ML20210U448 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Millstone |
Issue date: | 09/05/1997 |
From: | Jerrica Johnson, Neri A NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20210U355 | List:
References | |
CK-MP3-03-11, CK-MP3-3-11, NUDOCS 9709190172 | |
Download: ML20210U448 (14) | |
i O
Northeast Utilities Millstca; Unit 3 Independent Corrective Action Verification Program OCAVP)
Modification Review Checklist CK-MP3-03 11, Rev. 3 Seismic Oumlincition Chdlin i
Prepared by:
JW w.Joutvcod NA/
i/ ode 7 l
Name (SMada/ '
9/5 97 Approved by:
- Name 7
Date IMPLEMENTATION System Modification No/ Description Verified by:
Concurrence by:
Sheet 1 of__
O (ck mp3-03-11, Rev. 3 Page 1)
C:CK3-0311. DOC 9709190172 970917 PDR ADOCK 05000423 P
6 Northeast Utilities CK MP3-03-11 Millstone U lt 3 S stem 3
Modification No.
Sheet of Seismic Qualification Review Checklist Instructions
'Ihis checklist shall bc used for the design process document review process described in I
PI MP3-02 and for the n odification review process described in PI hfP3-03.
I 1.
The Lead Verifier shall enter the System and, if applicable, the Modification l
Number / Description on the checklist cover sheet.
If reviewing a modification, the Lead Verifier or Discipline Verifier shall first determine l
whether the modificatie includes the addition of components subject to seismic qualnication. If no such new components are being added by the modification, Attachment A and B of the chxklist are not applicable, and the Verifier shall complete Attachment C only. For all other modifications, and for the system resiew, Attachments A, B, and C shall be completed as instructed herein. The Lead Verifier or Discipline Verifiers shall deternune which components in the System or Modification are subject to seismic qualification and list those components on Attachment A of this checklist. Note that components which are identical or similar may be grouped on Attachment A such that only one Component Seismic Quali6 cation Resiew Checklist (CSQRC) is prepared for that O
group of components. Grouping in this fashion should be based not only on component similarity, but also on the Millstone seismic qualification documentation. When Attachment A has been completed for the appF. cable System or Modification, print, sign, and date the bottom of Attachment A.
Based on Attachment A, the Lead Verifier or Disiplie Verifiers shall complete a CSQRC - see Attachment B of this checklist - for each component or group of components listed in Attachment A. Each CSQRC shall be numbered sequentiaPy for the System or l
Modification as delineated in Attachment A. Ifit becomes accessary to revise the numbering sequence, Attachment A shall be updated to agn e. In completing Attachment B, the following shall be obsened:
An answer shall be provided to each question; no questions are to be left blank.
Not Applicable (N/A) shall only be used where an "N/A" blank is provided in the checklist.
Whenever the answer to a question is "No," meaning that the seismic qualification c.
aspect being reviewed is unsatisfactory, a Comment No. shall be entered in the right hand column of the checklist, and a comment shall be entered on the checklist provided at the end of Attachment B. Comments shall be numbered sequentially within an individual CSQRC. In addition, for each unsatisfactory response, the Preparer shall initiate a Discrepancy Report (DR) in accordance with PI-MP3 11.
The DR nunber shall be referenced in the comment in Attachment B.
(ck-mp3-03-11, Rev. 3, Page 2)
C:CK3-0311. DOC
4; Ntrtheast Utihtles CK-MP3-03-11 Millstone U:lt 3 System Modification No.
O Sheet of Seismic Qualification Reslew Checklist d.
When the Attachment B CSQRC has been completed, the Preparer shall print, sign, and date at the end of the document in the space prosided.
When all of the individual CSQRCs have been completed for a System or Modification, they shall be assembled together with Attachment A and the main checklist for the Lead Verifier to review. The Lead Verifier shall then print, sign, and date the CK MP3-03-11 cover sheet to signify that the scismic qualification review has been completed for the applicable System or Modification.
i v
O (ck-mp3-03-11, Rev. 3. Page 3)
C:CK3 0311. DOC
4 N:r1 beast Utilities CK MP3-03-11 Millstone U:lt 3 System Modification No.
Sheet of Attachment A Seismic Qualification Review Checklist Attachment B Checklist No.
Component No.(s)
Description I
i O
(Include additional sheets as necessary. Sign and date fmal sheet only.)
Prepared by:
Name Signature Date V
(ck-mp3-03-11, Rev. 3, Page 4)
C;CK3 0311. DOC
N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-11 Millione U lt 3 Syrem Modification No.
Sheet of Attn' et B m
Component Seismic Qualificatna Redew Checklist l
Checklist No.
Component No.(s)
Manufacturer /Model No.:
DOCUMENT AND SOURCE IDENTIFICATION (Identify document no. and rev. or date)
Qualification Report:
Postulated Dynamic Loads B3.
0 5 C,
Accepted Rejected Comments:
Classification Nuclear Safety-Related Active:
Component must operate and/or remam functional during and/or after postulated dynamic events.
Nuclear Safety-Related Passive:
The structural integrity and/or pressure integrity of the component must be demonstrated during and after postulated dynamic events.
Non-Safety-Related Seismic:
Component has no safety-related function but must remain intact during and after b
postulated dynamic events.
v (ck-mp3-03-II, Rev. 3, Page 5)
C:CK3-0311. DOC j
s N rtbeast Utilities -
CK-MP3-03-11 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.
Sheet of Attachment B Compor.,t Seismic Oualification Review Checklist D2.
The component's safety related function (s)is:
Location Building:
l Elevation:
l F2.
Field Mountina Condition Panet/ pipe /HVAC duct:
Wall / floor:
O F.
REOUIRED VIBRATORY INPUT Fl. Postulated dynamic loads defmed as:
- Response Spectra (Reference;
Seismic Coefficients (Required acceleration in each direction) a.
Upset /Senice Lewl B:
H H2 V
i b.
Emergency /Senice Level C H H
V i
2 Faulted /Senice Level D F2. Damping for postulated dynamic loads:
Upset /Senice Imel B Emergency /Senice Level C Faulted /Senice Imel D O
(ck-mp3-03-11, Rev. 3, Page 6)
C:CK3 031LDOC a
Northeast Utilities CK MP3-03-11 Millstone Ucit 3 System i
Modification No.
b Sheet of V
Attachment B Component Seismic Qualification Review Checklist COMMENT YES b'Q NUMBER E
F3. Are thesc dynamic loads dermed at equipment mounting?
F4. Are these dynamic loads applicable to the location identified in Section E?
METHOD OF OUALIFICATION Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Test Other:
IN V-Is the qualification method used capable of adequately demonstrating the component's ability to perform its safety function?
Does the qualification report identify the component tested / analyzed and is this component identical to the component being installed?
If no, has similarity been adequately demonstrated?
H2. Does the test / analysis adequately simulate /modelthe actual senice conditions in regard to:
- a. Mounting method / orientation?
- b. Interfacing connections (piping, conduit, tubing, etc.)?
O (ck-mp3-03-11, Rev. 3, Page 7)
C:CK3-0311. DOC s
Northeast Utilities CK MP3 0311 Millstone U:lt 3 System Modification No.
Attachment B Component Seismic Qualification Redew Checklist l
COMMENT ES liq NUMBER FfA 113. Does the qualification report demonstrate that the item is qualified for seismic loads which envelope the postulated seismic loads in Section F?
H4 Does the qualification report adequately address the following normaloperating loads:
Electrical Loads?
Mechanical Loads?
Thermal Loads?
Operating vibration? (rotating equipment) 1.
OUALIFICATION BY A/E OR UTILITY 11, Type of Analysis Static Analysis Simplified Dynamic Analysis Response Spectrum Analysis Time History Analysis Other:
Does the qualification report adequately address the following normal operating loads?
- a. Piping nozzle reactions?
(ck-mp3-03-11, Rev. 3, Page 8)
C:CK3-0311. DOC
NIrtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-11 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.
Sheet of Attachment B component Selsek Oualificatlom Redew Checklist l
- b. Electrical conduit reactions?
- c. Pressure?
- d. Thermal expansion?
- e. Startup torque for rotating equipment?
Static /Simolified Dynamic Analysis
- a. Is the analysis method usedjustified in accordance with the guidelines established by NRC Regulatory Guide 1.100, Section Cl?
- b. Do the seismic coefficients used in the
analysis envelope the required input postulated to occur at the equipment base?
- c. Are the seismic coefficients applied in each of the three orthogonal directions simultaneously?
Resoonse Soectra Modal Analysis
- a. Do the response spectra used in the analysis emtlop the RRS?
- b. Does the model used adequately represent the equipment's:
- 1. Mass distribution?
- 2. Stiffness characteristics?
- 3. Boundary conditions?
- c. Is the cutoff frequency for the analysis adequate to ensure that the effect of all
significant modes is considered?
(ck-mp3-03-11, Rev. 3 Page 9)
C:CK3-0311. DOC
Northeast Utilities CK-MP34311 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.
Sheet of -
d Attachment B Component Selsmie Qualification Review Checklist l
- d. Is the method of combining modal responses in accordance with NRC Regulatory Guide.1.92?
- a. Are the correct allowable stresses identified?
- b. Does the analysis demonstrate that all stresses are below the allowable?
- c. Does the analysis adequately assure operability by demonstrating that all d5flections/ clearances are within the allowables?
Does the qualification report identify any design requirements / constraints which
- need to be implemented by parties other than the supplier (and/or his subcontractor,if any)?
If no, go to Section K.
Are these design requirements /
constraints incorporated (as applicable) in the:
- a. Design Change Documents for existing configurations?
- b. appropriate design documents (including vendor drawings) for new or alternate replacement components or new q
construction within the design scope?
(ck-mp3-03-11, Rev. 3, Page 10)
C:CK3-0311. DOC
NIrtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-11 Millrose Unit 3 System Modification No.
- O Sheet of Attachment B Component Seismic Qualification Redew Checklist l
DOCUMENTATION Kl. Does the qualification report define all input data and assumptions?
K2, Does the report indicate that it has been reviewed and approved by the originating organization?
K3. For test reports:
- a. Is the test facility identified?
- b. Is the test equipment along with date of last calibration identified?
- c. Is the report complete (i.e., no pages missing)?
Prepared by:
Name Signature Date O
l (ck-mp3-03-It, Rev. 3, Page 11)
C:CK3-0311. DOC
N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-0311 Millrone U lt 3 System Modification No.
_p Sheet of Attachment B Component Seismic Qualification Review Checklist l
Comment No.
Comment l
l Attach additional pages as necessary.
O (ck-up3-03-11 Rev. 3, Page 12)
C:CK3 0311. DOC
o Northeast Utilities CK MP3-03-11 Millstone Unit 3 Syst:s Modification No.
Sheet of
Attachument C Seismic Qualific6 tion Redew Checklist for Modifications l
Identify the potential impact of the modi 6 cation on the seismic qualification of existing systems, structures, or components, discuss how this impact us addressed by the modification, and indicate whether this was adequately addressed and why it is adequate. Ifit is determmed that this issue was not adequately addressed, initiate a Discrepancy Report (DR) as required by PI-MP3-11, and include reference to the DR number in the Attachment C. (Use the continuation page as necessary.)
I The effect of the modification on seismic qualifications of existing systems, structures, and components was adequately addressed.
Yes No Prepared by Date O
(CK-MP3-o311, Rev. 2. Page 13)
CTK34311. DOC
~ _.. -
j Nonbeast Utilities CK MPJ 0311 Millrose U:lt 3 Sycesa l
Modificatba No.
I Sheet of i
3 Attachinest C I
Selsamic Qualification Review Check!!st for Modifications 4
i 1-i i
i (Continuation Page) i l
i i
i 4
4 i
i l
1 1
i i
l 3
O (CK-MF34311. Res. 2. Pete 14)
C:CK3 0311. DOC