ML20198K636 | |
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Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 12/31/1998 |
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Shared Package | |
ML20198K632 | List: |
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NUDOCS 9812310118 | |
Download: ML20198K636 (82) | |
' ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Apol 10.1997 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY rht T'h "T +shl' be --r4spon41e for eveaM-epent4en-of-the Mi' htenha l
Milhtone k / -de-Mt! htene--Unit-14ec+very-Of44eer-sham-be-responsible fer ove Station Site th'le Y
- -oper4t4on-of-the unit. safe Opentien :nd %e4keeter, Unit-Operat4 ens-sM l
t'htene Unit 15
- ry Offh r, :nd Dir :terThe k nier Vice Presid:nt :nd CM^
i M" htene 1
de?: gate, in writing, th; su;;;s34:n to these r:,sp;nsibilities during th:trUnit abren::.
6.2 ORGANIZATION 6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITr 0RGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation corpor te management, respectively.
and The onsite and offsite organizations
.; hall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.
i Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be a.
established and defined for the higher management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization l
These relationships shall be documented and updated, as i
appropriate, in the fonn of organization charts, functional descrip-i tions of departmental responsibilities and relationships,.ind job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of
Quality Assurance Topical Report.These requirements shali be documen The -Mill fdheil IT;Y:Mfy' Officer shall be responsible for-b.
overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite
l activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the i
lid de Pre s ident-akic e e The See r '.p p:
o ie n CMC Mill:tene shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any{
l measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in l
operation, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety, i
The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; organizational freedom however, they shall have sufficient to ensure their independence from operating pressures.
t l
l 6.2.2 FACllITY STAFF l
Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.
At least one licensed Operator shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor.
At least two licensed Operators shall be present in the control room c.
during reactor start-up, scheduled reactor shutdown and during r
recovery from reactor trips.
i-1 Amendment No. U, JE, H, gg
INSERT A 6.1.1 ~ The designated officer shall be responsible for overall operation of the Millstone Station Site and shall d'elegate in writing the succession to this responsibility. The designated manager shall be responsible for overall Unit safe operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility.
6.1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.
6.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the technical specification titles for members of the staff are generic titles. Unit specific titles for the functions and responsibilities associated with these generic titles are identified in the 4
Quality Assurance Topical Report.
I f
S.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the factitty staff shall be maintained under the direction of the S:rier Vice P=ht r.d CM0 Mi'litene and shall meet or exceed the requirements and J sp71J j
recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part gg.g 3 55.59. The Dirnt:r telear TraiM ng has the overall re ponsibility for the implementation o he Training Program.
4 6.5 P.EVIEW AND AUDIT des pos7 J psufa
6.5.1 Plant Doerations Review Comittee (PORC)
Function The PORC shall function to advise the Directer,yuTa ln'""ya ye>
all matters related to nuclear safety.
Urit Operatiens on l
Comoosition The PORC shall be composed of nine to eleven members.
Members shall collectively have experience and expertise in the following areas:
P1 ant Operations Engineering Reactor Engineering Maintenance Instrumentation and Controls Health Physics Chemistry Work Planning Quality Assurance The minimum qualifications of PORC members shall be that all members have an academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a management position, and have a minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise.
The l
members of PORC shall be appointed in writing by the Directer, Unit g / p rt Oper ttens.
The Chairperson and alternate Chairperson of the PORC
"# d g/
., o-shall be drawn from the PORC members and be appointed in writing by the @irecter,-41 nit Oper tier.s.
Penpsra J # ss yeh l Alternate members shall. be appointed in writing by the PORC i
Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in PORC activities at any one time.
l-Millstone Unit 1 0282 6-5 Aandment No. JJ, JJ, 7f. JJ. 99
Apnt10,1997 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTR01.S Heetino Freauency The PORC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the PORC Chairperson.
Ouorum 6.5'l.5 A quorum of the PORC shall consist of the Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson, and four members including alternates.
Responsibilities The PORC shall be responsible for:
Review of 1) all procedures, except common site procedures, a.
required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 2) all gprograms, except comon site programs, required by Specification p 6.8 and changes thereto, 3) any other proposed procedures, he.f > Oper-a44+a+ to affect nuclear safety.
programs, or changes thereto, as determined by the Director, " nit Procedures and programs v
required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program do not require PORC review.
i b.
Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety.
Review of all proposed changes to Sections 1.0 - 5.0 of these Technical Specifications.
i d.
Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety, Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specificat. ions e.
T,3 and preparation and forwarding of a report covering evaluation and p[*,' r recomendations to prevent recurrence to the Sanier '!ic:."rcsident
- nd CM0 F.ilhtent and to the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety dp Assessment Board.
9 Review of facility operations to detect potential safety hazards.
i h.
Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports thereon as requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Render determinations in writing if any item considered under thro'igh (d) above, as appropriate and as provided by 10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
l Millstone Unit 1 6-6 Ar.endment No. J. H. /J. 77. FJ. 99 i
02:2 a
Review of the unit-specific Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures.
Authority The PORC shall:
k:7sned 11",p +
Recomend to the Directer, Unit Operat4 ens written approval or a.
disapproval of items considered under through (d) l above.
Provide imediate written notification to the Senicr Vict le@ e#'J r
Fr++44ent cnd CN0 and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board ofti 1
disagreement between the PORC and the ihreeter, Unit Operationst-however, the Director, Unit Operations shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreement pursuant to 6.1.1 above.
Records _
de s :yn sTc d e d "'/,, The PORC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the 6m V:cc President-and-4NO P ilttone and l
Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Jefe e re /, ge, e #
6.5.2 Site Onerations Review Comittee (SORC_).
-),-fft<sV G.5.2.1 The 50RC shall function to advise the SeMor (2OrcYidentandCNO fiillsterre on all matters related to nuclear safety of the entire Hillstone Station Site. The 50RC shall be composed of the:
Jasy,,,vr<J ol'Oee+
Gerrier-Vice Presiucnt and CN0 "i l l s4+ne-Member:
Director, Urrit-Opcraticas-vn :7i N y,,eTe /
,+1 d A d/ * "
Unit 2 Unit Director J,5 Unit 3 -U it Director- ),,%,,v re d Fe u ye h Member:
,,,,, s_rc /
DirectorT Nuclear SEFircin 0.,,
ap' y4P m,e,
A neger,* General Services y,, og)
l Designated Member of Unit 1 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 2 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 3 PORC l
Designated Member of Nuclear Oversight l
The Senior Unit Bfi/[tir#[di ctdbr t herations in attendance shall be the Vice Chairperson.
l Alternates Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the 50RC Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in SORC activities at one time.
Millstone Unit 1 0282 6-7 Mendment No. p, y, 79, y, FL 99 t
l t
April 10,1997 AD$1NISTRATIVECONTROLS Heetina Frecuency The SORC shall meet at least once per six months and as convened by the SORC Chairperson.
Ouorum A quorum of the 50RC shall consist of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson and five members including alternates.
Responsibilities The SORC.shall be responsible for:
Review of 1) all comon site procedures required by Specification a.
6.8 and changes thereto, 2) all comon site programs, required by j
Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 3).any other proposed p
j,,; g r procedures, programs, or changes thereto as determined by the Senicr "ict Prcsidcat :nd CNO MillstMe to affect site nuclear l
c(/*. e safety. Comon site programs and procedures required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Review Program do not require 50RC review.
Review of all proposed changes to Section 6.0, " Administrative Controls", of these Technical Specifications.
Performan~ce of special reviews and investigations and reports as c.
requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment
- Board, d.
Not used.
Not used.
Review of all comon site proposed tests and experiments that af fect nuclear safety.
Review of all comon site proposed changes or modifications to systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
Render determinations in writing, or meeting minutes if any item considered under through (g) above, as appropriate and as provided by 10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
t j
Review of the comon site Fire Protection Program and implementing l
l Millstone Unit 1 6-8 knendment No. H, 7/, 79. U. Pf. 99 0282
Authority The SORC shall:
Pr:: pan J of'f,*< = r Recomend to the Sent:r Yte:
. dent :nd CM0 approval or disa M"l: tent written j under, in meeting minutes, of items considered through (g) above.
Provide imediate written notificatidn,5ld/Yee ing'$1nbtes, the Prt:ident and Chief Executive Officer 'CEO) and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board of disagreement between the SORC and the Senter Vice Prc:tdent :nd CM0Fil:tene; N, however the Stnier '! ice Pres + dent end CN0 "ill: tent shall have d"l##"
responsibilit for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to
' pff,,,
6.1.1 above.
" " #N ' ' The 50RC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the Sanier Vice Prt:ident' :nd CM0 Mi41+tene and l Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board. g,,;7,,g.,/
6.5.3 NUCLEAR SAFETY ASSESSMENT BOARD (NSAB) v ///c e A FUNCTION The minimum qualifications of NSAB members are as follows:
The Chairptrson and HSAB members shall have:
An academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a senior management position, and 2.
A minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise.
The NSAB shall have experience in and shall function to provide independent oversight review and audit of designated activities in the areas of:
Nuclear power plant operations; 1
I 2.
Nuclear engineering; 3.
Chemistry and radiochemistry; 4.
Metallurgy; 5.
Instrumentation and control; 6.
Radiological safety; Millstone Unit 1 0282 6-9 Amenda nt No. 7F. Jf'. ff. 7f. 7F. FJ. 99
Mechanical and electrical engineering; and r
- v 8.
Quality assurance practices.
- r
- The NSAB serves to advise the Pre:pd* j p/
Jas :
ident :nd CEO on matters related to nuclear safety and notify the Prc:idcat :nd CEO within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of a safety significant disagreement between the NSAB and the organization or function being reviewed.
u COMPOSITION je4 p 7,J 5e,,;u s N ;" The President er.d CEO shall appoint, in writing, a minimum of seven j
members to the NSAB and shall designate from this membership, in writing, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. The membership shall function to provide independent review and audit in the areas listed in Specification
ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed, in writing, by the President d ' ' 'f,e74 /
-and CEO, however, no more than two alternates shall participate as 5* " *'.y members in NSAB activities at any one time.
- M'#
MfJTING FRE0VENCY The NSAB shall meet at least once per calendar quarter.
QL.0 RUM U The quorum of the NSAB shall consist of a majority of NSAB members including the Chairperssn or Vice Chairperson. No more than a minority of the quorum shall have line responsibility for operation of the same Northeast Utilities' nuclear unit. Hoyore than two alternates shall be appointed as members at any meeting'in fulfillment of the quorum requirements.
REVIEW RESPONSIBillTIES The NSAB shall be responsible for the review of:
The safety evaluations for changes to procedures, equipment, or l
systems, and tests or experiments completed under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; b.
Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or systems that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; c.
Proposed tests or experiments that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; l
Millstone Unit 1 6-10 Amendment No. U. p. 77. FJ.99 l
Proposed changes to Technical Specifications and the Operating License; Violations of applicable codes, regulations, orders, license e.
requirements, or internal procedures having nuclear safety significance; l
1 f.
All Licensee Event Reports required by 10 CFR 50.73; I
Indications of significant unanticipated deficiencies in any aspect of design or operation of structures, systems, or components that could affect nuclear safety; h.
Significant accidental, unplanned, or uncontrolled radioactive releases, including corrective actions to prevent recurrence; i.
Significant c. trating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of equipment that could affect nuclear safety; j.
The performance of the corrective action program; and k.
Audits and audit plans.
J n ;yni> d
,r Reports or records of these reviews shall be forwarded to the pres 4 dent 3,/4'l o/
and CEO within 30 days following completion of the review.
l AUDIT PROGRAM Resp 0NSIBillTIES pa alan o ve n yW The NSAB audit program shall be the responsibility of the Ad44-and 1
Evaivat4en Department. NSAB audits shall be performed at least once i
per 24" months in accordance with Nw4eer Group Procedures and shall encompass:
g 1,, :,. ;, rf g.,s The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within a.
the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions; b.
The training and qualifications of the unit staff; The implementation of all programs required by Specification 6.8; i
The fire Protection Program and implementing procedures.
The fire protection equipment and program implementation utilizing e.
either a qualified offsite license fire protection engineer or an outside independent fire protection consultant.
Actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in equipment, structures, systems, components, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety; and l
Millstone Unit 1 6-11 Amendment No. J. M. 77. FJ. 99 0202 l
April 10,1997 A")MINISTRATIVE CORTR01.5 g.
Other activities and documents as requested by the Frecident 2 M
-GE4h IECORDS de, yn 7a d 6 /**
offaeeF Written records of reviews and audits shall be maintained. As a minimum these records shall include:
Results of the activities conducted under the provisions of a.
Section 6.5.3; b.
Recc= ended approval er disapproval of ittm; cen:idered under Spec 4f4 sat 4cn: theeugh 0.5.1.S.d, and 5.B; 4M c.
Determintion is to whether-etch itero censidered under
-Spec 4f4eaWn,, and 5.8 constitute
-an-unreviewed -safcty question es defined in 10 CFR S0.59.
6.3.4 Station Qualified Reviewer Proaram Fu,ction I
The Direc6cr, Unit Operatica; cr..ill: ten: Unit 1 Recove/Y ".' Or-Je s yi,gd masp*fN"'*^ d'*: ry Of W er Senior Vice Prc:ident :nd CHO u.!'l:tene may establish a Station Qualified Reviewer Program whereby required reviews of designated procedures or classes of procedures required by Specifications and are performed by Station Qualified Reviewers and approved by designated managers.
These reviews by the PORC or 50RC. However, proce. reviews are in lieu of dures which require a 10CFR50.59 evaluation must be reviewed by the PORC or 50RC.
Ruponsibilities 6.E.4.2 The Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall:
Provide for the review of designated procedures, programs, and a.
changes thereto by a Qualified Reviewer (s) other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program, or change.
Provide for cross-disciplinary review of procedures, programs, and changes thereto when organizations other than the preparing organization are af fected by the procedure, program, or change.
Ensure cross-disciplinary reviews are performed by a Qualified c.
Reviewer (s) in affected disciplines, or by other persons designated by cognizant managers or directors as having specific expertise required to assess a particular procedure, program, or i
change. Cross-disciplinary reviewers may function as a comittee.
Provide for a screening of designated procedures, programs and changes thereto to determine if an evaluation should be performed in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.59 to verify that i
Hillstone Unit 1 6-12 knendment No. H. 79. FJ. 99 l
02e2 l
' ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS April 10,1997 an unreviewed safety question does not exist. This screening will be perfonned by personnel trained and qualtfled in performing 10CFR50.59 evaluations, Provide for written recomendation by the Qualified Reviewer (s) to e.
the responsible Manager for approval or disapproval of procedures and programs considered under Specification and and that the procedure or program was screened by a qualified individual and found not to require a 10CFR50.59 evaluation. If the responsible manager determines that a new program, procedure, or change thereto requires a 10CFR50.59 evaluation, that manager will ensure the required evaluation is performed to determine if the new procedure program, or chan The new pr,ocedure, program,ge involves an unreviewed safety question.
10CFR50.59 evaluation to PORC or 50RC for review.or change will then be forwa Ja, y dall ~ m o j
f f,2 a Personnel reccmended to r
.t designated in writing by the Director, Unit Oper:tions, M"1 stone AStation i Reccvery Officer, cr kr,icr Vice Prc:idert and CN0 - Mi11stene for each procedure, program, or class of procedure or program within the scope of the Station Qualified Reviewer Program. Temporary procedure changes shall be made in accordance with Specification 6.8.3 with the exception that changes to procedures for which reviews are assigned to Qualified Reviewers will be reviewed and approved as described in Specification
Records The review of procedure; and programs performed under the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be documented in accordance with administrative procedures.
Trainina and Oualification The training and qualification requirements of personnel designated as a Qualified Reviewer in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with administrative procedures.
Qualified reviewers shall have:
A Bachelors degree in engineering, related science, or technical a.
discipline, and two years of nuclear power plant experience; OR b.
Six years of nuclear power plant experience; OR D equivalent combination of education and experience as approved c.
b) a department manager.
Millstone Unit 1 0282 6-13 knendment No. H. 99
.. ADMIN!5TRATIVE CONTROLS 6.6 REPORTABLE EVENT ACTION 6.6.1 The following actions shall be taken for REPORTABLE EVENTS:
The Commission shall be notified and a report submitted a.
pursuant to the requirement of 10 CFR 50.73.
Each REPORTABLE LYLHI shall be reviewed by the PORC and the results of this review shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the NSAB and the Senter Vice Prc:idet =d CHO
".!11 stone-.
l J < > -) n Te d o ff o'< e f 6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated:
The unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within two hours.
The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible and in all cases within one hour. The Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone and the Chairperson of the NSAB shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared. The report c.
shall be reviewed by the PORC. This report shall describe (1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation, (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence.
The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Comission, the Chairperson of the NSAB and the Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone within 14 days of the violation.
, 0peration shall not be resumed until authorized by the Comissio.n.
6.8 PROCEDURES 6.8.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering the activities referenced below, The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix "A" of a.
Regulatory Guide 1.33, February, 1978.
Refueling operations.
Surveillance activities of safety related equipment.
Not used.
i i
Not used.
Fire Protection Program implementation.
Millstone Unit 1 6-14 Amendrent No. J, U. 77. FJ. 71. 99 0:01
Quality Control for effluent monitoring using the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.21 Rev.1, June 1974.
Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REH0DCM) implementation, except for Section I.E., Radiological Environmental Monitoring.
T h e '.".b. m e..
D.... '.T.r s.'.Y..-....... I. '...... '.... +. , _. ^. ~.,..
A 6.8.2 a.
er Senter Vice President cad CN0 Millstene may designate specific procedures and programs, or classes of procedures and programs to be reviewed in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC. The review per the Qualified
Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with Specification 6.5.4.
Procedures and programs listed in Specification 6.8.1, and changes l
thereto, shall be approved by the Meeeter, Unit Operations er Senier-Vice President and CM0 MHhtene or by cognizant Manager or p yf,p Directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the r
B c'8",7/'1 m treeter, Unit Operetiens er Senior Vice,Prc3ident and CMO -
6 Hillstone as specified in administrative procedures. The Approval r
M'f p d Authority for each procedure and program or class of procedure and program shall be specified in administrative procedures.
Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be c.
J reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be approved by the 4irector, p ;pTr Unit Operations cr Senior Vice President and CM0 Millstene, or be "g/('p) reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program, prior to implementation. Each procedure of g.
,/F Specification 6.8.1 shall be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided:
The intent of original procedure is not altered.
The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one'of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License on the unit affected, The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or SORC, or the l
d',jr. Station Qualified Reviewer Program, as applicable, and approved by 1 * ', I,t e the Direc4oe -Un+t4perations, c-the Senior-V-ise-President 2nd CNCt -
ci d'.N,Pj r
Hi+1 stone or Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manager W 'h/. c within 14 days of implementation.
6.8.4 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained l
covering Section I.E Radiological Environmental Monitoring, of the REMODCH.
l Millstone Unit 1 6-15 Amendment No. JE.
H. D.99 0737
. - ~
Section I, Radiological Effluents Monitoring Manual (RENH), shall outline the sampling and analysis programs to determine the concentration of radioactive caterials released offsite as well as dose comitments to individuals in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides released as a result of station operation.
treatment systems and report content.It shall also specify operating guidelines for i
Section II, the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual methodology and parameters to be used in the calc (ODCH), shall describe the ulation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents and in the calculations of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation alam/ trip setpoints consistent 1
with the applicable LC0's contained in these technical specifica*. ions.
l Changes to the REMODCH:
Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be a.
retained as required by Specification 6.10.2.m.
This documentation shall contain:
Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s),
and 2)
A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioattive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR Part 190,10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and I
not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.
Shall become effective after review and acceptance by SORC and the approval of the Senior Vice l'b sidcat and CNO c
l Je.> ; p n Ta otpcer u
Shall be submitted to the Comission in the fom of a complete, c.
legible copy of the entire REKK or ODCH, as appropriate, as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Report for the period of the report in which any change was made.
Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indecating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the change was implemented.
i i
Millstone Unit 1 6-23 A.undment Ho. 77, JE. 77. 71. 99 ozes
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6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively.
The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.
Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be a.
established and defined for the higher management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descrip-tions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation.
These requirements shall be documented in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
desigrmaa nm b.
The Mi'!:tenc Unit 2 hec.[ry Of#icer shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite l activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
c PP1cBt-c.
The Senio iYe-preden7-a[d-GNO M4444 tone-shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any l
measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in-operation, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
The individuals who train the operal',, staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence fror operating pressures.
6.2.2 FACit.1TY STAFF Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift a.
crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1 a.
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. l.J.
.I 6.1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.
6.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the te ;hnical specification titles for members of the staff are generic titles. Unit specific titles for the functions and responsibilities associated with these generic titles are identified in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS April 10,1997 6.4 TRAINING A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff h:ll be eaht+4 :d und:r th cirecti:n of the Sent:r Yice Prc:ident and Cu0 -
fAAT Mill: tent : d : hill meetsor exceedsthe requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.5g Th: Oirect:r "" clear freining h;; th everell r:;pr,sibility f r the 14.(54s R
~ ntatier Of the h*ing Pr0 gram.
6 e- ' e l' 6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT
^' 4 ' #
6.5.1 Plant Ooerations Review Committee (PORC)
Function _
des. aoTe l w n! '
The PORC shall function to advise the Unit 2 Lyit Directer on/'l al l
matters related to nuclear safety.
Comoosition The PORC shall be composed of nine to eleven members.
Members shall collectively have experience and expertise in the following areas:
Plant Operations Engineering Reactor Engineering Maintenance Instrumentation and Controls Health Physics Chemistry Work Planning Quality Assurance The minimum qualifications of PORC members shall be that all members have an academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a management position, and have a minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise. The members of PORC shall be be appointed in writing by the Unit 2 Unit s o /p&l The Chairperson and alternate Chairperson of the PORC
[ p,j,g[e A 44+ec4er.
shall be drawn from the PORC members and be appointed in writing by the Unit 2 Unit Dirteter.
l Alternates la el= l mgegg,# Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the PORC Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in PORC activities at any one time.
Millstone Unit 2 6-5 Amendment No. ?;;. /M. JFJ.
c2es 79R 206
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. AC.:C hall meet at 'least once per calen.dar month and as convened;.:
I j ;.,byftheiPORC Chairperson..
Duo (rum"g;' hn-
.. c..u n A quorum of the PORC shall consist of the Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson, and four members including alternates.
l Responsibilities The PORC shall be responsible for:
Review of 1) all procedures, except comon site procedures, a.
required by Specification 6.8 and chan programs, except common site programs,ges thereto, 2) all required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 3) any other proposed desern% procedures, programs, or changes thereto as determined by the numnit l
D Y programs re_q-o4 rector. to affect nuclear safety.
Procedures and l uired by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program do not require PORC review, b.
Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety.
Review of all proposed changes to Sections 1.0 - 5.0 of these c.
Technical Specifications, d.
Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment thet affect nuclear safety.
Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications e.
and preparation and forwarding of a report covering evaluation and I
dB5;d WdtMr-e+recomendations to preverst recurrence to the Seriicr Vice
44ent-and-GN0--MH4 tone.and to the Chairperson of the or cry-Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Review of facility operations to detect potential safety g.
- hazards, i
Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports thereon as requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety l
Assessment Board.
Render determinations in writing if any item considered under through (d) above, as appropriate and as provided by 10CfR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question or requires a significant hazards consideration i
determination P.eview of th,. fire protection program anr1 implementing p r i e:. n i u r.
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- ork. % p e ~e,
- above, b.
Provide immediate written notification to the-Senici ','icC Precident :nd CN0 - Millstcna, Millster.c Unit 2 a.ccevery " s
'0ffitee and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment 'T ffr Board of disagreement between the PORC and the-Weit ? Unit 4f rectora however, the 2-Un4t-04-r-ec4or-shall have responsibility for resolution of sucht isagreements pursuan 6.1.1 above.
to jgg ga y Records I Y The PORC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the Sanier ',' ice-President-end CNO - Millstcac i aestanaata and Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
C& car-6.5.2 Site Doerations Review Comittee (SORC)
Function i h SORC shall function to advise the-Senicr Vice entire Hillstone Station Site.m incadon all matters related to nuclear safety of the dBAlpaf6dOh(Ut orecidert u d l
t Comoosition i,
l The SORC shall be composed of the:
deu n ehCNOoWer Chairperson:
-Scrier Vice Presi4 n
Millstent Hember:
-Directer, Unit Operctionw unik i deh rnRd NY9fr Member:
-Unit 2 Umi-t-44+ec4er-- tuth-2 d%}g
'Jni t 2 Ua44--0+r-ec40e nytytager Hember: d%fgtyded 6931Al 0irectcr,- Nuclear Servicesthut-3 grW-y rqcr p
Member: MMpWal AqNinagerr General Services Hember:
Designated Member of Unit 1 PORC Hember:
Designated Member of Unit 2 PORC Hember:
Designated Member of Unit 3 PORC Designated Member of Nuclear Oversight The senior -Un444 west b
N s in attendance shall be the Vice-Chairperson.
l f11;rnates.
.1 i
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f N h N b :. The SORC'lChT(rpt ee.t at least once per six month a
~ j re Ouorum
^ A quorum of the SORC shall consist of the ChairpErsodjr..Vice l
Chairperson and five members including alternates.
Resoonsibiliti n The SORC shall be responsible for:
Review of 1) all comon site procedures required by Specifi-a.
4 cation 6.8 and changes thereto, 2) all comon site programs, i;
required by' Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 3) any other proposed procedures, programs, or changes theretg-to affect site l_g as determined l
by the Seniee--V4e President--and-GNO Millstone nuclear safety. Comon site programs and procedures required g
j by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program do no 4
require 50RC review.
4 b.
Review of all proposed changes to Section 6.0 " Administrative Controls" of these Technical Specifications.
t Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports c.
as requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Not used.
Not used.
i j
Review of all ccmon site proposed tests and. experiments that i
affect nuclear safety.
Review of all comon site proposed changes or modifications to systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
Render determinations in writing or meeting minutes if any item considered under through (g) above, as appropriate and as provided by 10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
Review of the comon site fire protection program and implementing procedures.
Hillstone Unit 2 6-8 toendrr,ent 140. M. #F. 197. 174.
l Authority April 10,1997 The 50RC shall:
je s ye/{' j Yad Recommend to the Sent:r Yice Prc:ident ud CN9 - Millstone l
a written approval or disapproval in meeting minutes of items considered under through (g) above.
Provide innediathebMfic'akio ItIngminu 'Yo b.
or s
the Dresident and Chief E::::etive Officer (CEO) and the
[ (l/,,g o Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board of disagreement between the 50RC and the S:nier Yice Prc:ident e-d
-CN0 - Millstene; however, the Sent:r Vice President end CN0 -
- M * *
"ill:tene shall have responsibility for tresolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.1 above.
Records k MT* d Se"'W' " N**
b, ;p ur J o M,*ec) The 50RC shall maintain written minutes of eachjmeeting and copies shall be provided to the Senter V!:: Pr sident and CN0 - Millinvoc j
and Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
FUNCTION The minimum qualifications of NSAB members are as follows:
The Chairperson and NSAB members shall have:
An academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a senior management position, and 2.
A minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise, b.
The NSAB shall have experierce in and shall function to provide independent oversight review and audit of designated activities in the areas of:
Nuclear power plant operations; 2.
Nuclear engineering; 3.
Chemistry and radiochemistry; 4.
Metallurgy; 5.
Instrumentation and control; 6.
Radiological safety; 7.
Mechanical and electrical engineering; and 8.
Quality assurance practices.
Millstone Unit 2 6-9 Mendment Nos. 77, JJi, 77, otes 97, lif, Ifl. 20fs 17f, IFf, 19),
y :'.
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b, The NSAB advise'the frc:. dent And CE0- on mattersy Qeg, kg}95rtW,e to nuclear safety and notify the feeridbnt and CES withiiW24 ours k
~C of a safety significant disagreement between the NSABran'dgp,ggg$$gM organization or function being reviewed.
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%gtitdt) SbmtY &
l The Bc... ;ad CE0 shall appoint, in writing, a minimum of seven j members to the NSAB and shall designate from this membership, in writing, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson.
The membership shall function to provide independent review and audit in the areas listed in Specification
6.LTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed, in writing, by the P+es4 dent-and4E&, however, no more than two alternates shall l
g participate as members in NSAB activities at any one time.
W1WW5t() StrilDV' ChhCW Mi.ETING FREjUENCY The NSAB shall meet at least once per calendar quarter.
OUORUK The quorum of the NSAB shall consist of a majority of NSAB members acluding the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. No more than a
. nority of the' quorum shall have line responsibility for operation f the same Northeast Utilities' nuclear unit. No more than two
- .lternates shall be appointed as members at any meeting in fulfillment of the quorum requirements.
REVIEW RESP 0NSIBILITIES The NSAB shall be responsible for the review of:
The safety evaluations for changes to procedures, equipment, or a.
systems, and tests or experiments completed under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; b.
Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or syste'ms that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; Proposed tests or experiments that involve an unreviewed safety c.
q w. tion as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; o
... n g.s. to Technical Specificat ions and the Operating
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msi,- n.a. -
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.w.W 's Violations of appitcable'-codesi.regulitNniiNNihsh$hnk.
requirements, or internal procedures hav,ingynuclear' safety &h1W/@. _
@al s
q.J f
3 f.
All Licensee Event Reports requiredib'yjl0'CFRJ50.73; M)dh j
Indications of significant unanticipat'ed deficiencies in any
- +y 7,
9 aspect of design or operation of structures, systems, or.nA.J ft n,
i components that could affect nuclear safety;
. <.. j j h.
Significant accidental, unplanned, or uncontrolled radioactive mr Am s releases, including corrective actions to prevent recurrence; l
Signifiant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of equipment that could affect nuclear safety; j.
The performance of the corrective action program; and k.
Audits and audit plans.
Reports or records of these reviews shall be forwarded to the President and CE^ within 30 days following completion of the review. l l
Jes n T<.1 s o r :s AUDIT PROGRAM RE['PONSIBILITIES s o;e ai, poc (#- The NSAB audit program shall be the responsibility of the Audits ando ne s yJ1~
Eveha44ca. Department.
NSAB audits shall be performed at least once per 24 months in accordance with Scicar Gr^" and shall encompass:
4 ;,;g,7 The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained a.
within the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions; b.1 The training and qualifications of the unit staff; The implementation of all programs required by c.
Specification 6.8; d.
The Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures, The fire protection equipment and program implementation e.
utilizing either a qualified offsite license fire protection engineer or an outside independent fire protection consultant.
Actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in equipment, structures, systems, components, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety; and Other activities and documents as requested by the President g.
2 ^..d 20 das:pu sh j S u ;,, i.
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Millstone Unit 2 6-11 Amendment No. JF.. JJ. FF.
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$f a,.,%. Written records-of reviews; and audits shall be maintaine 4M ';
1%@v minimum these records shall include:
c p,
y.;cP Results of the activities conducted under the provisi a.
Section 6.5.3;
- {
-br--Reconsnended approval cr-disapproval-of-(tcm; cen:idered 'indcr-SpeeM4 eat 4 ens through-6:5rh6rdr-and-6A :nd :
Deterd natu r. a: tc whether-each4 tem-considered under-
-Spec 4f4 eat-len 6.5.1.Sra -6r5rh6rbr4r5thfnd, and 5.8 r
-co n s t4t-u te-a n-un reviewed-s a fety-q u est4c n-as-def4aede
-10 CfR LO-St 6.5.4' Station Qualified Reviewer Program function
()0 Q T W (htt M The Un+t 2 Jrit Directc.Q(y OY $U?tQfi$tb Ok(M' ff"fficc@r cr-b N N Sk NDf &
o. :). 4.1 cr-MHLs4ene-4)n+t--2-Recovery O Sen4er-V4ee-Pr-es4 dent--and4NO----M.i-1-1-stone-may establish a Station Qualified Reviewer Program whereby required reviews of designated procedures or classes of procedures required by Specifications and are performed by Station Qualified Reviewers and approved by designated managers. These reviews are in lieu of reviews by the PORC or 50RC. However, procedures which require a 10CFR50.59 evaluation must be reviewed by the PORC or SORC.
Responsibilities The Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall:
Provide for the review of designated procedures, programs, and a.
changes thereto by a Qualified Reviewer (s). Other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program, or change.
Provide for cross-disciplinary review of procedures, programs, and changes thereto when organizations other than the preparing organization are affected by the procedure, program, or change.
Ensure cross-disciplinary reviews are performed by a Qualified c.
Reviewer (s) in affected disciplines, or by other persons designated by cognizant Managers or Directors as having specific expertise required to assess a particular procedure, program, or change.
Cross-disciplinary reviewers may function a s a corrmi t tee.
Provide a v ri :m i n g
.at>. a roc u h rtu progre a'.
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i e.
to the responsibl procedures 'and pr.e;HanagegoF7eo is'approva.1f6fp47 $b og' rams.cong'and6.5.2.6'aia~ndet
, cation &.%.g4 gtpg[j ur,e or programiwast screened by a qualified ind'isid617an ouldenottorequirela 9~ 5'g r
10 CFR 8io.59 ecaluation.
N Y5%
'7- If the responsible manager determines 9th'atMedprogram,' procedure. ' i*' [
i or change thereto requires a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation, that Manager will ensure the required evaluation is performed to determine if the new procedure, program, or change involves an unreviewed safety question.
The new procedure, program, or change will then be forwarded with the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation to PORC or SORC for I
review. Personnel recomended to be Station Qualified Reviewers shall be designated in writing by the " nit ? Unit Directer er ""! stone lM4-d%fqnalf3 4 D^covery Of4icer--or--Senior Vice Prc:ident and CHO "444+ tone-for each procedure, program, or class of procedure or program within the thtut#ftV scope of the Station Qualified Reviewer Program.
oy dpq g }ed 6.5.4,5 Temporary procedure changes shall be made in accordance with b
Specification 6.8.3 with the exception that changes to procedures for which reviews are assigned to Qualified Reviewers will be reviewed and approved as described in Specification
Records The review of procedures and programs performed under the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be documented in accordance with administrative procedures.
_Trainina and Oualification The training and qualification requirements of personnel designated as a Qualified Reviewer in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with administrative procedures. Qualified reviewers shall have:
A Bachelors degree in engineering, related science, or a.
technical discipline, and two years of nuclear power plant experience; OR b.
Six years of nuclear power plant experience;
.:n ;
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!!illstone Unit 2
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April 10,-199 *@d.EN --
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6.6.1 The following actions shal1%bertaken",3for REPORTABLE EVENTS:
WW7 ameWE'Lwo
- g. d' '
o. c+ sy.
The Comission shal14bE86tified/and a report submitted:
t 3
i pursuant to the requirerats' of Section 50.73 to 10 CFR.
'v 5
.Part 50, and
' ~
- T4W '
.u w a'ig. n b.
reviewed by the PORC and th'eND.'*"
results of this review shall be submitted to the Chairperson' of" the NSAB and the Senicr Vice Presidcat :ad CN0 M44+tona l
6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION dC3tgrvded offt0W-6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a safety Limit is violated:
The unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within one a.
- hour, b.
The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible and in all cases within I hour. The Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone and the Chairperson of the NSAB shall be notif Md within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />; A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared. The report
shall be reviewed by the PORC. This report shall describe:
(1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation, (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems, or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence; i'
The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Comission, the Chairperson of the NSAB, and the Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone within 14 days of the violations..
Operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the e.
Comi s s i on.
6.8 PROCEDURES 6.8.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering the activities referenced below:
The applicable procedures recomended in Appendix "A" of a.
Regulatory Guide 1.33, February,1978.
Refueling operations.
Surveillante activities of safety related equipment.
' Lit u.i l
Millst e Ud* 2 6-14 A.wndment lios. #, M, 77. ///.
. "f.1.
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ADMINISTRATIVECONTR0L'dg...dN If>,,d,.M;,$,0N.1.M.*.
. April 10 99fd-f.
Fire Pr tion Program implementation.
..y v.y.,
Qualit 14for. effluent monitoring using the guidance in
- Regulato,
,jde31:21'Rev.1, June 1974.
Radidi41$I.g;-.ldEffluent; Monitoring and Offsite'Do'se"Cale'slad y
Manu~alv(REM 00CM) implementation, except for Section 1.E.,
RadiologicalLEnvironmental Monitoring.
The'. Y.........? m.,
6.8.2 a.
W# *$>
W '..... N..... Y.*. Y,..e. W.... Y..
haier "is Tre;id;r,t :.r.d 0".0 "ilht0 : may designate specific
be reviewed in accordance with the Station Qualified R Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC.
Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance withThereviewperthel Specification 6.S.4.
Procedures and programs listed in specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be approved by the Unit 2 Unit Directer er S0:
j,,p5 M c Pruid at ud 0"0 "ilhtone or by cognizant Manager or10ry i
/ '#,Y,p Directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the Unit-/
/ *
- 7*7
-2 Unit Director er kr.ict me-Pres %nt ud CN0 "i m tene, as specified in administrative procedures. The Approval Authority
shall be specified in administrative procedures.for each p e/'/,'< es Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall c.
be reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be approved by the).M *p Unit 2 Unit Otrator er knict 'lict Praidat ud C".0 or be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station"ilht0nc, y//* j Qualified Reviewer Program, prior to implementatich.
o t-8g Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1 shall be reviewed periodically as d'g;c6 set forth in administrative procedures.
8g 6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided:
The intent of original piocedure is not altered.
The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License on the unit affected.
The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or SORC, or the c.
Station Qualified Reviewer Program as applicable, and approved by l the Unit 2 Unit Dirator or Raior ','itt "ilhtone or Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manager/, Mp/
President end CN0 -
.l c s within 14 days of implementation.
T Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained J efd4 6.8.4 covering Section I.E. Radiological Environmental Monitoring, of the pf f. c#
Millstone Unit 2 6-15 Amendment Nos..
U,,, U,, U, JU.
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- DB April 10,1997
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i RADIObGICAL EFFLUENT MONITORING AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION 6.15 (REMODCMi G Section I, Radiological Effluents Monitoring Manual 1(RENM), shall outline the sampling 'and' analysis programs to determine the concentration of radioactive eaterials released offsite as well as dose commitments to individuals in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides released as a result of station operation.
It shall also specify operating guidelines for radioactive waste treatment systems and report content.
Section II, the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (00CH), shall describe the methodology and parameters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due
to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents and in the calculations of gaseous l
and liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation Alarm / Trip Setpoints consistent with the applicable LCO's contained in these Technical Specifications.
Changes to the REMODCH:
Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be a.
retained as required by Specification 6.10.2m. This documentation shall contain:
l 1)
Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s),
and 2)'
A determination that the change will maintain the level of L
radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix ! to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.
l b.
Shall become effective after review and acceptance by SORC and the approval of the -Senior-Vice-Pres-ident-and-C-NG- -H4-lhtone:
l G W C a k k. 0(( y'y-(
Shall be submitted to the Comission in the form of a complete, l
legible copy of the entire REMM or ODCH, as appropriate, as a part l
of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Report for the l
period of the report in which any change was made.
Each change j
shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the change was implemented.
i l!illstone Unit 2 5-.24 Amendmnt !b. Jy, /#,Jh. J/9. W6 4
Y h
. mcs l4 At9(INISI. V..C,0NTA0
,3, ADOib,g g e 4.c', y:
/ C r; f ji '; & l; c
- 7 hr#
c4 0x4M 5,3.. SMT..
p Eb$E
$1ki [5dNiha11"iiiEet or excee?
kNihii 6.3
qual,1,ficatigoftfMS{fy 3811497.1hforecomparableipositions', ex O.1 -peradons a.
If The' u.w..
. MlW
- nager _does not hold alsenior. reactor o a
licenseifor M111stonelunit?Ho. 3, then the Operations Man' ppratorse..
a held a senior:Feactosophator license at a pressurized water reactor, ager,shal10have and the Assistant O operator license fo.perations Manager shall hold a senior reactor r; Millstone Unit No. 3.
The Health Physics *Mhager shall meet or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 1, May 1977.
6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff st.:ll t; ;;intain;d ur. der the dirdctieu ei the ";ei ier 'Jice F.uideid...d CHO -
7FM4M: ton :nd heli meetsor exceed >the requirements and recomendatio Tr ining h::Section 5.5 of ANSI H18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.59 g The Cincter A cieir th; ch.rell r;;pca:ibility for the imp.1.. nt:ti:n Of the Tr:ining-iTeiT2:r
%// 6e mp474;n c l, 6.4.2 Deleted.
.. FUNCTION p,:pbl My*
matters related to nuclear safety.The PORC shall function to advise the l
COMPOSITION The PORC shall be composed of nine to eleven members.
shall collectively have experience and expertise in the following areas:
Members Plant Operations Engineering Reactor Engineering Maintenance Instrumentation and Controls Health Physics Chemistry Work Planning Quality Assurance The minimum qualifications of PORC members shall be that all members h academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a management position, and have a minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise.
The members of PORC shall be appointed in writing by the Unit Unit Dir;;tcr Chairperson of the PORC shall be drawn The Chairperson and alternate l
i in writing by the Unit 3 Circctor. rom the PORC members and be appointed g,.
,,7 )
f p,g, gY a
O MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-5 Amendment No. 77 J7, FF, 79, 7J,135 un U9 IJ7
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Unit safebpepatiori and shall de. legate in writing the succession to thisT NGs responsibility.' '
j "E
6.1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.
l 6.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the technical specification titles for members of the staff are generic titles. Unit specific titles for the functions and responsibilities associated with these generic titles are identified in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
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11 h 7 :p:4,2ib1: f:r ev:r:111;i.itpd
-saf O A
-er tt per:ti:n"sid'the Unit-3-Unit Dir::t:r ch:ll b resp;asible fer :sfit'iba r
Th:::a4.r vie: erc:ietnt ne ene - Millsten:, vice er::ies.t -
- Millsten: UnM'3 :dd UnM-3-UnM Directer 05:11 :::h d:1:g:t in writing th:
--sucee::ica te the:: re: pen:ibilM4e: during their :b:ence.
6.2 ORGANIZATION 6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively.
The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.
- a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and comunication shall be established and defined for the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions.
1 These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descrip-i tions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
- b. The-me4r-eM
M i M st n&t-.3-shall be responsible for l
overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the.
df4qM4Td Of6CIJ~
- c. The-SeMor-Wee 4res4 dent--and-GNO- -Mi-Wtone-shall have corporate l
responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providit.g technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety,
- d. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.
- a. Each on-duty shif t shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1; MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-1 Amendment No. 77,77 79 135
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6.5.1. W'All alternate members shall be a
. +
Chairperson to serve'on a temporary basis;p$ointed in writing by the PORC *4q m; 3ke owever no more than two T
alternates shall participate as voting members in MC activities at any oned t
. time,4 7
/Wd( the PORC Chairperson.The PORC shall meet at least once per calendar month and c-a 000 RUM The quorum of the PORC shall consist of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson and four members including alternates.
l RESPONSIBILITIES The PORC shall be responsible for:
Review of:
- 1) all procedures except common site procedures required by(Specification 6.8,and changes'thereto, 2) all pro, gra a.
except common site programs required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, and (3) any other pr,oposed grocedures, programs or i
1 changes thereto as determined by 2. nit Dir::ter to affect l nuclear safety. Procedures and programs required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by th Station Qualified Reviewer Program do not require PORC review, gyy@g b.
Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety; Review of all proposed changes to Sections 1.0-5.0 of these c.e Technical Specifications; d.
Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety; Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications, e.
tion and recommendations to prevent recurrence, to the Sen di 9 resident and CM0 "ill: ten: Wice 7, es idenT.6ene-Unii--B. and to the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board; y
Review of all REPORTABLE EVENTS; g.
Review of facility operations to detect potential safety hazards; h.
Performance of special reviews, investigations, or analyses and reports thereon as requested b Safety Assessment Boardpr th:y the Chairperson of the Nucleark n ur Y h: Pr: W Milletene er Yke Fredde d - Millavie Unit 4;-ands i.
Render determinations in writing if any item considered under Specification 6J.l.6a. through d. above, 7.s appropriate and as provided by 10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question, or requires a significant hazards consideration i
i MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-6 Amends;ent No. JJ, pp, pf, PP, Jpf,
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Testing Program and revision thereto. Review of Unit Turbine O
% $ t @ ii'i F :
4 WMss~f, ?W[9W k.
Review of the Fire Protection Program and implementin AUTHORITY y
,.., r._
6.5:1.7 The PORC shall:
.I.s;psT l Mons /* V Recommend to the hit 3 Unit Oirc:t:r written approval or a.
disapproval of items considered under Specification
l through d. above; and b.
ProvidewrittennotificationtotheS: nil'N$$
- t i
",illetent, Vice PcesMent "illstene-Un+t-1 and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board of disagreement between the PORC and the Unit 2 Jnit Director; however, the Uni' 3 4Jnit Directer shall have responsibility fo disagreements pursuant to Specification 6.1.. resolution of such f RECORDS de,:IspT*d M'"#f 'f shall be provided to the Senter Vic:The PORC shall niaintain written minutes of Prt;ident and CM0 "ill tent and the l
Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
_6.5.2 J,. so7s J
- $c'h SITE OPERATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE (SORC)y FUNCTION The 50RC shall function to advise the Senier h;pssTcd **f//c'*
k O'O Millstone Station Site."i'l; tent-on all matters related to nuclear safety of the' entire t: Prc ident :nd
_ COMPOSITION e The 50RC shall be composed of the:
ja.y;fsaTad oi*fc e!
4 nier Vic Prcs a..t and CNC "illst;nt Member:
v,iT/-Dwetter, Uni t Oper: tion > J.s ysdI'dd """"/'*
Unit 2 Unit tirectei g' j,,:
,7,.l p s,sf A Unit 3 Unit Direcim g"WdT* h 0irtet+r, Huclear Services Member:
- "#/#
Manager, General Services Member:
Designated Member of Unit 1 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 2 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 3 PORC Designated Member of Huclear Oversight l
Je y The Senior Unit Dirceter$'m,ro,7< J inso sf c h be the Vice Chairperson.
ecter, Unit Or ration;'in attendance shall l
MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-7 Amendment No. 69. 90. Igt. m w,
f D 160
+ g'" ey
7b;;,c c_,-p.
ADNINISTRATIVE CONTROLS qg.g ALTERNATES yh Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the SORC'E*9$ bh Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two 4 9 h'..
alternates shall participate in SORC activities at one time.
,p 1
- N
~ gr.y.
v w w, D+ The SORC shall meet at least once per 6 months and as convened 4b,y%.3..M the SORC Chairperson.
g 000 RUM A quorum of the SORC shall consist of the Ct.airperson or Vice Chairperson and five members including alternates.
RESPONSIBILITIES The SORC shall be responsible for:
Review of 1 all comon site tion 6.8 an(d) changes thereto, procedures required by Specifica-a.
by Specification 6.8 and change (2) all comon site programs, required s thereto, grocedures, programs, or changes thereto a(3) any other proposeds determined
. ice Pas 4 dent-and-GNG---MRl+toneato affect site nuclear safety.
Comon site programs and procedures required by Specification 6.8 O W that are designated for review and approval b Reviewer Program do not require SORC review. y the Station Qualified 2
j b.
Review of all proposed changes to Section 6.0 " Administrative I
- of these Technical Specifications; i
Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports as c.
4 requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board; d.
Not used.
1 e.
Not used.
Review of all comon site proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety; g.
Review of all comon site proposed changes or modifications to systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety;.end h.
Render determinations in writing or meeting minutes if any item considered under Specification through (g)92 constitutes above, as appropriate and as provided by 10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.
an unreviewed safety, question or requires a significant hazards consideration determinationj 1.
Review of the comon site Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures.
MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-8 Amendment No Q, pf, pp, Jpf, UJ
M' i
- Q w_
,f; a;
$3 AUTHORITY e m;.:c h R k< T1 d~
$@j The SORC shall:
- /-
- ~g fs Recomend to the Senh? Yid:,igndle4lhWhe@ MA;
4 a.
disapproval' in ' meeting minutes of items consi.r:sidd,t S
approval or p y ',
underSpecification6.5.2.6(a)through7(g)above,and gy@
. g, g1..
Provide imediate written notificatio Mi[g"$hu es kog 4
Prc:id:nt :nd Chi:f Ex::;;tiv; Offic:r (CEO) and the n
and the Senter Vie: Pr;;;c...t :nd OMO Mill: ten:-
k n':r Vie: Prc:i'ent :ad CMO Milhten: shall hiv'however, the f ",'ffIp.
"s for resolution of uch disagreements.i m s w.t t: 0.1.1 60":.
e responsibility RECORDS Y##b j shall be provided to the nnhr Vit:The SORC shall maintain written minutes o j
Prc:ident :nd CM0 Mil htcae and
Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
s i
.girej or//ce#
._EUNCTION j The minimum qualifications of HSAB members are as follows:
- l a.
The Chairperson and HSAB members shall have:
4 1)
An academic degree in an engineering or physical sci $nce i
field, or hold a senior management position, and i
A minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise.
The NSAB shall have experience in and shall func the areas of:
Nuclear power plant operations; 2)
Huclear engineering; 3)
Chemistry and radiochemistry; 4)
Hetallurgy; 5)
Instrumentation and control; 6)
Radiological safety; MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 i
0472 6-9 Amendment No. /J, JF, F9. JPJ. JEF 135
.w 7,
w.m.em 7)
Mechanical and electrical e$$QMM, -
A t
M Quality assurance practices.'Oh *We [y.
TheNSABservestoadvis[sidentandCEO-within24Th'osSofsgy L
the t.sim.....~...on g f
4 safety and notify the=Pr-a' t
i disagreement between the NSAB and the organization or'.?qmfunction being rev ew eH r yggsJ gi COMPOSITION n W 7 dewtM sedw olfucf W.
i The Pas im..t arid CE^ shall appoint, in writing, a minimum ~of se.ven" l members to the NSAB and shall designate from this membership, in writing, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. The membership shall function to provide 4
independent review and audit in the areas listed in Specification
ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed, in writing, by the i
President-and-GEO; however, no more than two alternates shall participate as l
members in NSAB activities at any one time.
4 l
ftM@n& %6tf off{CV MEETING FREOUENCY i
j The NSAB shall meet at least once per calendar quarter.
000 RUM The quorum of the NSAB shall consist of a majority of NSAB members including the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson.
No more than a minority of the quorum shall have line responsibility for operation of the same Northeast i
Utilities' nuclear unit. No more than two alternates shall be appointed as members at any meeting in fulfillment of the quorum requirements.
i REVIEW RESPONSIBILITIES The NSAB shall be responsible for the review of:
The safety evaluations for changes to procedures, equipment, or systems, and tests or experiments completed under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; b.
Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or systems that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; c.
Proposed tests or experiments that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-10 Amendment No. 77, 77 197. J77 135 99./
Proposed changes to Technical Specifications and the Operating License; Violations of applicable codes, regulations, orders, license e.
requirements, or internal procedures having nuclear safety significance; f.
All Licensee Event Reports required by 10 CFR 50.73; Indications of significant unanticipated deficiencies in any aspect g.
of design or operation of structures, systems, or components that could affect nuclear safety; h.
Significant acciden' al, unplanned, or uncontrolled radioactive t
releases, including corrective actions to prevent recurrence; i.
Significant operating abnormalities or deviations frort normal and expected performance of equipment that could affect nuclear safety; j.
The performance of the corrective action program; and k.
Audits and audit plans.
pmd S e n '* F Reports or records of these reviews shall be forwarded to the *rc:t nt =d CEO l # M'"A within 30' days following completion of the review.
)~-AUDITPROGRAMRESPONSIBILITIES The NSAB audit program shall be the responsibility of the p;ditc/af o uedy 47
- ti n Department.
NSAB audits shall be perfomed at least once per 24 months in accordance with " :le:r treg Procedures and shall encompass:
&:riar;vs The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within the a.
Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions; b.
The training and qualifications of the unit staff; The implementation of all programs required by Specification 6.8; c.
The Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures.
i The fire protection equipment and program implementation utilizing e.
either a qualified offsite license fire protection engineer or an outside independent fire protection consultant.
Actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in equipment, structures, systeas, components, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety; and Other activities and documents as requested by the Pre:ident =d g.
J c > o'p #7..l t
S.., : < F o Nie l F MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-11 Amendment No. JJ, 77, 77, 79.
o"2 JPF, 177.135
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.. d-y weifMsMjEW+$df46 6
RECORDS Wri t t,n ' r'ecords' o'f ' rev iewi%d 'audi ts hb 1VbN5N$iY}d. yh m.
.n mDnw6-W hk
'T 9 6~.5.3.8 hs a ' "
e minimum these records shalltinclude:- w ^s 9: M%HMW e M.
w, m -
7.w.m Aw;p, v sq
Results of the activities conductedfunder":theipro~ visions; of a.
, e n,.,
Section 6.5.3; 2
Recer:nd:d :pproval er di :pprev:1 ef item: cen:ider$d ender-l
-Specific:ti:n: thrc gh, : d 5.S; : d
-Determinat4en-as-to-whethec~each-item con:idar;d under c.
--Spec 4ficat4on-6v5r116va -6v5r1,6,b,--6,5,1J.d. and 6.8 eonstitute-an r
-unrev4ewed--safety-quesrt4en-as-def4ned-4n 10 CFR 50.50.
l 6.5.4 Station Oualified Reviewer Procram l
Function kBWfYlDNCb WNWW QY8 The -Unit 3 Unit-Director-or %tmta/Yk ofnY QY $0$hW YW V4c'e-Pres 4de C stone Unit 3 or 066 cr 4enior-Vice-Pres 4 dent-and CN0 - Millstene-may establish a Station Qualified Re- :wer Program whereby required reviews of designated procedures or classes of l
prot.edures required by Specifications and are performed by Station Qualified Reviewers and approved by designated managers. These reviews are in lieu of reviews by the PORC or SORC. However, procedures which require a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation must be reviewed by the PORC or SORC.
Resoonsibilities The Station QJalified Reviewer Program shall:
Provide for the review of designated procedures, programs, and a.
changes thereto by a Qualified Reviewer s) other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program, or(change.
Provide for cross-disciplinary review of procedures, programs, and changes thereto when organizations other than the preparing orgknization are affected by the procedure, program, or change.
Ensure cross-disciplinary reviews are performed by a Qualified c.
Reviewer (s) in affected disciplines, or by other persons designated by cognizant Managers or Directors as having specific expertise required to assess a particular procedure, program, or change.
Cross-disciplinary reviewers may function as a committee.
Provide for a screening of designated procedures, programs and changes thereto to determine if an evaluation should be performed in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that an unreviewed safety question does not exist. This screening will be performed by personnel trained and qualified in performing 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations.
MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-12 Amendment No. JJ. 77, 77, FP,19f 4472 ostr 125, 135
3 3p, Y ' ~ g fr Q 3 {t
fT4%i8M[i (
N o,
rw~s ADNINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Provide forWritten-recominenditIdsbyitheiQualified Reviewer (s) toi e.
j the respons'ible' MarMer.' for' appr'st1. dr!disapp'ro' val ^of procedures o
and programs considered?under. Specification and
and -that'the; procedure orf programfwasescreened by a qualified individual and found not to:requireia 10 CFR.50.59 evaluation.
6.5,4.3 If the responsible manager detennines that a new program, procedure or change thereto requires a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation, that Manager will ensure '
4 I
the required evaluation is performed to detemine if the new procedure, program, or change involves an unreviewed safety question. The new procedure, program, or change will then be forwarded with the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation to PORC or SORC for review.
be ~
tatio& QpAutGff W dest &fhalrAJOW ut) Personnel recommended n Qualified Reviewers shall be designated in writing by the-Unit nit-M eee-ter-on-Vice4residen t-M Histone-
-Unit-3-or-Senior-Vice4 resident-and-CNO--Milhtene for each procedure, program, or class of procedure or program within the scope of the Station Qualified j
Reviewer Program. Temporary procedure changes shall be mada in accordance with i
Specification 6.8.3 with the exception that changes to procedures for which reviews are assigned to Qualified Reviewers will be reviewed and approved as described in Specification 6.E.4.2.
) The review of procedures and programs perfomed under the Ration
, Qualified Reviewer Program shall be documented in accordance with administrative procedures.
Trainino and Oualification The training and qualification requirements of personnel designated as a Qualified Reviewer in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with administrative procedures. Qualified reviewers shall have:
A Bachelors degree in engineering, related science, or technical a.
discipline, and two years of nuclear power plant experience; OR b.
Six years of nuclear power plant experience; OR i
An equivalent combination of education and experience as approved by c.
a Department Manager.
b MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-13 Amendment No. Hji,135 0472
$$ Oc?
y eqm g7Fy?qq:}y y,j. < g q q" gygg" a ggggtgq',pyy l v
1 x
- Ap r i E. :.10 ~, ' 19 9 7 -
6.6.1 The following actions shill; be taken for. REPORTABLE EVENTS:
The Commission shallibe notified and a report submitted pursuant a.
to the requirements of Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50, and b.
Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the PORC and the results of this review shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the NSAB and the-Sewiror-V4ce-President-and-CHO-Millstene.
l O S OW S
6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated:
The Unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within one hour.
The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible and in all cases within I hour. The Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone and the Chairperson of the NSAB shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />; A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared.
The report c.
shall be reviewed by the PORC.
This report shall describe:
(1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation, (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems, or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence; d.
The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Commission, the Chairperson of the NSAB, and the Senior Vice President and CNO - Millstone within 14 days of the violation; and Operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the Comission.
6.8 PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS 6.B.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering the activities referenced below:
The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix A of Regulatory a.
i Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978; I
The applicable procedures required to implement the requirements of NUREG-0737 and supplements thereto; c.
Refueling operations; d.
Surveillance activities of safety related equipment; e.
Not used.
. UNIT 3 6-14 Amendment No. 77, 77. J77. J77, om J77, 135 C6 d
'YAp r i.1 -
$9 M:y; % '.R U:m i;my w[,,
.P l
. - ~., 6 ?
& kUi
( & i..
- : d-
Not used.
.j n
Fi M P h tectio'/Psogram implementation; gb n
h. "4.
< 3 ;
1 Quality controlsL for effluent monitoring, using the guidance in Regulatory Suide 1.21, Rev.1, June 1974; and i.
Radiological Effluent Monitoring and offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM) implementation except for Section I.E, Radiological Environmental Monitoring.
dwowlee Sw xdwccaJd dficw a % W Nt 6.8.2 a.
The-Un41-3-Unit-Direct Vice-Pres 4 dent- -Mill-stone-Unit-3-oM ad
-Senior-Vice President-and-CHO "411 sten; may desionate specific #g procedures and programs, or classes of procedures and programs to be reviewed in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC.
Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance withThereviewperthel Specification 6.5.4.
Procedures and programs listed in Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be approved by the-Unit-3-Unit-Director-or-Senior-Mstqu lice President-and-CNO- -Millstone or by cognizant Manager or A Wep' Directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the
-Un44-4-Unit-D4 rector-or-Senior-Vice President-and CN0 - Millstone 3dprtSM as specified in administrative procedures.
The Approval Authority o(b for each procedure and program or class of procedure and program shall be specified in administrative procedures.
Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall c.
be reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be approved by the
-U n44-3-U n i t-Direc t o r-o r-S e n i o r-Vi c e-Pre s4 den t-a nd-GNO----M444+}jo n e-or be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station uG1kh M.
l Qualified Reviewer Program, prior to implementation.
Each fKNF W procedure of Specification 6.8.1 shall be reviewed periodically as Wntpd set forth in administrative procedures.
C[hr' 6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of Specification 6.8.1 may be made provided:
The intent of the original procedure is not altered; b.
The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Operator license on the unit affected; and The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or SORC or Station l
Qualified Reviewer Program, as appropriate, and approved by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manam or-Unit i
-Unit-Director-or-Senior-Vice-President -and-CNO ---l
. Istone-within 14 days of implementation.
.g wgp g= gg Ag 6$1CLi' MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-15 Amendment No. 77, 77,117, J77,135 0472
'S r
,,e 97 e g l Y Yr ll
-h -
colREMODCMI gyw-BS.ection l,' Radiological Effluent Monitoring Manual (REMM), shall outline the is'ampling' and analysis programs to determine the concentration of radioactive materials released offsite as well as dose comitments to individuals in those exposure pat!. ways and for those radionuclides. released as a result of station ope' ration. It shall also specify operating guidelines for radioactive waste etreatment systems and report content.
Section II, the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), shall describe the methodology and parameters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents and in the calculations of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip setpoints consistent with the applicable LCOs contained in these technical specifications.
Changes to the REMODCM:
Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as a.
required by Specification 6.10.30.
This documentation shall contain:
Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s), and 2)
A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive ef fluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adve.rsely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.
l b.
Shall become effective after review and acceptance by SORC and the app rov al o f the -Senior-V-ice-P-r-e-s4 dent-and CN0 - MQstone-
der gwed c4hcu-n Shall be submitted to the Comission in the form of a complete, legible copy of c.
the entire REMM or ODCH, as appropriate, as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Report for the period of the report in which any change was made. *Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and j
shall indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the change was implemented.
Procedures for liquid and gaseous radioactive effluent discharges from the Unit shall l
be prepared, approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving offsite I
releases of radioactive effluents.
These procedures shall specify the use of i
appropriate waste treatment systems utilizing the guidante provided in the REM 00CM.
The Solid Radioactive Waste Treatment System shall be operated in accordance with the Process Control Program to process wet radioactive wastes to meet shipping and burial ground requirements.
D MILLSTONE - tRilT 3 6-24 Amendment No. Jp, J7, 77, 79,135 0C04
Docket No. 50-245 50-336 1
50-423 B17572 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit Nos.1,2, and 3 Retyped Pages December 1998 l
l ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The designated officer shall be responsible for overall operation of the Millstone' Station Site and ihall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility. -The designated manager shall be responsible for overall Unit safe operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility.
6.1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.
6.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the technical specification titles for members of the staff are generic t'itles. Unit specific titles for the functions and responsibilities associated with these generic titles are identified in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
6.2 ORGANIZATION 6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively.
The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety af the nuclear power plant.
Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be a.
established and defined for the higher management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descrip-tions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documer,ted in the Quality Assurance Topical Report, b.
The designated manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe l
operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the,'lant.
The designated officer shall have corporate responsibility for l
overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operation, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
The individuals who tra'in the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.
Millstone Unit 1 6-1 Amendment No. 77, RE, 7f, 77, 0324
l l
- Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.
At least one licensed Operator shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor.
i At least two licensed Operators shall be present in the control room c.
during reactor start-up, scheduled reactor shutdown and during recovery from reactor trips.
l i
1 I
I l
l l
Millstone Unit 1 6-la Amendment No. 77, JE, /J. 77, 0324 l'
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintsined under the direction of the designated officer l
and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.59.
The designated manager has the overall responsibility for the
implementation of the Training Program.
6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC)
Function The PORC shall function to advise the designated manager on all l
matters related to nuclear safety.
Composition The PORC shall be composed of nine to eleven members. Members shall collectively have experience and expertise in the following areas:
Plant Operations Engineering Reactor Engineering Maintenance Instrumentation and Controls Health Physics Chemistry Work Planning Quality Assurance The minimum qualifications of PORC members shall be that all members have an academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a management position, and have a minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise. The members of PORC shall be appointed in writing by the designated manager. The Chairperson and alternate Chairperson of the PORC shall be drawn from the PORC members and be appointed in writing by the designated manager.
l Alternates Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the PORC Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in PORC activities at any one time.
Millstone Unit 1 6-5 Amendment No. pp, 75, 7J, pp, PJ, 0325
--. _ _ _. ~.. - _
l L
L f-Meetina Freouenc_,y The PORC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the'PORC Chairperson.
Quorum A quorum of the PORC shall consist of the Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson, and four members including alternates.
j Responsibilities The PORC shall be responsible for:
I a.
Review of 1) all procedures, except common site procedures, i
required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 2) all programs, except common site programs, required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 3) any other proposed prncedures, programs, or changes thereto, as determined by the designated manager to affect nuclear safety.
Procedures and programs required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program do not require PORC review.
Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear l
j Review of all proposed changes to Sections 1.0 - 5.0 of these c.
i Technical Specifications.
Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems l
or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications e.
and preparation and forwarding of a report covering evaluation and recommendations to prevent recurrence to the designated officer l
and to the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Review of facility operations to detect potential safety hazards, h.
Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports thereon as requeste.d by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Render detenninations in writing if any item considered under i through (d) above, as appropriate and as provided by j
10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety questior, or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
Millstone Unit 1 6-6 Amendment No. J, %$, /f, 77, 7J, 77, 0325
Review of the unit-specific Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures.
Authority The PORC shall:
1 Recommend to the designated manager written approval or l
disapproval of items considered under through (d) l above.
l l
Provide immediate written notification to the designated officer and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board of disagreement between the PORC and the designated manager; however, i
the designated manager shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.1 above.
Records The PORC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the designated officer and Chairperson of the l
Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
6.5.2 Site Operations Review Committee (SORC) l Function The SORC shall function to advise the designated officer on all matters l l
related to nuclear safety of the entire Millstone Station Site. The SORC shall be composed of the:
Designated Officer Member:
Unit 1 Designated Manager Member:
Unit 2 Designated Manager i
Unit 3 Designated Manager Member:
Designated Manager, Nuclear Services Member:
Designated Manager, General Services Member:
Designated Member of Unit 1 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 2 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 3 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Nuclear Oversight The senior designated Unit manager in attendance shall be the Vice l
Alternates Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the SORC Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates 1
i shall participate in SORC activities at one time.
l Millstone Unit 1 6-7 Amendment No. 77, 77, 77, 7J. 77, 99 l'
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Meetina Frecuency The SORC shall meet at least once per six months and as convened by the SORC Chairperson.
-Quorum A quorum of the SORC shall consist of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson and five members including alternates.
Responsibilities The SORC shall be responsible for:
Review of 1) all common site procedures required by Specification a.
6.8 and changes thereto, 2) all common site programs, required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 3) any other proposed procedures, programs, or changes thereto as determined by the designated officer to affect site nuclear safety.
Common site l
programs and procedures required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Review Program do not require SORC review.
Review of all proposed changes to Section 6.0, " Administrative l
Controls", of these Technical Specifications.
Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports as c.
requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Not used, e.
Not used.
Review of all common site proposed tests and experiments that
. affect nuclear safety.
Review of all common site proposed changes or modifications to systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
Render determinations in writing, or meeting minutes if any item considered under through (g) above, as appropriate and as provided by 10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
l i.
Review of the common site Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures.
Millstone Unit 1 6-8 Amendment No. 57, /f, 77, FJ, FJ 99 i
Recommend to the designated officer written approval or l
disapproval, in meeting minutes, of items considered under through (g) above.
Provide immediate written notification, or meeting minutes, to the designated senior officer and the Chairperson of the Nuclear l
Safety Assessment Board of disagreement between the S0RC and the designated officer; however, the designated senior officer shall l
have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.1 above.
Records- The SORC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the designated officer and Chairperson of the l
Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
FUNClION The minimum qualifications of HSAB members are as follows:
The Chairperson and NSAB members shall have:
An academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a senior management position, and j
A minimum of five years technical experience in their i
respective field of expertise.
The NSAB shall have experience in and shall function to provide independent oversight review and audit of designated act ivities in the areas of:
Nuclear power plant operations; 2.
Nuclear engineering; 3.
Chemistry and radiochemistry; j
Metallurgy; i
Instrumentatien and control; 6.
Radiological safety; Millstone Unit 1 6-9 Amendment No. /J 57, JJ, 7J, 77, FJ, ons 91, m
Mechanical and electrical engineering; and 8.
Quality assurance practices.
l The NSAB serves to advise the designated senior officer on matters related to nuclear safety and notify the designated senior officer within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of a safety significant disagreement between the NSAB and the organization or function being reviewed.
i COMPOSITION The designated senior officer shall appoint, in writing, a minimum of l
seven members to the NSAB and shall designate from this membership, in l
writing, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. The membership shall function to provide independent review and audit in the areas listed in l
i ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed, in writing, by the designated senior officer and CE0; however, no more than two alternates shall l
participate as members in NSAB activities at any one time.
l MEETING FREQUENCY The NSAB shall meet at least once per calendar quarter.
l The quorum of the NSAB shall consist of a majority of NSAB members including the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. No more than a minority of the quorum shall have line responsibility for operation of the same Northeast Utilities' nuclear unit. No more than two alternates shall l
be appointed as members at any meeting in fulfillment of the quorum requirements.
REVIEW RESPONSIBILITIES The NSAB shall be responsible for the review of:
The safety evaluations for changes to procedures, equipment, or systems, and tests or experiments completed under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; l
Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or systems that involve j
an unreviewed safety question as definad in 10 CFR 50.59; t
Proposed tests or experi.ments that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; 4
4 Millstone Unit 1 6-10 Amendment No. 7), JJ, 77 JJ, 77, 0325
Proposed changes to Technical Specifications and the Operating License; Violations of applicable codes, regulaticas, orders, license e.
requirements, or internal procedures having nuclear safety significance; f.
All Licensee Event Reports required by 10 CFR 50.73; Indications of significant unanticipated deficiencies in any g.
aspect of design or operation of structures, systems, or components that could affect nuclear safety; h.
Significant accidental, unplanned, or uncontrolled radioactive releases, including corrective actions to prevent recurrence; i.
Significant operating abnormalities or deviations fror,a normal and expected performance of equipment that could affect nuclear safety;
The performance of the corrective action program; and k.
Audits and audit plans.
Reports or records of these reviews shall be forwarded to the designated senior officer within 30 days following completion of the l
AUDIT PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES The NSAB audit program shall be the responsibility of the Nuclear Oversight Department. NSAB audits shall be performed at least once per 24 manths in accordance with Administrative Procedures and shall encompass:
The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within a.
the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions; b.
The training and qualifications of the unit staff; The implementation of all programs required by Specification 6.8; c.
The Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures; The fire protection equipment and program implementation utilizing e.
either a qualified offsite license fire protection engineer or an outside independent fire protection consultant; f.
Actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in equipment, structures, systems, components, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety; and l
Millstone Unit 1 6-11 Amendment No. J, S. 7J, N, #,
Other activities and documents as requested by the designated senior officer.
RECORDS Written records of reviews and audits shall be maintained. As a minimum these records shall include:
Results of the activities conducted under the provisions of a.
'Section 6.5.3; b.
deleted c.
deleted 6.5.4 Station Oualified Reviewer Proaram Function The designated manager, designated officer, or designated senior officer may establish a Station Qualified Reviewer Program whereby required reviews of designated procedures or classes of procedures required by Specifications and are performed by Station Qualified Reviewers and approved by designated managers. These reviews are in lieu of reviews by the PORC or S0RC. However, procedures which require a 10CFR50.59 evaluation must be reviewed by the PORC or SORC.
Responsibilities The Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall:
Provide for the review of designated procedures, programs, and a.
changes thereto by a Qualified Reviewer (s) other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program, or change.
Provide for cross-disciplinary review of procedures, programs, and changes thereto when organizations other than the preparing organization are affected by the procedure, program, or change.
Ensure cross-disciplinary-reviews are performed by a Qualified c.
Reviewer (s) in affected disciplines, or by other persons designated by cognizant managers or directors as having specific expertise required to assess a particular procedure, program, or change.
Cross-disciplinary reviewers may function as a connittee.
Provide for a screening of designated procedures, programs and changes theretc to determine if an evaluation should be performed t
in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.59 to verify that i
Millstone Unit 1 6-12 Amendment No. Jf, 77, FJ, 77, 0325 l-i-
an unreviewed safety question does not exist. This screening will be performed by personnel trained and qualified in performing 10CFR50.59 evaluations.
Provide for written recommendation by the Qualified Reviewer (s) to the responsible Nanager for approval or disapproval of procedures and programs considered under Specification and and that the procedure or program was screened by a qualified individual and found not to require a 10CFR50.59 evaluation. If the responsible manager determines that a new program, procedure, or change thereto requires a 10CFR50.59 evaluation, that manager will ensure the required evaluation is performed to determine if the new procedure, program, or change involves an unreviewed safety question.
The new procedure, program, or change will then be forwarded with the 10CFR50.59 evaluation to PORC or SORC for review. Personnel recommended to be Station Qualified Reviewers shall be designated in writing by the designated manager or designated officer for each procedure, program, or class of procedure or program within l
the scope of the Station Qualified Reviewer Program. Temporary procedure changes shall be made in accordance with l
Specification 6.8.3 with the exception that changes to procedures for which reviews are assigned to Qualified Reviewers will be reviewed and
approved as described in Specification
Records The review of procedures and programs performed under the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be documented in accordance with administrative procedures.
Trainina and Qualification
. The training and qualification requirements of personnel designated as a Qualified Reviewer in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with administrative procedures.
Qualified reviewers shall have:
A Bachelors degree in engineering, related science, or technical discipline, and two years of nuclear power plant experience; OR b.
Six years of nuclear power plant experience; L
OR r
An equivalent combination of education and experience as approved t
by a department manager.
Millstone Unit 1 6-13 Amendment No. PJ, 77, 0326
The Commission shall be notified and a report submitted a.
pursuant to the requirement of 10 CFR 50.73.
Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the PORC and the results of this review shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the NSAB and the designated officer.
l 6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated:
The unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within two hours.
The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible and in all cases within one hour. The Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone and the Chairperson of the NSAB shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, A Safety Limit Violation Report chall be prepared.
The report c.
shall be reviewed by the PORC.
This report shall describe (1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation, (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems or structures, and (3) correctivc action taken to prevent recurrence.
The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Commission, the Chairperson of the NSAB and the Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone within 14 days of the violation.
Operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the Commission.
6.8.1-Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering the activities referenced below.
The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix "A" of a.
Regulatory Guide 1.33, February, 1978.
Refueling operations, Surveillance activities of safety related equipment.
Not used.
Not used.
Fire Protection Program Implementation.
Millstone Unit 1 6-14 Amendment No. J, S. 77, U, M, 99
. =. -
. -. - -. - - - - -. - - - - ~
Quality Control for effluent monitoring using the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.21 Rev.1, June 1974.
Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dase Calculation Manual (REMODCM) implementatice, crcert for Section I.E., Radiological Environmental Monitoring.
The designated manager or designated officer or designated senior officer may designate. specific procedures and programs, or classes of procedures and programs to be reviered ir, tccordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC.
The review per the Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with Specification 6.5.4.
Procedures and programs listed in Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be approved by the designated manager or designated officer or by cognizant Managers or Directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the designated manager or designated officer as specified in administrative procedures. The Approval Authority for each procedure and program or class of procedure and program shall be specified in administrative procedures.
Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be c.
reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be approved by the designated manager or designated officer or be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program, prior to implementation.
Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1 shall be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided:
The intent of original procedure is not altered.
The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License on the unit affected.
j The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or 50RC, or the c.
Station Qualified Reviewer Program, as applicable, and approved by
the designated manager or designated officer or Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manager within 14 days of implementation.
6.8.4 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering Section I.E, Radiological Environmental Monitoring, of the REM 00CM.
i 1
Millstone Unit 1 6-15 Amendment No. %%, /J. 7J, 77, i
.(REM 0DCM) 4 Section I, Radiological Effluents Monitoring Manual (REMM), shall outline the sampling.and analysis programs to determine the concentration of radioactive materiale released offsite as well as dose commitments to individuals in thos exposure pathways and for those. radionuclides released as a result of station operation.
treatment systems and report content.It shall also specify operating guidelines fo i
i Section II, the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (0DCM), sh-11 describe the methodology and parameters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due i
l-to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents and in the calculations of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip setpoints consistent with the applicable LC0's contained in these technical specifications.
Changes to the REM 0DCM:
i Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be a.
retained as required by Specification 6.10.2.m.
This documentation shall contain:
Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s),
and 2)
A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I d 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.
1 l
L b.
Shall become effective after review and acceptance by SORC and the approval of the designated officer.
l Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, c.
legible copy of the. entire REMM or ODCM, as appropriate, as a part of or concurrent. with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Report for the l
period of the report in which any change was made.
Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the change was implemented.
l t
j-1 Millstone Unit 1 6-23 Amendment No. 7J, JE, J7, 7f, 77, 0320..
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The designated officer shall be responsible for overall operation of the Millstone Station Site and shall delegate in writina the succession to this responsibility. The designated manager shall be responsible for overall Unit safe operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility.
6.1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.
6.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the technical specification titles for members of the staff are generic titles. Unit specific titles for the functions 'and responsibilities associated with these generic titles are l
identified in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
6.2 ORGANIZATION 6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively.
The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.
t Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be a.
established and defined for the higher management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as i
appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descrip-tions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
The designated manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe l
operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
The designated officer shall have corporate responsibility for l
overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operation, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functi ns may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.
6.2.2 FACIllTY STAFF i
Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift a.
crew ' composition shown in Table 6.2-1.
1 l
Millstone - Unit 2 6-1 Amendment No. f), JJ, /$. 77, ono
??,199,lif,if7,Ill, 17#, 199,
. ~ _ - -
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.4 TRAINING A retraining and replacement: training program for the facility staff that meets or exceeds the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.59 shall be maintained.
6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC)
Function The PORC shall function to advise the designated manager on all l
matters related to nuclear _ safety.
Comoosition The PORC shall be composed of nine to eleven members.
Members shall collectively have experience and expertise in the following areas:
Plant Operations Engineering Reactor Engineering Maintenance Instrumentation and Controls Health Physics Chemistry Work Planning-Quality Assurance The minimum qualifications of PORC members shall be that all members have an academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a management position, and have a minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise.
The members.of PORC shall be be appointed in writing by the designated manager. The Chairperson and alternate Chairperson of the PORC shall be drawn from the PORC members and be appointed in writing by the designated manager.
l Alternates Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the PORC
Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in PORC activities at any one time.
Millstone Unit 2 6-5 Amendment No. JJ7, //J. J7J.
o431 799,197,
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Meetina Freauency The PORC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the PORC Chairperson.
Ouorum A quorum of the PORC shall consist of the Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson, and four members including alternates.
Responedbilities The PORC shall be responsible for:
s Review of 1) all procedures, except common site procedures, a.
required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 2) all programs, except common site programs, required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 3) any other proposed procedures, programs, or changes thereto as determined by the designated manager to affect nuclear safety.
Procedures and l
programs required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program do not require PORC review.
Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety.
Review of all proposed changes to Sections 1.0 - 5.0 of these Technical Specifications.
Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications e.
and preparation and forwarding of a report covering evaluation and recommendations to prevent recurrence to the designated officer and to the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Review of facility operations to detect potential safety hazards.
Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports thereon as requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Render determinations in writing if any item considered under l through (d) above, as appropriate and as provided by 1
10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
Review of the fire protection program and implementing procedure.
Millstone Unit 2 6-6 Amendment No. 17,77,77, om 19, life Ifle IIfe Iffe 191* 191 199
Recommend to the designated manager written approval or l
disapproval of items considered under through (d) above.
Provide immediate written notification to the designated officer and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board of disagreement between the PORC and the designated manager; however, the designated manager shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.1 above.
Records The PORC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the designated officer and Chairperson of the l
Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
6.5.2 Site Operations Review Committee (SORCl Function The SORC shall function to advise the designated officer on all l
matters related to nuclear safety of the entire Millstone Station Site.
Composition The 50RC shall be composed of the:
Designated Officer Member:
Unit 1 Designated Manager Member:
Unit 2 Designated Manager Member:
Unit 3 Designated Manager Member:
Designated Manager, Nuclear Services Member:
Designated Manager, General Services Member:
Designated Member of Unit 1 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 2 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 3 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Nuclear Oversight The senior designated Unit manager in attendance shall be the l
Alternates: Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the SORC Chairperson to serve'on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in SORC activities at one time.
-Millstone Unit 2 6-7 Amendment No. JJJ, J/f, J##,
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL.S Meetina Freauency The SORC shall meet at least once per six months and as convened by the SORC Chairperson.
Ouorum A quorum of the SORC shall consist of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson and five members including alternates.
Responsibilities The SORC shall be responsible for:
Review of 1) all common site procedures required by Sp_cifi-a.
cation 6.8 and changes thereto, 2) all common site programs, required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 3) any other proposed procedures, programs, or changes thereto as determined by the designated officer to affect site nuclear safety.
Common site programs and procedures required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program do no require SORC review.
Review of all proposed changes to Section 6.0 " Administrative Controls" of these Technical Specifications.
Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports c.
as requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Not used.
Not used.
Review of all common site proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety g.
Review of all. common site proposed changes or modifications to systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
Render determinations in writing or meeting minutes if any item considered under through (g) above, as appropriate and as provided by 10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
Review of the common site fire protection program and implementing procedures.
Millstone Unit 2 6-8 Amendment No. 17, JJ, 177, 177, 0431 199, 191, 197 199 199,
Authority l The SORC shall:
l i
Recommend to the designated officer written approval or l
l disapproval in meeting minutes of items considered under l through (g) above.
Provide immediate written notification or meeting minutes to the designated senior officer and the Chairperson of the l
l Nuclear Safety Assessment Board of disagreement between the l
SORC and the designated officer; however, the designated senior officer shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements.
B_ecords The SORC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the designated officer and Chairperson of the l
Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
1 6.5.3 NUCLEAR SAFETY ASSESSMENT BOARD (NSAB_1 FUNCTION i The minimum qualifications of NSAB members are as follows:
j a.
The Chairperson and NSAB members shall have:
An academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a senior management position, and 2.
A minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise.
The NSAB shall have experience in and shall function to provide independent oversight review and audit of designated activities in the areas of:
Nuclear power plant operations; 2.
Nuclear engineering; 3.
Chemistry and radiochemistry; 4.
Metallurgy; 5.
Instrumentation and control; 6.
Radiological safety; 7.
Mechanical and electrical engineering; and 8.
Quality assurance practices.
Millstone Unit 2 6-9 Amendment Nos. 77. JJ. 77, out
- 91. Ilf. 191.
179. 199, 191. 199.
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS The NSAB serves to advise the designated senior officer on matters related to nuclear safety and notify the designated senior officer within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of a safety significant disagreement between the NSAB and the organization or function being reviewed.
l COMPOSITION The designated senior officer shall appoint, in writing, a minimum I
of seven members to the NSAB and shall designate from this membership, in writing, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson.
The membership shall function to provide independent review and audit in the areas listed in Specification
ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed, in writing, by the designated senior officer; however, no more than two alternates I
I shall participate as members in NSAB activities at any one time.
MEETING FRE00ENCY The NSAB shall meet at least once per calendar quarter.
OV0 RUM The quorum of the NSAB shall consist of a majority of NSAB members including the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson.
No more than a j
minority of the quorum shall have line responsibility for operation i
of the same Northeast Utilities' nuclear unit.
No more than two alternates shall be appointed as members at any meeting in l
fulfillment of the quorum requirements.
REVIEW RESPONSIBILITIES The NSAB shall be responsible for the review of.
The safety evaluations for changes to procedures, equipment, or a.
systems, and tests or experiments completed under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; b.
Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or systems that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; l.
Proposed tests or experiments that involve an unreviewed safety j
question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; d.
Proposed changes to Technical Specifications and the Operating License; l
l l
Millstone Unit 2 6-10 Amendment No. J7. JJ, pp, au 17#, J77. 17# 177 777.
l l
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Violations of applicable codes, regulations, orders, license e.
requirements, or internal procedures having nuclear safety significance; f.
All Licensee Event Reports required by 10 CFR 50.73; g.
Indications of significant unanticipated deficiencies in any aspect of design or operation of-structures, systems, or components that could affect nuclear safety; i
Significant accidental, unplanned, or uncontrolled radioactive releases, including corrective actions to prevent recurrence; i
Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of equipment that could affect nuclear safety; j
The performance of the corrective action program; and k.
Audits and audit plans.
Reports or records of these reviews shall be forwarded to the designated senior officer within 30 days following completion of the !
AUDIT PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES The NSAB audit program shall be the responsibility of the Nuclear Oversight Department. NSAB audits shall be performed at least once per 24 months in accordance with administrative procedures and chall encompass:
The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable license l
conditions; b.
The training and qualifications of the unit staff; The implementation of all programs required by c.
Specification 6.8; d.
The Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures; e.
The fire protection equipment and program implementation l
utilizing either a qualified offsite license fire protection l
engineer or an outside independent fire protection consultant; f.
Actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in equipment, structures, systems, components, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety; and g.
Other activities and documents as requested by the designated senior officer.
4 l
Millstone Unit 2 6-11 Amendment No. J7, JJ, Jf, i
$1,lif,111,Ilf,Ill, 199,199, i
RECORDS Written records of reviews and audits shall be maintained. As a minimum these records shall include:
Results of the activities conducted under the provisions of a.
Section 6.5.3; b.
deleted c.
deleted 6.5.4 Station Qualified Reviewer Proaram Ennction The designated manager or designated officer or designated senior officer may establish a Station Qualified Reviewer Program whereby required reviews of designated procedures or classes of procedures required by Specifications and are performed by Station Qualified Reviewers and approved by designated managers.
l These reviews are in lieu of reviews by the PORC or SORC. However, procedures which require a 10CFR50.59 evaluation must be reviewed by the PORC or SORC.
Responsibilities The Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall:
Provide for the review of designated procedures, programs, and a.
changes thereto by a Qualified Reviewer (s) other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program, or change.
Provide for cross-disciplinary review of procedures, programs, and changes thereto when organizations other than the preparing organization are affected by the procedure, program, or change, Ensure cross-disciplinary reviews are performed by a Qualified c.
Reviewer (s) in affected disciplines, or by other persons designated by cognizant Managers or Directors as having j
. specific expertise required to assess a particular procedure, program, or change. Cross-disciplinary reviewers may function as a committee.
Provide for a. screening of designated procedures, programs and changes thereto to determine if an evaluation should be performed in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.59 to verify that an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
This screening will be performed by personnel trained and qualified i
i in performing 10CFR50.59 evaluations.
Millstone Unit 2 6-12 Amendment Nos. JP, f), JJ, J$p, J77.
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Provide for written recommendation by the Qualified Reviewer (s) e.
to the responsible Manager for approval or disapproval of procedures and programs considered under Specification and and that the procedure or program was screened by a qualified individual and found not to require a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation.
i If the responsible manager determines that a new program, procedure, or change thereto requires a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation, that Manager will ensure the required evaluation is performed to determine if the new procedure, program, or change involves an unreviewed safety question.
The new procedure, program, or change will then be forwarded with the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation to PORC or SORC for review. Personnel recommended to be Station Qualified Reviewers shall be designated in writing by the designated manager or designated officer for each procedure, program, or class of procedure or program within the scope of the Station Qualified Reviewer Program. Temporary procedure changes shall be made in accordance with Specification 6.8.3 with the exception that changes to procedures for which reviews are assigned to Qualified Reviewers will be reviewed and approved as described in Specification
Records The review of procedures and programs performed under the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be documented in accordance with administrative procedures.
Trainina and Oualification i The training and qualification requirements of personnel designated as a Qualified Reviewer in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with administrative procedures.
Qualified reviewers shall have:
A Bachelors degree in engineering, related science, or a.
technical discipline, and two years of nuclear power plant experience; OR b.
Six years of nuclear power plant experience; OR An equivalent combination of education and experience as c.
approved by a Department Manager.
Millstone Unit 2 6-13 Amendment Nos. JJJ, Epp, l
I 0431
The Commission shall be notified and a report submitted a.
pursuant to the requirements of Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50, and b.
Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the PORC and the results of this review shall be submitted to the Chairperson of l the NSAB and the designated officer.
6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated:
.The unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within one a.
The NRC Operations ' Center shall be notified by telephone as i
soon as possible and in all cases within I hour. The Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone and the Chairperson of the NSAB shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />; A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared.
The report c.
shall be reviewed by the PORC.
This report shall describe:
(1) applicable. circumstances preceding the violation, (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems, or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence; d.
The Safety Limit Violation Report'shall be submitted to the Commission, the Chairperson of the NSAB, and the Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone within 14 days of the violations.
Operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the e.
6.8 PROCEDURES 6.8.I' Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering the activities referenced below:
The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix "A" of a.
Regulatory Guide 1.33, February, 1978.
Refueling operations.
Surveillance activities of safety related equipment, c.
Not used.
Not used.
Millstone Unit 2 6-14 Amendment Nos. JJ, JJ, 77, JJJ, 043' Jff, Ill Iff, 19),199,199,
Fire Protection Program implementation.
Quality Control for effluent monitoring using the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.21 Rev. 1, June 1974.
Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REM 00CM) implementation, except for Section I.E.,
Radiological Environmental Monitoring.
6.8.2 a.
The designated manager or designated officer or designated senior officer may designate specific procedures and programs, or classes of procedures and programs to be reviewed in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC. The review per the Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with Specification 6.5.4.
Procedures and programs listed in Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be approved by the designaged manager or designated officer or by cognizant Manager or Directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the designated manager or designated officer, as specified in administrative procedures.
The Approval Authority for each procedure and program or class of procedure and program shall be specified in administrative procedures.
Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall c.
be reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be approved by the designated manager or designated officer or be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program, prior to implementation.
Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1 shall be reviewed periodically as set forth in 1
administrative procedures.
6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6 a.1 above may be made provided:
The intent of original procedure is not altered.
The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License on the unit affected.
The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or SORC, or the l
Station Qualified Reviewer Program as applicable, and approved by l
the designated manager or designated officer or Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manager within 14 days of implementation.
6.8.4 Written procedures shall be established, implemented cad maintained covering Section I.E, Radiological Environmental Monitoring, of the REM 00CM.
Millstone Unit 2 6-15 Amendment Nos. JP, 77, J), JJJ, i
0431 19), life ille 19fe i
1 REM 0DCM) l Section. I, Radiological Effluents Monitoring Manual (REMM), shall outline the sampling and analysis programs to determine the concentration of radioactive f
materials released offsite as well as dose commitments to individuals in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides released as a result of station operation.
It shall also. specify' operating guidelines for radioactive waste treatment systems and report content.
I Section II, the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (0DCM), shall describe the methodology and parameters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid ' effluents and in the calculations of gaseous l
and liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation Alarm / Trip Setpoints consistent with the applicable LCO's contained in these Technical Specifications.
l Changes to the REM 0DCM:
Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be a.
retained as required by Specification 6.10.2m This documentation shall contain:
Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s),
and 2)
A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR l
Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations, b.
Shall become effective after review and acceptance by SORC and the approval of the designated officer.
l c.
Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, l
legible copy of the entire REMM or ODCM, as appropriate, as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Report for the i
period of the report in which any change was made.
Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall l
indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the change was implemented.
j Millstone Unit 2 6-24 Amendment No. Jff, JJJ, JJ7, //f, 79#
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The designated officer shall h responsible for overall operation of the Millstone Station Site and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility. The designated manager shall be responsible for overall Unit safe operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility.
6.1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.
l 6.1.3 Unles %herwise defined, the technical specification titles for members of the staff are generic titles. Unit specific titles for the functions and responsibilities associated with these generic titles are identified in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unu operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power. plant.
- a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management levels through l
intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descrip-tions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descript'ons for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the j
Quality Assurance Topical Report.
- b. The designated manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe l
l operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
- c. The designated officer shall have corporate responsibility for l
overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to l
ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
- d. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.
- a. Each on-duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1; MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-1 Amendment No. 77, 77, pp, J7),
. ~
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.3 FACILITY STAFF OUALIFICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for:
If the Operations Manager does not hold a senior reactor operator a.
license for Millstone Unit No. 3, then the Operations Manager shall have held a senior reactor operator license at a pressurized water reactor, and the Assistant Operations Manager shall hold a senior reactor operator license for Millstone Unit No. 3.
The Health Physics Manager shall meet or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 1, May 1977.
6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff that meets or exceeds the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.59 shall be maintained.
6.4.2 Deleted.
6.5 REVIEW'AND AUDIT 6.5.1 PLANT OPERATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE (PORCl FUNCTION The PORC shall function to advise the designated manager on all l
matters related to nuclear safety.
COMPOSITION The PORC shall be composed of nine to eleven members. Members shall collectively have experience and expertise in the following areas:
Plant Operations Engineering Reactor Engineering Maintenance Instrumentation and Controls Health Physics Chemistry Work Planning Quality Assurance The minimum qualifications of PORC members shall be that all members have an academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a management position, and have a minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise.
The members of PORC shall be appointed in writing by the designated manager. The Chairperson and alternate l
Chairperson of the PORC shall be drawn from the PORC members and be appointed in writing by the designated manager.
l MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-5 Amendment No. 77, pp, 77, pp, Pf, 119,117,119, nos
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be a Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis;ppointed in writing by the PORC however, no more than two alternates shall participate as voting members in PORC activities at any one time.
MEETING FRE0VENCY The PORC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the PORC Chairperson.
OV0RVM The quorum of the PORC shall consist of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson and four members including alternates.
RESPONSIBILITIES The PORC shall be responsible for:
Review of:
- 1) all procedures, except common site procedures, required by(Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 2) all programs, a.
except common site pr grams required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, and 3 any other proposed procedures changes thereto as de er) mined by the designated manager, programs o to affect nuclear safety.
Procedures and programs required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program do not require PORC review.
Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety.
Review of all proposed changes to Sections 1.0-5.0 of these Technical Specifications.
Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications, including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering eva? a-tion and recommendations to prevent recurrence, to the designateo officer and to the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
Review of facility operations to detect potential safety hazards.
Performance of special reviews, investigations, or analyses and reports thereon as requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
I 1.
Render determinations in writing if any item considered under l
Specification through d. above, as appropriate and as l
provided by 10CFR50.59 or 10CFR50.92, constitutes an unreviewed safety question, or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
b i
1 NILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-6 Amendment No. 7(, pp, pp, pp, Jpf, Jgy,177,
i l
"C j.
Review of Unit Turbine Overspeed Protection Maintenance and Testing Program and revision thereto.
l k.
Review of. the Fire Protection Program and implemenHng procedures.
Recommend to the designated manager written approval or l
disapproval of items considered under Specification
l through d. above; and i
Provide written notification to the designated officer and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Bcard of disagreement l between the PORC and the designated manager; however, the designated manager shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to Specification 6.1.1.
- The PORC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the designated officer and the Chairperson of the Nuclear l i
Safety Assessment Board.
FUNCTION The SORC shall function to advise the designated officer on all l
matters related to nuclear safety of the entire Millstone Station Site.
COMPOSITION The SORC shall be composed of the:
Designated Officer Member:
Unit 1 Designated Manager Member:
Unit 2 Designated Manager Member:
Unit 3 Designated Manager Member:
Designated Manager, Nuclear Services Member:
Designated Manager, General Services Member:
Designated Member of Unit 1 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 2 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Unit 3 PORC Member:
Designated Member of Nuclear Oversight The senior designated Unit manager in attendance shall be the Vice l
l Chairperson.
i 4
h NILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-7 Amadment No. pp, pp, Jpp, JJJ,
- os J77,177, w
. ~.
ALTERNATES Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the SORC I
Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in SORC activities at one time.
MLETING FRE0VENCY The SORC shall meet at least once per 6 months and as convened by the SORC Chairperson.
OUORUM A quorum of the 50RC shall consist of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson and five members including alternates.
RESPONSIBILITIES l The SORC shall be responsible for:
Review of (d) changes thereto, -(2) all common site programsall com 1
tion 6.8 an required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, (3) any other pro, posed procedures, programs, or changes thereto as determined by the designated officer to affect site nuclear safety. Common site l
programs and procedures required by Specification 6.8 that are designated for review and approval b Program do not require SORC review, y the Station Qualified Reviewer b.
Review of all proposed changes to Section 6.0 " Administrative Controls" of these Technical Specifications; Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports as c.
requested by the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board;
Not used.
Not used.
Review of all common site proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety; g.
Review of all common site proposed changes or modifications to systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety; and h.
Render determinations in writing cr meeting minutes if any item considered under Specification or 10CFR50.92 constitutes a) through (g) above, as appropriate and as provided by 10CFR50.
an unreviewed safety question or requires a significant hazards consideration determination.
1 1.
Review of the common site Fire Protection Program and implementing l
procedures ~.
1 4
i MILLSTONE:- UNIT 3 6-8 Amendment No. J7, SJ, 79, Ipf, JEF osos lif,lil, i
Recommend to the designated officer written approval or disapproval l
in meeting minutes of items considered under Specification through (g) above, and b.
Provide immediate written notification or meeting minutes to the designated senior officer and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board of disagreement between the SORC and the designated officer; however, the designated senior officer shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements.
RECORDS l The SORC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the designated officer and Chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Assessment Board.
l 6.5.3 NVCLEAR SAFETY ASSESSMENT BOARD (NSAB) l FUNCTION l The minimum qualifications of NSAB members are as follows:
The Chairperson and NSAB members shall have:
An academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a senior management position, and 2)
A minimum of five years technical experience in their respective field of expertise.
The NSAB shall have experience in and shall function to provide independent oversight review and audit of designated activities in
the areas of:
Nuclear power plant operations; l
Nuclear engineering; l
Chemistry and radiochemistry; 4)
Metallurgy; 5)
Instrumentation and control; 6)
Radiological safety;
i MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-9 Amendment No. 77, 77, 77, J7f. 175, osos
- Ill,
. ~. _ _
Mechanical and electrical engineering; and 8)
Quality assurance practices.
The NSAB serves to advise the designated senior officer on matters related to nuclear. safety and notify the designated senior officer within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of a safety significant disagreement between the NSAB and the organization or function being reviewed.
COMPOSITION The designated senior officer shall appoint,. in writing, a minimum l
of seven members to the NSAB and shall designate from this membership, in writing, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. The membership shall function to provide independent review and audit in the areas listed in Specification
ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appo'.ated, in writing, by the designated senior officer; however, no more than two alternates chall l
participate as members in NSAB activities at any one time.
MEETING FRE0VENCY The NSAB shall meet at least once per calendar quarter.
OUORUM The quorum of the NSAB shall consist of a majority of NSAB members including the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. No more than a minority of the quorum shall have line responsibility for operation of the same Northeast Utilities' nuclear unit. No more than two alternates shall be appointed as members at any meeting in fulfillment of the quorum requirements.
REVIEW RESPONSIBILITIES The NSAB shall be responsible for the review of:
The safety evaluations for changes to procedures, equipment, or a.
systems, and tests or experiments completed under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; o
i b.
Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or systems that involve j
an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; j
t Proposed tests or experiments that involve an unreviewed safety I
question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59; MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-10 Amendment No. 77, J7, JPJ, J/J. //J.
Proposed changes to Technical Specifications and the Operating License; Violations of applicable codes, regulations, orders, license e.
requirements, or internal procedures having nuclear safety significance; f.
All' Licensee Event Reports required by 10 CFR 50.73; g.
Indications of significant unanticipated deficiencies in any aspect of design or operation of structures, systems, or components that could~ affect nuclear safety; h.
Significant accidental, unplanned, or uncontrolled radioactive releases, including corrective actions to prevent recurrence; i.
Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of equipment that could affect nuclear safety; j.
The performance of the corrective action program; and k.
Audits and audit plans.
Reports or records of these reviews shall be forwarded to the designated senior officer within 30 days following completion of the review.
AUDIT PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES The NSAB audit program shall be the responsibility of the Nuclear Oversight Department. NSAB audits shall be performed at least once per 24 months in accordance with administrative procedures and shall encompass:
The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within the a.
Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions; b.
The training and qualifications of the unit staff; The implementation of all programs required by Specification 6.8; c.
The Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures; The fire protection equipment and program implementation utilizing e.
either a qualified offsite license fire protection engineer or an outside independent fire protection consultant; f.
Actions taken to correct de.iciencies occurring in equipment, structures, systems, components, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety; and g.
Other activities and documents as requested by the designated senior officer.
NILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-11 Amendment No. JJ, 7J, py, 79, oeos 19f, 17$, Ill,
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS RECORDS Written records of reviews and audits shall be maintained. As a minimum these records shall include:
Results of the activities conducted under the provisions of a.
Section 6.5.3; b.
deleted c.
deleted 6.5.4 Station Qualified Reviewer Proaram function The designated manager. or designated officer or designated senior officer may establish a Station Qualified Reviewer Program whereby required reviews of designated procedures or classes of procedures required by Specifications and are performed by Station Qualified Reviewers and approved by designated managers. These reviews are in lieu of reviews by the PORC or SORC.
However, procedures which require a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation must be reviewed by the PORC or SORC.
Responsibilities The Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall:
Provide for the review of designated procedures, programs, and a.
changes thereto by a Qualified Reviewer s) other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program, or(change.
l b.
Provide for cross-disciplinary review of procedures, programs, and changes thereto when organizations other than the preparing organization are affected by the procedure, program, or change.
Ensure cross disciplinary reviews are performed by a Qualified c.
Reviewer (s) in affected disciplines, or by other persons designated by cognizant Managers or Directors as having specific expertise required to assess a particular procedure, program, or change.
Cross-disciplinary reviewers may function as a committee.
Provide for a screening of designated procedures, programs and changes thereto to determine if an evaluation should be performed in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
This screening will be performed by personnel trained and qualified in performing 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations.
l l
HILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-12 Amendment No. JE, 77, pf, pp, Jpf 77),135
Provide for written recommendation by the Qualified Reviewer (s) to the responsible Manager for approval or disapproval of procedures and programs considered under Specification and and that the procedure or program was screened by a qualified individual and found not to require a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation.
O g If the responsible manager determines that a new program, procedure, or change thereto requires a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation, that Manager will ensure the required evaluation is performed to determine if the new procedure, program, or change involves an unreviewed safety question. The new procedure, program, or change will then be forwarded with the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation to PORC cr SORC for review. Personnel recommended to be Station Qualified Reviewers shall be i
designated in writing by the designated manager or designated officer for each I
procedure, program, or class of procedure or program within the scope of the Station Qualified Reviewer Program. Temporary procedure changes shall be made in accordance with Specification 6.8.3 with the exception that changes to procedures for which reviews are assigned to Qualified Reviewers will be reviewed and approved as described in Specification
Records The review of procedures and programs performed under the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be documented in accordance with administrative procedures.
Trainino and Oualification The training and qualification requirements of personnel designated as a Qualified Reviewer in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with administrative procedures.
Qualified reviewers shall have:
A Bachelors degree in engineering, related science, or technical discipline, and two years of nuclear power plant experience; OR b.
Six years of nuclear power plant experience; OR c.
An equivalent combination of education and experience as approved by a Department Manager.
MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-13 Amendment No. J7), J75, oeos I
The Commission shall be notified and a report submitted pursuant a.
to the requirements of Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50, and b.
Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the PORC and the results of this review shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the NSAB and the desig'nated officer.
l 6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is
The Unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within one hour.
6 b.
The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible and in all cases within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
The Senior Vice President and CN0 - Millstone and the Chairperson of the NSAB shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />; A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared.
The report c.
shall be reviewed by the PORC. This report shall describe:
(1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation, (2) effects of, the violation upon facility components, systems, or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence; d.
The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Commission, the Chairperson of the NSAB, and the Senior Vice President and CN0 - Mi-llstone within 14 days of the violation; and Operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the Commission.
58 PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS 6.8.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering the activities referenced below:
The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix A of Regulatory a.
Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978; b.
The applicable procedures required to implement the requirements of NUREG-0737 and supplements thereto; c.
' Refueling operations; i
Surveillance activities of safety related equipment; e.
Not used.
MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-14 Amendment No. 77, $7, Jpp, JEJ, l
ocos J/$,JJJ,
-.. -. - _. - ~ _ - -. -. - -
Not used.
9 Fire Protection Program implementation; h.
Quality controls for effluent monitoring, using the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Rev. 1, June 1974; and i
i 1.
Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation i
Manual (REM 0DCM) implementation enept for Section I.E, Radiological Environmental Monitoring.
6.8.2 a.
The designated manager or designated officer or designated senior officer may designate specific procedures and programs, or classes of procedures and programs to be reviewed in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC. The review per the Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with Specification 6.5.4.
Procedures and programs listed in Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be approved by the designated manager or designated officer or by cognizant Manager or Directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the designated manager or designated officer as specified in administrative procedures.
The Approval Authority for each procedure and program or class of procedure and program shall be specified in administrative procedures.
Each procedure of Specification.6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall c.
be reviewed by the PORC or S0RC and shall be approved by the designated manager or designated officer or be reviewed and l
l approved in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program, prior to implementation.
Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1 shall be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of Specification 6.8.1 may be made l
The intent of the original procedure is not altered; a.
The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Operator license on the unit affected; and l
The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or SORC or Station ^[ Qualified Reviewer Program, as appropriate, and approved i
by the Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manager or designated manager or designated officer within 14 days of l
MILL' STONE - UNIT 3 6-15 Amendment No. JJ, pp, J7), J77. JJJ, 0005 i
Section I, Radiological Effluent Monitoring Manual (REMM), shall outline the sampling and analysis programs to determine the concentration of radioactive materials released offsite as well as dose commitments to individuals in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides released as a result of station operation. It shall also specify operating guidelines for radioactive waste treatment systems and report content.
Section II, the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (0DCM), shall describe the methodology and parameters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents and in the calculations of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip setpoints consistent with the applicable LCOs contained in these technical specifications.
Changes to the REM 0DCM:
Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as a.
required by Specification 6.10.30.
This documentation shall contain:
Sufficient in formation to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s), and 2)
A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations, b.
Shall become effective after review and acceptance by SORC and the approval of the designated officer.
l Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, legible copy of c.
the entire REMM or CDCM, as appropriate, as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Report for the period of the report in which any change was made.
Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the change was implemented.
Procedures for liquid and gaseous radioactive effluent discharges from the Unit shall be prepared, approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving offsite releases of radioactive e f fl uent s.
These procedures shall specify the use of appropriate waste treatment systems utilizing the guidance provided in the REM 0DCM.
The Solid Radioactive Waste Treatment System shall be operated in accordance with the Process' Control Program to process wet radioactive wastes to meet shipping and burial ground requiremepts.
MILLSTONE - UNIT 3 6-24 Amendment No. pp, fy, FJ, 79, J/J.
0606 l