 PDC g .c , (

' ! you host the outdoor sirens, turn on your radio or TV o find out what to do. "

  - Ridin WWL 870 AM
  - Radio WADU 830 AM                  -


  - TV Channels 4. 6. 8.12 and 26                                                   .
                                                                                                                'l ^       ,
  'OLLOW THE DIRECTIONS GIVkN EVEN IF THEY DIF.                                       1   ;                            4 ER FROM THOSE IN THIS BOOKLET.                                                        {

y -I u , a here To Get More Information Or Other Help l e sure you, the members of your family, and your friends


trstand the information in this booklet. All of you will then know t to do in an emergency. You can be prepared ahead of time i will not have to try to use the phone when the lines are busy.


or write to one of the offices below NOWif you have questions Jt this bookist. it. Charles Parish Department of Emergency Pre- _ 2artdncss, Pansh Courthouse. River Road (Highway 18). iahnville. La , Phone Number (504) 783-6266 it. John the Baptist Parish Civil Defense. Emer-ency Operations Center.1801 West Airline High. say. Laplace. La.. Phone Number (504) 652-2222 Do NOT Listen to Rumors. Turn on your radio or TV fer up to-date information during an emergency. I' I I

i T I

 ' you hear the outdoor sirens, turn on your radio or TV s find cut what to do.
  - Rtdio . WWL 870 AM                                                                                                        _
 - Radio . WADU 830 AM                                                                      -

e g

   - TV Channels 4. 6. 8,12 and 26 OLLOW THE DIRECTIONS GIVEN EVEN IF THEY DIF.                       -


                                                                                                  !     S  t 7    ,                .

_. n , kl[ 61 hsr@ To Gat More Information Or Other Help " I e sure you, the members of your family, and your inends 3rstand the information in this booklet All of you will then know t to do in an emergency. You can he prepared ahead of time will not have to try to use the phone when the lines are busy. {- or write to one of the offices below NOWif you have questions Jt this booklet it. Charles Parish Department of Emergency Pre. mr:dnoss, Parish Courthouse. River Road (Highway 18). { I iahnville, La . Phone Number (504) 783-6266 it. John the Baptist Parish Civil Defense. Emer. ency Operations Center. 1801 West Airline High. ~

    /ay Laplace. La . Phone Number ISO 4) 652 2222 1

Do NOT Listen to Rumors. Turn on your racio or TV ror up to date information during an emergency. I A I L M

                                               ' me lhat To Do if You Hear                                                                      -A Message to                                                                                       1 The Outdoor Sirens-                                                                      Our Neighbors and Friends-

- STAY CALM, You will have time to take the needed - itops.

                                      ]                                                        'Your State and Pansh govemments have prepard this !

IURN ON '.*%H RADIO OR TVWou will be told what to booklet to tell you what to do if there is an emergency at Wat@ jo. ford 3. That is not likely to happen but you need to be prepared.

   - Radio WWL. 870 AM -                                                                 .Yoo can also use this booklet in other kinds of emergencies.
   - Radio WADU. 830 AM                                                                   such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or spilled chemicals.                                                 l
   - TV Channels 4,6,8,12 and 26                                                                 Please take the time to read this booklet now. Make sure that
                                                                                        - all members of your f amily understand what it says. Talk it over 30 NOT USE THE PHONE. The lines are needed for

- )ffidial business, with your neighbors and friends. Some of them may need your help. or you may need theirs. If you kno u someone who is blind  ; f you are told to PROTECT YOUR BREATHING: or does not read well, please read the b]oklet to them. The best

   - Cover your r.ose and mouth with a handkerchief or                                    way to be safe in an emergency is to know what to do and to help other cloth.                                                                      - each other.
   - Close the windows and doors if you are in a building                                        Keep this booklet in a handy place. If you want more copies of ~                              ,

or car. it, you may get them at one of these offices.

   - Tum heating or cooling systems. Turn off window St. Charles Parish Department of Emergency Pre-                                       1 paredness, Parish Courthouse, River Road (Highway I you are told to SHELTER IN PLACE:                                                                 18), mhnville, La.
   - Go inside your house or some other building.                                                     St. Jnhn the Baptist Parish Civil Defense. Emer-
   - Stay inside until your radio or TV says you can leave                                            gency Operations Center,1801 West Airline High.                                          I safely.                                                                                         way, Laplace, La.,
   - Turn off heating or cooling systems. Tum off window                                              Louisiana Power & Light Company District Offices on and attic fans.                                                                                 Paul Maillard Road in Luling, or at 2100 West Airline
   - Keep your pets inside.                                                                           Highway in Reserve, La.
   - Listen to the radio or TV for further advice.                                               If there is an emergency, outdoor sirens will warn you. When if you are told to EVACUATE:                                                               you hear the sirens, turn on your radio or TV. They will then tell you more about it, Please stay tuned to one of these-local
   - Be sure that this order applies to your section of the                                stations as long as the emergency lasts.

map inside this booklet. If it does, follow the next steps. Radio - WWL 870 AM l

   - Get ready to leave your home for a few days. If you
                                                                                                        . Radio - WADU 830 AM have children in school, they will be taken to the                                         You can also get information about an eme;gency at Water-                                     l reception center for their school. Meet them there-                                    ford 3 on New Orleans radio and TV stations.                                                      l
   - Pack only what you will need most. Take this booklet,                                             . TV - Channels 4,6,8,12, and 26 clothes, medicine, baby supplies, portable radio (if                                                                                                                                  ~

i you have one), checkbook and credit cards,

   - Tum off the I;ghts and your household. appliances.                                                                                                     Sincerely,
   - Lock your house. The section where you live will be guarded while you are away.                                                                                                                     ,
   -Use your own car if you can. Take neighbors who need a ride,if you have room. If you have no ride, ask                                  E"                                                         ,

one of your neighbors for a ride. lf you cannot do that,  ;. . I D> i go to one of the pickup points listed on the chart

  • inside this booklet. You can get a ride there. l P
   -Tum on the car radio for information.                                                                                                                  1
   -Go to the reception center for your section of the map. The chart inside this booklet and the radio or TV                                 J.M. "Ikey" Lucas, -             ~ B.P. (Bert) Madere,                    J.R. (John) McGaha will tell you where to go.                                                             Director .                        Director                                Waterford 3 St. Charles Pansh                 St. John the Baptist                    Plant Manaper Department                        Parish Civil Defense                    LP&L                 i of Emergency


                      .   ~   + , . -               ,-,.-...m.   - .-  -,%.          m.   .-.+s,          .w-..,-.-..-..,e-      -..-.,_-.,~.m.--..o.                   .  .,_+..---,,m,  ,
                                                                                                       .,                                                         i lhat Radiati:n is-                                                                         .

Eve Emergency' Action Plans

     =sArhing aioms around  in you sorneismatter made are up 7a@

of small particles active" called and can split

    > form nsw matter When this happens,it gives off energy called adiation." This energy can be used to make electncity, to treat
  - incgr. and in other helpful ways.

You live with radiation all the time, and take some into your

    >dy every day. But sometimes you must be carefut how much of                            If an accident occurs at Waterford 3. experts at the plant will is radiation enters your body. If the amount of radiahon in the air              . help your State and Pansh agencies decide how serious it is, large, you must protect yourself froih it. Your nouse or some                    You will be told what actions to take, based on the plans de-            :
  ' her build:ng can often be a good shelter if there is too much' scribed here. Be sure you understand them. If you have any                ,

h a ount f radiation you take into your' body is mea. "9 "

  - sr2d in." millirems." Here are some examples of what you                            help now. That way you will be prepared before an emergency               >

c$iv3 in one year, and where it comes from. can come up. y Th3 earth and space - about 80 millirems i a Your food - about 24 millirems M st p:rsons livin in the St. Charles or St. John the - . St. Charles Parish Department of Emergency Pre- i artist Parishes get a out 100 millirems per year in these paredness, Parish Courthouse. River Road (Highway 3tural ways. You may also get radiation in other ways, 18). Hahnville. La., Phone Number (504)183-6266

            + 2 or 3 chest x rays - about 40 millirems
  • Th3 material in your house - about 04 millirems .St, John the Baptist Parish Civil Defense, Emers
           . A ccast-to coast airline flight - about 2 nillirems gency Operations Center,1801 West Airline High.
  . ving n x o a p ant lhe               erfo d wi add less than one way,    a        as h M M M M W
   .illirem ptr year.

Here is how Waterford 3 works. Uranium atoms in the " reactor

   )re" split to produce heat. This heat makes water hot enough to
  • 'oduce steam. This steam is then used to make electncity in the When Will An Emergency Affect You?

ime way electncity is made in a plant that burns coat or oit The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the En-Wne the atoms in the core split, radioactive matter is formed. vironmental Protection Agency (EPA) have studied this ques-1e plam blocks its release in several ways. tion. They have leamed that you most likely will not have to do ~ ;

1. Msto fuel rods seal the uranium and most of the anything. If you live as close as ten miles from Waterford 3.

rtdiotetive matter inside the core. 2.- Ac ntainerwitha steelwall8%incnesthicksurrounds though, you should be prepared. 4 th3 ccre and seals it in.

                                                                                          . If your home or the place you work is on the map inside this ;
3. A s:ctnd container with a steel wall two lnches thick is booklet, an emergency may or may not affect you. An accident !
- around the first one, could affect some parts of the map and not others. That will
;    4. A concrete wall three feet thick seals in all of the other parts.                                                                       depend on where the wind is coming from, how strong it is, and
   ' If there is an accident. Waterford 3 can block the release of all                  on how severe the accident is. To help you know if you will have ' i
most of the radiation. But in a severe accident, some radioac, to take some action or not, the map has these 16 sections. '
. e matter may be released. If it is, this matter will be carried in the
    . If that happens, an emergency will be declared. You may then asked to do certain things to protect yourself until ele wind ries the radioactive matter away.                                                                           A1' A2' A3' A4                                     )

idiation Emergencies B1,B2,'B3,84 l ' 't here are four kinds of emergencies at nuclear power plants. C1,C2,C3,C4

1. Unusual Event. A minor problem has taken place. No D1,D2,D3,D4 iease of radioactive matter is expected. Federal. State and
ansh officials will be told of this. You will not have to do anything.


2. AIIrt. This is also a minor problem. Small amounts of in an emergency, radio and TV stations will tell which sections - i dioactive matter could be released at the plant. Federal. State on the map will be affected. Unfold the booklet at this time and

! id Pansh officials will be told of this and will be asked to stand pick out the section of the map where you live. Put that number in -

3. I re m rgen . Th s is a re sev re problem. e ah N W d M WW b ma% R easy b W lad l mall amounts of radioactive matter could be released into the _ you need it. Then come back to this page and read on.

j ea outside of the plant. Federal. State and Parish officials will -

'epare to help you if you need to take special action. !! such l : tion is needed, the strens will be turned on. You should then

(; ten to local radio or TV stations for advice. '

4. G:ntral Emergency. This is the most severe kind of lTiergencyc Radicactive matter could be released outside the i ant. Federal / State and Pansh officials will work closely with l <perts at the plant. You may have to protect yourself If action is lleded, the sirens will be turned on. You should then listen to

[ cal radio or TV stations for advice. j ' rim:mber that a nuclear plant is not like . mb. it CAN. j l OT cxplsde. You will have time to do what is needed if you w ! eI u how o r'ep e or an e ncy 3 _ . - ___u_. - --- - ~i

                                                         .                                                                                             1 1
    # Will You Be Told About,The Emergency?                                  What If You Are Told To tutdoor sirens will be tumed on if there iG an emergency in              PROTECT YOUR BREATHING?                                                  ;

Pansh. These sirens have been put in the best places in the This means you should take these stepa.  ; Oharles and St. John the Baptist Panshes for you to hear

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a han:1 kerchief or other t Firemen and deputies may dnve through the area to warn cloth, too. If you are in a marsh cr swamp. you will be warned by e or Parish - a, ials. If you are in a boat on the River, the
  • Close the windows and doors if you are i,1 a building or a
  ,is on the shore von varn you. The Coast Guard may also                              can 1you,                                                                          ' Tum off heating or cooling systems. Turn off window or ne sirens will sot nd only during testing and dur .ig emergen,                     attic fans.
      . Tests - Loca: governmorts will test outdoor sirens at                What if You Are Told To SHELTER IN PLACE?

noon on the first liTrsday of each month. These are just This means you should protect yourself inside your house or tests. You do not nred to do anything, some other building. This is a good action to take if there is a short release or small amount of radiation in the air. If your

      . Emstgencies -If there is an emergency, you will hear a children are in school, they will be protected by school officials.

wavenng sound that stays on for 3 to 5 minutes. This Take these steps to protect yourself. means that you should turn on your radio or TV. These stations will tell you which sections of the map are af- . Go inside if you are outside. When inside. stay there until fected by the emergency They will also tell you what your radio or TV says you can. leave safely. This is most actions to take if you are in one of the affected sections. likely to be after a few hours, rather than a day or more.

             - Radio . WWL. 870 AM                                                    Close all doors and windows.
             - Radio .WADU 830 AM                                                 . Turn off heating or cooling systems. Turn off window or
              - TV Channels 4. 6. 8.12 and 26
                                                                                   . Keep your pets inside.
   )uld You Use The Phong
  • Listen to one of these radio or TV stations for further instructions, there is an emergency, the phone lines will be needed for tal business. Do not use your phone unless you or someone
 - know is injured or too sick to do what is needed. If you must                     - Radio WADU 830 AM the phone, keep your call very short. This booklet and your                    ' - TV Channels 4,6,8,12 and 26 and TV will tell you what actions you might need to take.

I it through and be sure you understand it. Clear up all What if You Are Told To EVACUATE? I tions you have now, not later. This means that you should move to a place more than ten l i not listen to rumors. Tum on your radio or TV for up to-date s kom WaMod 1 Rans ham Nen ma@ to gh you I nation during an emergency. housing at special reception centers if you need it. Be sure all members of your family know where to meet in an emergency. That way you will not have to c?ll them on the phone.at that time. lat Aro The ACTIONS The reception centers are Imted on the chart inside this book-

   .1 Might Need To Take?                                                   let. Unfo!d it and follow the steps to locate your reception center and how to get there.

1e three actions you might be asked to take are called ect Ycur Breathing, Shelter in Place, or Evacuate. They lescribed at right. Be sure you are clear about them. If you neighbors who are hard of hearing or do not see well, le help them. Be sure they know what they are supposed to i an emergency. Fill out the Special Needs Card in this j let and mail it for them if they cannot do this themselves. j this card also if you or someone you know needs a wheel-l or needs special help for some other reason. That way you "

  • sure to get the special help needed. l l

To: Southeastern Loul: Map of the 16 Sections around Waterford 3 N n 1

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n m \ W; , sa s . 3 27 PLEASURE 8END l l LAFOURCHE PARISH

                                                                                                                                                                                                               /                 A PARA 0is sat
                      -t iralty '                                                                                                What To Do if You Are Told To Evacuate                                                               i The map and the chart on this page show you how to move out
                                                                                                           .. of your area if you are asked to evacuate. You are also told below how to get ready for the trip.                                              .

Follow These Steps For Using The Map and L The Chart  ; ! Look on the map

     . //                                                                                                     and the chart for your section number. This is the number you are asked to put on the front of the booklet. If you are not sure about                               R
       ,'                                                                                                     this number, check the map again. Circle your number on the chart, Write it on the front of this booklet.

l l

                ' QMn ia M e                                                                                     across the chart to the third column. This is the one with the Look    l I

heading " Evacuation Routes" marked at the top of the chart. l 80NTCHARTRAm y' ' There you will find the routes to take when you arive to your center. Mark the route on the map that 8c enslest for you to

                          < >                                                                               . follow. That will help you in an emmgency.'

Now look alongside the l WMN Mp gjd i Y '. route you have chosen, in the next column (with the heading ~ l ow.d' " Reception Centers for Adults and School Children"). There you

          /                                     # \- '                                                         will find the name of your reception center and its address. Put a                                :
        /                              yy:                                                                     circle around it. Each member of your family should know the
     '                                                      \                                                  location of your reception center,                                                                s l,

When you arrive at the Reception Center, you will meet any f am. lly members who did not travel dth you. Af ter you register, you [ l o /A may leave and stay with friends and relatives. lf you choose to stay , o GQ at a hotel or motel, or with family or friends, be sure the place is more than ten miles f rom Waterford 3. If you need a place to stay, r 10

                                                                                                              . shelter space will be made available at the Reception Center.                                   !
                                                                                                                                                                      - If you need a ride to a reception -

center, try to go with a neighbor, a friend, or a relative if you cannot do that, you can be picked up from special points near you. i? N.. E , Each pickup point in the chart has a number. To locate a pickup point on the map, look for the triangle with that number on it, 'y 4. Choose the pickup point closest to your home. Put a circle around it. cy  % lN # F - i utn b chi L g 4 2,x . s r 'ar If the children have to leave their schools for a safer place, they will be the first 61 TO: Bonnabel. to move. Their teachers and other adults will take them to the

       /-    -
       .DE8TREHAN o                 #
                                             ' sas g #             .

_ High School reception center for the section in which they go to schcol. Locate that center on the chart and circle it..You witi also be told by radio or TV where to pick up your children. Do not go to your children's school to pick them up. That

                   -                                                                                            cosild delay their move to a safer place. School officials will' ST. R0SE                                                                take special care of your children.
               .       4s A
       '@                         %                                                                                  Your children may live within ten miles of Waterford 3. but go to ',

a school f arther away. If they do, plan to pick them up at the school

A yourself.

Do no to call your children's school. The phone lines j

d.  % g \ will be ed for official business.
e m mm -0:e..This will show you if you are using the a

r - - TO: W0rleY chart correctly. Suppose you live in Section A4 on the map. in the 90 Nil Jr.High- first column you see the section number and the name of the PARet . School Parish, St. John. In the second column you see the names of the towns in that section, Reserve and Ga ille. The third column

      ,,,,,,,.#                        _ A Ai                                                                    lists the evacuation routes for section 4. It tells you that you can use U.S. 61 North or go west on Route 44 (River Road).

You would choose the easiest road for you to follow. Look at the

  • fourth column. The reception center for section A4 would be the. -

Centroplex, at 275 South River Road in Baton Rouge. The last <

                                                           ,                                                     column lists the pickup points in section A4 where you could go to
                                                                                              .                  9et a ride.
                                                                                                                    .lf you have' questions about your route, reception center, or '

pickup point, write or callone of these offices as soon as you can.

                                                           ,,            a-,-.          ,-      ,..,.s.                                                ..__.___n.,____.-_a_._._-__.---._._._.

L o - A Pick Up Point . . , 4-- Evacuation Route . I " l T0: Nicholls State U l 2 hart for the 16 Sections around Waterford 3 l l Section Reception Centers for Plchup Polng Bestion ' and Communities Evacuation Roites Adults & School Children and - Communities Evacuatic Parish Parish Se norm en La.620 (River Souteestere Loutelene Us6* w & Pahlag Let of LRue Gypsy 80see Destrehan Take U.S. U hisser Road to U.S. 51 Norm. versity. Columbus Dr., Ham-' Ekstris GenereHag Setten

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ' St. Rose              OR I                                  mend, La.Tangigenes Perleh                                                                                                             8t. Charles                           Go east o
   ' St. Charles                                        O rI 56liert er110 OR                                                                                                                                                                                           Road).        ,

OR The Centret les. 275 Seem OR Ge north en Evangeline er River Rd.. salen , La. Go north i ment: Reed, to u.B. et Esot Daten Rouge - take U.S. nore m U.S. si nere. le almetl-8811ere er 610 i< . R n west. gy Laplace N vou live east of U.8. 51 Southeasters Leutelene Un6- 74 Aseensten al Our Lord School" la6e U.S.5110ert. # ellhet wereity, Columbus Dr.. Ham * - I m LaPloesElementary8theel I-56 leert or I 18 West. mead, La.Teagtpehoe Perth & St.CharlesCathollsHighseheel Take U.8J 8tl st CharlesJohn if you live west el U.S. 51 and some el U.S. 61 M' The lee. 278 Sout

                                                                                                                                                         . & Old JetWI L. Ory Seh Site (Ele) g googlengElemaalarySchool mar Rd,                                                                                                                                8t' Cheries aimer west on La. 44              East Some RougegLa" cA S,,t., Joes,o,f Ars Eleaselery Scheel -                                                                                         _

(River ) erlebe U.S. 7 , ,,, ,,,,g ,,,,,,,,, .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .            10llone             Take La. .

01 Here. '& Aaruno Mehre PeWag Log.- tehe La. ! If you live weet of U.S. A RiverForest ApartmentComplen go sove - St. Charles 51 and norm el U.S. 81, inhe U.S. s1 mere.

                                                                                                                                                           ' 6 lateresellenelLA888IRiver Road) eel LA 088(90eAeles Roadl                                 < --          Luy                Tehe La.
                                                                                                                                                         ,. LaPloes Persgamesse                                                                                          Road , gt L< inteese80s of LA 8188 and                                            St. John                              640     e
                                                                                                                                                           ' . . St. Androus Blvd.o ' ..                                           St. Charles                           mea De s
                                                                                                       , = g.                                            ,                                                                                                               OR .

l c f N 4 Q,.. f y y y ; g& TimeesserPe Weg Wmamaey;$pgggpf Teng p  ; 1 3 ,c. nha s.es age.w < a=amma= see,s,se

                                 ";'y         '

OS W ! 4 /! Edgard Tehe La.' St. John [' ithl18N'ik"h;h Wenese M g La

                                                         .m                                                                                                                                                                        ama               4*-                         1, l                                 K         ' f Y*f $ al}knf&rma DDdkcW ,. 4l,%



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m. 4N St.Joka. OR
                                  ;A .                               -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,x . s -                        sowai-
                            .i                                                                                                                                                                                                  h                  ?                         se -

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                                                         "*K        g g                                                                                                                                                           lie Pepeledonla Gile Seedoa         .

f,]g$ St. Cheries St. Charles 98mese Pat, OR Go 80ut U.8. 901 '

                ' p'                please                 Tehe U.S. 61 Seet..                Senashel High Scheel,                                            A lloresElementary8411000 l                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         h llowSarpy OR                                              8000 Bein Drive.                                                 A SeeredHoertAsedemV                                                                                       East.

' Ri A floresPrimaryBehool St. Charles Good Hope Ge east en La. 48 (River - j,Me oh ! Reed). - A Good Hope GEO Cooler A St.Cherbs Courteuse Annes  : Paradis Take U.8 ' j i St. Charles , Goseut. 1-i

                        . . . _ _ _ . _           _ _ _ -                  __        __              .                                             . . . . . _ _ . _ _ . _       . ~ .                           _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ .
  • St. Charl;s Parish Departm:nt ct Emergency Pre-p; redness, Parish Courthous), River Road (Highway 18),4
                     -            i
  • Hahnvilla,'La., Phone Number (504) 783-6266
                                                *                                                                                    .St. John the Baptist Parish Civil Defsnse. Emer.

gency Operations Center,1801 West Airline High-way, Laplace, La., Phone Number (504)652 2222 Follow These Steps To Get Ready For the Trip Reception Centers for Pickup Points Ad':lts & School Children if you already know where to go ano what to take, that wilih'el ou will have time to do what you A Destrohen High Scheel Bonnebel High School need to do. Remember that nuclear plants do NOT explode, ssee truin prin, Metairie, A St. Cheries sorromes gg La. Jefferson Farish Elementary scheel rr <

                                                       "                      '                                                 probably have to be away from home for a few days. Take these tC              G nElevater etist Let                                    things along if you can.

wn A St. Rose Towen

  • This booklet A Intesection of LA 48 (Rine Road) and LA 426 . Extra clothing A St. Rese Primary 8shool . Eyeglasses, dentures, prescription drugs, other important A st. Rene Elementary medicines, and first aid kit A 'w""e T, a',ft N ' . Some way to identify yourself i
  • Baby supphes Sonnebel Hish School A Intersection of U.S. 81 (Airline a Portable radio and flashlight (if you have them) ssee stuin 6rin, Metairie, Highway) and Ormond Sirt.

La. J.fferson Pensh (Swamp side of U.S. 81) . Checkbook and credit cards

                                               & Killene Elementary School Site then     Nicholls state Unints         ,
                                                                                                                                 . Turn off the lights and your household appliances.

hen 1 lbodaus, s.

  • Leave your refrigerator and freezer on.
  • Lock your house. . . l A Nich's seafood at Lucy Curve der Nicholls State University,
  • Use only one car (or other vehicle) for your family, if you I I

Hiehwev 1, Thibodees, La. A Lucy Elementary Scheel 81te

1. have room, please check to see if any of your neighbors need irth, Lelourche Portsh -

20. A Site,o,f rige iii Champagee's store et a ride.

  • Follow the route you have marked on the map in this booklet.

en Keep your car windows and air vents closed. Listen to one i of the following radio stations for reports about your route ' i nt Nichelle State Universt , A Edgard Elementary Scheel Site " and other information hlhedeux, A WestSt. John High Scheel(New) - WWL 870 AM c on - Hg L 1 d' A St. John PwMk Can Hee.e , - W ADU. 830 AM i "" '"" Drive safely; traffic will be heavy. Deputies along your route will

                                               $ A Entereurtanteuse N'E                                                           help with the traffic.

A wellese ReneesendSeheelsne s ( , , thr1 Nicholls Sta Ua

                                                  & Amsterles(etPleasemleadp
  • a on i Gua troo s will be called if they need to help.
                                                                                                                                  . Roadblocks will keep people out of the area you have left.

LeYe N h resh .s , hg - T Y'

3. Ask about those kinds of informanon unen go ;;

[,tb 'p D y to your reception center. 7W ' @% M% . How to register. E & ley Jr. Hieh scheel, A latorsection el LA Sidt and LA18 . Where members of your family are, Whey are not with you, e13 wnthed Expressway, (Rever Rus). . How to get other housing if you need it. westwege. La. 2- P'd'h . How to get medical or other special help. Al"' A Rinr' 88'*"*"' How to get checked for radiation.

              $djydHghSe       (,p          y,            PmWng Let
  • When it is safe to go back home.

weetwego. La. . A HahavtNe Elemestery Scheel 8Me Jefferson Portsh A G.W. Carver Elemestery $shool j A EselJ.Londry St. Middle Scheel worley Jr. Hieh School,

                                                   & Luling Elementary Scheel

, I, tote 913 Westhed Expressway. A First Peatseestet Chersh if you hear the outdoor eirene, turn on your radio or TV to find out what to do. l gr Road). fe'n'eN*l ertshi' 4 'fch h 8 rien Ave.,

                                                                                                                                            - Radio .WWL 870AM                                                1 Lone Star A Mimese Path Elementary Scheel                                                          - Radio WADU 830 AM l r of                                                                                                                                       - TV Channels 4. 6. 8.12 and 26 i i U.S. 90                                         A Lakeweed Elementary School A A. A.SengyKindergarten l

FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS GIVEN EVEN IF THEY DIF. FER FROM THOSE IN THIS BOOKLET. Nicholls State Unintsity, A Hahaville High School L. "' Highway 1. Thitedeus, La. A R. J.Vlel Middle School ( i 3g, Levowene Portsh A J. 8. Martin Middle Scheel D '. - - - - - - . . . _ . _ _ . _ _ . - ,_ _ _ _ , _ _ ,

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o , What T@ Do if Ycu Hdar A Message to l The Outdoor Sirens Our Neighbors and Friends

. STAY CALM. You will have time to take the needed                                                                                           I strps.

PM ppm W WM WS - e TURN ON YOUR RADIO OR TV. You will be told what to booklet to tell you what to do if there is an emergency at Water-o do. ford 3. That is not likely to happen, but you need to be prepared..

     - Radio WWL 870 AM                                            You can also use this booklet in other kinds of emergencies,
     - Radio WADU. 830 AM                                         such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or spilled chemicals.
     - TV Chanrels 4,6,8,12 and 26                                     Please take the time to read this booklet now. Make sure that
  • DO NOT USE THE PHONE. The lines are needed for all members of your family understand what it says. Talk it over official business, with your neighbors and friends. Some of them may need your help, or you may need theirs. If you know someone who is blind e if you are told to PROTECT YOUR BREATHING: or does not read well, please read the booklet to them. The best 1
     - Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or           way to be safe in an emergency is to know what to do and to help other cloth,                                             each other.
     - Close the windows and doors if you are in a building       . Keep this booklet in a handy place. lf you want more copies of or car,                                                  it, you may get them at one of these offices.
     - Tum off heating or coohng systems. Tum off window and attic fans.
  • St. Charles Parish Department of Emergency Pre-paredness, Parish Courthouse, River Road (Highway
. If you are told to SHELTER IN PLACE:                                     18), Hahnville, La.


     - Go inside your house or some other building.                        St. John the Baptist Parish Civil Defense, Emer.                  1
     - Stay inside until your radio or TV says you ccn leave               gency Operations Center,1801 West Airline High.

safely. way, Laplace, La..

     - Tum off heating or cooling systems. Turn off window
  • Louisiana Power & Light Company District Offices on and attic fans. Paul Maillard Road in Luling, or at 2100 West Airline
     - Keep your pets inside.                                              Highway in Reserve, La.
     - Listen to the radio or TV for further advice.                  If there is an emergency, outdoor sirens will warn you. When         q

.aif you are told to EVACUATE: you hear the sirens, tum on your radio or TV. They will then tell you more about it. Please stay tuned to one of these local

    - Be sure that this order applies to your section of the      stations as long as the emergency lasts, map inside this booklet, if it does, follow the next Radio - WWL 870 AM ady to leave your home for a few days If you                  ado - WW 830 W have children in school, they will be taken to the           You can also get Information about an emergency at Water.

reception center for their school. Meet them there. ford 3 on New Orleans radio and TV stations.

    - Pack only what you will need most. Take this booklet,                 . TV - Channels 4,6,8,12, and 26 clothes, medicine, baby supplies, portable radio (if you have one), checkbook and credit cards.
    -Tum off the lights and your household appliances.                                                     Sincerely,
   -- Lock your house. The section where you live will be guarded while you are away,
    -- Use your own car if you can. Take neighbors who                                                  .

nzed a ride,if you have room,if you have no ride, ask . one of your neighbors for a ride. lf you cannot do that,- ,T ,, go to one of the pickup points listed on the chart inside this booklet. You can get a ride there.

    -Tum on the car radio for information.
    -Go to the reception center for your section of the                                                                                    !

map. The chart inside this booklet and the radio or TV J.M. *lkey" Lucas, B.P. (Bert) Madere, J.R. (John) McGaha will tall you where to 90. Director ' Director Waterford 3 St. Charles Parish St. John the Baptist Plant Manager . Department Parish Civil Defense LP&L of Emergency Preparedness PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS BOOKLET. b IT TELLS YOU MORE ABOUT HOW TO BE READY FOR EMERGENCIES.

p- - - - . . _ _ p L Wh;t Radiaticn IS Everything around you is made up of small particles called -

                    !          atoms. The atoms in some matter are " radioactive" and can split i         to form new matter. When this happens, it gives off energy called "resation." This energy can be used to make elecbiCity, to treat '

cancer, and in other helpful ways. (1 l You live with radiation all the time, and take some into your - ' l body every day. But sometimes you must be careful how much of l= j this radiation enters your body. If the amount of radiation in the air e is large, you must protect yourself from it. Your house or some ( ' l other building can often be a good shelter if there is too much

                          , rasation in the air,                        -

b; The amount of radiation you take into your body is mea-sured in " millirems." Here are some examples of what you receive in one year, and where it comes from, j j

                                       . The earth and space - about 80 millirems
     ,        i                        . Your food - about 24 millirems I                   Most        rsons livi    in the St. Charles or St. John the f              Baptist         rishes get      ut 100 millirems per year in these g                natural ways. You may also get radiation in other ways.

2 or 3 chest m. rays - about 40 millirems

                                      . The material in your house - about 34 millirems b                         . A coast.to-coast airline flight - about 2 millirems b                         . A color TV set - about 1 millirem

[ k Living next to a plant like Waterford 3 will add less than one - * [ f millirem per year. { Here is how Waterford 3 works. Uranium atoms in the " reactor i I core" spt;to produce heat. This heat makes water hot enough to i produce steam. This steam is then used to make electricity in the . same way electricity is made in a plant that burns coal or oil. i When the atoms in the core split, radioactive matter is formed,

           !                The plant blocks its release in several ways.                                    +
1. Metal fuel rods seal the uranium and most of the
           ;f                         radioactive matter inside the core, f

I 2. A container with a steel wall 8% inches thick surrounds the core and seals it in.. f; 3. A second container with a steel well two inches thick is

                                    - around the first one.

I ' I 4.- A concrete wall three feet thick seals in all of the other: [ ' parts, . t< I If there is an accident;Waterford 3 can block the release of all  ; or most of the radiation. But in a severe accident, some radioac- - i live matter may be released. If it is, this matter will be carried in the '


air. lf that happens. an emergency will be declared. You may then i be asked.to do certain things to protect yourself until the wind carries the radioactive matter away. { [ Radiation Emergencies. There are four kinds of emergencies at nuclear power plants.

1. Unusual Event. A minor problem has taken place. No - .L h release of radioactive matter is expected. Federal. State and '

Parish officials will be told of this. You will not have to do anything. [ 2. ~ Alert. This is also a minor problem Small amounts of ' [ radioactive matter could be released at the plant. Federal, State p and Parish officials will be told of this and will be asked to stand f by. It is not likely that you will have to do anything. p 3. Site Area Emergency. This is a more severe problem, u . Small amounts of radioactive matter could be released into the , g area outside of the plant. Federal. State and Parish officials will prepare to help you if you need to take special action. If such action is needed, the sirens will be tumed on. You should then listen to local radio or TV stations for advice. 4.~-General Emergency. This is the most severe kind of I 4 f


emergency. Radioactive matter could be released outside the-plant. Federal. State and Parish officials will work closely with

                         - experts at the plant. You may have to protect yourself. If action is =

needed, the sirens will be tumed on. You should then listen to l'. local radio or TV stations for advice.-

          $,                    Remember that a nuclear plant is not like a bomb. it CAN-3 NOT explode. You will have time to do what is needed if you .

have to protect yourself. Please read the rest of this booklet.

,                          it will tell you how to prepare for an emergency, b


r 4 l Emergency Action Plans e M If an accident occurs at Waterford 3, experts at the plant will ' 9 f) s help your State and Parish agencies decide how serious it is.- You will be told what actions to take, based on the plans de.


[ ' scribed here. Be sure you understand them, if you have any g question,:'rhile reading this Moklet, ask one of these offices for 7;, b^lp now. That way you will be prepared before an emergency jF can come up. l r a St. Charles Parish Department of Emergency' Pre- - [ h paredness, Parish Courthouse, River Road (Highway \ (1 '18), Hahnville, La., Phone Number (504) 7834266 - V * ! 2 .St. John the Baptist Parish. Civil. Defense, Emer- I ' h gency Operations Center,1801 West Airline High. O way, Laplace, La., Phone Number (504) 652 2222 - i f , t


[{( [ When Wili An Emergency Affect You_?- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the En.

                                                                                                                .l i

y vironmental Protection Agency (EPA) have studied this ques-g tion. They have learned that you most likely will not have to do 1 anything. If you live as close as ten miles from Waterford 3, {l_ though, you should be prepared. f if your home or the place you work is on the map inside this l r tooklet, an emergency may or may not affect you. An accident { could affec'some parts of the map and not others. That will pl depeni .r. where the wind is coming from, how stror,9 it is, and p on how severe the accident is. To help you know if you will have g to take some action or not, the map has these IS sections. b I ~ A1,A2,A3,-A4-h 81,B2,B3,B4 , a ' C1,C2,-C3,C4

D1,D2,D3,D4 N

k in an emergency, radio and TV stations will tell which sections j.) _ on the map will be affected. Unfold the booklet at this time and 1 D L pick out the sectian of the map where you live. Put that number in [ the blank on the front of this booklet to make it easyin find later it i ( you need it. Then come back to this page and read on. I f ?,. e it V, N

                                /                                                                                       .

J.y i

V i - .. t I 3 - f How Will You' Be Told About The Emergency? e i Outdoor sirens will be turned on if there is an emergency in  ; your Parish. These sirens have been put in the best places in the l

          .. - ~ - ,

St; Charles and St. John the Baptist Parishes for you to hear  ! them. Firemen and deputies may drive through the area to warn


you, too.11 you are in a marsh or swamp, you will be wamed by - i State or Parish Officials. If you are in a boat on the River, the-

                   ..            -                                             sirens warn you.

on the shoro will wam you, The Coast Guard may also . cies. The sirens will sound only during testing and during emergen-i I Tests - Local governments will test outdoor sirens at noon on the first Thursday of each month These are just tests. You do not need to do anything. _

  • Emngencies-if thereis an emergency,you willhear a

wavering sound that stays on for 3 to 5 minutes. This  ! means that you should tum on your radio or TV. These stations will tell you which sections of the map are af-fected by the emergency. They will also tell you what  ! actions to take if you are in one of the affected sections,

                                                                                                            - Radio WWL. 870 AM                                                         !

( - Radio .WADU 830 AM

                                                                                                            - TV Channels 4,6,8,12 and 26 '

Should You use The Phone? If there is an emergency, the phone lines will be needed for official business. Do not use your phone unless you or someone you know is injured or too sick to do what is needed. If you must l

                                                                  ;           use the phone, keep your call very short. This booklet and your j               radio and TV will tell you what actions you might need to take. L Read it through and be. sure you understand it. Clear upl all
                                                             .p              questions you have now, not later.

[ Do not listen to rumors. Turn on your radio or TV for up-to-date  !

                                                             ,;              information during an emergency, 4

[ i What Are The ACTIONS e t You Might Need To Take?

                                                            -t L

j The three actions you might be asked to take are called -

  • L
                      ,                                                     Protect Your Breathing, Shelter in Place, or Evacuate. They -                                     ;
          - ;                                                  g!           are described at right, Be sure you are clear about them. If you .

have neighbors who are hard of hearing or do not see well, f please help them. 80 sure they' know what they are supposed to

               >.                                                          do in an emergency. Fill out the Special Needs Card in this - -                                          '


                                                                          . booklet and mailit for them if they cannot do this themselves.

i Use this card also if you or someone you know nceds a wheel-3

                                                             'y chair or needs special help for some other reason, That way you can be sure to get the special help needed..-                                                          ,

iI f[ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - ~ ^ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - " - ^ ~ " ' ^ - ^ ^ ~ ' ' '

l-1 . What if You Are Told To PROTECT-YOUR BREATHING? i

                                                = This means jou should take these steps.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a haridkerchiif or other j cloth.
  • Close the windows and doors if you are in a building or a car.
                                   !                  Turn off heating or cooling systems. Turn off window or      .
     - - * -- -                    :                  attic fans, c

What if You Are Told To SHELTER IN PLACE?  !

                                  ;.             This means you should protect yourself inside your house or j      ~

some other building. This is a good action to take if there is a - 1

                                  ; - short release or small amount of radiation in the air. If your                j
                                  .           children are in school, they will be protected by school officials.

{ Take these steps to protect yourself, i

                                  ;                . Go inside if you are outside. When inside, stay there 'until 4                   your radio or TV says you can leave safely. This is most       1 I             likely to be after a few hours, rather than a day or more.     ;
  • Close all doors and windows.
. Turn off heating or cooling systems. Tum off window or
                                  .j                  attic fans.

d . Keep your pets inside. 5 . Listen to one of these radio or TV stations for further '

                                           !          instructio'ns.
                                                      - Radio WWL 870 A'.1                                            ;

a - Radio WADU. 830 AM ,

                                                      - TV Chan'nels 4,6,8,12 and 26 -                                !

What if You' Are Told To EVACUATE? This means that you should move to a place more than ten miles from Waterford 3. Plans have been made to give you

                                      ;       housing at special reception centers if you need it. Be sure all '

members of your family know where to meet.in an emergency. 1 That way you will not have to call them on the phone at that time. The reception centers are listed on the chart inside this book-let. Unfold it and follow the steps to locate your reception center and how to get there. k

                      ,e a

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T0: Nicholls State U 3 Plekup Poials Section - and Communities fvecueller

      -9                           l1 1 Parish -

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f 4 What To Do if You Are Told To Evacuate- t l l The map and the chart on this page show you how to move out

                             . of your area if you are asked to evacuate. You are also told below 1 i how to get ready for the trip.

l h [ Follow These Steps For Using The Map and l The Chart



1. Locate the section in'which you live. Leok on the map and the chart foryour section number. This is the number you are asked to put on me front of the booklet. If you are not sure about this number, check the map again. Circle your number on the
~ ** w                        l chart. Write it on the front of this booklet.
2. Locate the evacuation routes for your section. Look-across the chart to the third column. This is the one with the--

heading " Evacuation Routes" marked at the top of the chart.- i There you will find the routes to take when you drive to your center. Mark the route on the map that is easiest for you to ( follow. That will help you in an emergency. ..l

3. Locate your reception center. Now look alongside the j
  • route you have chosen, in the next column (with the heading
                                               " Reception Centers for Adults and School Children").There you                         l i

[ - will find the name of your reception center and its address. Put a

                             'I                 circle around it. Each member of your family should know the j location of your reception center.                                                                 ;
                                  ;                When you arrive at the Reception Center, you will meet sny f am-                    '

Ily members who did not travel with you. After you register, you l may leave and stay with f riends and relatives. lf you choose to stay h at more a hotel or motel, or with f amily or friends, be sure the place is than ten miles f rom Watertord 3. If you need a place 1o stay, j l shelter space will be made available at the Reception Center.

                                                    ' 4. Locate your pickup point,if you need a ride to a reception
                                              , center, try to go with a neighbor, a friend, or a relative. If.you                      ,

j- cannot do that, you can be picked up from special points near you. Each pickup point in the cnart has a number. To locate a pickup point on the map, look for the triangle with that number on it. Choose the pickup point closest to your home. Put a circle  ! r i around it.

5. Locate your children's reception center. If the children have to leave their schools tor a safer place, they will be the first ,

to move. Their teachers and other adults will take them to the reception center for the section in which they go to school Locate that center on the chart and circle it. You will also be told by radio or TV where to pick up your children. E

                                       !                 Do r ot go to your children's school to pick them up. That                       ,
                                       )           could delay their move to a safer place. School officials will -                       i take special care of your children.             ..

j Your children may live within ten miles of Waterford 3. but go to  ; g- a schoolIarther awayilt they do, plan to pick them up at the school l e j yourself. 1

             ~ ~


                                                       . Do not try to call your children's school. The phone lines -                       '

j will be needed for official business. z

6. Try this example. This will show if you are using the 7


                                                   . chart correctly. Suppose you live in Section A4 on the map. In the first column you see the section number and the name of the-n                J           Parish, St. John. In the second column you see the names of the                       i towns in that secuon, Reserve and Garyville. The third column -

lists the evacuation routes for section A4. It tells you that you ' can use U.S. 61 North or go west on Route 44 (River Road). You would choose the easiest road for you to follow. Look at the - fourth column. The reception center for section A4 would be the Centroplex, at 275 South River Road in Baton Rouge. The last column lists the pickop points in section A4 where you cou!d go to l' j


get a ride. " I' If you have' questions about your route, reception center, or

                                             !          pickup point, write or call one of these offices as soon as you can.


                                                         ~_>                    ' perseness. P rth Courthouse, River Road (Highway 18),

l Hahnville/La., Phone Number. (504) 7834266 g . .

                                                                                <St. John the Baptial Parish Civil Dr, tens 3, Emer.
                                                                               . gency Opesations Center,1801 West Airline High -
                                                                                . way, Laplace, La., Phone Number (504)652 2222 -
                                                                       ; Follow These Steps To Get Reedy For the Trip

(. .

1. Stav as calm as you can, if you already know where to go li and what lo take, that w'lil help You will have time to do what you f need to do. Remember that nuclear plants do NOT explode.
2. Gather what you and your family will need. You v4 probably have to be away from home for a few days. Take there j things along if you can.-

l t

  • This booklet - ,

L i

  • Extra clothing ..

l [

  • Eyeglasses, dentures, prescription drugs, other important -

medicines, and first aid kit

  • Some way to identify yourself
  • Baby supplies
  • Portable radio and flashlight (if you have them) ,


  • Checkbook and credit cards
3. Remember as you leave to do the following.
  • Tum off the lights and your household appliances.
  • Leave your refrigerator and freezer on. .
                                                                        . *Lock your house. .                       .
  • Use only one car (or other vehicle) for your family. If you have room, please check to see if any of your neighbors need a ride.
  • Follow the route you have marked on the map in this booklet.

Keep your car windows and air vents closed. Listen to one of the following radio stations for reports about your route


and other information.' ,

                                                                                     - WWL 870 AM
                                                                                     - WADU. 830 AM '                                                   '
  • Drive safely; traffic will be heavy. Deputies along your route will -

help with the traffic, i

4. Do not worry about your property while you are away.
  • Law officers will protect it. . .


  • National Guard troops will be called if they need to help. 1
  • Roadblocks will keep people out of the area you have left. .i
                                                                              - 5. Ask' about these kinds of information when you get to your reception center.
                                                                           + How to register. . . .
  • Where members of your family are,if they are not with 'you.
  • How to get other housing if you need it '  ;
  • How to get medical or other special help.
  • How to get checked for radiation, j
  • When it is safe to go back home.

l' F 1 i l if you hear the outdoor strens,' turn on your radio or TV  : to find out what to do. '

                                                                                     - Radio WWL 870 AM                                                ,
                                                                                     - Radio WADU 830 AM
                                                                                     - TV Channels 4,6. 8,12 and 26
'                                                                               FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS OlVEN EVEN'lF THEY DIF.


l. -
                                                      >.                                                                                l
l. i
                                                 , ;h                                                         .



if you hear the outdoor sirens, turn on your radio or TV - to find out what to do. .i f - Radio WWL. 870 AM s

t - Radio.WADU 830 AM
                                                                - TV . Channels 4,6,8,12 and 26



b Where To Get'More information Or Other Help Be sure you, the members of our'famil , and our friends 01 understand the information in this booklet. All of you wffl then know -( pi whM to do in an emergency. You can be prepared ahead of time ' n" and dll not have to try to use the phone when the lines are busy,

                                                        }   Can or write to one of the offices below NOW if you have questions p[j       about this booklet, p

[4. . St. Charles Parish Department.of Emergency Pro. N paredness, Parish Courthouse, River Road (Highway 18), f': Hahnville, La., Phone Number (504) 783-6266 M fj *St. John the Baptist ~ Parish Civil Defense, Emer. g' gency Operations Center,1P01 West Airline High. -i way, Laplace, La,, Phone Number (504) 652 2222

                                                  ) i, b

te f . Do NOT Listen to Rumors. Turn on your radio or ( TV for up to-date information during an emergency, . h e p b h u

                                               .L n

L: t: \ k r q 6 , g o f


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