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Advises That Safeguards Regulatory Effectiveness Review Scheduled for Wk of 891113-17 at Plant Site.Internal & External Security Groups Will Require Escort from Security Dept
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1989
From: Greger L
To: Reed C
NUDOCS 8909260322
Download: ML20247N863 (2)


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,q-SEP 191989 1

Docket No. 50-254 i Docket No. 50-265 l

l Commonwealth Edison Company L

ATTN: Mr. Cordell Reed.

-Senior Vice President Post Office Box 767

' Chicago, IL 60690 The NRC is in the process of conducting safeguards Regulatory Effectiveness

' Reviews (RERs) at nuclear nower reactors. I wish to inform you that the Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units .I and 2, has been chosen for such a review scheduled for the week of November P47,1989.

RERs are designed to assure that safeguardt 94uired Dy NRC's regulations, as implemented by licensees, provide the intended level of protection without -

compromising safety of operations. These reviews complement NRC's licensing and regional-inspection functions. During its onsite review, the team compares the existing safeguards to NRC's regulatory design basis threat. Some team members (external group) focus on security s

= protected area while others (internal group)ystems associated with theexamine security s with vital ~ areas and equipment. At the same time, a team engineer looks at alternative combinations of plant systems needing protection against sabotage to assure the capability for safe shutdown of the facility. The RER team includes NRC reactor safeguards specialists and at least two U.S. Army Special Forces personnel. Additional assistance for the RER team is provided by an inspector from the NRC regional office and the NRC resident inspector.

The first day onsite begins with an entrance briefing. You may wish to have a representative of your corporate staff present during this briefing, as it will provide an overview of the team's objectives and anticipated activities for the duration of the visit. Any licensee questions on methodology or other matters are then addressed so that a cominon understanding can be reached.

Also, the suggested schedule for the week is discussed and key licensee contact persons are identified. It is through these contact persons that arrangements are made for knowledgeable licensee personnel to escort the team members during-the review.

After the RER team's entrance briefing, the entire RER team taken a general orientation tour of the protected area perimeter. The purpose of this orientation tour is to observe the surrounding terrain, the intrusion detection system and isolation zones, physical barriers, safety-related water sources, and buildings containing vital equipment. Following the orientation tour the

-team breaks into three separate subgroups to begin their detailed evaluations.

The last day of the review is reserved for a briefing of plant and corporate

. personnel on the preliminary results of the review. g,

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.. g Commonwealth Edison Company 2 SEP 191983 Please provide appropriate plant personnel support for the three RER team subgroups during the scheduled review. Specifically, both the internal and external security groups will require an escort from the security department who can communicate with alarm stations, and the team engineer will need an individual familiar with the safety equipment location and functional capabilities at Quad Cities. The team will make every effort to schedule its activities so as to avoid disruption of normal plant operations. The time that various team members spend onsite may vary, but generally will range from six to eight hours per day. The team will also be onsite on Tuesday or Wednesday evening for approximately two hours, beginning at dusk.

If you have any questions regarding the conduct-of these Regulatory Effectiveness Reviews which you wish to have answered prior to the team's visit, please contact David Orrik, Reactor Safeguards Branch at (301) 492-3212, or J. R. Creed at 790-5643 of the Region III staff.

Sincerely, f) g c~.-

L. Rober Gr6ger, Chief Reactor Programs Branch cc: B. K. Grimes , NRR 1 P. F. McKee, NRR i T. Ross, PM, NRR i R. Higgins, SRI  !

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