MONTHYEARML20211Q3361999-09-0707 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Removing Current Special Exception Which Precludes Applying Eighteen Month Functional Testing Surveillance to SG Hydraulic Snubbers ML20211H6471999-08-25025 August 1999 Proposed Defueled Tech Specs,Revising Sections 5.6.1,5.7.2 & 5.7.3 & Adding Proposed Section 5.6.4 to Reflect ACs Contained in NUREG-1433 ML20210Q5211999-08-0505 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Sections,,,,4.9.12 & Bases Section B 3/4.3.2,B 3/ & B 3/4.8.4,incorporating Editorial Revs ML20210C6091999-07-16016 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Relocating Selected TS Related to Refueling Operations & Associated Bases to Plant TRM ML20206U1041999-05-17017 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section,deleting Reference to ASME Code Paragraph IWV-3472(b) Re Frequency of Leakage Rate Testing for Valves Six Inches Nominal Pipe Size & Larger ML20205R2751999-04-19019 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Reflecting Permanently Defueled Condition of Unit ML20205M0891999-04-0707 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Value for Monthly Surveillance Testing of Tdafwp ML20204J1581999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6, Administrative Controls, Reflecting Certified Fuel Handler License Amend Changes, Approved on 990305 ML20204J4101999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Relocating Instrumentation TSs, & to Mnps,Unit 2 TRM ML20204K0971999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Spent Fuel Pool Rerack to Maintain Full Core Reserve Capability Approaching End of OL ML20204F9031999-03-17017 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising 3.5.2, & Re ECCS Valves,Atmospheric Steam Dump Valves & CR Ventilation Sys. Associated Bases Will Be Modified as Necessary to Address Proposed Changes ML20206K1121999-03-0505 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Sections 3/4.7.7, CR Emergency Ventilation Sys & 3/4.7.8 CR Envelope Pressurization Sys. Changes Are Editorial in Nature ML20207H9551999-03-0505 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20207E0321999-03-0202 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.4, SW Sys, Proposing Change by Adding AOT for One SW Pump Using Duration More Line with Significance Associated with Function of Pump ML20207D4821999-02-26026 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Addl Mods Concerning Compliance Issues Number 4 ML20203E4051999-02-11011 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re DG Surveillance Requirements ML20210D2121999-01-21021 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Sections 3/4.5.2 & 3/4.5.3, ECCS Subsystems for Info Only ML20199L2841999-01-20020 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs & Final SAR Proposed Rev to Ms Line Break Analysis & Revised Radiological Consequences of Various Design Basis Accidents ML20199L3271999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs, Containment Sys - Containment Leakage ML20199L0431999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Removing TS 3/, Containment Systems,Hydrogen Purge Sys ML20199L4561999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Table 3.7-6, Air Temp Monitoring. Proposed FSAR Pages Describing Full Core off- Load Condition as Normal Evolution Under Unit 3 Licensing Basis,Included ML20199L0801999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Change to TS 3/4.2.2 Modifies TS to Be IAW NRC Approved W Methodologies for Heat Flux Hot Channel factor-FQ(Z).Changes to TS Section Are Adminstrative in Nature ML20206P5121999-01-0404 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3.5.2,,, &, Incorporating Changes to ESF Pump Testing ML20198K6361998-12-31031 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.0, Administrative Controls ML20198P9751998-12-28028 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising Loss of Normal Feedwater (Lonf) Analyses to TS 2.2.1,TS Bases Change to Floor Value for Thermal Margin Low Pressure Reactor Trip & Proposed FSAR Changes 05000423/LER-1998-002, Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.5.2,clarifying SRs That Ensure That ECCS Piping Is Full of Water,As Committed to in LER 98-002-00,dtd 9802071998-12-21021 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.5.2,clarifying SRs That Ensure That ECCS Piping Is Full of Water,As Committed to in LER 98-002-00,dtd 980207 ML20196H6301998-12-0404 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Section 6.0, Administrative Controls ML20197G9831998-12-0404 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.7.10.e,eliminating Need to Cycle Plant & Components Through SD-startup Cycle by Allowing Next Snubber Surveillance Interval to Be Deferred Until End of RFO6 of 990910,whichever Date Is Earlier ML20195D8101998-11-10010 November 1998 Revised marked-up Page of Current TS & Revised Retyped Page Re 980717 Request to Change TS ML20195D4041998-11-10010 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Sections & by Restricting Time That Reactor Protection or ESF Actuation Channel Can Be in Bypass Position to 48 H,From Indefinite Period of Time ML20155B0331998-10-22022 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Changing TS, Instrumentation - ESFAS Instrumentation,, RCS - Overpressure Protection Sys & ECCS - ECCS Subsystems - Tavg 300 F ML20154C0491998-09-28028 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising FSAR Separation Requirement of Six Inches Which Is Applied to Redundant Vital Cables, Internal Wiring of Redundant Vital Circuits & Associated Devices ML20154A3701998-09-28028 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Sections,,3.4.8,,, & 3.9.15,revising Info Re Revised MSLB Analyses & Revised Determinations of Radiological Consequences of MSLB & LOCA ML20151V5011998-09-0909 September 1998 Proposed Tech Spec Changing TS Definitions 1.24,1.27,1.31, 3.0.2,4.0.5,3.2.3,,,3.4.11 & Adding TS 3.0.6 B17385, Proposed Tech Specs,updating List of Documents Describing Analytical Methods Specified1998-08-12012 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,updating List of Documents Describing Analytical Methods Specified B17341, Proposed Tech Specs Surveillance Re SG Tube Insp Interval1998-08-0606 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Surveillance Re SG Tube Insp Interval ML20236Y0831998-08-0404 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Changing TS, Plant Sys - Condensate Storage Tank & Adding TS, Plant Sys - Atmospheric Steam Dump Valves ML20236X2521998-07-30030 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases 3/4.9.1,3/,3/, 3/4.7.7,3/4.5.4 & 3/,resolving Miscellaneous Condition Repts ML20236W0201998-07-30030 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/,clarifying Administrative Controls for RHR Isolation Valves When RHR Sys Is in Svc for Core Cooling ML20236T2681998-07-21021 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactor Protection & ESFs Trip Setpoints ML20236T5301998-07-17017 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for TS Bases Section 3/4.4.9, Pressure/Temperature Limits ML20236T7331998-07-17017 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying DG Testing Requirements ML20249A2811998-06-10010 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Post Accident Access to Vital Areas (Plar 3-98-6) ML20249A3121998-06-0606 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re SLCRS Bypass Leakage (Plar 3-98-5) ML20249A2681998-06-0505 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Revised Steam Generator Tube Rupture Analysis (Plar 3-98-4) ML20248M2221998-06-0404 June 1998 Revised Tech Specs Pages,Changing TS Bases Section 3/ to Reword Section Which Describes Limiting Temperature Case for Containment Analysis ML20247G6841998-05-14014 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying TSs & to Restrict Time Most Reactor Protection or Esfa Channels Can Be in Bypass Position to 48 Hours,From Indefinite Period of Time B17211, Proposed Tech Specs Re Refueling Water Storage Tank Back Leakage1998-05-0707 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Refueling Water Storage Tank Back Leakage ML20247B9411998-05-0101 May 1998 TS Change Pages for TS Bases Section 3/4.5.4,modifying Wording Associated W/Refueling Water Storage Tank Minimum Boron Concentration ML20217D5941998-04-30030 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Change to Basis 3/4.6.4 Which Modifies Accuracy Range Associated W/Measured Std Cubic Feet Per Minute & Corrects Listed Component Number 1999-09-07
MONTHYEARB17848, Startup Test Rept Cycle 7. with1999-09-30030 September 1999 Startup Test Rept Cycle 7. with ML20211Q3361999-09-0707 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Removing Current Special Exception Which Precludes Applying Eighteen Month Functional Testing Surveillance to SG Hydraulic Snubbers ML20211H6471999-08-25025 August 1999 Proposed Defueled Tech Specs,Revising Sections 5.6.1,5.7.2 & 5.7.3 & Adding Proposed Section 5.6.4 to Reflect ACs Contained in NUREG-1433 ML20210Q5211999-08-0505 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Sections,,,,4.9.12 & Bases Section B 3/4.3.2,B 3/ & B 3/4.8.4,incorporating Editorial Revs ML20210C6091999-07-16016 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Relocating Selected TS Related to Refueling Operations & Associated Bases to Plant TRM ML20206U1041999-05-17017 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section,deleting Reference to ASME Code Paragraph IWV-3472(b) Re Frequency of Leakage Rate Testing for Valves Six Inches Nominal Pipe Size & Larger ML20206M8221999-05-10010 May 1999 Restart Assessment Plan Millstone Station ML20206D1761999-04-27027 April 1999 Rev 1 to Millstone Unit 3 ISI Program Manual,Second Ten-Yr Interval ML20205R2411999-04-19019 April 1999 Rev 3 to CP2804L, Unit 2 Rx Coolant & Liquid Waste Pass ML20205R2751999-04-19019 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Reflecting Permanently Defueled Condition of Unit ML20205R2501999-04-19019 April 1999 Rev 0 to CP2804M, Unit 2 Vent & Containment Air Pass ML20205S5611999-04-16016 April 1999 Rev 5 to Epop 4426, On-Site Emergency Radiological Surveys ML20205M0891999-04-0707 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Value for Monthly Surveillance Testing of Tdafwp ML20205E4411999-03-29029 March 1999 Rev 2 to CP 2804L, Unit 2 Rx Coolant & Liquid Waste Pass ML20196K5771999-03-24024 March 1999 Rev 1 to Chemistry Procedure CP2804L, Unit 2 Rx Coolant & Liquid Waste Pass ML20205D5321999-03-22022 March 1999 Rev 3 to RPM 2.3.5, Insp & Inventory of Respiratory Protection Equipment ML20204K0971999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Spent Fuel Pool Rerack to Maintain Full Core Reserve Capability Approaching End of OL ML20204J1581999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6, Administrative Controls, Reflecting Certified Fuel Handler License Amend Changes, Approved on 990305 ML20204J4101999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Relocating Instrumentation TSs, & to Mnps,Unit 2 TRM ML20204F9031999-03-17017 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising 3.5.2, & Re ECCS Valves,Atmospheric Steam Dump Valves & CR Ventilation Sys. Associated Bases Will Be Modified as Necessary to Address Proposed Changes ML20206K1121999-03-0505 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Sections 3/4.7.7, CR Emergency Ventilation Sys & 3/4.7.8 CR Envelope Pressurization Sys. Changes Are Editorial in Nature ML20207H9551999-03-0505 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20207F6211999-03-0303 March 1999 Rev 2,change 1 to Communications - Radiopaging & Callback Monthly Operability Test ML20207E0321999-03-0202 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.4, SW Sys, Proposing Change by Adding AOT for One SW Pump Using Duration More Line with Significance Associated with Function of Pump ML20207D4821999-02-26026 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Addl Mods Concerning Compliance Issues Number 4 ML20207J0001999-02-22022 February 1999 Rev 7 to Millstone Unit 2,IST Program for Pumps & Valves ML20206D1991999-02-11011 February 1999 Change 7 to Rev 5 to ISI-3.0, Inservice Testing Program. Pages 2 of 3 & 3 of 3 in Valve Relief Request Section 6.1 of Incoming Submittal Not Included ML20203E4051999-02-11011 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re DG Surveillance Requirements ML20210D2121999-01-21021 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Sections 3/4.5.2 & 3/4.5.3, ECCS Subsystems for Info Only ML20199L2841999-01-20020 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs & Final SAR Proposed Rev to Ms Line Break Analysis & Revised Radiological Consequences of Various Design Basis Accidents ML20199L3271999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs, Containment Sys - Containment Leakage ML20199L4561999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Table 3.7-6, Air Temp Monitoring. Proposed FSAR Pages Describing Full Core off- Load Condition as Normal Evolution Under Unit 3 Licensing Basis,Included ML20199L0801999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Change to TS 3/4.2.2 Modifies TS to Be IAW NRC Approved W Methodologies for Heat Flux Hot Channel factor-FQ(Z).Changes to TS Section Are Adminstrative in Nature ML20199L0431999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Removing TS 3/, Containment Systems,Hydrogen Purge Sys ML20199E0931999-01-13013 January 1999 Rev 2 to Health Physics Support Procedure RPM 2.3.4, Insp & Maint Process for Respiratory Protection Equipment ML20206P5121999-01-0404 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3.5.2,,, &, Incorporating Changes to ESF Pump Testing ML20199A7531998-12-31031 December 1998 Restart Backlog Mgt Plan Commitments B17501, 1998 - 2000 Performance Plan - Work Environ Focus Area Update1998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 - 2000 Performance Plan - Work Environ Focus Area Update ML20198K6361998-12-31031 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.0, Administrative Controls ML20198P9751998-12-28028 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising Loss of Normal Feedwater (Lonf) Analyses to TS 2.2.1,TS Bases Change to Floor Value for Thermal Margin Low Pressure Reactor Trip & Proposed FSAR Changes 05000423/LER-1998-002, Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.5.2,clarifying SRs That Ensure That ECCS Piping Is Full of Water,As Committed to in LER 98-002-00,dtd 9802071998-12-21021 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.5.2,clarifying SRs That Ensure That ECCS Piping Is Full of Water,As Committed to in LER 98-002-00,dtd 980207 ML20197G9831998-12-0404 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.7.10.e,eliminating Need to Cycle Plant & Components Through SD-startup Cycle by Allowing Next Snubber Surveillance Interval to Be Deferred Until End of RFO6 of 990910,whichever Date Is Earlier ML20196H6301998-12-0404 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Section 6.0, Administrative Controls ML20196A2181998-11-20020 November 1998 Restart Assessment Plan Millstone Station ML20195D8101998-11-10010 November 1998 Revised marked-up Page of Current TS & Revised Retyped Page Re 980717 Request to Change TS ML20195D4041998-11-10010 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Sections & by Restricting Time That Reactor Protection or ESF Actuation Channel Can Be in Bypass Position to 48 H,From Indefinite Period of Time ML20195H8681998-11-0404 November 1998 Rev 4 to Millstone Unit 2 Operational Readiness Plan ML20196H5921998-10-29029 October 1998 Rev 0 to TPD-7.088, Millstone 1 Certified Fuel Handler/ Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program ML20196H5861998-10-29029 October 1998 Rev 0 to TPD-7.087, Millstone 1 Certified Fuel Handler Training Program B17548, Rev 0 to TPD-7.089, Millstone 1 Equipment Operator Training Program1998-10-29029 October 1998 Rev 0 to TPD-7.089, Millstone 1 Equipment Operator Training Program 1999-09-07
[Table view] |
l Docket No. 50-336 B17590 i
i 4
Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications Deletion of The Technical Specification Related to The Hydrogen Purge System Marked Up Pages January 1999
9901270112 990118 PDR ADOCK 05000336 P
"4 25,-ISO
3/4 6-1 Containment Integrity................
3/4 6-1 Containment Leakage.................
3/4 6-2 Containment Air Locks 3/4 6-6 Internal Pressure 3/4 6-8 Air Temperature...................
3/4 6-9 Containment Structural Integrity.........
3/4 6-10 3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS 3/4 6-12 Containment Spray and Cooling Systems 3/4 6-12 lI3 i
............ 3/4 6-15 k.
Containment Ventilation System 3/4 6-19 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL
.............. 3/4 6-20 liydrogen Monitors
................. 3/4 6-20 Electric Hydrogen Recombiners - M.......... 3/4 6-21 Hydroger. Pr;c Sy;te 3/4 C-23 Post-Incident Recirculation Systems 3/4 6-24 3/4.6.5 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT................
3/4 6-25 Enclosure Building Filtration System 3/4 6-25 Enclosure Building 3/4 6-28
I NILLSTONE - UNIT 2 Vil AmendmentNo.Jpf,JJJ,7pp,/J'y
t O
M a"st 1, 1975 /
NCONTAINMENT SYSTEMS OGEN PURGE SYSTEM LIMITING NDITION FOR OPERATION A conta unent hydrogen purge system shall be DP LE and c:phble of being red from a minimum of one OPERABLE rgency bus.
With the containment hydrogen p e sys noperable, restore the hydrogen purge system to OPERABLE tatu ithin'30 days or be in HOT 4
STANDBY within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
l t The hydro n purge system shall be demons'.ra OPERABLE l
at least once p 18 months by cycling each valve in the stem flow paths th gh at least one complete cycle.
- ' WS P %e 'wWy Ac Vt-bE^nk "
l MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-23 t
Au,_,,,,,__,_ P
. CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available g
to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable #?-
T limit during post-LOCA conditions.
Either recombincr unit or the purge ss _= -;y;tcm is capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1) zirconium-water reactions, 2) radiolytic de o, position of water, m
and 3) corrosion of metals within containment.
' hydrogen control system /
04 4++ consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, " Control of Combustible Cas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA."
The post-incident recirculation systems are provided to ensure adequate mixing of the containment atmosphere following a LOCA.
This mixing action will prevent localized accumulations of hydrogen from exceeding the flammable limit.
l I
l 1
.1il l
i i
4 d
l p
- ,11LL5 TONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 6-4
Docket No. 50-336 B17590
. Attachment 4 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications Deletion of The Technical Specification Related to The Hydrogen Purge System l
Retyped Pages l-l l
i' l
l e
4 January 1999 4
4 4
3/4 6-1 Containment Integrity................
3/4 6-1 Containment Leakage.................
3/4 6-2 Containment Air Locks 3/4 6-6
Internal Pressure 3/4 6-8 Air Temperature...................
3/4 6-9 Containment Structural Integrity 3/4 6-10 3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS 3/4 6-12 Containment Spray and Cooling Systems 3/4 6-12 DELETED 3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES 3/4 6-15 Containment Ventilation. System 3/4 6-19 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL 3/4 6-20 i
Hydrogen Monitors 3/4 6-20 Electric Hydrogen Recombiners - M.......... 3/4 6-21 DELETED l
Post-Incident Recirculation Systems 3/4 6-24 3/4.6.5 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT...'............. 3/4 6-25 Enclosure Building Filtration System 3/4 6-25 Enclosure Building 3/4 6-28 l
t MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 VII Amendment No. Jpp, JJJ, Epp. 7/J.
r This Page Intentionally Left Blank.
I l
l i
t MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-23 Amendment No.
P CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammabia limit during post-LOCA conditions.
Either recombiner unit is capable oi controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1) zirconium-water reactions, 2) radiolytic decomposition of water, and 3) corrosion of metals within containment.
This hydrogen control system is consistent with l the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7,
" Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA."
The post-incident recirculation systems are provided to ensure adequate mixing of the containment atmosphere following a LOCA.
This mixing action will prevent localized accumulations of hydrogen from exceeding the flammable limit.
l l
i MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 6-4 Amendment No.