ML20247R754 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/20/1998 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20247R747 | List: |
References | |
EPOP-4455A, NUDOCS 9805290210 | |
Download: ML20247R754 (18) | |
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l Nuclear News Manager l
EPOP 4455A l
Rev.1 O
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V fJ PORC Mtg. No:
6t-@-97 l
Effective Date:
6-6;2 / cyp C
1 9805290210 990521 PDR ADOCK 050 25 F
U Level of Use I SME: C. Manner Information
.s Millstone All Units
Emergency Plan Operating Procedure w
Nuclear News Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.
PURPOSE....................................................2 2.
P R E R EQ UI S ITES.............................................
3 3.
P R ECAUTI O N S...............................................
3 4.
I N STR U CTI O N S..............................................
4 4.1 Initial Actions...........................................
4 4.2 Subseque nt Actions........................................
6 5.
REVIEW AND SIG NOFF.......................................
7 6.
R E FE R EN CES................................................
7 7.
S U M M ARY OF CH ANG ES.....................................
r i
V " Supplemental Information"........................
10 " Directions to Facilities"............................. 12 " Message Guidance for Notifications"................. 14 " Instructions for Voice Mail System".................
15 "SNET FaxWorks Instructions"....................... 16 l
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EPOP 4455A
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V 1.1 Objective Provide guidance to the Nuclear News Manager and other public information positions located in the Hartford Armory, for events which activate the Station Emergency Response Organization. These actions include the following:
Event notifications Serving as NU spokesperson, prior to the arrival of the Executive Spokesperson Media response Finalizing and issuing news releases Preparing NU officials for news conferences Rumor and inquiry control Media monitoring l f}
l NU internal communications c
Coordination of public information activities with the Governor's Press Office and State Public Information Officers 1.2 Discussion News releases are normally prepared by the MPI at the site and the technical content is reviewed by the ADEOE The Nuclear News Manager approves news releases for all events until the EOF is activated.
After EOF activation, the EOF DSEO approves all news releases.
The Station Duty Officer is the public information point of contact in the affected unit control room.
The news release is forwarded to the NNM. The NNM obtains input from the Executive Spokesperson and the State Public Information Organization. The news release is formatted and issued by the NNM.
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-Information TO{m _'THINK'
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The primary means of communication between the facilities is NU's A
ciectronic mail system and telephones. Each facility is equipped with a b
computer to access this system, as well as dedicated phones between each facility. If the electronic mail system is not available, a telecopier may be used as a backup means of communication.
Information regarding roles and responsibilities is contained in," Supplemental Information."
Directions to facilities are contained in Attachment 2," Directions to Facilities."
- 2. PJ1EREOUISITES 2.1 General N/A 2.2 Documents 2.2.1 EPOP 4455D," News Releases" l
2.3 Definitions pQ 2.3.1 ADEOF - Assistant Director Emergency Operations Facility l
2.3.2 JMC - Joint Media Center 2.3.3 NCS - Nuclear Communication Services 2.3.4 PIO - Public Information Officer 2.3.5 REPRESENT - to act in the place of
O' Level of Use
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EPOP 4455A lnformation yof
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4.1 Initial Actions NOTE Media notifications for Unusual Events (Delta 1) that occur between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. may be made the following morning.
4.1.1 IE event is an Unusual Event, NOTIFY the Station Duty Officer in the affected unit control room.
4.1.2 Upon arrival at the State EOC, NOTIFY State Officials.
NOTE A key to the NU Public Information locker in the State EOC will be required. A spare key is located in a document holder on top of the bookcase next to the locker.
4.1.3 PREPARE NU Public Information areas at the State EOC and gs()
NOTE," Instructions for Voice Mail System," may be used as a supplemental notification to NCS staff.
4.1.4 Refer To Attachment 4 and ESTABLISH connection with the NU electronic mail using NPADO/ LEVEL 1 (ID/PSWD).
4.1.5 VERIFY dedicated phone lines to the EOF are operational.
4.1.6 MAINTAIN a logbook of significant events and communications.
4.1.7 Ilefore the Executive Spokesperson arrives at the State EOC, REPRESENT NU during Governor's briefings and news conferences,
EPOP 4455A
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i 4.1.8 COORDINATE the following with the MPI:
O' a.
Refer To EPOP 4455D," News Releases," and PREPARE new releases, as necessary.
SUBMIT news release to the ADEOF for technical review.
SUBMIT news release to the EOF DSEO for approval, d.
COORDINATE issue of news release with Governor's public information staff.
Refer To Attachment 5, and DISTRIBUTE news releases l
using SNET FaxWorks.
- End of Section 4.1 -
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4.2 Subsequent Actions
4.2.1 COORDINATE with the Governor's Press Secretary or Designee to activate the JMC and Rumor and Inquiry Control Center.
4.2.2 E JMC is not available, CONSIDER the need to utilize the l
Millstone Information and Science Center or NU Corporate l
Headquarters as an alternate media center.
4.2.3 SUPERVISE NU operations at the JMC and Rumor and Inquiry Control Center.
4.2.4 ENSURE remaining notifications have been made to the following:
NU management
Federal and state legislators
I Nuclear industry contacts a
l," Message Guidance for Notifications," is used only as guidance for providing information on the event.
4.2.5 E applicable, Refer To Attachment 3 and PROVIDE information on the event to Customer Services.
4.2.6 MONITOR media (radio and TV) reports with the State and immediately CORRECT any incorrect information.
4.2.7 PREPARE employee comn unications regarding the emergency event.
4.2.8 E time allows, TRANSFER news releases electronically to NU clectronic mail users.
- End of Section 4.2 -
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" Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan" l
6.2 NUREG-0654, Revision 1," Criteria for Preparation of Radiological l.
Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" 1
6.3 EPOP 4455," Manager of Public Information" 6.4 EPOP 4455D, " News Releases" 6.5 EPOP 4455F," Rumor and Inquiry Control"
- 7.
OF CHANGES 7.1 Changed the level of use from General to Information.
7.2 Changed procedure from an NU common procedure (NUC EPOP) to a
,o Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan Operating Procedure
7.3 Deleted references to CY in all applicable locations.
7.4 Deleted reference to NUC EPOP 4455E," News Conferences."
7.5 Changed applicable referenced procedure numbers from NUC EPOP to EPOP.
7.6 Added information to Section 1.2 to clarify that the technical content of I
news releases is reviewed by the ADEOF; the Nuclear News Manager approves news releases for all events until the EOF is activated; after i
EOF activation, the EOF DSEO approves all news releases; and the l
Station Duty Officer is the public information point of contact in the I
affected unit control room.
l Added information to Section 1.2 to clarify the means of communication 7.7 between NU's facilities.
1 7.8 Added ADEOF to the definitions section.
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7.9 Deleted step 4.1.1 and step 4.1.2 to ackrcowledge the ENRS radiopage by calling in to the ENRS call-back system for a General Interest Event, Radioactive Materials Incident.
7.10 Deleted step 4.1.1.b to notify the affected station.
7.11 Deleted step 4.1.1.c to notify appropriate NU management, Government personnel, and Media personnel.
7.12 Deleted step 4.1.1.d to respond to requests for information from EPZ officials.
7.13 Deleted step 4.1.1.e to coordinate public information activities with the affected hospital for a UE involving an injured contaminated person.
7.14 Deleted step 4.1.1.f to submit documentation to the Manager Nuclear Information.
7.15 Added new step 4.1.1 to notify the Station Duty Officer in the affected unit control room.
7.16 Deleted step 4.1.2.c to initiate a group page.
7.17 Deleted step 4.1.2.e to refer to Attachment 3 and assign public C) information resources coordination to ensure the organization is fully l
7.18 Deleted step 4.1.2.f to notify the Senior VP-Hum-m Resources, Administrative Services, and the Executive Spokesperson.
7.19 Added step 4.1.8.b to submit news release to the ADEOF for technical review.
7.20 Added step 4.1.8.c to submit news release to the EOF DSEO for approval.
7.21 Added step 4.1.8.d for the NNM to coordinate the news release with the Governor's public information staff.
7.22 Added step 4.1.8.c to refer to Attachment 5 and distribute news releases using SNET FaxWorks.
7.23 Added note and step 4.2.5 to provide information on the event to Customer Services using guidance provided in Attachment 3," Message Guidance for Notifications."
mU EPOP 4455A Level of Use ACT REVIEW Rev.1 STOP
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1 7.24 Deleted step 4.3.6 to ensure individuals making notifications have
necessary information.
7.25 Deleted step 4.3.7 to prepare message for each of the individuals notified.
7.26 Deleted step 4.3.9 to maintain contact with the affected site EOE 7.27 Deleted step 4.3.10 to notify the Executive Spokesperson of any new or updated information.
7.28 Deleted step 4.3.11 to consider the use of employee publications for transmitting additional information regarding the event.
7.29 Deleted step 4.3.11.b for the NNM to notify users that the news release is posted on NU bulletin boards.
7.30 Deleted the Public Information Resource Coordinator, External Notification Coordinator, and the Employee Communications Coordinator from Attachment 1.
7.31 Added public information responsibilities to Attachment 1 for the Station Duty Officer, the EOF DSEO, the ADEOF, and the Nuclear News Manager.
rd 7.32 Deleted reference to the on-call 90 minute response time in for the ES, NNM, TA, and MPI positions.
7.33 Deleted Attachment 2," Instructions for Initiating a Group Page."
7.34 Deleted Attachment 3,"Public Information Emergency Organization On-Call and Call-In," flowchart.
7.35 Added Attachment 5,"SNET FaxWorks Instructions."
dp Level of Use M._ _ 8, _k._ _1, EPOP 4455A TACT [
'Information sg 7HINK^ - r s
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e 44
Supplemental Information (Sheet 1 of 2)
O The following is a description of the individuals that have public information responsibilities:
Ibe Station Duty Officer is the public information point of contact in the affected unit control room.
Ihc EOF DSEO is responsible for approving all news releases.
The ADEOF is responsible for the technical review of all news releases.
The NU Executive Spokesperson is an NU management representative. This individual carries a Level 2 radiopager and receives notification of Unusual Event or higher classification events.
The Executive Spokesperson represents NU at Governor's briefings and official news conferences at the State EOC. The Executive Spokesperson and the nuclear information staff are the only individuals authorized to make official statements on behalf of NU.
The ' Nuclear News Manager is a nuclear information representative. This individual carries a Level 1 radiopager and receives notification of all nuclear events.
The Nuclear Nev s Manager approves news releases for all events until the EOF is activated.
The Nuclear News Manager reports to the Executive Spokesperson and directs the overall public information response for NU. At the Armory, the Nuclear News Manager will serve as the official spokesperson until relieved by the NU Executive Spokesperson.
The Nuclear News Manager coordinates with the Governor's Press Secretary to determine if the Joint Media Center in Hartford should be activated, or if a company media center should be established at the site Information and Science Center.
The Technical Assistant is a nuclear organization representative. This individual carries a Level 2 radiopager and receives notification of Unusual Events or higher classification events.
The Technical Assistant reports to the Executive Spokesperson and provides technical and plant-specific information to keep him appraised of the event.
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1 Supplemental Information (Sheet 2 of 2)
'C )
Ilie Manager of Public Information is a nuclear information representative. This individual carries a Level 2 radiopager and receives notification of Unusual Event or higher classification events.
The Manager of Public Information reports to the Nuclear News Manager and is the primary contact point for information concerning the event, however, information is coordinated through the Assistant Director Emergency Operations Facility.
The following NCS and NU staff will be called in as needed to carry out public information emergency functions:
The Media Center Liaison reports to the Nuclear News Manager at the liartford Armory. This individual coordinates with a State Public Information Officer to oversee the operations of the Joint Media Center and responds to media inquiries.
The Media Center Liaison supervises the Technical and Radiological Briefers in the JMC.
The Rumor anilinguiry Control Liaison reports to the NNM at the IIartford Armory.
This individual coordinates with a State Public Information Coordinator to oversee the operations of the Joint Rumor and Inquiry Control Center.
I The Technical Briefer reports to the Media Center Liaison at the Hartford Armory.
This individual provides technical plant-specific information to the media between
official news conferences.
The Radiological Briefer reports to the Media Center Liaison at the Hartford Armory. This individual provides radiological information to the media between official news conferences.
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Directions to Facilities (Sheet 1 of 2)
Millstone Information and Science Center From I-95 North:
In Lyme, take Exit 72 (Rocky Neck Connector) and turn left onto Route 156 eastbound. Go 3 miles to Niantic Center. The Millstone Information and Science Center is the brick building on the right.
From I-95 South:
In Niantic, take Exit 74 (Niantic). Ern right onto Route 161 southbound.
Go 4 miles to Niantic Center. 'Ibrn right onto Route 156 westbound. The Millstone Information and Science Center is the brick building on the left.
From Rtc 2 South:
In Colchester, take Route 11 southbound to the end. Turn left onto Route 82 eastbound. Go 1 mile, turn right onto Route 85 southbound. Go 5 miles and bear right at traf fic light onto Route 161 southbound. Go 8 miles to Niantic Center. Ern right onto Route 156 westbound. The Millstone Information and Science Center is the brick building on the left.
NU General Ollices From 1-91 South:
In liartford, take Exit 28 to Route 5-15 southbound (Berlin Ernpike). Go about 9 miles to Selden Street (just over Newington-Berlin town line). Turn left and follow signs to the visitor parking area.
From 1-91 North:
In Cremwell, take Exit 22 to Route 9 northbound. Go about 2 miles and take exit for Route 5-15 northbound (Berlin Turnpike). Go about 2 miles to Selden Street (just before Newington-Berlin town line). Ern right and follow the directions above.
From I-84 E or W: In New Britain, take Exit 35 to Route 72 castbound. Go about 3 miles and take exit for Route 5-15 northbound (Berlin Turnpike). Follow directions above.
From I-84 West:
In New Britain, take Exit 35 to Route 72 eastbound. Go about 3 miles and take exit for Route 5-15 northbound (Berlin %rnpike). Follow the directions above.
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Atttchment 2 Directions to Facilities (Sheet 2 of 2) r()
State EOC/IIartford Armory From 1-91 North: In Hartford, Take I-84 West; see below.
1 1
From I-91 South:
In Hartford, Take I-84 West; see below.
1 1
From 1-84 West:
Take Asylum Street exit. 'Ibrn right at end of exit. Take first left onto Broad Street (in front of YWCA). The Hartford Armory is on the left, across from the Hartford Courant.
From I-84 East:
Take Capitol Avenue exit. Tbrn right at end of exit. Take first right into parking area. The Hartford Armory is directly ahead on the left; parking garage is on the right.
Go in the entrance at the ground level of the cast side of the building. Go straight down the passageway to the end. The Joint Media Center and Connecticut Office of Emergency Management are on the right.
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Message Guidance for Notifications (Sheet 1 of 1)
Customer Service Organization (Customer Service representative will fill out similar checklist)
An emergency, classification level Alert (or)
Site Area Emergency (or)
General Emergency has been declared at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station.
A local media center is being established at the NU General Offices in Berlin.
Millstone Information and Science Center.
as NU's single source ofinformation during the emergency. Members of the media should direct their requests for information to the Local Medb Center.
A joint media center is being established at the Hartford Armory as the single source of information during the emergency. Members of the media should direct their requests for information to the Joint Media Center.
Telephone Numbers have been established.
(or) will be established shortly for the media and the public to call with their inquires.
"I am calling to let you know that an emergency has been declared at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station in Waterford. Specialists from NU have set up emergency operations centers at the plant and at NU's corporate headquarters and are working to correct the plant's condition. State, local, and federal officials have been notified."
See current news release (s) for details.on event, if necessary.
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Instructions for Voice Mail System (Sheet 1 of 1)
Perform the following to record messages on the NU voice mail system for access by media U
and other outside callers. This capability allows news releases, emergency notifications, and other statements for on-air use by radio stations and others to be recorded. The system will allow up to 16 callers to use the number at the same time.
Directions: (You must have a touch tone telephone) lb access the system dial 665-6203 1.
A recording will ask for a menu ID number, press 0001 and the # sign.
When asked for a password, press 0000 #.
To record a message, press 5 and then read the message into the machine. Speak slowly and clearly. (NOTE: Messages should not exceed 90 seconds.)
i 4.
To end the message or if you make a mistake, press #. This will stop the recording.
Tb record, repeat step number 3.
To listen to the message you recorded, press 2.
To hear the message, dial 665-6202. This is the number that will be given to the media to call.
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SNET FaxWorks Instructions (Sheet 1 of 1)
SNET FaxWorks: Sending a Fax Broadcast from a Fax Machine These instructions demonstrate how to send a fax broadcast via SNET FaxWorks from a fax machine to either a distribution list or a group of fax numbers that have not been entered into the SNET FaxWorks computer.
Dial 1-800-229-4329 from the telephone connected to the fax machine. You will be guided through a set of voice instructions by the SNET FaxWorks Computer.
From the telephone set enter the seven digit SNET FaxWorks password, followed by the star key (*). The Password is:
7972657 l
To send a fax PRESS ONE.
1 4.
You will then be given a list of choices regarding the delivery time of the fax:
To send the fax immediately: PRESS ONE.
To send the fax overnight (Between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. EST): PRESS TWO.
TO schedule delivery at a specific time within a 24-hour period: PRESS THREE.
Then enter the military time you want the fax to go out (i.e.,4 p.m. EST is 16:00 hours in military time).
To send to a SNET FaxWorks Mailbox: PRESS FOUR.
You will then be asked to enter the distribution list number (i.e.,001) or the fax number (including area code) you want to send the documem to, followed by the star key (*)..You can enter in as many lists or fax numbers as you would like, but they need to be entered in one at a time, pressing the star key after each entry (i.e.,001 *,003*,
860 -555 - 1212*, 005*, 704 -555 - 9898*,404 -555 - 6666*).
Choose from the following lists for SNET FaxWorks:
001 - Local Media 002 - CT State-wide 003 - Government 004 - Local & Government (Lists 001 & 003) 005 - Alllists (Lists 001,002, & 003) 6.
When you have completed entering the lists or destination number that you want to send to: PRESS TIIE POUND KEY (#).
Walt for the fax tone and press start on the fax machine. The document will start going through the fax machine and you may hang up the receiver.
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