NUREG-0798, Advises That NRC Review of Sys Leakage Reduction Test Results Cannot Be Completed Until Final Test Procedures & Acceptance Criteria Upon Which Sys Test Results Based Submitted & Reviewed

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Advises That NRC Review of Sys Leakage Reduction Test Results Cannot Be Completed Until Final Test Procedures & Acceptance Criteria Upon Which Sys Test Results Based Submitted & Reviewed
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/1987
From: Stefano J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Sylvia B
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-0798, RTR-NUREG-737, RTR-NUREG-798, TASK-3.D.1.1, TASK-TM TAC-63575, TAC-64609, TAC-65458, TAC-66299, NUDOCS 8712230289
Download: ML20237D473 (1)



December 21, 1987 Docket No. 50-341 Mr. B. Ralph Sylvia Group Vice President Nuclear Operations Detroit Edison Company 6400 North Dixie Highway.

Newport, Michigan 48166 1

Dear Mr. Sylvia:



(TACNOS. 63575, 64609,65458, and 66299)

The NRC reported in Supplement No. 6 to the Fermi-2 SER (NUREG-0798) that the proposed Fermi-2 leakage reduction test program, provided by your letter dated June 3, 1985, meets the intent of TMI Item III.D.1.1 of NUREG -0737, and was therefore considered acceptable. The NRC also reported therein that your commitment to submit initial leak test results as they become available in i

accordance with the schedule described in. the June 3,1985, letter was acceptable, and the the overall report of the Fermi-2 leakage reduction program should be submitted prior to commercial operation.

'This is to inform you that the NRC review of system leakage reduction test results submitted by your letters dated April 1,1986 (VP-86-0042), November 3,1986 (VP-86-0147), February 4,1987 (VP-NO-87-0017), May 22,1987 (NRC-87-0006), and August 28, 1987 (NRC-87-0139), in accordance with your June 3, 1985, letter commitment, cannot be completed; and that the final test procedures and acceptance criteria upon which the system test results are based will be needed to complete our review. The need for this.information was discussed with Mr. L. Bregni of your staff on December 10, 1987, who advised me that the Fermi-2 Overall Leakage Reduction Test Report, which will contain this information, is in preparation and will be submitted to the NRC in January 1988.

Consequently, our findings on the test results submitted to date are being deferred pending receipt of the Fermi-2 Overall Leakage Reduction Test Report.

Should there be any question concerning this letter, please let me know.

Sincerely, Original signed by kDR

$$ be John J. Stefano, Project Manager DC P

PDR Project Directorate III-I Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V

& Special Projects cc:

See next page DISTRIBUTION bec:

J. Kudrick, RIII Jocket File JStefano x

E. Greenman, RIII

~NRC & Local PDRs OGC-Beth PD31 Plant Gray EJordan GHolahan JPartlow RIngram ACRS (10) l

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