ML20153C629 | |
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Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/31/1998 |
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ML20153C614 | List: |
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CP-3804M-CH1, NUDOCS 9809240153 | |
Download: ML20153C629 (64) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:.__ l -Procedure and Form Change Request-(Sheet 1 of 1) see DCI secuton 1.5for instrucutons Section 1: Change initiation Information Document No.: CP 3804M Revision No. .O Change No. 1
PASS Ventilation Samples ' initiated By: Guy L. Blackburn Date 05-30-1998 One Time Change? YES NO X Type of Change: Intent X' Non Intent Expiration Date o,ne.,7
- ear,es e,e{ujre Reason:
. Expiration Condition: Altered discussion section, changed final analysis time so time requirements are based from time ADTS makes decision to obtain sample. Changed personnel necessary and some reporting criteria involved with PASS sampling to provide consistancy between this procedure and that dictated by the = = = = ~ - Emergency Planning Department. Removed Date: Section 2: Instructions for Entering Change j Electronic Change - Remove and Replace all numbered pages except coversheet. ' Section 3: Non-Intent Change Interim Approval Section 3a: Approved by SORC or PORC Member or First Line Supervisor Signature: Date: Section 3b: Approved by Shift Manager or SRO Licensed on Unit Signature: Date: Section 4: Reviews . QA Reviewer Signature (ifrequired) Date: Independent Reviewer (s) Signature (s) Date: 3110 5}f UI No Comments ~ U2 No Comments * @ 'inachment 10fom Date: DC 3 rut required U3 No Comments Date: j @ Safety Evaluatibii Required? ygs ^ yo if,,,s,,,,,,no,,, an,,,,,g ~ "~~ ## ' "# '" * " c Environmental Review Required? YES NO h required Section 5: Review and Approval PORC or SORC YES NO V Review Required? A a Responsible Department Head or - Responsible Individ ual Signature: ,. O Date: y eY1kc?e5p"a'r5,?n?b!"u'5l'"""' Date: i ssgnatures] } Date: Section 6: PORC or SORC Approval (if required) l PORC or SORC Chairperson Signature: ///N N"E } Approval Date: C/3//j { Effective Date: d[/[78 DC1, Att. 6 - Rev. 6, Chg 3 f Station Admin Procedures Group OSCAR Report j 9809240153 980618 PDR ADOCK 05000245 P PDR L ~
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- Q PASS Ventilation Samples CP 3804M Rev.0
) 7' NOTE A review by the Emergency Planning Department is required whenever this procedure is revised or whenever changes are made to this procedure which impact the ability to collect and analyze a PASS sample. ( NiIf /18 Approval: V l Ak Date: 6 N/90 PORC Mtg. No: Effective Date: // [#/4-SO O SME: Vinton Ballestrini Level of Use Continuous
I ' Millstone Unit 3 Chemistry Procedure PASS Ventilation Samples TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE..... 3 2. P RE R EQ U I S ITES......................................... .4 3. PRECAUTIONS...... 8 4. IN STR U CTI O N S.............................................. 9 4.1 3HVR*RE10 Gas Sample Collection....................... 9 4.2 3HVR*RE19 Gas Sample Collection....................... 12 4.3 3HVQ-RE49 Gas Sample Collection....................... 15 4.4 Gas Sample An alysis..................................... 18 4.5 3HVR*RE10B (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection 21 4.6 3HVR*RE19B (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection 25 3HVQ-RF49 (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection 29 4.7 ) 4.8 3HVR* RE10A or 3HVR*RE19A (High Range) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection.............................. 33 4.9 Particulate and Iodine Sample Analysis..................... 41 4.10 Monitoring of In-Use Filters............................. 46 5. REVIEW AND SIGNOFF...................................... 48 6. REFE R EN CES............................................... 4 8 7. S U M MARY O F CHAN G ES.................................... 4 8 i CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous i 1of62 i-l I ~-
A'ITACIIMENTS AND FORMS l r. -(*)," Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling Vent Gaseous Release Worksheet,*.... 49 ...........," Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling SLCRS Gaseous Release Worksheet"... 50 ..............," Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling ESF Gasecas Release Worksheet". 51 1 ............," Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling Vent (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet".... 52 1," Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling SLCRS (Normal) Particulate and lodine Release Worksheet".. 54 .......," Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling ESF Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet"............ 56," Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling Vent (High Range) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet"............ 58," Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling SLCRS (High Range) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet"............ 60, " Filter Housing Configuration"...................... 62 p\\ z% 4 (h b CP 3804M Level of Use stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 2 of 62 9
L r I l
- 1. E.URPOSE 1.1 Objective Provide instructions for sample acquisition and analysis from the Unit 3 ventilation system during Station Emergency Response Organization (SERO) activation when high radioactivity levels, due to an accident, may preclude the normal (conventional) sampling method.
This procedure partially satisfies the requirements listed in Unit 3 Technical Specification 6.8.4 d. 1.2 Discussion During implementation of the Emergency P!anorganization the r Amistant Director, Emergency Operations Facility (ADEOF) is responsib!e for providing command and centro! cf the radic!cgical ame= ment of the event. "/ hen Unit 3 venti! tion samples ere desired, the ADEOF-directs the Manager of Radic!cgical-Dese Assessment-(MRDA) l l cr the Amistant Manager of Radic!cgica! Dese Assessment (AMRDA) to initiate mp!: acquisition-using this precedure. The Manager-ef Operationa! Support Center (MOSC) designates, assembles, and briefs the-Ventilation-PASS-Team 4er-implementationef-this-procedure,-The Operation:! Support Center Amistart Radic!cgical-Fretection Supervisor g (OSC ARPS)-ith the concurrence bf the Manager of Radic!cgical Consequence Assessment (MRCA) specifies the radic!cgicai-controls required for implementation of this precedure. The Manager of Centrol Room Operations (MCRO) performs er directs valve !!neups from the Centro! Room required 4or-ventilation system 4 ample-acquisition 4nd retrieva! cf samples. Once camp!es are obtained, radie!cgical analysis-are performed on site. Information derived from these samples is used-to estimate core damage and to support dose amemment projections. l The time required to collect and analyze samples should be 3 hours or less from the time the ADTS makes the decision to obtain a sample using PASS. i 1 l Sections 4.1,4.2, and 4.3 are distinct sections that may be performed independently of each other. Section 4.4 is completed following completion of Sections 4.1,4.2, or 4.3. l l Sections 4.5,4.6,4.7,4.8, and 4.9 are distinct sections that may be performed independently of each other. Section 4.10 is completed following completion of Sections 4.5,4.6,4.7,4.8, or 4.9. CP 3804M Level of Use .STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous l i 3 of 62 t i i
~ 1.3 Applicability ()- This procedure is' applicable during SERO activation when in-plant radioactivity levels are too high to permit ventilation sampling via the normal (conventional) method. 1.4 Frequency Performance of this procedure may be repeated periodically during SERO activation, when requested by the MRDA or the AMRDA.
- 2. ~ PREREOUISITES 2.1 General
/ 2.1.1 SERO is activated. / 2.1.2 MCRO has been notified that ventilation samples will be taken. / 2.1.3 Health Physics has been notified that ventilation samples will be taken. / 2.1.4 Health Physics has evaluated need for RWP. [] / 2.1.5 Lead brick shielding has been stacked at lab ventilation hood (3 (f brick tall rectangle,2 bricks on each side,24 bricks total) /. 2.1.6 Computer radioisotopic analysis system in operation and calibrated. r g~ l l l -( 'is"s CP 3804M Level of Use sTOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous l 4 of 62 i
/ 2.1.7 Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the t' Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA) has requested ventilation samples to include the following: Check Requested Analysis 311VR* RE10 ) Q Gas isotopic j 3HVR*RE10A (Hieh Ranee) 3HVR*RE10B (Normal) O Iodine and particulate Q Iodine and particulate 3HVR*RE19 1 O Gas isotopic 3HVR*RE19A (High Range) 3HVR*RE19B (Normal) O Iodine and particulate Q Iodine and particulate 3HVO-RE49 I O Gasisotopic (l O Iodine and particulate %.] 2.1.8 - Ventilation PASS Team has cc npleted pre-job brief as follows: / Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC) - designates, assembles, and briefs the Ventilation PASS Team forimplementation of this procedure / Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor (OSC ARPS) with the concurrence of the Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment (MRCA) - specifies the radiological controls required for implementation of this procedure 2.2 Documents 2.2.1 RWP for PASS sample collection (If Health Physics determines is necessary). 2.2.2 CP 801/2801/3801AT," Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation" 2.2.3 SP 3867 (Att),"3HVR*RE108 and 3HVQ-RE49 Daily Average Logsheet" '[O - Level of Use CP 3804M ST P THINK AT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous S of 62
2.3 Personnel .,i(j 2.3.1 Assistant-Director Emergency-Operations-Facility-{ADEOR) l@ r 2.3.2 Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) 2.3.3 Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA) 2.3.4 Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment (MRCA) 2.3.5 Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC) 2.3.6 Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor (OSC ARPS) 2.3.7 Manager of Control Room Operations (MCRO) 2.3.8 Ventilation PASS Team consisting of at least the following personnel: At least one Chemistry Technician At least one Health Physics Technician o h"l CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 l Continuous 6 of 62 I I I
2.4 - Tools and Consumables PASS transport cart Shielded transport container Sample bucket with lid i KERIC control unit key. Plastic bags with labels Silver zeolite cartridges Particulate filters Cartridge holders Mechanical fingers Reach rod 4 Gas flask with septum and isolation stopcocks ) )-- 14.4 ml gas vials 14.4 ml gas vial stoppers 5 cc gas syringe Filter holder (for blowing out noble gases in lab hood) Sample tubing 2.5 Definitions 2.5.1 SLCRS - supplementary leak collection and release system 2.5.2 CR - Condition Report Cl CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 M O M UOUS 7 of 62
= -.. -. ..- - _-. - ~._.. l s
( j) 3.1 l The sample system particulate filters and iodine cartridges may be highly radioactive resulting in high radiation levels in the vicinity of the ventilation monitor. If radiation levels are greater than 1 R/hr, notify the i MRDA or the AMRDA and wait for instructions. l 3.2 Health Physics should be consulted to determine whether to transport the sample in a sample bucket with lid or in the shielded transport container. The decision should be made taking the following into consideration: Gas or particulate channel reading (where available) l Sample dose rate Sample location dose rates Availability of elevator (None available for 3HVO-RE49) Difficulty in moving shielded transport container versus sample bucket l l C l- %! l l \\ l i t 1
- [>(
CP 3804M Level of Use i STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 . Continuous 8 of 62 i L
/~N () 4.1 3IIVR*RE10 Gas Sample Collection l 4.1.1 NOTIFY MCRO that a 3HVR*RE10 gas sample will be collected by Ventilation PASS Team consisting of the following: At least one Chemistry Technician At least one Health Physics Technician l ALARA Health Physics should be consulted to determine whether to transport the sample in a sample bucket with lid or in the shielded transport container. The decision should be made taking the following into consideration: 3HVR*RE10B gas channel reading Sample dose rate Sample location dose rates Availability of elevator (None available for 3HVQ-RE49) Difficulty in moving shielded transport container versus sample bucket I,) 4.1.2 PROCEED to Radiation Monitor 3HVR*RE10 with the following: 5 cc gas syringe Stoppered and evacuated 14.4 ml gas vial Gas flask with septum and isolation stopcocks Sample bucket with lid or shielded transport container 4.1.3 REMOVE caps and INSTALL sample tubing on the following valves: 3HVR-V847, RE 10B sample test connection 3HVR-V849, RE 10B test sample connection isolation valve
- q t",
CP 3804M Level of Use sToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 9 of 62 T
l l l 4.1.4 .Using sample tubing, CONNECT the following points: {f3 l(/ 311VR-V847, RE 10B sample test connection, to one end of l gas flask Other end of gas flask to temporary sample pump suction Temporary sample pump discharge to 31IVR-V849, RE 10B test sample connection isolation valve 4.1.5 OPEN the following valves: Both gas flask stopcocks 3HVR-V847, RE 10B sample test connection 3HVR-V849, RE 10B test sample connection isolation valve 4.1.6 Using switch on side of temporary sample pump cabinet, ENERGIZE cabinet. 4.1.7 START temporary sample pump and ADJUST flow rate to one of the following ranges: ) C 28 to 42 Ipm 1 to 1.5 cfm 4.1.8 WAIT at least 30 seconds. 4.1.9 SECURE sampling as follows: j a. STOP temporary sample pump. b. Using switch on side of temporary sample pump cabinet, DE-ENERGlZE cabinet. c. CLOSE the following valves: Both gas flask stopcocks 3HVR-V847, RE 10B sample test connection 311VR-V849, RE 10B test sample connection isolation valve de) CP 3804M Level of Use ~ SToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 10 of 62
l d. RECORD 3HVR*RE10 sample date and time on ( n-. () 4.1.10 Using gas syringe, DRAW 5 cc from gas flask. 4.1.11 LOCK sample in syringe and REMOVE from gas flask. 4.1.12 INJECT needle into stoppered 14.4 mi gas vial. 4.1.13 UNLOCK syringe and INJECT contents into stoppered 14.4 mi gas vial. 4.1.14 PLACE gas vial and syringe in one of the following: Sample bucket with lid Shielded transport container 4.1.15 IE 3HVR*RE19 gas isotopic sample was also requested in step 2.1.7 AND it desired to collect it at this time, Go Tb Section 4.2 and COLLECT sample. 4.1.16 TRANSPORT sample to lab. f') y 4.1.17 Go To Section 4.4. - End of Section 4.1 - Lp 's CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 11 of 62 l i
4.2 IIIVR*RE19 Gas Sample Collection n(/ 4.2.1 NOTIFY MCRO that a 311VR*RE19 gas sample will be collected by Ventilation PASS Team consisting of the following: At least one Chemistry Technician At least one Health Physics Technician O ALARA O Health Physics should be consulted to determine whether to transport the sample in a sample bucket with lid or in the shielded transport container. The decision should be made taking the following into consideration: 3HVR*RE19B gas channel reading Sample dose rate Sample location dose rates Availability of elevator (None available for 3HVQ-RE49) Difficulty in moving shielded transport container versus sample bucket (~] 4.2.2 PROCEED to Radiation hjonitor 311VR*RE19 with the A following: 5 cc gas syringe Stoppered and evacuated 14.4 ml gas vial 3HVR* RE19 sample tubing Gas flask with septum and isolation stopcocks Sample bucket with lid or shielded transport container 4.2.3 REMOVE caps and INSTALL sample tubing on the following valves: 3HVR*V162, RE19B sample test connection isolation valve 3HVR*V850, RE19B test sample connection isolation valve 773 s Level of Use CP 3804M STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg. I Continuous 12 of 62
4.2.4 Using sample tubing, CONNECT the following points: r 3HVR-V162, RE19B sample test connection isolation valve, l to one end of gas flask Other end of gas flask to temporary sample pump suction Temporary sample pump discharge to 3HVR*V850, RE19B sample test connection isolation valve 4.2.5 OPEN the following valves: Both gas flask stopcocks 3HVR*V162, RE19B sample test connection isolation valve 3HVR*V850, RE19B test sample connection isolation valve 4.2.6 START temporary sample pump and ADJUST flow rate to one of the following ranges: 28 to 42 Ipm a 1 to 1.5 cfm + f y 4.2.7 WAIT at least 30 seconds. 4.2.8 SECURE sampling as follows: a. STOP temporary sample pump. b. CLOSE the following valves: i Both gas flask stopcocks 3HVR*V162, RE19B sample test connection isolation valve t 3HVR*V850, RE19B test sample connection isolation a valve i c. RECORD 3HVR*RE19 sample date and time on j. I 4.2.9 Using gas syringe, DRAW 5 cc from gas flask. CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 i Continuous 13 of 62 l t
4.2.10 LOCK sample in syringe and REMOVE from gas flask. jq .() 4.2.11 INJECT needle into stoppered 14.4 mt gas vial. 4.2.12 UNLOCK syringe and INJECT contents into stoppered 14.4 ml gas vial. 4.2.13 PLACE gas vial and syringe in one of the following: Sample bucket with lid Shielded transport container 4.2.14 IE 3HVR*RE10 gas isotopic sample was requested in step 2.1.7 AND it desired to collect it at this time, Go To Section 4.1 and - COLLECT sample. j 4.2.15 TRANSPORT sample to lab. 4.2.16 Go To Section 4.4. - End of Section 4.2 - 7.~. ( i O CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 14 of 62
. - ~. -.. -. l 4.3 3HVQ-RE49 Gas Sample Collection -- (~) 4.3.1 NOTIFY MCRO that a 3HVO-RE49 gas sample will be collected by Ventilation PASS Team consisting of the following: At least one Chemistry Technician At least one Health Physics Technician ALARA L Health Physics should be consulted to determine whether to transport the sample in a sample bucket with lid or in the shielded transport container. The decision should be made taking the following into consideration: i
- . 3HVQ-RE49 gas channel reading Sample dose rate Sample location dose rates Availability of elevator (None available for 3HVQ-RE49)
Difficulty in moving shielded transport container versus sample bucket r'. 4.3.2 PROCEED to Radiation Monitor 3HVQ-RE49 with the following: 5 cc gas syringe Stoppered and evacuated 14.4 ml gas vial Gas flask with septum and isolation stopcocks Sample bucket with lid or shielded transport container 4.3.3 REMOVE caps and INSTALL sample tubing on the following valves: 3HVQ-V998, RE 49 inlet test connection isolation valve 3HVQ-V995, RE 49 outlet sample connection isolation valve .O CP 3804M D Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 l Continuous 15 of 62 l
4.3.4 Using sample tubing, CONNECT the following points: 3HVQ-V998, RE 49 inlet test connection isolation valve, to one end of gas flask Other end of gas flask to temporary sample pump suction Temporary sample pump discharge to 3HVQ-V995, RE 49 3 outlet sample connection isolation valve 4.3.5 OPEN the following valves: f Both gas flask stopcocks 3HVQ-V998, RE 49 inlet test connection isolation valve 1 3HVQ-V995, RE 49 outlet sample connection isolation valve 4.3.6 Using switch on side of temporary sample pump cabinet, ENERGIZE cabinet. 4.3.7 START temporary sample pump and ADJUST flow rate to one of the following ranges: )r 28 to 421pm 1 to 1.5 cfm 4.3.8 WAIT at least 30 seconds. 4.3.9 SECURE sampling as follows: a. STOP temporary sample pump. b. Using switch on side of temporarf sample pump cabinet, DE-ENERGIZE cabinet. c. CLOSE the following valves: Both gas flask stopcocks 3HVQ-V998, RE 49 inlet test connection isolation valve 3HVQ-V995, RE 49 outlet sample connection isolation valve CP 3804M Level of Use 8# E' . Continuous 16 of 62
l l l' d. RECORD 311VQ-RE49 sample date and time on. 4.3.10 Using gas syringe, DRAW 5 cc from gas flask. 4.3.11 LOCK sample in syringe and REMOVE from gas flask. 4.3.12 INJECT needle into stoppered 14.4 ml gas vial. 4.3.13 UNLOCK syringe and' INJECT contents into stoppered 14.4 ml gas vial. 4.3.14 PLACE gas vial and syringe in one of the following: Sample bucket with lid Shielded transport container = 4.3.15 TRANSPORT sample to lab. 4.3.16 Go To Section 4.4. - End of Section 4.3 - f } CP 3804M L Level of Use stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg. I Continuous. 17 of 62
4.4 Gas Sample Analysis ,n 4.4.1 PLACE empty syringe in labeled plastic bag and SEAL bag. 4.4.2 PLACE sealed plastic bag in shielded location. 4.4.3 PLACE 2.5 cm shelf in detector to be used for gas isotopic analysis. 4.4.4 DETERMINE gas isotopic activity as follows: Using the following information, Refer To a. CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and ANALYZE gas sample: Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf being used Five minute count time Generallibrary ( (, 5 cc sample volume = Sample date and time as recorded on applicable Attachment b. IE dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:
- 1) ABORTcount.
- 2) REPLACE shelf with next higher shelf.
- 3) Go To step 4.4.4 a.
c. STORE stoppered 14.4 ml gas vial in shielded location. b Level of Use CP 3804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 18 cf 62
d. DETERMINE background as follows: .n) i
- 1) Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT," Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM background count on detector that was used for gas isotopic analysis.
Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf that was used Five minute count time General library 5 cc sample volume Counting shelf removed
- 2) RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated background activity levels in pCi/cc on applicable Attachment.
Refer To applicable Attachment and CALCULATE gas e. 7_ activity as follows: 1,
- 1) Refer To gas isotopic printout and RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated activity levels in Ci/cc.
- 2) For each isotope listed, SUBTRACT background activity from printout activity and RECORD as isotope activity in Ci/cc.
- 3) ADD isotope activities and RECORD as total gaseous activity in Ci/cc.
- 4) SIGN and DATE " Prepared By" line.
4.4.5 REPORT analysis results to the following: MRDA or AMRDA MOSG l G) f) CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 19 of 62
~.. l l i-4.4.6 IE copies of results are requested, FAX or SEND copies of completed Attachment (s) to requesting individuals. l- - End of Section 4.4 ~- -1 F i 1 l Q'v i l -1 i i l l I i f-. 1 LC CP 3304M L. Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg. I Continuous.. 20 of 62
l 4.5 3IIVR*RE10B (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection (/ 4.5.1 IE automatic isolation of on-line filters has occurred AND Kaman high range system is in service, Go To Section 4.8. 4.5.2 NOTIFY MCRO that a 3HVR*RE10B particulate and iodine sample will be collected by Ventilation PASS Team consisting of the following: At least one Chemistry Technician At least one Health Physics Technician NOTE 1. The shielded transport container for the cartridge holder has room for only one cartridge holder. 2. Preprinted labels for the plastic bags are available in the Chemistry lab. ALARA /O () Health Physics should be consulted to determine whether to transport the sample in a sample bucket with lid or in the shielded transport container. The decision should be made taking the following into consideration: Ventilation monitors 3HVR-RE11 thru 3HVR-RE18 particulate channel readings Sample dose rate Sample location dose rates Availability of elevator (None available for 3HVQ-RE49) Difficulty in moving shielded transport container versus sample bucket 4.5.3 ' PROCEED to 3HVR*RE10B with the following: Cartridge holder containing new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter 1 silver zeolite cartridge (If standby filter housing charcoal cartridge has not been replaced with a silver zeolite cartridge) 2 plastic bags with labels Sample bucket with lid or shielded transport container g t ') i( i CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 21 of 62
4.5.4 IE filter 10B1 is in use, PERFORM the following: 'v a. VEltlFY silver zeolite iodine cartridge and particulate filter installed in filter 10B2 housing. b. PLACE filter 10B2 in use as follows: OPEN 3HVR*V2010, filter 10B2 inlet isolation valve OPEN 3HVR*V2011, filter 10B2 outlet isolation valve c. REMOVE filter 10B1 from use as follows: CLOSE 3HVR*V2012, filter 10B1 inlet isolation valve CLOSE 3HVR*V2013, filter 10B1 outlet isolation valve d. RECORD the following times: Time used cartridge and filter removed from service on plastic bags found at 3HVR*RE10B Time new cartridge and filter placed in service on new = ,/^' plastic bags V e. UNBOLT filter 10B1 housing and REMOVE cartridge holder and PLACE in one of the following: Sample bucket with lid Shielded transport container 4.5.5 IE filter 10B2 is in use, PERFORM the following: a. VERIFY silver zeolite iodine cartridge and particulate filter installed in filter 10B1 housing. b. PLACE filter 10B1 in use as follows: OPEN 3HVR*V2012, filter 10B1 inlet isolation valve OPEN 3HVR*V2013, filter 10B1 outlet isolation valve T i (3 CP 3804M Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Ch.1 Continuous 3 22 of 62 e
c. REMOVE filter 10B2 from use as follows: ip} CLOSE 311VR*V2010, filter 10B2 inlet isolation valve v CLOSE 311VR*V20ll, filter 10B2 outlet isolation valve d. RECORD the following times: Time used cartridge and filter removed from service on plastic bags found at 3HVR*RE108 Time new cartridge and filter placed in service on new plastic bags UNBOLT filter 1082 housing and REMOVE cartridge e. holder and PLACE in one of the following: Sample bucket with lid Shielded transport container 4.5.6 INSTALL cartridge holder containing new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter and BOLT filter housing. o t\\-/ 4.5.7 STORE new plastic bags at 3HVR*RE10B. 4.5.8 TRANSPORT sample to lab. 4.5.9 Using Kaman system, PERFORM the following: a. VERIFY KAMAN console is on primary computer as follows:
- 1) PRESS " STATUS GRID" key.
b. IE KAMAN console is not on primary computer, PERFORM the following:
- 1) PRESS " CANCEL DISP" key.
- 2) ROTATE " COMPUTER SELECT" switch to other computer.
, O
- 3) GoTo step 4.5.9 a.
CP 3804M Level Of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 CONTINUOUS 23 of 62 m
] r L l j; TYPE "IIVR10B 1" and PRESS " DATA BASE" key. c. 1 d. VERIFY the following is displayed in box in upper right hand corner of screen: l- "ON-LINE" " REACHABLE" i i i "NO-ALARMS" 4.5.10 NOTIFY MRCO that you have completed changing iodine cartridge and particulate filter in 3HVR*RE108. 4.5.11 Using information recorded on particulate filter and iodine cartridge plastic bags, PERFORM the following: RECORD sample stop date and time as sample date and time on Attachment 4 .Using start and stop date and times recorded on plastic bags, DETERMINE sample period in hours and RECORD on ) Refer To SP 3867 (Att),"3[IVR*RE10B and 3HVQ-RE49 Daily / 4.5.12 Average Logsheet," and CALCULATE average sample flow rate 3 'in ft / min for sample collection period and RECORD value on. 4.5.13 Refer To Attachment 4 and CALCULATE the following: 3 a. Average sample flow rate in ft /hr b. Sample volume in cc 4.5.14 Go To Section 4.9. - End of Section 4.5 - ) CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 0 Chg.1 f-Continuous 24 of 62 l
4.6 31IVR*RE19B (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection j (V) 4.6.1 1E automatic isolation of on-line filters has occurred AND Kaman high range system is in service, Go To Section 4.8. 4.6.2 NOTIFY MCRO that a 311VR*RE19B particulate and iodine sample will be collected by Ventilation PASS Team consisting of i the following: At least one Chemistry Technician At least one Health Physics Technician NOTE 1. The shielded transport container for the cartridge holder has room for only one cartridge holder. Pre 2. lab. printed labels for the plastic bags are available in the Chemistry i ('- Health Physics should be consulted to determine whether to transport the sample in a sample bucket with lid or in the shielded transport container. The decision should be made taking the following into consideration: Ventilation monitors 3HVR-REll thru 3HVR-RE18 particulate channel readings Sample dose rate Sample location dose rates Availability of elevator (None available for 3HVQ-RE49) Difficulty in moving shielded transport container versus sample bucket 4.6.3 PROCEED to 3HVR*RE19B with the following: Cartridge holder containing new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter 1 silver zeolite cartridges (If standby filter housing charcoal cartridge has not been replaced with a silver zeolite cartridge) 2 plastic bags with labels p Sample bucket with lid or shielded transport container i CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 25 of 62
4.6.4 1E filter 1981 is in use, PERFORM the following: .A-a V, VERIFY silver zeolite iodine cartridge and particulate filter a. installed in filter 19B2 housing. i b. PLACE filter 1982 in use as follows: OPEN 3HVR* V2046, filter 19B2 inlet isolation valve OPEN 3HVR*V2047, filter 19B2 outlet isolation valve c. REMOVE filter 19B1 from use as follows: CLOSE 3HVR*V2048, filter 19B1 inlet isolation valve CLOSE 3HVR*V2049, filter 19B1 outlet isolation valve i d. RECORD the following times: Time used cartridge and filter removed from service on plastic bags found at 3HVR*RE19B Time new cartridge and filter placed in service on new ( plastic bags k/ UNBOLT filter 19B1 housing and REMOVF cartridge e. holder and PLACE in one of the followine Sample bucket with lid Shielded transport container 4.6.5 1E filter 19B2 is in use, PERFORM the following: a. VERIFY silver zeolite iodine cartridge and particulate filter installed in filter 19B1 housing. b. PLACE filter 1981 in use as follows: OPEN 3HVR*V2048, filter 19B1 inlet isolation valve OPEN 311VR*V2049, filter 1981 outlet isolation valve CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 26 of 62
i l c. REMOVE filter 19B2 from use as follows: ' f)i ( CLOSE 31IVR*V2046, filter 19B2 inlet isolation valve CLOSE 3IIVR*V2047, filter 1982 outlet isolation valve d. RECORD the following times: Time used cartridge and filter removed from service on plastic bags found at 31IVR* RE19B Time new cartridge and filter placed in service on new plastic bags UNBOLT filter 19B2 housing and REMOVE cartridge e. holder and PLACE in one of the following: Sample bucket with lid Shielded transport container 4.6.6 INSTALL cartridge holder containing new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter and BOLT filter housing. I j (j 4.6.7 STORE new plastic bags at 3HVR*RE19B. 4.6.8 TRANSPORT sample to lab. 4.6.9 Using Kaman system, PERFORM the following: VERIFY KAMAN console is on primary computer as a. follows:
- 1) PRESS " STATUS GRID" key.
b. IE KAMAN console is not on primary computer, PERFORM the following:
- 1) PRESS " CANCEL DISP" key.
- 2) ROTATE " COMPUTER SELECT" switch to other computer.
- 3) Go To step 4.6.9 a.
Level of Use CP 3804M i Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 27 of 62
TYPE "IIVR19B 1" and PRESS " DATA BASE" key. c. d. VERIFY the following is displayed in box in upper right hand corner of screen: "ON-LINE" " REACHABLE" "NO-ALARMS" + 4.6.10 NOTIFY MRCO that 'you have completed changing iodine cartridge and particulate filter in 3HVR*RE19B. 4.6.11. Using information recorded on particulate filter and iodine cartridge plastic bags, PERFORM the following: RECORD sample stop date and time as sample date and time on Attachment 5 Using start and stop date and times recorded on plastic bags, DETERMINE sample period in hours and RECORD on [.s\\ V 4.6.12 Refer To SP 3867 (Att), "3HVR*RE10B and 3HVQ-RE49 Daily Average Logsheet," and CALCULATE average sample flow rate 3 in ft / min for sample collection period and RECORD value on. 4.6.13 Refer To Attachment 5 and CALCULATE the following: a. Average sample flow rate in ft /hr 3 b. Sample volume in cc 4.6.14 Go To Section 4.9. - End of Section 4.6 - pb 1 l Level of Use CP 3804M Continuous ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 28 of 62
1 4.7 3IIVQ-RE49 (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection (, C/ 4.7.1 NOTIFY MCRO that a 311VQ-RE49 particulate and iodine sample will be collected by Ventilation PASS Team consisting of the following: At least one Chemistry Technician At least one Health Physics Technician NOTE 1. The shielded transport container for the cartridge holder has room for only one cartridge holder. 2. Preprinted labels for the plastic bags are available in the Chemistry lab. O ALARA O Health Physics should be consulted to determine whether to transport the sample in a sample bucket with lid or in the shielded transport container. p The decision should be made taking the following into consideration: '~/ Sample dose rate + Sample location dose rates = Availability of elevator (None available for 3HVQ-RE49) Difficulty in moving shielded transport container versus sample bucket = 4.7.2 PROCEED to 3HVQ-RE49 with the following: Cartridge holder containing new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter 2 plastic bags with labels a Sample bucket with lid or shielded transport container 4.7.3 At 3HVQ-RE49 skid, PLACE sample pump switch in "OFE" ln 'd Level of Use CP 3804M Conlinuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 29 of 62
=_ i 4.7.4 CLOSE the following valves: } 3HVQ-V991, RE 49 inlet isolation valve l 3HVQ-V999, RE 49 outlet isolation valve 4.7.5 RECORD time used cartridge and filter removed from service on plastic bags found at 3HVO-RE49. l 4.7.6 UNBOLT 3HVQ-RE49 filter housing and REMOVE cartridge holder and PLACE in one of the following: Sample bucket with lid Shielded transport container 4.7.7 INSTALL cartridge holder containing new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter and BOLT filter housing. l 4.7.8 STORE new plastic bags at 3HVQ-RE49. 4.7.9 OPEN the following valves: ) 3HVQ-V991, RE 49 i'nlet isolation valve 3HVQ-V999, RE 49 outlet isolation valve 4.7.10 At 3HVO-RE49 skid, PLACE sample pump switch in " AUTO." 4.7.11 RECORD time new cartridge and filter placed in service on new plastic bags 4.7.12 VERIFY sample flow rate is between red lines on flow meter located on 3HVQ-RE49 skid. l 4.7.13 TRANSPORT sample to lab. l l L l l f) Level of Use CP 3804M Continuous STOP THINK AF. REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 30 of 62 l
i 4.7.14 Using Kaman system, PERFORM the following: -( T C/ VERIFY KAMAN console is on primary computer as a. follows:
- 1) PRESS " STATUS GRID" key.
b. LE KAMAN console is not on primary computer, PERFORM the following:
- 1) PRESS " CANCEL DISP" key.
- 2) ROTATE " COMPUTER SELECT" switch to other computer.
- 3) Go To step 4.7.14 a.
c. TYPE "HVQ491" and PRESS " DATA BASE" key. d. VERIFY the following is displayed in box in upper right hand corner of screen: 0 - (_, "ON-LINE" i " REACHABLE" 1 "NO-ALARMS" 4.7.15 NOTIFY MRCO that you have completed changing iodine cartridge and particulate filter in 3HVQ-RE49. 4.7.16 Using information recorded on particulate filter and iodine cartridge plastic bags, PERFORM the following: RECORD sample stop date and time as sample date and = time on Attachment 6 Using start and stop date and times recorded on plastic bags, = DETERMINE sample period in hours and RECORD on i V CP 3804M . Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 31 of 62
l 'l 1 4.7.17 Refer To SP 3867 (Att), "31IVR* RE10B and 3HVQ-RE49 Daily i Average Logsheet," and CALCULATE average sample flow rate 3 'v in ft / min for sample collection period and RECORD value on l. l 4.7.18. Refer To Attachment 6 and CALCULATE the following: 3 a. Average sample flow rate in ft /hr b. Sample volume in cc J 4.7.19 Go To Section 4.9. - End of Section 4.7 - i s.J CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 32 of 62
I l l l 4.8 31IVR*RE10A or 311VR*RE19A (Iligh Range) Particulate and Iodine f ,q Sample Collection f'; 4.8.1 PROCEED to Kaman Electronic Remote Indication and Control (KERIC) Unit in Unit 3 Control Room. I 4.8.2 OBTAIN KERIC control unit key from MRCO and INSERT into j key switch. 4.8.3 ROTATE key switch to " ENABLE" position. 4.8.4 DETERMINE filter radiation dose rates as follows: a. OBTAIN display of channel 3 radiation dose rate as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "3"
- 3) PRESS "23"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD dose rate:
mr/hr ,O b. OBTAIN display of channel 4 radiation dose rate as follows: U'
- 1) PRESS "DSP" 4
- 2) PRESS "4"
- 3) PRESS "23"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD dose rate:
mr/hr c. OBTAIN display of channel 5 radiation dose rate as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "5"
- 3) PRESS "23"
- 4) PRESS "ENT" l
- 5) RECORD dose rate:
mr/hr O jV Level of Use CP 3804M STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 l Continuous 33 of 62
- - - - - _ ~. l 4.8.5 DETERMINE sample volume through each filter as follows: iC-- a. OBTAIN display of channel 3 sample volume as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "3"
- 3) PRESS "37"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD sample volume:
cc b. OBTAIN display of channel 4 sample volume as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "4"
- 3) PRESS "37"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
. p 3 b
- 5) RECORD sample volume:
cc-c. OBTAIN display of channel 5 sample volume as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "5"
- 3) PRESS "37"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD sample volume:
cc 4.8.6 CONSULT with MRDA or AMRDA and DETERMINE which filter (s) are to be replaced. l x CP 3804M Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 34 of 62 L I w 4
- fq NOTE l
V A separate Attachment 7 (311VR*RE10A) or Attachment 8 (311VR* RE19A) is used for each filter that is removed.- 4.8.7 For each filter to be replaced, CIRCLE channel number on (311VR*RE10A) or Attachment 8 (311VR*RE19A). 4.8.8 E filter presently in use is to be changed AND at least 1 of the other 2 filters has not been used, DIRECT flow to next available filter as follows: a. E channel 3 contains next available filter, PERFORM the following:
- 1) PRESS "FTN"
- 2) PRESS "3"
- 3) PRESS "04"
- 4) PRESS "ENT" b.
E channel 4 contains next available filter, PERFORM the 7.s %,) following: i
- 1) PRESS "FTN"
- 2) PRESS "4"
- 3) PRESS "04"
- 4) PRESS "ENT" c.
E channel 5 contains next available filter, PERFORM the following:
- 1) PRESS "FTN"
- 2) PRESS "5"
- 3) PRESS "04"
- 4) PRESS "ENT" d.
RECORD filter stop date and time as sample date and time on Attachment 7 (3HVR*RE10A) or Attachment 8 l (31IVR* RE19A). l I A,y. CP 3804M Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 35 of 62 l
Refer To step 4.8.5 and DETERMINE sample volume for e. filter just removed from use and RECORD new value in (~)x i step 4.8.5. 4.8.9 Refer To Step 4.8.5 and RECORD sample volume for each filter to be replaced on Attachment 7 (311VR*RE10A) or - Attachment 8 (311VR*RE19A). 4.8.10 PERFORM the following to obtain sample collection period in hours: a OBTAIN display of sample period for filter 3 as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "3" 3)_ PRESS "45"
- 4) PRESS "ENT" i
- 5) RECORD display value:
hours b. OBTAIN display of sample period for filter 4 as follows: (~ }
- 1) PRESS "DSP" eD
- 2) PRESS "4"
- 3) PRESS "45"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD display value:
hours c. OBTAIN display of sample period for filter 5 as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "5"
- 3) PRESS "45"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD display value:
hours 4.8.11 ROTATE KERIC control unit key switch to " DISABLE" position and REMOVE key. (a CP 3804M 'd Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 36 of 62
O NOTE l 311VR*RE10A and 311VR*RE19A will automatically shift to the next available filter when a radiation level of 100 mr/hr is detected from the in use filter. The filters shift in sequential order from lowest channel to highest and then back to lowest. 4.8.12 E filter to be changed was removed from service automatically, DETERMINE sample date and time as follows: a. E filter to be changed was previous in use filter, Refer To step 4.8.10 and SUBTRACT sample period of in use filter from present time and RECORD result as sample date and time on Attachment 7 (3HVR*RE10A) or Attachment 8 (3HVR*RE19A). b. E filter to be changed was not previous in use filter, Refer To step 4.8.10 and SUBTRACT sample period of running filter and previously running filter from present time and RECORD result as sample date and time on Attachment 7 (3HVR*RE10A) or Attachment 8 (3HVR*RE19A). p 4.8.13 NOTIFY MCRO that a particulate and iodine sample will be s collected from 3HVR* REf0A or 3HVR*RE19A by Ventilation PASS Team consisting of the follewing. At least one Chemistry Techmcian l At least one Health Physics Techmcian j l l C" CP 3804M Level of Use stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 37 of 62
NOTE m r - v) r The shielded transport container for the cartridge holder has room for only one cartridge holder. ALARA Ilealth Physics should be consulted to determine whether to transport the sample in a sample bucket with lid or in the shielded transport container. The decision should be made taking the following into consideration: Sample dose rate (recorded in step 4.8.4) Sample location dose rates Availability of elevator (None available for 3HVQ-RE49) Difficulty m moving shielded transport container versus sample bucket 4.8.14 COLLECT the following equipment: Cartridge holder containing new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter for each filter to be changed out O lCs Sample bucket with lid or shielded transport container Mechanical fingers Reach rod NOTE Change filter lights are located on top of 3HVR*RE10A and 3HVR*RE19A. The change, light should be lit for filters that have been removed from service followmg a period of use. The filter numbers and channel numbers do not match. The filter numbers and the correspondmg channel numbers are listed below. Filter 1.... Channel 3 j Filter 2... Channel 4 Filter 3.... Channel 5 1 4.8.15 PROCEED to 66' 6" elevation of Auxiliary Building. 4.8.16 UNLATCII and OPEN door of filter housing. g. CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 gontinuous 38 of 62
l l 4.8.17 Using reach rod, LOWER filter housing.
- d Using mechanical fingers, REMOVE cartridge holder and 4.8.18 PLACE in one of the following:
Shielded transport container = Sample bucket with lid 4.8.19 LABEL cartridge holder, sample bucket, or shielded transport container with applicable cartridge holder identification including the following: Rad monitor: 3HVR*RE10A or 3HVR*RE19A Channel number .4.8.20 Using mechanical fingers, PLACE cartridge holder containing new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter in filter housing. 4.8.21 Using reach rod, RAISE filter housing back into position. 4.8.22 CLOSE and LATCH door of filter housing. / 4.8.23 IE another filter needs to be changed, Go To step 4.8.16. 4.8.24 TRANSPORT samples to lab. 4.8.25 PROCEED to Kaman Electronic Remote Indication and Control (KERIC) Unit in Unit 3 Control Room. 4.8.26 INSERT KERIC control unit key into key switch. 4.8.27 ROTATE key switch to " ENABLE" position. V/3 'V CP 3804M l Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous l 39 of 62
_.. _. - ~ __ [Y CAUTION .C/ Step 4.8.28 re-zeros all sam ale information. Care must be taken to only perform step 4.8.28 for the c iannels that now contain new silver zeolite cartridges and particulate filters that are not presently m use. i 4.8.28 For each filter that was replaced, PERFORM the following: 1 a. E channel 3 filter was replaced, PERFORM the following:
- 1) PRESS "STP"
- 2) PRESS "3"
- 3) PRESS "ENT" b.
E channel 4 filter was replaced, PERFORM the following:
- 1) PRESS "STP"
- 2) PRESS "4" 3). PRESS "ENT" J
[ c. E channel 5 filter was replaced, PERFORM the following: (V
- 1) PRESS "STP"
- 2) PRESS "5"
- 3) PRESS "ENT" 4.8.29 ROTATE KERIC control unit key switch to " DISABLE" position i
and REMOVE key. 4.8.30 E no more filters are to be replaced at this time, RETURN KERIC control unit key to MRCO. 4.8.31 Go To Section 4.9. - End of Section 4.8 - . p CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 40 of 32
4.9 Particulate and Iodine Sample Analysis 7,) + ALARA The particulate filters and iodine cartridges may be highly radioactive resulting in high radiation levels in the vicinity. IIcalth Physics should be consulted to determine appropriate handling precautions. 4.9.1 REMOVE iodine cartridge and particulate filter from cartridge holder and PERFORM the following: PLACE particulate filter in new plastic bag and SEAL bag. PLACE iodine cartridge in filter holder located in hood. 4.9.2 STORE particulate filter in shielded location. 4.9.3 BLOW air through iodine cartridge for 5 minutes. 4.9.4 REMOVE iodine cartridge from holder and PLACE in new plastic bag and SEAL bag. 4.9.5 DETERMINE iodine isotopic activity as follows: a. PLACE 2.5 cm shelf in detector to be used for iodine isotopic analysis. b. Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and ANALYZE iodine sample: Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf being used Five minute count time General library Sample volume recorded on applicable Attachment Sample date and time recorded on applicable Attachment p V CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 41 of 62
I I IE dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the c. following: V l
- 1) ABORT count.
l L
- 2) REPLACE shelf with next higher shelf.
- 3) Go 'Ib step 4.9.5 b.
I d. STORE iodine cartridge in shielded location. e. DETERMINE background as follows:
- 1) Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT," Gamma Spectroscopy Counting l
System Maintenance and Operation,'.' and PERFORM background count on detector that was used for iodine isotopic analysis. Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf that was used p Five minute copnt time v General library = Sample volume that was used Counting shelf removed
- 2) RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated background activity levels in Ci/cc on applicable Attachment.
l 1 O) CP 3804M ( Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 42 or 62
f. Refer To applicable Attachment and CALCULATE iodine !..r~^s activity as follows: lL)
- 1) Refer To iodine isotopic printout and RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated activity levels in Ci/cc.
- 2) For each isotope listed, SUBTRACT background activity L
from printout activity and RECORD as isotope activity in Ci/cc.
- 3). ADD isotope activities and RECORD as totaliodine activity in pCi/cc.
- 4) MULTIPLY total iodine activity by plateout correction and RECORD as corrected totaliodine activity in pCi/cc
[Ref. 6.10]. l 4.9.6 . DETERMINE particulate isotopic activity as follows: a. PLACE 2.5 cm shelf in detector to be used for particulate isotopic analysis. (m b. Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and ANALYZE particulate sample. 1 Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf being used = Five minute count time Generallibrary 1 ample volume recorded on applicable Attachment Sample date and time recorded on applicable Attachment l t (-' CP 380m V Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 7 Continuous j 43 of 62 l l
t j' c. IE dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the ' ( following: (_)g
- 1) ABORT count.
- 2) REPLACE shelf with next higher shelf.
- 3) Go To step 4.9.6 b, d.
STORE particulate filter in shielded location. e. DETERMINE background as follows:
- 1) Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM background count on detector that was used for particulate isotopic analysis.
Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf that was used f '), Five minute count time = N General library Sample volume that was used Counting shelf removed
- 2) RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated background activity levels in Ci/cc on applicable Attachment.
I i p CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 44 of 62
f. Refer To applicable Attachment and CALCULATE particulate activity as follows: p\\/
- 1) Refer lb particulate isotopic printout and RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated activity levels in Ci/cc.
- 2) For each isotope listed, SUBTRACI' background activity from printout activity and RECORD as isotope activity in pCi/cc.
- 3) ADD isotope activities and RECORD as total particulate activity in Ci/cc.
- 4) MULTIPIX total particulate activity by plateout correction and RECORD as corrected total particulate activity in pCi/cc [Ref. 6.10].
4.9.7 REPORT analysis results to the following: MRDA or AMRDA MOSG l@ ,,I) 4.9.8 E copies of results are requested, FAX or SEND copies of '~" completed Attachment (s) to requesting individuals. 4.9.9 Refer To Attachment 9 and PERFORM the following: a. INSPECT O-rings on cartridge holder. ) NOTE 1. The sample flow passes through the particulate filter first and then the iodine cartridge. 2. The particulate filter is installed with the " fibrous" side toward the iodine-particulate sample holder inlet. 3. The iodine cartridge has an arrow indicating the direction of flow through the cartridge, b. INSTALL new silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter in cartridge holder. l - End of Section 4.9 - O(d CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous l 45 of 62
l 4.10 Monitoring ofIn-Use Filters '(n) 4.10.1 PROCEED to Kaman Electronic Remote Indication and Control ~ (KERIC) Unit in Unit 3 Control Room. 4.10.2 OBTAIN KERIC control unit key from MRCO and INSERT into key switch. -4.10.3 ROTATE key switch to " ENABLE" position. l 4.10.4 DETERMINE which filter (s) are currently in use or have been used by determining radiation dose rates as follows: a.' OBTAIN display of channel 3 radiation dose rate as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "3"
- 3) PRESS "23"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD dose rate:
mr/hr /1~ b. OBTAIN display of channel 4 radiation dose rate as follows: N,]-
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "4"
- 3) PRESS "23"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD dose rate:
mr/hr c. OBTAIN display of channel 5 radiation dose rate as follows:
- 1) PRESS "DSP"
- 2) PRESS "5"
- 3) PRESS "23"
- 4) PRESS "ENT"
- 5) RECORD dose rate:
mr/hr n .i l CP 3804M I V Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 46 of 62 j l l
.m 4.10.5. I(OTA'IB KERIC control unit key switch to " DISABLE" position l i.( . and REMOVE key. +u 4.10.6 RETURN KERIC control unit key to MRCO. 4.10.7 LE filter radiation' level approaches 25 mr/hr, NOTIFY MRDA or ~ AMRDA. - End of Section 4.10 - i i D. -( l
- .v l.
I-m CP 3804M Level of Use STOP .THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 L, Continuous 47 or 62
- 5. REVIEW AND SIGNOFF 5.1 The review and signoff for this procedure is located in Attachments 1 through 8.
- 6. REFERENCES 6.1 Regulatory Guide 1.97 6.2 NUREG 0737 6.3 NUREG-1031," Safety Evaluation report related to the operation of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3," dated August 2,1984.
6.4 " Final Safety Analysis Report Unit 3", Section 13.3 " Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan" 6.5 " Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan" 6.6 NUREG-0654, Revision 1," Criteria for Preparation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans, and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" . ~' 6.7 NUREG-0737," Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements, Supplement 1, Requirements for Emergency Response Capability" 6.8 Kaman Sciences Corporation; Instruction Manual, " Operation-Maintenance Instructions and Parts Catalog for Accident Range Gas Monitor, Model KMG-HRC" 6.9 " Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual," (REMODCM) 6.10 Inspector follow up items: 50-245/84-07-03 and 50-336/84-09-03. Corrected iodine and particulate activity released for plateout.
- 7.
OF CHANGES 7.1 Original issue. 7.2 This procedure was developed using EPOP 4450," Unit 3 Vent and Containment Air PASS." ( ) CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 48 of 62 M
l Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling Vent Gascons Release Worksheet (] (Sheet 1 of 1) 311VR*ItE10 Gaseous Activities Sample date and time: E Printout Activity - Ilackground = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity Ilackground Isotope Activity (pCi/cc) ( Ci/cc) { Ci/cc) l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I ,e t, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l Total Gaseous Activity (summation of all isotopes) ( Ci/cc) l Prepared by: Signature Date CP 3804M Level Of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 49 of 62 Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling SLCRS Gaseous Release Worksheet s' (Sheet 1 of 1) j 311VR*RE19 Gaseous Activities Sample date and time: Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity (pCi/cc) ( Ci/cc) (pCi/cc) l l l l ^ l l I I I i i I '/ I I I I I I I I I I I I Total Gaseous Activity (summation of all isotopes) ( Ci/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date O , /
- i CP 3804M Level of Use
~ STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Cont,nuous i 50 of 62 Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling ESF Gaseous Release Worksheet (' N) (Sheet I of 1) 311VQ-RE49 Gaseous Activities Sample date and time: Printout Activity - Ilackground = lsotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity Ilackground Isotope Activity (pCi/ce) ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I I I I I l I I I I I I l I I I I I I 'I I I I 'w,5 I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l i l l I I I l Total Gaseous Activity (summation of all isotopes) ( Ci/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date {/ CP 3804M s Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous si or 62 Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling Vent (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet I /^\\ (Sheet I of 2) b) 311VR*RE10ll Sample date and time: Sample period: hours 3 3 Average sample flow rate: ft / min a 60 minutes /hr = ft /hr 3 Sample volume = average sample flow rate in ft /hr a sample period in hours a 28,316 cc/ft3
- 28,316 cc/ft3=
Sample volume = cc Iodine E Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity (pCi/cc) ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) I-131 l I - 132 l I - 133 l I-134 l I - 135 l p Total Iodine Activity (summation of allisotopes) ( Ci/cc) (j x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x 10 Corrected Total Iodine Activity ( Ci/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date ) CP 3804M V Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 52 of 62 l
l l Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling Vent (Normal) 1 Particulate and Ic line Release Worksheet (T (Sheet 2 of 2) ( 311VR*RE10ll Particulate Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I l l I I I I I I l l l l l l l l l l I l /' l l f l l l l l l l l l l I I I I I I I I I l Total Particulate Activity (summation of allisotopes) ( Ci/cc) l x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x2 l Corrected Total Particulate Activity ( Ci/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date ,r's t,'j CP 3804M Level Of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 COnlinUOUS 53 of 62
l Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling SLCRS (Normal) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (] (Sheet 1 of 2) V 311VR*RE19B j Sample date and time: Sample period: hours 3 3 Average sample flow rate: ft / min a 60 minutes /hr = ft /hr 3 Sample volume = average sample flow rate in ft /hr a sample period in hours a 28,316 cc/ft3 28,316 cc/ft3= Sample volume = cc l Iodine E Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity Bacly;round Isotope Activity (pCi/cc) ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I - 131 l l I-132 l l I-133 l l I - 134 l l I - 135 l f-l TotalIodine Activity (summation of allisotopes) { Ci/cc) kj l x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x 10 l Corrected TotalIodine Activity ( Ci/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date l 7s CP 3804M Level of Use stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 54 of 62 i l
Attachinent 5 l Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling SLCRb (Norrnal) l Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet /g (Sheet 2 of 2) i 3IIVR*RE1915 Particulate Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I l l l l l l l l o I Qj l l l l l l l l l l l l Total Particulate Activity (summation of all isotopes) (pCi/cc) l x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x2 l Corrected Total Particulate Activity (pCi/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date (p) CP 3804M Level of Use ~ sTOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 55 or 62
Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling ESF Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet ( (Sheet 1 of 2) b 31IVQ-RE49 Sample date and time: Sample period: hours 3 3 Average sample flow rate: ft / min 60 minutes /hr = ft /hr 3 Sample volume = average sample flow rate in ft /hr sample period in hours
- 28,316 cc/ft3
- 28,316 cc/ft3=
Sample volume = cc lodine Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity llackground Isotope Activity (pCi/cc) ( Ci/cc) (pCi/cc) l I-131 l l I - 132 l l I-133 l l I-134 l l I - 135 l /m. l TotalIodine Activity (summation of allisotopes) ( Ci/cc) i 'k/ l x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x 10 l Corrected TotalIodine Activity ( Ci/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date l (* CP 3804M ~ Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 l Continuous 56 of 62
Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling ESF Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet .F] (Sheet 2 of 2) 31IVQ-RE49 Particulate Printout Activity - Background = lsotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o l I t, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l Total Particulate Activity (summation of all isotopes) ( Ci/cc) l x Plateout Correction [Ref 6.10] x2 l Corrected Total Particulate Activity (pCi/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date ,r s '\\l CP 3804M Levelof Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 57 or 62
c Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling Vent (Iligh Range) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet k('T (Sheet 1 of 2) 311VR*RE10A Channel number (circle one): 3 4 5 Sample date and time: Sample period: hours Sample volume: cc l Iodine Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I - 131 l l I - 132 l l I - 133 l l I - 134 l l I - 135 l l TotalIodine Activity (summation of allisotopes) ( Ci/cc) l x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x 10 ( 1 l Corrected Total Iodine A'ctivity ( Ci/cc) l Prepared by: l Signature Date i 1 1 ,cs CP 380M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 58 or 62 Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling Vent (High Range) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (] (Sheet 2 of 2) 3IIVR*RE10A Particulate Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity ( Ci/cc) (pCi/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,rm l l I i l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l I I l Total Particulate Activity (summation of all isotopes) (pCi/cc) l x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x2 l Corrected Total Particulate Activity (pCi/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date g i) CP 3804M Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 59 or 62 Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling SLCRS (Iligh Range) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 2) %d 311Vit*ltE19A Channel number (circle one): 34 5 Sample date and time: Sample period: hours Sample volume: cc Iodine E Printout Activity - Background = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity llackground Isotope Activity (pCi/cc) ( Ci/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I-131 l l I-132 l l I-133 l l I-134 l l I - 135 l l Total Iodine Activity (summation of allisotopes) ( Ci/cc) l x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x 10 ,() l Corrected Total Iodine A'ctivity (pCi/cc) Prepared by: Signature Date i I CP 3804M v Level Of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 l Continuous 60 of 62 l l
Unit 3 Post Accident Sampling SLCRS (Higli Range) Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet /^i (Sheet 2 of 2) ( ) 311VR*RE19A Particulate l E Printout Activity - Ilackground = Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity Ilackground Isotope Activity ( Ci/cc) (pCi/cc) ( Ci/cc) l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ,rx l l N,/ l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Total Particulate Activity (summation of all isotopes) (pCi/cc) l x Plateout Correction [Ref. 6.10] x2 l Corrected Total Particulate Activity ( Ci/cc) Prepared by: l Signature Date l 'J CP 3804M Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. O Chg.1 Continuous 61 of 62
(3 ( q] D, Attachmen 9 Filter Housing Configuration (Sheet 1 of 1) 0 b f Fibrous side Direction of flow JJJJ 0-rings I D ' l kD CP 3804M Level of Use Rev 0 Ch 1 E STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Continuous -}}